Download - 21 st CCLC FY 2010 Request for Proposals Technical Assistance Workshops January 22, 23, and Feb 2, 2009.

Page 1: 21 st CCLC FY 2010 Request for Proposals Technical Assistance Workshops January 22, 23, and Feb 2, 2009.

21st CCLC FY 2010Request for Proposals

Technical Assistance Workshops

January 22, 23, and Feb 2, 2009

Page 2: 21 st CCLC FY 2010 Request for Proposals Technical Assistance Workshops January 22, 23, and Feb 2, 2009.

General Information (pp.1, 2) Title IV, Part B, NCLB

$17.8 million in FY 2010

Minimum grant award-- $50,000

Maximum grant award--$150,000 per site

5 year award, based on sufficient funding from USDE

Final grant award to be negotiated by ISBE

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Eligible Applicants ( p. 1)

LEAs public school districts public lab schools approved by ISBE charter schools area vocational centers

Community based organizations

Faith based organizations

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Eligible Applicants

Public and private entities

Consortium of eligible organizations

ROE/ISC offices that coordinate activities for LEAS or others

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Population to be Served (p. 2)

Students who attend schools with at least 40% low income families, i.e., schools eligible for Title I schoolwide programs (not necessarily receiving Title I funds)—REQUIRED AS ABSOLUTE PRIORITY

Students in prekindergarten through grade 12

Students in low performing schools, i.e., identified for state or federal improvement status

Families of students served in the program Includes homeless and their caretakers/guardians

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One Competition

One Competition for $17.8 Million No specific amount set aside for any

category of applicant

Classification based on the schools applicant wishes to serve New Applicants Previously funded applicants

Differing criteria Differing award amounts

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New Applicants ( p. 1)

An entity that has never received a grant under the 21st CCLC Program 

An entity that currently has a 21st CCLC grant or had received a grant in the past and wishes to apply for new funds to serve only schools for which the applicant has not received 21st CCLC funds during any other grant cycle; or  

An entity that has a current 21st CCLC grant and is applying for funds to expand or enhance services (i.e., new grade levels or age ranges of students) in schools that it now serves.

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Previously Funded Applicants (p. 2)

  An applicant that is an entity whose grant has

expired or will expire at the end of FY09 and that is applying for funds to serve one or more schools to which it has provided services under a previous grant.


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Previously Funded Applicants (p. 2)

May also provide services to new schools but will be limited by amount of funds that a previously funded applicant may receive.

Any new school added to a grant of a previously funded applicant must be in improvement status.

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Applicant Experience (p. 1)

New applicant: If the applicant has had no previous experience, demonstrate the likelihood that it will successfully

implement the program and

its capability to provide educational and related activities that will complement and enhance the academic performance, achievement, and positive youth development of the students.

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Applicant Experience (p.1)

Previously funded applicants: Describe any successful results the applicant has had during the previously funded grant period and

include data from the most recent program evaluation that describe the high-quality programming that has been provided.

indicate how the partnerships the applicant has had in place specifically contributed to the quality and success of the previously funded project

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Previously Funded Applicants Describe the roles these and other partners

will play in the continued efforts of the grantee.

Include any changes that were made to previously provided programming that resulted from the evaluation.

Submit a copy of the most recent program evaluation with the application.

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Previously Funded

No continuation or “automatic” funding; competitive

Schools that were previously served but are no longer in status can be proposed for services as long as at least one school in the proposal is in academic status

Any new schools to be served must be in academic improvement status

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Declining Funding ModelNew Grants (p. 2 and 13)

Year 1--negotiated amount $50,000 minimum $150,000 maximum per site

Year 2--level funding Year 3--level funding Year 4--90% of FY 2010 Year 5--75% of FY 2010

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Declining Funding ModelPreviously Funded (p. 13)

Year 1 award equals Year 5 of previously funded grant

Years 2 and 3—level funded Year 4—75% of FY 2010 funded amount Year 5—50% of FY 2010 funded amount

Rationale: This is to validate the need for continued sustainability planning over the lifetime of the grants.

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21st CCLC Grant Period Begin date: July 1, 2009

End Date: June 30, 2010, or

August 31, 2010, if includes a summer program

Continued funding based on completion of Continuation Application and successful progress toward meeting goals and objectives

FY 2014 last year of funding

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Program Continuation

No automatically renewable grants--

Annual application for continuation of funds

ISBE provides applications, forms, etc.

