Download - 13 - 26 June 2013 · 2013. 6. 12. · MON Registration 9.00 OPENING Keynote Paper TBA The Challenges of Realizing Low Flammability Furnishings Richard G Gann, NIST, USA 10.15 Coffee

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    19th -21




    Downing College, Cambridge, UK


    international symposium

    24th - 26th June 2013





    Since 1979, Interflam has brought together engineers, scientists, practitioners and regulators from around the globe to hear the latest state of the art papers with the specific intent to create an interface between the researcher, the fire safety engineer and the designer so that good fire science can be promptly harnessed to provide a safer built environment. As with previous conferences the programme offers participants a friendly and open atmosphere to interact with colleagues from around the world and presents ample opportunity to forge new relationships outside their own industrial or academic network. Keynote papers, parallel and poster sessions, exhibits, a student workshop and the inclusive social programme provide maximum opportunities for networking The technical programme consisting of 111 oral presentations and 68 poster presentations are spread over 30 sessions in 3 days. Authors from 30 countries will present their work giving a wide ranging global view of fire science and engineering. All presentations will be available in the Conference Proceedings.


    Advances in Detection, Suppression and Extinguishment Fire Dynamics Fire Investigation Fire Resistance Fire Resistance –Test Methods and Results

    Flame Retardants Furniture Human Behaviour in Fire Ignition/ Burning Behaviour Modelling Natural Disasters Performance Based Codes PV Panels Smoke and Toxicity Structural Fire Design Structural Fire Modelling Testing The Fire Service Thermal Insulation

    The Programme Committee invites all those interested in these broad research areas to join colleagues this summer to exchange views and ideas in the convenient and stunning collegiate setting of Royal Holloway College.

    Registration is Now open!

    Royal Holloway College

    - University of London -

    Near Windsor


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    The venue for the 13th conference will be at London University's Royal Holloway College. Noted for the Founder's Building, which is modelled on the Château de Chambord in the Loire Valley, the flamboyant architecture make this one of the most spectacular university buildings in the world. The College was officially opened by Queen Victoria in 1886 and includes the world-famous Picture Gallery housing a unique collection of Victorian paintings and Chapel with its fine reliefs and vaulted plaster ceiling.

    The parkland campus, bordering Royal Windsor Great Park, is conveniently situated8 miles from Heathrow Airport, 5 mins from the M25 motorway (junc 13) and 35 minutes from London's Waterloo Railway Station. The conference will have exclusive use of the Windsor Lecture Building which offers state of the art meeting facilities. There is ample car parking on campus.

    The campus has a convenience store and bank. It is a short walk (5mins) to the village of Englefield Green with its pubs and restaurants and approx 10mins to Egham with it shops, banks, restaurants and the mainline railway station. Famous historic and Royal Windsor is 10 minutes driving by car or bus.

    Windsor Building Theatre Conference Complex

    Royal Holloway College Location Map

    Founders Building

    College Chapel

    Changing of the Guard

    in nearby Windsor

  • Registration 9.00 OPENING

    Keynote Paper TBA The Challenges of Realizing Low Flammability Furnishings

    Richard G Gann, NIST, USA

    10.15 Coffee

    A. Smoke and Toxicity

    Chr: Björn Sundström, SP, Sweden

    B. Modelling

    Chr: Dougal Drysdale, Univ of Edinburgh, UK


    Advances in Detection, Suppression and Extinguishment

    Chr: Debbie Smith, BRE, UK

    10.45 Physical Scale and Computational Modeling of Smoke Movement in High Speed Passenger Trains M. Lázaro, D. Alvear, J. Capote, GIDAI Group University of Cantabria and I S de Ocáriz, I López, A. Arbildi, Aeronautical Technologies Centre – CTA, Spain

    A Generic Combustion Modeling and Species Transport Framework for Fire Dynamics Simulator Jason Floyd, Hughes Assocs and C Weinshenk, R McDermott, K McGrattan, NIST, USA

    Image Processing based Deflagration Detection within Crew Compartments of Armored Vehicles Felix Kuemmerlen, Bundeswehr Research Inst for Protective Technologies and NBC Protection and T Schröder, K Krueger, Helmut Schmidt University and, Germany

    11.05 Advanced CFD Modeling Approach of Smoke Toxicity and Light Extinction for well-ventilated and less well-ventilated Fires in a Compartment (Part II) Andrea Loehnert, N Monreal, C Knaust, A Hofmann, BAM Federal Institute for Materials and Research, Germany

    Testing the single zone design fire hypothesis: Assessment of a composite floor subject to CFD travelling and single zone fire models Danny Hopkin, Trenton Fire Ltd.,UK

    A novel methodology of electronically controlled sprinkler activation Leonid. T. Tanklevskiy, V Zima, Gefest Ltd and A Snegirev, A Tsoi, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia

    11.25 Fractional Effective Dose as a Tool for Evaluating Fire Safety Strategies Craig Weinschenk, J Averill, G Forney, R Ranellone, NIST, USA

    Parameter Uncertainty Assessment for Fire Modeling in Nuclear Power Plants (2 Marc Janssens, S Mohanty and A Kurzawski, SwRI, USA

