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8/6/2019 2. Invitation 1/1


Currently, two opposite positions exist in the world around Humanities and, specifically, around

Philosophy. One obeys to mercantilist interests that, following neoliberalism’s globalized vision,

rejects everything which does not benefit the technocracy movement of our society. Among this

background, the Organization for the Cooperation and the Economic Development (the OECD) has

tried to eliminate and even distort Humanities’ and Philosophy’s purpose and place inside th e

studying curricula. On the other hand, the second position calls to restate Philosophy’s place among

the present critical times; Philosophy as a necessary foundation for our human being condition’s

support and protection and for the construction of a better world.

The former is the sense given by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization’s (UNESCO) calls raised in several international forums and throughout different

activities; among them, the basis of a study published in 2007 under the title Philosophy, a school of 

 freedom - Teaching Philosophy and Learning to Philosophize: Status and Prospects. On account of,

along with UNESCO’s sponsorship, on September 2009 in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic

hosted the High – Level Regional Meeting on the Teaching of Philosophy in Latin American and the

Caribbean. This meeting highlighted “the fact that philosophy teaching stimulates open-mindedness,

civil responsibility   , understanding and tolerance”;  reason why “Philosophy teaching should be

maintained or expanded where it exists, introduced where it does not yet exist”. 

As well as it has happened world-wide, during 2008 the government of Mexico (without anycritical reflection nor consulting the, therefore, affected philosophical, intellectual, scientific or

general community), decided to introduce the OECD’s vision; eliminating Philosophy from the

country’s studying curricula. As a result, the Philosophical Observatory of Mexico was created in

2009: defending Philosophy teaching as an essential part of every human life.

Moreover, the Philosophical Observatory of Morelos, established in 2010, works in an

independent way yet in collaboration with the mother cell: the Philosophical Observatory of Mexico.

It is worth saying that both organizations maintain academic bonds with various national and

international institutions, receiving wide endorsement from them. The Philosophical Observatory of 

Morelos feels deeply committed with its cause: defending Philosophy teaching as an essential part of 

every human life; and the World Philosophy Day  represents the fair contribution to stop the

continuous globalized dehumanization by creating critical conscience among other humans. Thus,

along with several institutions’ and organizations’ call, we are pleased to invite you to participate in

the before mentioned celebration and its contests.

Supporting Philosophy, as a school of freedom!