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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*



    bilingual poems : English & French / Poet : Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar (India)


    From : Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar

    E-Mail : [email protected] Address : 110, Balwantnagar, Gandhi Road,

    GWALIOR 474 002 (M.P.) INDIAPhone : 0751- 4092908

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    French Translations by Mrs. Purnima Ray



  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    POET :DR. MAHENDRA BHATNAGARDr. Mahendra Bhatnagar's is one of the significant post-independence voices in Hindi and Indian English Poetry,expressing the lyricism and pathos, aspirations and yearnings of the modern Indian intellect. Rooted deep into theIndian soil, these poems reflect not only the moods of a poet but of a complex age.

    Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar est un des voix importantes aprs l'indpendance en la Posie Hindi, exprimant lelyrisme et le pathtique, les aspirations et les dsirs passions de l'intellect indien et moderne. Ses pomes, quisont enracins profondment la terre indienne, refltent non seulement l'tat d'me d'un pote, mais d'un agecomplexe.

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    FRENCH-TRANSLATOR :MRS. PURNIMA RAYMrs. Purnima Ray is a well-known poet, translator and an essayist. She has published nine books, and translatedmany important and famous poets. The Sahitya Academy of India has published her voluminous work in translation: Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Noir from French into Bengali. She taught French at Burdwan University. She hasbeen awarded, and nominated for many prestigious distinctions.

    Madame Purnima Ray est. une potesse, traductrice et un assayiste bien connue. Elle a publi neuf livres, ettraduit beaucoup de potes importants et clbres. Le Sahitya Acadmie de l'Inde a publi son oeuvrevolumineuse en traduction : Le Rouge et le Noir de Stendhal du franais en Bengali. Elle a enseign la languefranaise l'Universit Burdwan. Elle a tibe, et nomine pour beaucoup de distinctions honorifiques.

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Translator's NoteOn The Poetry Of Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar


    1 L'ADORATION DE L'ART / p.2 The Worship Of Art

    2 CHANTEZ / p. 6Sing

    3 UNE POME-PRIRE / p. 8A Poem-Prayer

    4 COURSIERS AILS DU DESTIN / p. 10O Winged Steeds Of Destiny

    5 LE DESTIN-DFI / p. 14Destiny-Defiance

    6 LE DON DE LA FOI VIVANTE / p. 16Gift Of A Lively Faith

    7 LE DEVOIR / p. 18Duty

    8 AVEC LES DRAPEAUX DE LA PAIX / p.20With Flags Of Peace

    9 VIVRE / p. 22To Live

    10 INDOMPTABLE / p. 24Indomitable

    11 LA CONFRONTATION / p. 30Confrontation

    12 LA VIE / p. 32Life

    13 POSSIBLE - 1 / p. 34Possible-1

    14 POSSIBLE - 2 / p. 36Possible-2

    15 IL NE S'EFFONDRERA PAS / p. 38It Won't Collapse

    16 POUR LA PREMIRE FOIS / p. 40For The First Time


    The Tremor Of Trampling Feet18 LES TRAVAILLEURS VALEUREUX / p. 48

    The Valiant Workers19 LE RAYONNEMENT / p. 50

    Radiance20 NOUSLE SAVONS BIEN / p. 52

    We Know It Well21 MAINTES HOMMES / p. 54

    Many A Man22 PEUPLE / p.56

    People23 NOTRE AMBIANCE / p. 58

    Our Ambience24 OU BIEN / p. 62

    Or Else25 A MAO ET CHOU / p. 66

    To Mao And Chou26 IL N'EST JAMAIS ARRIV EN AVANT / p. 70

    It Has Never Happened Before27 LA VOIX LIBRE / p. 74

    Unfettered Voice28 AU COLPORTEUR / p.78

    To The Hawker29 LE SUICIDE / p. 80

    Suicide30 PAS PLUS LOIN / p. 82

    Not Any More31 LA FEMME NE DE NOUVEAU / 84

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Woman Reborn32 A LA FEMME CONDAMNE / p. 86

    To The Condemned Woman33 PAR LES MOMENTS INSOUHAITS / p. 90

    Through The Unwanted Moments34 L'HOMME / p. 94

    The Man35 LA BATITUDE DE L'HOMME / p. 96

    The Blessedness Of Man36 QUI TES-VOUS? / p. 98

    Who Are You?37 ACCEPTEZ-MOI / p. 100

    Accept Me38 ALLUMEZ LES LAMPS / p. 102

    Light The Lamps39 LE SYMBOLE / p. 106

    Symbol40 LA BEAUT DE LA LUNE ENDORMIE / p. 108

    The Beauty Of The Sleeping Moon41 UNE FOIS ET ENCORE

    UNE FOIS SEULEMENT / p.110 Once And Once, Only

    42 LA PIERRE DE TOUCHE / p. 112 Touchstone

    43 SOUDAIN / p. 114Suddenly

    44 UNE NUIT / p. 116One Night

    45 LA CONCLUSION / p.118Conclusion

    46 VOUS / p. 120You ...

    47 L'HIVER / p. 122Winter

    48 LE DSIR LASCIF POUR LA VIE / p. 124Lust For Life

    49 UNE SOUMISSION / p.126A Submission

    50 LA TRAHISON / p.128Betrayal

    51 CONTRADICTOIRE / p. 130Contradictory

    52 LA RECONNAISSANCE /p. 132Recognition

    53 GOURAIYA (LE MOINEAU) / p. 134 Gouraiya (Sparrow)

    54 LA VISION / p.142Vision

    55 QU EST-CE QUE C'EST LE SECRET? / p. 144What Is The Mystery?

    56 L'ATTENTE / p. 146Waiting

    57 J'ACCPTE / p.148I Accept

    58 PAS GRIEF / p. 150No Grievance

    59 LA SOUFFRANCE / p.152 Suffering

    60 NE BRISEZ-VOUS PAS / p. 154Break Not

    61 VOUS NE POUVEZ PAS RECONNATRE / p. 158Recognise You Can't

    62 LE RIDEAU FINAL / p. 162The Final Curtain /

    63 SOLITAIRE / p. 164Solitary

    64 ISOL / p. 168Lonely

    65 LA NUIT DISPARATRA / p. 172Night Shall Pass Away

    66 SANS RECOURS / p. 176Helpless

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    67 LA RALIT / p. 178Reality

    68 LA TROMPERIE DE SOI-MME / p. 180Self-Beguile

    69 LE DSIR EXAUC / p.182Desire Fulfilled

    70 LA PERSONNALIT BRISE / p. 184Fragmented Personality

    71 LES VNEMENTS CYCLIQUES / p. 188Cyclical Occurences

    72 L'EXPRIENCE DE SOI-MME / p.192Self-Experience

    73 LE PARTISAN-SINCRE / p. 196Well-Wisher

    74 L'INSISTANCE / p. 198Insistence

    75 DSIR / p. 200Desired

    76 LA VIE AUJOURD'HUI / p. 202Life Today

    77 UN TAT DE L'ESPRIT / p. 204A State Of Mind

    78 LA VIE : UN SENTIMENT / p. 206Life

    79 L'EXPLORATION / p. 210Exploration

    80 LA LUTTE LA CORDE DE TRACTION / p.212Tug Of War

    81 UN DSIR : INEXAUC / p. 216A Wish : Unfulfilled

    82 LES CLAIRCI SSEMENTS / p. 218Enlightenment

    83 LE SUMMUM / p. 220Climax

    84 LA REQUTE FINALE / p. 222The Final Request

    85 SANS AFFECTATION / p.224Unaffected

    86 DEVANT LA FIN - 1 / p. 226Before End - 1

    87 DEVANT LA FIN - 2 / p. 228Before End - 2

    88 NON SOUHAIT / p. 230Unwanted

    89 L'PITAPHE / p. 232Epitaph

    90 LA GRATITUDE / p.234Gratitude

    91 LA GRATITUDE : ENCORE / p. 236Gratitude : Again

    92 LA VRIT / p. 238The Truth

    93 LA VIE ET LA MORT / p. 242Life-Death

    94 GALE / p. 246Equal

    95 LA RALIT / p. 248Reality

    96 UN JOUR / p. 250One Day

    97 LE DESSEIN / p. 252Purpose

    98 LA COMPATIBILIT / p. 254Compatibility

    99 LA PHILOSOPHIE DE LA MORT / p. 256The Philosophy Of Death

    100 UN INVITATION / p.258An Invitation

    101 LA FE DE LA MORT / p. 260To The Fairy Of Death

    102 LA FAON DE MORT / p. 264The Mode Of Death

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar :A Avant-Grade Poet Mrs. Purnima Ray

    Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar is a versatile Hindipoet of India. Many collections of his poems havebeen translated into several languages, mostly inEnglish. The English collections are : Forty Poems(1968) After The Forty Poems (1979), Exuberanceand other poems (2001), Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar'sPoetry (2002), and Death-Perception : Life-Perception (2002), and the translators are alsothe luminous personalities in their respective fields- they are poets, professors and scholars : Dr.Ravinandan Sinha, editor of 'The Quest' and Prof.of English, St. Xavier's College, Ranchi; Dr.D.C.Chambial, editor of 'Poetcrit' and Prof. ofEnglish; Dr. H.C.Gupta, Ex. Prof. of English, JiwajiUniversity, Gwalior (M.P.); Dr. Ramsevak SinghYadav, Prof. of English, Kurukshetra University(Haryana); Lakshmi Shankar Sharma, Prof. ofEnglish, Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.);Vareendra Kumar Varma, Prof. of Philosophy; andAmir Mohammad Khan, Journalist.

    103 LA VRIT / p.266Truth

    104 JE VOUS SALUE / p.268I Bow Thee.

    105 AU REVOIR / p. 270Good Bye

    106 UN ASCTE / p. 272An Ascetic

    107 LA DERNIRE VOLONT / p. 274The Last Will

    108 L'ANNIVERSAIRE / p. 276Birthday

    L'APPENDICE ... / p. 277GLOSSARY ... / p. 278Appendix - 1 (Biodata Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar) ... / p. 279Appendix - 2 (Biodata Mrs. Purnima Ray)... / p. 282

    CRITICISM & REACTIONSContributors :

    Dr. Kiran Chaudhry, JNU, DelhiDr. Prema Hallikeri, Karnatak Univ., DharwadDr. Sushant Kumar Mishra, BHU, VaranasiDr. Nilanjan Chakrabarti,Visva-Bharati, SantineketanDr. Asha Pande, Univ. of RajasthanDr. R. Kichenamourty , Pondicherry Univ.Dr. H. Kalpana, Pondicherry Univ.

