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X-Ray Physics: e + e - Annihilation Francisca Vasconcelos * MIT Department of Physics (Dated: October 31, 2019) In this work, we measure the byproducts of e + e - annihilation to verify the existence of e + e - pairs in an experimental setup consisting of the radioactive isotopes 22 Na and 60 Co, as well as a High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector. In attempts to reduce the systematic errors of our measurements, we further demonstrated the existence of detector artifacts and potential sources of radioactive contamination in the MIT JLAB facility. I. INTRODUCTION In 1897, J.J. Thomson discovered the electron (e - ), us- ing cathode ray tubes [1]. Roughly thirty years later, in 1928, Paul Dirac introduced the Dirac Equation. This relativistic wave equation describes all massive spin- 1 2 particles and postulated the existence of positive-charge electrons [2]. We now know that the positive-charge elec- tron, or positron (e + ), is just one among many types of antimatter particles. However, the positron-electron annihilation process, has many practical applications. Among the most important applications are positron emission tomography (PET) [3], used for nuclear health imaging, and positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) [4], used to study voids and defects in solids. In this work, we will measure and analyze the emission spec- tra of radioactive isotopes, in order to demonstrate the formation and annihilation of e + e - pairs. II. THEORY II.1. e + e - Formation and Annihilation In the low energy regime (> 1022keV), a photon can interact with an atomic nucleus to undergo pair produc- tion. This process generates an e + e - pair and residual energy photon, γ α e - + e + + γ β , (1) where γ β has an energy 1022keV less than γ α . In a nor- mal medium, the positron will quickly encounter a neigh- boring electron and undergo annhiliation, generating two 511keV gamma rays (γ ) e - + e + γ + γ. (2) This process is illustrated in Fig 1. II.2. Escape Peaks Each radioactive source has characteristic peaks in its emission spectra, typically corresponding to gamma ray * [email protected] a) b) FIG. 1. (a) A low energy photon interacts with an atomic nuclei to undergo pair production. An e + , e-, and residual photon are produced. The e + annihilates an e - , generating two 511keV gamma rays. (b) Gamma rays produced in anni- hilation can escape our Germanium crystal detector, resulting in measurements less than the original energy. This causes the appearance of escape peaks in our measured energy spectrum. emission levels in the radionuclei, as demonstrated in Fig 1. If a photon from the source reaches the detector with energy E>1022keV, it can interact with the atoms in the crystal lattice to undergo annihilation. However, the detector will not always pick up all the byproducts of the annihilation. This causes the appearance of what are known as escape peaks, within the final measured en- ergy spectra. If an annihilation occurs, there are three different possible measured energy values: E: The detector picked up on the two 511keV gamma rays, as well as the residual photon. This, however, is indistinguishable from the-no annihilation case.

Transcript of X-Ray Physics: Annihilation - MITweb.mit.edu/francisc/www/JLABXRay.pdf2019/10/31  · X-Ray Physics:...

Page 1: X-Ray Physics: Annihilation - MITweb.mit.edu/francisc/www/JLABXRay.pdf2019/10/31  · X-Ray Physics: e+e Annihilation Francisca Vasconcelos MIT Department of Physics (Dated: October

X-Ray Physics: e+e− Annihilation

Francisca Vasconcelos∗

MIT Department of Physics(Dated: October 31, 2019)

In this work, we measure the byproducts of e+e− annihilation to verify the existence of e+e−

pairs in an experimental setup consisting of the radioactive isotopes 22Na and 60Co, as well asa High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector. In attempts to reduce the systematic errors of ourmeasurements, we further demonstrated the existence of detector artifacts and potential sources ofradioactive contamination in the MIT JLAB facility.


