Download - #1€¦ · Web viewby. Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage® Facilitator & SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainer A Year of SoulCollage® Challenges, copyright 2008 by Anne Marie Bennett.



Anne Marie Bennett,SoulCollage® Facilitator &

SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainer

A Year of SoulCollage® Challenges, copyright 2008


by Anne Marie Bennett. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, forward, give away or reproduce this

material in any manner without written permission from the


Many hours and much creative energy were devoted to the creation of this e-book.

Your purchase supports the continuing efforts of

in its mission to make SoulCollage available to people around the world.

To give feedback or to contact the author, please email [email protected].

SoulCollage® is a trademarked process, created by Seena Frost.

For more information about Seena, SoulCollage®, and Facilitator Trainings,

please visit .

This e-book is brought to you by …

Spinning the fragments of your world into wholeness and beauty 

  through SoulCollage®


Table of ContentsIntroduction 6

Treasure Hunt for Images 7

Seeking Wisdom from Your Cards 7

Passion 8

Two For One 8

Inner Voices- Part 1 9

Inner Voices- Part 2 9

Inner Voices- Part 3 10

Animal Companions 11

Community Groupings 11

Interpreting a Card 12

Abundance 12

SoulCollage By the Week 13

Musical Cards 13

One Magazine 13

Funny Bone 14

Fathers 14


Out of the Box 14

It’s Elemental 15

Feelings 15

Community Creations 15

Inspiration from Others 16

Quotation Fun 16

Community Connections 17

Inner Cheerleader 17

L-O-V-E 18

Pleasure 18

New Beginnings 19

Future Self 20

A Three Card Reading 21

Those Who Are Still With Us 22

A Reverse Reading 22


The Grateful One 22

Dialogue 23

Make a Mess 23

Time Yourself 24

You Are Not Alone 25

Author! Author! 25

Horizontal Card 25

Naming a Card 26

Y-O-U 26

Community Gifts 27

Mothering 27

The Big Picture 28

Reel to Real 28


Chakra Journey 28

A Family Affair 29

Holiday Light 29

Holiday Nourishment 30

Artist’s Affirmation 30

Holiday Cheers 31

Family Ties 31

Year in Review 32


I created the challenges in this book over the past two years. They first appeared either on the KaleidoSoul Inner Surprises Blog or in an issue of Soul Treasures, our Kindred Spirits Members’ Weekly Newsletter.

They appear here for the first time in what I hope will be a valuable resource for you on your SoulCollage® journey.

SoulCollage® is an intuitive process designed for us to know our


selves better. When Seena Frost created SoulCollage®, she intended for us to make our cards intuitively, simply by gathering up images that we love without knowing what they mean, and creating cards by following our inner wisdom, not necessarily knowing the outcome.

However, I’ve found that once in a while we need little dashes of inspiration along the way to get our creative juices flowing again! So, with that in mind, my hope is that the challenges in this e-book will serve your SoulCollage® work individually and in groups. May these challenges also bring you new ways to look at yourself, your life, and your SoulCollage process.I wish you peace and joy on your journey,Anne Marie BennettJanuary, 2008Beverly, MA

#1 Treasure Hunt for ImagesSometime this weekend, try to spend at least an hour going through magazines looking for images. 

Make it a meditative experience if you can: light a candle, play soft music, practice conscious breathing. Let go of lists and preconceived ideas of what you are looking for.

And, most importantly, as Seena Frost (the founder of SoulCollage) says, Let the images find you.


#2 Seeking Wisdom from Your Cards

Choose any two SoulCollage cards from your deck.  Lay them on your desk or in a special place where you can see them. 

Sit quietly with them for several minutes. Ask each voice what it is saying to you right now in your particular life circumstances.  Listen carefully.

Do a bit of journal writing where each voice writes "What I have to say to you is this:" and let each one tell you what it needs you to know in this moment.

If you want to take it a step further, imagine a conversation between the two voices. What would they say to each other? What can you learn from this?

If you don't have enough cards in your deck yet, visit and choose two of the cards that come up randomly on the first screen.

#3 Passion

Think of the word Passion and make a SoulCollage card that refers to it in some way.

