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  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


    4H WORLD 20134H News is a kind of free newlestter published for every fan of 400m hurdles:

    athletes, coaches, statisticians, spectators

    This our analysis of a few international championships

    If you have any comment, please e-mail me at [email protected]

    Especially if you are one of the athletes (or coach of the athletes)


    Timed thanks to the freeware kinovea

    on video catch on the web.

    Caution, some some of the time / num-

    ber of steps are supposed.

    1 News P.1

    2 World Youth P.2

    4 European Junior P.3

    5 European U23 P.5

    6 WORLD P.7



    Picture from her facebook page



    Picture from his facebook page

  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013





    U18 Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 finish Total 5H

    difference bet-

    ween the fisrt

    and the second


    Marvin WILLIAMS 5,94 3,76 3,88 4,12 4,20 4,20 4,40 4,68 4,76 4,84 5,61 50,39 21,90 3,19

    JAM R 13 14 15

    Yang WANG 6,24 3,88 4,12 4,08 4,16 4,24 4,24 4,48 4,64 4,80 5,90 50,78 22,48 2,22

    CHN L 15

    Kenneth SELMON 6,26 3,88 3,96 4,00 4,04 4,16 4,36 4,76 5,08 5,10 5,70 51,30 22,14 3,42

    USA R 13 15

    Only 5 at the finish line!

    Marvin WILLIAMS win the title without having a genius tactical race: he clear the 4 last hur-

    dles with his bad leg He is only U18, so he has time to think about a good tactical race..

    Yang WANGproduces an unbelievable serene race for his age. Every interval in 15 steps! He

    makes a big technical mistake on the 9th hurdle

    Kenneth SELMON had probably spent more time on power lifting that on hurdles technicalskills. He goes as long as he can in 13 steps, and after goes directly in 15 without preparing the

    big rhythm change...

    U18 Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 finish total 5H

    difference bet-

    ween the fisrt

    and the second


    Helene SWANPOEL 6,24 4,40 4,48 4,60 4,68 5,20 5,20 5,44 5,60 5,88 6,36 58,08 24,40 5,28

    RSA R 16 17 18

    Tia-Adana BELLE 6,54 4,36 4,44 4,60 4,80 5,04 5,32 5,44 5,76 5,76 6,36 58,42 24,74 4,91

    BAR L 15 16 17

    Lisa-Marie JACOBY 6,79 4,28 4,32 4,36 4,64 4,96 5,16 5,52 5,76 6,12 6,84 58,75 24,39 6,00

    GER R 15 16 17 19

    SCARY!No one of the firsts 3 of has a clever tactical race. The only tactical that they use

    seems to be: start fast and see what happen! Results: a very slow end of race!

    Keep in your mind that, Vera RUDAKOVA who wins the European U23 cham-

    pionship in 55.92 run 25.07 at the 5th hurdle, which is slower than these girls whorun in 58 seconds...

    Helene SWANPOEL doesnt looks as thougth she had a determinate tactic; and shedont seems to feel when she has to put 1 more step..

    Tia-Adana BELLE runs 3 intervals in 16 steps, and clears the last 3 hurdles withher bad legs.

    Lisa-Marie JACOBY etablishes a kind of record: her second 200m is 6 secondsslower than her first 200m...

  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


    European Junior 2013



    final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 finish total 5H


    between the

    first and the



    Timofey CHALYY 6,10 3,86 4,00 4,00 4,10 4,13 4,56 4,50 4,50 4,60 4,89 49,24 22,06 1,52

    RUS L 13 14

    Alexandr SKOROBOGATKO 6,10 3,96 3,96 4,13 4,23 4,30 4,36 4,50 4,66 4,66 5,27 50,13 22,38 1,77

    RUS R 14 15

    Jacob PAUL 6,10 3,96 3,90 4,16 4,13 4,36 4,50 4,50 4,76 4,70 5,64 50,71 22,25 2,61

    GBR L 14 15

    Timofey CHALYYbreak the championship record thanks to a good manage runand a slow start. His tactical (13 steps, +1 at the 7th hurdle) is cleaver, because heonly clear the 7th and the 9th hurdle with her bad leg, wich is very bad (see picture)

    Alexandr SKOROBOGATKO made a uncommon tactic: 14 steps and only +1 onthe last hurdle.

    We can see a thing in common to the 2 Russian: they both have a little difference

    between their first 200m and their second 200m: they both have bade a wise begi-ning of the race.

