Ylg Startb Wb

B Workbook Name: Class:


Ylg Startb Wb

Transcript of Ylg Startb Wb

  • B Workbook



  • ---

    - --- - -

    e The Sta rt It Workbook builds on the vocabulary and language structures taug ht in the Pupil's Book. It continues to strengthen young learners' foundation in Engl ish through focused p ractice in the skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing. The W orkbook cor relates closel y to the Pupil's Book, giving learners easy access to activities that provide prompt practice and consolidation of new materia ls.

    The Workbook offers 1"'10 r pair and group work. Sxills-Ioc use English fluently and confider

    Unit 1 - " ) Spea king

    . d tell the story.

    ~---, ,,,,

    Thi~ i ~ Rob Rob lives wit h Mr Block.

    For breakfast Look at the pIctures 00




    t I"'" I eve ry page he leo rru nq p ro cess .

    The teacher-paren n ' f keeps parents invol e I



  • ---

    II nv--look and write.

    ./ Writing

    Write the answer. Yes, l~y do o r No . ' he y don 't . GiraffesYe.$. 1hc:r do 1. Do tiger! live on land?

    2. Do frogJ.swim?

    3 Do crocodiles hove tcrls? Gircttu Jive an land 4. Do tigers live in woler?

    5. Do girolfei eat meat? G". H _ 6. Do snckes hove arms?

    What am I? Read and write.


    I eOI Ilik" 10m

    Whol om I?

    l om on 1

    74 75

    Cmcodil. . _

    r-.....- _ ::.::-.._. ......... _ .. ............

    _____ _ 1have a thin _

    The writing activ ities include varied word- and sentence-level tasks that place language in meaningful contexts.

    The revision units ensure that learners approach assessments with confidence. The activities cor respond closely to the materials taught in the Pupil 's Book, making it easy for learners to revise and consol idate what they have learnt.

    Revis'on Unit 2 IJ Listoning ~ Reading What do they like? listen and draw lines.

    Match questions and answers. Draw lines.

    Whot'j,rhol? They hCJYen', got any legs Do mice like con? No, they live on land

    3. Do g;roffe~ live In trees? 11"0 frog. 4. Do horses eat plontl or meal? Theyect plcors, 5. How many leqs hove ,nake, g

  • .

    n 2 Our cloth

    Unit 3 I can speak En..1l ish

    ' 0 Unit 4 Can you play

    UnitS I'm watching T

    nit 6 At the b ach today

    Revision Unit1

    Unit 7 What are you doing?

    Unit 8 Con you help me?

    Unit9 I like fishing

    Unit10 My day

    Unit 11 TIgerseat meat

    Unit12 Who are you?


    , Vocabulary: nounsand preposit ions

    Vocabulary: nouns and colours ?

    Vocabulary: verbs Modal ver bs can and can't

    Asking and answering quest ions using can and can't

    Present cont inuous tense

    Present continuous tense

    Present continuous tense

    St r uct ures for making requests 52 with can

    Structures f or making requests

    Structures for asking and 64 answer ing quest ions using do as an ouxillorv verb

    Vocabulary : nouns 7 Simple present tense to express general facts

    Structures for asking and 7 answeri ng quest ions about personal inf or mat ion

    Revision Unit2 2

    Let's Play! 86


  • Speaking Reading Writing

    I nt er r ogat ive structures what's this/that? and what are these /those?

    Vocabulary: nouns and colours Interrogative pronouns what and


    Vocabulary: verbs , Modal verbs can and can't

    Asking and answer ing questions using can and can't

    , Present continuous tense

    Stru ctures for asking and answer ing questions in present continuous tense

    Structures for asking and answer ing quest ions in present continuous tense

    , Object pronouns your, him, her, it and them

    Vocabulary: nouns Structures for expressing likes and

    dislikes using like

    Vocabulary: verbs Simple present tense to express rout ines

    Vocabulary: nouns Structures for asking and

    answering questions using do as an aUXiliary verb

    Vocabulary: nouns (food and drink)

    Vocabulary: nouns (clothing and furniture) and prepositions

    Vocabulary: verbs Modal verbs can and can't

    Asking and answering questions using can and can't

    Present continuous t ense

    Present continuous tense

    Structures for asking and answer ing quest ions using do as an aux iliary verb

    Structures for making requests wit h can

    Vocabulary: nouns and verbs Structures for expressing likes and

    disl ikes using like and enjoy

    Simple present tense to express general facts

    Vocabulary : nouns and verb s

    Pronoun structure How do you Vocabulary revision spell ...? Simple present t ense struct ures

    , Structures for asking and answer ing questions, using what, where and how old

    Vocabulary: nouns General deter miners a and an Asking and answering questions using

    this, that, these and those

    , Possessive determiners Vocabulary: nouns

    , Vocabulary: verbs , Modal verbs can and can't

    , Vocabulary: nouns Asking and answering questions

    using can and can't

    Vocabulary: verbs in present continuous t ense

    , Structures for asking and answering questions in present continuous tense

    , Structures for asking and answering quest ions in present cont inuous tense

    , Object pronouns your, him, her, itand them

    Structures f or making requests with can

    , Structures for expressing likes and dislikes using like and enjoy

    , Structures using doas an auxiliary verb

    , Asking and answer ing questions about routines, likes and dislikes

    , Structures for asking and answering quest ions using do as an aUXiliary verb

    , Vocabulary: nouns Simple present tense to expr ess

    general facts

    , Structures for asking and answer ing questions about persona l inf ormat ion


  • -

    Fo IS nlenit _________________' ...__ .. fa...... . ..~"t. t~ ~ .~r .


    ~ Reading Read. Draw lines.

    Food is good. Food is nice.

    and peas.

