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2014 - 2015School Year

Welcome Back!

Robertsville Middle School

Discipline Assembly

What path will you choose?

Before You Speak:

THINK T - Is it TRUE? H - Is it HELPFUL? I - Is it INSPIRING? N - Is it NECESSARY? K - Is it KIND?

Assembly Behavior

Sit up in seat Remain quiet and listen to the speaker. Keep hands to yourself. Remain in the first seat where you were


Where do I find information regarding rules and policies?

Student Handbook

Discipline Handbook

School Tardies

Students are expected to be in homeroom each day before the tone sounds at 7:45.

Students tardy to school must check in through the office.

Attendance Student absences and tardies will be marked

unexcused unless we receive a note within 3 days of the student’s return to school, from a parent or physician stating an acceptable excuse for being absent or tardy.

All notes should be turned in to the office.

Only 7 parent notes will be accepted over the course of the school year.


After 5 unexcused absences or tardies, the parent/guardian will receive a notice stating the child’s attendance at school is required.

Student may be referred to the Anderson County Juvenile Court if attendance does not improve and a truancy petition may be issued.

Attendance Detention

Starting with the eleventh unexcused tardy, students will be assigned after-school detention. Please be responsible and arrive to school on time.

Make-Up Work The student is responsible to arrange for make-

up work with teachers after an absence. Make-up work for a one-day absence must be

completed within 2 days of returning to school. A day-for-day policy exists for an absence consisting of multiple days. The policy applies to both excused and unexcused absences.

Make-up work due to unexcused absences resulting from out-of-school suspension will not receive full credit. A 69% is the highest grade that can be assigned.

Class Tardies

• Students have five minutes to travel from one class to the next.

Students who are tardy to class will be referred to the office.

Truancy and Cutting Class

Students are expected to follow their assigned schedule!

Skipping class will result in a referral to the office.

School Supervision

Students should not arrive on school grounds until 7:00 AM.

Students are expected to be off campus by 3:00 on M,T,TH,F and 1:00 on Wednesdays.

Students actively involved in after school activities are permitted to remain on campus until the school sponsored activity ends.

Dress Code

The Oak Ridge Schools Discipline Handbook is very specific in identifying inappropriate clothing.

Generally speaking, students may not wear clothing which compromises safety or modesty, nor clothing which is disruptive to the educational process.

Leggings may only be worn if covered by appropriate length shorts, skirt, or blouse/shirt. All skirts and shorts must be

mid-thigh. Boys may not wear tank tops.Sagging is NOT permitted.

Items not allowed at school

Weapons Toys Cards Radios / CD Players /

iPods Hornets

Drugs Alcohol Tobacco Products Laser Beams Cameras

Items allowed at school

Paper Pencils/pens/markers Text books/Magazines Reference books Planners Gym Clothes Lunch boxes

We encourage you to bring those items that will support you in earning a quality education. All items that create distractions are to be left at home!

Inappropriate Games Assassin-type games

Head / neck slapping

Eraser Game

Any game that involves placing your hands on another person.

Games that involve punching, poking, pinching, burning or any other physical act that causes pain or discomfort.

Cell Phones

Students may have cell phones at school but are expected to obey the following guidelines: Student cell phones are to be turned off before

and during school hours. Student cell phones are to remain in student

lockers during the school day. Student cell phones may be turned on once you

exit the building at dismissal time.

Cell Phone Consequences

First Offense – Phone confiscated and parent required to pick-up.

Second Offense – Phone confiscated / student assigned detention

Third Offense – Phone confiscated / student assigned ISS

Fourth Offense – Phone confiscated / student suspended

Texting Inappropriate Pictures What you do with your

phone off campus becomes a school issue when personal phone content or pictures are shared on a school bus or school property.

All sexting incidents will be reported to local law enforcement officials.


Theft – Taking or possessing an item that does not belong to you. (“I found it” is no excuse)

Extortion – Threatening or using physical violence to make a person act a certain way.

Vandalism – purposely doing damage to our school or school property.

Bullying/Harassment The Oak Ridge Schools prohibit all forms of bullying

and harassment. RMS will act promptly to investigate all complaints,

either formal or informal, verbal or written, for alleged incidents of bullying.