It could be a card for your Council Suit- what does Passion as a theme in your life look like?

It could be a card for your Community Suit. Who in your life exhibits passion for life and living? Is there someone in your life about whom you are passionate?

It could be a card for your Committee Suit. What do you have a secret passion (either realized or not) for? Cooking? Painting? Writing a novel? Being a mother? Running a marathon? Make a card to honor this inner voice which has a passion to share with you.

It could be a card for your Companions Suit. The heart chakra is likely to call up what you are most passionate about. Sit for a few moments and pay attention to this body chakra. Close your eyes. Does an animal come to mind? Make a card to honor it and listen to what it says to you about passion.


4. Two For OneYou can make a powerful card by using one background image that covers the entire mat board, and a smaller image that seems to go with it.

Start by choosing a background image that you are madly in love with and have been “saving” for something special…… and then try laying different smaller images against it until you get a look that makes you catch your breath.

OR start by choosing a smaller image that you have been flirting with for a while but haven’t quite found a place for yet….. then go searching for a large background image that seems to just “fit.”

5. Inner Voices- Part 1In creating cards for the Committee Suit of our SoulCollage decks, we are honoring all of our inner voices. I sometimes imagine my own Committee sitting around a large conference table. Each one has something valuable and important to say about certain things that are happening in my life. Even though some of the things some of them are saying might be harsh and negative, my job is to listen carefully to each one and thank them for sharing, process all of the input and decide for myself what to act on and what not to act on.

Make a list of the fairly neutral voices, or parts of yourself. These are the parts of you that are defined by your relationships to others and by your own gifts and talents in the world. For example, my list of neutral Committee voices includes: the writer, the artist, the business woman, the teacher, the wife, the friend, the daughter/granddaughter, the smart one, the keeper of cats, and the creative one.

Other voices like this might include: the chef, the gardener, the traveler, the decorator, the massage therapist, the seamstress, the actor, the mother, the waitress, the aunt, the runner, the athlete, the photographer, the healer, the stepmother, the therapist, the coach, the hard worker, the journalist, the accountant, the gymnast, the golfer, the swimmer, the weaver, the caretaker, the sister, the beautician, the chauffeur, the ….. well, you get the idea!


Now look at the list. Pick one that you don’t have a SoulCollage® card for yet and focus on gathering images to create that card.

6. Inner Voices- Part 2Make a list of the parts of your "inner Committee" that bring up only positive, happy, yummy feelings about yourself. For example, my list includes: The Giver, The Lover, The Yogini, The Mystical Child, The Playful Child, The One Who Stays in the Moment, She Who Is Worthy, Self-Nourishment…..

You might find examples of a few Committee Members on this week’s list that were also on last week’s list, and that's okay.  Remember, everyone’s inner parts are seen and noticed differently, and only YOU can name these parts for yourself.

Make a card this week for at least one of these bright and shimmering parts of yourself. OR… take a look at some cards you have made already, and see if perhaps one of them represents one of these positively-charged aspects of your soul.

7. Inner Voices- Part 3Start to think about the parts of your Inner Committee that tend to get in the way of your ability to live a yummy, radiant life.  These parts are usually unhelpful, destructive and hurtful.  I think of mine as the shadowy, darker voices of my Committee. 

However, they are a part of us and they have something valuable to offer us, if we take the time to listen.

So begin to listen, and start a list.  Don’t go overboard here, and don’t spend a lot of time on this list.  The voices will reveal themselves to you more and more as they become aware that you are starting to pay attention to them.  You will also probably start finding images for these shadowy pieces of yourself as you become aware of them, or even before you become aware of them. 

For example, my list of shadowy committee members includes: Negative Nancy, Ethel the Inner Critic, the Shamed Child, Not Enough, Joey the Rebel, Impatience and the WorryWart.

Make a SoulCollage® card this week for one and only one of these Committee members that get


in your way, that stop you from being your true authentic self. 

Or you might not be ready to make a card.  You might want to just spend some time hunting for images that remind you of this part.  Also make a commitment to dialog with this part of yourself by doing a card interpretation using the 3 main questions: Who are you?  What do you have to give me?  What do you want from me?

Notice the gift that this voice has to bring.

