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  • 2008:221 CIV

    M A S T E R ' S T H E S I S

    New type of slewing bearingfor ship crane

    John Lovén Tommy Nordin

    Luleå University of Technology

    MSc Programmes in Engineering Mechanical Engineering

    Department of Applied Physics and Mechanical EngineeringDivision of Machine Elements

    2008:221 CIV - ISSN: 1402-1617 - ISRN: LTU-EX--08/221--SE

  • Abstract MacGREGOR (SWE) AB Crane division, located in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, is part of the

    Cargotec Corporation. MacGREGOR develops and manufactures cranes for shipboard

    cargo handling. A typical MacGREGOR ship crane consists of four main modules, the

    pedestal, the foundation, the crane house and the jib. The slewing bearing connects the

    crane house to the foundation, allowing the crane to rotate around its vertical axis. If the

    bearing should fail and split, the crane house will fall down which is a safety issue. The

    current slewing bearing design requires a narrow flatness tolerance of the foundations top

    surface which complicates the assembly process.

    The purpose of this project was to investigate the possibility to use a double slewing

    bearing design in order to create a safer and more easily assembled crane. Initially, a

    problem analysis was performed in order to understand the scope of the project. A series

    of ideas were developed through brainstorming sessions and discussions with handpicked

    personnel at MacGREGOR. The ideas were narrowed down and refined into concepts.

    The concepts were evaluated and ranked by predetermined criteria derived from the

    needfinding process. Two of the concepts were chosen to be further investigated in the

    detail design phase, where it was found through numerical calculations that due to the

    stiffness of the top bearing, not enough moment could be distributed to the lower bearing

    for the design to be feasible. Therefore, finite element analyses were made of the stay

    connecting the bearings in order to find a stiffer design, however the results only

    confirmed the numerical calculations.

    When it became clear that the moment distribution to the lower bearing was insufficient

    an alternative design was examined in order to solve the safety issue with a more

    effective approach. A safety hook concept was discarded earlier in the project since it fell

    outside the delimitations. However, since it now seemed as a realistic alternative it was

    investigated in order to remedy the safety issue.

    An internal safety hook design was produced. Finite element analysis and numerical

    calculations suggested that the design would have to be rather robust. The weight of the

    hooks implied that the assembly could be difficult. It is therefore recommended to design

    an external safety hook solution.

  • Glossary





    Crane house



    Crane house bottom plate




    Sheet casing




    bottom plate

  • Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5

    1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 5

    1.2 Company description .......................................................................................... 5 1.3 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 6 1.4 Goal ..................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Delimitations ....................................................................................................... 6

    2 Methods used .............................................................................................................. 7

    2.1 SIRIUS Masterplan ............................................................................................. 7 2.2 Planning .............................................................................................................. 7 2.3 Problem analysis ................................................................................................. 7

    2.3.1 Needfinding..................................................................................................... 7 2.3.2 Benchmarking ................................................................................................. 9 2.3.3 Related technology.......................................................................................... 9 2.3.4 Scope ............................................................................................................... 9

    2.4 Product characteristics ........................................................................................ 9 2.5 Concept generation ........................................................................................... 10

    2.6 Concept evaluation and selection...................................................................... 10 2.7 Detail design ..................................................................................................... 13

    2.7.1 Software ........................................................................................................ 13

    2.7.2 Stress analysis ............................................................................................... 14 2.7.3 Bearing design .............................................................................................. 14

    3 Current solution ........................................................................................................ 17

    3.1 The existing design ........................................................................................... 17

    3.1.1 MacGREGOR Crane GL4528 ...................................................................... 17 3.1.2 Slewing bearing ............................................................................................ 18

    3.2 Manufacturing and assembly ............................................................................ 18 4 Implementation and results ....................................................................................... 21

    4.1 Product development ........................................................................................ 21

    4.2 Planning ............................................................................................................ 21 4.3 Problem analysis ............................................................................................... 22

    4.3.1 Needfinding................................................................................................... 22

    4.3.2 Benchmarking ............................................................................................... 26 4.3.3 Related technology........................................................................................ 28

    4.4 Product characteristics ...................................................................................... 30

    4.5 Concept generation ........................................................................................... 30 4.6 Concept evaluation and selection...................................................................... 32 4.7 Detail design ..................................................................................................... 35

    4.7.1 Numerical analysis ........................................................................................ 35

    4.7.2 Finite element analysis .................................................................................. 39 5 Final results ............................................................................................................... 44 6 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 45 7 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 47 8 References ................................................................................................................. 52 Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 54

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    1 Introduction This project was performed as a master thesis work in the Master of Science program in

    mechanical engineering, mechanical design at Luleå University of Technology. The

    project was assigned by MacGREGOR (SWE) AB Crane Division, located in

    Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, where the project also was performed during the period of mid

    August to December 2008.

    1.1 Background

    The typical MacGREGOR ship crane consists of four main parts; the pedestal, the

    foundation, the crane house and the jib. Between the crane house and the foundation the

    slewing bearing is mounted, allowing the crane to turn around its vertical axis by a

    hydraulically powered slewing gear unit. The bearing is designed to withstand the axial

    and radial loads as well as the tilting moment generated by the maximum load at

    maximum outreach. It is crucial for the slewing bearing to have a long service life. If the

    bearing should fail and split, the crane house will fall down.

    The current solution craves a narrow tolerance regarding the flatness of the blank’s top

    surface which the bearing is bolted onto; otherwise the bearing will become distorted

    when mounted. Before shipyard assembly, the blank is welded onto the top of the

    foundation and machined to its final shape. The heat generated in the welding process,

    when the foundation and pedestal are assembled at the shipyard, causes the blank to

    deform leading to difficulties staying within the range of tolerable flatness thus

    complicating the assembly process. If the welding instructions provided by

    MacGREGOR are followed, the risk of blank deformation is minimized. (1)

    1.2 Company description

    MacGREGOR Group is part of the Cargotec Corporation and is the global market leader

    in providing marine cargo handling solutions. Cargotec Corporation offers handling

    systems and related services for the loading and unloading of goods on land and sea.

    Cargotec Corporation includes MacGREGOR Group, Kalmar and HIAB, operates in

    close to 160 countries and has 11,000 employees. (2) MacGREGOR Group offers cargo

    flow solutions including hatch covers, lashing systems, solutions for passenger and

    rolling cargo, dry bulk handling, offshore handling solutions, port and terminal solutions

    and cranes. MacGREGOR Group operates in 50 countries and has just over 2200

    employees in 2007. (3)

    MacGREGOR (SWE) AB Crane Division, from here on referred to as MacGREGOR,

    develops and manufactures a wide range of cranes for shipboard cargo handling. The

    development and design office is located in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. Production takes

    place near major shipyards by long-term partners in Poland, Croatia, China and Korea.

    MacGREGOR supplies basis and components from all over the world to the production

    partners through the logistic-centers in Nantong, China and Hamburg, Germany. The

    production partners manufacture the steel design, assemblies the components, finishes

    and tests the product according to instructions given by MacGREGOR (1)

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    Established 1937 in Whitley Bay, England, MacGREGOR & Company offered a

    revolutionary steel hatch cover for cargo transportation at sea. In 1983, after a merger

    with Navire, MacGREGOR-Navire was formed. (2) (3)

    Hägglund & Söner started out in 1899 as a carpentry shop and grew to be one of the

    biggest machine shops in the north of Sweden, manufacturing, amongst other things,

    buses, mechanical loaders and airplanes. The company was bought by ASEA in 1972 and

    in 1991 by Incentive AB. (4) Hägglunds & Söner was divided into divisions and in 1993

    the Marine division was merged with acquired MacGREGOR-Navire and today’s

    MacGREGOR Group was formed. (2) Cargotec Corporation, which acquired

    MacGREGOR Group in 2005, was formed after a demerger from KONE Corporation the

    same year (2).

    1.3 Purpose

    The purpose with the project is to design a safer slewing bearing solution preventing the

    crane house to fall down if the bearing should fail. Also a more admissible flatness

    deviation is desired to simplify the assembly process. (1)

    1.4 Goal

    To design a cost efficient slewing bearing solution which allows more flatness deviation

    and prevents the crane house to fall down if the bearing should fail. (1)

    1.5 Delimitations

    This project does not consider a general MacGREGOR crane but a specific model with

    predetermined load cases applied on a particular slewing bearing designed by Rothe Erde.