Bullying/harassment forms are available in the office and are to be completed by students and given to an administrator.

We encourage ALL students to report bullying or harassing behaviors.

Behavior of this nature may result in suspension, and any continued harassing behavior will be subject to a long term suspension or expulsion.


Name calling Bumping/pushing Knocking of books Refusing to stop Lack of empathy Threats of violence

Sexual Harassment

Unwanted touching Vulgar comments Sexual flirtation

Inappropriate touching is an automatic 10 day out of school suspension.


Students suspended from school will lose the privilege of attending

off campus fieldtrips.

Lockers are a privilege Lockers are not to be shared. Lockers should be locked when not in use. Lockers are subject to search at anytime. You are responsible for what is in your locker. Belongings are not to be stored on top of lockers.

Smoking is against the law

Smoking will eventually harm you!!!

Zero Tolerance

Any student in possession of drugs, alcohol, or inhalants will be expelled for a period of one year.

Long Term Suspension

Consistently displaying inappropriate behaviors will result in a long term suspension or a referral to the alternative program.


There is no excuse for fighting. Any student participating in fight activity will be suspended from school a minimum of three days. A strong person can walk away from a fight!

Gang Activity

Gang activity or gang association will result in long term suspension.

Simply put, group bullying or thug behavior will not be permitted.

Don’t be a victim

Report all cases of bullying, extortion, harassment, theft, intimidation, thug and gang activity!

Choosing not to report such activities simply supports those individuals who enjoy mistreating others!

Don’t send the wrong message! Choose not to be a victim!

Classroom Disruptions

Students should never behave in a manner that disrupts class.

Students who disrupt class are simply taking learning opportunities from others to seek self-attention.

Students who disrupt the learning process will be referred to the office.

Social Restriction

Students who consistently have difficulty behaving appropriately in unstructured settings will be placed on social restriction.


Social Restriction –being removed from all unstructured settings and after-school events.

Unstructured Settings - before school in gym, class changes, restroom breaks, breakfast and lunch periods, and after-school activities.

Rudeness directed towards staff will not be tolerated

Arguing Body language Refusing to follow

request Mimicking Raised voice Hand Gestures Cursing

Breakfast Expectations

Be prepared to eat at 7:10 Select your food in an orderly manner. Be seated at an appropriate grade level

table. Remain at assigned table until instructed to

empty trays. Remain in the cafeteria until dismissed.

Bus Conduct

Board and depart the bus in a calm manner.

Be courteous to driver and students.

Sit quickly and remain seated.

Be cooperative towards the driver.

Bus Conduct Continued

Observe safety rules and respect the rights of others while waiting for the bus.

Do not attempt to hold a seat.

Be prepared to share a seat.

Do not throw items out the window.

Keep all body parts inside the window.

Refrain from loud talking, screaming or other disruptive behaviors.

School rules apply!

Riding a bus is a privilege

Students unwilling to obey bus rules and follow a bus driver’s request will simply be suspended from riding a bus.

Bond Park

Bond Park is a privilege.

Students displaying inappropriate behaviors while at Bond Park will simply lose this privilege .


Internet Safety:

Basic Online Safety

• Follow the guidelines set by your parents and guardians

• Respect other people online

• Keep your identity private

• Stop communication if you feel uncomfortable

• Don’t meet offline

• If anyone

– Talks about inappropriate things

– Asks for your personal information

– Wants you to do things that make you feel uncomfortable

– Wants to meet you in person

– Tries to make you keep secrets

– Threatens you

Talk to a trusted adult!


Risks of Meeting Offline


How Much Is Too Much?

NameAgeBirthdayPhone Number


• Images

– Backgrounds that reveal identifying information

– Provocative poses

– Too much skin

– Inappropriate or illegal activities

Videos & Images

Videos can be used against you for exploitation or manipulation

Remember that any video can be saved, accessed, and altered by anyone

What Is Cyberbullying?• Spreading rumors and gossip online

• Posting pictures without consent

• Stealing passwords to assume someone’s identity

• Harassing or threatening with mean or bad language

Only download from trustworthy sources to prevent spyware and viruses

Protect your privacy and don’t give out information to soliciting sites and e-mails

If an offer seems too good to be true, it usually is

Spyware, Spam, & Scams