    ~~~~~ , please.


    Eat fruit, vegetables,

    , potatoes, ncelemons

    And don't forget some

    ~ Eat vegetables with fish and .Eat lots of0 fish , mangoes, pears and

    bananas , limes and watermelons.

    fruit. It's very nice.

    Write the words.

    limes1. 2. 3.

    .. CD." . .. .D. . DD

    4. 5. 6. Teac her / parent not e : In the first act ivity , pupils practise re cognising the names of f ruits and vegetables by connect ing the

    pictures in the rhyme with the correct words. In t he second act ivity , pupils practise namingsome common fruits and vegetables from the r hyme in th e earlier act ivity ,


  • Listening

    Listen and tick (vi') or cross (K). 3.


    1. 2.

    4. 5. 6.

    I D D

    Listen, draw and colour.

    Teacher / parent not e : In the first act ivity, pupils decide if food items in the short dialogues correspond wit h accompanying illustrations. I n the second activity. pupils reinforce their understanding of the aura l form of food names, and their recogn ition of basic prepos itions .


  • Unit 1 Food is nice

    Q Speaking Look at these pictures. Ask and answer questions.

    / What's that? It's a watermelon. What's this?

    Teacher/parent note : I n th is act ivity . pupils practise ques t ion and answer structures about food it ems using Whats this? and What 's that?


  • Now ask and answer about the things in your classroom. Teacher /parent note : In this activity, pupils ask and answer about the objects in their classroom, using vocabulary from Start

    with English A.


  • Unit 1 Food is nice

    / Writing

    Write the words in the correct place.


    carrots burgers chicken



    apples lemons mangoes peas potatoes sausages

    Write a or an.

    o l. a tomato 2. onion 3. coconut 4. lemon

    @0 5. apple 6. watermelon 7. orange 8. potato

    Teac her/ parent note : In the first activity , pupils reinfo rce t heir understanding of how f ruit , meat and vegetables are classified. In the second act ivity, pupils practise the correct use of a/ an dete rminers with food items .


  • Colour the food and answer the questions.

    1. I That's a banana

    It's yellow

    What's that? What colour is it?)

    2. What are these? What colour are they?


    3. What are those? What colour are they?

    4. What's this? What colour is it?

    Teacher/parent not e ; In this activity. pupils f urther reinforce their new food vocabulary as well as question and answer structures using this, that , these , those, it and they.


  • Unit Our clothes 'p.,................... n _=C..*1. '~... sc~. "t1l&'bMr] . 1iIIl~ 1 I ~

    Read and colour.



    Colour the shoes black. Colour the shirt yellow. Colour the jeans blue. Colour the blouse purple. Colour the skirt orange. Colour the hat grey. Colour the dress pink.

    Teacher/parent note : This act ivity rev ises the wr it t en forms of colour and clothes vocabulary .


  • Read and tick (.I) or cross (X).

    1. The skirt is on the sofa. 0 4- The T-shirts are on the sofa. 0 3. The hat is on the floor. 0 4 . The jeans are on the table. 0 5. The jacket is on the door. 0 6. The socks are on the floor. 0 7. The dress is next to the blouse. 0 8. The trousers are next to the jacket. 0 Teacher/parent note :This activity reinforces previous ly-lear nt words for f urnit ure as well as cloth ing.


  • Unit 2 Our clothes


    I.isten and colour the clothes.



    Listen and draw lines.

    Teacher / pa rent note : In the first activity, pupils listen and colour different items of clothing . In the second activity. pupils practise their understanding of questions cont aining whose and the use of apostrophes to denote ownersh ip.


  • Q Speaking Look at page 14. Point, ask and answer.

    Whose shirt is this?

    What colour is it?

    It's Bill's shirt.

    -It's green.

    Look at the pictures. Talk about the clothes.

    ) Bill's trousers are black. J

    Sue Sam May Bill Teacher/ parent note : In the first activity , pupils consolidate colours and clothes vocabulary. In the second activity, pupils talk

    about the clot hes that the characters are wearing.


  • Unit 2 Our clothes

    Writing Complete the sentences with words from the box.

    are hat your pencils IS shoes jacket their yes her those these his




    yourSam: Is that _------'- new

    ______, May?hat

    is May: Yes, it _

    Sue: ______ are May's

    Bill: And that's dress.

    Sam: Is that Mr Lee's

    May: , it is. And these are

    _____ books.

    4. May: These the boys'

    Sue: And these are rulers.

    Teacher/parent note : In th is act ivity , pupils complete short dialogues with the appropriat e clot hing vocabulary . determiners, pronouns and verbs .



  • Use my, their, our, his or her to write sentences.

    1. My socks are very small

    ( 2. I





    Teacher/parent note : In this activity. pupils identify clothes and write sentences using possessive adjectives.


  • Unit 3 I can speak English ...

    -t. iIIb Ad _ , 1 me......'.........,., . Ck ,,~~ .. ISl ...~

    ~ Reading

    7.1. The robot can walk up walls. Hello.

    2. Max can walk.

    3. The man can speak English.

    4. The woman can pick up cars.

    5. The man can't write.

    6. The bird can run fast.

    7. Pex can't walk or run.






    Read and draw lines.


    Teacher/parent note : In this activity. pupils practise canand can't structures while describing characters with unusual abilities. Pupils look at the pictures and draw lines to match the beginnings of sentences with their correct endings .


  • Q Speaking Look at the pictures. Say what they can do.

    Hello. What's your name?

    Teacher/parent note : In this act ivity. pupils say what the charact ers in th e illust rations can do.


  • Unit 3 I can speak English

    Q Speaking Look at the pictures. Say what they can't do.

    He can't sing.---_/

    What's your name? 1t~? J ??..

