Writing a magazine ideology


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Writing a magazine ideology

From my market research (questionnaire) I found that people were more interested

in the Hip-Hop/R&B genre. They also want the magazine once a month and are

willing to pay under £5.00 for the magazine, The majority of people that took part in

the survey were under 25 which is good because 25 and under are the ages I’m

trying to attract. Most people were interested in competitions and free gifts so one of

these features i will definitely include in my magazine.

My magazine will differ to those that are already in the market because i am young

myself so i would know exactly what my age group would want in a magazine. I have

done enough research to know the basic skill of making a magazine and the special

features the people of my age group would want to see and take part is, for example

competitions free CD’s etc. I also feel that although there are many different music

magazines there aren’t enough with my specific genre suited for a certain age group

so i feel there is a huge niche on the market for my product.

Magazine such as “Vibe” and “RapUp” were my inspiration because they fit my

genre (R&B/Hip-hop) because they are aimed at a young age group. The front pages

are set out clearly and they use special features to engage the reader, which is the

type of thing i would like on my magazine. They also use bold bright colours to

reflect personality which i think is a great feature and would attract my selected age


The purpose behind my magazine is to create something fun that people would

actually be interested in and want to read. I would like to attract my intended

audience using different features and styles to do so such as appropriate colour

schemes and more pictures than text.