Download - 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

Page 1: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

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Mnr. Gerrit-Jan Dorfling van die Hoërskool Lydenburg het deelgeneem aan ’n fondsinsameling vir die

matriekafskeid. Leerders kon onderwysers aan 'n muur vas "plak" vir R5. Dit was vet pret vir almal. (Sien

res van die foto’s op bl. 15)

Deaths on Mpumalangaroads areless thanin 2014THE Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison in Mpumalanga says the number of road accidents in the province during the Easter Holidays is much lower than in 2014.Safety Security and Liaison Spokes-person, Joseph Mabuza, says road accidents have dropped from 89 in 2014 to 34 in 2015.However, Mabuza has raised concerns that the number of road fatalities remains high. “Since the beginning of the Easter weekend, we have recorded 34 crashes in the province and 15 fatalities and 17 people who were seriously injured. We know that we have got until Monday whereby many people will be driving back home. We have roadblocks on the roads, we have road patrols and the road safety officers that are going to assist motorists,” adds Mabuza.M e a n w h i l e , t h e R o a d Tr a f f i c Management Corporation (RTMC) has called on motorists to be cautious on the roads. RTMC Spokesperson, Simon Zwane, says more than 800 people have been arrested for traffic violations and R30 000 in fines have been issued."We are calling on all motorists to respect the rules of the road, keep speed limits and ensure there is safety this Easter. We are already seeing a high number of vehicles on the road and we are urging people to behave appropriately so that we can see fewer people dying on our roads,” explained Zwane.

Page 2: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

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Page 3: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13



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’n Ges in in d ie S t e r k s p r u i t o m g e w i n g i n L y d e n b u r g h e t gedurende die week verhuis en hierdie twee pragtige katjies agter gelos.Hulle is nog baie jonk en soek dringend huise. Indien u sou belang stel om een van hulle of albei aan te neem, kan u Bianca Coetzee skakel by 078 235 0999.

Mense verhuis en los katjies agter

Tourists come from far and wide to witness this view.

It was taken over Easter Weekend during a drive around town. We can definitely agree that it is a ‘view to remember’ - Photo by

Michelle Boshoff

Page 4: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

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Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

083 626 6305Editor / Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

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Reinet Bell082 450 4875

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EK dink ons ouer generasie was baie gelukkiger as vandag se jongmense. Ja hulle het slimfone en tablette en rekenaarspeletjies en TV en Facebook en WhatsApp. Maar ons het inry en instap flieks, bordspeletjies soos monopoly, trapfietse, ’n munisipale swembad en ’n veilige omgewing gehad. Ons kon tot donker in die strate speel sonder gevaar dat ’n dronk ou ons sou doodry of iemand ons sou beroof. Ons kon onder in die dorp begin stap en “window shopping” doen tot laataand en terug stap huistoe. Ons het

stokperdjies gehad. Seëls of munte versamel, Meccano projekte gebou (Lego het later gekom). Vandag is dit anders. Jy stap of ry nie fiets nie. Te gevaarlik sê hulle. As jy en ’n paar pelle donker op straat is, dink almal jy is met kriminêle aktiwiteite of verdowingsmiddels deurmekaar. En dit is dikwels waar. Ek dink die samelewing het ons weggedryf van gesonde tydverdryf af. Alles is binnenshuis. Ons sosialiseer per selfoon of gaan drink iets hier of daar. Jongmense gaan eers nege uur saans uit. Dan was ons al tuis. Gelukkig het ek baie van my stokperdjies van kleintyd behou. Ek het nog ’n monopoly stel en ander bordspele soos Cluedo. My seëlversameling is 45 jaar oud. Ek het wel

baie van dié tydverdryf met meer volwasse stokperdjies vervang. Ek peuter graag aan ’n ou motor. Of ry ’n draai met die motorfiets, hoewel ek dit op hoërskool ook gedoen het. Of ek herlaai ammunisie. ’n Baie terapeutiese tydverdryf, maar veels te vervelig vir die jonges. Die jongmense skiet meestal ook nie. Ons jag nog as ons die kans kry.Ek lees geweldig baie. Van kleintyd af. ’n Goeie boek is ’n boks vol kalmeerpille.My punt is ons samelewing sal veel beter wees as ons almal ons weer verdiep in ’n vervullende stokperdjie of drie. Begin dadelik met ’n nuwe stokperdjie. As jy nie van die een hou nie, probeer ’n ander een. Jy sal wel gou jou plesiertjie vind. Spandeer tyd en geld aan dié wat vir jou lekker is. Dit is ’n belegging in jouself.

1 Samuel 2:3: Julle moenie in hoogmoed bly praat nie, moenie aanmatigende dinge sê nie, want die Here is ’n God van diepe kennis, dade word deur Hom getoets.Vader help ons om nie aanmatigend te wees nie, amen.