In 1897, J.J. Thomson discovered the electron (e−), us-ing cathode ray tubes [1]. Roughly thirty years later, in1928, Paul Dirac introduced the Dirac Equation. Thisrelativistic wave equation describes all massive spin- 12particles and postulated the existence of positive-chargeelectrons [2]. We now know that the positive-charge elec-tron, or positron (e+), is just one among many typesof antimatter particles. However, the positron-electronannihilation process, has many practical applications.Among the most important applications are positronemission tomography (PET) [3], used for nuclear healthimaging, and positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS)[4], used to study voids and defects in solids. In thiswork, we will measure and analyze the emission spec-tra of radioactive isotopes, in order to demonstrate theformation and annihilation of e+e− pairs.


II.1. e+e− Formation and Annihilation

In the low energy regime (> 1022keV), a photon caninteract with an atomic nucleus to undergo pair produc-tion. This process generates an e+e− pair and residualenergy photon,

γα → e− + e+ + γβ , (1)

where γβ has an energy 1022keV less than γα. In a nor-mal medium, the positron will quickly encounter a neigh-boring electron and undergo annhiliation, generating two511keV gamma rays (γ)

e− + e+ → γ + γ. (2)

This process is illustrated in Fig 1.

II.2. Escape Peaks

Each radioactive source has characteristic peaks in itsemission spectra, typically corresponding to gamma ray

[email protected]



FIG. 1. (a) A low energy photon interacts with an atomicnuclei to undergo pair production. An e+, e−, and residualphoton are produced. The e+ annihilates an e−, generatingtwo 511keV gamma rays. (b) Gamma rays produced in anni-hilation can escape our Germanium crystal detector, resultingin measurements less than the original energy. This causes theappearance of escape peaks in our measured energy spectrum.

emission levels in the radionuclei, as demonstrated inFig 1. If a photon from the source reaches the detectorwith energy E>1022keV, it can interact with the atomsin the crystal lattice to undergo annihilation. However,the detector will not always pick up all the byproductsof the annihilation. This causes the appearance of whatare known as escape peaks, within the final measured en-ergy spectra. If an annihilation occurs, there are threedifferent possible measured energy values:

E: The detector picked up on the two 511keV gammarays, as well as the residual photon. This, however,is indistinguishable from the-no annihilation case.

Page 2: X-Ray Physics: Annihilation - MITweb.mit.edu/francisc/www/JLABXRay.pdf2019/10/31  · X-Ray Physics: e+e Annihilation Francisca Vasconcelos MIT Department of Physics (Dated: October


FIG. 2. Here we present a schematic of our measurement chain. Our source radiates photons into an HPGe detector, whichconverts electron-hole pairs into an electrical signal that is pre-amplified and amplified. Finally, an MCA is used to bin thesignal into an energy spectrum histogram.

E-511keV: One of the two 511keV gamma rays “es-caped” the detector crystal, without being ac-counted for in the output electrical signal.

E-1022keV: Both of the 511keV gamma rays “escaped”the detector crystal. Only the residual photon en-ergy was converted into the output electrical signal.

1022keV: The residual energy photon “escaped” the de-tector crystal. Only gamma ray energy was con-verted into the output electrical signal.

511keV: The residual energy photon and one of the511keV gamma rays “escaped” the detector crys-tal. Only one gamma ray was converted into theoutput electrical signal.

If the annihilation occurs outside of the detector, i.e.within the plastic cover of the radioactive source, wewould expect to see a similar distribution of energy peaks.However, in order to conserve energy/momentum, thetwo 511keV gamma ray byproducts of e+e− annihilationmust travel in opposite directions. This means that if an-nihilation occurs outside of the detector, we would expectto measure at most one of the gamma rays and are lim-ited to the energies: E-511keV, E-1022keV, and 511keV.


III.1. Measurement Chain

Our experimental measurement chain is depicted inFig 2. We placed radioactive sources in front of a HighPurity Germanium (HPGe) crystal detector. Using liq-uid nitrogen, the detector was kept at a temperature near80K, ensuring a low rate of thermal excitation of electronsinto the conduction band of the crystal. Furthermore, inorder to sweep out emerging conduction electrons, thecrystal was reverse-biased by over +3000 VDC. Photonscoming from the radioactive isotope (as well as the back-ground), with energy greater than 1eV, would then createelectron-hole pairs within the Ge crystal lattice. Finally,the number of electron-hole pairs (proportional to theenergy of radiation interacting with the detector) wasconverted into an electrical signal.