    Smoke detection in high ceiling spaces Raman Chagger, BRE, UK

    11.45 Observations on the Generation of Toxic Products in the ISO/TS 19700 Controlled Equivalence Ratio Tube Furnace and the Controlled Atmosphere Cone Calorimeter Nathan Marsh, R Gann, J Shields & M Nyden, NIST, USA

    Numerical Simulation of Fire Growth on Corrugated Cardboard Commodities in Three-tier-high Rack Storage Arrays Prateep Chatterjee, Y Wang, M Chaos, K Meredith, X Zhou, and S Dorofeev, FM Global, USA

    Effectiveness of bus engine compartment fire suppression systems, Francine Amon, J Brandt, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden

    12.05 Ignition and toxicity of selected aircraft interior materials using the cone calorimeter and FTIR analysis Abdulaziz Alarifi, G Andrews and H Phylaktou, University of Leeds, UK

    Numerical simulation of fire spread in elevator shaft connected to adjacent lobby in tall building K Venkatasubbaiah, R Harish, IIT Hyderabad, India

    Theoretical Modelling of Sprinkler Sprays Jennifer Wen, S Dembele, H Aghajani , Kingston University, UK

    12.25 Accuracy of FTIR toxicity measurements of smoke gases produced by train products Tuula Hakkarainen, VTT, Finland

    Experimental and numerical study of smoke movement through soot concentration in a staircase of the Parisian underground Axel Bellivier, G Meyer, H Bazin, Laboratoire Central de la Préfecture de Police and J Hassanaly, Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, France

    Validation of Spray Water Distribution Patterns for K11.2 Sprinkler in the Presence of a Rack Storage Fire Plume Generator Karl Meredith, P Chatterjee, X Zhou, Y Wang and H-Z Yu, FM Global, USA

    12.45 Discussion Discussion Discussion

    13.00 Lunch


    Fire Dynamics Chr: Sergey Dorofeev, FM Global, USA


    Fire Safety Engineering Chr: Craig Beyler, Hughes Assc, USA


    Advances in Detection, Suppression and Extinguishment

    Chr: Christopher Weiczorek, FM Global

    14.10 Simple Ceiling Jet Correlations Derived from Numerical Experiments Nils Johansson, J Wahlqvist and P van Hees, Univ of Lund, Sweden

    SFPE's Guidelines for or Substantiating a Fire Model for a Given Application Morgan Hurley, SFPE, USA

    An Experimental Study of Pre-wetting Effects on Fire Propagation in Parallel Panels Sai Kumar Thumuluru and Y Xin, FM Global, USA

    14.30 Temperature properties of ceiling jet in an inclined tunnel Yasushi Oka, Yokohama National University, H Oka, National Maritime Research Institute and K Matusyama, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

    Fire Scenarios for Fire Engineering – Designers Choice or Generic by Regulation? Peter Johnson, D Barber and C Gildersleeve, Arup, Australia

    Identification of fire suppression mechanisms by water mist: experimental and numerical analysis Alexandre Jenft, A Collin, P Boulet, Lemta, Laboratoire d'Energétique et de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée and G Pianet, A Breton, A Muller, CNPP, France

    14.50 Experimental Study of Radiation Emission from Corrugated Cardboard Flames Dong Zeng, M Chaos, M Khan and S Dorofeev, FM Global, USA

    An experimental study on stack effect of fire in vertical shaft Yuji Hasemi, X Niu, T Ito, K Kagiya, Waseda University, Japan

    Experimental Study Of Smoke/Mist Interactions In A Corridor Romain Morlon, Université de Lorraine and CSTB, E Blanchard, S Lechêne, P Fromy, CSTB, G Parent, P Boulet, Université de Lorraine and JP Vantelon, ENSMA, France

    MONDAY 24th

  • 15.10 Fire Dynamics In Façade Fire Test: Measurements And Modeling Johan Anderson, R Jansson, SP, Sweden

    Experimental determination of the discharge coefficient of a doorway using SPIV technique for fire induced flow applications Amine Koched, H Pretrel, L Audouin, Institut De Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire (IRSN) and O Vauquelin, Université Aix-Marseille, France

    Watermist protection of low hazard occupancies – standardisation approach to applying the technology Louise Jackman, K Annable and S Colwell, BRE, UK

    15.30 Discussion Discussion Discussion

    15.50 Break Break Break

    PV Panels Chr: Christian Haefelfinger, Swissi AG,


    Fire Safety Engineering Chr: Craig Beyler, Hughes Assc, USA

    Fire Resistance: Test Methods Chr: Marc Janssens, SwRI, USA

    16.15 Systematical fire tests of PV modules – research on fire resistance, toxicology and burning behaviour Bernd Teichmann, S Krüger, BAM, Germany

    Smoke flow at an horizontal vent separating two mechanically ventilated rooms from large scale fire tests Hugues Pretrel, J Liberati, L Audouin, Institut De Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire (IRSN) and O Vauquelin, Université Aix-Marseille, France

    Different types of plate thermometers for measuring incident radiant heat flux and adiabatic surface temperature Johan Sjöström, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and U Wickström, Luleå University of Technology and SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden

    16.35 Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation of PV Electrical Plants According to the Italian National Fire Brigade guidelines Piergiacomo Cancelliere, Italian National Fire Brigade, Italy

    Design of Mechanical and Natural Smoke Vents in Atrium by Simulating the Fire with a Helium Source Caroline Peresson, M Delichatsios and M Suzanne, University of Ulster, UK

