XMPie Twitter Campaign

XMPie / Twitter Campaign Driving conversational marketing to the next stage


XMPie Twitter Campaign Presentation and screen shots

Transcript of XMPie Twitter Campaign

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XMPie / Twitter Campaign

Driving conversational marketing to the next stage

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Campaign Background – Why Twitter?

Twitter is one of the rapidly growing social media sites on the planet Average user of twitter:

– 25 45– Male– No kids– Graduate– Browsing from work

Whereas Facebook is about sharing with those that you know – Twitter is more directed at following those that you are interested in.

Facebook is more consumer use than business – whereas Twitter has a higher percentage of business / brand conversation

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Campaign Background – Why Twitter?

Within Twitter I ‘Follow’ people / companies that I am interested in listening to or conversing with.

– Therefore by ‘following’ I am expressing an interest in that account XMPie is about developing conversational marketing campaigns

– However you either have to already know your audience or ask someone to refer another that might be interested.

Combining Twitter and XMPie offers a real-advantage– People can bring themselves into a campaign by simple expressing ‘interest’– Those following someone that brought themselves into the campaign can also

follow the leader – as we promote the fact that the user has brought themselves into the campaign.

– We spread virally to ‘followers’ of ‘followers’

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Walkthrough of the Campaign Stages

Recipient initiates the campaign by ‘following’ us on Twitter We recognise that a new user is following – so we send them back a

‘direct message’ containing a RURL Recipient comes into their RURL and is asked to ‘authorise’

themselves Once the user is authorised, we ‘tweet’ back out a message to the

recipient’s followers virally spreading the word Recipient then has the option to create and download a ‘All-Access’

badge to queue-jump into the Innovation showcase at MediaPro We capture the recipient’s data and are able to continue the



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Key to processes

Core XMPie functionality

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CustomApplication Custom application using XMPie’s API

Core Twitter.com functionality

What is doing what in the campaign?

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Stage 1 – Following us on Twitter

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By following ‘XMPieMediaPro09’ on Twitter I am initiating the conversation and expressing interest in the product, service or event.

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Stage 2 – Acknowledging the follower

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Campaign recognises a new follower, enters their details into the database and sends back a ‘direct message’ containing a RURL for the recipient to access.


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Stage 2 – Acknowledging the follower

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Twitter automatically emails the recipient informing them that they have received a ‘direct message’ – so the recipient can access their RURL direct from there as well.

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Stage 3 – Initial RURL landing page

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The recipient accesses their RURL which contains personalised copy, as well as a random choice of 3 silhouetted images – To continue we ask to authorise.


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Stage 4 – Authorising with Twitter

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Recipient authorises with Twitter, effectively granting access to XMPie to access their profile and tweet stream. This is a standard Twitter application process.


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Stage 5 – Getting the word out there

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Once a user authorises us, we can then ‘tweet’ out to their followers a message. This is what the user’s followers would see.


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Stage 5 – Back at the RURL

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Recipient is automatically directed back to their RURL which now changes – and talks to them in detail about the offering to get an ‘All-Access’ badge to the show.


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Stage 5 – Back at the RURL

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In order to get their ‘All-Access’ badge we need the recipient to check and update their personal information – this is entered directly back into the database.


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Stage 5 – Downloading the badge

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XMPie then creates a PDF ‘All-Access’ badge for the recipient to download and print to gain access to the Innovation showcase.


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Stage 5 – Downloading the badge

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XMPie then creates a PDF ‘All-Access’ badge for the recipient to download and print to gain access to the Innovation showcase.


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Value of Twitter Conversational Marketing

No longer do I need any recipient data to start the campaign Harness the popularity of Twitter to viral spread a campaign XMPie produces RURLs on-demand when someone expresses an

interest in the campaign Immediately develop a conversation with the recipient – as we

already know something about the recipient as soon as they enter the campaign (Twitter profile information)

XMPie works in synchronicity with Twitter to bring the user in before taking over control from Twitter.

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David [email protected]