    Because of the limited time schedule no extensive benchmarking is made regarding

    competitor products, only a brief literature study is performed. No prototype will be

    manufactured thereby all testing of the design will be restricted to computer simulation.

    The cost of the design is estimated by the physical weight of the structure using data

    supplied by the manufacturing partners.

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    2 Methods used Methods used incorporate the theory involved in methods described in literature and

    procedures used by MacGREGOR.

    2.1 SIRIUS Masterplan

    SIRIUS Masterplan, appendix 1, is a guide to be used during creative product

    development. It is developed by Luleå University of Technology and is used in the final

    year course named SIRIUS for students graduating with a Master of Science degree in

    Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Design. In this course, the students practice

    creative product development in projects running over the whole academic year with real

    companies as sponsors.

    2.2 Planning

    Planning is crucial in order to cover all aspects of the project and finish on time. SIRIUS

    Masterplan suggests what needs to be done in the planning phase. Team roles need to be

    defined so that responsibilities can be delegated and clarified within the group. Individual

    and group goals need to be discussed to clarify expectations and goals and thereby

    avoiding misunderstandings. The coaching role needs to be understood by the members

    of the group and the coaches themselves. Therefore, the group members and coaches

    need to discuss the preferred coaching strategy. To estimate costs, a budget should be

    created and continuously updated. A Gantt chart should be produced and continuously

    updated throughout the project showing phases and milestones in relation to the overall

    plan. SIRIUS Masterplan also points out that planning is a continuous activity which

    needs to be revised and updated along the way.

    The Gantt chart, according to Johannesson et al. (5), is used to visualize the time

    consumption and start/finish points for the main activities in a project. The method is

    usually used in an early stage of a project; it is a purely informative method and is

    therefore not suited for follow-up or process control. The Gantt chart can be visualized in

    a coordinate system where the activities are denoted on the y-axis and the x-axis

    represents time. Each activity is constituted by a horizontal line where the length

    corresponds to the estimated time consumption of the activity.

    2.3 Problem analysis

    Problem analysis is necessary in order to solve the correct problem and satisfy the needs

    at hand and thereby achieving the best possible results and outcome. In SIRIUS

    Masterplan this phase is called Design Space Exploration. It consists of four phases;

    Needfinding, Benchmarking, Related Technology and Scoping.

    2.3.1 Needfinding

    Needfinding is about finding the actual needs that the project has to satisfy in order to be

    successful. When a product satisfies needs, it offers perceived benefits to the customer

    which is a condition for making it a successful product (6). Ulrich and Eppinger have

    developed a method where needfinding is a part of the product development process. This

    method is based on close interaction between those who have detail control of the product

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    and the customers. This method is suitable for development of new as well as refinement

    of old products. Some of the goals of this method are to (6):

    - Focusing the product on customer needs. - Identify needs; hidden, latent or explicit. - Act as fact basis for the product characteristics. - Making sure that no critical needs are missed.

    (After Ulrich and Eppinger (6))

    Ulrich and Eppinger’s method consists of five steps (6):

    1. Gather raw data from customers. 2. Interpret the raw data in terms of customer needs. 3. Organize the needs into a hierarchy of primary, secondary, and (if necessary)

    tertiary needs.

    4. Establish the relative importance of the needs. 5. Reflect on the results and the process.

    (Ulrich and Eppinger (6))

    Step one, gathering raw data from customers, can be performed by conducting interviews,

    using focus groups and observing the product in use. Written surveys are not

    recommended at this early stage in the needfinding process. By interpreting the raw data,

    need statements can be written. From the same raw material, e.g. interview notes,

    different interpretations can lead to different need statements. Therefore, it is useful to

    have more than one team member writing statements. There are a few guidelines to keep

    in mind when writing need statements. It is important how the need is expressed; the

    language should not imply how the product might achieve something, only what it must

    achieve. It is important to express the needs at the same level as the raw data and to avoid

    leaving out information. Also, the needs should be expressed as an attribute of the

    product in order to ensure consistency and simplify translation into product

    characteristics. Furthermore, positive phrasing is preferred over negative and wording

    that applies a level of importance should be avoided. (6)

    Step three in the needfinding process is organizing the needs into a hierarchy. In most

    cases the hierarchy has two levels; primary and secondary needs. However, if needed a

    third level, tertiary needs, can be added. The needs should be grouped in a way that is

    consistent with the customer’s way of thinking. (6)

    In step four, the relative importance of the needs is established. This can be achieved

    either by performing customer surveys which is more accurate, or by the development

    team which is faster and less costly. The customer surveys can be limited to needs that

    give rise to major difficulties or costs. (6)

    The final step in the process is reflecting on the results and the process. The results need

    to be challenged and the group should reflect whether or not some areas need further

    investigation or not. (6)

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    2.3.2 Benchmarking

    Benchmarking is finding out more about your competition. Knowing what you have to

    compete against is of great importance in order to gain commercial success (6). This

    knowledge is also critical when determining details of the product specification which in

    turn determines the product’s market position (6). Stuart Pugh (7) suggests various

    formats such as catalogues and trade information journals where such information can be

    found. This can also be achieved by purchasing, testing and examining competitor

    products (6).

    2.3.3 Related technology

    In the phase related technology, inspiration and lessons are gathered from other market

    areas and other types of products. This is important in the early stages of concept

    generation since new ideas might aspire from unexpected sources. Ulrich and Eppinger

    suggest finding information through online directories and also points out that this is a

    task requiring persistent and resourceful work (6).

    2.3.4 Scope

    Needfinding, Benchmarking and Related Technology works as basis when determining

    the scope of the project. The scope limits the design space which defines which problem

    or problems that are to be solved. Defining a suitable scope helps prepare for the next

    step in the process where a mission statement and product characteristics are defined.

    2.4 Product characteristics

    The product characteristics document is defined using the knowledge gained in the

    problem analysis phase. Here the criteria that the product will have to fulfill are stated.

    The specification is enhanced during the course of the project, while a technical solution

    and a product concept are developed. As Ulrich and Eppinger (6) points out, product

    characteristics can be established several times throughout a project. There are a few

    fundamental guidelines to keep in mind when forming a product characteristics document

    according to Johannesson et al. (5).

    Selection If the specification is too extensive the most important criteria and

    functions should be selected.

    Grouping If a smaller amount of criteria or functions cannot be selected they can be

    grouped to be more manageable; for example they can be grouped in

    levels or subject areas.

    Formulation The criteria and functions should be carefully formulated in order not to be

    misinterpreted. The formulation should not state technical solutions such

    as “drill holes” in comparison to “make holes”.

    Verification It is important to describe the limits and boundaries of the criteria and

    functions. Make the criteria measurable and verifiable.

    Importance The selected criteria’s importance should be stated for respective function.

    This can also be implemented on groups of criteria.

    (After Johannessson et al. (5))

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    2.5 Concept generation

    Brainstorming is a commonly used method for concept generation. The method is best

    suited for a group of 5-15 individuals supervised by a leader. The purpose with the

    brainstorming session is for the group to generate as many ideas as possible without

    analyzing generated results. There are four fundamental rules according to Johannesson

    et al. (5) in brainstorming;

    Criticism is not allowed Give no comments what so ever concerning others ideas, not

    positive nor negative. The same thing goes for your own

    ideas; try to think spontaneous without judging the value of

    the idea. Your idea could trigger another participant to a better


    Strive for quantity It is important to generate many ideas since this increases the

    chance that one of them might be really good. One

    fundamental thought of the method is that a less successful

    idea could lead to a more successful one.

    Think outside the box Unconventional ideas are welcome. It has proven itself that an

    odd and unusual idea can be modified into a perfect solution

    to the problem. Just because a solution is unconventional does

    not necessarily mean it is not right.

    Combine ideas Combine and complement thought up ideas. Listen to other

    participants ideas and associate your own from them. New

    solutions can be found by merging two different ideas.