    Teacher/parent note : In this activity. pupils soy what the characters in the illustrat ionscan't do.


  • Listening

    Listen and write N or K.


    .. o ( What is your name? Tom.

    0 0 Teacher/parent note : In thi s activi ty , pupils reinforce their recognition of can and can't aurally in the context of a casua l

    dia logue between two characters.


  • Unit 3 I can speak English

    / Writing

    Write the words on the lines.

    speak they run can trees paint climb

    My name is Pex. I am a parrot.

    1 1. He can LJ 2. I 3. _ _ _ _ swim.

    speak English. r \""----------You play

    the guitar.

    She _ 15. We _ 6. _ _ _ _ can

    nice pictures. ----- fast. I

    Order these sentences. He can swim 1. swim / can / He

    2. fly / Pex / can

    3. can / 1/ climb / trees

    4. They / English / speak / can

    5. fast / can / run / You

    Teacher/parent note ; In the first act ivity, pupils complet e sentences with the two verb part s used in can st ructures and different subje ct pronouns. The second activity reinforces th is. Pupilsorde r verb parts and different subject pronouns into correct sentences .


  • Write can or can't. This is lemonade. Lemonade is nice.

    canl. Sue sWim. 2. Cats play tennis.

    3. Max smg. 4. Mr Lee play the guitar.

    5. The robot speak English. 6. Cows climb trees.

    7. Fish walk. 8. Horses read.

    Write what you can and can't do. Use the words on page 20 of your Pupil's .Book to help you. 1. I can speak English

    2. I can't fly





    Teacher/parent note : In the first activity , pupils use can and can't to complete sentences about what they have learnt about characters' abilit ies so far In the second act ivity . pupils write sentences about their ownabilities.


  • Unit 4 Can you play hockey? -- ..__' .....__~. t iliiCWiW ~. ua~l' ' .!MIX W'~P' .. I I .... i&G


    Listen and write the numbers.


    " D Look. Listen and underline the answers.

    1. Yes, he can. No, he can't.

    2. Yes, he can. No, he can't.

    3. Yes, he can. No, he can't. .~ :;J.:(.0~

    4. Yes, he can. No, he can't.

    5. Yes, he can. No, he can't.

    o /"'-.0 ___ --

    - --


    Teacher/ parent note : In the first activity, pupils number sports illust rations in the order that they hear them described. In t he second activity , pupils respond to ques t ions about Mr Lee's sporting abilities based on pictorial clues.


  • Q Speaking Ask and answer.

    Teacher/parent note : In th is act ivity, pupils practise can and can't structures with questions and answers about t he girl's abilities based on the illustrat ion.


  • Unit 4 Can you play hockey?

    Q Speaking Ask and answer. Use the words in the box to help you.

    play badminton play baseball swim play basketball play hockey play table tennis sing play football play tennis play the piano ride a bike play the guitar

    Can I play hockey here?

    Teacher/parent note : In t his activ ity . pupils practise asking can questions by ask ing thei r partners about the various sports that can be played at a sports cent re .


  • ~ Reading Read. Write Yes, he can or No, he can't.

    ~= Yes, he can 1. Can Tom play soccer?

    2. Can Tom play baseball?

    3. Can Tom play hockey?a

    This is Tom. He can play soccer, basketball 4 . Can Tom play badminton?

    and baseball. He can play table tennis too. 5. Can Tom play basketball? He can't play hockey and he

    can't play badminton. 6. Can Tom play table tennis?

    Look at page 27 in your Pupil's Book. Tick ( ~).

    l. Can Sue play hockey?

    2. Can May play hockey?

    3. Can Sam play baseball?

    4 . Can Bill play basketball?

    5. Can Sue play baseball?

    6. Can Sam play soccer?

    7. Can May and Sue play baseball?

    8. Can all the children play basketball?

    Teacher/parent note : I n the first activity , pupils prac tise reading st ruct ures and vocabulary learnt in th is unit in th e form of a longer text. In t he second act ivity , pupils answer ques t ions about characters' abi lities based on informat ion f rom page 27 of the Pupil's Book.


  • Unit 4 Can you play hockey?

    / Writing

    Look at the pictures. Write the words.

    soccer1. 2. 3.

    4. 5. 6.

    Write the words. Words can be used more than once.

    play can can't no

    Mr Lee: Sue, what sports can you play? Can you play hockey?

    Sue: Yes, I _

    Mr Lee: Good. Can you soccer?

    Sue: Soccer? No, I _

    Mr Lee: Then you play baseball?

    Sue: _____, I can 't play baseball but I can play basketball.

    What can you do? I can and but I can't

    _______ _ _ _ _ and I can't _

    Teacher/parent note ; In the first act ivity, pupils name the sports represented by the pictures . In t he second act ivity , pupils select words to complete a conversation about a charact er's sporting abilit ies. In the third activ ity, pupils complete a sentence according to their own sporting abilities.


  • Make questions from the words.

    Can you play tennis1. you / Can / tennis / play 7

    2. swim / you / Can 7

    3. hockey / play / Can / they 7

    4. she / basketball / Can / play 7

    75. horse / he / Can / a / ride

    6. she / Can / play / piano / the 7

    7. run / fast / Can / he 7

    Answer these questions with Yes, I can or No, I con't.

    1. Can you ride a horse?

    2. Can you play the piano?

    3. Can you play table tennis?

    4. Can you ride a bike?

    5. Can you sing?

    Now write the questions, using Con I ...?

    1. __________ _____ ___ _____7 Yes, I can.

    2. _______________ ________7 Yes, I can.

    3. ___ __________ _ _ ________7 No, I can't.

