ZION TRUMPET - APRIL 2014glzbc.org/wpzion1/wp-content/uploads/NewsletterJun14.pdf · faithful...

1 "Discretion will preserve you." Proverbs 2:11 (NKJV) Exercise Discretion We have all said the wrong thing, at the wrong time, to the wrong person, and ended up regretting it. A pastor was being honored at a retirement dinner, and a local politician had been asked to make a speech. The politi- cian was running late so the pastor decided to say a few words: "When I came here twenty-five years ago I thought this was a terrible church. The first man I talked to said he'd stolen, lied, embezzled, had an affair and done drugs. I was appalled. Then I realized everybody isn't like that; this church is filled with good people." Just then the politician arrived and stood up to speak: "I will never forget the day the pastor arrived here at this church and I had the privilege of being the first church member to talk to him." Loose lips sink ships! The Bible says, "Discretion will preserve you." Being dis- creet means having the ability to keep sensitive information private - including things you have heard years ago! The writer of Proverbs said, "He who is trustworthy conceals a matter" (Proverbs 11:13). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul cautions believers about discussing "things not proper to mention" (1Timothy 5:13). Divulging what you know about other people's problems and/or failures may make you feel good momentarily, but afterwards it has a predictably negative impact on your spirit and ultimately on the relationship. Plus, you get a reputation as a person who can't be trusted. A wise man once said, "If your lips would keep from slipping, here's five things to ob- serve with care: of whom you speak, to whom you speak, and how, when, and where you speak." Now that's advice you would do well to pay attention to! ************************************************* "A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter." Proverbs 1:13 (NKJV) In this issue EXERCISE DISCRETION HAPPY FATHER’S DAY FROM THE BOOK SHELF BLACK MUSIC MONTH MONTHLY DEVOTIONAL EDITORIAL THOUGHT VERSE TO REMEMBER WORD SEARCH PUZZLE HEALTH WATCH: THE BODY TEMPLE BIBLE STUDY Greater Little Zion Baptist Church ZION TRUMPET Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2014 Editor: Deaconess Diane Reese [email protected] 2014 Vision: Vision With Expectation Hosea 6:1-3 Reaching the unsaved with the saving message of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:19-20 Submit articles to: [email protected]

Transcript of ZION TRUMPET - APRIL 2014glzbc.org/wpzion1/wp-content/uploads/NewsletterJun14.pdf · faithful...

Page 1: ZION TRUMPET - APRIL 2014glzbc.org/wpzion1/wp-content/uploads/NewsletterJun14.pdf · faithful spirit conceals a matter." Proverbs 1:13 (NKJV) In this issue EXERCISE DISCRETION HAPPY


"Discretion will preserve you." Proverbs 2:11 (NKJV)

Exercise Discretion

We have all said the wrong thing, at the wrong time, to the wrong person, and ended up regretting it. A pastor was being honored at a retirement dinner, and a local politician had been asked to make a speech. The politi-cian was running late so the pastor decided to say a few

words: "When I came here twenty-five years ago I thought this was a terrible church. The first man I talked to said he'd stolen, lied, embezzled, had an affair and done drugs. I was appalled. Then I realized everybody isn't like that; this church is filled with good people." Just then the politician arrived and stood up to speak: "I will never forget the day the pastor arrived here at this church and I had the privilege of being the first church member to talk to him." Loose lips sink ships! The Bible says, "Discretion will preserve you." Being dis-creet means having the ability to keep sensitive information private - including things you have heard years ago! The writer of Proverbs said, "He who is trustworthy conceals a

matter" (Proverbs 11:13). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul cautions believers about discussing "things not proper to mention" (1Timothy 5:13). Divulging what you know about other people's problems and/or failures may make you feel good momentarily, but afterwards it has a predictably negative impact on your spirit and ultimately on the relationship. Plus, you get a reputation as a person who can't be trusted. A wise man once said, "If your lips would keep from slipping, here's five things to ob-serve with care: of whom you speak, to whom you speak, and how, when, and where you speak." Now that's advice you would do well to pay attention to!