Many times, once you discover the brighter side of a shadowy part, it ceases to get in your way.  This process takes time, though.  You might need more than a week to get to that point.

8. Animal Companions

Whatever it is that you're doing this week, I invite you to consciously bring one of your animal companions along with you.  Choose an animal from your Companions Suit- either randomly or intentionally.  Spend a little time with this animal's energy before your day begins.  What does this animal have to give you right now… today… this coming week?  Ask it, and listen for its answer.  Invite its energy into your weekend and see if it makes a difference.  Place the card on your nightstand, or under your pillow and invite it into your dreams.

Don't have any cards in your Companions Suit yet?  Why not make one?  If you don't have the SoulCollage book by Seena Frost with the guided meditation for finding one of your Companion Animals, (or Seena's CD where she reads the guided meditation), you can use the Magical Inner Journey from one of our Kindred Spirits Member Tele-Classes here: Note: If you are a Kindred Spirit Member, this recording is in your Members Only Audio Library and you can listen to it for free!


For more info on the Companions Suit, animal totems, the 7 chakras, and how to get your own copy of Seena's book and/or tape, please visit

9. Community Groupings

Make a SoulCollage® card for a group that is currently important in your life. It could be a club or organization that you belong to, a team of people at work, a family, a singing group, or an Internet group. Choose a group that offers you sustenance and support of some kind.

If you don’t have a group like this right now in your life, look back over the years and choose a group that you once belonged to, a group that somehow made a difference in your life.

NOTE: When making cards for people in the Community Suit of your deck, you don’t have to have a picture of the person/people you are honoring. Choose images that remind you of your relationship with them, and choose images that express visually how you feel inside when you are with these people.

10. Interpreting a Card Choose a card from your deck that you made intuitively, a card where the meaning is not yet clear. (If you don’t have any cards yet, go to and choose one of the first four cards that come up on the screen).

Sit quietly with the card, breathe slowly in and out several times. Absorb the energy of the card. Ask all of your inner parts to quiet down so that you can listen, truly listen to what this card is saying to you.

Ask the central image on the card, “Who are you?” and allow it to answer you, either in words or images. You may choose to write down the answers in a stream-of-consciousness fashion, or you may want to just sit with your eyes closed and then write about it later.

Try to spend at least 5 minutes allowing the card to answer you, but feel free to take more time, if you can spare it. If you have time, you can also ask the card, “What do you have to give me?” and “What do you want from me?”

Be sure to record your interpretation in your journal or in a separate notebook.

Note: This is a very simple, basic interpretation. If you want to go deeper with this practice,


please look at the e-book: How to Interpret Your SoulCollage Cards in the KaleidoSoul Shop now!

11. AbundanceMake a card for your deck that has something to do with abundance. It could be a Committee card, a Council card, or even a Companions card. Or maybe there is someone in your Community who represents abundance to you in some way.

Remember, abundance isn’t always about money and wealth. What are some other ways that abundance is showing up in your life right now? Perhaps you have an abundance of friends, or creative ideas, or books. Perhaps you want to celebrate an abundance of beauty, or solitude, or love…… It’s up to you.

12. SoulCollage by The WeekGive yourself a whole week of SoulCollage this month. Rip out magazine images two days in a row. Trim images the next day.  Then spread out all the images you've collected and sort them into piles. Spend two days laying out a couple of SoulCollage cards. Finally, on the last day of the week, glue your cards down.  This can be done within the confines of even the busiest week... so have fun!

13. Musical CardsAllow music to inspire a SoulCollage card for your deck this month.  The following questions will help you to find a focus:

What's your favorite song?

Is there a particular kind of music that you really love? 

Are there certain song lyrics that you constantly hum to yourself for no real reason? 


Who was your favorite singer/songwriter when you were a teenager?  Does this person need a place in your deck's Community suit?

14. One MagazineCreate a SoulCollage card using images from only ONE magazine.  It doesn't matter what the magazine is... but only use that ONE magazine. 

What happens when you try this?  Does it make the creative process easier or more difficult for you?

15. Funny BoneCreate a SoulCollage card that gives image to your own particular sense of humor (goofy? quirky? sarcastic? sophisticated? sick? or...?). 