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Poet Mahendra Bhatnagar's richness ofthought, simplicity of style and lucidity of languagehave marked him as one of the avant-grade Indianpoets. All the translators mentioned aboveexpressed their observations regarding his poetryin their own way, but it remains all the same -they spoke highly of him as a poet, his poeticabilities and sensibilities. And I am sure thatevery reader of his poems will not find their remarksas exaggerations. I am also such a reader whowanted to translate his poems while reviewing hispoetry-collection Death-Perception : Life-Perception. But as a translator I cannot agreewith those critics who say that his poems aredifficult to translate. For poet Mahendra expresseshis deep thoughts in a very simple manner, sothe form automatically becomes simple and thelanguage is close to our heart. I have noticedsurprisingly that these translators did their jobwell. As a translator special advantage that Iknow Hindi. So when I compared the two : theoriginal Hindi and the translated English, I alwaysfelt that the original spirit was not lost. Again, toretain the lyrical cadence is not difficult in Bengalior in French, as French is a very sweet and flexiblelanguage like Hindi, and there are many nearestmeanings for a single word in Bengali. Yet I alwaystried to be true to the original.

    In the present volume I selected more thanone hundred of his poems from five collections ofhis poetry mentioned above. I would like to presentmy views regarding these poems. Dr. H.C.Guptahas rightly observed in his forewosrd to Dr.

    Mahendra Bhatnagar's Poetry :".... Here, it may be pointed out that Prof.

    Bhatnagar has composed poems in all the threemodes - narrative, dramatic and lyrical; the lyricalis his penchant .... His poetry, to be sure, bearsand carries the stamp of sincerity and authenticity..."

    Yes, what Poet Mahendra Bhatnagar says, hecan confirm it boldly, for he has such convictions.His poems are also very suggestive and symbolic,and that is why his poems are very sound from theaesthetic point of view. His spirituality findsexpressions in many of his poems. So his poemsaddressed to a beloved are also spiritual in tone,as we find in Rabindraanath Tagore's poems. AndPoet Mahendra Bhatnagar's spirituality is rootedin Vedantic philosophy. His spirituality lies inhumanism, the religion of the poet. He suggeststhe pathetic modern life, yet he is an optimist.Prof. L.S.Sharma better explains these qualitiesin his editorial note on Forty Poems :

    ".... His is a voice, mighty and sonorous raisedin support of Humanism and Progressivism. In facthe has not cared to write within the narrow limitsof an 'ism', nor has his genius flowed within banksdetermined by a particular movement in HindiLiterature. He is made of more perennial stuff.He is decidedly not a poet of cloud-cuckoo-land ofromance nor is he an escapist. He is a poet ofinsuperable optimism, Himalayan determination andspiritual regeneration, and has plenty of sympathyfor the under-dog. The poet in Mahendra Bhatnagaris fully conscious of his responsibility to society

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    and also to art. Comprehen-siveness of view,catholicity of thought, simplicity of expression,depth of emotions and chiselled vocabulary - allhave been combined to good effect in MahendraBhatnagar's poetry ...."

    Poet Mahendra Bhatnagar is a philosopher, solike a true philosopher he sees everythingobjectively without being biased. He is a poet whoworships 'life' and finds a source of inspiration in'Death' :

    The death's orchestra plays on,The mango-groves once jubilant and gayAre silent and deserted now;But with faith divineIn the midst of tears and sighsThe man laughs on!The man lives onBy the cravings of love!

    (Lust For Life)He points us to see the fact that we are

    standing on the backbone of 'Death', so that ourdesire for life is being stirred again and again :

    Death is;Death is imminent,Unavoidable -

    That's whyLife is so desired!

    (Gratitude)Although we get scared by it every now and

    then, yet it is acceptable, and for that 'life'itself is grateful to 'Death' :

    Death element / feelingMinute by minute death-tension

    Are acceptable,GratitudeTo deathLife's gratitude!

    (Gratitude)For 'Death's contributions to 'Life' are

    unnumbered :Death's made life

    very beautiful,Transformed this worldin fact

    into a pleasant heaven,We learntthe meaning of love

    only thentrue's true!

    (Gratitude; Again)And the most important achievement of

    'Death' is that it :Transformed man into higher beings

    than immortal god!(Gratitude; Again)

    The poet can establish a truth that man's allphilosophy including the idea of God revolves round'Death' :

    If there were no death,God wouldn't have any existence,manwould have never reconciledwith his fate!

    (The Truth)For man is always led by this fact that 'Death'

    is imminent', so his idea of God is nothing but :

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    a symbol,God - a proof

    of man's helplessnessof readiness after death ...

    (The Truth)The poet equates the relation between 'Life'

    and 'Death' through a fine imagery :DeathAn unbreakable string

    Tied to birth ...(Life-Death)

    So he rightly poses the stoic question :Birth :

    Why a jubilation?Death :

    Pain ...!Why ?

    Birth-deathWhen equal ?

    (Life-Death)The poet can justify what he says regarding

    this by a logical fallacy :Morning is redEvening is redMorning-evening are one.

    Wail on birthWail on deathBirth-death are one ...

    (Equal)It seems that he wants to say that as one

    cannot detach 'Death' from 'Life', similarly 'Life'cannot be detached from 'Death' :

    Death -a birthover and over againof soul ...

    (Reality)Like the ancient Greek philosopher poet

    Mahendra Bhatnagar says :this manifest world is the only truth ...

    (Reality)Yet he confirms :Death - a truth,Life - a truth ....

    (Reality)He shows us that the victory of 'Life' over

    'Death' lies in the faith :Have faihLifewill be victorious,fear not the wicked,fear not ...

    (One Day)Like a Miltonic hero the poet discloses the

    way :If deathdestroys usLet us

    strike back at it,Let ussing the glory of life,let usstrike a severe blow atYama, death! ...

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    (Purpose)The poet sings paean of 'Life', but there is

    something more special in his singing :I singabout the triumph of life

    over death! ...(Compatibility)

    Like the post-Tagorean Bengali surrealist poetJivanananda Dash he admires the wealth of 'Life':

    I sing dauntlesslythe triumph of life-budof the dearest thing!I sing

    again and again! ...(Compatibility)

    One may compare the words 'again and again'quoted above with Jivanananda's famous poeticline - 'abar asiba phir' (I will come back again).The words which poet Mahendra Bhatnagar usedare not the same, but the total effect remainsthe same :

    The sounds that echoin the sky of the graveyardof the liberated-selves of carefree birdsare translationsof mylife-sentiments!The compatriots

    of mylife-adorations! ...

    (Compatibility)Here he establishes one truth that poets

    from ages to ages sing of life in their unique ways.Perhaps for that reason the poet can romanticize'Death' :

    You'll come -on tip-toes,

    SurprisingLike a clever girl,


    My beloved,your this gameIs welcome ! ...

    (To the Fairy of Death)Poet Mahendra Bhatnagar's creativity finds

    its fullest expression when he uses the words'passing away' instead of :'Death' :

    Death might be overtakingwhile dreaming,Pranamight be out from the body

    just then.A dreaming manPassing away! ...

    (The Mode of Death)The poet accepts indirectly the will of God

    behind 'Death', so he says to himself, and at thesame time to us to renounce all earthly attachments:

    Never remember,Even today,Listen,

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Do not light the memory-lamp! ...(Good-bye)

    He does not forget to remind us the mostprecious things of life, and he puts all this somasterly in the mouth of a dying-person :

    Adieu!O the springs of the world

    Adieu!O, the shining moonThe twinkling bright stars

    Adieu!AdieuO, the high waves of the sea! ...

    (I Bow Thee)In a way, he values most the Nature

    surrounding us, as Mrityunjaya in Rabindra NathTagore's short story 'Guptodhan' (The HiddenTreasure) exclaimed :

    I want sunlight, air, sky etc.For poet Mahendra Bhatnagar knows what

    ultimate truth is, so he makes a good-bye to anillusory world behind him :

    Flutteringwings of illusion,EyesProfuse with love

    Adieu!The strings ofAn inextricable knotThe unrealised hopes


    (I Bow Thee)

    'An Ascetic' is an important poem in the sensethat the poet gives here a message to the strife-torn world we are living in :

    He who singsSongs of lifeat the edge of doom,One day -he will attain

    an immortal placeby changing his shape,Preserve thisheritageby making it a 'stupa' ...Here, the suggestion is if we sing songs of

    life, there should be then no hankering after life-killing desires and efforts; again the poet'sspirituality lies in humanity, and man's religion inhis 'Kritakarma'. The poem 'Last Will' can beseen as his consolation for us as well as a clarioncall :

    Let mind be setonly on the mystery beyond death!.....Let refinement of worship bein the splendour of knowledge ...Here, he gives more emphasis on 'mind' which

    controls all body-organs, and on 'knowledge', thepurest of all things in the world as we find in TheGita.

    To poet Mahendra Bhatnagar 'Love' is anelixir, an 'lan vital'. It is also a connecting linkbetween the earthly and the cosmic existence :

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Indeed attached to the earth though we areYet the bond of love for the moon and starsIs unbreakable as ever, ...

    (Vision)For him, 'Love' and 'Beauty' are

    synonymous, so he concludes :In this lifeThere is nothing,Nothing indeedMore beautiful than love,Anywhere!

    If birth is a blessingIt is because of this,

    Indeed, because of this! ...(Conclusion)

    How boldly he asserts us :In dreams and ideals we do indulge,Yet no less significant is our pledgeTo make them real!

    (Vision)How affectionately he kindles our dead passions

    :So please sing me a songFresh and sweetIn a new strain!

    Ask me notHow many timesDid I fall and riseOn the stream of life, ...

