Download - 22 August 2021 - Twenty-first Sunday (Year B)



ANYTIME Ph: 0417 848 522


6:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass

7:30am Morning Prayer

8:00am Mass

9:30am Mass

11:00am Solemn Mass with Cathedral Choir

6:00pm Mass

6:00pm Youth-led Mass (3rd Sunday)

7:15pm Mass in Arabic


6:10am Morning Prayer

6:30am Mass

11:15am Exposition

11:15am Sacrament of Penance (till 12:15pm)

Rosary after Angelus at midday

12:30pm Mass


7:30am Morning Prayer

8:00am Mass

8:30am Sacrament of Penance (till 9:00am)

9:30am Mass in Extraordinary Form

5:00pm Sacrament of Penance (till 5:30pm)


Mass at 8:00am (No Adoration or Confession)


Monday 6:30pm—Legion of Mary

Tuesday 9:30am—Christian Meditation

Wednesday 7:30pm—RCIA

Friday 1:00pm—Cenacle Prayers


Last Tuesday of the month - Novena to

Mary, Full of Grace

First Friday Devotions: 6:30pm


Playgroup: Wednesdays 9:30am - 11:00am

Facebook: Parramatta St Pat’s Playgroup

Credo Youth Ministries

Contact Fr Chris or find information on

Facebook: credo.stpats

Email: [email protected]

Live Christ, Share Christ.

Monthly formation nights. Contact Michael or

Marietta on email: [email protected]


Download our App: SPCPP

Facebook: St Patrick’s Cathedral


Twitter: @StParramatta

St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta Cathedral Office: 1 Marist Place, Parramatta NSW 2150

(02) 8839 8400

22 August 2021 - Twenty-first Sunday (Year B)

“You have the message of eternal life…”

THIS WEEK WE REACH THE final instalment of what, in

most years, would have been a five-week dip into chapter six

of the Gospel of John. Unlike most cases of “exception” in

the current times this is not due to the prevalence of Covid

and its disruptive nature but because over the past two

Sundays we have celebrated respectively the Solemnities of

Mary of the Cross MacKillop and The Assumption. Had we

heard from John for all five weeks, we would have witnessed the miracle of the

multiplication by Jesus of the loaves and fishes, heard Jesus declare himself to

be the Bread of Life, listened to him state that the bread he gives is his flesh

and that those who eat his flesh will live for ever, and witnessed the incredulous

response of the Jewish leaders to Jesus’ proclamation. All of this is capped off

this weekend with many of Jesus’ followers voting with their feet and deciding to

no longer follow him. When Jesus throws out the challenge to the Twelve,

Peter, the leader, responds with some famous words: “Lord, who shall we go

to? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe.”

It pays to remember that the decision made by those who chose to no longer

follow Jesus came after an extended speech by Jesus on the Eucharist. He has

declared that he is the Bread of Life “and the bread that I shall give is my flesh,

for the life of the world.” He goes on to declare that “ flesh is real food and

my blood is real drink.” It is this challenging talk of Jesus that appears to have

been the stumbling block for many of his followers. Had he not been so bold as

to speak this truth, no doubt those same followers, or most of them, would have

stayed loyal to Jesus.

But notice Jesus’ response. No mention is made of Jesus calling them back,

pleading with them to return to him. Jesus doesn’t apologise for offending them,

or confounding them, with his talk, nor does he water down his words. He stays

firm in declaring the truth. Jesus leaves the response of others entirely in their

own hands, respecting their autonomy: it is up to them to decide whether to

embrace the truth of the Eucharist or reject it.

This is not to say that Jesus has no concern for the welfare of those who have

made the choice not to follow him. In Jesus we know one who has, and by his

very nature is, unconditional love. We can imagine the pain Jesus must have

felt in seeing many of his followers deserting him as they failed to grasp the

significance of the truth he was proclaiming. We can only hope that they

reflected on their decision and, at some point in the future, had a change of


And for us it is just as well that Jesus has concern for the welfare of those who

are slow to grasp his nature and his teachings, or even reject them, for surely

we are all guilty of this at times. The teaching on the Eucharist is, after all, just

one teaching of the Church that can be hard for many to grasp, and we have

witnessed over many centuries other groups of Christians rejecting the truth of

the teaching on this sacrament. But let us not judge others without reflecting on

our own behaviour and thanking God that it is in his nature to welcome us back

with open arms when we embrace the truth that is him.