This signal was then passed through a pre-amplifier,with a positive bias, and amplification unit, with a gain

of 88. Positive pulses from the amplification unit werefed into an MCA (multi-channel analyzer), which wouldrecord the amplitude of the incoming pulse and bin itinto one of 2048 amplitude bins. Each of these bins cor-responded to an energy level, but it was necessary to usea calibration source with at least two identifiable peaksof known energy (in our case this was 22Na), so as to as-sign meaningful energy values to the resulting histogram.This output histogram represents the emission spectrumof the radioactive isotope being measured.

III.2. Radioactive Sources

In our experiment, we performed measurements ofthree different sources: 22Na, 60Co, and JLAB back-ground radiation. A plot of the resulting measuredenergy spectra can be found in AppendixA. Withthe goal of demonstrating e+e− formation/annihilation,these sources were measured for specific reasons:22Na: This source is ideal for e+e− calibration, since it

has a characteristic energy peak at 511keV. Thispeak, however, is caused by phenomena differentfrom e+e− annihilation. It has a secondary, lessprominent peak at 1274.5keV which allows us tointerpolate the energy axis, when calibrating.

60Co: Since this source has two prominent spectralpeaks with energy greater than 1022keV, it isan ideal candidate for measuring e+e− forma-tion/annihilation.

JLAB Bkgnd: Measurements of the background noiseare critical for performing systematic error analysis.

We began our search for e+e− formation/annihilation bylooking for a peak at 511keV, created by a gamma raybyproduct, in our measured 60Co spectrum. Initially,we ran a measurement for 1000 seconds, but found thatno noticeable peak emerged at 511keV. We unsuccess-fully tried mitigating statistical uncertainty by runninga longer measurement, of 600,000 seconds. Finally, wemoved to a 60Co source that was approximately 100×stronger and ran a 57,370 second measurement. Thiswas successful, and we observed a small peak at 511keV.Analysis of this and other peaks is described in the DataAnalysis section. A table of the times and number ofcounts we for each source is included in Appendix B.

Page 3: X-Ray Physics: Annihilation - MITweb.mit.edu/francisc/www/JLABXRay.pdf2019/10/31  · X-Ray Physics: e+e Annihilation Francisca Vasconcelos MIT Department of Physics (Dated: October



IV.1. Escape Peak Prediction & Detection

Using Theory section analysis, we predicted the es-cape energies of our radioactive isotopes, based on theircharacteristic energies (>1022keV), as summarized in the“Theory” column of Table I. We found peaks near eachof these escape energies in the measured 60Co and 22Naspectra. Since 22Na has a characteristic emission peak at511keV, we only considered the 511keV peak in the 60Cospectrum for e+e− analysis.

We ignored our background measurement for our sta-tistical analysis of these peaks, instead modeling thebackground as a decaying exponential. We fitted andsubtracted this model from both spectra, in order to flat-ten them for fitting. In order to fit a Gaussian to eachpeak, we narrowed our scope to a window of roughly 10-30 points surrounding the peak (these were determinedby eye, so as to get the best fit). Before performing thefit, the minimum value in the window was determinedand subtracted from all points in the window, so as toremove the DC offset. The results and relevant statis-tics of the Gaussian fit for each peak is summarized inTable I. Additionally, an example fit and data (for the511keV 60Co peak) is plotted in Fig 3. Plots for theother escape peaks can be found in Appendix F.

IV.2. Assessing Peak e+e− Significance

In order to ensure peaks in our measured spectra werecaused by e+e− annihilation, we needed to verify thatthey are more significant than any potential peaks ofthe same energy in the background radiation spectrum.While in the previous analysis we used an exponentialdecay model of the background radiation, here we uti-lized the actual measured background distribution. Thisspectrum contains several strong peaks, many of whichcoincide with the predicted escape energies.