    Teacher/parent note : I n .t he first act ivity. pupils order sent ences to make questions about ability. In the se cond activity. pupils answer questions about their abilit ies. In the third activity. pupils wr ite questions about th eir abilit ies that match given answers.


  • - - -

    Unit 5 I'm watching TV __- .. .._'~_1_._~c.- na~ ~RUirUIUL _Z .. . .. .-.-_----~--~-~~-

    ~-~ Reading Listen, read and say. Sue! What What is he He's walking into can you see? The robot's doing now? the living room.

    I looking in at 1 the door.

    1=:1 I

    I The living room?

    Yes. He's walking to the TV.

    Now he's standing and watching TV.



  • Read and tick ( ~) or cross (K).

    1. In picture 1, Sue and May are watching the robot.

    2. In picture 2, the robot is walking into the kitchen.

    3. In picture 3, the robot is sitting on the sofa.

    4. In picture 4, the robot is watching TV.

    5. In picture 5, the robot is standing .

    6. In picture 6, the robot is sleeping.

    Shhh! Don't speak. 6 - Why not? ~iiiii!!iil

    The robot's sleeping.

    Teacher/ parent note : In t he first activity, pupils hear and read a story about the robot containingverbs in the present continuous. In the second act ivity, pupils answer questions based on their understanding of the story.


  • Unit 5 I'm watching TV

    /' Writing

    Read, look and complete the crossword with words from the box.

    sleeping watching sitting listening walking drinking reading

    Down Across






    The cat is 4. Sue is

    May is 5. Sam is

    The robot is


    s 2


    Bill is 3

    4 t


    The robot is




    Teacher/parent note : In t his act ivity , pupils complet e a crossword puzzle by match ing picture cues with the appropriate verbs in th e pres ent conti nuous.


  • Read and complete with words from the box. Words can be used more than once.

    and are cooking drinking IS , ,

    shoes they wearing we re you re standing

    1. standingMay: I'm --=--_ _

    Bill sitting.

    Bill: _ ______ reading.

    Mayis _

    2. Mr Lee: The robot and I _

    walking and _


    3. Sam: wearing black shoes!

    Sue and Bill: You're white

    4. Mr Lee: May Sue _


    _ _____ are , too.

    Teacher /parent note : In this activity. pupils read and select the appropriate verb in the present cont inuous, conjunction, pronoun or noun to complete the sentences.


  • Unit 5 1'm watching TV


    Listen and draw lines to the correct places.

    Listen and repeat. Teacher/pare nt note : In th e firs t act ivity, pupils pract ise verbs in the present cont inuous as well as names of parts of a

    house . I n the second activity , pupils reinforce their understanding of verbs in the present cont inuous by re peati ng the statements .


  • Q Speaking Look. Say the differences. A


    In picture A, Bill is wearing a T-shirt.

    In picture B, Bill is wearing a jacket.

    Teacher/parent note : In this act ivi ty , pupils discuss how the two pictures differ , revising verbs in the present continuous as well as clot hes and furniture vocabulary learnt in earlier units.


  • Unit 6 At the beach today ____________._,__t$_.....r .....~.~..:ar~, ida IW........r .

    _ ,.........

    ~ Reading ~ Sue

    Who are the sentences about? Look and write the names.

    Sue Bill Robot Sam Mr Lee May Max Sally

    Max1. He's eating a banana.

    2. She's reading a book.

    3. He's looking at the robot.

    4. He's standing under a tall tree.

    5. He's listening to the radio.

    6. She's wearing a white hat.

    7. He's sitting in a tall tree.

    Teacher/parent note : In th is activity , pupils re infor ce their understanding of posit ive sentences in the present conti nuous by identi fying the character being described.


  • / Writing

    Make sentences from the words. Then tick (v"') or cross ( ~).

    1. Sam / speaking / the robot / is / to Sam is speak ing to the robot

    2. and Clover / are / running / Rover

    3 . watching / the dogs / May / is

    4. May / talking / to / Sam / is

    5. Rover / and Clover / are / sleeping

    6. the / Sam / listening / dogs / are / to

    Teacher/parent note : I n this acti vity , pupils put sentence component s in order, then decide if the se ntences formed ar e correct as depicted in the illust rat ion.


  • Unit 6 At the beach today


    Listen and number the pictures in the correct order.

    o. b.

    e. f.

    D I. j.

    D D 38

  • c. d.

    g. h.


    Listen, point and tell the story.

    Teacher/parent note : In the activities on these pages , pupils practise positive and negative present continuous structures by numbering illust rations in the order which they are described. Pupils then listen and repeat th e commentary. re inforcing their ability to tell a simple narrative.


  • Unit 6 At the beach today

    Q Speaking Look. Say the differences.



    In picture A, Sue is playing table tennis.".,J In picture B, Sue is

    playing tennis.

    Teacher/ parent note : In this activ ity, pupils practise making short sentences using present continuous structures by spotting the differences between the t wo pict ures .


  • Writing

    Look at the pictures. Write the questions.

    l. Is Sue wear ing shorts Yes, she is.

    2. No, they aren't.

    3. No, he isn't.

    4. _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ 7 Yes, he is.

    5. --------- -

    7 -- --- -

    Yes, they are.

    6. - - ------- - -- -

    7 ---

    No, she isn't.

    Teacher/parent nate : In th is activity , pupils ask appropriate quest ions in the present cont inuous t hat match th e given answers .


  • Revision Unit 1 '1. , _ . n'r.........-.~. be B ~ ..........,.... lIP~p


    Listen and tick (.f). 1. Who can swim?

    2. What can the children see?

    D 3. Who can play the piano?

    D DD 4. What can the robot draw?

    D Teacher/parent note : In this activity. pupils listen to short dialogues about various characters' abilities. then tick the

    corresponding picture.


