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  • 8/9/2019 15 Ways Network to Your Dreams


    How to Network Your Way

    to the Life You Dream15 Ways Networking Helps Your Dreams Grow into Reality

    byDawn Billings, CEO and Founder ofThe Heart Link Network

    a gift from The Heart Link Network, 1
  • 8/9/2019 15 Ways Network to Your Dreams




    1. Network with Integrity...5

    2. Network with Action..6

    3. Network with Differentiation....7

    4. Network with Appreciation...8

    5. Network with Attention..9

    6. Network with Optimism...10

    7. Network with Empathy.11

    8. Network with Intelligence..12

    9. Network with Joy...........13

    10. Network with Accountability............... 14

    11. Network with Excellence...15

    12. Network with Insight..16

    13. Network with Enthusiasm..17

    14. Network with Focus...18

    15. Network with HEART...19

    About the Author .............20
  • 8/9/2019 15 Ways Network to Your Dreams


    Decide to

    NetworkUse every letter you write,

    Every conversation you have,

    Every meeting you attend

    to express your fundamental

    beliefs and dreams.

    Affirm to others the vision of the world you want.

    Network through thought.Network through love.

    Network through spirit.

    You are the center of the network.

    You are the center of the world.

    You are a free, immensely powerful source

    of life and goodness,

    affirm it, spread it, radiate it.

    Think day and night about it.

    And you will see a miracle happen:

    The greatness of your own life.

    Not in the world of big powers, media, and monopolies,

    but of five and a half billion individuals.

    Networking is the new freedom, the new democracy,

    a new form of happiness.

    Dr. Robert MullerFormer Assistant Secretary-General

    United Nations

  • 8/9/2019 15 Ways Network to Your Dreams



    Times have changed. The job market

    is increasingly competitive and cut-

    throat so more and more people

    desire to be in business for

    themselves. Many love the idea of

    the flexibility, the challenge,

    and the opportunity that comes

    with a direct selling, or network marketing business, but often they do not

    realize how imperative developing the ability to network truly is for the

    success of their business. They usually have knowledge of their product, skills

    to make powerful presentations, and great enthusiasm but struggle finding

    people to make presentations to.If you have ever found yourself in a similar

    situation, I have written this simple reference guide to help you. I want you to

    Make Sure Your Dreams Come True.

    My philosophy is simple.

    In Order to Be Great . . .You must Learn to Make Every Connection Valuable!

    Isnt it a sad snapshot of our society today that the interest we pay on our

    credit cards is too high while the interest that we pay to those around us is too

    low. Your opportunities for great success lie within your grasp, but dreams

    are never accomplished alone. That is why I want to share with you a way to

    expand your circle of influence and make many more wonderful friends with

    this powerful tool called networking.

    Take these networking ideas and reflect on them. Then apply them your life

    and work and watch the transformation begin. All it takes is you, a dream that

    you wish to make come true, and your willingness to be undeniably great.

  • 8/9/2019 15 Ways Network to Your Dreams


    1. Network with Integrity

    Yourintegrity will affectyour destiny;

    dont leave home without it.

    Clarence Hodges

    Great networking, likegreat relationships, requires integrity. Great networkers are sincere, honest, truthful

    and consistent in their conversations under all circumstances. They do not promise

    things they dont mean, or attempt to take advantage of others. Trust is a critical

    and necessary building block for all relationships. Trust is established when

    integrity is a primary value held by both individuals involved in a relationship.

    Relationships built on a strong foundation of integrity can weather any storm.

    Integrity calls each of us to be whole and complete in word and deed. It asks that

    we do what we say we will do, when we say we will do it, and that we will be who

    we say we will be. Integrity gives the words we speak great value, and only our

    actions will determine their worth, as well as, our net worth. If we live lives filled

    with integrity our businesses will not only thrive, but grow strong. Without

    integrity our relationships, dreams and businesses will wither like daisies in thedesert. Only you can choose. The great news is that it is all up to you, but if I were

    you, I would always network with integrity.

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    2. Network with Action

    Make the most of today.Translate your good intentions

    into actual deeds.

