Wright-Ups April 2011

April 2011 VoL 2011 Issue 4 Wright Congregational, United Church of Christ 4821 Franklin Rd. Boise, Idaho 83705 (208) 343-0292 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: wrightucc.com Published Monthly, Mailed pre-paid at Boise, Idaho Permit No. 127 * ** Ministers: All of Us Pastor: Rev. Michael S. Black Secretary: Robin Canning Choir Director: Ron Apperson Organist: Ginny Trapp Cry Room available For restless little ones. Board Chairman: Will Patterson Moderator: Jo Elliott-Blakeslee Youth Leader: Kate Hall Custodian: Robin Canning Pilgrim Cove Board Members: AI Busche Jim Morrow Carl Van Slyke Janice Aagaard Fall, Winter, Spring Schedule: 9:30 Adult Sunday Sch. 10:45 Worship & Children's Sunday Sch. Fellowship- Noon Communion Served the 1st Sunday of each month -No Sunday Schools Summer- June, July & August Worship at 10 a.m, Fellowship 11:00 \ 1 l/l~ ~ "IL.a.a et....J. oJ a..t TheWrightUps WELCOME TO APRIL, 2011 A MONTH OF SUNDAYS AT WRIGHT CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 3, - FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE LENTEN SEASON 9:15 AM - Confirmation Class, Youth Room 9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School, Social Hall 10:45 AM - Worship And Communion Service Sermon Theme: "In Remembrance" Choir Anthems: "Come Find Forgiveness And Love" & "He Prays Alone" Karla Brown, Guest Flutist SUNDAY, APRIL 10 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE LENTEN SEASON ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING 9:15 AM - Confirmation Class, Youth Room 9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School, Social Hall 10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration Service Sermon Theme: "On The Road To Jerusalem With Jesus" Choir Anthem: "Ah, Holy Jesus" SUNDAY, APRIL 17 -PALM SUNDAY 9:15 AM - Confirmation Class, Youth Room 9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School, Social Hall 10:45 AM - Palm Sunday Celebration Worship Sermon Theme: "When Will We Ever Learn?" Choir Anthem: "Ain't No Rock Gonna Shout For Me" SUNDAY, APRIL 24-EASTERI 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM: Easter Brunch In The Social Hall 10:45 AM - EASTER MORNING CELEBRATION WORSHIP Sermon Theme: "He Lives!" Choir Anthem: "Christ The Lord Is Alive" ********* Special Children's Moment During Worship - Then K-6 Classes Youth GroupAfter Church Child Care For The Little Ones Refreshments & Conversation Hour After Church


April 2011 newsletter

Transcript of Wright-Ups April 2011

April 2011VoL 2011Issue 4

Wright Congregational,United Church of Christ

4821 Franklin Rd.Boise, Idaho 83705

(208) 343-0292E-Mail:

[email protected]: wrightucc.com

Published Monthly,Mailed pre-paid at

Boise, IdahoPermit No. 127

* * *Ministers: All of Us

Pastor:Rev. Michael S. Black

Secretary:Robin Canning

Choir Director:Ron Apperson

Organist:Ginny Trapp

Cry Room availableFor restless little ones.

Board Chairman:Will Patterson

Moderator:Jo Elliott-Blakeslee

Youth Leader:Kate Hall

Custodian:Robin Canning

Pilgrim Cove BoardMembers:AI Busche

Jim MorrowCarl Van SlykeJanice Aagaard

Fall, Winter, SpringSchedule:

9:30 Adult Sunday Sch.10:45 Worship &

Children's Sunday Sch.Fellowship- Noon

Communion Served the1st Sunday of each month

-No Sunday SchoolsSummer-

June, July & AugustWorship at 10 a.m,Fellowship 11:00

\1 l/l~ ~ "IL.a.a et....J. oJ a..t

The Wright UpsWELCOME TO APRIL, 2011


SUNDAY, APRIL 3, - FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE LENTEN SEASON9:15 AM - Confirmation Class, Youth Room9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School, Social Hall

10:45 AM - Worship And Communion ServiceSermon Theme: "In Remembrance"

Choir Anthems:"Come Find Forgiveness And Love" & "He Prays Alone"

Karla Brown, Guest Flutist


9:15 AM - Confirmation Class, Youth Room9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School, Social Hall

10:45 AM - Worship And Celebration ServiceSermon Theme: "On The Road To Jerusalem With Jesus"

Choir Anthem: "Ah, Holy Jesus"

SUNDAY, APRIL 17 -PALM SUNDAY9:15 AM - Confirmation Class, Youth Room9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School, Social Hall

10:45 AM - Palm Sunday Celebration WorshipSermon Theme: "When Will We Ever Learn?"