Substantial progress in meeting objectives will be required (APR and other data)

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Program Goals (pp. 3, 4)

Programs must: help students meet the Illinois Learning

Standards help students meet local standards be aligned with/complement the curriculum

of school (esp. important for CBO/FBOs) be scientifically based be secular, neutral, and non ideological

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Competitive Priorities (pp. 4, 5)

25 additional points will be awarded to applicants who propose to:

Serve students in schools that are at least 40% poverty;


Submit a joint application with at least one LEA and one public or private community organization;


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Priority Points

New Applicants: Propose to serve only schools that are

identified for federal or state academic improvement status

Previously funded:Serve at least one school that is in status; may serve previously funded schools that are not in status, but all new schools must be in status.

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Additional Priority (p. 5)

Based on guidance from USDE: An additional 15 points will be awarded to an

applicant that proposes services to at least one middle or high school.

Middle School—includes the following grades exclusively

5-8 6-8 7-8

High School Any school that serves a combination of

grades 9-12 and grants a diploma

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Additional Information

Don’t propose services to schools already being funded.

Lists of schools currently being served by the grant are posted on line at

Lists of schools “in status” are posted at

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Program Specifications (p. 6)

Provide students with academic enrichment opportunities as well as additional opportunities to complement regular academic programs

Offer academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment programs when school is not in session

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New Requirements for Programming(p. 6)

12 hours per week 28 weeks per year Parental services required

GED classes Citizenship classes Literacy Parenting Social services ESL classes Other

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Service Times (p. 6)

After school Before school Weekends Vacations Summer Days when school is not in session

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Locations of Programs

Elementary, middle, secondary schools; or

Locations as safe and accessible as schools Describe how students will travel safely to

and from the site and home Funds (reasonable amounts) from grant

can be used for transportation, including public transportation

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Programs Not Allowed (p. 6 )

No Saturday or summer school only programs

No programs during the regular school day unless for preschool or family members

No noon or recess programs No drop in programs; attendees must be


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Allowable Activities (pp. 6, 7)

Remedial education services and academic enrichment

Reading, math, and science activities

Arts and music education

Entrepreneurial education programs

Tutoring and mentoring

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Allowable Activities (pp. 6, 7)

Activities for ELL students

Recreational activities

Expanded library hours

Technology education

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Collaboration (p. 7)

No application from an entity other than a school district will be accepted without letters of collaboration from the school(s) to be served

School districts must have letters of collaboration from partners

Systems must be put into place to gather information from schools—especially important with CPS schools

Description of collaborator(s) required in app

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Principles of Effectiveness (pp.7, 8)

Community Learning Center Programs must be based on

an assessment of objective data regarding the need for before-and after-school programs and activities in the schools and communities

an established set of performance measures aimed at ensuring the availability of high quality academic enrichment opportunities

If appropriate, scientifically based research that provides evidence that the program or activity will help students meet the Illinois Learning standards and local student academic achievement standards

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Activities Based on Scientific Research (p. 8)

Cite these in the text of the narrative—no works cited page.

Research that is systematic, empirical using methods that draw on observation and experiment

Applicants base proposed strategies on such research, especially when providing services in core academic areas where it is available-- math, reading, and science (cite research in the narrative)

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Evaluation Requirements (p.8) Annual evaluation required

Results used to refine, improve, and strengthen the program

Document made available to public and ISBE upon request—will be required as part of the Continuation Application each year

Participate in state and federal evaluation

Copy of Program Evaluation required from previously funded applicants

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Evaluation (p. 9 and Attachment 6)

Used to refine, improve, and strengthen the program

Submitted to ISBE annually

Made available to the public upon request

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Evaluation –Previously Funded

In addition to other requirements:

Describe and indicate whether maintaining or modifying the previously used evaluation plan and why this decision was made.

If changing, provide rationale for proposed changes.

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Private School Participation (p. 10)

Students, teachers, and other ed personnel are eligible to participate on an equitable basis

Must provide comparable opportunities for the participation of both public and private school students in the area served by the grant

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Private School Participation (p.10)

Must consult with private school officials during the design and development of the services described in the application

Program services must be secular, neutral, and non ideological

Sign off is required—Attachment11

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Sustainability (p. 10 and Attachments 7A/B )

How will you maintain the size and scope of the program including the minimum number of hours per day and weeks per year as the funding declines in years 4 and 5?

Predict and include as part of plan other sources of fund that will be available in years 4 and 5.

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Allowable Uses of Funds (p. 13)

Parental involvement and literacy

Assistance to truants, suspended, or expelled to allow academic achievement

Drug and violence prevention, counseling, and character education

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Non-allowable Use of Funds( pp.14, 15 )

Proposal preparation costs

Pre award costs

Overnight or out of state travel for students

Food for professional development events, faculty, staff, or administrative meetings for staff in any setting except at Family Nights, etc.

