Download - 1119 Past Year Questions

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    SPM English 1119 Past Year Papers

    Paper 1

    Section B : Continuous Writing

    [50 marks

    [!ime suggeste" : #ne hour

    Write a composition o$ a%out &50 'or"s on one o$ the $ollo'ing



    1 +escri%e an important $amil, cele%ration an" ho' ,ou $elt a%out it(

    ) !here is a lack o$ $ree"om gi-en to teenagers to"a,( +o ,ou agree.

    & Wh, are animals important to human %eings.

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    * Write a stor, a%out a $isherman %eginning 'ith: /!he 'in" %le'

    strongl,( #ut at sea (((/

    5 2 $rien" in nee" is a $rien" in"ee"( +escri%e ho' a $rien" helpe"

    ,ou in "i$$icult time(


    1 !rul, Mala,sian( +escri%e 'hat this means to ,ou(

    ) 3s tuition necessar,. +iscuss(

    & Write a stor, a%out %eing alone(

    * Write a stor, that en"s 'ith: /((( an" so 3 %ecame a %etter person(/

    5 4ealit, sho's

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions



    1 +escri%e an outing 'ith ,our $rien"s(

    ) Shoul" parents gi-e chil"ren more $ree"om. +iscuss(

    & Sa-ing mone, $or the $uture(

    * Write a stor, %eginning 'ith: /!he teacher 'alke" into the

    classroom( 3t 'as the $irst perio" (((/ 6or another mo"el ans'er click 

    here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    5 Cleanliness


    1 2 $amous person ,ou a"mire(

    ) Shoul" school stu"ents ha-e part8time o%s.

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    & !he %est things in li$e are $ree(

    * Write a stor, that en"s 'ith: /((( !he, looke" at each other an"

    smile" meaning$ull,(/ 6or another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el

    2ns'er )7

    5 Peace


    1 +escri%e the most popular stu"ent in ,our school(

    ) /!he 3nternet is mostl, a goo" thing(/ +o ,ou agree. Support ,our


    & What can 'e "o to sa-e the en-ironment.

    * Write a stor, %eginning 'ith /3t ha" %een raining all "a,(((/

    Mo"el 2ns'er )

    Mo"el 2ns'er &

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    5 ome


    1 +escri%e an un$orgetta%le inci"ent that ,ou sa' on ,our 'a, home

    $rom school(

    ) School chil"ren shoul" not ha-e long holi"a,s( +o ,ou agree.

    & M, $a-ourite "a, o$ the 'eek(

    * Write a stor, that en"s 'ith: /((( We sai" our goo"%,es an" 'ent our 

    separate 'a,s(/

    5 Beaut,


    1 Write a%out a person 'ho has succee"e" in li$e(

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    ) E

    1 +escri%e an em%arrassing e

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    * Write a stor, %eginning 'ith: /?im 'as ner-ous 'hen the "oor

    opene"(((/( 6or another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    5 !omorro'


    1 +escri%e an eno,a%le 'eeken" ,ou ha-e e

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    1 +escri%e the %iggest challenge in ,our li$e(

    ) Write a stor, 'ith the title: /2n Ane

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    * o' can 'e help promote tourism in Mala,sia.

    5 Clothes


    1 2 "a, 3 'ishe" ha" ne-er happene"( 6or another mo"el ans'er

    click here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    ) You ha-e %een gi-en a chance to -isit a countr, o$ ,our choice(

    Which countr, 'oul" ,ou choose an" 'h,.

    & 2n in-ention ,ou cannot li-e 'ithout

    * Write a stor, that en"s 'ith: /((( 3$ onl, 3 ha" listene" to hisher


    5 6rien"s

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions



    1 +escri%e a $a-ourite teacher 'ho ha" a great in$luence on ,ou(

    ) Write a stor, %eginning 'ith: /3s it reall, ,ou. Where ha-e ,ou

     %een all these ,ears./

    & Doo" results in school "o not guarantee success in the $uture( What

    is ,our opinion.

    * o' 3 can help to make the 'orl" a %etter place to li-e in(

    5 Colours


    1 o' "o ,ou think the me"ia has in$luence" ,ou an" ,our $amil,.