Or make a card that intentionally incorporates humor, one that makes you chuckle just to look at it.

They say "laughter is the best medicine."  Let it be so in our SoulCollage decks as well!

16. FathersCreate a SoulCollage card for your own father, or for someone who was or is like a father to you.

Or perhaps the Father archetype is a big one in your life… actively seek out images to create a card for the place this archetype holds in your journey.

For more information on the Father archetype, click here and scroll down the alphabetical lists to the topic of Father.

17. Out of the Box


Go to a bookstore (or anywhere that sells magazines) and buy a magazine that you don’t usually read.  Be brave and daring... think totally out of the box. 

Are you always buying girlie fashion magazines?  Then buy a surfing magazine or one that focuses on business or house design.  Do you always go for the artsy craftsy magazines?  Then just this once, buy Vogue or Elle.  You get the idea.  Think out of the box... stretch your boundaries a little.  It's only a few dollars, right?  You don't have to subscribe for a whole year, just buy one issue!

Rip out images to your heart’s content.  I guarantee you'll be surprised at how many interesting images call out to you from the pages of this magazine that you wouldn't have looked twice at yesterday.

Then choose one image that especially calls to you and create a SoulCollage card from it.

18. It's ElementalAllow one of the four basic elements to inspire a SoulCollage card in some way.


Is there one element that you're drawn to, right now in your life, more than any of the others?  It doesn't matter why... it only matters that you are drawn to it.

Look through the images you've been saving... are any of them related to any of these elements?  You might make a card that includes all four of the elements at the same time!

Or maybe you've always been drawn to a particular one of these elements.  A SoulCollage card could be a beautiful way to express that love/attraction... and perhaps along the way, you'll discover even more about yourself.

19. FeelingsTake a look at the World's Longest List of Feeling Words. 

See if any words there inspire you in the direction of a new SoulCollage card for your deck.

Your feelings are key to getting to know your Inner Committee Members even better...  so check in with yourself from time to time and notice what you're feeling, then find some images that


evoke that feeling.  Or just wander through stacks of images and notice what emotions rise up in you when you look at certain ones.

20. Community CreationsInvite one or two (or more if you can!) friends and/or family members over some afternoon or evening in the next few weeks and share SoulCollage with them.  These could be people who already know how to create SoulCollage cards, or they could be new to the process.

If you need help explaining the process to them, print out the SoulCollage Overview page from KaleidoSoul and share it with them.

21. Inspiration From OthersTake a stroll through the photo albums of the KaleidoSoul Community Yahoo Group .   If you're not part of that group yet, it's very easy to join, and is absolutely free!

As you wander among the beautiful SoulCollage cards on display there, allow one of them to sing to you in a special way.  Choose an inner voice or archetype that really resonates with you but that you don't have a SoulCollage card for yet.

Gather images to create that card for your own deck.  Remember, you are not looking for images similar to the images on the card you found.  You are looking for images that speak to YOUR soul of that same energy. 

For example, you may see someone's "The Good Mother" card and suddenly realize that you have an  kind, nurturing mothering energy inside of you also.  The card you see on the board might have an image of a mother holding a baby in her arms.  As you go looking for images, don't necessarily look for an image of a woman with a baby.  Look for ANY images that speak of the nurturing, kind mothering energy that you feel when you look at that other card.

22. Quotation FunChoose a quotation that you really love.  Then stop and think.  If one of your inner voices was saying those words, which part of you would it be?  Dialogue with that part of yourself.  Find out more about it.  Make a SoulCollage card for it. 

The words of this quotation you've chosen could also be coming from one of the members of one of the other suits of your deck.  It could be a spirit guide or archetype in your Council Suit.  Or it could be one of your Animal Totems offering your guidance through the words of the quote. 


Perhaps it's one of your very own Community members who passionately believes in the quotation you've chosen.

It might take a little while to discern exactly where in your deck this quotation belongs. That's okay.  Sit with it for a while until it is clear to you.  You might even want to create an entire suit that gives image to your favorite quotations.