    Development of A Fire Test For Documentation of Fire Resistance When Fire Exposure From Above The Structure Represents a Fire Hazard Espen Daaland Wormdahl, C Sesseng and AW Heskestad, SINTEF NBL, Norway

    16.55 Discussion Discussion Discussion

    17.05 POSTER SESSION 1

    19.00 SOCIAL PROGRAMME – Informal Evening Buffet in Founders Building

    MONDAY 24th

    A. Ignition/Burning Behaviour Chr: Eric Guillaume, LNE, France

    B. Human Behaviour in Fire Chr: Karen Boyce, Univ of Ulster, UK

    C. Structural Fire Modelling Chr: Johan Andersson, SP, Sweden

    8.40 Fire properties of surface charred wood Lazaros Tsantaridis and B Östman, SP Wood Technology, Sweden

    Selecting Occupant Scenarios for Deterministic Fire Safety Engineering Analysis Rita Fahy, NFPA, USA and D Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden

    Effective thermal properties of heated insulation products Hans Olsen, J Sjöström, R Jansson and J Anderson, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden

    9.00 Analysis Of Cone Calorimeter Ignition Data: A Reappraisal Marc Janssens, SwRI, USA

    Investigating the impact of culture on evacuation behaviour – A UK Data-Set Ed Galea, G Sharp, L Filippidis, S Deere and M Sauter, University of Greenwich, UK

    Towards the Development of a Standard Verification Scheme for Heat Transfer Codes for Fire Applications Ann Jeffers, University of Michigan, USA and U Wickström, Luleå University of Technology and SP Fire Technology, Sweden

    9.20 Modelling of the heating process in cotton Bjarne Husted and B Hagen, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway

    Cultural Elements of Wayfinding in Fire Safety Engineering. Results from recent experimental work in Cyprus Georgios Boustras, K Katzis, European University Cyprus, N Paris, Civil Defense Department and P Papazoglou, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

    Capturing Spatial Variations of Applied Heat Fluxes in Finite Element Analyses of Structural Members Exposed to Local Fires Paul Beata and A Jeffers, University of Michigan, USA

    9.40 Formal Kinetics Of Polymer Pyrolysis For Modeling Of Ignition And Burning In Fire Tests Alexander Snegirev, V Talalov, V Stepanov, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia and J Harris, Boeing Research and Technology, USA

    Evacuation behavior from tsunami and fire in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake Yuki Akizuki, A Hokugo and T Nishino, University of Toyama, Japan

    Analytical Method for the Calculation of Heat Fluxes Received By A Vertical Member Subjected toa Localized Fire in an Open Car Park Christophe Thauvoye, B Zhao, CTICM and O Vassart, ArcelorMittal R&D, France

    10.00 Discussion Discussion Discussion

    10.20 Break Break Break

    TUESDAY 25th

  • A. Ignition/Burning Behaviour

    Chr: Bernhard Schartel, BAM, Germany

    B. Human Behaviour in Fire

    Chr: Rita Fahy, NFPA, USA C.

    Structural Fire Modelling Chr: Ann Jeffers, University of Michigan, USA

    10.50 On the balance between model complexity and uncertainty in computational pyrolysis Guillermo Rein, University of Edinburgh and Imperial College, UK and N Bal, University of Edinburgh, UK and CERIB, France

    An Investigation Into The Circumstances Surrounding Fatal Dwelling Fires Involving The Elderly During 1999-2009 Amy Harpur, K Boyce and N McConnell, University of Ulster, UK

    Analytical interaction diagrams for reinforced concrete sections in fire conditions, Duc-Toan Pham, C Florence, H Nguyen, CSTB and P de Buhan, Université Paris Est, France

    11.10 Ignition Theory – a New Simple Model Ulf Wickström, Luleå University of Technology, A Byström, Luleå University of Technology, and SP Technical Research Ins of Sweden and J Sjöström, SP Technical Research Inst of Sweden, Sweden

    “Get Out, Stay Out” vs. Occupier Independence: The results of an 18 month study of human behaviour in accidental dwelling fires in Kent Owain Thompson and David Wales, Kent Fire and Rescue Service, UK

    Cold-Formed Steel Columns With Restrained Thermal Elongation Under Fire Conditions Hélder D Craveiro, JP Rodrigues and L Laím, University of Coimbra, Portugal

    11.30 Study Of Gas Phase Flame Retardancy Using The Microscale Combustion Calorimeter Richard Walters and R Lyon, FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center, USA

    The Impact Of Smoke on Walking Speed Karl Fridolf, K Andrée, D Nilsson and H Frantzich, Lund University, Sweden

    Experimental and Finite Element Modelling of Protected Cellular Steel Beams in Fire Conditions Klelia Petrou, A Nadjai, F Ali and H Sanghoon, Univ of Ulster, UK

    11.50 Discussion Discussion Discussion

    12.10 - 13.25





    Furniture Chr: Christine Lukas, Dow Chemical

    Company UK Ltd


    Human Behaviour in Fire Chr: Edwin Galea, Univ of Greenwich, UK


    Fire Resistance: Test Results Chr: George Hadjisophocleous,

    Carleton University, Canada

    14.30 Requirements for Fire Safety of Upholstered Furniture Marcelo Hirschler, GBH Intl, USA

    Experimental Study Of the Effectiveness of Dynamic Signage Systems Hui Xie, E Galea and P Lawrence, University of Greenwich, UK