    Grenville Kleiser

    Living your dreams requires that youtake a leap of faith and believe in yourself and

    others to help you get where you want to go.

    Jumping in completely can be intimidating

    when you begin but all great dreams require

    action to come alive. Action is defined by movement. In order to make your

    dreams come true you simply must Get Up, Get Out, and Get Determined to Make

    Your Dreams Real. Consistent action has consistent results. Dedicated, loyal,

    respectful, behaviors create loyalty. We are all we aware of the behaviors that

    choke the life out of loyalty. We know the pain of being disappointed, dissatisfied

    and betrayed. We each understand that Actions speak louder than words. It is

    imperative that we keep our actions consistent with the words, You can count on

    me. I have a great connection for you, and I live and work committed to

    excellence. People are watching and listening to every word you say. They are

    choosing every day who and who not to do business with. Let the actions you take,speak volumes about the quality person you are, and people will take action to do

    business with you.

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    3. Network with Differentiation

    Knowing what makes you differentunderstanding what makes you unique,

    is the key to providing knowledge,

    insight and/or a product, or service

    that has the potential to change your life,

    and the lives of those you meet.

    Dawn L. Billings, Author,

    CEO & Founder of The Heart Link Network

    Differentiation is a critical part ofgreat networking. Differentiation is the ability to differentiate one persons

    strengths and talents from another. Great dreamers must recognize the talentsand gifts their colleagues naturally bring to a situation and the talents and gifts

    of those around them. They know people have different strengths and interact

    according to their own individuality. When you understand the strengths of

    individuals, you can build on them and utilize their talents to aid you in making

    your dreams come true. People working within their core strengths are happier,

    healthier, more productive and more satisfied with their lives. As you begin to

    truly understand what differentiates YOU, and makes you stand out and truly

    unique, you will be that much closer to living the dream that was givenspecifically and specially to you. Do something that causes you to stand out

    while at the same time reinforces your identity and values. You are unique.

    Bring your uniqueness with you wherever you go, and give it as your gift to the


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    4. Network with Appreciation

    Theres no doubt about it,appreciation in any form at any time

    brightens anyones existence.

    And, like a beam of sunlight

    striking a mirror,

    the brightness is reflected back at you.

    Author Unknown

    Appreciation is is a gift we giveto someone who has blessed our lives. It is a small price to pay for enormous

    returns. Appreciation in all relationships, including professional relationships,

    refreshes and replenishes a relationship just as water nourishes a plant. When

    someone helps you by giving you a lead, referring a friend or customer to you,

    or remembers to remember you in conversation, it is imperative that you

    show your appreciation. There is no better advertisement than word of mouth.

    Each individual you meet is an endowment--a gift, and a wonderful

    opportunity. Because each person you meet is a gift, it is important that you

    remember to acknowledge and appreciate everything about them, even the little

    things. Appreciation is recognition. All individuals crave being recognized.

    When every encounter is filled with appreciation, your network of contacts and

    friends will flourish. When your network flourishes, your dreams flourish.

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    5. Network with Attention

    Give whatever you are doingand whoever you are with

    the gift of attention.

    Jim Rohn,Author and Philosopher

    Ne t wo r k i n g i s abo u tattention. It is getting it and giving

    it so you can help yourself and others grow. Giving our attention to someone

    makes them feel both valuable and important and causes them to want to return the

    favor. Like gardens, your dreams must be attended. In order to attend to something,

    the first requirement is showing up emotionally and physically. Great

    Networkers must not only show up to help make their dreams come true, they must

    commit to consistency. We must pay attention to our dreams the way we would to

    a garden. We must tend it, till it, water it, weed it, harvest it and celebrate its fruit.

    Paying attention will be the best investment any networker makes in the name of

    effectiveness. You appreciate what you pay for. Pay a fair price, and you will

    receive great rewards. Paying attention to the women you network with, what they

    do well, as well as their challenges will create an opportunity to provide them with

    inspiration, encouragement and opportunities that will aid them in reaching new

    levels of competence. And when you aid someone in making their dreams come

    true, they want to help you accomplish your dreams as well.

