Web viewBC should legalize marijuana to pay for PWDs ... nothing happens. ... and they will spend...


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Consultation In-Person Feedback Collection

Date: February 26, 2014 (evening)Group: Community consultation in-person sessionLocation: Victoria, BCNumber of Attendees: 40

Note: all the information and feedback gathered at this session will be inputted into the overall collection of data and feedback for consideration of the development of the Disability White Paper.


Reinstate CVS Accessible homes – regular family homes HandiDART been poor – need to better coordinate routes so can rely on them When call to confirm ride they are told HandiDART can’t confirm Should be able to get confirmation even if flexible on time Bus pass should be incorporated into HandiDART W/PWD no $ for HandiDART – horrific that can’t get to work/vulnerable Need 2 types of transportation – short notice – regular riders – should have two types so both can be accommodated Victoria not wheelchair accessible – curb cuts not always fit – often no sidewalks – parking designed w/out reference to PWDs (dis spot did

not have sidewalk access) 2 diff types of parking spots – wheelchair vans (Walmart, Uptown have 0 wheelchair parking spots) – others, et. Seniors use smaller vehicles Should be a disability panel to discuss new devt’s Giving 90 day bus passes when people find a job (aligns with probation period) ASL training- used to be 1/wk then cut to ½ wks (whole family needs training ) Need sustained funding, makes it difficult to communicate, becomes more isolated ASL needs to start early – also valuable to have language training (English) Doctors should note whether someone is ‘employable’ on PWD form Allow info at tribunal (not just at reconsideration)

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PWD adjud. Should have medical background Denials show adjudicator don’t understand doctor info PWD adjud. Time should be max. 8 weeks and backdate if longer Getting PWD very difficult Epilepsy w/dog had to fight to get in w/legal rep. Every step took very long time (many months) While pending PWD had to get doctor note to not have to do work search Job search – have to do any job – no accommodation w/dis. – so need not but just need accommodation, eg. recognize days that a person

may not be able to work – blanket start – no acting for indiv. Differences Welfare – job hunt If pending PWD – do modified job hunt based on indiv. Needs w/help of job program (GT hiring) – w/support of med. Prof. – more team

work Clothing allowance – if need black pants/white shirt/shoes if have job – confirmed job Need pd. Support workers for PWD to be able to work – some non-profits pay for this thru grants but need more people and sustained

consistent funding Hard to find out what opts are available eg. opp fund – hard to get correct info Employers don’t know about Opp. Fund Can take years to find the resources Can take a long time to get diagnosed (new diagnosed/youth transition specific) Need info pkgs when issue starts (to minimize searching) – let families determine what opts will work for them) Need transition planning for youth Need outreach people for youth transitioning and newly diagnosed Have to rely on word of mouth Could prevent debt or get therapy you need Collaboration and coordination of services – one org. that knows all resources to help navigate Even drs (peds and GPs) don’t educate families One stop shop for resources Epilepsy has some resources – does not list PWD (financial is left out) Families go into debt to cover costs when resources are actually available Parking at hospital (ie. Children’s) when there for long periods need help w/cost of parking/food (café voucher) – don’t want to ask as

looking after child More CLBC youth need help w/transitioning to adulthood – now funding cut off – MH – undiagnosed youth w/sever dis. (physical, mental

health, behaviours) Everything comes w/label

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Autism gets full funding Child w/rare genetic condition (w/cognitive and other challenges) gets no funding as no specific diagnosis – instead gets expelled from

schools So many kinds of dis – many are invisible Dis. Agencies need to market better so families are clear who can and can’t help you Schools, therapy sessions etc. should give pkg w/resources Parenting groups – get info Newly diagnosed brain injured, etc. Reinvigorate CEO network so all agencies get together 1/mo Can still be unaware of all the services silos Need someone to take the time to speak at community health units Health units see all kids for shots (get the resources out) Ottawa has amazing website Rare disease foundation – website – can add links (parents can) When dealing w/hospitals – they assume you know Orphan drug policy Enzymes cost a lot of money – got to be a way to assist Let’s use web for good to share knowledge w/documentation – pay PWDs extra rent if rent/shelter amount is > 50% of 906 need more accessible housing if in hospital – keep $375 but lose support therefore lose housing seniors get SAFER – but not for PWDs increase to fair rental amounts, hydro, and other util. – some don’t heat cause can’t afford better on in grad school than PWD plus p/t need to be able to do monthly report electronically rather than spend $ to mail monthly need min. $500 rent/ $50/wk + trans + internet + cable + phone increase $200 – 300 min. $500 rent, $675 supplement add CPP/CPPD into earning exemption limit a lot of stigma/discrimination need help finding job employers concerned about service dog – need more info/educ. Gov’t needs to encourage ‘village to raise a child’ mentality Need to stop isolating people