    Jacob PAUL, faithful to the english tactical, just add 1 step in his race. His 2.61 s

    between his first 200m and his second 200m are quite an exception for a english (theuse to have less than 2)

  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


    European U23 2013



    Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 finish Total



    difference be

    ween the firs

    and the secon


    Vera RUDAKOVA 7,00 4,44 4,56 4,51 4,56 4,6 4,67 4,97 5,11 5,35 6,15 55,92 25,07 1,58

    RUS 15 16 17

    Blanca BAAK 6,90 4,42 4,53 4,57 4,7 4,91 5,09 5,14 5,3 5,42 5,77 56,75 25,12 2,31

    NED 15 16 17

    Anastasyia LEBID 7,05 4,57 4,57 4,66 4,73 4,77 4,73 5,26 5,11 5,43 6,04 56,92 25,58 1,56

    UKR 16 17 18

    Aurlie CHABOUDEZ 6,69 4,39 4,63 4,66 4,73 4,84 4,89 5,13 5,4 5,51 6,26 57,13 25,10 2,73

    FRA 16 17

    Women balance their races better than men!

    After beeing the world champion in Youth (2009), and Junior European champion in 2010, VeraRUDAKOVA wins the U23 European title.Her tactical and technical skill is now really sure: 15

    steps, then +1 at the 8th and +1 steps at the 10th hurdle, with only 1.58s of difference betweenthe first and the second 200m!

    Blanca BAAK made a cleaver race, even if her bad hurdle techniques slow down her progressio

    (see picture). Unbelievable end of race: 5.77 from the last hurdle to the finish line! Better thanthe finalists of the World Championship!

    Anastasyia LEBID lost her silver medal because she did +1 step at the last hurdle. Nevertheless

    she made a wise first part of the race. Only 1.56 s difference between her first and her second200m.

    Aurlie CHABOUDEZ did a clever race: 16 steps, and +1 at the 9th hurdle in order to clear thelast 3 hurdles with her good leg (right). In the first 150m, she was too close to the hurdle, and she

    had to make a lot of rhythm 10m before the hurdles. Its surely cost her the energy to break herpersonal best...

  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


    European U23 2013



    Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 finish total 5th

    difference betwe

    the first and the s

    cond 200m

    Emir BEKRIC 6,05 3,7 3,78 3,86 3,85 4,06 4,33 4,36 4,5 4,77 5,5 48,76 21,24 2,88

    SRB 13 14

    Sebastian RODGER 6,13 3,78 3,84 4,01 4,1 4,04 4,32 4,5 4,54 4,64 5,29 49,19 21,86 2,07

    GBR 14 15

    Rasmus MAGI 6,02 3,92 3,81 3,92 4 4,27 4,26 4,4 4,55 4,75 5,29 49,19 21,67 2,45

    EST 13 14 15

    The rise of BEKRIC

    Emir BEKRIC said after his semi-final: I dont take care about the other, I just look my lane,

    and try to do my rhythm. Indeed, BEKRIC really recite his rhythm on the final race.Just befor

    his victory, he said: I do 14 from the 6 to the 10 and its perfect for me this year. For the nextyear, I will do something special, but I am not ready for that... . In the World Championship, he

    just goes 0.1 s faster at the 5th hurdle, and finish 0.7s better than here!

    Sebastian RODGER was a good representation to the English school: wise start, and only +1

    step in order to balance the race: 2.07s difference between the first and the second 200m.

    Rasmus MAGI, and his parents (who are his coach) rode 4H World 2012 in which we analy

    zed his race in the 2012 European championship in which he had 3.15 seconds difference betweehis 200m. Despite his level increase, he doest run faster at the 54th hurdle (less than 0.1s), but h

    focuses on the end of his race. The result is really good: his end of race is really speediest (and hruns 4 intervals in 14, instead of 2 last year), and runs 0.9 s faster the last year!

  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


    Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 finish total 5th hurdedifference between the

    and the second 200m

    Jehue GORDON 5,89 3,68 3,80 3,84 3,92 4,00 4,08 4,12 4,44 4,52 5,40 47,69 21,13 2,03

    TRI l6 L 13 14

    Michael TINSLEY 5,74 3,56 3,64 3,80 3,88 4,04 4,16 4,36 4,52 4,68 5,32 47,70 20,62 3,26

    USA l3 L 13 14 15

    Emir BEKRIC 6,01 3,60 3,72 3,80 3,92 4,04 4,28 4,40 4,52 4,60 5,16 48,05 21,05 2,55

    SRB l8 L 13 14

    Omar CISNEROS 5,92 3,56 3,72 3,80 3,92 4,04 4,28 4,36 4,52 4,68 5,32 48,12 20,92 3,08

    CUB l5 L 13 14

    SANCHEZ 6,00 3,64 3,84 3,92 4,04 4,16 4,20 4,32 4,44 4,56 5,10 48,22 21,44 1,94

    DOM l4 L 13 14 13 14 15

    Javier CULSON 5,86 3,64 3,64 3,76 3,88 4,00 4,20 4,36 4,64 4,76 5,64 48,38 20,78 3,62