DIE mond maak onwillekeurig wyd oop terwyl asem duidelik hoorbaar een keer ingetrek en uitgestoot word. Gewoonlik is dit 'n aanduiding van vaakheid, vermoeienis of verveling. 'n Noukeurige omskrywing vir gaap.Daar is baie Hoorhiersô-stories wat ek kon skryf hierdie week. Tog wou ek nie die lesers in trane laat nie. Terwyl ek toe sit en wonder hoe om nie die hart te laat oorloop in my rubriek nie, gaap ek my keel heel stukkend. Soos die definisie beskryf, hoorbaar en onwillekeurig. Gaap... Ek vermoed dat gaap aansteeklik is. Al opgelet hoe vinnig jy gaap as jy iemand anders dit sien doen. Heel interessant. Die Chileense kunstenaar Carolina Delpiano het ook besef dis baie interessant. In Santiago het sy ses foto's uitgestal van 'n jong vrou wat gaap vroeër die jaar. Sy het die aansteeklikheid van gaap bewys daarmee. Mense het begin gaap deur slegs na die foto's te kyk.'n Dokter het eendag gesê mense gaap om 'n suurstoftekort aan te vul. Dit mag miskien wees, tog vermoed ek dat gaap 'n teken van ander dinge ook kan wees.Soos hitte. Hoekom dan die gesegde… "So warm dat die kraaie gaap." Dit beteken mos drukkend warm. Miskien het hulle gaapsiekte of probeer die hitte oorkom. Eintlik is gaapsiekte 'n heel ander ding. Dis 'n siekte by jong hoenders wat deur 'n wurmsoort van die genus Syngamus in die lugweë aangebring word. As gevolg hiervan hou die diere hulle bekke oop.Vat gerus een middag om die voëls dop te hou met hul oop bekke. Jy sal sommer vinnig aan die slaap raak so rustig is dit. Hou tog net jou donkerbril op, netnou dink iemand jy gaap hulle aan. In 'n geselskap is ginnegaap oppervlakkig. Ginnegaap beteken verspottig en om oor beuselagtige sakies te praat. So asof mens belangriker dinge systap. Maar op die ou end bly ons maar net mense. En daarom na-aap en gaap ons as ons ander sien gaap.Partykeer, soos aan die einde van 'n lang dag, is ek so lui ek gaap sommer met my mond toe. Dis wonderlik om te gaap. Partykeer, as jy insluimer gaap jy jouself tot in Alice se Wonderland. Gaap, gaap tot jou ore suis en jou oë oorkruis.~ Michelle Boshoff

'I agree' reader writes:We had a good laugh this weekend when we read your newspaper (Highlands Panorama News) in Lydenburg.I thought it would be a great idea to email the Editor, Michelle Boshoff, as soon as we got home. We were staying in Dullstroom and came to your town for some shopping. When we drove back to Dullstroom after brunch at your Wimpy, we were waiting for the giraffe's to come out of the potholes.

April fool's front page was inspired

That area of our beautiful country really has terrible roads. We took a drive to Tonteldoos too. That road will give me nightmares for years to come. Congratulation to your municipality, the main street in Lydenburg was not as bad as we were warned.I’m definitely going to show my colleagues this week what a wonderful community newspaper Lydenburg has. ~ Greetings from Northcliff, Johannesburg - per email.

April-grappie,toe nie uitgevang

Me. D. Maree van Lydenburg skryf: Ons het nou lekker gelag. Toe ek Donderdag die koerant optel toe weet ek sommer dis ’n 1ste April grappie. (April Gekkedag - ED). Maar die gate hier is so sleg dat party mense dit nog sal glo ook. Mooi so Michelle Boshoff, jy het seker gedink jy gaan ons uitvang. Gelukkig ken jy jou lesers, ons het lekker gelag.

n die uitgawe van 2 April word daar in die artikel “Onmin by Kiepersol oor regte en reëls” deur die inwoners I