Here are some of our favorite quotation sites:Inspirational Quotes Cafe

The Quote Garden

Healing Arts Journal

23. Community ConnectionsAdd at least one card to the Community Suit of your SoulCollage Deck. 

A good start is to make a short list of some people or animals in your Community that you would like to have SoulCollage cards for.  Then go through magazines or your own pile of saved images while holding the names of these Community members in your heart.  See which images call to you, and rip them out!  It is best to do this with more than one person/animal in mind, and be open at the same time to other images that you might want to use for future cards for other suits.

Seena Frost says in her book, SoulCollage, that the Community Suit is often overlooked, but also one of the most powerful of the suits.  Take a look through your deck and see if its richness can be deepened by adding some cards that contain the voices of the people and animals who love and support you.

24. Inner CheerleaderTake some time to listen very carefully inside and see if you can discern the voice of your Inner Cheerleader.  This is the voice that encourages you, and cheers you on, even when you think you cannot do something.  This is the voice that says the opposite of what your Inner Critic says.  Find some images and make a SoulCollage card to honor this very special part of your inner


world.  Turn up the volume on this part, and watch what happens to the voice of your Inner Critic

25. L-O-V-ECreate a card for your deck that has something to do with the theme of L-O-V-E--- Love! 

Has Love been active throughout your life as a guiding energy/archetype? If so, make a Council card for Love. 

You could create a Community card for someone you love, or someone whose love was important to you at one time in your life.  Or how about a Community card for your first sweetheart?

If you want to go another route, focus on your heart chakra and do a guided visualization to meet the Animal Totem that lives there.  Then create a Companion Suit card for that animal.

Or... maybe you'll give a listen to any of your inner voices who have something to say about the topic of love.  Is there a part of you who is a Sexy Lover?  Hopeless Romantic?  Animal Lover?  You decide which one really wants to be heard this week, and then make a Committee Suit card for him/her.

26. PleasureWhat gives you pleasure? Seriously. Pause for a few moments today and make a list of all the pleasurable things you love. Hint: Consider each of the five senses as you make your list!

Make a card that expresses the concept of pleasure in some way.


Or maybe there is a part of you that doesn’t like it when you feel pleasure, who tries to keep you from this. Perhaps this part of you needs a SoulCollage card right now instead.

27. New BeginningsCreate a SoulCollage card for your deck that expresses the theme "New Beginnings." 

When you hear these words New Beginnings... what does this make you think of?  Brainstorm a list of possibilities.  It could be a new beginning that you are creating in your life right now, or a new beginning that you summoned up the strength and courage to create for yourself in the past. 

Other ideas:

Is there someone in your Community who is a role model for you, someone who has created a new beginning?  An author whose book or essay has stimulated you to start over in some way?

Meditate on the first chakra, your root chakra.  Do the meditation with Seena Frost's CD or in the KaleidoSoul Audio Recording and focus on discovering your Companion Animal for this chakra.

Is there an archetype or spirit guide who is whispering to you right now about letting go of something old and beginning something new?  Who is it?  What are they asking you to let go of?  What are they leading you towards?

Which of your inner Committee members have something to say about this idea of New Beginnings?  Is there a part of you that is reluctant to start a new chapter in your life in some way?  Resistant?  Critical?  Joyful?

These are just a few ideas to prompt you to think about a New Beginnings card for your SoulCollage deck!


28. Future Self

Make a SoulCollage card called THE ME I AM BECOMING.  You might also call it your FUTURE SELF card.

Think ahead to a day one year from now.  How would you like your life to be different?  What qualities would you like to increase in your life?  What qualities would you like to decrease in your life? 

Close your eyes and imagine the YOU that is the clearest, finest, brightest YOU that you can visualize. 

Gather magazine images that represent the qualities you most want to create in your life in the coming year. Incorporate them into this new SoulCollage card.

For an entire month (or longer), keep this card outside of your deck, and put it in a special place where you will see it daily.  Watch your own brightest self emerge as the days and weeks and months go by! 


29. Three Card ReadingAsk a question of your deck and let three cards “answer.”

Think of your life and what is happening for you at this time.  What issues are presenting themselves?  What are you struggling with?  What is bothering you? 