  • - ----------- - ---- - ----------------


    Write the correct words.





    our _____ fish _____ milk

    _ _ _ _ _ _ water _____ vegetables

    Write questions using whose. Then answer them.

    1. Whose carrots are these 3. ? - -- ---- -----

    They're Sam's carro ts

    ? ?2. 4.

    Teacher/parent note : In t he first activity , pupils revise possessive adjectives by filling in the correct determiners . I n th e second activity , pupils wr it e quest ions us ing whose structu res, and the corresponding answers using possessive 's st ructures.


  • Revision Unit 1

    Q Speaking Look at the pictures. Find the differences. Ask and answer.



    What is Mr Lee doing in picture A?

    He's standing. What is Mr Lee doing in picture B?


    He's sitting down.

    Teacher/parent note : In this activ ity , pupils spot and name th e diffe rences between two pictures, using their understanding of vocabulary as well as present conti nuous struct ures lear nt in earl ier units .


  • ~ Reading Read and draw lines.

    1. What's that? Carrots and onions.

    b. An orange. 2. Is that your burger, Sam?

    3. What are those? c. Yes, I can.

    4. Can you play tennis, Mr Lee? d. Yes, it's May's.

    5. Is this May's lemonade? e. No, it isn't. It's Bill's.

    Read and write yes or no.

    yes1. Sam can play soccer. 2. The robot can swim.

    3. Bill can run fast.

    4. Sue can climb trees.

    5. Pex can play tennis. 6. May can play badminton.

    Teacher / parent note : In the first cctivitv , pupils practi se vocabulary and structures learnt in earlier units by matching ques tions with appropr iate answers . I n the second activ ity , pupils f urther reinforce can and can't structures by deciding whet her various st at ements about characters' abilities are t rue or false.


  • Unit 7 What are you doing? _ ....... .=,....' r.'r~J'SC - , b"oCtia... ~~ AX - '~J' .


    Listen and write the numbers.


    D Teacher/parent note : In this activity, pupils reinforce their understanding of simple present continuous struct ures.


  • Listen and tick (v"). 1. What is Sue painting?

    D D 2. What is Mr Lee doing?

    D D D 3. What are Pex and Max eating?

    D Teacher/parent note : In this act ivity. pupils practise their understanding of simple quest ions using what st ru ctures.


  • Unit 7 What are you doing?

    What is MayQ Speaking doing? She's painting a door.Ask and answer.

    What are they making?

    They're making a tree house.

    Teacher/parent note ; In this activity. pupils practise asking and answering questions using what and present continuous structures.


  • ~ Reading Read. Write the numbers.

    1Mr Lee: Hello, Bill.

    Mr Lee: I'm going to the park, too!

    Mr Lee: Where are you going, Bill?

    Bill: Hello, Mr Lee.

    Bill: I'm going to the park. Where are you going, Mr Lee?

    1Bill: Hello again, Mr Lee.

    Mr Lee: I'm reading. What are you doing now?

    Mr Lee: Oh no! He's chasing Rex!

    Bill: What are you doing?

    Mr Lee: Hello again, Bill.

    Bill: I'm '" oh no, what is Max doing? Teacher/par ent note : In this activity, pupils practise making appropriate question-answer patterns using what, where and

    present continuous structures learnt so far. Pupils also reinforce their knowledge of s imple dialogue sequences .


  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Unit 7 What are you doing?

    / Writing

    Where are they going? Follow the lines.


    ~ -~

    Write the answers and questions.

    It's going to the garden1. Where is the cat going?

    2. Where is Mr Lee going?

    3. Where is Bill going?

    4. Where is Sam go ing?

    5. 7 She's going home.

    6. ------ --- 7 She's going to the playground. Teacher/ parent note : In th is activity, pupils first followcoloured lines to find out various characters' des t inations, then

    complete quest ions or answers that test their understanding of where structures.


  • Look at the picture. Write the words.

    making a video playing tennis reading a book drinking lemonade sleeping wearing a hat standing on the mat eating some watermelon

    sleeping1. Max is

    2. Sue is

    3. May is

    4. Sam is and

    5. Pex is and

    6. Bill is and

    Teacher/parent note : In this activity , pupils choose phrases to complete sentences describing the OngOIng ccnons of charact ers in the illust ration.


  • Unit 8 Can you help me? -- -. ..'roI1__'......=I1lI'.........~J181 ft _ bPClaiiW ~ 1"'~1 ..

    -. ,....- n~, ..


    Listen and draw lines.

    Teacher / parent note : In this act ivity . pupils listen to and respond to requests. They draw lines f rom the objects t o locat ions accord ing t o the request s they hear.


  • ~ Reading Read and write the letters.

    a. Can I have a drink, please? b. Can you help me, please? c. Can I close the window, please? d. Can you open your mouth, please? e. Can I have a bag, please? f. Can you pick up your toys, please?

    1. 2 . b

    3. 4.

    5. 6.

    Teacher/parent note : In th is activity . pupils practise read ing requests. They lookat pictures and decide who each given reques t matches and write the corre ct let t er accord ingly.


  • Unit 8 Can you help me?

    Q Speaking Look and say. In your answers, don't use names.

    What are Bill and Sue doing?

    t Th t'I ,I ey re pam mg.

    What are Sam and May doing with the football?

    What is Mr Lee doing with the book?

    What is Max doing with the water?


  • What is May doing with the windows?

    Ask and do.

    Can you close your eyes, please? Can you open your book, please? Can you find page 5, please? Can you put your pencil under your book, please? Can you put your pen next to your pencil, please? Can you stand up, please?

    Can you sit down, please? Can I have your pen, please?

    What are the children doing with the cakes?

    Can you close your eyes, please? --j ".