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    6. Network with Optimism

    The optimistsees the scar over the wound:

    the pessimist

    still sees the wound

    underneath the scar. Ernst Schroder

    Ask yourself, Am Iusually optimistic and confident? The answer needs to be Yes! Optimism is

    animportant element in making your dreams come true. Great networkers not

    only believe in themselves, they believe in, and have faith in, the other

    professional women they meet.

    Partners in great working relationships work together toward their goals, hopes

    and dreams, and overcome forces that attempt to impede their success,

    together. That is what womens networking is all about.

    A great networker is an ultimate optimist. They believe that in every

    networking situation is an opportunity for something wonderful. The glass is

    always half full in great networking relationships, and just waiting to be filled

    to over flowing with opportunities, acts of kindness, and potential connections.Great networkers have great attitudes. They believe that there is an abundance

    of business for everyone. They believe in themselves, in other people, and in

    the possibility of turning their dreams into reality. Great networkers network

    with great optimism.

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    7. Network with Empathy

    If there is any one secret tosuccess,

    it lies in the ability

    to get the other persons point of view

    and see things from his angle

    as well as yours.

    Henry FordAmerican Industrialist

    Agr ea t r e l a t i ons h i pdepends on emotional and relational intelligence. Great networkers know the

    value of getting to know and understand themselves, as well as others. People

    are complex and confusing. Therefore, great networking relationships require

    respect, empathy and compassion. Empathy, put simply, is the ability to see the

    world from anothers perspectiveto be able to relate to how it might feel to

    be in their shoesto listen through their ears, and see the world through their

    lenses. Empathy asks that we not only understand the meaning of the golden

    rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but that we

    understand the platinum rule as well, Do unto others as they would prefer to

    be done unto.

    Stephen Covey tells us in his best-selling book 7 Habits of Highly Successful

    People to Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Great networkers

    network with Empathy.

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    8. Network with Intelligence

    Intelligence is imperative to success.Intellectual intelligence

    causes us to strive, seek and learn.

    Emotional intelligence

    causes us to understand and

    appreciate ourselves and others,

    but Relational intelligencecauses us to give until we end up

    receiving more than we ever imagined. Dawn L. Billings, Author

    CEO & Founder, The Heart Link Network

    Great networkers are intelligent. They are not simply intellectuallyintelligent; they are emotionally intelligent as well. John Mayer and Peter Salovey

    who coined the term emotional intelligence define it as the ability to monitor

    ones own and others feeling and emotions, to discriminate among them and to

    use this information to guide ones thinking and action. Relational intelligence is

    defined as keen abilities to relate to and communicate with in order to create

    bonded relationships. However intelligence is defined, it is clear that emotional

    and relational intelligence are vital components in the intelligence quotient of great

    networkers. Relationally intelligent people are able to monitor their feelings,

    reflect upon them and then, use the information to guide their responses and

    interactions with others. Net-workers with a lack of emotional and relational

    intelligence can abuse their opportunities, and in the process, end up hurting their

    business when they network, much more than they help it.
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    9. Network with Joy

    Dont forget to dance,and when you do,

    dance with a heart filled with joy!

    Dawn L. Billings,CEO & Founder

    ofThe Heart Link Network

    Great networking, and great dreams arebuilt on the joy they bring usthe joy of

    meeting new people, the joy of conversation,

    the joy of building your business, the joy of

    treasure hunting, the joy of connecting and

    building lasting and profitable relationships.

    That is why I created The Heart Link Networkwomens networking. I wanted

    women to attend a networking gathering and feel joy about living their dreams and

    helping other women live theirs. People want to feel special and believe that they

    are a part of something that makes a difference. When we are invested in a

    business endeavor that makes us feel good about ourselves and what we are doing

    for others, it gives our life meaning. Through meaning comes purpose. A life lived

    with purpose is a happier, more fulfilled life. When your are not living your

    dreams, ask yourself, how much joy do I feel when I am sharing what I do with

    other people? If you dont feel joy, search for the things that brings you joy, then

    Get Up, Get Dancingand Get Determined to Make your dreams come true,

    while helping others do the same.
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    10. Network with Accountability

    Try not.Do, or do not.There is no try.