Phrase one of these issues into a question.  Some examples are: How can I be more centered?  How can I better nurture myself?  Who has some wisdom to offer about my addiction to _________?  Who will help me straighten out my relationship with _______?  What is my purpose in life?  (You can find more suggestions for questions on pages 81-82 in Seena’s book, SoulCollage).

Write your question on a piece of paper or in your journal or in a special notebook that you use just for SoulCollage readings.

Light a candle if you want to.  Take some deep breaths.  Reverently choose three cards from your deck and lay them face down on the table in front of you. 

(Note: If you don’t have a lot of cards in your deck yet, you might want to choose 3 cards from the photo albums on our KaleidoSoul Yahoo group …. Or go to and choose 3 of the cards from the reading that immediately comes up there.)

Turn over the first card.  Breathe deeply and sit with it for a moment. Write a few I Am the One Who …. statements about it.  Then ask the card, “What do you have to say to me about my question?”  Write down whatever the card says to you. 

Repeat with the next two cards.

Take your time.  Listen to the wisdom that these three cards have given you.  Decide how you will incorporate these answers into your daily life.

Don’t forget to extend gratitude to God, Spirit, the Universe, and/or yourself for the wisdom that is always present for the asking.


30. Those Who Are Still With Us

Create a SoulCollage card for someone in your life who has passed on but whose wisdom still lives in your heart

31. Reverse ReadingBring a question to your deck, as you usually do during a reading. 

Sit quietly with your question for a few minutes. 

Then, instead of randomly drawing cards from your deck and allowing them to speak to your question....... draw the cards from your reading intentionally and purposefully.

Which cards seem to have something to say to your question?  Which cards do you want to use to address your question?

If you don't have many (or any) cards in your deck yet, go to or , and browse around until you find a few cards that seem to speak to your question and use those cards in your reading.

32. The Grateful OneSeena Frost now suggests that every SoulCollager have a Gratitude card in their deck.  Do you have one yet? 

Keep an eye out for images that express the Committee part of you who is grateful for life's many beautiful blessings. The November 2006 issue of Soul Songs has lots of examples of SoulCollage cards created within the theme of gratitude.

Create a card for this grateful part of your own beautiful soul.


33. DialogueRandomly choose any two SoulCollage cards from your deck.  Lay them on your desk or in a special place where you can see them. 

Do a bit of journal writing where each voice writes I Am the One Who... a few times. 

Then imagine a conversation between the two voices. What would they say to each other? What can you learn from this? 

Write or type the dialogue if you can. You could even make it into a little play or script.

If you don't have enough cards in your deck yet, visit Seena's website ( choose two of the cards that come up randomly on the first screen.

34. Make a Mess

Find a large space like your dining room table, living room floor, or bed (even the bathtub will work for this!).  Then spread out ALL of your found images, even if you’ve categorized them neatly and efficiently. 

Don’t panic, it will be all right!  Mix all of the images up and slide them around, then step back and take a look.  Do you see any new connections, any new relationships emerging among certain images that have ended up near each other?

Make a new card that springs from an insight you receive from mixing up your images this way.


35. Time Yourself

Choose a SoulCollage card that you made recently (or not so recently).  Choose one that you are curious about, one that you made intuitively and really aren’t sure what it means.If you haven't made any cards yet, choose a card that you like from a photo album here, or at KaleidoSoul , or at

For ten minutes, write I Am the One Who... sentences about your card, speaking from its center.

Yes, I said TEN MINUTES!  Choose a time and place when you’re not likely to be disturbed.  Tell your inner critic "adios," and let your logical left brain take a little siesta. 

Set a timer for 10 minutes, or look at your watch.  Put your pen on the paper and don’t stop until those ten minutes are up.  I Am the One Who…..  I Am the One Who….. I Am the One Who…… I Am the One Who….. I Am the One Who... I Am the One Who................

If you have to write the same sentence over a few times before the next thought comes, that’s okay.  Don’t think about what you are writing; don’t question what you are writing (remember, that’s the Inner Critic’s job and he/she is napping right now!); don’t think it has to make sense.

 Simply fall into your SoulCollage card, speak from the image, and trust the process completely.When your 10 minutes are up, continue with the rest of the card interpretation, answering these questions:What do you have to give me? What do you want from me?Is there anything else you want to tell me?