    Teacher/parent note : In the first activity. pupils reinforce their understanding of perso nal pronouns by pract ising th eir use in context. In pairs , pupils answer questions about each pict ure using only pronouns. I n the second act ivity , pupils practise polite requests using can.


  • --------------------

    Unit 8 Can you help me?

    / Writing

    Write the words.

    her me it them


    it -------_....



    Can you help , please?

    Can I have , please? ! _ ____ Jl _


    Can I sit next to , please? !

    Teacher/parent note : In this act ivity, pupils practise choosing and wr it ing object pronouns.


  • - ------------ -------------- --

    ------------- - ---------------

    --------- - ----------- ----- ---

    Make quest-ions -From the words. 1. you / help / me / please / Can

    Can you help me, please

    2. Can / a / 1/ have / please / drink


    3. open / Can / please / you / door / the


    4. the / put / it / you / Can / on / please / table


    Write the words. The books are on the bed. Can you put

    The glass is on the floor. Can you _ _ _ in the bookcase, please?

    it put on the table, please?

    D 0

    The jacket is on the floor. _ The toys are on the desk. _

    _ on the

    chair, ? in the cupboard, please?

    Teacher/parent note : In the first activ ity . pupils practise constructing and writing requests with can. In the second act ivity. pupils re inforce their ability to use appropriate object pronouns in requests .


  • Unit 9 I like fishing C

    ...- _t .A=En P ..... .......,.., ....... bSCiJluu ~.T'QIIVIba;c b'~p .. -

    Read. What do these children like? Write the names Pat, Tom, Ann and Ben next to the things they like.

    Hello. I'm Pat. I like I'm Ann. I enjoy apples but I don't like drawing and for sports

    watermelons. I like I enjoy tennis. I like rice for dinner. I like chicken and I like hockey and I enjoy oranges too. I don't

    singing. like rice. J "-- - - -- - --

    Hi! My name's Tom. I like chips but I don't like eggs and I don't like mangoes. I like

    football and reading is my hobby too. ----)


    Apples Drawing

    Mangoes Painting

    Oranges Reading

    Chicken Singing

    Eggs Watching TV




  • 4 I~~Qme'S Ben. I like sports.1

    I enjoy swimming. I enjoy watching TV but I don't like painting. I like eggs but I don't like chicken or other

    meat. ---~)








    Q Speaking Say what you like and don't like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    I like orange juice for breakfast. I don't like watermelons for


    I like chicken for lunch. I don't like

    milk for lunch.

    I like eggs for dinner. I don't like fish for


    Teacher/parent note : In the first activity, pupils read the information and identify what each of the characters like. In the second activity, pupils say what they like and don't like to eat for breakfast , lunch and dinner .


  • - -

    Unit 9 I like fishing


    What do they want? Listen and draw lines.

    I want a doll, please.

    Can I have a new robot, please?

    I want three glasses, please.

    I want new jeans, please.

    I want three mangoes, please. J


    Can I have a good story, please?

    Can I have a football, please?

    Can I have a cat, please?

    Teacher/parent note: In this activity , pupils listen and draw lines linkingeach character with the correct request.


  • Listen and say the correct sentence.

    The robot likes lemonade. He wants

    three glasses.

    Listen and say.

    The robot likes ... He wants ...

    / The robot likes

    lemonade. He wants

    three glasses.

    Tea cher/parent note ; In the first act ivity. prompted by t he speech bubbles in the previous act ivity. pupils pract ise using th e verb wantin th e th ird person s ingular. In the second act ivity, pupils soy what th e charac ters wont and like.


  • ------------------------------

    Unit 9 I like fishing

    / Writing

    Make sentences from the words.

    1. likes / Sue / fishing Sue likes fishing

    2. Bill / and spiders / likes / snakes

    3. Do / enjoy / you / swimming ?

    4. like / don't / lemons / I

    5. They / enjoy / tennis / don't

    Write about Bill. G ~ Bill enjoys badminton.

    doesn't enjoy

    Teacher/ parent note : In th e first act ivity, pupils put sentence components in the correct order. In the second activity , pupils consolidate their understanding of how to use enjoy and doesn't enjoy in sentences.


  • I Write about yourself.

    What do you like? I ~ " J What do you enjoy? What don't you like? I t '. ..... ' I What don't you enjoy? I'

  • Unit 10 My day _ .. 1-,>'1 .......,. ~l'lI = W~-

    Q Speaking Look at the pictures and tell the story.


    r This is Rob. Rob j

    Iives with Mr Black.fr-


    For lunch

    chases eats

    doesn't like listens

    Teacher/parent note : In this activ ity . pupils look at the pictu res and use verbs in the present simple to tell a story about a dog.


  • For breakfast

    eats plays

    In the afternoon




  • Unit 10 My day


    Listen and number the pictures.

    Listen and answer the questions. Tick (./) Yes, she does or cross (K) No, she doesn't.

    2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

    Yes, she does. L No, she doesn't. K I


    Teacher/parent note : In the first activity, pupils listen to a short story and put accompanying illustrations in the correct order. In the second activity, pupils prac tise answering yes/no questions in the third person singular of the present simple.


  • ~ Reading Listen, read and point.

    Parrots have Soccer players Robots don't four legs. wear shorts. have hair.

    Men don't I Women don't eat lunch.

    have feet.

    Mice chase Monkeys don't Cats like fish cats.live in cars. and meat.

    Dogs like Children live cats. in trees.

    Tick the (tI) true sentences. Cross the ( ){) false sentences. The robot's sentence Max's sentence

    May's sentence Bill's sentence

    Pex's sentence The eat's sentence

    Mr Lee's sentence The dog's sentence

    Sam's sentence The mouse's sentence

    Teacher/parent note : In the first act ivity, pupils re inforce thei r understanding of sentences in the present simple and nouns with irregu lar plurals by pointing to t he correct speech bubble. In the second activity, pupils t ick or cross sent ences based on whether they are t rue or fa lse .