    ) Some people think the legal age $or "ri-ing shoul" %e increase"

    $rom 1> to 19( What "o ,ou think.

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    & +escri%e ho' ,ou spen" a $ree "a, 'hen the 'eather 'as -er, %a"(

    * arge $amilies make happ, $amilies(

    5 Write a stor, o$ an ol" man returning to his home he le$t man, ,ears



    1 M, ero

    ) 3$ ,ou 'ere a%le to choose a time in histor, that ,ou coul" -isit

    'hich time 'oul" it %e an" 'h,.

    & i$e in Mala,sia in the ne' millennium(

    * !hings that 3 like a%out m, li$e(

    5 /More lan" shoul" %e use" $or agriculture than $or in"ustr,(/ +o

    ,ou agree or "isagree. Di-e reasons to support ,our opinion(

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions



    1 M, +ream Car 

    ) E"ucation 8 'hat it means to me(

    & !he computer 8 is it reall, an a"-antage.

    * !he "a, 3 lost m, temper(

    5 Memories 6or another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    2lthough this essa, 'ith the same title is a %it long ,ou can get

    some i"eas too(7


    1 +escri%e a "a, at school 'hen ,ou 'ere -er, unhapp,(

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    ) Parents "o not spen" enough time 'ith chil"ren no'a"a,s( What is

    ,our opinion.

    & Write a letter to a pen$rien" "escri%ing some interesting places in

    ,our -illage to'n or home state(

    * Write a stor, %eginning 'ith: /3 coul" tell %, his $ace that he 'as


    5 Being ,oung(


    1 3magine ,our 'ere mo-ing to a ne' house( +escri%e the last "a, in

    ,our ol" house(

    ) +escri%e the scene at a cro'"e" %us or rail'a, station(

    & Write a stor, 'ith the $ollo'ing title: 2 =arro' Escape( 6or

    another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    * +o ,ou think games are an important part o$ school li$e.

    5 Water 

    SPM English 1119 Past Year Paper Essa, !opics 8



    )01* 8 17 +escri%e an important $amil, cele%ration an" ho' ,ou $elt

    a%out it( )7 2 $rien" in nee" is a $rien" in"ee"( +escri%e ho' a

    $rien" helpe" ,ou in "i$$icult times(

    )01& 8 !rul, Mala,sian( +escri%e 'hat this means to ,ou(

    )01) 8 +escri%e an outing 'ith ,our $rien"s(

    )011 8 2 $amous person ,ou a"mire(

    )010 8 +escri%e the most popular stu"ent in ,our school(

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    )009 8 +escri%e an un$orgetta%le inci"ent that ,ou sa' on ,our 'a,home $rom school(

    )00; 8 Write a%out a person 'ho has succee"e" in li$e(

    )00> 8 +escri%e an em%arrassing e

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    199; 8 +escri%e a "a, at school 'hen ,ou 'ere -er, unhapp,(

    199> 8 17 3magine ,our 'ere mo-ing to a ne' house( +escri%e the

    last "a, in ,our ol" house( )7 +escri%e the scene at a cro'"e" %us or

    rail'a, station(


    )01* 8 !here is a lack o$ $ree"om gi-en to teenagers to"a,( +o ,ou


    )01& 8 3s tuition necessar,. +iscuss(

    )01) 8 Shoul" parents gi-e chil"ren more $ree"om. +iscuss(

    )011 8 Shoul" school stu"ents ha-e part8time o%s.

    )010 8 /!he 3nternet is mostl, a goo" thing(/ +o ,ou agree. Support

    ,our opinion(

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    )009 8 School chil"ren shoul" not ha-e long holi"a,s( +o ,ou agree.

    )00; 8 E 8 !eenagers to"a, are onl, intereste" in entertainment( +o ,ou


    )00) 8 Doo" results in school "o not guarantee success in the $uture(

    What is ,our opinion.

    )001 8 Some people think the legal age $or "ri-ing shoul" %e

    increase" $rom 1> to 19( What "o ,ou think.

    )000 8 /More lan" shoul" %e use" $or agriculture than $or in"ustr,(/

    +o ,ou agree or "isagree. Di-e reasons to support ,our opinion(

    1999 8 !he computer 8 is it reall, an a"-antage.