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Gov’t is octopus that say ‘no’ – it should use arms to bring comm. together Culture of not OK to ask for help People’s needs should just be met Need a better approach to transitions – parents don’t know what to expect at youth – adulthood transition 64-65 transition – need to be prepared for changes in supports Could use gov’t cares/loans and retrofit for a PWD Gov’t surplus use it better Use gov’t’s IT resources to help small business set up for PWD More flexible asset limits to accommodate inheritance, etc. and clearer rules around when it does and does not impact elig. For PWD PGT: indiv. Need to have increased control over their funds Accommodation is a big thing (eg. equipment, coops and internships for PWD) There is a need for PWD to learn how to use technology to prepare for work (instead of after) Technology must be easy to use PWD must be able to go to a workplace with the equipment they need and start working so employers see what they are capable of ‘disability’ has a negative connotation right off the bat The use of language in referring to disability is important There is a need for ‘universal design’ not just in physical spaces but curriculum, programs, etc. Support should be provided by outside resources other than ones’ social network We need organizations to support specific social networking activities like sports Activities and organizations that do not discriminate between PD and other persons are good to have Changing attitudes toward disability do not come from government Pre-CLBC – transfer of services as seamless, not it is less efficient, takes longer – worker ratio is worse, and clientele has increased Consent: need way to make consent and approval easier to put on record Not adequate funding for health needs – ex. diabetics, requiring home care services Increase acute care costs because needs are not attended to earlier – need preventative measures Wound care supplies for persons that are not on PWD – people fall through cracks Transportation – no service for North Island to Central Island – within communities, need more service – reduced service in these

communities Wheelchair accessible accommodation: eligibility requirements not appropriate Bus drivers need to call out stops for visually impaired riders Public guardian: not right that PGT makes money off clients More encouragement and employments supports for PWDS Need ways to create support networks, it is exhausting for workers, families to do on own Level the playing field for the people that support PWDs, it is too time consuming to balance

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Culture of gate-keeping to deny services Caseless model results in worse service Rural communities: sometimes there’s a service, but no transportation to access it Too many programs – need to integrate – find efficiencies Services contracted out – outside agencies reduce the service quality, reduce service standards – contorted agencies used to be advocates,

now they can no longer advocate Solutions: services need to be provided more directly (home care) as opposed to having people go to emergency – ex. COPD + dialysis care

– reactive services, instead of proactive Constantly managing crisis as opposed to providing care earlier Crisis driven services Consultation w/marginalized persons – need to make it more accessible for persons who are homeless to be heard Meet w/people at homeless shelters/food banks Too difficult to interact w/service providers – no trust – adversarial relationship – training needed for service providers – caseless model

takes away workers who have local knowledge We need in-reach just like we need outreach – inroads to gov’t – empowerment to engage government Poverty makes persons disenfranchised Access to information Red tape: creates barriers for aging population, aging caregivers Adult guardian legislation – need infrastructure to support this legislation – legislation, but no budget to back it up Adult guardian leg. Has no teeth Rules around power of attorney and representation agreements are not fair for the poor Problematic that PGT will not assist clients that have no $ RDSP: Issue with rule that requires an RDSP holder to request the creation of an annuity once they turn 60 – why not 65? Trust: setting up trusts is complicated, PWD need help to do this – need legal supports Education : PWDs are at tend of income spectrum, and have less access to education – not just post-sec, funding cut at high school levels –

supports must be continual and sustained so that PWDs can maintain education and employment – basic health care needs – life skills Need increased community resources eg. psychiatry Deaf people – services and employment – it is hard to find employment Person who uses TTY to call employer and then right away the person is deaf Need a communication model Responsibility of society vs. gov’t doing it for PWDs People need to know how to communicate with PWDs Funding for interpreters is needed No funding for interpreters for personal need

