Y3 Cantona Y4 Daisy Y5 Reuben Y6 Rhys - St Joseph's ...

Reception Sophie Y1 Maisie Y2 Christina Y3 Cantona Y4 Daisy Y5 Reuben Y6 Rhys Reception Michael Y1 Alexis Y2 Cooper Y3 Shay O Y4 Ellie Y5 Ahi Y6 Isabella This Advent 2019 begins the Year of the Word: The God Who Speaks, an initiative of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. As scripture is foundational to the life of the Catholic Church, the Year of the Word’s vision is to celebrate, share and live out our faith through deeper Scriptural engagement. We will be sharing the Word with the children daily, they will also bring home some short scripture to share throughout Advent. The Gospel reading heard in Catholic churches around the world during the Christmas day Mass is this: ‘In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things came to be, not one thing had its being but through him. All that came to be had life in him, and that life was the light of men; a light that shines in the dark, a light that darkness could not overpower. The Word was made flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.’ John 1:1-5,14 There doesn’t appear to be a mention of baby Jesus in this passage, however the word that makes direct reference to Jesus is the Word. Thank you for all of the donations for our Christmas Fayre which begins at 3.30pm on Thursday. We have lots of stalls, tombolas, hot food, and Santa’s Grotto, to name just some of the attractions. Please come and join the festivities. So far your support and generosity has enabled us to buy lots of sports equipment, a new climbing frame in the hall and a school mini bus! There is no limit to what we can achieve together – thank you. As always we have a busy week ahead, the choir will be singing at Manchester Cathedral on Monday evening and on Wednesday at 5pm we will have our last ever Christingle Service in St Joseph’s Church, please come and join us. All of the dates and times of events are at the end of this newsletter.

Transcript of Y3 Cantona Y4 Daisy Y5 Reuben Y6 Rhys - St Joseph's ...

Reception Sophie

Y1 Maisie Y2 Christina

Y3 Cantona Y4 Daisy

Y5 Reuben Y6 Rhys

Reception Michael

Y1 Alexis Y2 Cooper

Y3 Shay O Y4 Ellie

Y5 Ahi Y6 Isabella

This Advent 2019 begins the Year of the Word: The God

Who Speaks, an initiative of the Catholic Bishops’

Conference of England and Wales. As scripture is

foundational to the life of the Catholic Church, the Year of

the Word’s vision is to celebrate, share and live out our faith

through deeper Scriptural engagement. We will be sharing

the Word with the children daily, they will also bring home

some short scripture to share throughout Advent.

The Gospel reading heard in Catholic churches around the

world during the Christmas day Mass is this:

‘In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was

with God in the beginning.

Through him all things came to be, not one thing had its being but through him.

All that came to be had life in him, and that life was the light of men; a light that shines in the

dark, a light that darkness could not overpower.

The Word was made flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory,

the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.’ John 1:1-5,14

There doesn’t appear to be a mention of baby Jesus in this passage, however the word that

makes direct reference to Jesus is the Word.

Thank you for all of the donations for our

Christmas Fayre which begins at 3.30pm on

Thursday. We have lots of stalls, tombolas, hot

food, and Santa’s Grotto, to name just some of the

attractions. Please come and join the festivities. So

far your support and generosity has enabled us to

buy lots of sports equipment, a new climbing

frame in the hall and a school mini bus! There is no

limit to what we can achieve together – thank you.

As always we have a busy week ahead, the choir will

be singing at Manchester Cathedral on Monday

evening and on Wednesday at 5pm we will have our

last ever Christingle Service in St Joseph’s Church,

please come and join us.

All of the dates and times of events are at the end

of this newsletter.

This week we have continued our work on ‘what it is to welcome and be welcomed’. Each child has drawn a self-portrait for our door to welcome visitors into our class. We have also visited our church, St Joseph’s, to talk about baptism. We saw the holy water in the font and the Easter candle from which our own baptism candles are lit. Nursery have also enjoyed learning about the names of different family members with Mrs Tyrrell. Come and see our lovely family pictures in our classroom.