In order to compare the 22Na and 60Co spectra withthe background spectrum, we needed to normalize allthese distributions relative to one another. This waschallenging because each source was measured for a sig-nificantly different time, with potentially different gainsettings in the amplification setup that could affect thecount rate (systematic error). Rather than dividing bythe total number of counts or multiplying by the timeof measurement, we assume that the spectra should haverelatively the same composition in the (relatively) low en-ergy regime. We thus selected the energy of 200keV andfound the corresponding number of counts in each mea-surement spectrum at that energy. We calculated the ra-tio between 22Na and the background, as well as between60Co and the background at this energy. These ratioswere multiplied by the background curve to create nor-malize it according to the 22Na and 60Co distributions,respectively. Finally, this normalized background curve

FIG. 3. A Gaussian curve-fit to a peak near our predicted511keV e+e− annihilation energy in 60Co. The # Counts isoffset by a modeled background and DC component.

FIG. 4. We subtracted out the background (relatively nor-malized) from the 60Co spectrum to determine the effect ofbackground radiation on escape peak prominences.

was subtracted from each distribution, as illustrated withthe 60Co curve in Fig 4. We calculated the prominenceof the peak in this new spectrum, reported in Table I,to determine if was still prominent (negative prominencemeans that the background dominated). Note that thispeak prominence also accounts for potential calibrationerror, by reporting the minimum prominence when shift-ing the background by a few keV (equal to the 2σ uncer-tainty in the peak).

IV.3. Determining Background Contaminates

We had already postulated the existence of thesepeaks, at roughly 600keV, because of all the lead bricksand shielding surrounding the detector (lead undergoesCompton scattering at 600keV). However, we were notcertain where the remaining peaks came from. Thus,we set out to determine potential sources of radioactive

Page 4: X-Ray Physics: Annihilation - MITweb.mit.edu/francisc/www/JLABXRay.pdf2019/10/31  · X-Ray Physics: e+e Annihilation Francisca Vasconcelos MIT Department of Physics (Dated: October


TABLE I. For each source, the escape peaks of each characteristic energy were computed (Theory). The mean, standard.deviation, amplitude, χ2 statistics, and prominence (accounting for background radiation) of the Gaussian fit is also reported.

Theory (Energies) Gaussian Fit χ2-Analysis ProminenceSource Characteristic (keV) Escape (keV) µ σ A χ2 df χ2

r Pr(χ2) Peak-Bkgd (Counts)60Co 1173.2 151.2 154.1 0.9 6266 44.9 10 4.5 0 301,312

1173.2 310.5 312.3 0.7 20810. 133.3 10 13.3 0 -4,401,9271173.2, 1332.5 511.0 510.8 1.8 4890. 24.3 17 1.4 0.1115 -369,940

1332.5 662.2 659.2 1.7 1044 3.41 13 0.3 0.9960 -547,4401332.5 821.5 818.2 2.5 3328 33.0 17 1.9 0.0112 162,270

22Na 1274.5 252.5 251.9 0.8 228104 376.0 6 62.7 0 130,0001274.5 763.5 762.8 2.18 31218 37.7 12 3.1 0.0001 -373,103

contamination, which could be causing these unexpectedpeaks. In doing so, we limited our scope of plausiblecontaminants to the radioactive isotopes used for exper-iments in Junior Lab. These are described in the exper-iment descriptions of the JLAB Safety Handout [5]. Acopy of the table of isotopes can be found in AppendixD.

In order to determine if a listed isotope was a potentialcontaminant of JLAB, we researched the emission spec-trum of each isotope [6]. Each source had at least twocharacteristic emission energies, usually with one veryprominent peak. We looked at those energy levels inour measured background spectrum, to see if there was acorresponding peak, and several were found. In order todeem a particular isotope as a contaminant, we requiredthat there was either a very prominent background peakat the main characteristic energy level or that there wereat least two noticeable peaks corresponding to differentcharacteristic energies. Using this approach, we found137Cs, 226Ra, 133Ba, and 109Cd to be likely contaminants.For a full analysis of these isotopes and their correspond-ing background peaks, refer to Appendix E.