    PUR l7 L 13 14

    Mamadou Kasse

    HANNE 6,17 3,80 3,84 3,83 3,83 4,00 4,26 4,53 4,56 4,70 5,16 48,68 21,47 2,34

    SEN l2 L 13 14

    Kerron CLEMENT 6,03 3,76 3,88 3,80 3,96 4,03 4,20 4,56 4,63 4,83 5,40 49,08 21,43 2,82

    USA l1 R 13 15

    average 48,24 21,11 2,71

    Gordon JEHUEwins the World Champion title thanks to a balanced race. He hasthe second smaller difference between the first and the second 200m of this final:

    2.03s. At the 5th hurdle, he was only 6th of the race! He is now back to his tactic

    that he use in Berlin: 13 steps and +1 at the 9th. He only takes to doesnt panic when

    he sees his opponents being faster than him in the first part of the race: he catches up

    with everybody when they had the consequences of their too- fast starts.. An unbe-lievable serenity for a 21 year old. He is the youngest World Champion of the histo-ry (equality with Kerron CLEMENTin 2007).

    Michael TINSLEYbreaks his personal best , even if he was in 20.62 at the 5th hur-

    dle, its 0.2s fastest than Kevin YOUNGon the world record race! Of course, heslow a lot at the end of the race... His kind of suicidal start surely cost her the world

    title. He changes his tactic since last year: he run 13 steps longer, but make only 2times 14 before finishing in 15. (Instead of 4 intervals in 14 last year).

    WORLD 2013

    Moscow Men

  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


    Emir BEKRICmade an amazing progress!! From 49.21 in 2012 to 48.05 in 2013,

    and progress 4.8s in 4 years ! His tactic is smart, and the same than last year: 13steps in the first part of the race, the +1 at the 7th hurdle in order to clear only the

    7th and the 9th hurdles with his bad leg.

    Omar CISNEROS has a well planned race: 13 to the 6th hurdle and +1 on the 7th,

    but his first part of the race is too fast and doesnt allow him to finish fast and going

    in the podium. With a season best better than 48.30 since 4 years, a peak performan-ce will allow him to be on a podium in the next years (he is only 23 years old). Verygood for an asthmatic.

    Flix SANCHEZgot caught in his own trap: as in London he runs very fast on the

    first 2 hurdles, before getting slow on the 3rd, in order to induce his opponent to

    starttoo- fast. The problem is that Felix slows down too much in the third interval

    that he steps 14 instead of 13...Additional to a bad hurdle clear, this 14 steps have

    completely changed his tactical (usually 13 steps, +1 at the 6th, +1 at the 8th). Hemakes an effort to be back in 13 steps on the 4th hurdle, then rhythm to be on 14

    steps on the 5th in order be back on the tactical he had planned. All the energy lost inthis change of rhythm probably makes him lost the podium

    Javier CULSONa bit slower than in the final of Olympic Games, and that is why

    he succeds to make the tactical he planned. But, he still starts a bit too fast: 20.64 at

    the 5th hurdles. In the London semi-final, he was in 20.8 and crossed the line in

    47.93. There is surely something to learn about the 2012 semi final.

    Mamadou KASSE HANNE made a smart race: 13 steps than +1 at the 7th hurdle.

    His technical skills on the hurdles still far from perfect. If he manages to be better on

    the hurdles, he will surely win some place in the years to come.

    Kerron CLEMENT makes unfortunately the same mistakes since few years ago: headds 2 steps without having prepared this big change of rhythm. Consequently: he

    realizes only 10m before the hurdle that he is too close, and trample before all thehurdles in 15.

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  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


  • 8/13/2019 4H WORLD 2013


    Eilidth CHILD fail to control her enthusiasm for her first world final: after a start to the 1rst

    hurdle moderate, she accelerate a lot, thats why she steps 15, she add +1 step at the 3rd hur-dle because of this, she didnt manage to finish in 17 steps, and add 1 step on the last hur-

    dle. Titimets who doesnt made any mistakes, still have a lot of speed to clear her last hurdle.It makes so much difference!

    Anna YAROSCHCHUK is the second Ukrainian on the final. Amazing for a country of 45

    millions people. Anna still looks forcing to make her 14 steps, whatever, she has a smart tacti-cal thanks to a +1 step on the 7th hurdle wich make her clear the last 5 hurdles with his good


    Perri SHAKES-DRAYTON won her semi final in 53.92. In final, she starts to run as she wasgoing to clock less than 53.. This speed makes her too close of her firsts hurdles, and of cour-

    se, makes her exhausted. She adds 1 step at the 8th hurdle without any preparation.

    Nickeisha WILSON is back on the top of the world (her last world final was in Osaka 2007).

    She breakes her season best in semi final (54.94) in order to qualify to the final. In the final,the tries to start fast, even if she was probably tired of her semi final: she adds 1 stride early, at

    the 4th hurdle.

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