  • - ------------ - - - - - -----

    -------- ---------------

    - ----- ---------------- -

    Unit 10 My day

    / Writing

    Write positive sentences, negative sentences, and questions.

    May walks to school

    May doesn't walk to school

    Does May walk to school

    ---- - - - --------- - - ----_ ?




    Teacher / parent not e : In this activ ity . pupils consolidate their ability to form t he present simple correctly in questions and in posit ive and negat ive sentences.


  • - ----


    Answer the questions. Write about yourself.

    enJoy What hobbies do

    you enjoy?


    What clothes do you like?

    go to school ~

    How do you go to school?

    I enjoy



    eat for lunch

    What do you eat for lunch?


    What do you do in the evening?



    What sports do you play?

    Teacher/parent note : In this activity , pupils describe regular personal activities and routines.


  • Unit 11 Tigers eat meat _ I' ......... iiAd_ ,.',,_f to ..=~ -.a ~~ 1212 ~" .


    Can you remember? Look at the pictures and write the words.

    sheep chickens dogs horses goats cows

    Now listen and tick (.1') or cross (K).

    ch ickens

    Teacher/parent note ; I n th e first activity, pupils revise previously-learnt animal names by labell ing pict ures correct ly, In th e second activity . pupils lis te n to present s imple stat ement s of fa ct and decide wheth er t he statements are true or fa lse.


  • Listen and tick ("').


    D D

    D D

    D D Teacher / parent note : In th is activ ity . pupils hea r statements about animals and trek the cor res ponding illustrations.


  • Unit 11 TIgers eat meat

    ~ Reading Read and tick (.1') or cross (K).

    This is a giraffe. ~ 1. This is 0 hippo. v-;;:= -.....:_ ~~

    4. This is a tiger. 3. This is a lizard.

    6. This is a crocodile. _5. This is a snake.

    Read and write Max or Pex or Max and Pex.

    Pexl. He flies"

    2. He has two legs.

    3. He jumps and runs.

    4. He has a long tail.

    5. He has wings.

    6. He eats fruit.

    7. He has teeth.

    8. He has a beak.



    Teacher/ parent note ; I n the first acti vity, pupils practise animal names by ticking and cross ing true and fals e statements. In the second activity. pupils revise the th ird person singular form of the present s imple by decidingwho each statement descr ibes .


  • ----

    Q Speaking Say the letters. Say the words.

    sheep chicken goat horse cow dog lizard tiger crocodile hippo snake elephant frog fly giraffe

    s. h, e, e ... Sheep! I

    g, I, r .,. Giraffe!

    Choose an animal. Ask and answer yes or no. Which animal is it?

    Does it have a tail?

    Does it eat meat?

    Does it live on land?

    Does it have a long nose?

    r It's an '\ \ elephant! )

    Yes, it does. \.

    No, it doesn't.

    Yes, it does.

    Yes, it does.

    Teacher/parent note : In the firs t act ivity . pupils work in pairs . One pupil chooses an animal name and begins spelling it out loud, while his partner t ries t o guess the mystery animal's name. I n t he second activity, each pupil answers yes/no questio ns about a mystery animal's characteristic s unt il his par t ner guesses the answer correctly.


  • Unit 11 Tigers eat meat

    / Writing

    Write the answers Yes, they do or No, they don't.

    1. Do tigers live on land? Yes, they do

    2. Do frogs swim?

    3. Do crocodiles have tails?

    4. Do tigers live in water?

    5. Do giraffes eat meat?

    6. Do snakes have arms?

    What am I? Read and write.

    I have big . I have a thin _

    ~ ---

    I eat . I like . I am _

    What am I?

    I am an !

    Teac her/ parent note : In the first act ivity, pupils practise writ ing yes/no answers to present s imple questions about fa ct s. I n the se cond act ivity, pupils wr it e the appropr iate words in each space, then answer the riddle posed by the completed clues.


  • Look and write.


    Giraffes live on land

    Giraffes _


    Crocodiles have long tails

    Crocodiles _

    Teacher/ par ent note : In this act ivity, pupils practise writing sentences wit h present simple structures, uSing the pict ures as prompts.


  • Unit 12 Who are you? _ ,...... c.'.. " .m~..... "N'MClW. ftc" ) '!CIR J>"'t'iiWDCT tt."Iiiaui4:i1 [ d="U~" .


    Listen. Write a word or a number.

    l. 2.

    3. 4.

    5. 6.

    7. 8.

    Listen and circle.

    1. Name: a. Hat b. Cat ~ 2. City: a. Liverpool b. Beijing c. Tokyo

    3. Age: a.8 b. 9 c. 10

    4. Favourite food: a. Ice cream b. chicken c. fish

    5. Enjoys: a. baseball b. table tennis c. music

    6. Pets: a. dogs b. mice c. chickens

    Teacher/ pare nt note : In the first activity , pupils practise responding to questions asking for personal information by writing about themselves. In the second activity, pupils practise understanding conversations where people ask and answer quest ions re lated to persona l informati on.


  • Q Speaking Ask, write and answer. How do you spell

    your word? favourite computer I p-h-o-t-0-.J friend sport guitar tennis Photo! love flat pet sing photo basketball goldfish

    Look. Ask and answer.

    / What's his J name?

    His name's Ken.

    Teacher/parent note : In the first activity, pupils work in pairs . Each pupil randomly selects three words from the box and spells them while his or her partner writes them down. In t he second activ ity , pupils work in pairs , and ask and answer quest ions about the character depicted according to the illust rat ion.