    Fire Resistance of Circular Concrete Columns Manfred Korzen, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany and JP Rodrigues, L Laím, University of Coimbra, Portugal

    14.50 Fire safety levels of interior textiles and upholstered furnishing in Norway– considering health and environmental effects from changes in product safety regulations Karolina Storesund, S Steinbakk, A Steen-Hansen, SINTEF, Norway

    Employing validation and verification tests as an integral part of evacuation model development Enrico Ronchi, D Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden, O Zechlin, H Mayer, Siemens AG, Switzerland and W Klein, Siemens AG, Germany

    Tests of Continuous Post-Tensioned Concrete Slabs Under Localised Fires John Gales, L Bisby, T Stratford, M Krajcovic, The University of Edinburgh, UK

    15.10 Modeling the Burning Rate of Upholstered Furniture for Different Ignition Scenarios Marc Janssens, SwRI, M Hirschler, GBH International and K Overholt, University of Texas at Austin, USA

    Validation of Evacuation Model Using Real Data – What Is The Influence of The Composition of The Population? ( Anne Dederichs, JG Sørensen and R Steensbro, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

    The Load-Bearing Performance of CLT Wall Elements In Full-Scale Fire Tests Joachim Schmid, M Fragiacomo, L Boström and A Menis, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden

    15.30 Experimental study on the effectiveness of RIP cigarettes to fire ignition Fumiaki Sasaki, T Matsufuji, Japan Tobacco and A Sekizawa, K Matsuyama, Y Tanaike, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

    The Parameters of Pedestrian Flows in Hospital During Fire Evacuation Dmitry Samochin, V Kholshchevnikov and R Istratov, Academy of State Fire Service of The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Russia

    Full-Scale Fire Performance Of Cross-Laminated Timber Walls And Floors Christian Dagenais, L Osborne, FPInnovations and N Benichou, National Research Council of Canada, Canada

    15.50 Discussion Discussion Discussion


    Break Break Break

    A. Testing Chr: Marcelo Hirschler, GBH Int’l, USA

    B. Human Behaviour in Fire Chr: Anne Dederichs, Tech Univ Denmark

    C. Fire Resistance Chr: Birgitte Messerschmidt,

    Rockwool Int'l Denmark 16.30 Identification of an Alternate Substrate for

    Testing Reduced Ignition Propensity Cigarettes Amanda Robbins, BRANZ, New Zealand and R Gann, W Guthrie, NIST, USA

    Exploring the Current Egress Models Capabilities for Simulating Evacuation of Children Through Stairs Arturo Cuesta, D Alvear, Group GIDAI, University of Cantabria, Spain and F Ancona, Politecnico di Bari, Italy

    Full Scale Tests to Study The Influence of Various Parameters on the Fire Performance of Hybrid TIMBER connections George Hadjisophocleous, S Ali, Carleton University, Canada

    16.50 Sources Of Error In The Ohio State University Apparatus Richard Walters, M Fulmer, R Lyon and S Crowley, FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center, USA

    The Development and Validation of a Rail Car Evacuation Model Ed Galea, D Blackshields, K Finney, P Lawrence and D Cooney, University of Greenwich, UK

    Experimental Fire Performance of Thermoset Carbon Fiber Epoxy Panels under Various Types of Structural Loading Alexander Brown and D Jernigan, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

  • 17.10 Testing Materials with Low Heat Release Rates in a New Cone Calorimeter Sean Gregory, S Pasantes, A Green, Fire Testing Technology Ltd and S Grayson, S Kumar, Interscience Communications Ltd, UK

    Exploring the Appropriateness of the Aviation Industry Evacuation Certification Requirements Using Fire and Evacuation Modelling Simulation Zhaozhi Wang, F Jia and E Galea, University of Greenwich, UK

    The Performance of Cavity Fire Barriers in the External Wall of Timber Frame Buildings, ( Philip Clark, T Lennon, BRE, UK

    17.30 Discussion Discussion Discussion

    18.50 Coaches depart for Conference Dinner at Savill Court Hotel


    A. Flame Retardants

    Chr: Richard Gann, NIST, USA B.

    Performance based Codes Chr: Morgan Hurely, SFPE, USA

    C. Structural Fire Design

    Chr: Barbara Lane, Arup, UK

    9.00 An overview of recent environmental and health evaluations of flame retardants featuring the EU ENFIRO project Adrian Beard and M Klimes, PINFA, Belgium

    Improving the uptake of Fire Safety Performance Standards – The Verifiers Perspective David Meikle and I Sanderson, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

    Progress on Travelling Fires: Novel Concept for the Structural Design of Large Enclosures Guillermo Rein, Imperial College, J Stern-Gottfried, A Law, Arup and Y Jiang, P Kotsovinos, M Gillie, A Usmani, University of Edinburgh, UK

    9.20 Flame retardants in a sustainable world, recycling WEEE plastics Is a technical and environmental challenge Lein Tange, P Salemis, EFRA, J van Houwelingen, REWARD, W Hofland, ICL-IP, D Goossens, Albemarle and P Jacobs, Chemtura, Belgium