    (Light the Lamps)

    In this poem he actually sings a paean of life,so he can utter :

    Yet do I know -I have drained the cup of poison to the dregs

    ...His poem 'Sing' is an ode to 'Life'. How inspiring

    and charming these lines are :Sing, so that life a lyric became!Sing, so that each particle a friend became!Sing, so that defeat victory became!Sing, so that suffering a music became! ...And he completes it by saying :On the time-tablet is inscribed'Life is invincible'! ..

    (Indomitable)And he supports his conviction that this is not

    a mere impossibility :IfIn country minePersons as Gandhi and NehruHad not taken birthThen -Clamps of beastlinessRound our hands and feetWould have been fastened! ..

    (Or Else)'Gandhi' and 'Nehru' became the symbols of

    values as well as ideals. And this sounds much whenat the next moment he reminds us the most vitaltruth :

    None is for youNone is for anybodyThe world utterly selfish is! ...

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    (Epitaph)He gives a boost to our courage and convictions

    that are lying dormant at this moment :A tide of laughter knocks,Dear! the love is still alive with all its

    aspirations ... (Light the Lamps)

    He reminds us that one should free one's mindfirst from all inhibitions to do this great job :

    Beauty of the universe is nobody's pown!No grievance have I against you today! ..

    (No Grievance)The poet finds 'Love' as the real blessing

    gifted by God to man :A glamorous marriage life isFor that man having love as God's gift,Lucky is he; for him alone there isSpring in nature; rains in the world! ...

    (The Blessedness of Man)He defines the term 'heroism' in 'The Man' :Hero is he, who hasn't shed a tearAnd has treasured the anguish in the heart!

    ...Here the suggestion is if we cannot overcome

    our personal grief and sorrow, how can weunderstand other's agony and bring joy to them.So he asks 'Love' first :

    O giver of life,Give me love,If you have given me thirstGive me nectar to drink ...

    (Through the Unwanted Moments)and then says :

    For I have witnessedThe picture of living truth,A picture of the world and of lifeFull of pain and agony restless!Deep sorrow of some innocent soul,In torrents of tears,Pours down on earth!Darkness prevails so dense all around,That Aurora in displeasure tarries ...

    (Betrayal)With a Shelleyan enthusiasm he can inspire us

    :To win over the damsel of the dawnThe myriad songs I would sing forth.And to dispel the darkness,I would bedeck life with light!Until the blooming love pervades the entire

    universe ..(Betrayal)

    Like a true humanist he gives us a firm as wellas an inspiring voice to uplift 'peace' and 'humanity':

    No matter how vigorousThe drum-beat of war may beWe shall hold fastThe banner of peace aloft!And the suppression of the voice of peaceWe shall not allow! ..

    (With Flags of Peace)He who as a great poet has far-sightedness,

    can utter such words of hope :Opposite current any would dash against itBut only to reel and retreat in utter defeat!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    (It Won't Collapse)Though the poet sees darkness all around,

    yet he hopes for a dawn :Yet I liveOn the bed of fire;Yet I liveHolding a mountain on my head!Yes, I live in the manner of SivaDrinking poison unto the neck ...

    (Life)For he believes in 'Karmayoga', and so he can

    challenge 'Destiny' with such a heroic utterance:

    O Winged steeds of Destiny!Holding thy reinsWith confidenceAnd with firm hands,We will pull themTo give ye direction,Every time!......Bathed in sweatWe will washThy ominous lines,And singing sweet the inspiring musicOf hard work,We will break through,Thy citadelsOf distress and destruction! ...

    (O Winged Steeds of Destiny)That is why he accepts :O bestower of benesdictions!The life-giver

    The poisonous giftThat you have given me

    I accept ...(I Accept)

    And through this acceptance he realises theGreat Soul within himself :

    In the solitude of this darksome night -Who has pouredInto my poisonous, bitter selfThe sweet words of great consolation -Sounding like a charming musical note,Coming from a distance,Springing a pleasant surprise?......Oh, who is itThat stirs my consciousnessTo mitigate my suffering ? ...

    (Who Are You)At the same time he reminds us that he has

    not a magic wand but, :Lots of Love - loveThat I have treasured all my life -To each of thoseWho are distressedEither by Fate or the ways of the world! ...

    (Gift of a Lively Faith)Mahendra Bhatnagar can be rightly called a

    poet of the masses, and of 'new hopes' and 'alively faith' when he says :

    O ye,The downtrodden, distressed, dejected ones!I welcome youWith the fragrant gleeful bouquets

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Of new hopes and a lively faith! ..(Gift of a Lively Faith)

    As he is a poet of the masses, he cannotindulge only in spirituality :

    O my lovely love!When the flowers are fadingAnd the world looks like a widow,what meaning could there beIn the beauty-aids, orThe jingling of the ankle-bells?Pray, oh, PrayThat the buds may blossomAnd the branches quiver with love! ..

    (A Submission)He welcomes the ordinary people who do marvel

    in their ordinary existence :In desolate forests,A warm welcomeTo the blooming flowersRaining on beds of thorns,Flowers-mute in agony! ...

    (Contradictory)'Desolate forests' suggest an ordinary place

    far away from the din and bustle of the pompousshow of vain pride and glory of modern city life.That is why the poet reminds :

    In this cityof glorious buildings.......Who is known to you.......Someone with whom you can shareThe secrets of the heart!

    .......Is someoneWho can be called your own! ...

    (Lonely)How perfectly he depicts the socio-political

    scenario :AlthoughEvery night I go to bedAfter having heard the newsThat nothing unpleasant happened anywhere,There is tensionBut everything is in control! ...

    (To The Hawker)To him the real meaning of 'suicide' is :We ourselvesHave abandoned the shape of a manAnd have put on animal hides,We growl!And snatch away the livesof our own descendants! ...

    (Suicide)He helps us saying :If life is pain,Then bear its pangsWe must!

    If life is a secret,then remain silentWe must

    If there is no harbourThen row onWe must! ...

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    (Helpless)He can offer the best humanistic call :Compel notManSo much thatLife to himBecame

    A sharp prickingEver oozingGangrene! ...

    (Insistence)We again hear the message of indomitable

    courage :Because the fact is this -That in each calamity of hisAll alone has lived Man! ...

    (Self-Experience)And these lines echo the content of Rabindra

    Nath Tagore's song 'yadi tor dak sune keo naaase, tabe ekla cholore' ( if nobody comes forwardat your call, then alone go on ahead ) .

    Poet Mahendra Bhatnagar liberates 'woman':

    ..... Frailty is not thy name,

    ..... Your hands are now free from chains;

    ..... Prison social or personal confines younot,

    ..... I speak not as your lord, but as a friend; I simply wish to bind you

    With bonds silken of eternal love ...(Woman Reborn)

    'To The Condemned Woman' is an excellentpoem, where he guards well the honour of the

    woman-kind :O fallen womanCondemned by the worldCome!Me would give you cinnabarTo wish you blessedness!

    O you,Who have only knownDeep sighs and wailingsMe would bless your voiceWith sweet melodies! ....Here the last two lines have so many

    implications! The suggestion is that 'sighs andwailings' will be turned into 'sweet melodies' onlythen when there will be some self-sufficiencythrough intuitions, and when a poet can do thatjob through his poetry, then what honour andblessedness can be greater than this! The poetknows well that anyone can be illumined by suchsparkling lines :

    .... That lightning flashes not in the blaze ofnoon!

    .... That the breaths of the undauntedare wasted not - no, never! ...

    (We Know It Well)His 'Many A Man' is an extraordinary poem

    where he perfectly draws a line between theprogressives and the traditionalists :

    A new world has emerged though,Some take it still to be an evil world;Scared of their own shadows,They are caught in illusions wild! ...

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Whatever poet Mahendra Bhatnagar says hasa force andvigour due to his deeper understanding of life andthe world around it. That is why a simple word'Duty' gets a special definition as well as dimension,and it has become poetry because of its uniquenessof presentation and communication :

    ... To loveThis life, this world

    Is what a man must do! ...(Duty)

    How finely he points at the symbols of ourunlimited desires :

    How uglyIs the realityOf these sky-kissingRainbow-rimmedBuildings

    Is known to us! ....(Recognition)

    How finely he depicts our 'pitiable world' :Thus passes away lifeWith justPitiable world of

    even routine, monotony!Rare -Music cadenceSounds thrillingJoy fragrantLove rainbow-like! ...

    (Recognise You Can't)'Gouraiya' is not so simple a poem that narrates

    the pitiable condition of a bird. It symbolises

    what is good in our life, that remains picturesquein our superficial life. Like a mystic poet he findsout :

    Only a thin lineLies between laughter

    And tears! ..(Climax)

    He can depict the hellish modern human lifethrough a fine imagery :

    Terror fills the skies,Hot are the winds,With sulphur, with venom,

    But up to the destinationBraving stormsceaselesslyWe have to move! ...

    (To Live)In this social context the poem 'Birthday'

    bears a special significance :Even / in the storm,The lampKept burning ...Herein lies the aesthetic beauty of his poems.

    Like a true poet he laments for the cause ofpoetry that has been lost in this dull and drearycivilized modern life :

    ItHas never happened before -That wordsHave been so crippled,Words with feet,Words that walk and run,Not one,

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    But so many of them!....Words,Pregnant withThe condensed painof an entire lifeHave became So bare,Have been lost so completelyIn the air ....

    (It Has Never Happened Before)To him poetry is :Wedding manWith manturning directionOf brewing hurricanesOf cruel violent passions,Going forwardTo break their horrificBlind fury and onrushPoetry powerful

    Is hymn, prayer it is! ...(A Poem-Prayer)

    And also like a true poet he awakens thefearful heart that does not know its exact condition:

    Who is itThat stops youFrom telling the truth?.......Who keeps in checkYour conciousness?Who has chainedYour inspirations?

    (Unfettered Voice)With an encouraging voice :Let the voice be free,Unbound!Speak -This stiffness will endAnd each wordWill become radiant! ...

    (Unfettered Voice)The poet gives a definition of the true valiant

    worker :It is we who make life worth living ...

    (The Valiant Workers)He reminds us that he can wish and enjoy :Now is the timeTo bathe to the fullIn the stream of light,To get into the radiant waterfall of truthAnd bathe for the rest of my life! ...