    (After Johannesson et al. (5))

    2.6 Concept evaluation and selection

    Selecting one or more concepts for development is a process achieved through evaluation

    against customer needs and relative comparison. This is an iterative process where the

    number of concept alternatives may increase temporarily through combination and

    improvement of various concepts. (6)

    There are several methods for selecting concepts. Use of decision matrices provides a

    structured and objective method for concept selection. Objectivity is important since

    concept selection should be based on rational decisions, influence of organizational,

    personal and arbitrary factors are unwanted. Ulrich and Eppinger also points out other

    benefits when using a structured method: The result is likely to become more competitive

    and customer focused, to have improved manufacturability, help the organization in

    improving product development in general and also to be documented for future use. (6)

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    Ulrich and Eppinger (6) describe a two stage process for concept selection based on

    decision matrices, the stages have different purposes and each stage consists of six steps:

    1. Prepare the selection matrix. 2. Rate the concepts. 3. Rank the concepts. 4. Combine and improve the concepts. 5. Select one or more concepts. 6. Reflect on the results and the process.

    (Ulrich and Eppinger (6))

    The first stage, concept screening, narrows the number of alternatives quickly and uses a

    Pugh matrix developed by Stuart Pugh (7). The decision matrix is prepared by stating

    selection criteria in the first column and the different concepts along the first row, an

    example is shown in Table 2.1. The selection criteria are chosen from the identified

    customer needs. There should be about 5 to 10 different criteria covering both customer

    and organizational needs without being too detailed. A reference concept is chosen to

    which all of the other concepts are compared against. This can be an existing or

    competitor product as well as one of the available concepts.

    Next step is to rate the concepts. The reference concept is given the value zero for all

    criteria. The other concepts are now compared against this reference by giving a relative

    score for each criterion; “better than”, “same as” or “worse than”, expressed as +, 0 or -.

    Scoring should be performed by working through one criterion at a time. However, when

    having a large number of concepts it can be easier to rate one concept at a time.

    When having rated the concepts, ranking is performed by summing up the number of

    “better than”, “same as” and “worse than”. After making sure that the results are valid

    possible improvement or combination of concepts should be investigated. Ulrich and

    Eppinger points out two issues to consider:

    - Is there a generally good concept which is degraded by one bad feature? - Are there two concepts which can be combined to preserve the “better than”

    qualities while annulling the “worse than” qualities?

  • 12

    Table 2.1 Example of a Pugh matrix


    Selection criteria Concept A Concept B Concept C Concept D

    Criterion A - 0 + +

    Criterion B + 0 - +

    Criterion C 0 0 - 0

    Criterion D + 0 - +

    Sum +'s 2 0 2 3

    Sum 0's 1 4 0 1

    Sum -'s 1 0 3 0

    Net score 1 0 -1 3

    Rank 2 3 4 1

    Continue? Yes No No Yes

    If new concepts arise, these are added to the matrix and rated the same way as before.

    The new concepts can be named so their origin can be traced, for example a combination

    of concept A and concept B can be called AB. If a concept is refined a + sign is added as

    a suffix. For instance, concept A becomes A+ when refined. Based on previous steps, the

    appropriate concepts are selected for further development. Also, decisions should be

    made determining whether another round of concept screening or the more detailed

    process of concept scoring should be applied. The final step is reflecting on the results

    and the process. If not all team members agree on the outcome this can be a sign of

    forgotten or unclear criteria. Group consensus also increases commitment of individual

    group members and reduces the likelihood of making mistakes. (6)

    The second stage, concept scoring, provides a higher resolution of the results due to the

    more complicated matrix used. Here the concept selection process is based on the same

    six steps as concept screening with some modification. Similar to previously described

    matrix preparation, a reference concept is chosen. The criteria, or needs, can be expressed

    in more detail than in concept screening through the use of secondary or tertiary needs,

    described in section 2.3.1. The criteria are also weighted, which can be achieved through

    various methods. In order for the results to be reliable, it is important to weight the

    criteria as objectively as possible. In order to avoid subjective influence, Johannesson suggests a method with pair wise comparison (5). The criteria are put in the top

    column and the first row of a matrix, see Table 2.2 Pair wise comparison of criteria When

    comparing, the criteria get to share a value of 1. If one criterion is more important than

    the other, it is given the entire value of 1 and the less important gets the value 0. If two

    criteria are considered to be equally important, a value of 0,5 is given to each. The

    diagonal squares are left empty since criteria are not compared against themselves. The

    values are then added for each row resulting in a criteria sum. The criteria sum is divided

    with a total sum which results in criteria weights.

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    Table 2.2 Pair wise comparison of criteria

    Criteria weighting by pairwise comparison

    A B C D E F G Sum Weight

    A -

    B -

    C -

    D -

    E -

    F -

    G -

    Total sum

    A different scale for scoring, ranging from 1 to 5 is recommended to give higher

    resolution. Also, it may be appropriate not to have one concept as reference for all criteria.

    Having a concept as reference which is the best in one area may lead to what Ulrich and

    Eppinger call “scale compression”. Ranking of the concepts is achieved by multiplying

    the rating with the weight and then sum all weighted ratings resulting in a total score. As

    in the concept screening, the team members should still try to find possible ways to

    combine and improve the concepts. The final selection of concept or concepts for further

    development should be performed carefully. A sensitivity analysis can be performed

    where ratings and weights are varied to determine the impact on the final score. The

    uncertainty surrounding a concept can also play a role in its perceived feasibility and

    likelihood to be selected. When reflecting on the results and outcome, the team should

    feel that the concept with most potential was chosen and that no important issue has been

    left uninvestigated. (6)

    2.7 Detail design

    During detail design, both tools and methods are used. The softwares provided by

    MacGREGOR are the main tools used and the methods are stress analysis and bearing


    2.7.1 Software

    I-deas 12 is a computer aided design, manufacturing and engineering analysis software

    released by UGS in 2006 (8). This is the software currently used by MacGREGOR for

    part modeling, assembly and drafting. In this project, I-deas is used mainly in the detail

    design process where the chosen concept is modeled and refined. Simulation and strength

    analysis is also performed with the use of I-deas.

    Matrix Navigator, provided by MatrixOne Inc., is a PLM (Product Lifecycle

    Management) software used by MacGREGOR mainly for handling order specifications

    and drawings. Internally it is called MacARK and is integrated with I-deas for creating


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    2.7.2 Stress analysis

    To analyze the structures involved in this project in terms of stress and deformation, the

    finite element method (FEM) has been used. This is a well known tool which is often

    used and is incorporated into I-deas. In this project it is used in the detail design phase to

    confirm numerical analysis and also to get an idea on how structures behave when

    exposed to stress.

    2.7.3 Bearing design

    The process of bearing selection requires collaboration between the customer and the

    manufacturer. The customer in this case is MacGREGOR and the manufacturer Rothe

    Erde. Rothe Erde has been a long time supplier of slewing bearings for MacGREGOR

    which have resulted in a close relationship between the two.

    As on other parts of the crane, MacGREGOR’s module design philosophy is applied on

    the slewing bearing as well. A limited amount of bearings are available, each covering a

    range of crane types and capacities. The module philosophy renders it possible for

    MacGREGOR to have limited amount bearings available which reduces costs and

    simplifies the process of bearing selection for a particular order.

    The slewing bearings that MacGREGOR use are developed together with Rothe Erde to

    fit the needs at hand. The development of a bearing is an iterative process which includes

    communication of various formats between MacGREGOR and Rothe Erde. The slewing

    bearings used by MacGREGOR are attached to the companion structures with the use of

    high-strength prestressed bolts. The focus for MacGREGOR during the development

    process is on the bolts sizes and the bearing diameter. The raceway and sealing design is

    entirely up to Rothe Erde.

    Rothe Erde has developed a method were the bearing selection and development of

    surrounding structures is a joint task with the responsibility spread between themselves

    and the customer. Previously, analysis has only been made by the manufacturer or the

    customer. Experience has shown that such methods where the manufacturer has to gain

    knowledge about the customers’ companion structures or the customers has to get

    information to be able to correctly model the bearing, are time consuming. With this in

    mind, as well as other criteria, the current method based on finite element analysis (FEA)

    was developed.