geïmpliseer dat die huidige DA raadslede nie enigiets aan die huidige situasie doen nie. Ek wil dit duidelik maak dat ek (Raadslid Nicko Janse van Vuuren), raadslid De Jong en Farhad Essak persoonlik met die persoon waaroor die bohaai gaan, gaan gesels het, voor raadslid De Jong se verkiesing in verlede jaar, om hom in te lig dat ons stappe teen hom gaan neem. Ons het die saak toe al aan die Department van Behuising gaan stel en ook telkemale daarna weer. Raadslid De Jong het selfs die saak saam met mnr. Samson (hoof van behuising en twee inwoners van Kiepersol) met die Burgemeeter gaan bespreek en raadslid De Jong het die saak weer bespreek met die Munisipale Bestuurder na verlede week se raadsvergadering. Ek het ook telkemale die saak weer geopper en aangedring op aksie van die Department van Behuising se kant af. Die probleem met die inwoner gaan nou al vir maande voort en die department doen niks daaraan nie en maak net leë beloftes. Die probleem is ook ietwat netelig want as ons die reëls streng moet begin toepas, soos baie van die inwoners op aandring, dan sal daar potensieël 'n paar probleme opduik, aangesien baie van die inwoners wat daarop aandring dat die reëls gevolg word, weer ander reëls breek wat ook streng gesproke, tot hul eie uitsetting kan lei. Ek wil net die versekering gee dat ons beslis nie die saak net so los nie en dit gereeld as 'n saak van erns onder die Department van Behuising se aandag bring.

Terugvoer op:

“Onmin by Kieper- sol oor regte en reëls”

Page 5: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

Leon de Jager, Charlene Coetzee, Elzanda and Ludi Nel with the new edition of Lydenburg's annual Business Directory

Les Smith (FNB) Helena Viljoen en Johan Olivier van The Music Shop

At the Chamber's AGM held at Jam Jar Lounge were from left Lydenburg Smelter's Johan van Heerden and Louis van Rhyn and ASA Metals' Gerhard Terblanche who

addressed the audience on the challenges faced by mining and industry in the present day environment - from a ferrochrome perspective.

Patrick Flank, new member of the Chamber Executive, with outgoing chairman Wessel

Venter at the Annual General Meeting.

he Lydenburg/ Mashishing Business Chamber held it’s AGM recently, announced their new management team and had a great evening at the JamJar in Lydenburg. It T

also coincided with the launch of the 2015 glossy Business Directory that has become a wonderful guide to look forward to each year.

Business Chamber is always on the move

Page 6: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

Demonstrasies: Broodbak in die buite-oond, botterkarring, klei-os maak en voorlaaierskiet.Interessante handwerk stalletjies:Plaasbotter, konfyt, heuning, Boerseep, Oudhede ens.Aktiwiteite vir die dag: Boeresport, perdesport, kettie-skiet, trekkerritte, visvang, pyl-en-boogskiet, Modevertoning van Toeka tot nou en die “Charltondans” wat uitgevoer word deur Global Artists en veteraan motorskou. Kontak Pieter Krugel / Melitza Krugel 079 857 2717 / 074 270 7222.

Ouwerf Plaasmuseumhou Boere Kultuurfees op Maandag 27 April

Program: Registrasie vind vanaf 08:00 plaas.GUN SHOT start om 09:30. “Halfway house” ingesluit Prysuitdeling: ±17:00

Formaat: 4-ball alliance met scramble dryf. Verdere reëls sal die oggend verduidelik word.

Laerskool Lydenburg se groot gholfdag vind op 16 Mei plaas

Kontak Persoon: Helloise Oosthuizen –

072 456 4362.Skakel haar ook met navrae oor die dag en die inskrywingsvorms

Dagboek/ DiaryIE Beeld B het plaasgevind op Vrydag 27 Maart te Avianto-Landgoed Muldersdrift. Dit was nasionaal en D

enige bruid in Suid-Afrika kon inskryf vir die kompetisie.Uit elke maand se inskrywings is daar dan een wenner gekies. Ek was die wenner van September-maand se bruide (ons is 6 September by “The Cowshed” getroud net buite Lydenburg op die Badfontein pad). Die 12 finaliste het bestaan uit elke maand se wenner wat Vrydagaand om die titel as Beeld Bruid van die Jaar 2014 meegeding het.Pryse:7 Nagte in Mauritius geborg deur Air Mauritius en Lux Resorts

ruid van die Jaar finaal

Lydenburg-egpaar wen nasionale dagbladse Bruid van die Jaar Kompetisie

R20 000 kontant geborg deur JC le RouxR3000 Spar koopbewysR5000 se kombuisware van PrestigeR11 000 koopbewys van Sealy PosturepedicOns trou foto's is geneem deur Kim Tracey Photography, hier vanaf Lydenburg.(Ingestuur deur Natasha van Aardt)

• Alle krediet vir die artikel gaan aan Beeld. Ons plaas dit slegs omdat ons trots is op ons eie egpaar wat almal uitgestof het. Hulle gaan definitief hul

pryse baie geniet. RED

Bouwer en Natasha (nee Hagen) van Aardt.