    (Desired)For he has already experienced :I have roved so muchIn the murkiness of clouds,I have wandered endlesslyIn the darkness of my mind! ...

    (Desired)This poet can exclaim :Has the day been victorious,On my living from moment to momentLives day,My pace gives meaningTo the immortal time,I am / the unconquered, ceaseless battle,

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Before me bowsEach mountain-obstacle

    Each approaching momentIs welcome! ...

    (Life)Once again, he makes us remember that we,

    the humans are the sons of the 'Amrita' (nectar):

    Its representative we are,The best and the fittest,We the destroyers of darknessWe the guides to light! ...

    (Radiance)He again extends his praise for Man :Indomitable are theyWonderful bend they have! ...

    (Indomitable)He suggests that while there is a winter in

    the mind and theworld around it, it is the best time for the reunionof the soul and the body :

    At such a time, why are you silent,Do share a secret with me!Silently meet the earth and the sky,At such a moment be with me,Or else, the cold body will shiver!

    (Winter)He symbolises that - blessed moment, the

    moment of spiritual attainment :Who knows whenYou kept a bunchof entwined flowers

    In my roomAnd left! ...

    (Symbol)The poet gets alarmed in fear of losing that

    Invisible, that 'Arupa' (who has no form) :You are the sparrowof my courtyard

    You will fly away!Now my house ringsWith sweet harmony,The nectar of love rainsFrom all sides,

    I fearWho knows whenYou will leave and be lost! ...

    (You)Here 'courtyard' and 'house' suggest the

    'mind' and the 'body' respectively. So MahendraBhatnagar is not only an avant-grade Indian poet,but a great contributor to the enrichment of WorldPoetry.

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Why, the worship of ArtFills each heartWith love!

    Sing,The stone will turn into wax,The hot desert into a tidal sea.

    Sing,The whirlwinds will calm down;The dark nightWill turn into a golden day.

    Sing, O sing,The birds of life will chirpIn the lonely valleys of deathAnd the desolate, dreary facesWill gleam in moonlit smiles!

    The worship of Art is meant to litCandle in each heart,Or, fill it with the fragranceOf sandal wood.

    The worship or Art is meant to fillEach heart with love!

    O sing,The world shall excel the Heaven in beauty,No man will suffer old age;A man will only an angel be

    1 2


    Pourquoi, l'adoration de l'artRemplit chaque coeurDe l'amour!

    Chantez,La pierre se tournera la cire,Les vagues mares s'coulent au dsert chaud.

    Chantez,Les tourbillons se calmeront;La nuit sombreSe tournera au jour dor

    Chantez, chantez,Les oiseaux de la vie ppierontDans les valles dsoles de la mort,Et les faces dsoles et lugubresBrilleront dans les sourires clairs par la lune!

    L'adoration de l'art s'agit d'allumerLa chandelle chaque coeur,Ou, de le rmplir du parfumDe bois de santal.

    L'adoration de l'Art s'agit de remplirChaque cur de l'amour!

    , chantez,Le monde surpassera le paradis en beaut,L'homme ne souffrira pas de vieillesse;Un homme deviendra seulement un ange,

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar* 3 4

    And a woman,A divine damsel she will be!

    Sing, O sing,That the spring may comeTo the distressed life;The boughs and flowers may danceIn mirth;The eyes may cherishThe sweet dreams.

    O sing,Playing on the world's harp;Stir each mindWith the priceless tunes of love.

    The worship of Art is meant to rouseA sense of beautyIn every man!

    The worship of Art is meant to fillEach heart, with love!

    Et une femme,Elle deviendra une demoiselle cleste!

    Chantez, chantez,Afin que le printemps vienneA la vie dsole;Que les branches et les fleurs dansentEn joie;Que les yeux entretiennentLes rves doux!

    chantez,Continuant de jouer de l'harpe du monde;Bougez chaque espritAvec les airs sans prix de l'amour.

    L'adoration de l'Art s'agit de stimulerUn sens de beautDans chaque homme!

    L'adoration de l'Art s'agit de remplirChaque coeur, de l'amour!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar* 5


    Sing; so that life a lyric may become !

    Man is helpless at each step,Each silvery love-dream is shattered,Sunken in sea of tearsThe sun of hope is far, far away,

    Sing, so that each particle a friend may become !Sing; so that life a lyric may become !

    Surrounded on all sides is darkness denseHurt is each heart, full of pain,Shall mute cover of troubles life-longFor ever remain thus overhead?

    Sing, that defeat victory may become !Sing; so that life a lyric may become !

    Breath is overcast with helplessness-suffocation,Smouldering is life smarting-burning fed,Full of poisonous dense-dust particlesIs sky of mans wishes,

    Sing, so that suffering a music may become !Sing; so that life a lyric may become !



    Chantez, afin que la vie devienne une chanson!

    L'homme est sans appui chaque pas,Chaque rve de l'amour argent est bris,Le soleil de l'espoir immerg dans la merDe larmes est au loin, plus loin,

    Chantez, afin que chaque brin devienne un ami!Chantez, afin que la vie devienne une chanson!

    L'obscurit entoure par de tous cts est dense,Chaque coeur qui est plein de peine, est bless,Le couver muet de troubles restera-t-il de toujoursAu-dessus de la tte de cette faon?

    Chantez, afin que la dfaite devienne la victoire!Chantez, afin que la vie devienne une chanson!

    L'haleine est assombrie de l'isolement-la suffocation,La vie qui a consum de brlures, brle,Le ciel de dsirs de l'homme est pleinsDe parcelles denses et empoisones,

    Chantez, afin que la souffrance devienne une musique!Chantez, afin que la vie devienne une chanson!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Wedding manWith man,Turning directionOf brewing hurricanesOf cruel violent passions,Going forwardTo break their horrificBlind fury and on-rushPoetry powerful

    Is hymn, prayer it is !

    Its voicesFreely reverberate in the skiesIts meaningsBe resoundedIn innocentFull of sweet melodiesIn heart-passions ebullient !

    May man love manMay all the worldHis own family be !

    Ours is thisInvaluable ideological inheritance !

    Poem composedIn this transcendental mentality

    Is hymn, prayer it is !

    7 8


    La posie puissanteQui unifie un homme avec un autre homme,Qui tourne la directionD'ouragans qui brassentDe passions violentes et cruelles,Qui va en avantA briser leur furie et leur rue aveugles et horriblesEst une hymne,

    Une prire ell est!

    Laissez ses voixLibrement rsonner aux cieux,Laissez ses significationsRsonnerDans les passions du coeurPleines de mlodies innocentes et douces!

    Afin que l'homme puisse aimer l'homme autre,Le monde entierPuisse tre sa familie soi!

    C'est notre hritageIdologique et inestimable!

    Le pomeCompos dans cette mentalit trancendantale

    Est une cantique, une prire elle est!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    O Winged steeds of Destiny!Holding thy reinsWith confidenceAnd with firm hands,We will pull themTo give ye direction,Every time!

    Lustrous and indomitable,We are the sons of the soilWe stand by the toilWe cherish the youthful vigour;We will pullThy bridle - mind you -To give ye direction,Every time!

    O ye, the sentinels and the stars foretelling!Our labour is marked with brilliance,We will pull outThy light undecaying;For, we can reachThe inaccessible SpaceThrough endurance and steadfast endeavours.O ye, our stars!We will, forsooth,Take away from yeThy brilliance!

    O ye, the moving invisible hand!Thou art the invincible citadels

    9 10

    COURSIERS AILS DU DESTIN coursiers ails du Destin!Tenant les rnes vousAvec de la confianceEt par les mains firmes,Nous les tironsA vous donner la direction,Chaque fois!

    Nous sommes les fils de la terre,Nous sommes chatoyants et indomptables,Nous sommes les amis du labeur,Nous sommes les adorateurs fidles de la jeunesse,Nous tirons vos rnes, coursiers ails du Destin,Ecoutez-nousA vous donner la direction,Chaque fois!

    vous, les toiles immobiles du Destin!Notre labeur est marqu du lustre,Nous teindronsVotre lumire imprissable,Car, nous pouvons arriver l' Espace inaccessiblePar les preuves et les efforts constants! vous, nos toiles!Nous enleverons de vousVotre lustre!

    vous, la main mobile et invisible!Vous tes les citadelles invincibles,Rptant les dtresses et les crisDes gens malheureux!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Echoing the distress criesOf the ill-fated ones!Bathed in sweatWe will washThy ominous lines,And singing sweet the inspiring musicOf hard work,We will break throughThy citadelsOf distress and destruction!

    O winged steeds of Destiny!We will hold thy bridleAnd give ye direction!

    11 12

    Baignant dans la sueurNous laveronsVos lignes menaantes,Et chantant la musique douce et inspiranteDu labeur dur,Nous enfonceronsVos citadellesaDe la dtresse et la destruction!

    les coursiers ails du Destin!Nous tiendrons vos rnesEt nous vous donnerons la direction!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Every instant when moveConstruction-loving hands,

    When feet giveMomentum-making company,

    Image is then made !Destiny is then made !


    LE DESTIN-DFIChaque instant quand mouvoient

    Les mains qui aiment la construction,

    Quand les pieds donnentDe la compagnie qui fait de l'lan,

    L'image est faite alore!Le Destin est fait alors!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Lots of Love - loveThat I have treasured all my life -To each of thoseWho are distressedEither by Fate or the ways of the world!

    I throw open the gatesOf my small habitationTo give shelter to the life and honourOf those who are hitHard by Nature's ironies,Or, by worldly ridicules.

    O ye,The downtrodden, distressed, dejected ones!I welcome youWith the fragrant gleeful bouquetsOf new hopes and a lively faith!

    Covet your life with beautyAnd fill your heartWith an earthly fragrance!

    15 16


    Beaucoup d'Amour - l'amourQue j'ai gard prcieusement de toute ma vie -A chaque de ceux-lQui sont affligsPar ou le destin ou les faons du monde!

    J'ouvre les portesDe ma petite rsidenceA donner asile la vie et l'honneurDe ceux-lQui sont frapps durPar les ironies de la Nature,Ou, par les moqueries mondaines.