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Non-allowable Uses of Funds


Incentives of cash, clothing, or other unreasonable costs

Purchase of equipment—computers, printers, scanners, telephones, etc., regardless of cost

Daily snack/meal costs (ISBE nutrition, or 217/782-2491)

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Non-allowable Uses of funds


Staff events that include retreats, lock-ins, or other events of a similar nature

Field trips that are purely recreational in nature (have no academic support)

Promotional or marketing items (mugs, pens, totes, banners, etc.)

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Non-allowable Uses of Funds

Decorative items

Facility construction, remodeling, or renovation

Classes previously offered and paid for by district or other fund sources


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Reporting Requirements

Collect and submit required annual performance report

Demonstrate substantial progress being made toward meeting goals and objectives of project

Participate in state-wide evaluation

Participate in the federal evaluation

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RFP Appendices (A-C)

A. List of Resources—not all inclusive

B. Statewide Objectives

C. Function and Object Descriptors to assist with budget preparation

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State Objectives (Appendix B)

Objective 1: Participants will demonstrate an increased involvement in school activities and in participating in other subject areas such as technology, arts, music, theater, and sports and other recreation activities.

Objective 2: Participants in the programs will demonstrate increased academic achievement.

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Objectives, cont.

Objective 3: Participants in the programs will demonstrate social benefits and exhibit positive behavioral changes.

Objective 4: The 21st CCLCs will work toward services that benefit the entire community by including families of participants and collaborating with other agencies and non-profit organizations.

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Objectives, cont.

Objective 5: These programs will serve children and community members with the greatest needs for expanded learning opportunities.

Objective 6: 21st CCLC Program personnel will participate in professional development and training that will enable them to implement an effective program. Professional development activities must be aligned with the No Child Left Behind Act definitions and National Staff Development Council’s professional development standards.

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Objectives, cont.

Objective 7: 21st CCLC Program projects will use the funding most efficiently by coordinating and collaborating with other federal and state funding sources, agencies, and other community projects to supplement the program and not supplant the funds, and to eventually become self-sustaining.

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Program Specifications-Attachment 13

A-S--Read carefully E. Notice of intent to submit F. Active collaboration with schools the

students attend H. Keep attendance records I. Conduct criminal background checks J. Train for and report suspected child abuse

and neglect K. Get permission to use students for public

relations purposes

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Program Specific Terms of the Grant

L. Not be delinquent in debts to State M. Conduct needs assessments, parent and

student satisfaction surveys, and self-assessments for APR

N. Attend mandated workshops and trainings provided by ISBE

P. Provide reviewers for application review Q. Evaluate programs R. Course Credit

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Proposal Style (p. 15)

Typed, using 1-inch margins, double-spacing and 12- point font;

Pages must be numbered and contain headers on each identifying the applicant;

No spiral binding or binders; and

No supplementary materials should be included and will not be reviewed.

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Criteria for Review (pp.23-27)

Need 10 points Quality of Project Services 30 points Quality of Management Plan 15 points Adequacy of Resources 15 points Quality of Evaluation 10 points Sustainability 10 points Cost Effectiveness 10 points

Rubric used for scoring follows these criteria

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Proposal Format (p. 16) Cover Page Abstract—1 page

Narrative—25 pages double spaced, 12 point font



Appendices A-D

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Required Appendices to Accompany Proposals

Appendix A--Principals’ Letters Appendix B—Partner Letters Appendix D--Detailed Job Descriptions for

positions included in the budget

For Previously Funded Applicants Appendix C-- Most recent written program


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Incomplete/Ineligible Applications

Missing signatures Missing RCDT codes (if applicant has one) Missing attachments Missing appendices

Will not be reviewed or scored!

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Works cited pages (cite in text)

Attaching information not requested: Letters of endorsement/testimonials Newsletters CDs or DVDs Other

Will not be reviewed

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Cover Page (Attachment 1)

Complete fully RCDT code

New grantees may have no code if non-school districts

Code will be issued if successful Applicant name, address, etc.

A. Applicants’ original signatures

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Cover Page (Attachment 1)

B. Fiscal Agent original signature Entity that is non school district cannot

submit to work with a school without permission and signoff from district superintendent

Applicants working with CPS schools need signature of district designee—call

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Program Summary (Attachment 2)

A. Applicant Name(s)

B. Non-public Consultation Submit Attachment 11

C. Priority points check Check if new or previously funded applicant

D. Second competitive priority check off (type of school)

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Attachment 2

E. Total Funds Requested

F. Total Number of After School Sites G. Total Number of Partners

H. Partner Information (Provide letter from each explaining role and contributions

in Appendix B and as describe in the narrative

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After School Sites (Attachment 3) Complete all information requested Very important to have contact information for

main contact Complete a sheet for each site (duplicate as

needed) Multiple schools may be served at each site Complete all information for each school

Mark “yes” or “no” if served previously by this applicant

Give projected enrollments Provide the grades to be served

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Proposal Abstract (Attachment 4)