    When using this method, the model is divided into three separate part models; the upper

    and lower companion structure and the bearing. The customer creates separate finite

    element models for the upper and lower companion structure. Instructions from Rothe

    Erde are then given on how to adjust the models so that a problem-free combination with

    the finite element model of the bearing is possible. (9)

    The process starts with MacGREGOR performing a slewing ring calculation based on

    loadcases which form the basis for the bearing design. The loadcases are determined by

    classification societies and Rothe Erde. The loadcases defined by classification societies

    focuses on the design of the bolt joints meanwhile Rothe Erde needs loadcases for the

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    design of the rolling elements and raceways. The input values in these calculations

    depend on the crane type and the situation the crane is to be used in, e.g. SWL, outreach,

    type of cargo etc.

    A drawing is also created which describes proposed bolt sizes and general dimensions of

    the bearing. Here, assembly, maintenance, available space and other criteria play a crucial

    role in determining the design space available for Rothe Erde.

    When MacGREGOR and Rothe Erde has come to agree on a general design, the process

    continues with MacGREGOR developing models that Rothe Erde can use when

    developing the bearing itself. These models of the companion structures, i.e. the crane

    house and foundation, are created according to instructions given by Rothe Erde.

    According to the strength analyst (10) at MacGREGOR, the models of the crane house

    and foundation are created as follows:

    - A Cartesian coordinate system is used where the Z-axis of the model is coincident with the Z-axis of the bearing and is directed vertically upwards.

    - On the flange surfaces of the crane house and foundation, as many nodes as there are bolts are created. The nodes are evenly placed around the bolt circle

    each having six degrees of freedom. These nodes are referred to as interface


    - The first interface node is placed in the XZ-plane, see Figure 2.1. - A node in the centre of the node-circle, with X=0 and Y=0 and the same

    global Z-coordinate as the other nodes, is also created.

    - The nodes are numbered, increasing around the Z-axis in a positive direction, beginning at the position where X=0 and finishing in the centre node. The

    final model does not include nodes with a higher number than the centre node.

    Figure 2.1 Nodes created on the flange surface of the bearing

    - The interface nodes that act as bolts have to be joined to the surrounding elements in a way that allows them to transfer translations and rotations in all

    directions. When using a structure made of shell elements, the nodes can be

    directly joined to that structure with the required six degrees of freedom. If a

    solid element structure is used, the nodes have to be joined using rigid

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    elements. Otherwise, the nodes will only be able to translate translational


    - The nodes on the lower edge of the pedestal are attached to the centre node with rigid elements. Normally, these nodes are constrained globally to the

    coordinate system.

    - The interface nodes on the crane house are locked, constraining all translations and rotations.

    - The calculated loads are applied on the model and the results are evaluated. If unexpected deformations occur near the interface nodes on the flanges, the

    structure can be stiffened with the help of rigid elements.

    - When the results are satisfying, i.e. the model has correct tension concentrations and levels, they are written to a universal file (.unv). This file

    is later used by Rothe Erde as basis for the load vector in the bearing


    - In order for the stiffness matrices to be written in required format, data set 612, and also for the mass and stiffness matrices to be written in separate files,

    denoted M.unv and S.unv, a file substruc.prg in I-DEAS has to be replaced.

    The replacement file is provided by Rothe Erde.

    - A Master Dof Set in I-DEAS is created restricting degrees of freedom for the interface nodes.

    - The stiffness matrices are reduced by using Guyan’s method so that a small file is created which can be sent to Rothe Erde. This is a process of static

    condensation which reduces the stiffness matrices created to the degrees of

    freedom of the connecting nodes.

    - An email is sent to Rothe Erde with files containing loads and stiffness matrices for the upper and lower companion structures.

    With the three files, Rothe Erde performs calculations and determines whether the by

    MacGREGOR proposed design works or not. Rothe Erde sends the results through email

    in the form of universal files containing Restraint Sets which describes deformations in

    the nodes. The model of the crane house and foundation is written into a universal file

    into which the Restraint Set from Rothe Erde is incorporated. This file is saved and

    imported into I-deas. After checking that the Restraint Set from Rothe Erde is

    incorporated, i.e. nodes have constraints, the model can be solved regarding stress and

    deformation. (10)

    When MacGREGOR and Rothe Erde have come to agree on a final design, the bearing is

    included in the list of available bearings, meaning it can be used for a range of crane

    types. During 2008, MacGREGOR is in the process of replacing their available slewing

    bearings with newly developed ones. These new slewing bearings have a different design

    and form a whole new set of modules.

  • 17

    3 Current solution The current solution is the design of the components as well as the manufacturing and

    assembly involved.

    3.1 The existing design

    The existing design consists of the GL4528 crane in general and more specific, the

    currently used slewing bearing.

    3.1.1 MacGREGOR Crane GL4528

    This project is based on the MacGREGOR electro-hydraulic deck crane type GL with a

    hoisting capacity of 25-100 tons at a jib radius of 20-42 meters with a hoisting speed of

    24-44 m/min. The GL crane is designed as a cargo handling crane for container ships,

    bulk carriers and cargo ships. The particular order of which the project refers to is

    designed to handle a SWL of 45 ton at 28 meters outreach and a 40 ton SWL at 30 meters

    outreach. By designing the crane for a specific SWL at a specific outreach instead of the

    overall maximum SWL at the maximum outreach the crane can have a slimmer design

    and is thereby more cost efficient.

    The GL crane is modularly based in order to achieve a stable design with high quality and

    a stable production by having common components for many different crane types. This

    also leads to shorter lead times for the design and production as well as a reduction of the

    number of spare parts. Some of the modules can be seen in Figure 3.1 below.

    Figure 3.1 Some modules included in the GL crane assembly

  • 18

    Most of the equipment and components are assembled inside the crane house making

    inspections and maintenance of the machinery easier and weather independent. An

    exception is made for the oil cooler which is located on the top of the crane house in

    order to be kept away from dusty environments and to provide a more efficient cooling.

    3.1.2 Slewing bearing

    For a crane of type GL4528, a three-row roller bearing from Rothe Erde is used, which

    internally is called RE16, see Figure 3.2. RE16 replaces a similar bearing called RE6. On

    crane types with smaller capacities single-row ball bearings are used.

    The bearing consists of an outer [1] and inner [2] ring, the outer attached to the crane

    house [3] and the inner to the blank [4] in the foundation [5]. The rings are attached with

    the use of high-strength prestressed bolts [6] in bolt circles evenly spread around the

    flanges of the bearing. The outer ring is larger in diameter and sits outside the inner ring.

    The outer ring is divided horizontally in order for assembly of the slewing bearing to be

    possible [7]. The bearing has internal gears [8] placed on the inner ring. In the interface

    between the outer and inner ring there are three rolling elements [9], transmitting axial

    and radial forces, making it possible for the crane to slew around its own axis. Two seals

    [10] keep unwanted material from entering the raceways. Grease nipples [11] are placed

    around the inner ring, for lubrication of the raceways.

    Figure 3.2 Slewing bearing RE16

    3.2 Manufacturing and assembly

    MacGREGOR cranes are manufactured by production partners in China, Korea, Poland

    and Croatia thus offering logistical benefits for ship owners and shipyards. MacGREGOR

    provides the design, key components, continuous production supervision, quality control

    and testing. At the partner’s manufacturing plants the crane modules such as the crane

  • 19

    house, jib and foundation are welded. The bottom plate of the crane house is machined

    with a horizontal boring mill in order to achieve the tolerance required by the slewing

    bearing considering planarity. The result of the machining can be seen in Figure 3.3

    below, where the crane house is lying on the side with the bottom plate facing the camera

    showing the machined outer ring surface prepared for the slewing bearing and four

    circular holes prepared for the slewing gears.

    Figure 3.3 Machined crane house

    The slewing bearing is one of the many modules included in the crane’s design. It is

    bolted to the crane house bottom plate through the outer ring of the bearing and to the

    flange on top of the foundation through the bearing’s inner ring. In Figure 3.4 below the

    bottom plate of the crane can be seen with the slewing bearing bolted onto it.