    Risk And Uncertainty In Current Practice On Structural Design For Fire Safety Fredrik Nystedt and H Frantzich, Lund University, Sweden

    Limitations of time-equivalence formula for determining fire resistance requirements of buildings Anthony Abu, Winstone Wallboards, Hans Gerlich, University of Canterbury and C Wade, BRANZ Ltd, New Zealand

    09.40 Toxicity And Thermal Stability Of Brominated And Halogen Free Flame Retardants In Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Poly(Butylene Terephthalate) Michael Delichatsios, A Ramani, J Zhang, M Suzanne and S Ukleja, Univ of Ulster, UK

    The VULCAN INITIATIVE: a web platform for the next generation of performance-based fire protection design Alberto Alvarez, M Ferreira and B Meacham, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA

    CLT Contribution to Compartment Fires George Hadjisophocleous, C McGregor and S Craft, Carleton University, Canada

    10.00 New Flame Retardant Solutions For Textile Coating Sieghard Goebelbecker, R Borms, R Stenekes, ICL-IP Europe, The Netherlands and E Rapaport, O Mizrahi, I Shalev, ICL-IP, Israel

    Fire Loss Statistical Considerations in Relating Failure and Building Damage to Building Code Objectives Peter Senez, K Calder and H Li, Sereca Fire Consulting Ltd, Canada

    Fire Resistance Of Timber Constructions – Evaluation Of Improved Design Models Martin Teibinger, Holzforschung Austria, Austria

    10.20 Composites in Fire: Fire Behaviour Tailored for Different Applications Bernhard Schartel, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany

    Discussion Application Of Structural Fire Safety Engineering To A Gymnasium: A Comparative Study Nicolas Henneton, C Renaud and B Zhao, CTICM, France

    10.40 Discussion Break Discussion

    11.00 Break B.

    Fire Service

    Chr: Stefan Svensson, Lund University, Sweden

    (starting 11.10)



    Flame Retardants

    Chr: Margaret Simonson McNamee, SP, Sweden

    Stochastic Operation Time Modelling Of Rescue Situations Terhi Kling, T Rinne, J Vaari and S Hostikka, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland


    Fire Investigation

    Chr: Samuel Manzello, NIST, USA

    11.30 Polyallylamine-Montmorillonite as Super Flame Retardant Coating Assemblies by Layer-by Layer Deposition on Polyamide Kadir Apaydin, A Laachachi, V Ball, V Toniazzo, D Ruch Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg, and M Jimenez, S Bourbigot, ENSCL, France

    Simulating The Rescue Service Response In A Railway Tanker Fire Simo Hostikka, T Kling, J Vaari, T Rinne, VTT and J Ketola, Emergency Services College, Finland

    Arc Breakdown In Air Over Very Small Gap Distances Vyto Babrauskas, FSTI, USA

    11.50 New Modification of Sodium Montmorillonite Using Ammonium Phosphate Monobasic and Its Application as Fire Retardant for High Density Polyethylene Aksam Mohamed, M Hassan, M Nou, National Institute for Standards and I El-sayed, Menoufia University, Egypt

    Simulation Of Fire Development And Spread In Japanese-Style Rooms Under Different Ventilation Conditions Masakatsu Honma, T Otake, H Miyamoto, K Okamoto and N Watanabe, National Research Institute of Police Science, Japan

    Evaluating Electrical Receptacle Fires Matt Benfer, D Gottuk and C Beyler, Hughes Asscs, USA

    WEDNESDAY 26th

  • 12.10 New Class Of Brominated Polymeric Flame Retardants For Use In Polystyrene Foams Christine Lukas, Dow Chemical Company UK Limited,H Hollnagel, I Beulich, Dow Europe GmbH, Switzerland, J.C Bloom, M Beach, JW. Davis, J Hull, B King S Kram, T Morgan, B Stobby, The Dow Chemical Company, USA

    Post-Use Analysis Of Firefighter Turnout Gear Elizabeth Easter, M Cinnamon, S Trenkamp (Klausing), D Cotterill, University of Kentucky, USA

    A study of electrical fire data in Kent and Medway, (p026) Tom Cockcroft, R Bryant, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

    12.30 Discussion Discussion Discussion

    12.40 - 13.45





    Thermal Insulation Chr: Patrick van Hees, Lund Univ,



    Natural Disasters Chr: Charles Fleischmann

    University of Canterbury, New Zealand


    Fire Investigation cont/ Chr: Vyto Babrauskas, FSTI, USA

    14.30 Fire Testing of ETICS a comparative study Birgitte Messerschmidt, Rockwool International, Denmark

    Post-earthquake Fire Safety of Historic Buildings in Densely-built Urban Area of Kyoto, Japan Keisuke Himoto and T Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan

    Contribution to the Investigation of the Fire in an Avalanche Cover and Train set at Hallingskeid Railway Station, June 2011 Anne Steen-Hansen, S Fjær, C Sesseng, K Storesund, SINTEF, Norway

    14.50 The Impact of Real Building Fire Scenarios on Insurer Certified PIR (Polyisocyanurate) Core Steel Faced Insulated Sandwich Panels. Mostyn Bullock, Tenos Ltd and M Harris, Kingspan Limited, UK