You can set the timer for each of these questions as well, or you can just stop when you feel like it.


36. You Are Not AloneMake a list of all of the members of your Community.  This list includes people and pets: alive and deceased, as well as those you are personally acquainted with, and those you have never met. 

Your Community is made up of those beings who love and support you, who challenge you in some way, or whose words and work have added to the essence of your being in some way.Express gratitude in your heart for each of these beings who are an integral part of your life.

Choose one (JUST ONE!!!) and begin to make a Community card for your SoulCollage deck. You might simply gather photographs or images that express that being’s essence, or you might actually begin to lay out the card. 

Whatever you do, let yourself feel connected.  You are not alone.  You are the central part of your Community.  Rejoice in this knowing.

37. Author! Author!Create a Community Suit card for your deck that honors one of your favorite authors. Pause for a moment now and listen within… what writer has most influenced you?

38. Horizontal CardThis week, make a SoulCollage card that has a horizonal orientation instead of vertical. There are some images that lend themselves better than others to this.  Sometimes at a workshop I will suggest this to someone and they will say, "I never thought of that!"  Hint: Your cards don't always have to be vertical! 

Sometimes all it takes is just a different perspective!


39. Naming a CardThis is a simple challenge, and one that you'll have a lot of fun with, guaranteed!  I have found that giving an actual name (like you would name a baby) to a SoulCollage card/energy can really make a huge difference in how I integrate that energy into my daily life. 

For instance, I have named my Inner Child Julianna.  It becomes much easier now to call on her when I need her help in remaining in the present moment, or when I need to invoke some more playfulness in my life, or when I need to ask for help. I can say, "Julianna, where are you?" or "Julianna, can you help me now?" Instead of just thinking about it in my head. 

Naming a card makes it more real to me somehow.

I have also done this with my Inner Critic.  Her name is Ethel.  And now, when I hear that voice in my mind that criticizes every little thing I say or do, I recognize it. I can say to myself, "Ok, that's just Ethel."  I don't have to act on anything that Ethel says.... all I have to do is recognize that it's Ethel.

So..... go through your deck and choose one of your favorite cards.  Spend some time going through a Baby Name Book (your library probably has at least one, or try sitting with a cup of tea at your local bookstore thumbing through some of theirs) until you land on the perfect name for this part of you, or this archetype, spirit guide or companion animal.

40. Y-O-UMake a card that has a photo of Y-O-U on it! 

Find a photo of yourself that you really love and gather images that frame it/hold it/show it off beautifully.

Don't forget to let the image have a voice.... asking it Who are you?  What do you have to give me, and What do you want from me?


41. Community GiftsTake all of your Community Suit cards and spread them out on a table or the floor, so that you can see them all in one place, at one time.

If you only have a few SoulCollage Community cards (or none) at this time, you might want to simply make a list of everyone in your Community you're intending to make cards for eventually. 

The idea is to simply gather your own Community around you (using your cards or your list) and simply be with them for a few minutes, or longer, each morning this week.  Be aware of each person and animal in this personal Community of yours.  Breathe in their presence, because they are with you whether they are alive or dead, and whether you personally know them or not. 

Do you receive any inner surprises as you allow your Community to weave its presence throughout your life this week?  What gifts do your Community bring you?

42. MotheringMake a SoulCollage card that has to do with mothering.  Think of all of the qualities of a good mother first before you decide what kind of a card to make.

It could be a Community Suit card for your own mother or for someone in your life who has been (or is) like a mother to you. 

It might be a Committee Suit card that honors your own inner mother, or the part of you who mothers others (not necessarily children).

Or it could be a Council Suit card that honors the Great Mother or Divine Mother archetype, or a spirit guide or animal companion who is like a mother to you.


43. The Big PictureSpread out all the cards in your deck and see if you notice any themes or patterns. Have you used the same image or symbol over and over? What do these symbols mean? What do they say about you and your life journey here and now?

44. Reel to RealMake a list of your favorite movies.  Who are your favorite characters in these films? What characteristics do they bring out in you?  Allow one of them to inspire a SoulCollage card for your deck.  It might be a Committee Suit card representing one of your inner voices.  Or it might be a Council Suit card, symbolizing one of the archetypes that have been active in your life for a long time.