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Funding to go to people who are deaf to purchase interpreters A good wheelchair $6k and gov’t doesn’t fund Care aids need more funding Right to access PWDs have a right to sex life/sex surrogate Decriminalize prostitution so that PWD can have intimacy Need for access to services for household help eg. sweeping porch Crown corporations in BC need to hire PWDs Cost gov’t less over time if PWDs were working – earning more than minimum wage Netherlands – unemployed for 6+ months, access to work or schooling – supervisor will train you for specific job UVIC coop – no one knows what to do so I get ping ponged around Counselors don’t understand how to serve deaf people Focus on internships for PWDs Start young for people to be successful Invest early to mitigate long term problems – will help families, schools, everyone Avoid disability assistance Goal is training and start early Multiple barriers that work against a person who is deaf Employment counsellors don’t’ have training to work with PWDs Pandora Arts Collective – psycho-social activity; integrate PWDs; create visual artwork; rec. that this activity stays in Victoria Contributes to working - art is your employment Stay intact Charter of Rights looks good on paper RDSP Asset testing impoverishes people – forced to sell all assets SAID has a PWD specific program – but raises questions of deserving vs. non-deserving poor Savings provide a cushion to deal with unexpected calls for money Transition between child to adult Look at individual vs. family income – could get married and lose PWD assistance due to spouse’s income Autonomy of the individual – strains spousal relations Family unit income and asset testing discourages family formation – also can trap people in abusive relationships Positives: MSO, bus pass, online services Need to reduce office visits Wait times on the phone a burden

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Dealing with the bureaucracy is very difficult – feel some staff are abusive – no accountability – long delays – imbalance of power – Kafkaesque

Volunteer supplement re-instated/opened-up Could be more $ A way to recognize a meaningful contribution to society Transit – expand criteria for disability parking pass More $$ for PWD, mean more $ in the community National disability assistance program – perhaps based on DTC, treated as earned income, maybe taxable Disability assistance should be more transferable between provinces Provincial equivalent to DTC and RDSP DTC application like other program application is very difficult Role of drs – what role can medical professions play? Drs mostly supportive, surprise when some applicants don’t receive PWD Drs need to know what diagnosis is needed for adjudication Various programs for PWD should be better dovetailed PWD application too long, complicated Forms need to be as simple as possible Not everyone has a doctor 1:7 Canadians – accessibility an issue for these applicants PLMS goes after clients they shouldn’t Respect individuals knowledge of their own needs Develop shared understanding of best practices for field workers and post them in field offices Should be able to call ministry and leave a message if necessary

Access for disabled students: Education should be a high priority for disabled students Blindness independent living skills – public Housing important for disabled people Advocate for vulnerable populations – those who can’t ‘do’ for themselves Supports for adults with invisible disabilities BC Coalition for People with Disabilities

Interprovincial discord: That is people form other provinces have proven/met criteria for PWD yet have to apply for PWD in BC as well Streamline application processes for PWD AEE looking at it not only monthly but annualized earnings More education for teachers and professors about ‘disability’ to more effectively teach PWDs focussing on the individual rather than the

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individual (sic) – more/increased education about PWDs Education should be taught by those with disabilities EATI – eg. individual could not walk – a specific vehicle designed for him screening – screenreaders – level the playing field (sic) Need extended medical equipment; there is a ceiling on equipment Can apply for screen readers through grant funding To use new technologies – adequate training on the tools is necessary Sometimes “off the shelf” equipment will work better than specialized equipment such as iPhone Biggest barrier for PWDs is poverty Recognition that not all PWDs cannot work yet still contribute in valuable ways to society overall PWD should have the opportunity to work in ways that are fulfilling got them Huge gap - independence skill training – life skills training for people who are blind and others with disabilities – need for employers to be

educated on PWD and may need a job coach Workplace incentives for hiring PWD and grants to adapting technologies and environment Increased housing for PWD not a lot of public housing for $375/mo – long waiting lists Example $906 from gov’t rent = $800 and has name on waitlist for housing with subsidy Accessibility – wheelchair; yellow tactile cues (markings) – Japan; no braille Reducing isolation is critical to help PWDs feel empowered and socially included RDSP – if you are over 50 will not qualify – qualify for RDSP must be < 50 yrs Disability tax credit – can lose matching funds if disability is reduced PWD needed medical assistance and had RRSPs had to lose RRSP On PWD cannot keep child support because it’s not an earned income Huge barrier – ministry could recognize that “FM as income” so that it is not deducted BC should legalize marijuana to pay for PWDs – use as a revenue source – since Wash. State legalized it has had an impact on BC’s