    Fire Performance of Earthquake-Damaged Buildings: Overview and Preliminary Analysis of Full-Building Earthquake and Fire Tests Jin Kyung Kim, H Park and B Meacham, WPI, USA

    Outcomes And Lessons Learned From The Major Investigation of The Lakanal Fire In London UK Peter Mansi , Fire Investigations UK LLP, UK

    15.10 Facades– Fire Safety Aspects in the Context of Increasing Use of Thermal Insulation Edith Antonatus, BASF, Germany

    Firebrands Generated from a Full-Scale Structure Burning UnderAn Applied Wind Field Sam Manzello, S Suzuki, NIST, USA and J Suzuki, Y Hayashi, Building Research Institute, JAPAN

    Investigation of the Fire in Atherstone-on-Stour UK Using Reconstruction and Fire Modelling David Crowder, BRE, UK

    15.30 Discussion Discussion Discussion


    CONFERENCE CLOSING SESSION - Björn Sundström, SP, Sweden



    th @ 17.15hrs

    Flame Propagation over an Inclined Porous Solid wetted with Flammable Liquid, (p001) Jafar Zanganeh, B Moghtaderi, Univ of Newcastle, Australia

    Implementation of Improved Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) in Fire Dynamics Simulator, (p003) David Johansen, B Husted, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway The Discretized Radiation Method, a method to perform heat radiation calculations for arbitrary shaped flame geometries’, (p005)

    Inge Trijssenaar-Buhre, H Boot, TNO, The Netherlands Identification of temperature and composition of flames from wildland fine fuels using IR spectrometry data, (p008) Anthony Collin, R Berfroi, Z Acem, G Parent, P Boulet, Universit´e de Lorraine and Y Billaud, Y Pizzo, A Kaiss, B Porterie, Universit´e d’Aix-Marseille, France Numerical Simulation of Decomposition and Combustion of an Epoxy-Carbon-Fiber Composite, (p010) Amanda Dodd, B Shelden, Sandia National Laboratories and K Erickson, Consultant, USA Effect of humidity on the combustion of materials from household furniture, (p014) Axel Bellivier, D Garcia, A Thiry, M Suzanne, H Bazin, Laboratoire central de la Préfecture de Police, France Complying with Fire Safety Performance Requirements when Installing Blast Resistance Laminated Glazing Systems for Sub-surface Locations(053) Sam Sambasivan London Underground, UK Fire hazard of MV/HV cables installed in tunnels, (p021) James Robinson, Borealis Polymers NV, Belgium, G Alexander, Olex, Australia, C Philippczyk, NKT Cables, Germany, KV Poulsen, NKT Cables, Denmark , T Journeaux, D Gracias, Prysmian Cables & Systems, UK, P Almeida, Solidal, Portugal and W Loyens, Borealis AB, Sweden Fire Safety Challenges of Green Buildings, (p022)

    Brian Meacham, J Echeverria, R Cheng, B Poole, WPI, USA Survey on the status of Fire Safety Engineering in Europe, (p047) Michael Stromgren, D Lange, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden The design of more secure pressurization systems in stair cases of high rise buildings, (p049)

    Michael Haas, A Winthorst, P van de Leur, DMGR Consulting Engineers, Netherlands

  • Quantitative analysis of fire risks in tall buildings, (p050)

    David Charters, C Sherwood, BRE, UK Smoke and heat emissions as the measures of interaction of tested elements with test environment in fire resistance testing, (p055) Miroslav Smolka, Rockwool International A/S, Y Suurenbroek, Suurenbroek Consultancy BV., Slovakia Effect of Laboratory Size, Ventilation and External Influences on Cone-calorimeter Results, Hideki Yoshioka, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), (p061) T Hayakawa, TSV, Y Tanaike, TUS and K Yoshida, NNHK, Japan Effect of water mist and ventilation on engine room fire, (p063)

    Einar Kolstad, B Husted, University College of Stord/Haugesund, Norway Very early fire detection in nursing facilities, (p066) Kim Sommerlund-Thorsen, Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, Denmark Explosive spalling in polymer concrete exposed to fire, (p068) Erica Ciapini, University of Florence, Italy Structural Fire Engineering – Applications under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, (p070) Eoin O’Loughlin, S Liptrott, AECOM Fire and Risk Engineering, UK Validation of FLACS-Fire for pool fires in a large geometry, (p071) Bjorn Lilleberg, D Muthusamy, GexCon AS, Norway Flame Spread in the Initial Phase Of A Fire, Experiments, Calculations and Simulations, (p073) Nina Schjerve, Vasko + Partner Engineers, Austria A novel methodology of electronically controlled sprinkler activation,(p078) L.T. Tanklevskiy, V Zima, Gefest Ltd and A Snegirev, A Tsoi, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia Modeling And Reality Of Evacuation Process, (p083) Dmitry Samoshin, V Kholshchevnikov, Academy of State Fire Service, Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Russia Minimizing Crisis Through Knowledge and Anticipation: Qualitative Modeling of Building Evacuation Process, (p084) Manuela Tancogne-Dejean, ATILH and University of Technology of Troyes, P Laclemence, University of Technology of Troyes, France Contribution to fire scenario evaluation in fire safety engineering, (p085) Audun Borg, O Njå, University of Stavanger, Norway Application of Fire Engineering, Fire Science and Fire Risk Assessment in the use of PVB Glazing, Case Study - Paddington Station Integrated Project, (p086) Nishani Sakizlis, D Livingstone, R Hall, Mott MacDonald Ltd and S Sambasivan, London Underground, UK