Wishing you a blessed week ahead in these difficult times,

Fr Robert


Dean and Administrator Very Rev Robert Riedling 8839 8420 or [email protected]

Assistant Priest Rev Chris del Rosario 8839 8423 or [email protected]

Priest in Residence Rev Van Xua Nguyen (Fr Joseph Nguyen)

Deacon Rev Mr Roderick Pirotta [email protected]

Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm weekdays

Receptionist: Donna Missio (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) 8839 8400 or [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Pat Preca (Mon - Fri) 8839 8412 or [email protected]

Cathedral Parish Manager: Mili Lee (Tue - Fri) 8839 8419 or [email protected]

Sacramental Coordinator: Meg Gale (Tue only)

8839 8400 or [email protected]

Director of Music: Bernard Kirkpatrick KSS 8839 8400 or [email protected]

Liturgy Coordinator/Sacristan: Fr Chris del Rosario (see above for contact details)

Youth Coordinator: Genevieve Lee

8839 8400 or [email protected]

Gift Shop Manager: Minnie Harb

8839 8400 or [email protected]


Baptisms are celebrated in the Cathedral on most Sundays. Check for exceptions. Family members and guests are requested to be present at the Cathedral at least fifteen minutes before the usual commencement time of 12:30pm.

Weddings are by appointment only.

Contact the Parish Secretary.

First Eucharist and Confirmation

Please contact the Sacramental Coordinator.

HIRING of ROOMS For hire of Cloister Function rooms, call 8839 8400 or

[email protected]

Material for Bulletin

If you have something that you would like

published in the bulletin, please ensure that

it is conveyed to our Parish Secretary, Pat,

by 12:00noon on Thursday. Please note that

material must relate to the parish and its


Don’t forget that businesses can advertise

on the rear page of the bulletin. For further

details, please contact Pat Preca by phone

on 8839 8412 or email her at

[email protected]

Want to become a lifelong disciple of Christ?

“Come and See” (John 1:39 - 41)

What is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)?

A process which leads you towards becoming a lifelong follower of Christ by becoming a Catholic. We will explore your doubts and beliefs, the quest for the meaning of life, the service to the poor and concerns about the environment from the eyes of the Catholic teachings and Pope Francis. This journey of faith, which passes through different stages and ritual steps, leading up to reception of the three Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at Easter Vigil is an exciting one – full of discoveries, wisdom and challenges!

Who can participate in the RCIA?

The RCIA process is for people who are:

• not baptised and never lived the faith;

• baptised Catholics but never lived the faith;

• baptised non-Catholics (another Christian denomination) but never lived the Christian faith.

Come, discuss and discover in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere whether you, or someone

you know, is called to become a Catholic.

For more information contact the Parish Office on 8839 8400 or email Deacon Roderick Pirotta at:

[email protected]

Sacraments of Initiation Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation

At this stage, we hope to begin the postponed preparation for Confirmation early next month. All families who have expressed an interest in having their child/ren prepare for Confirmation should have been contacted by email a few days ago. In case there has been an oversight, the first session will be held in the Cathedral Hall on Tuesday, 07 September at 7:30pm. Again, should the lockdown be extended, another plan will be implemented which will be detailed at the appropriate time.

Donate: Caritas’ Emergency Response Appeal for Haiti Caritas Australia’s thoughts and prayers are with the people of the Haiti who have been devastated by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Over 1,400 people have died, and thousands more left injured. There is immediate and urgent need for food, water, shelter, hygiene kits and first aid on the ground. Donate to Caritas Australia’s Emergency Response Appeal by visiting or by calling 1800 024 413 toll-free.

Assistance in a time of need

Seeking assistance: St Vincent De Paul (Vinnies) is taking phone calls regarding assistance requests, the Harris Park Vinnies number is 8861 9757. The Harris Park Hub is closed until further notice due to the current lockdown. OzHarvest has a hamper hub in Granville, open Thursdays 11:00am – 2:00pm, located at 3-5 Bridge St Granville.

Offering assistance: Karabi Community Services Wentworthville are running a foodbank service and are accepting donations of non-perishable food stuffs. Karabi is on Darcy Road, Wentworthville (corner Fyall Avenue), and open 8:00am to 4:00pm weekdays. Their phone number is 9631 5428. Please remember compliance with the NSW COVID public health orders when out in the community at this time.

Twitter Don’t forget that St Patrick’s Cathedral has a Twitter account. Each day there is a small quote from one of the Mass readings followed by a short reflection tweet - no more than 280 characters! There is also a short biography on saints’ feast days and, at present, there are quotes on the Social Justice Statement being tweeted each day. Our Twitter handle is @StParramatta or just search for St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta.

Plenary - October 2021 Fan the Flame

Towards Plenary Assembly One October 2021

‘The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.’

John 6:60-69

Through appropriate faith formation, God can shape us into deepening our

spirituality within the life of the Church, engaging with scripture,

encountering God in worship and prayerfully developing our living

relationship with Jesus Christ.