Choir Anthem: "Ain't No Rock Gonna Shout For Me"

SUNDAY, APRIL 24-EASTERI9:30 AM - 10:15 AM: Easter Brunch In The Social Hall


Choir Anthem: "Christ The Lord Is Alive"

*********Special Children's Moment During Worship - Then K-6 Classes

Youth GroupAfter ChurchChild Care For The Little Ones

Refreshments & Conversation Hour After Church


-Welcome to April and a busy and important month at Wright! With Easter on Sunday, April24, may all we do be done in the wonderful light of Jesus' life, ministry, death, and resurrection!

--The Idaho Association of UCC Churches met here in special session, March 19, under theleadership of Moderator Jack Wenske. There was a large turnout from all our Idaho Churches todiscuss the present and future of Pilgrim Cove Camp. I think that presentations by current boardmembers and Camp Manager Bill Beckham gave us all renewed pride and hope for the future. It meansa lot of work in marketing the camp, getting our kids and adults more involved, and finding creativeways to enhance the physical and financial well-being of Pilgrim Cove. Thanks to Carl Van Slyke andJanice Aagaard for volunteering to serve on the PC Board, joining Al Busche and Jim Morrow from ourchurch.

--In related news, see elsewhere the dates of this year's camps for youth and adults. We arecommitted to seeing that every child who wants to attend will be able to do so. Toward that end, Wrightwill pay $100 of every camper's registration to make that more possible.

--Jack reminded everyone that this coming Fall's annual gathering of the Idaho Association willbe hosted by our UCC Church in Challis. Most of the sessions will be held at the nearby Living WatersRetreat Center. Dates are September 23-24.

--We're proud to say that we have seven young people attending our currentConfirmation/Church Membership Class: Jeff Flaherty, Justice Flaherty, Hailey Jorgensen, HayleeAndrews, Madora Martin, Pete Busche, and Jake Busche. Youth Leader Kate Hall is also participating.This "intensive" Spring course aims to conclude of Pentecost Sunday, June 12, with a ConfirmationCeremony in Church that morning.

--Continuing a tradition of many years, we are invited to observe Maundy Thursday with ourfriends at New Hope Christian Church, Red Rock Christian Church and University Christian Church.This year's service will be held at University Church (across the street from the BSU Student UnionBuilding) at 7:00 PM, Thursday, April 21.

--Thanks to Jo Elliott-Blakeslee and Amy Linkert for the beautiful new banners in our sanctuary!Watch as they also change during the various seasons of the Christian year.

--Best wishes and prayers to some of our parishioners and friends: To David Carmen, recoveringfrom colon surgery; to George Miller, from recent melanoma surgery; to Mike Hyder, after foot surgery;to Bud Cheney of Idaho Falls (father of Lisa Cheney-Jorgensen) who had a massive heart attack; and toJohn Thomas who continues his rehab at the Care Center at Samaritan Village, room 201. His phonenumber there is 343-5118. And thanks for the faithful work our deacons do in their monthly caregivingfor our congregation.

-- Godspeed to Russell Balfour, wife Whitney, and baby Sierra, as they leave for Fort Stewart,Georgia, where Russell will be deployed with the Army. We pray for your safety and happiness!

--And, one more round of thanks to Jim Erickson, Sandie Gillmore, and Linda Baxter for cookingfor our monthly community suppers! And also to so many of you who volunteer every month insupporting roles. After almost a decade, this continues to be a really important ministry of ourcongregation to our greater community!

Book Club & Library NewsBook Group will meet on Thursday, April 7, at 1:00 p.m. in

the church library.Call Of The Wild, by Jack London will be discussed

Future programs include:May 5: Shannon, by Frank Delaney,; June 2: The Help, by KathrynStockett; July 7: Each bring poetry to share.