Due to the simple nature of our experimental setup,but goal of measuring the relatively infrequent phenom-ena of e+e− annihilation, the majority of our work fo-cused on mitigating statistical and systematic uncertain-ties. By simply increasing measurement time and sourcestrength, we were able to see peaks in our data at the pre-dicted escape and e+e− annihilation energy levels. TheGaussian fit data in Table I in fact demonstrates that allthese peaks fall within roughly 2σ of the predicted escapepeak value.

Furthermore, we eliminated the systematic uncertaintyof these peaks being caused by background radiation.Although the 511keV peak was not significant due tobackground radiation, we demonstrated that multiple es-cape peaks (from the 22Na and 60Co spectra) were stillprominent even after subtracting out the measured back-ground. Futhermore, the escape peaks in 22Na were muchmore prominent and rhobust than those of 60Co, whichwe believe can be attributed to the longer measurementtime of 22Na. Thus, provided more time to measurethe 60Co source, we believe we could achieve even moredefinitive results and potentially have less peaks elimi-nated by the background. In our efforts to further under-stand artifacts of our detector, we also performed analysisof coincidence peaks, which is described in Appendix C.

Finally, in an attempt to understand our systematicuncertainty, we utilized the background measurement tofind five potential radiation contaminants in JLAB: 82Pb,137Cs, 226Ra, 133Ba, and 109Cd. While it has not beenproven that these are the only possible sources causingthe peaks in the data, we believe that creating a shieldto these contaminants around our detector could leadto improved measurement results and eliminate furtherconflicting sources of error.

In conclusion, we have strong evidence for the exis-tence of e+e− formation/annihilation in our setup. Inthe process of trying to strengthen this claim, we uncov-ered interesting detector artifacts and potential radioac-tive contamination in the MIT Junior Lab facility.


FV gratefully acknowledges Ghadah Alshalan’s equalpartnership, as well as the guidance and advice of theJLAB course staff and faculty.

[1] J. J. T. M. F.R.S., London, Edinburgh, & Dublin Philo-sophical Magazine & Journal of Science 44, 293 (1897).

[2] P. A. M. Dirac, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics(Clarendon Press, 1930).

[3] D. L. Bailey, M. N. Maisey, D. W. Townsend, and P. E.

Valk, Positron emission tomography (Springer, 2005).[4] R. Siegel, Annual Review of Materials Science 10, 393

(1980).[5] JLAB Safety Handount (MIT Physics Department).[6] Live Chart of Nuclides (IAEA Nuclear Data Section).

Page 5: X-Ray Physics: Annihilation - MITweb.mit.edu/francisc/www/JLABXRay.pdf2019/10/31  · X-Ray Physics: e+e Annihilation Francisca Vasconcelos MIT Department of Physics (Dated: October


Appendix A: Radiation Spectra

FIG. 5. A figure of the long measured spectra of 22Na, 60Co,and the JLAB Background. These were normalized as de-scribed in the Assessing Peak e+e− Significance section.

Appendix B: Measurement Times and Counts

TABLE II. The data collection time, total number of counts,and ratio of these two quantities (count rate).

Source Time (s) # Counts Count Rate ( countssec

)22Na 315,583 3,326,539,097 10,54160Co 57,370 121,839,100 2,124

Bkgnd 229,235 15,658,002 68

Appendix C: Coincidence Peaks

1. Theory

In the case of escape peaks, we discussed a detector ar-tifact in which the reported energy is less than the actualenergy emitted by our radioactive source. However, inthe case of another artifact, known as coincidence peaks,we expect to see an opposite effect.

Given a radioactive source with prominent spectralpeaks at energies Eα and Eβ , we generally would ex-pect to measure either Eα or Eβ . However, a very smallnumber of times, we can imagine that two emitted pho-tons would hit the detector at essentially the same time.In this case, the detector would report the sum of en-ergies. Thus, for the source described, we would expectto see additional peaks at Eα+Eβ ,2Eα, and Eβ . Theseare called the coincidence peaks and, as demonstrated inthe Analysis portion of this paper, we can calculate the

likelihood of each of the coincidences, provided measure-ments.