economy Libraries for blind people – audio, braille technology through a public forum (library) Blind individual does not qualify for CPPD – treat PWD under a social model rather than the medical model The more open, the less fear Stairs are always an issue, even one stair Visual supports, a simple ramp are solutions Enforce new universal access building codes Need a central database for supports with different ways to access – business could register – comm. centres could register Network for businesses who want to be accessible to community – see community partnership network Education have adaptable entrances criteria for people with different barriers – ie. language barriers, physical barriers Also once in the program, the difficulties will improve – benefit to special needs being with co-hort – better support/flexibility for special

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needs to study Gov’t needs to work together to solve problems – like putting in a ramp PWD needs to be separate from welfare Very different Disability and welfare are very different $ for PWD different from province to province Pandora office – made to more seats (#s) as you wait Gateway Office always filled with police b/c of other issues – caseloads very different Should be able to contact by email – streamline – rather than phone (wait) – come to office PWD form is 26 pgs? Why? Frontline needs sensitivity training Actual training where people must “walk a mile” Function w/o site Function in a wheelchair Maybe ‘awareness’ training in the different types/levels of disabilities See travel accessible website where people add accessible hotels, attractions, etc. Families are left to find their own resources Website/community network Publish everyone who applies/receives a gaming grant Gov’t programs aren’t consistent, depends on what caseworker you get The system is very confusing and the systems don’t work together Share casefiles so we don’t have to repeat info Link the services somehow – one ministry? One caseworker? Services are learned by word of mouth What about most vulnerable? More follow-up, help to navigate the systems SDSI got rid of caseworkers, no consistent care Logical links – buy a car, get forms for parking pass, GST/fuel rebate Put all the info in one place – see BizPal for businesses Decal or signifier for businesses that are accessible Tax breaks for businesses that are universally accessible Jobs for people who need the jobs Jobs for the disabled not jobs to help PWDs Flexible degree requirements eg. work placement requirements, flexible hours

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Focus on long term employment Focus on the value of a PWD brings to workplace Fundamental societal shift Employment for long term – 12 months doesn’t change Support for barriers in the workplace, coordinate in the workplace for specific needs Requirements for PWD should e the same prov. To prov. – so should benefits PWD designation should transfer to another province Streamline and cost effective to have PWD program federal – no repeat assessment – less staff time – less paperwork/red tape Wheelchair sports – yay! – community involvement – health and wellness Aging with a disability is different than acquiring one when you are young – needs change GPs are allowed to say no to PWDs because of extra costs - ?? Dentists also say not to PWD plan Should we look at the US Federal Disability Act Assets accumulation – can’t use it when you need it PWD rate is below the poverty level Lose DA when you go into school – but school leads to employment Student loans and DA don’t work together – forced to lie about income/assets to get by Can either work 20 hours a week or 45 hours per week to make the same Housing is a huge $$ issue Huge demand in places like Victoria b/c people move here for weather, program access, etc. Quality of life issues like placed to live, groceries, transport in snow/rain We need a worker to help with (our) filling out paper work. Computer friendly person. It takes 3 to 4 hrs to fill out paperwork or on

computer some are illiterate or dyslexic or no understanding the travelling back and forth to from office to doctor office. Which some of the doctors do not understand what they have to fill out which makes it difficult. Why have crisis grant when you have to wait a week for answer if you are lucky if they even saw it. Then you will have to wait a two weeks (sic) for answer to just get a NO and you are still in crisis. It is not that a PWD cannot manage money. You will not find a place for $375 unless it is a drug house or alcoholic home. We only get $946.42 in total and your rent is $650 - $850 in total. You don’t have enough food or pay your hydro and other necessities. You cannot manage what you don’t have. My solution is that you should not have to wait a week for a yes or a no answer. Some of the disabilities are not visible. Make it accessible for them to understand or your clients will get agitates and angry, frustrated, confused, nothing happens. And that we do not have to wait 3 to 4 weeks for bus pass. Help them go to school and help them get a job to make them feel their disabili4es help them get work experience or give them volunteer work, find what they can do and work with it. Help the ones with disabilities get into what you call BC Housing faster and not be on waiting list. (sic)