Bouwer en Natasha (nee Hagen) van Aardt tydens hul troufotosessie by The

Cowshed. (Bo en Onder)

Leonard en Anel Northcoat is op die 28ste Maart 2015 in die huwelik bevestig. Die bevestiging en onthaal is gehou te Lodge Laske Nakke en ons

wens die bruid en bruidegom baie geluk. Die fotograaf was ds. Willie Botha van


Page 7: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

Old Swimming Pool CentrePotgieter Street | Lydenburg

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Kom geniet ’n heerlike dag vol pret en plesier saam met ons!Hoof-kunstenaar is Ray Dylan,

saam met agt ander kunstenaars!

Where Does Carbon Dioxide Really Come From?

PLIMER: "Okay, here's the bombshell. The recent volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of you. Of course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - its that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life. I know, it's very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kids "The Green Revolution" science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50p light bulbs with LED light bulbs, well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days. The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in just four days - yes, FOUR DAYS - by that volcano in Iceland has totally

erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time - EVERY DAY.

I don't really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth. Yes, folks, Mt. Pinatubo was active for over one year - think about it! Of course, I shouldn't spoil this 'touchy-feely tree-hugging' moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps happening despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change. And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year.

Just remember that your government tries to impose a whopping carbon tax on you, on the basis of the bogus 'human-caused' climate-change scenario. Hey, isnt it interesting how they dont mention 'Global Warming' anymore, but just 'Climate Change' - you know why? Its because the eral

planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past few years and these global warming bull artists got caught with their pants down. And, just keep in mind that you might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme - that whopping new tax - imposed on you that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer. It wont stop any volcanoes from erupting, thats for sure. But, hey, relax, give the world a hug and have a nice day!! Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne , professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide, and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies. He has published 130 scientific papers, six books and edited the Encyclopedia of Geology. Born 12 February 1946 (age 68). Residence: Australia, Nationality: Australian, Fields: Earth Science, Geology, Mining Engineering Institutions: University of New England, University of Newcastle, University of Melbourne, University of AdelaideAlma mater University of New South Wales, Macquarie University.

Thesis: The pipe deposits of tungsten-molybdenum-bismuth in eastern Australia (1976). Notable Awards Eureka Prize(1995,2002),Centenary Medal(2003), Clarke Medal (2004).

Source: Piet De Villiers.

Climate change

Page 8: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

Beplan solank vir die Pilgrims erfenisnaweek einde April

pumalanga Erfenis, vroeër bekend as die Mpumalanga Historiese Belangegroep, hoop M

om goed teenwoordig te wees by die eerste Erfenis-naweek wat teen die einde van April op Pilgrims Rest gehou word. Die geleentheid sal ook die groep se uitstappie vir April wees. Die bedrywighede daar begin reeds op Vrydag 24 April met 'n prettige “pub crawl” en duur dan verder tot Maandag 27 April, 'n openbare vakansiedag waarop almal weer vertrek. Die naweek se program, sowel as alle beskikbare

verblyf en kostes sal sal hierdie week nog bekend gemaak word met 'n sentrale nommer en eposadres waar alle bespekings gedoen kan word. Belangrik is 'n outydes delwersbanket en bal wat die Saterdagaand in die Royal Hotel aangebeid word en 'n spooktoer die Sondagaand.kontak gerus [email protected] om jou naam op die lys te kry. Ons beplan om een of twee selfsorg huise te bespreek. Afslagpryse is ook by die Royal Hotel beding.

Beide artikels deur Mpumalanga Historical Interest Group of epos Routes & Destinations [email protected]

Hier is foto’s van vanjaar se Majubadagvieringe rondom die naweek van 28 Februarie. Die Veldslag toe die Boere die Britse besetters van die Transvaal in 1882 oortuigend in die Eerste Vryheidsoorlog of Eerste Anglo-Boere oorlog, verslaan het, word nog

jaarliks feestelik gevier.

Page 9: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13


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This prime advertisingspace is available.

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GENERAL MOTORS subsidiary Chevrolet has revealed the all-new Spark ahead of its international debut at the New York Auto Show.Essentially sharing a platform with the Opel Karl, which has yet to be introduced to the South African market, the 2016 Spark boasts an evolutionary design that’s particularly evident at the front with traditional, horizontal, headlamps, and more prominent dual grille. The wheelbase is longer than that of the Spark’s predecessor and the overall height is 40 mm lower.Along the profile there are now distinct character lines on the front and rear doors, as well as a roofline that slopes toward the rear after the A-pillar. A new tail lamp design, integrated roofspoiler and new rear bumper (park distance sensors feature in the images provided) transform the rear end.The new Spark will be powered by 1,4-litre Ecotec four-cylinder engine that produces 73 kW and is capable of a combined fuel consumption figure of 5,8 litres/100 km. Torque is sent to the front wheels via a five-speed manual gearbox or CVT.While details on the cabin are sparse, from the video it seems that there’s been an increase in premium materials used.“In short, the Spark has grown up. It retains a youthful flair, but reflects the maturation of the global minicar market and customers’ desires for richly styled and highly contented choices,” says Michael Simcoe, GM international vice president of design. “The Spark will be a global model and sold in more than 40 countries around the