    @ 13.45hrs Experimental Study on Fire Behaviour of Real Scale-Bed Mattress, (p013)

    Kye-Won Park, J-G Jeong , Fire Insurers Laboratories of Korea (FILK), W-H Kim, Kyung-Min Univ, South Korea and Y Ohmiya, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

    Fire Effects on New Styles of High Efficiency Lighting, (p025) Richard Meier, P Kennedy, John A. Kennedy and Associates, USA Science or Science Fiction? Human Behavioral Models in Fire Safety Regulation, (p035) Elisabetta Carattin, Univ of Venice, Italy and V Brannigan, University of Maryland, USA Variance analysis of maritime passenger clusters travel speeds with regards to the head’s walking speed and head counts, (p036) Soo-Ho Lee, W-H Hong, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea, J-H Choi, Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea, K-I Hwang, Korea Maritime University and W-J Na, B-H Son, C-H Ahn,

    Daegu Technical University, Republic of Korea

    Immersive Virtual Environment as a Method to experimentally study human behaviour in fire, (p037) Kristin Andrée, D Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden and M Kinateder University of Würzburg, Germany Essential system choices relevant to the capacity of escape routes in multistory buildings, (p039) Peter van de Leur, M Klein, DMGR Consulting Engineers and N Scholten, Foundation Expert Center Regulations in Building (ERB), Netherlands Modelling response of occupants to warnings from different fire safety systems, (p042)

    Xia Zhang, X Li, G Hadjisophocleous, Carleton University, Canada Solving Design Challenges: Time Equivalence, (p044) Angus Law, N Butterworth, Arup, UK and J Stern-Gottfried, Arup, Germany Simulation of fire technical properties of products and construction barriers to support efficient product development in industry (FireTools), (p045) Patrick van Hees, B Andersson, Lund University, Sweden and F Guay, D Lauridsen, Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, Denmark FDS jet fan stream modelling – comparison with Experimental Data, (p046)

    Dorota Brzezinska, Technical University of Lodz, Poland A Natural Fire Test to Assess the Behaviour of Modern Timber Construction Techniques: Light Timber Frame vs. Glued Laminated Timber, (p056) Dionysios Kolaitis, E Asimakopoulou, M Founti, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Concrete Filled Steel Hollow Columns Subjected to Fire, (p060) João Paulo C Rodrigues, TAC Pires, University of Coimbra, Portugal and JJR Silva, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil Model Validation of Thermal Decomposition and Container Pressurization of Polyurethane Foam, (p074) Sarah Scott, M Larsen, A Dodd, Sandia National Laboratories and K Erickson, Consultant, USA Development of an innovative method for elementary Heat Release Rate computation, (p079) Benjamin Truchot, S Patej, S Duplantier, INERIS, France Small Scale Screening Tests to Assess the Self-Heating Potential of Wood Pellets, (p082) Ida Larsson, A Lönnermark, P Blomqvist, H Persson, M Rahm, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden Bi-Stable Fire Flows: Engineered Design And Assessment With The Aid Of Computational Fluid Dynamics, (p088) Fabio Alaimo Ponziani, A Tinaburri, Ministry of the Interior, Italy

  • Predicting the Post-Flashover Temperature in a Compartment Fire Using Adiabatic Gas Temperature, (p089)

    Mark Kuang-Chung Tsai, W-T Chung, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Pyrolysis of polymers exposed to high thermal radiative heat flux, (p090) Guillaume Rambaud, M Roudot, E Buzaud, CEA, DAM, GRAMAT, France


    @ 13.05hrs

    Fire-fighting robot kit to be used in tunnels and subsurface facilities and restricted space, (p024) Alberto Tinaburri, F A Ponziani, Ministry of the Interior, Italy

    On the Use of the Thermo-Gravimetric Analyser In Fire Investigations, (p028) Camille Riera, A Thiry, A Coppalle, J-P Garo, S Dupont, H Bazin, Central Laboratory of Police Prefecture (LCPP), France Accounting for Arson Fires in Fire Safety Engineering, (p043) Martin Nilsson, N Johansson, P van Hees, Lund University, Sweden Lakanal Fire Investigation - Reconstruction and modelling of the incident in support of the Metropolitan Police and London Fire Brigade Investigation, (p038) David Crowder, BRE, UK Experimental Study on the Influence of Thermal Feedback on the Burning Behavior of Flexible Polyurethane, (p064) Annemarie Poulsen, G Jomaas, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark and A Bwalya, National Research Council of Canada, Canada Comparing full-scale experiments with model-scale experiments to increase firefighter knowledge of fire dynamics, (p076) Stefan Svensson, Lund University and S Kerber, Underwriters Laboratories, Sweden Proposals of standardized training procedure and indices indicating fire-fighters’ fatigue, (p80)