45. Chakra Journey Listen to your body. Let one of your chakras inspire a card. Don't even think of an animal to go with it yet if you don't want to. Just focus on the chakra. Note: There's more information about the chakras in the Wise and Wonderful e-course . NOTE: If you are a KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirit Member, please be sure to access this e-course from your Members Only Shoppe.


46. A Family Affair Make a SoulCollage card for a family group that has been important to you. Maybe it's your family of origin... maybe it's a foster family that treated you as one of their own for a time. Or maybe it's for a circle of friends that feels like a family to you.  Whatever you decide, let the card honor the family as a unit, rather than the individual members of that unit.  And when you ask the family, "Who are you?" allow it to respond with "We are the ones who..." as they speak to you as a family group.

47. Holiday LightA few years ago, in a magazine, I found a wonderful image of a pair of shimmery angel's wings, with these words floating over them:

What if this year you decided exactly what you most wanted to do to celebrate the holidays, and then chose to do exactly that?

Well, that was a revelation for me! I hung that little picture up on my desk and have attempted to follow its simple wisdom each holiday season ever since. 

Settle yourself in a quiet place, even if it's just for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.  Ask yourself these two questions:

1. What brings light to you?

2. How do you express your deepest values during the holiday season?

Make a SoulCollage® card that answers one or both of these questions and notice if it makes a difference in your holiday season this year.

48. Holiday Nourishment


Read the words below from Seena Frost, (creator of SoulCollage), and see if any of these ideas spark an idea for a new card for your deck.

The holidays are upon us: Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, the Solstice, Christmas, a New Year beginning. It's a busy, stressful time, but don't let busyness stop you from nourishing your Soul with images and imagination. It's a perfect time to gather a few good friends to sit for an afternoon and create SoulCollage cards to honor these wondrous archetypal events.

Create a Gratefulness card or a Lightbearer card or a Divine Child card, all archetypes you might want for your Council suit. Have some fun identifying Committee members who come up for you in the holidays, and make cards for them: your "Hostess with the Mostest"… your "Holiday Child" who loves surprises… your "Shopper Self" who goes overboard… or even your "Scrooge" self who grumbles and complains, and wishes it were all over.

And who else is there? What other archetypes or Committee voices grab you with their passionate purpose during these coming holiday weeks? Is there space for any of them in your SoulCollage deck?

49. Artist's AffirmationCall yourself an artist.  Say out loud to yourself and to someone else: "I am an artist." Notice what Committee inner voices have something to say about this.  Are there any Council archetypes that can help you with this affirmation?  You might try writing the affirmation out several times in your journal or art journal. You might even want to make a SoulCollage card that honors your inner artist.  Even if your art is not published or sold or hung in galleries, you are still an artist!

50. Holiday Cheers


Do you have a card in your deck that represents the holidays to you in some way?  Go on a search for seasonal holiday images that resonate with you this month and create a card to honor the holiday that you celebrate in some way.  Or pay attention to the inner voices that get "activated" in some way at this time of year.  Is your inner child happy with your plans?  Does your inner critic love this holiday time or hate it?  Listen within and make a card to honor this special time of year in some way.

51. Family TiesMake a SoulCollage card for a family member you grew closer to this past year.  Honor your deck with this person's wisdom and note the ways he/she has touched your life.

52. Year in ReviewAs the year draws to a close, look back over the past 12 months and make a list of all the points of growth on your journey. Do a SoulCollage Reading where you ask a question about the next turn in the road for you as you move into a new year. If you need more direction/assistance with your SoulCollage Card Readings, you’ll find this e-book helpful: Completely Random, Completely Divine: Doing Readings with your SoulCollage Cards . NOTE: If you are a KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirit Member, please be sure to access this e-course from your Members Only Shoppe.



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Go shopping at the SoulCollage® Shop. Here you’ll find Seena’s book and audio tapes, mat boards, SoulCollage® t-shirts, and wooden boxes made just for holding your deck.


NOTE: If you are a KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirit Member, be sure to access your Members Only Shop for your 50% discounts on all SoulCollage® e-books and e-courses. If you’re not a Member yet, find out about all of the great benefits here.