Reception are busy practising their Christmas play, The Sleepy Shepherd. The children are working really hard to learn their parts off by heart and sing the songs. Thank you to all the mums and dads who are helping the children at home. We have been to church to see where the font is as we continue to learn about baptism. The children said a little prayer of welcome over the font and we saw the Paschal candle.

Year 1 have blown me away with their writing

this week! We have been looking at the story

Knuffle Bunny, describing the characters and

changing parts of the story. The children have

been working really hard with their finger spaces

and have produced some wonderful


This week has been very busy for Year 2. We have been busy rehearsing for our class assembly and nativity play. In English we have been writing diary entries based on The Great Fire of London and in Maths we have been looking at money and doing lots of adding up.

Another busy week in Year 4, where the children have produced some great stories about Toad from Wind in the Willows and have been continuing to learn about the digestive system by practically recreating it on Tuesday with Mrs Shaw - it was pretty disgusting, as you can imagine! In maths, we are moving onto multiplication and division so keep working on those times tables. The children have been learning about Living in the Light in RE and what it means to be chosen.

Another busy week in Year 6 began with an assembly and workshop from The Dog's Trust. All of the children now know how to remain safe around dogs. On Tuesday, Father Gavin came in to answer some questions about his vocation as a priest. He even treated the children to some hot chocolate.

This week, Year Five have been researching the life of playwright and poet, William Shakespeare. They have found many interesting facts about his life, family and his rise to fame as a writer. The Feast of Christ the King inspired our RE work this week. The children have been considering how Jesus Christ (Our Lord and king) differs from their perception of a king and the message this gives us. A workshop provided by a member of ‘The Dog’s Trust’ allowed us all to consider the commitment required to have a pet in our homes and also taught us how to treat dogs in different situations. On Thursday we had a fascinating and informative trip to The Fusiliers Museum where we explored the events of World War II and the effect it had on the lives of people in Britain.








Year 2 and Year 6




St Patrick

This week, Year 3 have been looking at ‘A Visit From St Nicholas’ poem by Clement Clarke Moore. They have been performing the poem in groups and they have written their own fabulous Christmas poems. In Geography we have looked at the water cycle. In Maths, we have practiced estimating and doing inverse calculations.

We have also started practising the songs for our Christmas play and after only a few tries they already sound wonderful!

Key Dates 2019


Monday 2nd Y6 Crucial Crew Trip

Monday 2nd 7:30pm - Choir sing Carols at Manchester Cathedral

Tuesday 3rd Y5 Mass

Wednesday 4th Y6 transition - All Hallows

Wednesday 4th 2:00pm - Reconciliation Service for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Wednesday 4th 5:00pm - Christingle - Carols by candle light for Advent

Thursday 5th 3:30 - 5:30 pm - Christmas Fayre

Friday 6th Y5 Assembly

Tuesday 10th Y4 Mass

Tuesday 10th 10:00 am - Early Years perform “The Sleepy Shepherd”

Tuesday 10th 2:00 pm - Early Years Christmas party & visit from Father Christmas

Wednesday 11th 9.30 am - KS1 perform “Whoops-a-Daisy Angel”

Wednesday 11th Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumper Day!

Wednesday 11th 5.30pm - Carol singing at St Anne's Church, Manchester

Thursday 12th “The Elves and the Shoemaker”, University of Salford Christmas Roadshow

Friday 13th Y4 Assembly

Tuesday 17th 10:00 am Mass in Church all welcome

Wednesday 18th 2:00 pm KS1 party & visit from Father Christmas

Thursday 19th KS2 Christmas party, finish 4:00 pm

Friday 20th Y3 Assembly

Friday 20th 10:00 am Mr Lee 's Christmas Concert

Friday 20th Term ends at 2:30 pm

“God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If

he gives of the gift of Christmas, it is because we all have the

ability to understand it.”

-Pope Francis