VOLKSWAGEN South Africa has confirmed it finally has the go ahead from VW AG to bring the Saveiro half-ton pickup to market.A traditionally strong market for half-ton bakkies, the South African buying public (both recreational and small business owners) has been starved of options of late with only the Nissan NP200 giving the evergreen Chevrolet Utility a run for its money. This a country where the Nissan 1400 (champion of Africa), Ford Bantam and Mazda Rustler became so popular.Previously only built for the left-hand drive Brazilian market the Polo-based Saveiro will debut in right-hand drive guise at the 2015 Johannesburg Motor Show and hit showrooms shortly thereafter. A Saveiro Cross (pictured) will follow in time.Expect the range to comprise 1,2- and 1,4 TSI petrol options, while a 77 kW/250 N.m 1,6 TDI version is sure to appeal to small to medium-size business

Page 10: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

Adelene Le Roux | Hercules Coetzee | Gerhard LeygonieHenry Moyo | Muzi Shongwe | Office: 013 235 2381

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • Lydenburg •

E R ER CAD G AF ND - RA U8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg013 235 [email protected]


MERCEDES BENZ has confirmed it’s readying a premium double-cab bakkie that will be launched in selected markets, including South Africa, “before the end of the decade” – some reports say perhaps as early as 2018.The Wall Street Journal reported that Volker Mornhinweg, the ex-AMG boss who’s now the head of Mercedes-Benz Vans, this week revealed a life-size clay model of the one-tonne double-cab in Böblingen, Germany and announced Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vehicles had been working on “the first pick-up to be built by a premium manufacturer” for several years.“Years ago, SUVs used to be, well, rough,” Mornhinweg was quoted as saying. “Then they became prettier. Now, we see the same trend in pick-up trucks. As part of our ‘Mercedes-Benz Vans goes global’ strategy, the pick-up is the ideal vehicle for the expansion of our range with a newly developed model.”The manufacturer noted “more and more pick-ups (were) being used for private purposes, with commercial and private users increasingly asking for vehicles that have car-like specifications”. Latin America (where the product is most likely to be produced), South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Europe are its target markets.An artist’s impression supplied by Mercedes-Benz shows an envisioned double-cab replete with overt SUV design cues and grille, headlamp and badging elements that aesthetically tie the model to its passenger-car siblings. Its interior will contain many of the same interior components and features typical of Mercedes-Benz’s cars and vans. It’s likely that there will be more robust (single-cab) versions with washable interiors for commercial users, but luxury double-cab models will sport leather-trimmed interiors with chrome finishes, as well as the firm’s high-end infotainment and safety systems.According to Dr Dieter Zetsche, the chairman of the Daimler AG’s board of management, “the mid-size pick-up segment is undergoing a transformation worldwide. We’ll enter this segment with our distinctive brand identity and all the vehicle attributes that are typical of the brand with regard to safety, comfort, powertrains, and value.”The Australia/Pacific division of Mercedes-Benz Vans has “been working on this project for a number of years and will be conducting product testing (of the double cab) in Australia over the next couple of years,” managing director Diane Tarr said.It is not known which powerplants and transmissions will be utilised in the product, but some reports say four- and six-cylinder turbodiesel motors are lined up. We expect the product will be named, not designated by “Class”.“We call it rough luxury,” said Kai Sieber, director of design, brands & operations at Mercedes-Benz Vans.

JAGUAR Land Rover has a little extra luxury to their luxury SUV offering with the announcement of the new Range Rover SVAutobiography.Due for its unveiling at the New York Auto Show, that new Rangey has been marched to the front-lines to take on fellow only-for-the-rich-famous-and-Premiership-footballers brands Bentley and Maserati who are about to dip their Gucci loafers in the luxury SUV segment.The SUV has been developed by JLR’s Special Vehicles Operations bunch – essentially their bespoke personalization department – who have not only spooned in a more powerful engine, but also turned the Luxury Dial up to 11.The engine is a 5,0-litre, supercharged V8 (405 kW/680 N.m) taken from the Range Rover Sport SVR and you can order yours in either standard length or long-wheelbase specification. There’s a two-tone exterior option with Santorini Black on upper section and a choice of nine different colours for the lower part. A unique Graphite Atlas finish to the grille and “SVAutobiography” badging at the rear let your fellow road users know exactly what they’re gawping at.It’s what you’ll find inside, however, that really sets this SUV apart from its siblings. Most of the switchgear (including the start-stop surround and rotary controls) are machined from solid aluminium with knurled details. So, if you cared to look down, are the foot pedals. Rear passengers will be happy to know their Moët will remain nice and cold thanks to a beverage chiller compartment and, with powered deployable tables, they have a perfect place to put the equally chilled caviar.There’s also a sliding luggage floor option for the boot that’s made from aluminium and a choice of wood veneer options. It slides rearwards to optimise ease of use for loading and unloading. Watching the weekend’s polo is also now a lot more comfy thanks to the (again, optional) frame to which two exterior seats can be mounted.There’s no local price yet, but in the USA it will start from $199 495 which, in that market, is a 45% premium over the standard Range Rover Autobiography. In SA the standard Range Rover Autobiography goes for R1 556 000 which, adding 45%, means it could sell for in the region of R2 256 000