    Figure 3.4 Slewing bearing mounted on crane house

  • 20

    The forged top flange i.e. the blank is preheated to 150° C to avoid faulty eccentric

    running when welded onto the foundation where it is machined to fulfill the required

    flatness tolerance. The crane house is completely assembled with all components and

    equipment mounted inside at the manufacturing plant. The crane house, jib and

    foundation are then transported to the shipyard where the pedestal has been


    The narrow flatness tolerance required by the slewing bearing demands a careful welding

    procedure when the foundation is welded to the pedestal. There is no gap allowed

    between the foundation and the column before welding, nor is it allowed to push or pull

    the foundation to make it fit. The welding procedure is then carried out by two welders

    working simultaneously on opposite sides of the welding zone. The flatness of the top

    flange of the foundation is then checked and must be within tolerance otherwise it is

    necessary to machine the surface in place or cut down the foundation and reweld it. The

    permissible gap is only 0,20 mm for a Ø2500-4000 mm top flange.

  • 21

    4 Implementation and results Implementation and results documents how the methods described in section 2 were used

    and what results were gained. The final conclusions will be described in section 5.

    4.1 Product development

    The methodology used in this project is developed to fit the problem at hand where

    SIRIUS Masterplan functions as a guide, inspiration and reference. See appendix 1.

    Stage one in SIRIUS Masterplan, describing the planning phase is used with the

    exception of creation of a budget. Team roles, group and individual goals, coaching

    strategy and a Gantt chart are discussed and defined. Here, discussions also lead to the

    chosen methodology and SIRIUS Masterplan is modified to fit the situation.

    In this project, phase two called design space exploration is redefined and renamed and is

    called problem analysis. This is done since an extensive benchmarking process is not

    possible to carry out. For instance, no competitor cranes can be tested or evaluated. Also,

    since the problem is already known and this project is about evaluating a double bearing

    solution, part of the scope is already defined. As a whole, the design space is well known

    and the work in the problem analysis phase focuses on gaining knowledge surrounding

    the current solution.

    The roadmap phase is used to some extent; a mission statement is not produced since a

    similar one already is defined in the project description. The results from the problem

    analysis phase form the product characteristics, which are defined with measurable

    criteria. The product characteristics are updated throughout the project.

    Concept generation, evaluation and selection, which constitute the concept design and

    prototyping phase, is work based on various methods and extensive discussion using

    experience both from students and MacGREGOR. Here, some of the methods used

    originate from the suggestions given in SIRIUS Masterplan. Also, suitable literature

    provides detailed information about various methods for generating, evaluating and

    selecting concepts.

    Detail design and manufacturing constitutes the final phase for this project. No

    prototyping or manufacturing of concepts is made. Instead the final design is delivered as

    3D models and drawings.

    4.2 Planning

    First, a general project plan, appendix 2, is developed describing team roles, goals,

    coaching strategy and what work that needs to be done in the major phases of the project.

    The phases are specified with SIRIUS Masterplan functioning as basis and the content of

    each phase defined by the group members. Responsibility over different aspects of the

    project is divided between the group members which clarifies the team roles. The

    individual and group goals are also defined and a coaching strategy is developed. With

    the support of the general plan, a Gantt chart is created showing a timeline from the

  • 22

    project’s start to finish, appendix 3. The project plan is approved by coaches before work


    4.3 Problem analysis

    In order to analyze the current situation correctly and thereby understanding the problems

    at hand, and doing this without leaving out any crucial information, the work is divided

    into three different areas; needfinding, benchmarking and related technology.

    The needfinding is carried out as a combination of individual research and interviews

    with various resources within MacGREGOR. The individual research is focused on

    online resources and suitable literature. Interviews are in the form of casual meetings

    with experts in different fields as welding, manufacturing, service, design, strength

    analysis, slewing bearing selection etc. Due to difficulties with closely inspecting and

    evaluating competitor products, only information provided by the manufacturers

    themselves is used for benchmarking. This gives an overview of what manufacturers that

    exist on the market today and it also gives a general idea of their design. Work in related

    technology is focused on online resources. The idea here is not to closely investigate

    other types of technology but to get inspiration and ideas for concept generation.

    4.3.1 Needfinding

    The new solution has to match or exceed the current solution’s performance and at the

    same time motivate any increase in costs. The current solution’s level of performance in

    some areas is also the reason why this project came to be. In order to know how and in

    what areas the new solution has to perform, the needs involved in this project are

    investigated. The needfinding process described by Ulrich and Eppinger (6) provides

    support and is used throughout this phase of the project.

    The first step in the method described in section 2.3.1 about needfinding, is gathering raw

    data. Since interviewing customers and end users of ship cranes is not feasible for this

    project, resources at MacGREGOR are used instead. Here, service engineers and experts

    with close relationships with customers and end users are informally interviewed on

    various occasions. Also, besides doing interviews, individual research focusing on

    examining the current solution is performed.

    By learning about the current solution’s advantages and drawbacks, needs that are to be

    met within the scope of this project can be determined. Therefore, the analysis of the

    current solution, presented in section 3, and the needfinding process are combined and

    carried out simultaneously.

    The raw material is documented as notes from interviews and knowledge gathered

    throughout the process. A document describing the needs is created which is

    continuously updated as needs are added, refined or revised. The gathered knowledge and

    raw data are translated into customer needs, which is step two in the needfinding process

    described by Ulrich and Eppinger (6). For example, it is realized that the ship crew needs

    to be able to enter and exit the cabin from the ship deck without having to climb on the

    outside of the crane itself. This is then translated into a need statement saying that the

  • 23

    new solution needs to allow entry and exit through the crane house floor. Step three in the

    process is organizing the needs. Similar needs are gathered under one primary need

    creating a hierarchy of two levels. This simplifies further use of the needs when creating

    criteria for the concept evaluation phase. The relative importance of the needs, step four

    in the process, are not determined at this stage in the project. This will be done when

    weighting criteria for the concept evaluation process. This process is iterative, and every

    loop improves the needfinding’s accuracy. It is also realized that not all needs can be

    determined at once at an early stage in the project. Therefore, the needs are continuously

    updated as knowledge increase throughout the project.

    The needs this project has to fulfill are presented, explained and analyzed below. The

    needs are arranged, beginning with safety, manufacturing, assembly and costs which are

    central to this project. These are followed by crane house design, pedestal design, jib

    parking and space requirements which are more connected to design issues. Entry and

    exit, inspection and maintenance are more towards end user needs. Mechanical needs are

    separate and constitute a category of its own. These needs are summarized in a document

    called “Needfinding Criteria” for easier use later in the project, see appendix 4.


    One of the major reasons why this project was initiated was the wish for increased safety.

    In the past, due to poor maintenance, slewing bearings have broken down causing the

    crane to fall down from the foundation. This have so far only happened on single row ball

    bearings. Also, cracks beneath the blank on the foundation have led to similar

    consequences in cases where the crane has been exposed to considerable overload. By

    having a design with two bearing positions, failure of one bearing or crack development

    would not have such disastrous consequences. Therefore, the solution should not allow

    the crane house to fall down if one of the bearings should fail or a crack near the flange



    The slewing bearing that is to be replaced is manufactured by Rothe Erde and delivered

    to a MacGREGOR production partner for assembly on the crane house. The companion

    structures are manufactured by the production partner, which will also have to be the case

    for the new solution.


    Due to a combination of low tolerable flatness deviation of the companion structures and

    complicated weld joints, the yard mounting of the crane house is an expensive and

    demanding procedure. The tolerated out of flatness, given by Rothe Erde, for each of the

    machined contact surfaces is 0.2 millimeters. For MacGREGOR, these surfaces are the

    bottom of the crane house and the blank on the foundation. The bottom of the crane

    house is machined after all welding is done and it is therefore not an issue to clear the

    maximum tolerated out of flatness. The foundation however, is machined and then

    welded in the yard onto the pedestal which is usually constructed by the yard themselves.

    This means that the tolerated out of flatness on the blank when welding the foundation

    onto the pedestal, is often less than 0.2 millimeters.

  • 24

    The new solution should simplify assembly either by decreasing the effect allowable

    flatness deviation has on the assembly or by increasing the tolerable out of flatness itself

    given by the bearing manufacturer.

    Bolt tightening is performed with a hydraulic tension cylinder. This tool requires space

    depending on the bolt size chosen. This has to be taken into account when determining

    the size of the surfaces on which the bolts are to be placed. Experience has also shown

    that due to inaccuracy when rolling the circular walls and needed accessibility for bolt

    tightening the bolt circle diameter has to be placed an extra eight millimeters from the

    nearest wall.