************************************************* "A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a

faithful spirit conceals a matter." Proverbs 1:13 (NKJV)

In this issue











Greater Little Zion Baptist Church ZION TRUMPET

Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2014

Editor: Deaconess Diane Reese

[email protected]

2014 Vision: Vision With Expectation Hosea 6:1-3

Reaching the unsaved with the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20

Submit articles to: [email protected]

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MINISTERIAL LEADERSHIP Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr., Pastor

Rev. Estelle Chandler, Associate Minister


Sis. Terri Bazemore Sis. Janie Doctor

Bro. Calvin Parson Bro. Alphronzo Moseley

Bro. Don Newton Sis. Diane Reese

Bro. James R. Reese, III Bro. Ned Roper

Bro. William Windley Sis. Geraldine Woods

Page 3: ZION TRUMPET - APRIL 2014glzbc.org/wpzion1/wp-content/uploads/NewsletterJun14.pdf · faithful spirit conceals a matter." Proverbs 1:13 (NKJV) In this issue EXERCISE DISCRETION HAPPY


Whether you call it following your heart, a gut feeling, a hunch or intuition, some things you just know. You don’t even know how or why you know, you just do. INSTINCT, this inner knowledge bubbling up from a wellspring of wisdom within, not only helps you sur-vive but can also help you thrive. Living by instinct is as natural as a lioness stalking her prey or knowing when you’re doing what you were born to do. Unfortunately, many of us often spend our lives living out of sync with this internal rhythm. We do what we’re trained to do, what we’re asked to do, or what others need us to do—all the while, feel-ing restless and unsatisfied, wondering why fulfillment eludes us. Until now. Regardless of where you are in life, it’s time to align your actions with your instincts, the inner wisdom of who you really are and what you’re made to do. You’ve been divinely equipped with a fundamental drive to realize your life’s potential. Your destiny and pur-pose can only be realized by researching what lies within. More fulfilling than any ac-complishment, it’s the sense of finding your place in life’s puzzle, contributing the unique gift that you and you alone can bring to the world.

Once you embrace this instinct, you will understand how you’re designed for destiny. You will realize why you were rejected in some places, grew bored in other roles, and why you’ve been haunted by the possibility that your elephant eludes you. If these words resonate with what you know to be true, then don’t hesitate. It’s time to decode your instincts, increase your areas of advancement, and illuminate the dark corners of disappointment. Living by instinct will unleash your authentic self, transform your workplace, liberate your career, and enhance your relationships. If you’re ready to unlock the confines of where you are to discover the freedom of where you were meant to be, then INSTINCT is your key!


Author: T. D. Jakes


African-American Music Appreciation Month is a celebration for African American Music every year in the month of June in the United States. It was originally started as Black Music Month by President Jimmy Carter, who on June 7, 1979, decreed that June would be the

month of black music. Since then, presidents have announced to Americans to celebrate Black Music Month. For each year of his term, President Barack Obama has announced the observance under a new title, African-American Music Appreciation Month.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_Music_Appreciation_Month

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"Blessed is the man who..." Psalm 1:1

The “Blessed” Man

Here’s a scriptural key to being blessed: “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly… but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of

water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper” (vv 1-3).

A “blessed” man tends to stand out because his character is deeper, his ideas fresher, his spirit softer, his courage greater, his leadership better, his concerns

wider, his compassion more genuine, and his convictions more concrete. He is joy-ful in spite of difficult circumstances, and shows wisdom far beyond his years. And he is full of surprises; you think you have him boxed in, but he turns out to be un-

predictable. When you’re around him you feel slightly off balance because you don’t know

what to expect next. Over time you realize that his ideas and actions can be trust-ed. Why? Because he has a spiritual root system that goes down to streams of liv-ing water. Consequently, what he puts his hand to “prospers.” And you can live

this way. How? By setting your spiritual priorities in concrete. The arch enemy of spiritual growth is busyness, which is closely tied to some-

thing the Bible calls “worldliness” – getting caught up with society’s agenda to the neglect of walking with GOD. Any way you cut it, a key ingredient to prospering is – time. Not left-over time, not throw-away time, but quality time. Time for medita-

tion; time for communication. Unhurried, uninterrupted time with GOD. Make that the main priority and you will be blessed.