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THE writing on the side of your tyre or tyres tells you a lot about what they’re capable of and how they influence the driving dynamics of your vehicle. This is what you’ll find when you “read” your tyres:1. TYRE SIZE: Let’s take the example of 225/55 R16. The first figure is the tyre width in millimetres; 55 is the aspect ratio, which in this case means the height of the tyre from outside of the wheel rim to the outer edge of the rubber is 55%; R points to a radial tyre; and 16 is the inside diameter of the tyre measured in inches.2. LOAD AND SPEED RATING: Different figures mean different ratings. There are far too many to list here, but an example is a rating of 84 V, which means the maximum tyre load is 500 kg and maximum speed that the tyre is designed for is 240 km/h. A way to work out the maximum load of the vehicle is multiplying 500 kg by four (for the number of tyres), which in this case equals 2 000 kg. The most common speed rating is H, which is suitable for up to 210 km/h.3. DATE OF MANUFACTURE: These four figures represent the week and year. 2213 means that the tyre was made in the 22nd week of 2013. Do not buy tyres that are older than four years.4. TREADWEAR: Higher figures mean a longer expected lifespan. Look for figures between 100 and 700.5. TYRE TYPE: For example, H/T means the tyre is suitable for tarmac and gravel. If there is a letter before the tyre size, for example a T, this stands for temporary use, i.e. a space-saver spare.6. MAXIMUM INFLATION PRESSURE: This may be 340 kPa, for example. This is not to be confused with the carmaker’s recommended pressure.7. TEMPERATURE: This can vary from A to C, with A suitable for hot climates and higher speeds like ours.8. TRACTION: This indicates grip in wet conditions. Figures run from AA (best) to C (worst).9. COUNTRY OF MANUFACTURE: For example, “Made in Japan.”RUN-FLAT: If the tyres have stronger sidewalls to allow them to be used when deflated, you’ll see “Run On Flat Technology”.HOW TO EXTEND TYRE LIFE: Check the pressures regularly. Just looking at the tyres to see if they’re flat doesn’t work. Sidewalls are shallower and stiffer these days, and so might look okay when they aren’t. The recommended pressures should be inside the fuel flap, on the inside of the driver’s or passenger’s door pillars, or in the owner’s manual. There should be a figure for light load and a higher figure for a fully loaded car. If under-inflated, tyres wear more towards the outside edge. If over-inflated, tyres degrade more in the centre of the tread.INSPECTION: Every month, examine the tread for abnormal wear. Make sure you inspect the inside of the tyres (not normally visible from standing next to the car), as this is often where most of the wear takes place when wheel alignment is out, or the car has a designed-in negative camber.ROTATION: A FWD car wears out the front tyres before the rears. To a lesser extent, the opposite applies for RWD vehicles. Rotate the tyres according to the maker’s instructions to even out wear. This, however, means having to replace all four tyres at the same time. Some prefer to buy just one new set at a time to spread the cost.AGE: Tyre life is a tricky one. Some old tyres still perform perfectly well, while others crack or delaminate. Heat and exposure to sunlight play a roll in tyre degradation. Because most tyres are replaced after the tread has worn out (generally after a maximum of five years), it’s not a problem. But, on low-mileage cars the tyres might have sufficient tread for up to 15 or 20 years, especially for seldom-used classic cars. Between five and 10 years is seen as the limit and be wary of high speeds or heavy loads if your tyres are of pensionable age. Inspect the sidewalls for signs of hairline cracks. Tyres should have a manufacturing date on them, but this is not always

KIA has released the first image and some preliminary details regarding the new Optima sedan ahead of the car’s official unveiling in New York.

The previous-generation Kia Optima was a handsome-looking car, so it comes as little surprise that the Korean carmaker has taken an evolutionary design route with its successor – lifting such cues as a flashier take on the signature ‘Tiger nose’ from the larger K900 sedan.Certain markets could also see the next-generation Kia Optima offered

in station wagon body shape.Kia also claims that the new Optima will offer improved interior and utility space, as well as a suite of “class-up premium features” in the

guise of technologies not offered in the current car.The engine line-up has yet to be confirmed, but the smart money is on a slightly optimised version of the company’s naturally aspirated 2,4-litre petrol unit and a brace of turbopetrols – probably the 1,6- and 2,0-litre units. The 1,7-litre turbodiesel unit will likely be a European-market-only

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Highlands Panorama News.