    Any increase in cost the new solution will result in has to be motivated by increased

    advantages in other areas, e.g. manufacturing or assembly. A more thorough evaluation

    of this issue can be seen in appendix 5.

    Crane house design

    The current slewing bearing solution is compact, which is an advantage when all

    components need to fit inside the crane house. No components are placed below the

    slewing joint, i.e. the slewing bearing, meaning that no complicated rotatable joints need

    to be involved. Also, it means that a complete crane with foundation can be delivered to

    the shipyard and be ready for assembly. The new solution should strive to keep current

    placement of components. However, if considered necessary because of other advantages,

    modification of the crane house can be motivated.

    Pedestal design

    There are mainly three types of foundations used depending on the design of the pedestal.

    Type A foundation has a circular bottom end with a smaller diameter than the upper

    flange. This gives it a conical design. A foundation of type B is circular with the same

    diameter through the whole length. A foundation of type C is circular near the top flange

    and quadratic at the bottom end. Each of these three fits onto different types of pedestals

    and for a GL crane, type C is most common. The solution should be valid for all types of


    Jib parking

    Jib parking arrangements vary and are individually designed for each specific crane

    delivered. If the crane jib is sea stowed using a cable parking arrangement, the jib’s

    slewing movement is locked by features attached to the foundation. If the crane jib is

    locked using jib support features, these can be placed on another crane’s foundation. The

    conclusion is that the design has to allow for attachment of jib support or slewing lock


    Space requirements

    The crane’s space requirement on the ship should not increase since this would affect the

    ship’s loading capacity.

  • 25

    Entry and exit

    The new solution has to allow the crew to enter and exit through the floor of the crane

    house from inside the pedestal.


    At the factory, after mounting the slewing bearing on the crane house and before shipping

    it to the yard, the gear backlash is measured. This procedure requires access to the gear

    teeth with a thickness gauge.

    After the crane is mounted, and final inspections are made, the slewing bearing play is

    measured. This is done in order for the ship crew to keep a record over the slewing

    bearing wear. Measurements should be taken every six months and if the play exceeds a

    certain value, the slewing bearing should be replaced. The solution should allow for

    bearing wear to be measured.

    It should also be possible to discover cracks or any other damage on the crane

    components. Therefore, the design should not hide or cover critical areas where such

    cracks or damage can arise.


    Maintenance has to be easy to perform. Therefore, items such as lubrication nipples have

    to be easily accessed. Grease sampling, which is performed every twelve months in order

    to check the bearing’s condition, demands access to the slewing bearing seal on the inside

    of the crane.


    According to the scope of this project, the new solution is meant to replace the current

    design involving a specific crane type and slewing bearing. Therefore it is assumed that

    the mechanical specifications will be the same as today. These specifications form a basis

    which determines what components that needs to be used and how they have to perform.

    The specifications that affect the slewing bearing design are in the form of loadcases. The

    loadcases used in this project are the same as used for development of slewing bearing


    Beside the loadcases, the crane must have an unlimited slewing range. This means that no

    features or components can restrict its movement. The solution will be designed to fit

    current conditions when pedestals of type A, B and C are used. If needed, this issue can

    be discussed and the decision revised.

  • 26

    4.3.2 Benchmarking

    Benchmarking is work consisting of finding competitor products and more specifically,

    investigate the slewing bearing solution.

    Neuenfelder Maschinenfabrik

    NMF, short for Neuenfelder Maschinenfabrik, founded in 1970 and located in Hamburg,

    Germany, produces cranes and hydraulic equipment. NMF currently offers heavy-lift

    cranes with maximum rated loads of up to 1000 tons. The DK II, seen in Figure 4.1,

    which has the highest production volume, is a general purpose cargo crane that is offered

    for loads from 20 up to 80 tons with a jib radius of 16 to 35 meters. The DK II Heavy

    model has capacities from 100 to 600 tons with a jib radius from 14 to 35 meters. (11)

    Figure 4.1 NMF DKII crane


    In 1949 the Liebherr family business was founded by Hans Liebherr. The Liebherr Group

    is still owned by the family and is divided into independent company units. Liebherr offer

    ship cranes of various types where the CBB wire-luffing crane, seen in Figure 4.2, is a

    container and multi-purpose handling deck crane. It is offered for loads between 25-45

    tons with a jib radius of 24 to 32 meters. (12)

  • 27

    Figure 4.2 CBB 45(40)36/25(28)31crane

    IHI – Japan

    Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, founded in 1853, manufactures IHI

    deck cranes. (13) Products include single and double deck cranes, four-rope grab cranes,

    hose handling and gantry cranes. (14)


    TTS-LMG is part of the TTS Marine Cranes Division after LMG being taken over by

    TTS Marine ASA in 2004 (15). Three different types of wire luffing cargo cranes are

    offered; KL, KS and K which offer SWL’s from 30 to 45 tons and maximum outreaches

    up to 32 meters. (16)

    Tsuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

    Tsuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd is based in Japan and offers through their marine

    equipment division offer deck cranes of various types with lifting capacities up to 400

    tons. The HD series has capacities from 30 to 40 tons with maximum jib radiuses from 20

    to 30 meters. (17)

    Kawasaki Precision Machinery, Ltd

    Kawasaki Precision Machinery Ltd (KMP), based in Japan, was established in 2002 when

    separating from Kawasaki Heavy Industries Group. KPM offers single, twin, semi-slim

    and hose handling cranes where the single type cranes have capacities from 150 to 500

    tons. (18)

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd (MHI), established in 1950, developed their first

    electro-hydraulic deck crane in 1972 and has since then delivered approximately 4000

    units worldwide. (19)

  • 28


    The heavy lift mast cranes, see Figure 4.3, offered by Huisman-Itrec have capacities from

    200 to 7500 tons. These cranes have a fixed welded steel mast attached to the vessel. The

    slewing platform, which the jib is attached to, pivots together with the masthead. The

    winches are fixed below the mast foot in the ship’s hull which limits the slewing range to

    450 degrees. The lower bearing is because of the welded mast structure not a limiting

    design item. (20)

    Figure 4.3 Huisman-Itrec heavy lift mast crane

    Summary MacGREGOR’s major competitors have cranes with a single slewing bearing solution.

    An exception is Huisman-Itrec which has a completely different design. These cranes

    however, are mainly used for heavy lift situations and cannot be seen as competitors to

    MacGREGOR cranes. However, as inspiration for a double bearing solution they are


    4.3.3 Related technology

    Interesting products in other markets have been investigated where efforts have been

    focused on how slewing bearings are used.


    The excavator generally consists of an articulated arm with a bucket and an operator’s

    cabin mounted on a pivot on top of the tracks or wheels of the machine as shown in

    Figure 4.4. The pivot consists of a slewing bearing with an internal gear allowing the

    excavator to rotate. The slewing bearing experiences both axial and radial loads as well

    as a tilting moment as the arm of the excavator operates. (21)

  • 29

    Figure 4.4 Excavator with red marker indicating location of slewing bearing, cross section of slewing

    bearing is shown in lower left corner

    Rudder propellers

    The rudder propeller, seen in Figure 4.5, is mounted on a vertical shaft allowing the

    propeller unit to rotate perpendicular to the propeller’s propulsion direction thus

    eliminating the need of an actual rudder. The load created by the propeller’s thrust results

    in radial and axial loads as well as a tilting moment on the slewing bearing supporting the

    rudder shaft. The weight of the propeller unit also generates an axial load in the pivotally

    suspended slewing bearing. (21)

    Figure 4.5 Stern rudder propeller with red marker indicating location of slewing bearing, cross

    section of slewing bearing is shown in lower left corner

    Wind energy turbines

    The turbine housing, seen in Figure 4.6, is pivotally mounted to a slewing bearing on top

    of the column allowing the housing to rotate into a favorable angle relative the direction

    of the wind. The slewing bearing is designed to withstand the axial and radial loads in

    addition to the tilting moment generated by the rotor. (21)

  • 30

    Figure 4.6 In the mid lower part of the figure the mentioned slewing bearing can be seen along with

    two cross section images of a single row respectively a double row ball bearing configuration

    4.4 Product characteristics

    The product characteristics are developed from the needfinding criteria described in

    section 4.3.1. The criteria are modified into measurable demands which the product has

    to meet in order to be successful. Final decision regarding each of the product

    characteristics are discussed with resources from MacGREGOR and the bearing


    Directly after finishing the needfinding phase, a first version of the product

    characteristics was developed and discussed with the project supervisor. Some issues

    could not be decided upon, such as costs and possible modifications. These were later

    revised as the project proceeded. The final version of the product characteristics can be

    seen in appendix 6.

