Download - 4 must haves to optimize your open and click rates

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4 Must-Haves to Optimize Your Open and Click Rates

Page 2: 4 must haves to optimize your open and click rates

The effectiveness of an email campaign lies in one all important metric – the Open and Click Rate.

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This essentially addresses the challenge in ensuring your message is opened and read by the recipient.  Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

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We give you four of them


CTA button

Crisp copy


subject line

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• The first opportunity for engagement is in the inbox. To optimize the opportunity, you have access to one subject line.

• Give it your best shot. It’s a make or break situation.

• The tipping point, as far as you are concerned.

• Use this to tell the recipient exactly what they want to hear –an innovative solution to solve a long standing problem or information that will add value to their business.

• Examples - Attend our webinar or Save 50% on Your Fuel Costs etc…

Compelling subject line

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• The recipient opened the mail? Congratulations! You have overcome the first hurdle. However the next challenge is to actually make them read your message.

• For this follow the cardinal rule of brevity. Package your offering in a few crisp, compelling words. Write exactly what value you offer and what problem it addresses.

• Write copy that is targeted to engage and capture mind space.

Crisp copy

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• The average adult has an attention span of a goldfish. No wonder then you have no more than 8 seconds to grab a reader’s attention.

• Leverage images to convey your message. Convert your messages to eyeball grabbing images. Once you have got the attention, unleash the content!


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• The click-to-action button is core to email marketing. It is the one element that no mail must be without.

• Use strong, powerful action oriented words such as Attend, Download, read, Register, Try Now to grab their attention and set the stage for a long nurturing engagement.

CTA button

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Follow these rules and you will be on track to ensuring highest possible open and click rates…

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