    , vous,Qui sont pitins, opprims, dsols et dcourags!Je vous fais bon accueilAvec les bouquets parfums et allgresD'espoirs nouveaux et d'une fois vivante!

    Convoitez votre vie avec de la beautEt remplissez votre curAvec d'un parfum terrestre!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    To loveThis life, this world

    Is what a man must do!

    To lovePeople,Mute animals, birds, sea-creatures,The forest creepers,The trees,

    Is what a man must do!

    To loveThe buds and the blooms,The myriad huedButterflies

    Is what a man must do!

    To loveThe miracle-studded,And wonderouslyIncoherentDreams;

    To loveThe dainty fairiesFloating through the sweetestFancies

    Is what a man must do!


    Aimercette vie, ce monde

    est qu'un homme doit faire!

    Aimerles peuples,les animaux, les oiseaux, les cratures de mer,les plantes grimpantes de fort,les arbres muets,

    est qu'un homme doit faire!

    Aimerles bourgeons et les floraisons,les papillons colors innombrables

    est qu'un homme doit faire!

    Aimerles rves pleins de miracleset incohrentstonnamment,

    Aimerles fes dlicatesqui flottent par les fantaisiesles plus douces

    est qu'un homme doit faire!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    No matter how vigorousThe drum-beat of war may beWe shall hold fastThe banner of peace aloft!And the suppression of the voice of peaceWe shall not allow!From the dawn of historyWe have faith in peace and humanity,Gautam and Gandhi are dearest to our hearts!Molesting anyone is sin for us,We come not in any body's wayQuarrels we do not pick,World friendship and mutual loveIs our message eternal,Enough affection have weFor the tormented and destructed world!Our hands will uplift the down-trodden,And we shall saveMillions of down-cast mute molestedFear-stricken injured sistersFrom the cruel clutches of the devils!We love smiles of children innocent;Alluring are the folk-songs of the shepherds and farmers!We shall never let these songs of mirthTurn into painful sighs and groans!Nor let the smiles be blood-stained!We pledge we shall never let the lightningCrash on the innocent dreams of Resurgent Man!



    Sa ne fait rien que vigoureux soitLe coup de tambour de la guerre,Mais, nous tiendrons fermementLa bannire de la paix en l'air!Et nous ne permettrons pas de suppressionDe voix de la paix!Car nous avons de la foi dans la paix et L'humanitDepuis le commencncement de l'histoire,Gautam et Gandhi sont les plus chers nos coeurs!La molestation de quelqu'un est un pch pour nous,Nous ne troublons pas quelqu'un dans sa route,Nous ne cherchons pas de querelles,Notre message ternel est l'amiti universelleEt l'amour mutuel,Nous avons assez d'affectionsPour le monde tourment et ruin!Les mains nous souleveront les gens opprims,Et nous sauverons millions de soeursBaisses, muettes, molestes, frappes par la peurEt blessesDe les pattes cruelles des diables!Nous aimons les sourires des enfants innocents;Attrayantes sont les chansons populairesDes bergers et farmiers!Nous ne laisserons jamais ces chansons de joiesTourner aux soupirs et gmissements douleureux!Nous ne laisserons les sourires tre souills de sang!Nous ne laisserons jamais la foudre s'craserSur les rves innocentsDe l'Homme Renaissant!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Terror fills the skies,Hot are the windsWith sulphur, with venom;

    But up to the destinationBraving stormsCeaselessly,We have to move!

    Like a flood of fireThe flames shoot upAgain and again;

    But up to the destinationOver crackling embers,On lonely paths,We have to walk,Bearing the heat,Getting singed andBeing burnt!

    Mines of gunpowderAre laid all over,In the rivers, the mountains and the forests

    But up to the destinationSolitary,We have to walk,Our iron feet poundingThe pits, the trenchesAgain and again.


    La terreur remplie les cieux,trs chauds sont les ventsavec du soufre, avec du venin,

    mais jusqu la destinationbravant des oragessans finnous devons marcher!

    Comme un flot de feuLes flammes se sont lancesencore une fois;

    mais jusqu la destinatonau-dessus les tisons crpitants,sur les chemins solitaires,nous devons marcher,supportant la chaleur,tant roussis ettant brlants!

    Les mines de poudresont tendues sur tout,dans les rivires, les montagnes et les forts,

    mais jusqu la destination

    solitaire,nous devons marcher,nos pieds en fer frappantsur les piges, les tranches,encore une fois!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    AfarIs over cast dense fog -

    Piercing the fogOn pathWe march on !

    Rocks whensoeverBlocked our paths -

    Breaking rocksNew paths we pave !

    Of windsBitter chillyCyclonic blowsConfronting tempestuous cyclones

    Chests dilatedOn each stepAre we unbudging !

    Against sea-shoreDashesThe mountain of terrific tides -

    Riding raised wavesWith full mightWe fight !

    Floods of riversBreaking banks overflow -

    StoppingWhirl-pools / pressures;

    Scurity-ships we sail !



    LoinLe brouillard pais est couvert -

    Pntrant le brouillardSur le cheminNous marchons!

    Les rocs n'importe quel momentOnt bloqu nos chemins -

    Nous ouvrons les voies nouvellesBrisant les rocs!

    Le cyclone de ventsGlacials et froidsSouffle,Confrontant les cyclones temptueux,

    Les poitrines se sont dilatesSur chaque pasNous ne bougons pas!

    Contre le bord de la merLa montagne de mares terrifiantesS'crase -

    Montant les vagues levesNous battons

    Avec toute la puissance!

    Les flots de rivireDbordentBrisant les bords -

    Arrtant les tourbillons / pressionsNous commandons les bateaux de scurit!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Dark blind night of doomOn earthWhensoever envelops -

    Illuminating the skiesSuns of hopes,And faithsWe raise !Jewel-lamps we light !

    Whensoever volcanoesVomitted fire horrendous -On lava wide-spread

    Our abodes dauntlessWe make !

    Whensoever earthquakesTowns and villagesRazed -On heaps of stones

    New habitationsEvery timeWe populate !

    From blasts ofAtom-bombs / hydrogen-bombsOn devastated landsO behold

    Flag of lifeWe unfurl!On all sidesLush vegetation afreshWe grow !


    A n'importe quel tempsLa nuit sombre et aveugle du dcretSur la terre enveloppe -

    Nous levonsLes soleils d'espoirsEt de la foisIlluminant les cieux!Nous allumons les lampes de bijoux!

    A n'importe quel temps les volcansOnt vomi le feu horrible -Sur la lave tendue

    Nous btonsNos habitations indomptables!

    A n'importe quel temps les tremblements de terreOnt rasDes villes et les villages -Sur les tas de pierres

    Nous peuplonsLes habitations nouvellesToujours!

    Des explosionsdes bombes atomiquesDes bombes l'hydrognesSur les terres dvastes voyez

    Combien nous dferlonsLe drapeau de la vie!De tous ctsNous cultivonsLa vgtation luxuriante de nouveau!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    How will you break their heads ?Oh how will you crack their heads ?

    Indomitable are theyWonderful bend they have !

    On time-tablet is inscribedLife is invincible !


    Comment briserez-vous les ttes leurs?Oh, comment fracturerez-vous les ttes leurs?

    IlsSont indomptables,Ils ont la courbe tonnante!

    Sur la tablette du temps il est inscrit -'La vie est invincible!'

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    The stonesThe more I hurledThe more each sprang up !

    The stonesThe more I crushedThe more each leapt up !

    The mudsThe more I washedThe more clean each was !

    The sootsThe more I mixed upThe more I smearedThe more it cleared up !Glittered becoming pure gold !

    With feltersThe body wheneverI tied tightUntied it freed-flowedNorth - southEast - westFlowing scattered !WavedBecoming weighty nimble mercury !

    Against each dangerI sported firmlyYour blowMarching forward I bore !



    Plus j'ai lanc les pierres,Plus chacun s'est leve vivement!

    Plus j'ai cras les pierres,Plus chacun s'est lance!

    Plus j'ai lav les boues,Plus chacun tait propre!

    Plus j'ai mlangPlus j'ai tachLes suies,

    Plus elle tait rang!Elle brillait devenant d'or pr!

    Avec entravesA n'importe quel momentJe liait le corps bien,Il se dliait et se librait alors,Il s'coulaitS'coulant traversLe nord - le sudL'est - l'ouest,Il se dispersait!Il s'est agitDevenant le mercure agile et pesant!

    Contre chaque dangerJe s'amusais fermement,Je supportais votre souffleAvanant en avant!

  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Each arrived momentIs welcome!

    Holding my handRises the day,Riding on my shouldersGrows the day,Out of my mindA new piece of writingIs shaped by the day,Out of my bodyA new creationIs sculpted by the day,Fighting on my strengthHas the day been victorious,On my living from moment to momentLives the day,My pace gives meaningTo the immortal time,I amThe unconquered, ceaseless fighting,Before me bowsEach mountain-obstacle

    Each approaching momentIs welcome!

    LA VIE

    Chaque moment qui parvientest bienvenu!

    Tenant ma mainse lve le jour,montat sur mes paulesdevient le jour,de mon espritune nouvelle pice d'critest forme la journe,de mon corpsune nouvelle crationest sculpte la journe,combattant sur ma vigueurle jour a t victorieux,de mon existence d'un moment l'autrevive le jour,mon pas donne une significationau temps immortel,je suisla bataille invaincue et incessante,devant moi se baissechaque montagne-obstacle,

    chaque moment qui s'approcheest bienvenu!

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    POSSIBLE - 1

    ComeLet's strikeStirke hard -Things will change,The belly of the earthWill shake,Rock layers

    Will crack,And will gush forthFountains!

    ComeLet's strikeStrike together -The situation will change,Rocks will sprout,And will dress upIn verdure!

    POSSIBLE - 1


    frapponsfrappons un grand coup -Les choses changeront,le ventre de la terretremblera violement,les assises de rocs

    se fleront,et jaillirontles fontaines!


    frapponsfrappons en mme temps -la situation changera,les rocs se pousseront,et s'habilleront avec soinen verdure!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    POSSIBLE - 2

    ComeLet's ram inRam in with all force,UltimatelyThe shape of iron

    Will change,The closed fortress-gate

    Will open!

