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JAMES J. MIZNER, Jr., MBA, BS, RPhPanacea Solutions Consulting

Reston, Virginia

Third Edition

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3251 Riverport LaneSt. Louis, Missouri 63043


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMizner, James J., Jr., author. Mosby’s review for the pharmacy technician certification examination / James J. Mizner, Jr. — Third edition. p. ; cm. Review for the pharmacy technician certification examination Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-323-11337-3 (pbk. : alk. paper) I. Title. II. Title: Review for the pharmacy technician certification examination. [DNLM: 1. Pharmacy—Examination Questions. 2. Pharmacists’ Aides—Examination Questions. QV 18.2] RS122.95 615.1076—dc23 2013021245

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Margaret Bush, PhD, RPhPharmacy Technician Instructor Durham Technical Community College Durham, North Carolina

Anthony Guerra, PharmD, RPhChair, Pharmacy Technician Program Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny, Iowa

Joshua J. Neumiller, PharmD, CDE, CGP, FASCPAssistant Professor, College of Pharmacy Washington State University Spokane, Washington

Carrie Wamer, CPhTPharmacy Technician Instructor Choffin Career and Tech Center Youngstown, Ohio


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Pharmacy technicians have become a major asset for both pharmacies and pharmacists in the world today. With an increasing population, longer life spans, patients taking multiple medications, and managed care playing a major role, pharmacies are seeing a major increase in processed prescriptions. A phar­macy cannot be successful in providing medications without knowledgeable pharmacy technicians assist­ing the pharmacists.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the growth of pharmacy technicians to be very strong, with a growth of 32% between now and 2020. State Boards of pharmacy realize the importance of pharmacy technicians in the drug delivery process and are com­mitted to ensuring that pharmacy technicians pos­sess the necessary skills to work in a pharmacy. By 2020, all new pharmacy technicians entering the workforce will be required to have obtained a phar­macy technician education from an approved ASHP program.

Presently there are two organizations that certify pharmacy technicians, the Pharmacy Technician Cer­tification Board (PTCB) and the National Health­Career Association (NHA). Both organizations are accredited by the National Commission for Certify­ing Agencies (NCCA). The PTCB has certified over 480,000 pharmacy technicians, and its examination is approved by 45 state boards of pharmacy. The NHA is recognized by 32 state boards of pharmacy.

In 2012, the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board conducted a Job Analysis Study that involved over 25,000 pharmacy technicians. As a result of this

study, it was announced that in second half of 2013 the arrangement of the material would change. How­ever, the length of the test (90 questions to be com­pleted in 1 hour and 50 minutes) and the multiple­choice format would not change.

The new blueprint organizes content into nine knowledge domains, called “knowledge areas” in the table below, each with a number of sub­domains. This organization gives the new blueprint a knowl­edge focus, and conveys more information about the type and relative amount of content in the exam.

The vast majority of knowledge statements in the current blueprint are covered by one or more of the knowledge areas in the new blueprint. By extension, this means that the new PTCE content will be very similar to what is covered in the current exam.

As a result of these changes, Mosby’s Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination, third edition, is arranged to review the content based upon the nine domains. Each chapter is focused on one of the domains covered on the examination followed by questions. The pretest and the seven practice tests attempt to mirror the actual certification examination by adhering to the percentage of questions for each domain. The questions have been scrambled to make the test realistic. Many of the questions may cover material from multiple domains. As in the previous two editions, rationales are provided with the an­swers. Domains are also included with the rationales.

Mosby’s Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certifica-tion Examination has been written to assist a phar­macy technician preparing for the PTCB or the NHA


1 Pharmacology for Technicians 13.75 62 Pharmacy Law and Regulations 12.50 153 Sterile and Non-sterile Compounding 8.75 74 Medication Safety 12.50 65 Pharmacy Quality Assurance 7.50 56 Medication Order Entry and Fill Process 17.50 77 Pharmacy Inventory Management 8.75 58 Pharmacy Billing and Reimbursement 8.75 59 Pharmacy Information Systems Usage and Application 10.00 2

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viii Preface

examination. Mosby’s Review for the Pharmacy Techni-cian Certification Examination is to be used to augment either a formalized pharmacy technician training program or on­the­job training, not replace it. This review text has been designed to review the compe­tencies covered on the PTCB exam and material on the NHA exam.

Enhancements to the third edition of Mosby’s Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exami-nation include:• The inclusion of new drug entities that have been

approved by the FDA since the second edition• An update on laws affecting the practice of

pharmacy• An in­depth discussion on USP ,797.

• Seven multiple­choice paper­based practice tests• Ten multiple­choice computer­based tests• Flashcards that focus on the content of the

domains• Instructor aids, such as lesson plans, test banks,

and PowerPoint slides, to assist in the pharmacy technician’s review for the examinationThe pharmacy technician should use Mosby’s

Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exami-nation as a guide to determine which topics he or she may need additional assistance in studying for either the PTCB or ExCPT examination. Good luck on the test and in your new career.

James J. Mizner, Jr., MBA, BS, RPh

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Mosby’s Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination is dedicated to my wife, Mary, and son, Andrew. They have been very supportive of me through my life and are my source of inspiration.

A special thanks to Jennifer Janson and Jennifer Bertucci, who provided both advice and direction to me during this revision. Finally, thanks to Drs. Margaret Bush, Anthony Guerra, Joshua Neumiller, and Carrie Wamer, who were instru-mental during the review phase of the book.

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1 PharmacologyforTechnicians 112 PharmacyLawandRegulations 793 SterileandNonsterileCompounding 1134 MedicationSafety 1495 PharmacyQualityAssurance 1636 MedicationOrderEntryandFillProcess 177 7 PharmacyInventoryManagement 1898 PharmacyBillingandReimbursement 2019 InformationSystemUsageandApplication 20910 PracticeExaminations 219


A Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination Information 271B Drug Nomenclature: Stems Used by the U.S. Adopted Names Council 277C Top 200 Prescription Drugs 283D Vitamins 287E Common Over-the-Counter Products 289F Institute for Safe Medication Practices List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations 291G Pharmaceutical Abbreviations 295


INDEX� 363