We are always happy to have new people attend our sessions,

Board of Directors meeting,Wednesday, April 20

at 7 pm in the social hall


Women's Fellowship will finish out their season bymeeting on Saturday afternoons.

(No meetings in June, July or August)

SATURDAY, APRIL 21 p.m. in the Social Hall.

There will be a brief business meetingfollowed by a presentation and light refreshments.


Set up will be Thursday, April 7th from 9-noonYou can start bringing your treasures to the church

on Sunday, April 3rd.

Worship attendance on:March 6-75

March 13- 86March 20-91March 27- 91

Ushers for April:Dwain Baxter, Will Patterson

Cathy Andrews, Wes Andrews

Communion- April 3Servers:

Carl Van Slyke, Dolores WallaceKirsten Becker, Denise Steelman

Liturgist:Syl Apperson

Communion- Easter Sunday-April 24Servers:

Kirsten Becker, Tami BlackWill & Julie Patterson

Liturgist:Carl Van Slyke

April Care Givers:Robin Canning, Dave Carmen

Joan Wenske

April Altar Care:Mary Jo Presley


April 28, 20116:00 p.m.

SINGLES/SOLOS NEWSNow known as "Wright Ones"

The singles group had a great dinner at the Orchard House nearSunny Slope and decided to have a name for our group.

We chose the "WRIGHT ONES" as our group name.We are having a lot of fun and doing something every month

as a group.On Tuesday. APRil 19th we will have loads of fun at the

Discovery Center of Idaho on Myrtle Street. We will gather atthe center at 3:30 p.m. and then go to dinner somewhere

and have more fun. It will bring out the child in you!Cost is $5.50 for Seniors or $3.50 if we have a group of 10.In May we plan on seeing the silent movie at the Egyptian

Theater during Music Week. More details to come.All single people are welcome to join us. For more information

contact Robin at the office or Carol Rivers at 323-6043.



CLASSESFor kids in K-6 is everySunday during worship,

except the First Sunday of each ,month-Family Communion Sunday

l_ _ _ _ 1

r------'-----'-------'---'---'---------i A special thank you to Dwain Baxter and I

i Carl Van Slyke for their hard work on re- Ii placing the blind and fixing the speaker in Ii the cry room. You can see and hear now !i should you need to be in the cry room with I- I! a restless babe. iL ._._. ._. . __ ~

TheWateumauk March2011Pilgrim Cove Camp & Conference Center - Bill Beckham, Manager

www.pilgrimcovecamp.org - 208-634-5555 - [email protected]

Meet Chef John WarrenPleasejoin with me in

welcoming Chef JohnWarren as the new Food

Services Manager at the Pilgrim Cove Camp and Confer-ence Center in McCall, Idaho. One reason John decided tobecome our Food Services Manager is that he can com-bine his love of good food with his love of people. Healso looks forward to being a part of restoring the greatreputation of our camp in the area offood service.

Previous to Pilgrim Cove Camp and Conference Center,John was the Chef and Innkeeper at the Dutch OvenBed and Breakfast in Cascade Idaho and Chef de Cuisineat Whitetail Resort in McCall, Idaho. There his responsi-bilities included creating meals with international and

Idaho Association Meeting

Idaho Association churches met at Wright UCCon March19,2011. Moderator Jack Wenske called for reports.

Camp finances records show deficits for 2009 and 2010.but over $134,000 in savings to move ahead. Deficitshappened after Boise YMCAphased out of camp use.

The camp business plan calls for marketing the camp toUCCand other churches, and non-profit groups to increasepaid camper days, and to ask for support donations. Onlyabout 1,050 days were booked in 2010, in 2011 we expectover 4,000 and will work to achieve over 5,500 that is about'balanced budget: Fees were boosted to cover real costsyet the camp is very affordable and competitive. Progressreports will be made at 6 month intervals.

The most important thing that Idaho churches can do isto use the camp. UCCcamp schedule is on www.cpcucc.org/camps.htm!.

Boosters &AmbassadorsIdaho Churches: Pilgrim Cove Camp needs Boostervolunteers. Wright Church will adopt a cabin at camp.