    Holding flames of freedomEveryone will walk in,And in each cornerWill look for his life's treasure!The bugle of a new age will sound,The sun will rise!ComeLet's ram in,Ram in togetherOur lives will be made,Each needy and suffering personWill find his feet!

    POSSIBLE - 2


    enfonconsenfoncons avec toute la force, la finLa forme de fer

    changera,la porte ferme de forteresse


    Tenant les flammes de la liberttout le monde entrera,et en chaque coincherchera le trsor de sa vie!Le clairon d'un poque nouvel le sonnera,le soleil se lvera!venez

    enfonconsenfoncons en mme tempsnos vies seront faites,chaque personne souffrante et besogneuseverra ses pieds!

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    The wall of concrete convictionCan never collapse!It has been builtBy the boiling blood of the toiling massesAnd by their bones as hard as granite and steel,Many a restive, yet mute martyrHad fallen to fill the foundations!This conviction of a new future of lifeA mere haze it is notAnd is not without purpose,Even the numberless blowsCan never destroy the wall of a new conviction!Thanks to the years' struggleAnd the power of mass awakeningThat the tunnel of dark days is overThe World is lit upThe truth is aglow!The iron-wall of people's powerStands as sentinelIn order to protectThe oppressed and the have-notsThat wall is raising its headChallenging the classSteeped in blood pool of lust imperial,That wall can never collapse and crumbleFor it's a fresh and organised force of the masses,Opposite current any would dash against itBut only to reel and retreat in utter defeat!


    Le mur de la conviction concrteNe peut se jamais effondrer!Il a t btiPar le sang tremblant des masses qui travaillent dur;Et par leurs os qui sont aussi dursQue le granit et l'acier,Maintes martyrs rtifs, pourtant muetsSont tombs remplir les fondations!Cette conviction d'un nouvel avenir de la vieN'est pas un simple incertitudeEt sans intention!Mme les coups innombrablesNe peuvent jamais dtruire le mur d'une nouvelle convictionGrce la lutte d'annesEt le pouvoir du rveil de la masse,Que le tunnel de l'obscurit est fini,Le Monde est allum,La vrit est embrasse!Le mur en fer de pouvoir de peupleSe tient debout comme sentinelleA protgerLes peuples opprims et pauvres,Ce mur lve la tteDfiant la classeBaigne dans la mare de luxure impriale,Ce mur ne peut jamais tomber et se pulvriser,Car il est une force frache et organise des masses,Un courant oppos s'crasera contre ceci,Mais seulement tournoyer et reculerEn dfaite complte!

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    The common folk have gathered strengthAnd shaken the slumber,For the first time in World's History,And they have risen in revoltAs never before!

    Breaking away from the age-old beaten trackFighting against the huge rocky barrierAnd the most powerful current,Side tracking thusThe desolate thorny hilly tractAnd many such hurdlesDid the people's current crossThen it flowed downTo the plain of human lifeSeasoned with experience and courage of conviction!For the first time creepers colourfulHave sprung up all aroundAnd the parochial boundaries of all landsAre rendered dim and all dimIn the colourful glare of these boughs!

    It's becauseBurns in every bosom the spark,The live, red-hot spark of restive agonyThe cataclysmic force thatWill bring about a World newUnity of action for the first time is there,And therefore has survived every adverse blow!

    POUR LA PREMIRE FOISLes peuples communs ont repris de la forceEt troubl le sommeil,Pour la premire fois dans l'Histoire du Monde,Et ils se sont soulevsPour la premire fois!

    Se dtachant du chemin battu par le temps,Luttant contre la barrire grande et rocailleuseEt le courant le plus puissant,Traquant la route dsole, pineuse et montagneuse,Et beaucoup de telles obstaclesQue le courant de peuples a traverss,Alors il est tombSur la plaine de la vie humaineAttnue de l'exprience et du courage de la conviction!Pour la premire fois les plantes grimpantesEt colores ont poindu autour de tout,Et les frontires locales de toutes les terresSont devenues ternesSur ces branches colores!

    C'est parcequeDans chaque poitrine brle la flammche,Vivante et rouge de l'angoisse nerveuseQui est la force de cataclysmeQui causera un Monde nouveau,Pour la premire fois il ya de l'unit d'action,Et donc chaque adverse souffle a survcu!Beaucoup d'orages hurlantes et furieuses de feuSont passes pour retourner jamais,Que nous n'avons pas d'un ide.


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Gone never to return areMany angry, roaring storms of fireNo inkling we had.The new age is busy strugglingFor the rights of all,The comsing years will follow suit,The world will stand guardOn rights of all people!

    From California's Death-valleyFrom Kalahari, SaharaAbyssinia and TundraHas disappeared the dark night of ignoranceAll quarters are illumined with lights newPeoples of all countries are up,To construct the world anewIn a variety of waysA variety of countries thusAre no longer idle and helplessDiscovered they haveThe new device of buildingA happy paradise unfettered and free!

    The World entire belongs to all nations,None is alienated, nor any longerIs it a far-fetched dream.

    Gone for ever isThe worn-out life before RevolutionIn the face of firm faithNations all nurtured by injusticeHave banished been forth with.

    L'poque nouvelle est occupe lutterPour acqurir les droits de tout,Les annes prochaines jouent la couleur,Le monde dfendra les droitsDe tous les peuples!

    De la vallon de la mort de California,De Kalahari, Sahara, AbyssiniaEt TundraLa sombre nuit d'ignorance a disparu,Tous les cts sont clairsPar la lumire nouvelleLes peuples de tous les pays sont prtsA construire le monde de nouveau,Dans les plusieures maniresBeaucoup de pays ne sont plus paresseuxEt sans recours,Ils sont dcouverts un nouveau dessin ornemental,De btir un paradis heureux, lcbr et diffrent!

    Le Monde entier appartient toutes les nations,Personne n'est alin,Il n'est plus un rve distant.

    La vie passe a disparu pour toujoursDevant la Rvolution,Dans la face de foi firmeToutes les nations nourries par l'injusticeOnt t exiles sur-le-champ.

    Les lampes teintes sont allumes encore,Recevant l'affection de l'poqueLes lampes vacillent joyeusement et librement.


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    The fading lamps are kindled againAffection of the age the lamps receive,And joyously flicker freely.Life's cloudy night is armed with lightingWhenever his feet falterThe torch lights up the wayAnd into focus is broughtThe road of common man's life.

    Destroyed is the darknessBanished from the path.

    The reign of terror is overNo king is there,Nor is there a beggar,Those nglected so far for generationsAre harking to the call of revolt,

    For the first time the World is so wide!For the first time the sacrifice is so vast!

    La nuit sombre de la vie s'est arme de foudre,Comme un voyageur pieds avce une torcheDans l'obscuritSes pieds vacillent quelque moment,La torche allume la route.Et le chemin de la vie de peuples communsEst mis au point!

    L'obscurit est dtruiteEt exile du chemin.

    Le rgne de la terreur est fini,Il n'ya ni roi ni mendiant,Ces hommes qui taient negligs jusqu'-lDepuis des gnrations coutent l'appelDe la rvolt,

    Pour la premire fois le Monde est si large!Pour la premire fois le sacrifice est si vaste!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    When the dormant ocean of humanityWas stirred to life at the beckoning call

    Everyone thought -There struck the thunderboltBut lo! that was the thunderous noiseOf the downtrodden!

    When the thick walls of the exploiters' citadelsCracked with the reverberating sounds

    Everyone thought -There rocked the earthquakeBut lo! that was the tremor of the

    trampling feetOf the downtrodden!

    LE TREMBLEMENT DE PIEDSCRASANTSQuand l'ocan dormant de l'humanitEtait agit la vie par la voix nouvelle

    Tout le monde a compris -Que le coup de foudre frappait l,Mais, las! c'tait le bruit tonnantDe les gens opprims!

    Quand les murs pais de citadelles des exploiteursCraquaient avec des sons rsonnants,

    Tout le monde a compris -Que le tremblement de terre a vivr l,Mais, las! c'tait le tremblement de pieds crasants,De les gens opprims!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    We are the onesTo bring new dawn to every home,To paint the world in rainbow colours,To give fragrance to the buds,To fill voices with new songs.

    We are the onesTo give music to feet,To pour nectar into life,To put dreams into eyes,To fill the dawn with spring-bloom.

    It is we who make life worth living,It is we who believe - work is valor.


    Nous sommes les unspour apporter une nouvelle aube chaque demeure,pour peindre le monde en couleurs d'arc-en-ciel,pour donner du parfum aux bourgeons,pour remplir des voix de rves nouveaux!

    Nous sommes les unspour donner de la musique aux pieds,pour verser du nectar dans la vie,pour mettre des rves aux yeux,pour remplir l'aube de floraisons du printemps!

    c'est nous qui faisons la vie valoir l'existencec'est nous qui croyons que le travail est la valeur!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Life-longIt burnsConsuming itself !

    It destroysDarknessSpread over faraway paths!

    It fillsEach house with glowBorn out of an inner flame!

    Its representatives we are,The best and the fittest,We the destroyers of darknessWe the guides to light!


    De toute la vieil brleconsumant soi - mme!

    Il dtruitl'obscurittendue sur les chemins lointains!

    Il remplitchaque maison de rougeoiementn d'une flamme intrieure!

    Nous sommes ses reprsentants,les meilleurs et les plus prsentables,nous sommes les destructeurs de l'obscuritnous sommes les guides la lumire!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    We'll march removing hurdles,Cleaving the darkWe'll march!For, we know it well -That lightning flashes not in the blaze of noon!

    Awake, incessantly shall we proceedErecting an edifice anew.For, we know it well -That youth falters not - no, never!

    The opposing gales will gaze in wonder,And the adversities will then quickly end;For, we know it well -That the breaths of the undaunted

    are wasted not - no, never!


    Nous marcherons cartant les obstacles,Fendant l'obscuritNous marcherons!Car, nous le savons bien -Que la foudre ne jte pas des clairs dans un clat

    du midi!