    4.5 Concept generation

    The concept generation process of this project was conducted at MacGREGOR during

    two brainstorming sessions and complementary work throughout the period of week 38.

    With the support of various colleagues at the company a series of sketches were created

    according to the description below.

    First session

    The first brainstorming session was performed on Monday the 15th of September, in

    cooperation with handpicked recourses from various departments at MacGREGOR.

    Initially the participants were briefly informed of the conditions of the project, regarding

    the double slewing bearing application. All participants had prior to the meeting received

    a document, enclosed in appendix 7, containing information about the first session. The

    given information was deliberately restricted with the intention to obtain fresh ideas, not

    influenced by prior knowledge of the project. The participants were then given sketching

    materials and asked to denote as many concept drawings of a double slewing bearing

  • 31

    solution as they could, without communicating with each other. These sketches were then

    collected and shown to the group, one at a time, for the participants to explain them to

    each other, aiming to associate to new ideas.

    After the meeting, the sketches were compiled in to the following three categories,

    enclosed in appendix 8; Dual bearing similar size, Dual bearing variable size and Outside

    the box. A fourth category with Safety Hook solutions was compiled and laid aside.

    These compilations along with a document of information, enclosed in appendix 7, were

    sent to the participants prior to the second meeting.

    Second session

    The second brainstorming session held on Thursday the 18th of September, aimed to

    further develop the previously generated ideas and narrow them down to more thought

    trough concepts. The meeting also aimed to discuss the assembly problem regarding the

    narrow tolerance of flatness of the foundation’s top surface. However the meeting came

    to be more about discussing current problems rather than discussing innovative designs

    meant to solve them. Nevertheless this resulted in further information regarding the

    problems of the current design solution of the slewing bearing’s ambient structures. It

    was therefore decided to enhance the previously produced concept sketches through

    discussions within the project group.


    The discussions lead to five refined concepts, shown below in Figure 4.7 and enclosed in

    appendix 9, that emerged from the sketches created in the first brainstorming session.

    These concepts were then brought to the next phase, the concept evaluation.

    Figure 4.7 Refined concepts

  • 32

    4.6 Concept evaluation and selection

    The concept evaluation process was performed in cooperation with handpicked personnel

    at MacGREGOR. The group involved in the concept generation phase were invited to

    participate since they were already aware of the background of the project and the

    previously generated concepts.

    Prior to the meeting an evaluation matrix was created in order to compare the concepts

    relative to each other regarding a set of predetermined criteria. The criteria originated

    from the needfinding results and the product characteristics document. The criteria were

    weighted by pair wise comparison, seen in Table 4.1, in order to find the decisive design

    factors. Scores were set, comparing the importance of a row relative a column in the

    matrix, according to; much more important=1, equally important=0,5 and much less

    important =0. The criteria implemented in the matrix were as follows:

    Manufacturing Machining complexity affecting time required for the

    manufacturing process.

    Assembly Time needed (both at partner manufacturing plant and shipyard)

    for bolt tightening, welding etc.

    Safety Effects of bearing failure.

    Maintenance Accessibility for performing bearing lubrication and grease


    Inspection Accessibility for measuring gear backlash and bearing wear.

    Entry & Exit Ease of entering and exiting the crane through the pedestal and

    foundation assuming that existing regulations are fulfilled.

    Modifications needed Modifications needed in order to incorporate solution into existing

    design and component placement regarding pedestal and


    Table 4.1 Criteria weighting by pair wise comparison

    Manufacturing Assembly Safety Maintenance Inspection Entry&Exit Mod. Needed Sum Weight

    Manufacturing - 0,5 0 0,5 1 1 1 4 0,19

    Assembly 0,5 - 0 0,5 1 1 1 4 0,19

    Safety 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 6 0,29

    Maintenance 0,5 0,5 0 - 0,5 1 1 3,5 0,17

    Inspection 0 0 0 0,5 - 1 1 2,5 0,12

    Entry & Exit 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 1 0,05

    Mod. needed 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0,00

    Total sum 21 1,00

  • 33

    The results of the criteria weighting demonstrated in Table 4.1, shows that safety is the

    single most important design criteria, which reflects the purpose of the project; to prevent

    the crane house from falling down in case of a bearing failure. Ranking at number two,

    manufacturing and assembly are judged to be equally important, derived from the fact

    that the two are closely dependent of each other. A thorough manufacturing process is

    required in order to attain accurate components, which simplifies the assembly process.

    Furthermore, it is of equal importance to perform the assembly in a scrupulous manner,

    otherwise the thorough manufacturing is pointless. Maintenance, ranking at number three,

    has as well as inspection, ranking fourth, an impact on the safety of the construction. In

    order to attain a long service life the structure must be regularly maintained and inspected

    to prevent premature failure. The entry & exit criteria proved to have little importance

    compared to the other criteria as long as all the existing regulations were followed.

    Ranking a total weight of zero, thus ending up last, the criteria modifications needed will

    have no impact in the concept evaluation. This since MacGREGOR saw no problems in

    redesigning their product in order to fulfill the other criteria.

    For each criterion in the concept evaluation matrix in Table 4.2, a concept was chosen to

    serve as a reference to which the other concepts would be compared. The chosen

    reference concept was assumed to have an average score regarding that specific criterion

    therefore it was given the average score of three. The scoring was done according to;

    much worse than =1, worse than =2, same as =3, better than =4, much better than =5. The

    reference concept for each criterion is marked by a filled box in the concept evaluation

    matrix below. The current solution is represented in the RE16 column. The concept C+++,

    seen in appendix 9, F1 and F2 was developed during the sessions and added to the matrix.

    Table 4.2 Concept evaluation matrix

    RE16 A++ B++ C++ H+ C+D+ C+++ F1 F2

    Manufacturing 4 3 3 1 2 1 2 4 4

    Assembly 4 3 3 2 3 1 4 4 4

    Safety 1 3 3 2 3 2 5 3 3

    Maintenance 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 4 4

    Inspection 5 4 4 2 3 2 2 5 4

    Entry & Exit 5 4 4 5 3 4 5 5 4

    Mod. needed 5 4 4 3 3 2 3 5 4

    The weight calculated in Error! Reference source not found. was then multiplied by the

    scores presented in Table 4.2 resulting in the final scoring matrix shown in Table 4.3.

  • 34

    Table 4.3 Weighted concept evaluation matrix

    Weight RE16 A++ B++ C++ H+ C+D+ C+++ F1 F2

    Manufacturing 0,19 0,76 0,57 0,57 0,19 0,38 0,19 0,38 0,76 0,76

    Assembly 0,19 0,76 0,57 0,57 0,38 0,57 0,19 0,76 0,76 0,76

    Safety 0,29 0,29 0,86 0,86 0,57 0,86 0,57 1,43 0,86 0,86

    Maintenance 0,17 0,67 0,67 0,67 0,67 0,50 0,50 0,33 0,67 0,67

    Inspection 0,12 0,60 0,48 0,48 0,24 0,36 0,24 0,24 0,60 0,48

    Entry & Exit 0,05 0,24 0,19 0,19 0,24 0,14 0,19 0,24 0,24 0,19

    Mod. needed 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

    Total score

    3,31 3,33 3,33 2,29 2,81 1,88 3,38 3,88 3,71

    The results from the weighted concept evaluation matrix were then compiled in

    descending order from the highest total score in Table 4.4 below.