Can we change the 49 age limit for RDSP (federal) The match program for RDSP is great

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RDSP – really more of a family contribution to PWD Seeing huge uptake in RDSPs would be a good indicator for BC Province can also match RDSPs Financial institutions can make it easier for people to apply for RDSPs Ability to transfer money from an RESP to an RDSP, particularly in light of the fact that disabilities aren’t always known RDSP age limit is arbitrary b/c is it too early to cut off, can live much longer Earning income that is in excess of prov. Limit should be able to go into an accumulation of some sort Ppl with marginal incomes can’t access prov. Resources creating a gap Adult guardianship legislation has been in place since 2000 but insufficient infrastructure in place to support it (ie. no budget to go to count

on someone’ behalf) (sic) If you have money you can be protected, without $, no funding or resources to advocate on your behalf Disability tax credits eligibility needs to have broader criteria Human rights legislation exits to protect PWD rights but not many take offenders to task Affordability is an issue (ie. with only $375 for shelter) PWD benefits need to cover more Signage is an inexpensive fix that’s needed – eg. braille for blind Locked doors, cannot get into offices without appointment – capacity issues – dehumanizing process – everything designed for cost savings,

not service quality Transitioning to federal benefits – long application wait times – no safer housing for PWDs – taxes need to be up to date for applications

What would make thing better? Accessibility – with consultants with PWD – dangerous housing facilities OTs should approve building design Accessing equipment is a long process, needs to be easier, too many silos Seems like “you need to say the right thing” to get supports – scripted language Movie Mondays – Royal Jubilee Hospital; educates on disabilities; dialogue between community and PWD – stay intact Seniors and deaf community – centralized locale for senior citizens residence – access to social – staff need to communicate in ASL Our Place – meals, coffee and social; 7 – 11:30pm; sense of community; support; stays in community Move – accessible gym for people with physical disabilities – facilitates fit, healthy lifestyle – needs funding Life pas s- access to gyms/community rec centres Social housing – increase budget for housing – people can’t afford especially at $906/month Constructed with PWDs in mind BC – accepting province when open and transparent vs. fear Build a better environment Think about world around us

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Sidewalks too narrow or don’t exist Vehicle pollution is burdensome Accessibility for outdoor recreation (ie. trails) Having to disclose disability to landlords when on provincial disability support Affordable housing differs in meaning and accessibility throughout the province but housing cost differ significantly Bus pass for disability constant reapplication Prov. Offices hard to access brick and mortar location face to face is necessary for some ppl ie. original application to IA is only via internet Loss of case workers for DA clients problematic repeat of info, increase in disclosure of disability Disability benefits integrated with federal senior benefits to eliminate/reduce challenges with things like access to bus passes Need more employee incentives Dehumanizing process at offices to not be let in and waiting in line (2 hr visit) Make it able to access their community (ramps) No consultation from PWDs on accessibility ideas – no one asks “what do you need?” Recommend an occupational therapist be consulted, involved in architectural designs Too many silos and you need to know Requires specific terminology to actually get what you need Public guardian is not available to you if you don’t have money Process to access services is exhausting and this is for people who have barriered or supporting someone who is barriered More on language instead of ‘disability’ use “divisibility” Careless use of language relating to disability – eg. “lame” “blind leading the blind” “that’s insane” Services/supports available to PWD are too soiled – can we have a ‘one-door’ system in place Once PWD eligibility has been established , one shouldn’t have to apply again (across different agencies) Reducing barriers leads to success and grater contribution (to society) Have an office/high level agency specifically dedicated to PWD to centralize services – one stop shop Use one model for service delivery a model that has been successful eg. “participation model” Office similar to the representative for children and youth to hold government accountable (for services to PWD) PWD can serve as mentors Successful PD can serve as role models, create a ripple of success Reducing barriers – process for applying for PWD; need to access to phone and computer; lineups at ministry office; appts hard to get Gateway Office – accessibility, standing outside waiting No longer have dedicated worker – must leave msg and get call back 1-866 hard to access Example: home and community care has a virtual liaison, works well Disability funding cuts in Cowichan Valley are creating a desperate situation

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Homeowner grants – application process for PWDs is difficult – tight timeframes – need annual verification – need for a physical form – why not an online app – why does form need to be filled in at office?