Others can join planned work days. What would you liketo do to help camp facilities work projects, or help sup-port a program at camp like being a counselor, a programresource person? Pilgrim Cove also needs Ambassadorswho are people who will help the manager and board dointellectual and networking things like marketing to newuser groups and helping to raise funds. Find out more bydownlloading the flyer at www.pilgrimcovecamp.org/pil-grimcovefoundation.shtml

regional flair using fresh localingredients whenever pos-sible, as well as an acclaimedSunday morning breakfastbuffet and popular afternoonbarbecues. He studied theculinary arts at Boise State University.

Pilgrim Cove is working towards offering a variety of mealplans that meet user group demands with quality food atprices that will make our meal services more profitable tothe camp.

Take Care,Bill Beckham, Pilgrim Cove Camp Manager

Church delegates affirmed current & voted new boardmembers.

President - Ken AndersenVice - President - VacantTreasurer - Ken AlbusSecretary - VacantOperations Committee - Ken Andersen; BillBeckham,Camp ManagerFinance Committee - Pete Franz; Bob Newell; KenWeitemier; Ken AlbusFacilities - AIBusche (chair); BillBeckham, CampManagerPrograms Committee - Donna Thomas (chair)Development Committee (Fundraising/promotion)-Larry Gebhardt (chair)At Large: Jim Morrow; Dave White; Jim White; JaniceAagaard; Carl VanSlykeEx-officio Central Pacific Conference Education Minis-try Task Force - Laura Creech

Manager's CornerMywife Dee and Iare committed

to providing the best possibleexperience for camp users by keepingthe camp clean, safe, functional, and

with excellent meals.Please offer your suggestions and help. For example, howcan our web site be made better? Do you know teenagerswho can help us manage our Facebook page? How canwe attract more church users to camp? What informationdo you need us to provide? Thanks, BillBeckham


At last week's meeting, the Wright Church Board of Directors decided toparticipate in the Pilgrim Cove Camp "Adopt-A-Cabin" program by taking responsibilityfor the "Cook's Cabin". Under this program, Wright UCC would undertake upkeep andeventual renovation of this cabin. Completion of the adoption program will requirevolunteers who are willing to donate funds, acquire materials and invest some sweat equity.

The Cook's Cabin is located directly across the parking lot from the main lodge. Itis currently a "typical" summer camp cabin with sound, but aesthetically-wanting floors;functional, but aesthetically-wanting bathroom/shower; bunks designed for sleeping bagequipped campers; and a water system that is functional, but only during the non-freezingseasons.

Wright UCC volunteers would take on painting and other regular maintenanceneeded to keep the cabin functional, but would also develop, and hopefully implement, along-term plan to upgrade the cabin into first class lodging. After renovation, it wouldcontinue to be used primarily for campers, but it could also be used to house customerswho might otherwise opt for a hotel room in McCall. The renovation plan would entailrestoring wood floors; updating the bathroom/shower; acquiring hotel-quality beds, sheets,covers, etc; decorating the interior; installing insulation; and connecting the cabin to thewinter water system.

The "Cook's Cabin" is so named because it was historically used to house campcooks. However, we were reminded at last week's Idaho Association Meeting that at onepoint it was renamed "Calkin Cabin", in honor of Don and Jean Calkin, longtime membersof Wright Church who gave endless hours to Pilgrim Cove programs and facilities-including a few years when Don was manager of the camp. Somehow the name was neverwidely adopted, and perhaps a first step in the renovation should entail crafting a sign tohang over the front door, and creation of a poster for the interior that documents thecabin's history and the reason for naming it after the Calkins.

Please contact me, Al Busche, or our two new PC Board members from Wright-Carl Van Slyke and Janice Aagaard-if you are interested in helping with the care andimprovement of this important and historic piece of our camp. Thanks!

EASTER SUNDAY-APRIL 24, 2011News Alert for all the Wright Church Ladies:

Dig in grandma's trunk, mom's trunk or your own closet ~nd findyour "Easter Bonnet". We would like to se~ all our ladles a~d

gentlemen (the young & the wise) decked out ill full Easter Attire.And don't forget to join everyone for the

Easter Brunch 9:30 a.m. in the social hall.



One of Wright Church's longest-tenured members, Mazie Archibald, passed awayinto eternal life on February 24, at the age of 90. We celebrated her life at the church witha Memorial Service on March 3.