    Yukihisa Kuriyama, Y Oka, Y Ito, M Enari, Yokohama National University, Japan New NFPA Standard on Assessment of Fire Loads, (p092) Marcelo Hirschler, GBH International, USA TRANSFEU Project – Development of a new classification system for the toxicity of fire gases from products on railway vehicles, (p016) Björn Bansemer, CURRENTA Analytics/Fire Technology, Germany and P Briggs, Exova Warringtonfire, Warrington, UK The Quantitative Analysis of Combustion Gases from Interior materials of Rail passenger car by using FT-IR Spectroscopy, (p017) Duck-Hee Lee, W-S Jung, C-K Lee, J-Y Park, Railroad Research Institute, South Korea Spread of Fire to Combustibles Surrounding a Car, (p018) Hiroki Miyamoto, T Otake, K Okamoto, M Honma, N Watanabe, National Research Institute of Police Science, Japan Harmonised Fire Safety For Rolling Stock in Europe – EN 45545 and RSSB, (p019) Beth Dean, Exova Warrington, UK MASSMOTION – A Step in the Right Direction (p156) Dermot Odonnell, Arup, Ireland Physiological Characterization of Crawling Activity (p157) Jerry Davis, Auburn University, USA Fire stops and fire-resistant sealing in timber constructions, (p43) Martin Teibinger, Holzforschung, Austria Web Based Platform with Interactive Hazard Analysis as a New Approach to Propagating Fire Engineering Knowledge P Tofilo & M Konecki, J Galaj, M Cisek, N Tusnio, W Jaskolowski, Main School of Fire Service, Poland

    The programme is correct at time of publication but the organisers reserve the right to make amendments to the programme when necessary.

  • TUESDAY 25th

    Conference Dinner, Tuesday 25th.

    The formal Conference Dinner will take place in the ballroom of the nearby Savill Court Hotel. Weather permitting there will be reception drinks in the extensive gardens before the formal dinner. Awards and speeches are the order of the evening before the after dinner entertainment. Transportation is provided to and from the College. The College bar will be open late on our return. Tickets for one day delegates and guests are available to purchase,


    Stephen Grayson (Chairman) Interscience Communications, UK Vytenis Babrauskas, FSTI, USA John Hall Jnr, NFPA, USA Anthony Hamins NIST, USA Morgan Hurley, SFPE, USA Marc Jannsens, SwRI, USA Debbie Smith, BRE, UK Björn Sundström, SP, Sweden Patrick van Hees, Lund Univ, Sweden Carole Franks, Interscience Communications, UK

    Attendance at Interflam 2013 is accredited with

    27.5hrs CPD by the Institution of Fire

    Engineers, UK


    Welcome Buffet, Monday 24th The Welcome Reception Buffet and drinks reception will take place in the historic quad of the Founders Buildings. This provides an ideal opportunity for networking and catching up with friends and colleagues. There will be a buffet, drinks and entertainment. A ticket to the Reception is included in the Full Delegate Registration Fee. Tickets for one day delegates and guests are available for purchase.

    Welcome Bar, Sunday 23rd Delegates arriving Sunday night will be hosted to welcome drinks and buffet in the traditional English pub in the grounds of the College. For those competitive in nature there might even be an Interflam Quiz Night! Registration will be available until 8pm. The bar will be open for drinks throughout the evening.

    Venue for Welcome Buffet : Monday 24th Conference Dinner, Tuesday 25th.

  • Campus accommodation is of a high standard which was completed for the Olympic athletes’ of 2012. All rooms have a private shower and wc and are just a 3-4 minutes’ walk from the main conference venue. All rooms whether single or double occupancy have130cm size beds (standard double). Bed and breakfast is included in the following prices:- Single Occupancy: £65.00 + £13.00 VAT = £78.00 per night

    Double Occupancy: £82.50 + £16.50 VAT= £99.00 per night

    ALTERNATIVE ACCOMMODATION The organisers recommend that delegates stay with the group on the University Campus but for those who require fully-serviced accommodation we have secured good rates at the Savill Court Hotel which is also the venue for the conference gala dinner. Savill Court Hotel and Spa, Wick Lane, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey TW20 0XN. Tel: 01784 472000. This four star Jacobean style manor house is set in 22 acres of park land. Conveniently located for the conference venue Royal Holloway College (5 minutes drive away) and London Heathrow Airport. Classic Rooms £112 single occupancy £127 double occupancy Superior Rooms £142 single occupancy £157 double occupancy Prices quoted per room per night including VAT and breakfast . Please quote

    INTERFLAM when booking.

    Full Delegate Fee £700 + VAT Attendance at all three days of conference sessions, conference documentation including conference proceedings, ticket to the welcome reception (Wednesday 19th Sept) and conference dinner (Thursday 20th September).

    Day Delegate Fee £295 + VAT Attendance at one day of the conference . Includes lunch and refreshments and conference documentation including conference proceedings. Reduced rates apply for Speakers (1 per paper) and Student discounts are available - Please contact Interscience for more information. Terms and Conditions: Refunds cannot be given after 1st May but substitutions can be made at anytime. Cancellations made before 1st May must be received in writing and a £60 admin cost will be levied. All non-UK bank transfer payments are subject to a £10 transaction fee. All credit card payments are subject to a 2.5% transaction fee. VAT is payable by all delegates at the current rate. (20%)

    3 Easy to Register

    1. On-line via credit payment 2. Online with invoice request

    3. Download a Registration Form to fax or mail

    web: email: [email protected]

    College - Single

    College -Double

    Accommodation Royal Holloway College ***

    CONFERENCE FEES[email protected]://