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I have learnt a lot from the feedback that I received from classmates and

also teachers, which have improved my video, if I did not have feedback,

then would not know what to improve or change. The first feedback was that

I had few songs in mind which the genre was alternative rock and the songs

are ‘The All-American rejects – Gives you hell, Muse – Time is running out,

Coldplay – Viva La Vida, and Rock stars and broken cars, from the list that I

have included the feedback that I received was from two media classes

which was pupils from my class and pupils who are a year younger and are

doing Media AS and they recommended me to choose Rock stars and broken

bars as it had a lot of beats and it was a good song to make a narrative out

of it, so from this song it made me think about what the narrative should be

for example I asked many people what ideas they had in mind and they said

a boy breaking up with his girl, but then as an group we expanded that

thought and had an idea of that a girl been going out with three boys who

are friends and did not know that they have been cheated by the same girl,

we thought of this idea as it would be an interesting video.

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After choosing the song, we had to choose who would suit the

main artist who sings the song, as the main artist is Tajual as we

thought he would be perfect as the main artist, and Koysor and

Farhad could be the musicians, and we let our class mates have

think if that was okay, as we was not sure because most rock

songs have mainly white people in the videos, and not Asians,

and the feedback we received was that it was perfect as Tajual

is tall and someone who is confident and would stand out than

the other two, and would suit the role of the main artist who is

singing the song, so this feedback made me confident that I

chose Tajual for a good reason.

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One of the feedback that I have received is that some of the shots

was very long and not many cuts, so when the artist was singing there

should many cuts, so with this feedback we have decided to make

many cuts, so when the artist is singing we have camera shots from

different angles, as I have seen that my self in the research that I did,

which was to look other music videos which was the same genre as my

own video and see what cuts and edits they have made for their


I also have learnt from my feedback that the lip sync weren’t on time,

but this was half way through the process of us finishing the editing,

but the feedback was to get the lip sync on time so it goes with the

song, and have many cuts in between.

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Another feedback is that I have learnt is that I have made an magazine front

cover for the video and the feedback was that to change the font as it don’t

match with the genre, as the comments that they gave was that ‘the font has to

seem old and serious, and nothing funky’ so from this feedback I had to look for

an font which looked something gothic and was serious, so this has made me

choose an font which looked serious.

One of the feedback was that to change my front of my digi pack as the cover,

as my front cover was a picture of the drums that we used in the video which

said ‘infinite’ on the drums, because the feedback was that most rock videos

don’t have of their instruments as their front cover, so I left that as an first draft,

so me and my team member shuida have worked on a main final digi pack as

we got all three musicians together and took a picture of them and mainly took

that picture for that to be the main cover of the dig pack.