Assessments and verification required over and over (every 6 months) Important to reduce barriers to eliminate stigma and fear Awareness is key PWD need to feel okay to participate w/out judgement People are blissfully ignorant There is prejudice w/in the disability community eg. deaf Comm. and mental health community Economic growth Hire PWD Schizophrenia – innovative tools that can alleviate stigma and can contribute to solutions Communication model that can be transferred for other PWDs Not a lot of awareness about how to relate w/people who are deaf Resource website for various ministries/disabilities Without reducing barriers PWD cannot have a life – no social life – can’t eat properly Accessibility, barrier-free and inclusiveness are different concept – we should be promoting inclusiveness – it’s a mindset – provides safety

to disclose invisible disabilities Assumptions about disability prevent inclusion Don’t do things for political purpose “political tokenism” Move away from payer of last resort principle Access to other forms of income ie. CPP money under the earnings exemption, EI Instead of clawing bake excess funds/earnings, allow money to be placed in a savings vehicle ie. RDSP Raise earnings exemptions – graduated claw back, rather than 1:1 Accessibility – good at UVIC – transport around ring road was cut, is an issue – shorter and safer with door to door Resource centre can’t help with issues outside of UVIC but are a great help with UVIC issues Ramp as main access at UVIC library a great example There’s lots of places you just don’t go but could with simple fixes like a ramp Tactical sidewalks are great for visual queues on sidewalks, etc. CARSA building a good example of integrating all access Integration is important for everyone – builds community, education, understanding Keep the dialogue open Telephone – difficult/limited for HoH Home and community care has virtual worker to access services – works well

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Cowichan Valley disability funding cut/services cut Ongoing verification requirements make work when disability is ongoing (ie. autism) Even advocating on someone’s behalf has a lot of hoops Not adequate health funding to fit needs – health services does not cover a lot of costs that are needed, ie. wound care supplies – can’t

become a worker without proper health care Transportation is extremely limited (accessibility issues) There is inequity in provision of services and benefits across disabilities – eg. blind can only claim a white cane and talking glucometer other

items need to be provided A magnifying glass for example is inexpensive but not covered People with mobility issue have rehab covered but not the blind Blind people need rehab to function as best as they can Note: the US has good programs for the blind Why can’t assistive technology be covered by the province (versus relying on federal $) Hope and recovery program should stay Deaf/blind should have 24 hour access to interpreters – person is left alone – worry about safety – need a 24/7 program Need support/service for deaf who have cognitive challenges Less wait times/more access to medical services Disability rate of $907 per month and can earn up to $800 working Job creation is huge and eliminates $907 a month Comparison of AB $1040, ON $1002, BC $900 and BC is the most expensive Person is scared to work therefore they are afraid they will lose benefits People are stuck in a place of ambivalence Personal supports not available to those of lower income (ie. housecleaning) Environmental sensitivities, allergies make appropriate accommodation difficult Arbitrary levels of care not reasonable – age cut-offs, should be based on need – appropriate assessments – ask parents – speaks to a need

to start from a place of trust and respect Short-sighted to not meet needs at early stages as cost increase and more services required as situations deteriorate Not listening and asking recipients what they need Need more field offices – very hard for people to travel to office – long wait at the offices – accessibility to offices Difficult to fight for equipment needed – shouldn’t have to go to Tribunal to get what you need Consider human cost – not just $$ cost More community delivery of service but not for free! People know their own needs – give them the money and they will spend the money as they see fit and will best meet their needs for the

best price

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Limited focus on education – access to education is limited and requires a foundation that is difficult to attain for the disabled When supports are in place, children are able to gain skills needed for education and the work force Disabled are put into a poverty cycle they too often can’t get out of No training programs to best support PWDs Silos, services have been decentralized and are harder to access ‘disability’ seems an arbitrary delineation Different approaches are needed for different needs One view: a social network should be separate from a support network While orgs can assist ppl in building social skills or provide social network opportunities it does not address the mindsets and stigma of the

general population Teachers and universities have a role in changing mindsets through their teaching Peer support groups exist but there is a need for integrated groups at all ages Use of appropriate language PWDs should be able to choose who they interact with and others need to learn/know how to interact with them – small steps realistically Better access to psychologists, therapist, counselling Medicalize (sic) issues which can be worst case possible – forces individuals to lose their sense of self and worth by being required to