2. Peak Prediction and Detection

Since 22Na has peaks at 511keV and 1274keV, wewould expect that very infrequently an emission at bothof these energies would hit the detector at the same time,resulting in a measurement of 1785 keV. Given that wetook over 3 billion measurements, we would expect tosee a small peak at this energy in our spectrum. By plot-ting on a logarithmic scale, we already see the emergenceof a prominent third peak. Similarly to our analysis ofthe escape peaks, we subtracted a modeled exponentialbackground noise and performed a Gaussian curve fit.However, as shown in Fig 2, the data was not well repre-sented by a Gaussian, but actually extremely Lorentzianin its form. After fitting to a Cauchy distribution,

f(x;x0, γ) =1



(x− x0)2 + γ2


we found x0 = 1789 (location of maxima) and γ = 6.75( 12FWHM).

3. Likelihood of Coincidence

Finally, we calculated the likelihood of such a coin-cidence happening in our detector. This was done byfirst calculating the prominence of the 511keV (9.2× 107

counts), 1274keV (1.3× 107 counts), and 1785keV (or aswe found 1789keV) peak (9.5× 104 counts). In order tocalculate the relative ratios of observing either or both ofthese counts, we divide the prominence of that specificpeak by the sum of all prominence. Thus, we calculatethe following probabilites:

Pr(511keV) =9.2× 107

1.05095× 108= 87.53984% (C2)

Page 6: X-Ray Physics: Annihilation - MITweb.mit.edu/francisc/www/JLABXRay.pdf2019/10/31  · X-Ray Physics: e+e Annihilation Francisca Vasconcelos MIT Department of Physics (Dated: October


Pr(1274keV) =1.3× 107

1.05095× 108= 12.369976% (C3)

Pr(1785keV) =9.5× 104

1.05095× 108= 0.09039% (C4)

As we expected, the likelihood of measuring such a co-incidence is essentially negligible. However, it is quite afeat that we were able to detect such a peak, based onthe sheer number of measurements we performed. Fur-thermore, we can be certain that this peak came purelyfrom coincidences because at high energies (including the1700s range we were measuring in), the gamma rays be-come so energetic that they pass straight through ourHPGe detector without being detected.

Appendix D: JLAB Experiment Isotopes

Source: JLAB Safety Handout [5]

Appendix E: Background Contamination PeakAnalysis

We presented logic as to why we believe lead is a con-taminant in the paper. To demonstrate why we believethe sources 137Cs, 226Ra, 133Ba, and 109Cd are also con-taminants, we present a table in which we list the mostprominent characteristic energy peaks of each source.Energies listed in the “Strong Peaks” column correspondto the most prominent peaks in the emission spectra ofthe source. Energies listed in the “Weak Peaks” column

correspond to noticeable peaks in the spectrum that arenot as prominent. Energy levels colored in green corre-spond to energy levels in the measured background thathad significant peaks, while red boxes correspond to thosethat did not. Energy levels that fell outside of our mea-sured spectrum are colored in yellow.

Source Strong Peaks (keV) Weak Peaks (keV)137Cs 30 66257Co 14 122 136

241Am 60 14 18 20 26Uranium 98 105 185226 Ra 18690 Sr 546 228

133 Ba 31 81 356 276 302 38335 Fe 6

109 Cd 22 8854 Mn 821 23922 Na 511 127460 Co 1173 1332

Despite the criterion we set in the paper for deter-mining if a source was a contaminant, we refrained fromcalling 22Na a contaminant because we know that the511keV peak can be attributed to e+e− annihilation cre-ated by any radioactive source with energy higher than1022keV.

Appendix F: Escape Peak Fitting and Plots

In the paper, we included the data and Gaussian fit forour 511keV 60Co source. We now present the remainingdata and curve fit for the four 60Co escape peaks and thetwo 22Na, ordered in terms of increasing energy.

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