    Yoda,Star Wars character

    Success depends on yourwillingness to raise you hand high and say yes to your dreams. It also requires

    that you commit to self-responsibility and be 100% accountable for your

    actions and choices. Accountability is a critical part of emotional intelligence,

    and impacts the vitality and longevity of all relationships in very dramatic

    ways. Being self-responsible and accountable enhances every area of a

    relationship. Great networking relationships strengthen and fortify you and

    your dream, and they require that each person is willing to be accountable and

    responsible for their emotions, actions, reactions, choices and behaviors, as

    well as results. Accountability is one of the most important tools in tending the

    network relationship garden. Using our garden metaphor, self-responsibility is

    like the hoe, responsible for removing the weeds that can choke all that is

    beautiful and growing in the garden. Learning to be self-responsible can be the

    difference between having a relationship that is unproductive and decaying,

    and one that is flourishing. Network with accountability.

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    11. Network with Excellence

    Risk more than others think is safe.Care more than others think is wise.

    Dream morethan others think is practical.

    Expect morethan others think is possible.

    West Point cadet maxim

    Great dreamers understandthat there is a difference between perfection and excellence. No one is perfect. No

    dream is perfect. Perfection is impossible. All things grow, and change as we

    understand them better. However, great effectiveness is maintained and nurtured

    by people who are committed to excellence. These are people who are willing to

    do a little bit more, and go the extra mile. Excellence means that you are willing

    to be the best you can be. While are willing to admit the fact you are not perfect,

    you are committed to continuously improve your abilities to communicate, willing

    to share, eager to produce and committed to continually growing personally and

    professionally. Anyone can choose to become an excellent networker who

    develops and strengthens new relationships to help them accomplish the dreams in

    their hearts. No one, no matter the effort, can be perfect. But you can take the time

    to become an excellent communicator, and someone who has honed their ability to

    share what they do and love in a powerful, effective, concise and moving way. All

    you need is an ardent desire, consistent commitment and action. Before long, you,

    too, will be reaping the benefits of your determination and effort.

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    12. Network with Insight

    No manis capable of self-improvement

    if he sees no other model

    but himself.

    Conrado I. GenerosoAuthor

    Great dreams as well as,great relationships depend on our willingness to understand what motivates and

    drives our protective and defensive behaviors. This is called gaining insight.

    Insight implies looking within to understand underlying motivations. What is

    the real message behind the words you spoke? What is the meaning behind your

    actions? Are you aware of times when you might do or say things that are

    inconsistent with the direction of your dream? Clarity strengthens

    communication. Communication is one of the most necessary skills we need to

    develop to achieve success. We must look to understand and to be understood.

    Open dialogue is key to uncovering what motivates individuals. When women

    choose to work together, plan together and grow together, they are seeking truth

    with one another. What an exciting adventure life becomes when players play

    beyond the superficial. That is exactly what The Heart Link Network was

    designed to do, open hearts to what is real and important, as we learn to help

    one another live the dreams in our hearts.
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    13. Network with Focus

    Only when your consciousnessis totally focused on the moment you are in

    can you receive

    whatever gift, lesson, or delight

    that moment has to offer.

    Barbara De Angelis

    American expert on relationships

    Great dreamers understand the powerof focus. They know what they want, and set

    a definite course to get it. Great dreamers

    understand the power of goal setting, putting

    goals in writing and establishing deadlines, while they strive, and are committed

    to achieving their own success. Great networkers also focus on helping others

    achieve their goals. Great networkers realize that networking is not just

    socializing (although interaction brings with it many wonderful rewards),

    networking requires the focus of a surgeon concentrated on his or her effort. It

    demands that you know where you are headed, and why. As well as how you

    might help others get where they want to go.

    With laser focus, networking can burn through the obstacles on your path to

    success, but always remember to focus your efforts with heart. When you focus

    on what you want, others can catch your vision and help you get there faster.

    Great networkers network with laser focus and the heart to go with it.

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    14. Network with Enthusiasm

    Its faith in somethingand enthusiasm for something

    that makes life worth living.

    Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Enthusiasm is contagious.Catch it. Then spread it everywhere

    you go. When you feed your dreams

    and efforts with a wonderful dose of

    enthusiasm, you are sure to tackle your life and the dreams in your heart with great

    vigor. No one likes to be around someone who drains all of their energy. Fill

    yourself up before you leave your house so that you have plenty to share when youreach your destination. I designed The Heart Link Network on the female endocrine

    system so that it would help to raise womens serotonin levels. When our serotonin

    levels are raised we feel happier, healthier, more hopeful and more capable. How

    wonderful it is to have a place to go and be filled with energy and enthusiasm when

    you are feeling low. And how wonderful it is to have a place to go when you have

    enthusiasm to spare and share.

    When you share enthusiasm, it builds and grows in your own heart so in sharing it,

    you always end up with more than you had when you began. What a wonderful

    thing to realize that, like love, no matter how much enthusiasm you share, you will

    always be blessed with more than you give away. That is what The Heart Link

    Networkwomens networking is all about.
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    15. Network with HEART

    In the arithmetic of love,one plus one equals


    and two minus one equals


    Mignon McLauglin, Author

    Great networkers, aswell as dreamers, live life with

    a giving heart. Feeling fulfilled

    in their work and life, they are

    eager to give of their time, their resources and share their talents. Is there anything

    more rewarding than knowing what you have to offer can bring someone else a

    glimmer of hope, a fresh idea, or confidence? Seasoned networkers can lend their

    support by providing information, introducing people they know to people they

    need to meet and people they meet to people they need to know. Great networkers

    listen. Dale Carnegie said it best. You can make more friends in 3 months by

    really listening to others than you can in 3 years by getting others to listen to you.

    Its interesting to note that the word heart has within it the word hear. Great

    networkers focus on bringing not only their heart to where they are but their

    listening skills as well. Great networkers network with a heart that can hear, and

    then act to help dreams come true, both for themselves and others. Enjoy

    networking as you use this powerful tool to make your dreams a reality.

    Blessings Dawn Billings, CEO and Founder ofThe Heart Link Womens Network
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    Dawn L Billings, MA, LPCIn 2008 Dawn was selected as one of the nations 80 emerging women leaders out of over

    3200 applicants, by Oprah Magazine and The White House Project, as well as, chosen as

    one of 15 Women of Achievement by the Cobb County, Georgia, YWCA for her

    socially dynamic programs and dedication to women and children.Dawn is the CEO, Founder ofThe Heart Link Network, an innovative womens

    networking organization, which has over145 locations in the US,

    Canada and Australia. Dawn is dedicated to linking women to

    wonderful resources, new ideas, products and services and

    especially the hearts of one another. Dawn is also the creator of short, just a Dawn minute

    inspirational videos to uplift, encourage and inspire the hearts of

    all who experience them, and the Garden where you can plant a

    virtual flower and send it with a brief heart-note to someone to say thank-you, Imthinking of you, You can do it, Dont ever give up, etc.

    Dawn is also the creator ofThe Heart Alliance, an online womens networking

    community that connects women around the world, and the GOD CAN, an inspiring and

    uplifting experience for women who feel stressed, confused, angry or anxious. It is

    lovely. Click the linkGOD CAN and experience it today.

    But Dawns favorite accomplishment is the creation of the beloved CAPABLES

    Learning System, a plush parenting toy/tool touted by parenting

    experts, to revolutionize parenting around the world.

    Dawn is President, a training and executive coaching company,where she is a consultant to Executives and Organizations focusing on teamwork,

    communication skills, improving productivity and retaining top talent using her highly

    acclaimed Primary Colors Personality Test that was administered to over 60,000 people

    in 2008, of which she is the author.

    Dawn is the creator ofthe online business directories called There

    is a small business directory and a women owned

    business directory Every business gets a FREE listing.

    Dawn is is the author of over20 books including Greatness and Children: Learn the

    Rules, Entitled to Fail, Endowed to Succeed: Americas Journey Back to Greatness,Choose to Be Great Workbookand her classic fable, The Perfect Heart, but Dawn is most

    proud of the fact that both of her sons Tony, 30 and Corbin 21, are awarding winning

    contributors to their communities and to the world.