RCDT code must be entered if known

Fiscal agent is applicant

Limit abstract to one page, double spaced

Describe the overall objectives and activities of the project

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Proposal Narrative—No Attachment (pp. 16, 20)

Limit to 25 pages, double spaced

Content Describe need—what is the need and how will

this proposal meet the need? Estimate the number of students and families

to be served Describe recruitment and retention of students Describe consultation with private schools

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Narrative (p. 20)

Describe the activities to be conducted for parents

Describe how activities will improve student achievement, esp. in math and reading

Reference scientifically based research

Identify other funding sources

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Describe partnership and collaboration efforts

Describe previous experience with after school programming or the likelihood of success

Describe any volunteers to be used

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Project Services Chart (Attachment 5)

Complete the required information regarding

School Year Services

Summer Services

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Evaluation (Attachment 6)

Limit to 2 pages, double spaced

Describe evaluation to be conducted to show success of program

Include quantitative and qualitative measures

Show how evaluation will be used for continuous improvement

Indicate the methods to be used and data to be collected (minimum is for objectives in Appendix B)

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Sustainability Plan

(Attachments 7A/B, 10 points) Limit to 3 pages, double spaced, including chart

Describe the amounts and sources of additional funding that will used to maintain the size and scope in years 4 and 5 Complete chart

Describe the preliminary plan for how the proposed program will continue to exist when all 21st CCLC funds cease

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Sustainability Plan (Attachments 7)

Previously funded: Describe previous measures taken to

maintain size and scope in years 4 and 5 in previous grant, including the funding sources that were used

Describe how the size and scope will be maintained in years 4 and 5 of this grant

Complete sustainability chart for this grant

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Budget Summary and Payment Schedule (Attachment 8)

Refer to fiscal handbook at, click on publications; see Appendix C

Get assistance from ROE, ISBE, or others

administrative cap—Function 2300

Payments must be requested monthly in amounts that are needed to meet expenses

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Budget Breakdown (Attachment 9) Be sure to complete as accurately as possible

Get help

Refer to fiscal handbook (from previous page)

Describe expenditures completely and put into correct function and object codes

Refer to budget PowerPoint online at

Make sure costs are reasonable

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A Word about BudgetsBe practical—

Don’t ask for more funds than needed

Make sure instructional costs are adequate and a major component of the budget

Don’t pay exorbitant salaries

Don’t overload with staff—esp. admin staff

Don’t send in a budget that is exorbitant per pupil amount

Don’t include indirect costs unless are representing a university

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Budget Tips

Do what is required—

Limit administrative cost to 5%

Include funds for staff development

Include funds for evaluation

Include transportation funds, if needed

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Subcontractors (Attachment 10)

If subcontractors are to be used for any purpose, complete Attachment 10.

Subcontractors must be approved by ISBE

Details of subcontracting budgets must be included in budget

Contracts are always budgeted in Object 300 of the budget

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Equitable Participation of Private Schools (Attachment 11)

Private school official and applicant must sign off that this has been done

Original signatures required

One attachment needed for each school

Duplicate as necessary

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State Required Graduation Courses(Attachment 12)

If program is to offer credit for courses that are required for graduation, this attachment must be signed and attached with proposal.

If courses are to be provided that are not required, this does not have to be completed, but a complete description should be provided in the application.

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Program Specific Terms of the Grant(Attachment 13)

A-S--Read carefully E. Notice of intent to submit F. Active collaboration with schools the

students attend H. Keep attendance records I. Conduct criminal background checks J. Train for and report suspected child abuse

and neglect K. Get permission to use students for public

relations purposes

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Program Specific

L. Not be delinquent in debts to State M. Conduct needs assessments, parent and

student satisfaction surveys, and self-assessments for APR

N. Attend mandated workshops and trainings provided by ISBE

P. Provide reviewers for application review Q. Evaluate programs R. Course Credit

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Certificate and Assurances (Attachments 14-18)

Complete with required signatures

Co- applicants must sign also; make copies

for each and submit

Attachment 13—read carefully for program specific terms of the grant

Attachment 18—GEPA This is the “nondiscrimination” statement that

districts and other entities have on file

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Proposal Reviewers

Readers will be knowledgeable about after school programs and issues Teachers Administrators Retired educators Non grantees but in after school


Non conflict of interest statements will be signed

Training will be held Assignments will be made geographically, etc.

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New Grantee Workshop

Held in late summer to provide guidance as program is implemented

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In Springfield, 217-524-4832

Marci Johnson [email protected] Gail Meisner [email protected] Carol McCue [email protected] Gary Miller [email protected]

In Chicago, 312/814-2282

Joe Banks [email protected]

ISBE 21st CCCLC website,