describe in detail disabilities – can lose dignity Constantly put in a position of ‘create your own’ Policy makers are making decisions Government has cut of the personal contact (F2F workers that knew the client) and has forced a system of distrust and repetition Too many access points to service, wouldn’t less/fewer access points streamline and increase efficiency? Lesser qualified/specialized training and worker may seem to cost less but then services do not go to most appropriate clients Proactive and prevention costs less than reactive services, we get put into crisis management which is far more expensive Other ideas to engage the target participants for consultation is to go to them Barriered people have a difficult time trusting workers, particularly when it is not the same person they are dealing with Relationships have been taken out of service and access to services (and ongoing service) 75% of blind people care not employed We need accurate statistics/information about the real situation of PWD People are afraid to work beyond the $800 exemption RDSP confusion re: eligibility and exemptions Rules and regulations make it hard for people on PWD to save Increase % of people who are unemployed After 30 years not much change BC hiring immigrants – why not PWDs?

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PWD are not being hired Decentralize power and everyone is unique – everyone is equal BC gov’t more concerned w/private sector jobs BC gov’t doesn’t understand PWD and employment PWDs don’t move up in their careers – kept out of crown corporations Equality doesn’t happen in reality Affirmative action for PWD Ability to work removes pressures from gov’t Incentive businesses Match skills training to the uniqueness and abilities of the individual – applies to education as well Ability to earn income while on other resources of income/support – arbitrary limits to income Access to flexible work schedules or supported employment (partnered with someone who can provide covers or supports as needed-

Winnipeg and US examples) Support for volunteering if unable to work (financial) Training programs for employers to learn how to work with PWDs Break out of medical model – gov’t to break out of this Supports need to start early to ensure future transitions are possible

Solution Wall Posts:

Certification for guide dogs – dog picture, person picture, chip – like a driver’s licensePublic educationWays to add money into pockets of PWDsAll income should be able to be accumulate dup to $100,000 – trust incomeMove CPP to Earned Income (and prob. EI) since a person only gets CPP when they workReduce the need for people to go into ministry office when they are not feeling well – put things onlineEI and CPP benefits should not be deducted from PWD – easy contact with ministry representatives – contact from worker quarterlyHAFI – if you qualify for funding to retrofit home for accessibility – collaboration between provinces around eligibility for PWD so individual only applies onceIndependent living skill trainingFocus on social model rather than medical model – positive education for teachers, educators, employers and service providersFocus on long term outcomes for PWDs

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Non loss of assets prior to disability – after allowed $800 earned income be permitted to put balance of earnings directly into RDPP (sic) – backdate PWD allowance to date of injurySupported employment clubhouses – see Fountain House modelHard to be heard in group setting – verbal communications are at a disadvantage – dedicated time for individualsBase supports on need rather than arbitrary limits or valuesTiered or stagger poverty rehab (ie. 1:1 deduction) – allow persons to choose subsidy options according to (household) needs – promote private property rights (legislation enforced), workplace, tenants, medical, savings, investments, incomeAllow tax credits of deductibility for therapies and respite – eg speech behavioural instruction, (it is not all covered by autism funds)Centralized accessibility/disability info websiteTopic areas are constrainingAs the most progressive place in Canada for people and families living with disabilities, BC would continually practice (and promote) inclusion, respect, dignity, opportunity, autonomy, and responsibilityBe able to leave a message for worker over the phone and receive a call backRaise disability rates to a livable amount like the Market Basket MeasureProvincial disability rates need to be increased (906 isn’t enough)Treat CPP income as earned incomeWhen we have access to the dollars, we can spend them on things we need – no paperwork, no verification, no formsProvide a means for persons to save money that exceeds their income limit (allow savings into an RDSP or similar – don’t clawback)Separate disability supports/assistance from the welfare systemProvide access to supportive assistance workers who have an ongoing relationship with clients at ministry officesProv. Constitutional/jurisdictional poverty – disabled civic engagement grants for volunteer orgs and work – respect: persons, docs, decisions, workers are poor gov’t PR reps – make promise to administrative changes, advert (sic) these improvementsChange age limits of 49 for RDSPsTax the top earners and corporations 1% to finance project for PWDsConsumer rights like everyone elseUse it to provide at home work if necessary (sic)More flexible PWD policyBetter education on transitioning from child services to adult servicesProvide more info about guide dogs, especially seizure response dogsMore social housing for PWD if they live on social assistance and work part timeIncrease or provide subsidy if persons can prove, through receipts or documents basic housing costs over 50%Accessibility to psychiatrists is abysmal – wait listsLegal advocacy for the disabled ie. lawyer service for committee – discretionary trust – POAEducation needs to be accessibleBasic housing costs include but are not limited to: fair market rent if “care” housing isn’t available, hydro (to heat, cook, lights), alternate fuel,