Baptized here in April of 1943, Mazie was a faithful and devoted member for 68years! And during that time, she served in almost every imaginable position in thecongregation's life: Women's Fellowship President, Director of Religious Education, a

, Deacon for several terms, and even as Chairman of the Board forthree years during the1980's. Her children remember the countless hours she also spent with and for them inPilgrim Fellowship Youth Group, and the camps at Pilgrim Cove. And that doesn't evenbegin to describe her loving legacy among us.

Mazie Gray was born on December 12, 1920, here in Boise, and would live here aJJher life. She completed all her education at Franklin School, graduating from High Schoolthere in 1938. She soon married the first great love of her life, Selden Spencer, and theywere married for almost 30 years until his death in 1968. Born to them were her twochildren, Ron and Chris.

In 1973, she married Lane Archibald, and they were husband and wife until hisdeath in 2001. Mazie took as her own 5 more children, helped raise them, and altogetherthere remain 7 children, 22 grandchildren, 55 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-greats!

Beyond her family and church, she was an interior decorator, a gardener, andtalented china painter, cook, card player, entertainer of family and friends, and an avidBoise State Football Fan, and loving friend to so many.

We give thanks for her life today, and we know she is at home and at peace in thearms of her Savior.

Notes From The Board

God uses you! God changes you! God uses us to do his will. Mike Hyder opened ourBoard Meeting with a devotion relating how Saul was blinded by the light of God on hisway to Damascus. In the process, Saul was changed and became a dedicated and faithfulfollower of Christ. God used Saul, and God uses us to do his good works. Knowing we areused by God, we conducted the business of our Church.

Confirmation classes continue for young women and men of Wright Church. Wehope and pray that at the conclusion of the program, God moves them to become membersof our Church.

Pilgrim Cove is actively seeking your involvement. Are you able to contribute yourtime and talent to our camp at McCall? As spring slowly pushes back the overcoat ofwinter our camp is coming alive. The camp can use your help.

Our Church building is well used and loved. Nearly every day our Church buildingis used in some way by our groups or by groups from the community. We are pleased toprovide the use of our building as part of our mission and outreach.

One Great Hour Sharing is coming. We look forward to sharing our good fortunewith the world.

God does use us, and we know God never asks us to do more than we are capable of.

Sincerely,Will Patterson, Board Chair


It's about that time of year to start thinking about yard work. The Churchproperty has been looking better and I would like to thank all those who helped inthe past. This year the Men's Fellowship will start off by cleaning up on Saturday,April 2nd after the breakfast. Thanks ahead of time for those who will help. It is alsoa nice way to get breakfast and enjoy the company of others.

The lawn mowing list will be up soon and I would encourage all toparticipate. The more people we have, the fewer times each group has to mow. Lookfor the sign-up list downstairs soon.

I would like to try something new this year: Adopting a flower bed. The ideais that a family or group of people would adopt one flower bed and take care of itfor the year. No major changes, just weeding, trimming and maybe putting in somecolorful plants. See me after church on the 3rd if you are interested or contact me byphone, 375-1522. -

Finally the-Church still has a piano to get rid of. It is old and big, but stillplays well. For more information, contact myself or Reverend Mike. Again thanksfor everyone's help.

Dale M. ShoemakerProperty Chair

p._._._._._._'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-.-.-.-.-.~: A BIG thanks you Shirley Spiva, Ann Durand and I

I the Robbins family for the donation of copier paper: and office supplies.I All office donations are greatly appreciated.I

I Keep it coming.I •~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-._._._._._ ..

WHERE DID THEY GO ?bl# The pots & pans that live in the Wright~ Church kitchen have left the building!

Please check around your kitchen andsee if maybe they followed you home attJr some time.

If so please return then to ourkitchen ... the lids miss them.