(Prayerful and Eucharistic - Discernment Paper, p.5)

Get vaccinated for the common good Vaccination against COVID-19 is a morally good thing, providing protection for the person vaccinated and the wider community. Some COVID-19 vaccines are associated with ethically questionable production and research practices, but Pope Francis and the Australian Bishops have advised that it is morally permissible to receive any vaccine made available. More information available online at the following address:

Social Justice Sunday We celebrate Social Justice next Sunday, 29 August. The Australian Bishops’ Social Justice Statement, Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, invites us to join in responding to Pope Francis’ invitation to take a seven-year journey towards total ecological sustainability guided by seven Laudato Si’ Goals. The Statement provides theological foundations to ground and inspire our efforts to care for creation while responding to the needs of the disadvantaged and excluded. More information: ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace, or phone (02) 6201 9845.

Formation: “Generosity & Gentleness” The next parish formation session will take place on Friday, 27 August, 7:30pm - 9:00pm. It will be live streamed to the Cathedral's Facebook page and YouTube channel. Fr Chris del Rosario will be making a presentation on Generosity and Gentleness as two of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. George Manassa, from The Catholic Toolbox, will be the MC. This formation event is once again presented by “Live Christ, Share Christ”.

0419 153 195

NEW STOCK: Feel free to come in and have a browse. We stock religious goods, ethical products, sacramental gifts and many more items to

celebrate a time in your life or someone special.

OPEN: Tuesday - Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm & Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm

CLOSED: Mondays and Saturdays

Contact Us Find Us

[email protected] stpats_giftshop_parramatta


We pray for our beloved dead….

Recently Deceased: Edward Olivera, Kathleen McFadden, Mariana Sleiman Harb, Basilisa Manlangit, Marcela

Mostera, Gee Meng Phua, Zhiying Ren, Philomena Nolan, Francis Gorostiza, Sr Mary Grima fmm, Merita Alves,

James Sebastiao, Gloria Mercado, Louisa Baxter, Romulo Peteza, Lino Fernandes, Sr Therese Quinn, Maurice

O’Connor, Ryan Fernandes, Antone Safadi, Yacoub Jamini, Mitchell Gale, Sally Netto, Ikola van Weringin, Betty

D’Mello, Jesse Torres, Margaret Smith, June Barrett

Deceased: Maximo Sr Caneda, Lobo D’Souza family, Joan Fonseca, Bill Fleming, Perla Yulo, Justin Palad, Nazar &

Lewis Nissan, Ruzica Zderic, Peng Tam Chow, Merlita Fernandes, Daisy V Nunes, Antonio Lareza, Alesandra

Ventulero, Vittoria Teuma, Houda Chehade, Karam family, Sr Helen Cooke, Lan Eng Foo, Kwong Yung Phua, Jee Meng

Phua, Jee Kiang Phua, Nugraha Adi Wijaya, Sr Alice Cooke, Fr Mike, Marc Anastacio

Anniversaries: John Yulo, Joseph Malouf, Jean Davoren, Samuel Appathurai, Alban & Benny Fonseca, Juliet Noronha,

Maria Lethitruoc, Alan Newman, Paul Fung, Norma Swain, Emil Augustyn Sobolewski, Peter Van Tilburg, Josefa &

Felipe Manubay, Joseph Teuma, Stephen Abag, Rita Bosco, Valeriano La Rosa, Adrian O’Domhnaill, Rufino Nubla,

Gilbert, Furtado, Umberto Papagna, Margaret Beagle, Youseph Rahil-Evlen George, Rosaria D’Costa

Perpetuals: Norm Hector, Bokeyar family, David family, Japour family, Paula Loto’aniu, Peter Van Tilburg, Margaret

Angela Roberts, Sally & Frank Martlew, Sherwood family, Pat & Jim Hartman, Royan & Andrews families,

Don Andrews, Juliet Noronha, Dr Joseph Malouf, Abel Moses, Jimmy, Anna & Frank Grainda, Frank Agostino,

Bernadette Melhen and Sally Boujandy, Jack & June Barrett, Ann O’Brien, Watson Lee, Ian & Pat Sanders, Bill & Alice

Kendall, Allan Kendall, Maria Patterson & Ellen Bancan, Hooper family, Giuseppina & Giovanni Rechichi, Mary Coady,

Mary & Jack White, Vincent & Rebecca Vella, Walter Townsend, Ferris Grugeon, McInherny, White, McWilliam &

McGuckin families, Mary Abela, Robert Andrews, Sylvester family, Rogan family, Adcock and McMillan families, Love

family, Gabrielle Baker, Paula Cowling, McDermott & Starr families, Repose of the Souls in

Purgatory, Deceased Parishioners of St Patrick’s and St Monica’s

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them...