  • Unit 12 Who are you?

    ~ Reading Read. Cross out the wrong words.

    Hello! My name is Chung and I am ten years old / TteW . I live in / at Hong Kong. My mum and dad is / are from China and I've got one brother and one / two sisters.

    My favourite sport / food is badminton. I am / do not like football. I like animals / animal. I've got four chickens and a hippo / dog. I love school and I love Hong Kong.

    Hi! My name isJaz. I'm nine. I do / am from India. I live / sit in Mumbai. I like computers but / and music. I can sing and I can play the piano / pineapple. I love football. I catch / play football in my school team. I haven't / don't got any pets.

    Which pen friend is for you?

    Teacher/ pare nt note : In the first activity, pupils read the two let t ers and cross out the incorrect options in each pair of words in the shaded boxes. In the second activity, pupils choose which pen friend they would like to correspond with , and give a reason for their choice.


  • / Writing

    Write the words.

    IS what many sWimming sport her two where

    What Her1. is her name? name IS

    SU Li.

    2. is she from? She from


    3. How brothers has she got? She's got

    4. What is her favourite 7 _

    is her favourite.

    Write sentences.

    1. What's your name?

    2. How old are you?

    3. Where are you from?

    4. Where do you live?

    5. How many pets have you got?

    6. What is your favourite colour?

    Teach er/ parent note : In th e first activity . pupils practise forming quest ions and answers about per sonal informat ion, I n The second activity , pupils practise writ ing answers about themse lves .


  • Unit 12 Who are you?

    / Writing Read and answer. Write one-word answers.

    1. What's his name? H_o_n--=9'--- _

    2. What is he doing? _

    3. How many robots are there? _

    4. What is the parrot doing? _

    5. What has the big robot got? A _


  • 6. What are the robots doing? _

    7. Who is watching the robots? _

    Now cover your answers. Tell the story.

    Hong is sleeping. He has four robots and ...

    Teacher/parent note : In t he first activity. pupils look at the illust rat ions. read th e questions and wr ite one-word answers . In t he second act ivity . pupils descr ibe what is happening in th e picture sequence using words and st ruct ures learnt so for .


  • Revision Unit 2 '1 ... _

    ~ Reading Match questions and answers. Draw lines.

    l. What's that? They haven't got any legs.

    2. Do mice like cats? No, they live on land.

    It's a frog. 3. Do giraffes live in trees?

    4. Do horses eat plants or meat? They eat plants.

    5. How many legs have snakes got? No, they don't, but cats like mice.

    Read and tick (v") or cross ()(').







    Tigers )('Tigers haven't got any legs.

    Tigers don't eat plants.

    Tigers don't live in trees.

    Tigers live in water.

    Tigers don't drink lemonade.

    Tigers have got tails.

    Teacher/parent not e : In the first activity. pupilsmatch questions with the appropriate answers . In the second activity. pupils revise posit ive and negat ive sentences in the present simple.


  • listening

    What do they like? Listen and draw lines.

    Look at the pictures on page 79 in your Pupil's Book. Ask and answer questions about your favourite things.

    What's your favourite fruit? fruit vegetable hobby sport animal pet

    My favourite fruit is bana nas. I like apples and mangoes t oo.

    Teac he r/parent note : In the first ac tivity , pupils revise sentences with like, enjoy and favourite by connecting characters and their preferred it ems and act ivities . In the second ocnvrtv . pupils ask each other about their favourite things . prompted by the pictures on page 79 of their Pupil's Book.


  • Revision Unit 2

    / Writing

    Write sentences.

    1. Ben lives in a big house

    2. In the morning, _


    4 . In the afternoon, _


    In the evening, _

    Teacher/parent note : In th is act ivity. pupils write about a charact er's daily routine using the present s imple in the th ird person singular.


  • Q Speaking Hi! My name's Joe

    and I'm ten.

    Pretend to be Joe. Ask and answer.

    What's your name? What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? My name's Joe.

    What sports do you like? What hobbies do you enjoy? What pets have you got? How many brothers have you got? How many sisters have you got? What are you doing now?

    Teacher/parent note : In this activ ity , pupils take turns to role-playa character, asking and answer ing questions about t he charact er's personal details.


  • Let's play! ....,.. .

    Play the game and draw your own monster.

    Playing the guitar


    Blue jeans

    Stopl What isyour monster wearing?

    Purple socks

    A grey T-shirt

    Yellow trousers

    An orange hat

    Stopl What has your monster got?

    One tail, one mouth and eight toes

    Two eyes, green hair and one arm

    I Let's make monsters! First, draw the monster's head, body and legs.

    Three arms, one mouth and two eyes

    Two eyes, one mouth and blue hair

    One eye, one tail and two arms

    Three eyes, orange hair

    A pink sh irtand two arms

    Teacher / parent note : This is a game for two or more players. Pupils star t by drawing a monster's head, body and legs. They then throwa dice and move t heir counters accordingly When th ey land on a regular square, th ey add t o their pictures as per the informat ion given. When they reac h a checkpoint square , they have to stop and make sen te nces about th e monster they have drawn so far.


  • Pears



    e,. li/r. .;)



    Riding a motorbike

    Playing baseba ll

    Chasing mice





    Stop! What is your monster

    Talk about your monster's dayl

    . . .

    I : e

    '" does your mOns t o

    Stop! What does your monster like?

    .' . . .. .ttfJEND


  • Can you do these? Write your name and colour.

    My name is _

    I have finished

    Now I can talk about:

    what I am wearing

    what I am doing

    ... and much more!

    what I can or cannot do

    what I like or don't like


    Please ask your teacher, parent or guardian to fill this in.

    Well done, _

    ( Teacher / Parent / Guardian)
