Your body language shapes who you are by Amy Cuddy

Your body language shapes who you are A Motivational Talk By-Amy Cuddy Created By: Dipanshu Sehjal IIIT Allahabad

Transcript of Your body language shapes who you are by Amy Cuddy

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Your body language shapes

who you are

A Motivational Talk

By-Amy Cuddy

Created By: Dipanshu Sehjal

IIIT Allahabad

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We are very fascinated by body language, particularly in other people’s body language.

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When we talk about body language , we mean the non verbal communication.

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Communication means Interaction

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Non Verbal Communication

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What does your body communicates to me?What does my body

communicates to you?

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We make judgements from body languages

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What non-verbals are we talking

about ?

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Expressions of Power and Dominance

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Arms wide opened in V-shape

Expressions of Power and Dominance

Chin high

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We open upStretch to showDominance and Power

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And when we are powerless or less


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What happens when High power and low power are put together ?

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If someone is being really powerfulwith us

We tend to make ourselves smaller

We don’t mirror them

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Powerful Minds vs

Powerless Minds

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Powerful Minds are

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More Assertive

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More Confident

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More Optimistic

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We know that our minds change our bodies


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Does our bodies change our minds ?

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Let’s Find it out…..

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Amy Cuddy relates it with the extent of participation

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But is it possible to get people to fake it and would it lead them to

participate more ?

Can you fake it till you make it ?

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When you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful

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Now the question is ……

Does our bodies change our minds ?

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There is some sort of Physiological things that makes up thoughts and feelings-Hormones

Testosterone- Dominance HormoneCortisol- Stress Hormone

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Study says that Powerful male have high level of Testosterone and low level of Cortisol

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So Power is not only about dominance It is also about how you react to stress.

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Amy Cuddy conducted one experiment on few


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She asked them to either adopt high power pose

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Or low Power pose for two minutes.

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And Gave them an opportunity to gamble

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It was found out that when you are in the High Power pose condition 86% chances are that you will gamble whereas when you are in low Power pose only 40% chances that you will gamble.

High Power pose

Low Power pose












Risk Tolerance

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Also the Testosterone levels got increased by 25 percent and Cortisol Levels got decreased by 20 percent in High Power pose condition.

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So it is evident now that pose conditions lead to these hormonal changes that configure your brain to basically either confident, assertive and comfortable or really stress-reactive.

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And YES our non verbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves

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Now the question is can Power posing for afew minutes can really change your life in meaningful ways ?

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Lets Take one more Case

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What do you do before you go into a job interview ?

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You do this ..

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Amy Cuddy conducts one more test.She brings people to lab and ask them to opt HIGH Power pose for few minutes and feel to be powerful.

Then they go through a stressful job interview……

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They out performed the other candidates. They felt more powerful and more confident than before. They felt more comfortable.

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So what’s driving it ?

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It is not about the content of the speech…

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It is all about the PRESENCE they are bringing to the speech.

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Always Remember

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Don’t fake it till you make it

Fake it till you become it

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So before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation

Take out just two minutes.Configure your mind to cope the

best in that situation

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Don’t leave that situation feeling

I didn’t show them who I am .

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Leave that situation feeling like

I showed who I am.

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Created By: Dipanshu Sehjal, IIIT Allahabad

During an Internship by Prof. Sameer MathurIIM