Or if you happen to have some extracookware or mixing bowls our kitchen

would greatly appreciate them.

~~~~~~~~~~~h~h~hhh~hhhhh~h~n n~ Boise First Music Board is pleased to invite you to ~~ "MUSI(; (;AMP AT PILGRIM ~~ (;OVE~ ~n n~ A weekend music workshop on Payette Lake at ~~ McCall is where you will want to be ~~ September 16, 17 & 18-2011. nn Everyone is welcome. Vocal, handbell musicians, nZ instrumentalists and their families are all invited ~n to come join the fun. Learn, laugh and enjoy. nj5 Camp fires, lake swimming (weather permitting). j5~ Saturday evening talent show and worship at ~~ McCall DCC on Sunday Morning. ~~ The cost for the entire weekend which includes ~~ your meals and lodging is $77. ZZ Registration is due by August 1. ~n Please see Ron Apperson, Mike or Robin for nn registration and information forms. n~ ~~~~~h~hhh~h~hh~~~~h~h~h~~h~

MEN'S BREAKFASTSaturday, April 2, 2011

Same Time; 8:30 a.m.Same Place; Social Hall

Outdoor spring clean up is plannedafter breakfast.

Bring your gloves and tools.

~-_ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ .._ ..,; Sign up for Altar Flower i-. sponsor and Coffee Hosts ~.I ••

r"-"-'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~ ~

Our Food Pantry needs your help I

Your donation of nonperishable items I

and paper goods is greatly appreciatedNO open packages or out dated items

~ hi'Lenten Lunc •.All Saints Episcopal Church

Invites you to join us for"Lenten Lunches"

All Saints Episcopal Church704 South Latah (at Cassia) -' J

Boise, Idaho " ~ <, :;---



Dates: EACH Thursday during LentBegin: March 10, 2011End: _April 21, 2011

Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm


Dessert: Homemade PiePrice: $2.00 per slice

Pilgrim Cove via Al Busche is selling the sail type boat that is presently in our dirt parking lot.If you are interested please contact Al Busche at 383-9181.

MENUClam Chowder or Soup


BeveragePrice: $5.00

If we could be proud without being prideful!

*****************************************: qifts Iiaoe 6een given in Loving :M..emoryof: 5

***************i********************************************************: lillian Brandt: MazieArchibald: :: Letha Gribble, Janice Aagaard, Lucy Charlotte Day, Letha Gribble, Bob & KathyRohn: :* Baumgartner, Lois & Hal Brandt, Richard Kathy Smith, Agnes Thayer, LoisWade, Tempa Simmonsen *: & Janet Ulvin, Ken & Ethel Farnsworth, Steve & Candace Duell, Clara Gray, :* Gil & Dorothy Haskins, Jerry & Agnes Friendship Bible Study, Elinor F. Wood- ***Schwarzhoff. man, Elinor G. Ownsby, Phyllis Brown, Joy Chapman: ** Viola & Barry Cegnar, Judith Green, Gil & Tom & Jane Eubanks :: FrankFry: Dorothy Haskins, Richard & C~rol Larsen, :* Janice Aagaard Dale & Betty Ramsey, Carol Rivers, Bill Presley: ** Tempa Simmonsen, Robert & Rosie Ceg- Lorraine Bowman *: Dave Wolfe: nar, Tom & Jane Eubanks, Judith Gillam, :* J . A d Eugene & Barbara Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Dale ** amce agaar S . h ** rrutn. ** **************************************************************************

ARE YOU READY FOR A FIESTA?When: Sunday, May 1, 2011, Where: Wright Congregational UCC

Time: Following Worship For: ASHLEY DRAKEPrepared by: The Hyder Family

Ashley is a very ill 10 year old girl who has reached the lifetime cap her insurance will pay on her medicalbills. You may have seen on TV or read about Ashley in the newspaper. She was a conjoined twin andfaces a life time of medical difficulties. The Hyder Family is preparing a luncheon after worship on SundayMay 1 to assist Ashley and her family with these medical bills.There will be a free will offering accepted with all proceeds going to the Drake family. Please come and joinyour church family-Sunday, May 1st for a wonderful luncheon for a wonderful cause.

Central Bench Neighborhood Asso-ciation is asking you to come andparticipate in a vision sharing dia-logue on what you'd like to see de-velop at the old Franklin ElementarySchool Property. Wednesday, April 6at 6L30 p.m. at the HeatherwoodRetirement Center at 5277 Kootenai.


We all have multiple personalities:

1) You are who people think you are.2) You are who you think you are.

3) You are who you really are-the one the Lord knows best!

Work Camp-MAY 21-22 and MAY 27-30, 2011Pilgrims-for youth who have completed 2nd-5th grade-JULY 10-16,2011Sojourners-for youth who have completed 6th-8th grade-JULY 10-16,2011Exodus-for youth who have completed 9th-12th grade-JULY 17-23,2011Family Camp-- SEPTEMBER 3-5, 2011