******************************************************************* “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor

stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and

night.” Psalms 1:1-2


Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged. -Colossians 3:21

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Editorial Thought

Remembering Dr. Maya Angelou: A Phenomenal Woman-For Real!

On May 28, 2014, the bell tolled its last time for one of the most renowned and influential Black women of our times. For me, it was like losing a favor-ite aunt! I admired this great lady from afar. One of my bucket list de-sires was to go to her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, sit on the porch with her, and have a life-informing conversation with her. Dr. Angelou’s departure from here into eternity was as graceful as she lived. The world will miss this larger-than-life poet, educator, author, playwright, activist, historian, producer, actor, director, mother, mentor,

friend. She will live in her many literary, film and other artistic works. One of her famous quotes which surely characterizes the essence of her living is: “People will forget what you said…...they will for-get what you did, but people will NEVER FORGET

how you made them feel.” Dr. Angelou, thanks for giving us so much of yourself. You were and always will be the ultimate phenomenal woman!

Deaconness Diane Reese

Wisdom for my young sisters! Quote by Dr. Maya Angelou

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Psalm 103:13

As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him;


A Son’s First Hero,

A Daughter’s First


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Men of the Old Testament

H I H H S M A H A R B A U H T C S E H A B A K K U K H T E S A A Z S H J O N A H T E P A J H I E E S J I S A A H S I L E S A K S P E E N N S A M U E L E H I O M H J R O B S J E J O M A A M J O A B E D N E G O B E I H D E S I N D H A R H N A Z M A E R H J L I E O O H A D E E D L P A E O G A B B C T I K R A E M P C N B A H O O H A I E M I B H O H E L K A N A H E J N N I A C E D R O M E N M L E B A H T H N O M O L O S H T O L D M O L A S B A A R O N Aaron Ezekiel Lot Solomon Abednego Gideon Manasseh Zephaniah Abel Habakkuk Mephibosheth Abraham Hezekiah Meshach Absalom Isaiah Mordecai Adam Japeth Moses Adonijah Jehoshaphat Nehemiah Ahab Jeremiah Noah Benjamin Jeroboam Obadiah Daniel Jesse Obed Elisha Joab Rehoboam Elkanah Job Samuel Enoch Jonah Seth Esau Jonathan Shadrach

contributed by Oluwaseyi Omidiji (Bible Word Search)

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June is. . . . . .

Men’s Health Month The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This month gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. For additional information on men’s health facts, go to: http://www.menshealthnetwork.org/library/menshealthfacts.pdf.

Dates for Men’s Health Week

June 9-15, 2014

There is an ongoing, increasing and predominantly silent crisis in the health and well-being of men. Due to a lack of awareness, poor health education, and culturally in-duced behavior patterns in their work and personal lives, men’s health and well-being are deteriorating steadily. Society is being dramatically affected because men are liv-ing approximately 5 years less than women. Men of GOD, help end the silence-purpose to keep the body temple healthy! During Men’s Health Month and Week, ………….

……...Wear Blue to remind men of the importance of staying healthy.

End the Silence

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DESTINATION: INNER SANCTUM by Dr. Charles Stanley, Bible Study, taken from InTouch Magazine-June 2014

Unless you have ample time and means, getaways may seem like a rare luxury. But we all need to re-charge-often.