    Nous avancerons sans cesse tant rveills,Elevant un difice nouveau,Car, nous le savons bien -Que les jeunes gens ne vacillent pas - non,


    Les coups de vent opposants contemplerontfixement avec tonnement

    Et toutes les adversits alors se termineronttout de suite;

    Car, nous le savons bien -Que les haleines des hommes non intimidsNe passent pas en vain - non, jamais!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    The day dawns -Yet, many a man is sleeping,They are harvesting the crop -Yet, many a man is weeping!

    The new Ganges flowes today -Yet, many a man is thirsty,For, behaving like Chatak they holdThe water to be poisonous and dirty!

    The new breeze blowsThrough the fields and barns,There are many who breathe in freedom;Still many a man shivers and sighs!

    A new world has emerged though,Some take it still to be an evil world;Scared of their own shadows,They are caught in illusions wild!


    Le jour se lve -Pourtant, bien des hommes dorment,On moissonne la rcolte -Pourtant, bien des hommes pleurent!

    La nouvelle Ganga-rivire coule aujourd'hui -Pourtant, bien des hommes ont soif,Car, se conduisant comme l'oiseau chatakOn tient de l'eau empoisonn et sale!

    La brise nouvelle souffle -Sur les champs et les basse-cours,Il y a beaucoup d'hommes qui respirent librement;Pourtant, bien des hommes frissonnent et soupirent!

    Aujourd'hui un monde nouveau a merg,Mais, les uns le prennent encore comme un monde

    mauvais;Ils sont pris dans les illusions dlirantes,Ayant peur de leurs ombres propres!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    People only walk behindThe crowd!

    Their destinationThey don't know,They are vacuous,Completely thoughtless!

    Or wanderNear their nests!

    ThereIs a noise,Has a maneaterCome?

    In the susurationOf pine forests!


    Les peuples seulement marchentderrire la foule!

    Ils ne savent pasleur destination,ils sont hbts,compltement irrflchis!

    ou ils vagabondentprs leurs nids!

    Il yadu bruit?un cannibale est-ilvenu?Dans le murmurede pindes!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    In my countryO ye crores of the oppressed!YeAre not rid ofFoot-paths still,SwimmingIn the sea of boiling bloodGot not the shore !

    Even in this eighth decadeOf twentieth centuryOverhead yoursIs the open skyBeneathIs the bare earth !

    Desolate looksCold sighs !

    Crippled helplessnessWinter, rain, storm !

    In the mouths ofRotund and fatKhadi-cladEvil characterBusinessmen-capitalistsHouse-owners, colonialistsPleader-leadersAs beforeAbides - Gandhi


    Dans mon pays vous tes les millions des opprims!Vous vous ne dbarrassez pasDe trottoirs encore,Vous n'avez pas trouv de bordSurnagantSur la mer de sang bouillant!

    Mme dans cette dcennie huitimeDe vingtime sicleIl ya le ciel ouvertAu-dessus de la tte votreEt au-dessousIl ya la terre dnude!

    Vous avez desDsols regards,Et soupirs froids!

    Vous avez aussiDe l'isolement boiteux,L'hiver, la pluie et l'orage!

    Dans les bouchesD'hommes d'affaire-capitalistes,Logeurs, colonisateurs,Plaideurs - guidesCaractres mauvais,Ronds et grosHabills de 'Khadi'Demeure 'Gandhi'

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    In bungalows and palatial buildingsOn wallsIs hung Gandhi !(Or on the gibbet is suspended Gandhi ! )

    Of manoeuvred brainIll-temperedThese destiny-makers of new IndiaIn AmbassadorsBlowing dustSpitting on the oppressedTrampling on humanityLoiter carefreeThose desirous of petty conveniencesTouch their feet!

    Amazed is my whole generationHow dishonest leadership is !

    Comme devant!Dans les 'bungalows' et les btiments grandioses,Sur les mursGandhi est suspendu!(Ou sur le gibet Gandhi est suspendu!)

    Ces dsagrables 'faiseurs du destin de l'Inde nouvelleSoufflant de la poussireDans les 'Ambassadeurs',Crachant sur les opprims,Ecrasant l'humanit,flnent sans souci,Ces hommes qui sont dsireux de petites convenancesTouchent les pieds leurs!

    Ma toute la gnration est stupfie!Que malhonnte est la direction!

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    IfIn country minePersons as Gandhi and NehruHad not taken birthThen -Clamps of beastlinessRound our hands and feetWould have been fastened !

    HereThereEverywhereDeath-dealers would have been living!

    WeThat todayAdvance apace,To new strong and beautiful BharatUnbent like steelGive shape,EmittingRays of new enlightenmentWaging warAgainst darkness ignorance -Should have been boggedKnee-deepIn quagmire of communalism,We allShould have been defiled,Should boundlessHave been narrow-minded !


    Si :Dans mon paysPersonnes comme Gandhi et NehruN'taient pas nsAlors -Les crampons de bestialitAuraient t attachsAutour de nos mains et pieds!

    IciLPartoutLes marchands de mort auraient t vcus!

    NousQui avanons rapidement aujourd'hui,Donnons la forme inflexible comme l'acierA la 'Bharat' nouvelle, forte et belle,EmettantDes rayons d'claircissements nouveauxNous guerroyons contre l'obscurit d'ignorance -Nous aurions t embourbsJusqu'aux genouxDans le marcage de systme de la dcentralisation

    des pouvoirs,Nous tousAurions t souills,Nous tousAurions t l'esprits troits illimits!Nos tous les rves de l'unitAnantiraient,

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    All our dreams of unityWould shatter,Supporters of jungle lawWould plunderAll prosperity !

    Les tenants de la loi de junglePilleraientToute la prosprit!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Did weWith great eclat,Your emancipation celebrate,For this return?

    Did a sea of joy,On your proud out-cry of victory,surge here too,For this return?

    Did we,Like a comrade-in-arms,Welcome you,As the symbol of new resurgence of Man,For this return?

    That you -With aims brazenAnd motives of expansionism dirtyMay commit on us an aggressionCruel, barbarous and sudden,And rain on us a savageryAbominable, primitive, and ferocious;And that you -May occupy our land thus?

    That you -May forget our age-old friendshipTo turn a cruel traitor,And annihilate humanity from your hearts?

    That you -May turn merchant of tearsAnd bring us gifts of death?


    Avons-nous clbrVotre mancipationPour ce retour?

    Une mer de joieEtait-elle y houleuse aussiSur votre clameur orgueilleux de victoirePur ce retour?

    Comme un camaradeVous avon-nous fait un bon accueil,Comme le symbole d'une nouvelle rsurrection de l'

    Homme,Pour ce retour?

    Afin que vous -Avec des buts impudentsEt des motifs d'expansionnisme saleNous commettiez un agressionCruelle, barbare et soudaine,Et nous pleuvoiez une sauvagerieAbominable, primitive, et froce?

    Et afin que vousOubliez notre amiti vieilleA tourner un tratre cruel,Et annihiler l'humanit de votre cur?

    Et afin que vousDevienniez un ngociant de larmesEt nous apportiez des cadeaux de la mort?

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    That you -Coming from East,May bring us,Darkness dense and smoke thick,Enveloping vast expanse?That you -In the garb of communism,May cast greedy eyes,On the whole of south-east Asia?

    No such hopes,History had of you,That you will add to itA chapter so bitter!

    No such hopes of you,Had the resurgent communist world,Never did it expect,So pitiable a help from you!

    Change!Still there is time,Change your policies;Still there is time,Change your stinking waysOf behaving with friends!

    Or else!The power of World's humanityShall smash into dustYour empty false pride!The lover stubborn,Of war suicidalJust retrace your steps,Or else!World civilizedShall turn your blowOn you yourself !!

    Afin que vousVenant de l'estNous apportiezDe l'obscurit dense et de la fume paise,Enveloppant l'expansion vaste?

    Afin que vousDans l'apparence du communisme,Lanciez les yeux gloutons,A toute l'Asie du sud et de l'est?

    L'histoire n'tait pas de telles espoirs de vous,Afin que vous y ajoutiezUn chapitre si amer!

    Le monde de communiste et renaissantN'tait pas de telles espoirs de vous,Jamais n'a-t-il prsumUn appui si pitoyable de vous!

    Changez!Il ya du temps encore;Changez vos politiques,Il ya du temps encore,Changez vos manires empestesDe conduire avec des amis!

    Ou bien,Le pouvoir de l'humanit du MondeEcrasera votre orgueil faux et vain!L'amant entt,De la guerre suicideJuste revenez sur vos pas,Ou bien,Le Monde civilisTournera votre coup vous-mme!!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    ItHas never happened before -That wordsHave been so crippled,Words with feet,Words that walk and run,Not one,But so many of them!

    ItHas never happened before -That wordsOf myriad expressions,Of various intentsHave become hollow,Ineffective,Mere signs!

    WordsDo not walk on crutches,Their feetAre winged,They rise in the boundless skyFor hundred of yards,They crossThe deepest ravines,Time and again,They bring backBundles of precious rubies!

    Such words,

    Il N'EST JAMAIS ARRIV EN AVANTIln'est jamais arriv en avant -que les motsont t si tropis,les mots avec des pieds,les mots qui marchent et courent,pas un,mais tant d' eux!

    Iln'est jamais arriv en avant -que les motsd'expressions innombrables,d'intentions diffrentessont devenus caverneux,ineffectifs,des signes uniques!

    Les motsne marchent pas sur les bquilles,leurs piedssont ails,ils montent au ciel infinipour cent de yards,ils traversentles ravines les plus profondes,de temps et encore une fois,ils rapportentdes ballots de rubis prcieux!

    Tels mots


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Such swift words,Such darkness destroying words,ItHas never happened beforeThat they have become lame,That they have fainted,That they have cooled down!

    Words,Pregnant withThe condensed painOf an entire lifeHave becomeSo bare,Have been lost so completelyIn the air.

    tels rapides mots,tels mots qui dtruisent l'obscurit,tels mots pleins de feux,il

    n'est jamais arriv en avantqu'ils sont devenus boiteux,qu'ils se sont trouvs mal,qu'ils se sont calms!

    Les motsrichesde la peine condensed'une vie totalesont devenussi simples et si secs,se sont perdus si compltementdans l'air!

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Who is itThat stops youFrom telling the truth?Who is itThat prevents youFrom laying bareThe reality of life?