We also pray for...

Sick: Baby Fernandes, George Malouf, Sharon Webb, Paul Peters, Rosie Rezek, G Noonan,

J Stapleton, Fayma, Fr Kevin Walsh, Ansbert & Maria Fernandez, Lorelei & Gary Sellado,

Perla Yulo, Cresencia Fernando, Adna Mar, Natalie, Rohan Rodricks, Karl, Evelyn

Special Intentions: Patrick Newman, Yi Jiek Wong, Sien Yu Phua, Sr Alice Cooke, Sr Helen

Cooke, Thomas Mooney, Dulcesima Empuerto, Sien H Phua, Teodulo Sarreal, Juan Cabezas,

Jee C Phua, Anne Togado, Josie Dadic, Ajay & Jennifer Furtado, Bernard & Gracie Rodricks,

Bernard & Alban Fonseca, David J Sampey, Fatima, Sidney, Rohan, Den Senjak, Francis

Rocha, Anthony Brocone, Chad Booc, Nell Gomes, Emerlinda Sarreal, Khush Jilla

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for August

The Church

“Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the

grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.”

This Sunday’s Readings

Twenty-first Sunday

Joshua 24:1-2,15-18; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69

Next Sunday’s Readings

Twenty-second Sunday

Deut 4:1-2, 6-8; James 1:17-18, 21-22, 27;

Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Saint of the Week

27th August - St Monica (332-387)

Monica was born at Thagaste in Africa (present-day Souk Ahras in northern Algeria, near the

border with Tunisia) of a Christian family. She was married young

to Patricius, and among her children was the famous Augustine,

whose feast day is celebrated the day after that of Monica.

Augustine had a brilliant intellect and uncertain morals and his

wayward spiritual career saw him at one time a Manichee and

then a Neoplatonist. With many tears Monica prayed unceasingly

to God for Augustine’s conversion and her prayers were answered

shortly before her death. She had a deep faith and outstanding

virtue and is a wonderful example of a Christian mother.

(Information taken from Universalis)

“Quote of the Week”

“I’ll give you one piece of advice: don’t neglect his

name, ‘Jesus.’ Meditate on it in your heart night and

day as your personal and precious treasure. Love it

more than your life. Root it in your mind. Love Jesus

because he made you and bought you at a very high

price. Give your heart to him because it is the debt

you owe him.”

Richard Rolle (c.1290 - 1349)

English hermit and mystic

The English Writings


ROME Pope Francis continued his catechesis on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: ‘Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the Letter to the

Galatians, we have seen how Saint Paul teaches that faith in Jesus Christ brings a spiritual freedom that liberates believers from the demands of the Mosaic Law. For the Apostle, the Law served a “pedagogical” function; as a merciful gift of God, it demanded obedience to his commandments, while at the same time pointing to the reality of our sinfulness and need for salvation. With the coming of Christ and his redeeming grace, the Law finds its fulfilment in the Gospel message of new life and freedom in the Spirit.’

Getting to know…

Paul Mousley

My name is Paul Mousley and I have been a parishioner of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral for over fourteen years.

I am involved in ringing the church bell and leading Our Lady’s cenacle each Friday when the church is open. I also perform

some duties on the church grounds and belong to the Legion of Mary.

A highlight of my life has been my travels overseas as I went to Rome and Medjugorje. I was fortunate enough to have a

very kind travel companion by the name of Frank Jones and he knew his way around these places that were all new to me.

I intend to live a life of fidelity to the gospel and of prayer.

Saint Joan of Arc is my favourite saint as I admire her for her courage. I would love to meet her one day in heaven.

I lead the Rosary during the weekdays and have several prayer partners that I am privileged to be able to pray the Rosary with.

The Rosary gives me peace, strengthens my faith and I enjoy praying with others and have established some very strong bonds with other Christians.

I am currently studying Information Technology and have been interested in computers all my life.

My hobbies are music, walking, cats, gardening, chess, tennis and I love going to the movies with friends.

Please pray for me.


...that despite Jesus speaking of the “Bread of Life” in

chapter six of John’s Gospel, this Gospel does not depict

the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper?

In John’s Gospel, the focus of the Passover is Jesus’ washing

of the feet of his disciples (13:1-20). It is this event, of course,

which is highlighted at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper each

year on Holy Thursday, also known as Maundy Thursday.


We pray for those couples who have had to

postpone their wedding due to the current Covid


We pray that this will not dampen their desire to be

united in this sacrament when circumstances



At this time, we pray for all those families who

are seeking to have their children baptised but

cannot do so because of the current Covid


Please uphold these children and their families in


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