In the U.K., a Hilton ad campaign promises potential guests a cure for Vacationitis. The hotel chain offers relief from symptoms of Acute Retinal Monitoritis (ills of staring at a computer screen), Commuteritis (rush hour woes), Acute Cancelitis (lack of quality time to spend with love ones), and Cordless Infatuitis (a strong desire to unplug from the world). The marketing brains behind these clever ads recognize our culture’s widespread, deep-seated long-ing for a break. It’s not just work-related pressure but also parental responsibilities, financial challeng-es, marriage issues, and health concerns that weigh us down (not to mention the relentless sense that we must live up to the trendy, fit, creative, delicious, immaculate, organized, photogenic wonderfulness constantly barraging us on TV, Facebook, Pinterest and the countless blogs we follow). Whew! Some personalities thrive under such stress; others begin to crack. Unless we safeguard our well-being, we run the risk of self-destruction. Quasi solutions to stress-such as substance abuse, pornogra-phy, and promiscuity-offer pleasure but deliver pain. It’s futile to hope that the frenetic busyness of life will miraculously go away. No amount of wishing will transport us back to the quieter, simplier lifestyle we like to imagine people enjoyed in earlier centu-ries. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find moments of restorative quiet and solitude. We may not be able to take time off from work and fly to a tropical island, but it’s vital that we pull away from the world now and then. READ: Mark 1:9-39 The New Testament contains many examples of Jesus withdrawing into periods of solitude and silence-times when He met in private with the Father and prayed. We don’t know the specifics of the conversa-tions during those brief retreats, but we know He made it a priority and never apologized for spending time alone. In this passage, we see Jesus by Himself more than once. He began His ministry with fasting and solitude (note the absence of board meetings, business plans, and social media strategies). When he was ready, He selected His disciples and then began teaching and healing. He started early the next morning with private prayer, far from distractions (v. 35). Martin Luther learned to apply this discipline in his own life. He once said, “I have so much busi-ness, I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer.” It’s easy to say we can’t spare the time to go on a spiritual retreat or to be alone more with GOD. The truth is, we can’t afford not to. READ: Matthew 14:23 & Luke 5:15-16 We may be tempted to think, Well, Jesus didn’t have a wife and children to take care of. He didn’t have car payments to make or a boss breathing down His neck. He had more time than I do! That’s just an excuse, isn’t it? No one in history has ever had more important work to do, more peo-ple to reach out to, more responsibilities to shoulder, or more problems to deal with than Jesus did. On any given day, there were probably a greater number of people clamoring for His attention and time than most of us will experience in our entire life. And yet, even though He was GOD, Jesus knew the limitations of His human body and proactively took care of it. He didn’t wait until He burned out to take a vacation. Instead, He was intentional about pulling away and preparing Himself for each day’s work. Jesus’ lifestyle demonstrates that a full and effective ministry not only can accommodate quiet and solitude but, in fact, depends on it.

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The mission of Greater Little Zion Baptist Church is to lead everyone to a full life of development in Christ.

Luke 4:18-19. Reaching the unsaved with the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20

Worship Times: 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

Prayer Service: Wed, 7 p.m. Bible Study: Wed, 8 p.m.

REFLECT & EXPLORE Before committing to a drastic change in your schedule or planning overnight retreats, be sure that any pursuit of solitude and quiet is prompted by the Holy Spirit. Don’t do it because people expect you to, because it sounds appealing, or because you read this Bible study. Do it because. . . . . . . You hunger and thirst for GOD. Read Psalm 42:1 and 63:1-8. What drove the psalmist to

GOD? You long to hear His voice. Read proverbs 2:1-5 and John 10:27-28. Why is it important to

sometimes turn off the sounds and voices around us? You recognize a need to occasionally push the pause button on life and retreat into your

inner sanctum-that private place in your soul where it’s only you and GOD. Read and memorize James 4:8.

If you can do all this on a beach in Maui, great! If you can take a day off to relax in your ham-mock, good for you! But if all you can do is lock yourself in the bathroom for 10 minutes or drag yourself our of bed half an hour early, that’ll work, too. RESPOND Answer the following questions, journaling your thoughts if possible. At times when you feel frazzled and find yourself muttering, “I need a vacation!” how do you pray

about it? In what ways have you sought GOD’s direction in this area of your life? When you can’t get a break, how do you react? What effect does this have on the people close

to you? on your relationship with GOD? Think of changes you can make in your routine to free up time for a retreat to your inner sanc-

tum. What will you say “no” to so that you can say “yes” to GOD?