    Who keeps in checkYour consciousness?Who has chainedYour inspirations?

    WhoStranglesYour voice?

    Lined with despairIs your face,Tearful are your eyes,ScreamingImpotence.

    How longWill this throat remain dry ?

    The voice -The hoarse voiceSpeaks,How clearlyIt expresses everything.

    LA VOIX LIBREQui est - ilqui vous arrtede dire la vrit?Qui est - ilqui vous empched'exposerla ralit de lavie?

    Qui tientvotre conscience sere?Qui a enchanvos inspirations?

    Quitranglevotre voix?

    couverte du dsespoirest votre face,en larmes sont vos yeux,qui poussent des cris perantsde l'impuissance!

    Combien de tempscette gorge restera-t-elle sche?

    La voix -la voix enroueparle,que clairementelle exprime tout!

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    No,Let this bondageEnd,Let it loosenWith each heartbeat.

    Let the voice be free,Unbound!Speak -This stiffness will end!And each wordWill become radiant!

    Non,laissez cet esclavageterminer,laissez-le se dtacheravec chaque battement du coeur!

    Laissez la voix tre libre,sans limite!Parlez -cette duret se terminera!Et chaque motdeviendra rayonnant!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    What is this?EverydayYou throw a blood-drenchedNewspaperInto my house ?

    Full of all kinds of accidentsIs each column,Marks of indiscriminately fired bulletsShowing clearly on each page!

    One is afraidOf touching it ... of reading it,FlamingPoison throwingThe newspaper comes to bite me!

    AlthoughEvery night I go to bedAfter having heard the newsThat nothing unpleasant happened anywhere,There is tensionBut everything is in control!


    Qu'est-ce que c'est?chaque matinvous jetez un journalsouill de sangdans ma maison?

    chaque colonneest pleine de toutes les sortes d'accidents,de marques de balles tires sans discriminationqui montrent clairement sur chaque page!

    on a peurde le toucher .... de le lire,flambant,jetant de la poison,le journal vient me mordre!

    Mme sichaque nuit je vais au litaprs avoir entendu les nouvellesque rien dplaisant n'est arriv nulle pant,il ya de la tension,mais tout est sous la domination!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    We ourselvesAre destroying us!StrangeThat we do not feel the pain!BecauseOur hearts and mindAre druggedBy the primitive and savage insanityOf religion.

    We ourselvesAre throwing hand-grenades on ourselves!In madnessAre laying mines of fireIn our own houseAnd are attacking our own people!

    We ourselvesHave abondoned the shape of a manAnd have put on animal hides,We growlAnd snatch away the livesOf our own descendants!


    Nous dtruisonsnous - mmes!c'est trangeque nous ne sentons pas de peine!Parcequenos coeurs et nos espritssont droguspar l'insanitprimitive et sauvagede la religion.

    Nous nous - mmesjetons des grenades main sur nous - mmes!Dans la folie et la fureurnous tendons des mines de feudans notre propre maisonet nous attaquons nos propres peuples!

    Nous nous - mmesont abandon la forme humaineet ont port des peaux animales,

    nous grognonset emportons vivementles vies de nos propres descendants!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Not a step moreOn the pathOf age-worn principles,Today lies uncoveredEach deceptionOf this exploiting system.

    No longer possible it isTo be caught in the beliefs of the past,And to stuntThe ever expanding consciousness.

    Uncovered is the banalityOf all old rituals,No longer possible it isTo destroyThe new creationOf the ever-changing social life.

    A new peak of human respectRises,The earth and the sky are bathedIn a new light,The crushed lifeGlows,The hard rock is mouldedInto beautiful sculpture.


    Pas un pas plussur le cheminde principes consums par les ans,aujourd' hui reste dcouvertechaque tromperiede ce systme qui exploite!Il n'est plus possibletre pris dans les crances du temps pass, et arrterLa conscience qui s' tend toujours.

    Expose est la banalitde tous les rituels anciens,il n'est plus possible dtruirela nouvelle crationde la vie sociale instable.

    Un nouveau pic de respect humainmonte,la terre et le ciel se baignentdans la lumire nouvelle,la vie crasebrille,le roc dur est mouldans une sculpture belle.


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    You aren't a purse-purchased commodity of man,Nor are you the soulless slave girl,The brainless hand-maid and the lifeless doll.No longer are you the age-oldDown-trodden footwear of man,Not a source of pleasure and pastime any moreFrailty is not thy name,A bed of roses you desire not.Nor are you caught in the whirl-pool any moreBut banks distant you adorn now,No longer shall injustice crush you,New power and zeal of the time is with you;Your hands are now free from chains;Prison social or personal confines you not,Nor does man dominate your mind and bodyThat you submit to his whimsAnd utter not a complaint even by chanceOn behalf of the youths millions of the worldI speak, not as your lord, but as a friend;I simply wish to bind youWith bonds silken of eternal love!

    LA FEMME NE DE NOUVEAUVous n'tes pas un produit achet par la bourse de

    l'homme,Vous n'tes l'esclave sans l'me,Ni la vierge sans cervelle, ni la poupe sans coeur!Vous n'tes plus ce mme soulierVieux par l'ge et pitin de l'homme,Vous n'tes pas d'objet du plaisirEt du divertissement seulement de l'homme,La fragilit n'est pas votre nom,Vous ne dsirez pas un lit de roses!Vous n'tes pas prise au tourbillon,Mais, vous ornez de bords distants maintenant,L'injustice ne vous plus crasera,Le pouvoir nouveau et le zle du temps sont

    avec vous;Les mains vous sont libres maintenant de chanes;La prison sociale ou personnelle ne vous confine,Ni l'homme domine vos esprit et corps,Afinque vous soumettiez ces capricesEt vous ne prononciez pas une plainte par hasard!En faveur de millions de jeunes hommes du mondeJe parle, pas comme votre matre, mais comme un

    ami;J'espre simplement vous lierAvce les liens doucereux de l'amour ternelPour toujours!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    O fallen womanCondemned by the worldCome!Me would give you cinnabarTo wish you blessedness!

    O you,Who have only knownDeep sighs and wailingsMe would bless your voiceWith sweet melodies!

    O you,Who are richWith the ironies of life,Come,Me would bless youWith the mirths of life!

    O you,Who are drooppingBeing excommunicated,Come!O come,Me would give youThe abode of lotuses blue!

    O you,Who are deprived of every-thing,Mocked-at woman!Come,

    A LA FEMME CONDAMNE, la femme tombe,Condamne par le monde,Venez!Je vous donnerai du cinabreSur la ligne de cheveux!

    , vous,Qui a su seulementDe soupirs profonds et lamentations -Je donnerai beaucoup de mlodies doucesA votre voix!

    , vous,Qui est richeAvec des ironies de la vie,Venez,Je vous bniraiAvec des joies de la vie!

    , vous,Qui se casseEtant excommunie!Venez,, venez,Je vous donneraiL'habitation en lotus bleus!

    , vous,Qui est dpossde de tout,La femme couverte de ridicule!Venez, venez,

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    O come,Me would feelinglyTickle my fingersInto your rugged locks!

    Je chatouillerai affectueusementLes doigts tremblants moiDans les cheveux rudesA votre!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    O giver of life,Give me love,If you have given me thirstGive me nectar to drink.

    When the soul is blessedWith a physical mould,Give it shape, give it beauty;And fill the heartWith the tidal waves of feeling!

    Oh, deny me not the natural emotions,For, that would make a hell of life,Or, mean the passing of years without a songOf love or beauty.

    Oh, deny me not the happy SavanIf you have opened up the eyes to lightLet them rock the countless dreams;Let my consciousness enjoyA whitFreedom from pain or sighsOh, tighten not the strings of helpless momentsLet the broken wings of desire playFor a moment before they die.

    Oh, do not fix the nail of vile hatredInto the throbbing heartDo not reciprocate the fire of angerFor the fire of love.O giver of life,

    PAR LES MOMENTS INSOUHAITS donateur de la vie,Donnez-moi de l'amour,Si vous m'avez donn le soif,Donnez-moi du nectar boire!

    Quand l'me est bnieAvec de la forme d'espritDonnez-lui la forme, la beaut,Et remplissez le coeurDes vagues mares de sentiments!Oh , ne me refusez pas des motions naturelles,Car, il fera la vie infernale,Ou, il s'agira la fuite d'annes

    sans un chansonde l'amour ou de la beaut!

    Oh, ne me refusez pas de mois Savan heureux,Si vous ouvrez les yeux pour allumer,Laissez-les bercer les rves innombrables;Laissez-ma conscience enjouirDe la libert de peines ou soupirs,Oh, ne serrez pas des cordons de moments sans

    appuis,Laissez les ailes brises de dsir jouerPour un moment devant elles meurent!

    Oh, ne fixez pas d'ongle de la haine vileAu cur palpitant,N'changez pas de feu de la colrePour le feu de l'amour., donneur de la vie,

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*

    Let me taste the sweet smellOf every flower,If you have given me lifeLet me relax on a creeper's lapFree from all inhibitions.

    Laissez-moi goter l'odeur douceDe chaque fleur,Si vous me donne la vie,Laissez-moi dtendre surles genouxDe chaque plante grimpante,Etant libr de toutes les inhibitions!


  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    Finding the beloved's lapWhere is the man, hasn't fallen asleep!Where is the man hasn't lost himselfHaving got the beloved's love.Hero is he, who hasn't shed a tearAnd has treasured the anguish in the heart!

    L' HOMME

    O est l'hommeQui se sn'est pas endormiTrouvant le sein de la fiance?

    O est l'hommeQui ne s'est pas perduA l'amour de sa fiance?

    C'est un hroQui n'a pas rpandu des larmesAyant gard prcieusement l'angoisse au coeur!

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  • a *A Modern Indian Poet ... Dr. Mahendra Bhatnagar*


    A glamorous marriage procession life isFor the man having love as God's gift,Lucky is he; for him alone there isSpring in nature; rains in the world!

    LA BATITUDE DE L'HOMMELa vie est une procession de mariage excitantPour cet homme qui a de l'amour comme un cadeau

    de Dieu,Heureux est-il, pour lui seulIl y a le printemps da