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municipal utilities (water, garbage)Increase funding to community support programs for individuals with mental health challenges ie. concurrent disabilitiesResource websites online with information about specific disabilitiesHave a provincial equivalent to RDSP – make it easier to apply for RDSP and tax credit disabilityMail services, land line telephone, insuranceShelter 500; support 675; CVS 100; CPP 85 = 1360/2 = 680 proposed – subsidy $35The mark of a civil society is how you treat your vulnerable populationPolicies in place within organizations to encourage supervisor education around issues of disability, including mental health Housing portion must be increased to reflect fair market rental, increases in provincial rental amounts – utilities increase ratesTeaching individuals in elementary school, high school and university how to effectively communication with individuals with disabilitiesQuality of life and the means to live itRaise the income cut for families – raise the income threshold for families and the earning allowanceBasic cable and/or internet service for shut-ins or people who are not able to workMental health 1st aid training fundedRelationships have been taken out of service deliveryEmployment supports for PWDs to help train work experienceCreate more jobs for PWD in civil services and crown corporationsChange power struggles – change attitudes surrounding disabilities – gear towards equalityProcesses are a burdenTraining for employers to help them work with employees with disabilities – accommodation trainingClear information regarding the registered disability services plan – feels like a trapLack of volunteers – they are undervaluedAdd information accepted for tribunal – results of major medical test that come between end of consideration period and tribunal workBC transit pass – HandiDART passMore generalized funding/resources for PWDs not just funding for autismPamphlet or info about federal, provincial, local resourcesInform employers about the opportunities fundReinstate community volunteer programme subsidyMore information provided to the public about available funding in one document, site, etc.Change the HandiDART system to streamline rides, increase flexibility include bus pass rather than having to buy passesGive municipalities e-access to MSDI (sic) records rather than having PWD client complete consent for release of info form for EAPD benefit confirmation for the month of June (property tax payment window)Application form – dr. and assessors portion – employment limitations if any applicant can work, pt. work, not why not – health reason, illiteracy

Page 19: Web viewBC should legalize marijuana to pay for PWDs ... nothing happens. ... and they will spend the money as they see fit and will best meet their needs for the best price

Cutting Red Tape:

Different individualized approaches are needed for different needsService standards for medical equipment and supplies – 4 months to wait for a commode is unacceptableWe need accurate information re: PWDsDoctors, dentists etc. open and supportive of PWDs (not turning them away)Eligibility criteria for disability property tax credit needs to be broadenedMake flexibility for using RESP no mater full time or part time studying in college/university for people with mental disabilitiesReduce the stigma around mental health and intellectual disabilities – ministry staff, health professionals, etc.More flexibility for people with mental disabilities to get into post-sec educationDo away with paper forms – move disability services and supplement applications entirely onlinePWD need to learn technology to prepare for work not afterHarmonize PWD criteria across provs.We need more careful and respectful language around disabilityFinancial institutions can make it easier to apply for RDSPsAcceptance of alternative ways of thinking, moving, living (ex. ministry staff)Federal PWD programMake information accessible for people with intellectual disabilitiesOnce PWD eligibility has been established it should apply across gov’t programsOne stop shop system is needed for disabilities (centralized services)Signage that’s accessible is an easy fixCan assistive technology be covered by the provinceWe need an office similar to the representative for children and youthThere is a need for “universal design” – not just in physical space termsThere should be more equity in coverage and services across disabilitiesDon’t make me keep proving I’m disabledTransportation issues ie. Cowichan valley limited bus runs – no taxi vouchersGet rid of all the silosSocial services agencies resource centreLevel the playing fieldHelp me address my basic needs, shelter foodBetter access to the disability offices or have more disability offices