    199; 8 Parents "o not spen" enough time 'ith chil"ren no'a"a,s(

    What is ,our opinion.

    199> 8 +o ,ou think games are an important part o$ school li$e.

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    62C!A2 EFP#S3!#4Y

    )01* 8 Wh, are animals important to human %eings.

    )01& 8 4ealit, sho's

    )01) 8 Sa-ing mone, $or the $uture(

    )011 8 !he %est things in li$e are $ree(

    )010 8 What can 'e "o to sa-e the en-ironment.

    )009 8 M, $a-ourite "a, o$ the 'eek(

    )00> 8 M, earl, ,ears

    )00@ 8 o' can tele-ision help stu"ents in their stu"ies.

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    )005 8 o' to keep onesel$ health,(

    )00* 8 o' can 'e help promote tourism in Mala,sia.

    )00& 8 2n in-ention ,ou cannot li-e 'ithout(

    )00) 8 o' 3 can help to make the 'orl" a %etter place to li-e in(

    )001 8 17 o' "o ,ou think the me"ia has in$luence" ,ou an" ,our

    $amil,. )7 arge $amilies make happ, $amilies(

    )000 8 17 i$e in Mala,sia in the ne' millennium( )7 !hings that 3

    like a%out m, li$e(

    1999 8 E"ucation 8 'hat it means to me(

    199> 8 Being ,oung(


  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    )01* 8 Write a stor, a%out a $isherman %eginning 'ith: /!he 'in"

     %le' strongl,( #ut at sea (((/

    )01& 8 17 Write a stor, a%out %eing alone( )7 Write a stor, that en"s

    'ith: /((( an" so 3 %ecame a %etter person(/

    )01) 8 Write a stor, %eginning 'ith: /!he teacher 'alke" into the

    classroom( 3t 'as the $irst perio" (((/ 6or another mo"el ans'er click 

    here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    )011 8 Write a stor, that en"s 'ith: /((( !he, looke" at each other an"

    smile" meaning$ull,(/ 6or another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el

    2ns'er )7

    )010 8 Write a stor, %eginning 'ith /3t ha" %een raining all "a,(((/(

    Mo"el 2ns'er )

    Mo"el 2ns'er &

    )009 8 Write a stor, that en"s 'ith: /((( We sai" our goo"%,es an"

    'ent our separate 'a,s(/

    )00; 8 Write a stor, en"ing 'ith: /((( =o' 3 realise the -alue o$ a true


  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    Mo"el 2ns'er )

    Mo"el 2ns'er &

    )00> 8 Write a stor, %eginning 'ith: /?im 'as ner-ous 'hen the "oor 

    opene"(((/( 6or another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    )00@ 8 Write a stor, en"ing 'ith: /3$ onl, 3 ha" %een more care$ulthat 'oul"nt ha-e happene"(/ 6or another mo"el ans'er click here:

    Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    )005 8 Write a stor, 'ith the title: /2n Ane

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    )001 8 Write a stor, o$ an ol" man returning to his home he le$t man,

    ,ears ago(

    1999 8 !he "a, 3 lost m, temper(

    199; 8 Write a stor, %eginning 'ith: /3 coul" tell %, his $ace that he

    'as angr,(((

    199> 8 Write a stor, 'ith the $ollo'ing title: 2 =arro' Escape( 6or

    another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el 2ns'er )7

    #=E W#4+ #PE= ESS2Y

    )01) 8 Cleanliness

    )011 8 Peace

    )010 8 ome

    )009 8 Beaut,

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    )00; 8 Stars

    )00> 8 !omorro'

    )00@ 8 6oo"

    )005 8 Music

    )00* 8 Clothes

    )00& 8 6rien"s

    )00) 8 Colours

    1999 8 Memories 6or another mo"el ans'er click here: Mo"el2ns'er )7

    2lthough this essa, 'ith the same title is a %it long ,ou can get

    some i"eas too(7

    199> 8 Water 

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions



    )00; 8 M, per$ect $uture hus%an" or 'i$e

    )00@ 8 What changes 'oul" ,ou like to see in ,our li$e in the ne

  • 8/9/2019 1119 Past Year Questions


    G=ote: 6or the ne' SPM e