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Page 12: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13



Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

TE HUUR:• 3 Slk woning, nuut opgeknap - • 1, 2 & 3 slaapkamer woonstelle, 20km op Ohrigstadpad - vanaf

TE KOOP:• 2 Slp woonstel met erf, goed geleë - • 2 Slp woning met erf, netjies en goed geleë - • 1 Slp woonstel in middedorp - • 5 Slp woning, 3 badk met groot erf plus 2 slk w/stel en nog meer -

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AS summer slowly draws to a close we can feel a definite drop in the morning and evening temperatures, and as the trees change colour and the veld grass starts to dry up, we are reminded that winter is nigh. April is a wonderful month to garden and a good thing too, because it is a busy month for all regions. In the cold regions of the country, depending on when your first frosts arrive, April is generally the last month to sow winter and spring flowering annuals and winter vegetables. For smaller beds and containers it is often best to purchase established winter and spring flowering seedlings from your garden centre. Look out for the ever popular four P's; Pansies, Poppies, Primulas and Petunias, or try something different this season by using Ornamental Kale; their colourful rose, red, mauve or white leaves are most striking if used in large groups or in pots. Avoid transplanting bedding plants during the heat of the day and water regularly until they are established. When your Sweetpeas are 15 cm tall, nip out the growing points to encourage lateral growth. Climbers will need supports about 2m tall and even the Knee-high and Bijou varieties will benefit from having low supports to clamber over. Cut back on watering and feeding your indoor pot plants,

except those that will flower in winter, and your ferns. Spray the leaves often with tepid water or place the pots on trays of damp pebbles, to increase humidity; and move pots away from cold glass windows, and cold winter draughts. Continue feeding your winter flowering Cymbidium orchids with a special orchid food. Take hardwood cuttings of trees, shrubs and climbers now. Use No. 3 hormone rooting powder and plant them into well-drained soil or river sand. Place the pots in a protected place. Treat your conifers every 4 to 5 weeks throughout autumn and winter for the Italian cypress aphid and water regularly. Early autumn is the best time to transplant evergreen shrubs and trees that are planted in the wrong place in your garden. As the temperatures drop in autumn, the day length decreases and plant sap slows down; thus reducing the shock and trauma that can occur when moving evergreen trees and shrubs that are actively growing. The soil is still relatively warm in autumn, giving the plants a chance to settle in before the weather really turns cold. The roots will continue to grow throughout winter, and in spring the plant will be ready to start shooting new top growth.

Autumn gardening tips:

Page 13: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13


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RE/MAX WINNERS013 235 2653

RENTALS3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom

apartments to rent:Starting from R4400 per


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Contact: Office 013 235 2653

Anchen: 082 708 0105Bianca: 078 235 0999

Marietjie: 083 922 0675


YVONNE: 079 290 4090

Well-positioned 4 bedroom family home, offering 2 bathrooms, open-plan living areas with

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established garden with lapa and built-in braai for entertainment.

Big wendy house with water and electricity inside.

RE/MAX WINNERS013 235 2653


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Ona Venter: 082 898 5272

Tel: 013 235 110250 Kerk Street, [email protected]

R300 000Erf te koop in Lydenburg-dorp. Goeie area. 1318m²

R1 530 0003 Slaapkamer-huis met 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis, studeerkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, stoorkamer, 2 motorhuise, afdakke en groot tuin in Lydenburg-dorp.

R635 0002 Slaapkamer-woonstel met 1 badkamer, kombuis, oopplan sitkamer/eetkamer, 1 motorhuis en tuin naby hospitaal.

• 3 Slk huis met 2 badk, sitk, kombuis, erf, stoep, ing. braai, dubbel m/huis, alarm, buite- ”beams” - R7550• 3 Slk meenthuis, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, toesluit m/huis in veilige kompleks. GEEN DIERE - R5500

3 Slk meenthuis, 1 badk, sitk, komb, m/afdak en erf - R5200

4 Slk huis, 2 badk, studeerk, oopplan TV-kamer/sitk/komb, groot erf, dubbel toesluit m/huis - R10 300

3 Slk huis met 2½ badk, studeerk, sitk, komb, groot erf, dubbel toesluit m/huis, ing. braai, grens aan natuurreservaat - R9600

• 3 Slk huis, 1 badk, groot kombuis, sitk, swembad, bachelor w/s, 3 skadunet afdakke, groot stoor - R8900• Verskeie kantoor- en industriële spasies te huur