    Table 4.4 Concepts ranked concerning score received in the weighted concept evaluation

    Rank Concept Total score

    1 F1 3,88

    2 F2 3,71

    3 C+++ 3,38

    4 A++ 3,33

    5 B++ 3,33

    6 RE16 3,31

    7 H+ 2,81

    8 C++ 2,29

    9 C+D+ 1,88

    The two highest ranking concepts were conceived during a concept evaluation meeting,

    and fell under the category Safety Hook. They were still evaluated as a reference to the

    other concepts but not further developed since they fell outside the delimitations of the

    project. The two lowest ranking concepts were left out from further analysis due to their

    low scores in the ranking and for individual scarcity. In the case of C++ there was an

    improved version C+++, which was developed in an evaluation meeting, see appendix 9.

    The C+D+ concept was predicted to be too complex to manufacture and assemble from

    an economical point of view. Furthermore, both required an additional foundation

    mounted below to make the transition from the circular cross section of the slewing

    bearing to the square cross section of the pedestal.

    The remaining four concepts were divided into two categories, depending on the size and

    location of the slewing bearings; category one, containing concepts A++ and B++;

    category two, containing concepts C+++ and H+. This was done in order to simplify the

    concept selection by pairing up the concepts in consideration of their properties. The pros

    and cons of the categories were then taken in consideration to determine which category

    would be best suited for further development in the detail design phase. It was estimated

    that category two would bring difficulties concerning the circular tolerance needed at the

    flanges when mounting the bearings. The tolerance would be hard to keep when welding

  • 35

    the sheet casings to the flanges, since the heat generated in the welding process would

    cause the flanges to distort. Also the pair wise assembly of the bearings linked by the

    sheet plate cylinders would result in tolerances in the vertical plane. These tolerances

    would complicate the assembly. Furthermore the rotating outer casing of the foundation

    of C+++ would complicate the placing of jib parking structures.

    Category one on the other hand presented some important advantages, such as being

    applicable on all three MacGREGOR foundation types, as well as inclined pedestals

    without adding unnecessary height as would be the case of category two foundations. In

    addition the component costs would be held down due to the smaller lower bearing and

    the fact that less steel is required. Additionally the lower slewing bearing becomes

    weather independent since it is mounted inside the foundation, making inspections and

    maintenance easier. Category one presents yet another important advantage being safe

    even if fissuring in the weld between the foundation and the blank causes fractures,

    leading to separation between the two. The structure is in such cases supported by the

    stay anchored in the lower bearing position. Supported by the previous mentioned facts,

    category one was chosen to be brought into detail design.

    4.7 Detail design

    Category one including conceps A++ and B++ were, as previously described in the

    concept evaluation and selection section of this report, chosen to be further developed

    and investigated in the detail design phase of this project. Initially in the detail design

    phase a numerical analysis was performed in order to learn the moment distribution

    between the two bearings, it was also to be used to confirm the results of the finite

    element analysis. Here follows a description of the work perfomed during the detail

    design phase.

    4.7.1 Numerical analysis

    In order to understand the interaction between the two bearings, regarding the moment

    distribution, a numerical analysis was performed. The moment distributed to the lower

    bearing is directly dependent of the deformation of the top bearing and the stay

    connecting the bearings.

    The bearing play increases with time due to wear. This causes the bottom plate of the

    crane house to tilt relatively the bottom plate of the foundation, thus deforming the stay

    connecting the two surfaces. According to Rothe Erde the maximum permissible increase

    of bearing clerance in a single row ball bearing is 3 millimeters, as shown in Figure 4.8.

    The initial play is approximetly 0,7 millimeters. (22)

  • 36

    Figure 4.8 Measurement of bearing play (The stay is excluded in this figure)

    The force distributed to the lower bearing by the stay due to the relative incline of the two

    bottom plates can be calculated from the inclination angle δ, where


    . (4.2)

    The force needed to deform the stay the given angle δ, shown in Figure 4.9, can be

    derived from the elementary cantilever beam equation

    , (4.3)

    thus assuming that the stay is rigidly clamped to the bottom plate of the crane house and

    that the applied load causes the stay to deform as much as the relative incline suggests.

    The stay is defined as a massive cylindrical steel beam with moment of inertia according



  • 37

    Figure 4.9 Reaction force acting on the deformed stay

    By combining the elementary case equation (4.3) with the moment of inertia equation

    (4.4), the reaction force acting on the stay can be expressed according to;


    Numerically, the reaction force F in the initial unworn condition is given by

    , (4.6)

    and with the maximum permissible bearing play,

    . (4.7)

    In addition to the bearing play, the deformation of the pedestal and foundation contributes

    to the deformation of the stay as well, as seen in Figure 4.10. The relative incline between

    the bottom plates increases with increased load. The relative incline can be derived from

    the elementary cantilever beam equation:

    . (4.8)

    The pedestal and foundation is approximated by a cylindrical shell of uniform diameter

    equivalent to the flange of the foundation, with moment of inertia according to

    , (4.9)

    where r2, is the radius of the pedestal and T, is the plate thickness.

  • 38

    Figure 4.10 Deformation of pedestal and foundation causing relative incline of bottom plates

    By combining the elementary case equation (4.8) with the moment of inertia equation

    (6.9), the relative incline can be expressed according to

    . (4.10)

    Numerically the relative incline of the two plates is given by

    . (4.11)

    The reaction force acting on the stay due to this inclination is given by equation (4.5),

    numerically this gives,


  • 39

    The total reaction force acting on the stay in the case of a new bearing is given by adding

    the results of equations (4.6) and (4.12),

    . (4.13)

    For the worn bearing the corresponding results are given by equations (4.7) and (4.12),

    . (4.14)

    The reaction force F acting on the stay, shown in Figure 4.11, is known, hence the

    moment about the stay can be calculated in order to learn the distribution between the

    two bearings. Using the numerical results from equation (4.13) respectivelly (4.14) the

    corresponding moment distributed to the lower bearing in the initial respectivelly the

    worn scenario can be calculated according to,


    . (4.16)

    Figure 4.11 Moment equilibrium about the stay, forces acting on lower bearing

    4.7.2 Finite element analysis

    To get an idea of how a concept from category one would work in practice, simulations

    were made using an existing 3D model of a type GL crane. The model did not represent

    the crane involved in our project, it was of the same type but had a lifting capacity of 32

    tons at an outreach of 37,2 meters.

    The 3D model was developed by Johan Lif, a student performing his thesis work at

    MacGREGOR in the fall of 2008 (23). The model was created in I-deas as a surface

    model with simplified geometry used to investigate stress propagation in the foundation.

    The applied load was equivalent to lifting 32 tons in addition to the weight of the crane

    arm. The whole model was meshed using surface elements with corresponding thickness

    to each individual plate. The bearing was represented by 100 solid beam elements with a

    diameter of 36 mm connecting the bottom plate of the crane house with the flange of the

  • 40

    foundation. This can be seen in Figure 4.12 below. These beam elements act as the 100

    bolts connected to each of the two rings of the real bearing. The beam elements are

    placed at the actual bolt locations thereby translating the stresses into the foundation in a

    realistic way. Concept B++ was incorporated into the model by simply connecting the

    bottom plate of the crane house with the bottom plate of the foundation with four beams

    as seen in Figure 4.12.

    Figure 4.12 Four beams acting as a stay between the two bearing positions. Foundation removed in

    this view

    On the bottom plate of the crane house, the beam elements were each connected to a

    centre node of a circular rigid element positioned near the bolt circle. In the bottom plate

    of the foundation, all four beams were connected to the same node. This node was in turn

    coincident with and connected to a centre node of a circular rigid element. The

    connection between these two nodes was of type coupled DOF. By using a coupled DOF

    connection the degrees of freedom between these two nodes could easily be controlled.

    The main reason to use a coupled DOF was however to be able to determine the forces

    acting on the lower bearing, by simply requesting to list constraint forces as one of the


    The simulation was set up as linear static. Boundary conditions consisted of a restraint set

    and a constraint set. The restraint set locked all movements of the bottom edge of the

    pedestal. The constraint set was the coupled DOF acting as the lower bearing. The

    coupled DOF was set to allow translation along and rotation around the Z axis due to the

    natural behavior of a bearing only translating radial forces. Simulations were also made

  • 41

    with all degrees of freedom locked, these showed however that forces along the Z axis

    were small and had no impact on the resulting force.

    Simulations with beams of five different cross sectional areas were performed. The

    results are displayed in Figure 4.13 below. This figure shows the resulting force on the

    node as a function of beam type. The re