Beautifully finished with wrought iron and quality kitchen and bedroom cupboards. Price

R1 585 000 Contact Sonia Meyer at Pam Golding on 082 459 2361



Three Bedrooms - Two bathrooms - Study

Open plan kitchen/lounge/dining


Large garden and triple garage

Beautifully finished with wrought iron and

quality kitchen and bedroom cupboards

Price R1 585 000

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459 2361 / 013 235 1146

Page 14: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

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•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2 9 3 6 • N G M o e d e r -g e m e e n t e L y d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk . Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, J e u g d i e n s Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van C h r i s t u s R e n s b u r g -str.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 1 0 : 0 0 , d i e n s Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 •

[email protected]

New Aposto l ic C h u r c h . S u n . 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 8 8 6 2 9 3 4 • R e h o b o t Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y k e r k 18:30. Vry. Jeug 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 2 3 5 4 9 0 5 . • Lewende Woord L y d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou l a n g s L a s k e Nakke 013 235 2 4 6 3 . • M o o i H a w e n s E v a n g e l i s a s i e Sentrum (PPK). W o . 1 0 : 0 0 v r o u e d i e n s , b i d u u r 1 9 : 0 0 . S o n d a g s k o o l 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. P a s t . W o u t e r Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 3 3 8 1 5 7 0 . • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Ke rk co / hv Simmond en De S o u z a s t r a t e Pastor / Ds Kallie F o u r i e 0 8 2 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 lydenburgbaptiste@ i s a t . c o . z a Sunday mornings 09 :30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services C o r o m a n d e l .

Sunday School 10 :00 , church serv ice 11:00. Skhi la Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 0 9 : 0 0 , a a n d e 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • S e w e d a g Adventiste Kerk -Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . B y b e l s t u d i e 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4444.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - B u r g e r s f o r t . Diens Tye - 9:00

Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 5 3 3 7 8 3 6 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, se lg roep e l ke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor L e o n Labuschagne 084 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . •

Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r B e d i e n i n g . Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg.

Page 15: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

LINKS:Die onderwysers wat aan die pilare van die vierkant vasgeplak is. V.l.n.r.: Me.

Gerda Venter, Me. Naomi Nel, mnr. Ben Booysen, me. Nadia Lamprecht, me. Anel

Badenhorst, mnr. Gerrit-Jan Dorfling, me. Gizella Pieterse en me. Carin Davis


Me. Carin Davis (organiseerder) in die middel

Me. Gizella Pieterse.

Me. Carin Davis, die Graad 11's en hul ouers het hierdie oulike projek geïnisieer om geld in te samel vir die matriekafskeid. Leerders kon 'n meter Duct tape teen R5.00 koop om die onderwysers aan 'n muur vas te "plak". Die onnies was aanvanklik maar skepties om aan die projek deel te neem. Om aan 'n pilaar vasgebind en deur leerders bestook te word met stroop en meel klink nie na 'n goeie idee nie, maar uiteindelik was dit vet pret.Nog 'n suksesvolle projek deur Hoërskool Lydenburg waar leerders en onderwysers mekaar beter kon leer ken. Terselfdertyd is daar geld ingesamel om die matriekafskeid spesiaal te maak vir matrieks van 2015.

Page 16: 09 April 2015 Jr/Yr No. 13

Op Vrydag 20 Maart was dit "ODDS SOCKS DAY" by die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Dit is 'n inisiatief wat deur die Organisasie vir mense met Downs-sindroom ingestel is. Die leerlinge het R5 betaal om onpaar sokkies aan te trek. Dit was 'n groot sukses by Hoërskool Lydenburg. Baie leerders en onderwysers het

daaraan deelgeneem en 'n groot som geld is ingesamel. Die opbrengs is aan die Organisasie vir Downs-sindroom geskenk, Baie dankie aan die leerders en onderwysers wat hierdie projek ondersteun het.

Hier is die Onder 16A span. Hulle het teen Frans du Toit gespeel en het 9-0 gewen. Dit was 'n uitstekende wedstryd om na te kon kyk. Die spelers het almal soos een man saam gespeel. Voor: Jufr Ronel-Mari Nel (afrigter). Middel: Sara-Lee Gibley, Calista Cornelissen,

Jandi Prinsloo. Agter: Sunè Steyn, Hermien Coetzee, Jolene Erasmus, Sojana Botha, Sunè Labuschagne, Nelize Engelbrecht, Nondo, Liandri Kelly, Alex Cason.

Inisiatief vir Downs-sindroomdag SA -

kouse van elke kleur en geur

Jandi Prinsloo was die speler van die wedstryd.

Jolene Erasmus baklei hard vir die bal