•.•••------... You can download registration packets at the camp website:www.pilgrimcovecamp.org

And remember camp is available for family reunions, retreats, weddings,and other celebrations.

Wright Church will pay $100 for any youth going to camp this season.


J-r---------------------------------------------------,: STAPLES REWARDS PROGRAM :IWhen you are at Staples getting those much appreciated office supplies for Wright Church be sure and give the clerk at II check out the churches phone number 208-343-0292. We are now enrolled in the "rewards" program at Staples and will get II reward discounts each quarter. Cut this article out and carry it with you that way you will always have the phone number. II The church office thanks you in advance for your support. II I~---------------------------------------------------~

Stewardship Message from Carl Van Slyke

Extravagant GenerosityRochelle A. Stackhouse is the Senior Minister of The Church of the Redeemer, United Church ofChrist, New Haven Connecticut.

"So Joseph took the body ....and laid it in his own tomb. " Matthew 27:59-60

In the week beginning with Palm Sunday, the stories we read are full ofpeople giving extravagantly. Think about it and you see givingeverywhere. Someone gives Jesus a donkey to ride into Jerusalem, avaluable beast in that time. A woman buys expensive ointment tomassage Jesus' tired body. Someone shares their house for Jesus andhis disciples to celebrate Passover. His followers buy and prepare food forthe feast. Jesus gives them bread and tells them he will soon give hisbody, his blood, his life for them. From the cross, Jesus gives the promiseof forgiveness and eternal life to a thief. Then this lovely story in Matthewof a Pharisee named Joseph risking his reputation by giving his personaltomb for Jesus' burial. Then, in the resurrection, God not only gave Jesuslife, but in so doing gave us forgiveness and a promise not to desert us,even when we desert God. Can there be a more extravagant gift?

How do we respond to all this generosity? It needs to be more thancolored eggs and new clothes. It needs to be more than gardens offlowers in church and Easter baskets. How do we respond to all thisgenerosity? We respond with our own generous discipleship every day ofour lives. Happy Easter.

",EA.~~(O)0;;.; co :::l. .o c

One Great Hour Of Sharing -6. .s Ii A"'"\-:

Wright United Church of Christ will receive the One Great Hour of Sharingoffering on April 10th

, not on April3rd as indicated on the back of the March 26th bulletin.One Great Hour of Sharing is a program supported by nine Christian denominations thathas been helping people throughout the world since 1949. 88% of the One Great Hour ofSharing budget goes to programs, making it one of the most "efficient" charities inexistence. Most of the donations go to health education and agricultural programs thathelp struggling societies build much needed infrastructure and avoid disaster, but about20% also goes to disaster relief, which is a constant need, as we are frequently reminded.

Another nice thing about One Great Hour of Sharing program is that none of thedonated money is used to mail out request for donations, newsletters, etc., so people candonate without having their mailboxes filled with unwanted stuff. One Great Hour ofSharing is a great program that helps us follow Christ's instructions to take care of ourfellowhuman beings, and does not spend our money on junk mail. Look for the envelopesin the bulletin on April 10th

April 2011Sunday


6:00 Huntington'sGroup Meeting

Thursday Friday Saturday

3~ 4th Sunday of Lent9:15 Confirmation Class9:30 Adult Bible Study


Noon: Fellowship


Tuesday Wednesday

7Rummage Sale


10:30 Bible Study

1-Book Club

8:30 a.m.Men's


5th Sunday of Lent9:15 Confirmation Class9:30 Adult Bible Study10:45 Worship, OGHS

Sunday School


r!ZJ ~[!iJ.----------f/ I/l 1--------.1

Palm Sunday ~ HOLYWEEK9:15 Confirmation Class9:30 Adult Bible Study

10:45 WorshipSunday School

Noon: FellowshipYouth Group

9:30 BRUNCH & Fellowship10:45 WorshipSunday School

Noon: FellowshipYouth Group


6:00 CBNA

14 15 16

10:30 Bible Study 11-3:00Social hall/Kitchen


3:30Lupe Tauati

Kitchen/social halluse

I2tl rnl 23lMaundy Thursday I I Good Friday I Holy Saturday I

5 6

1 2

7:00 Alanon-Alateen 7:00 Choir Reh.

12 13

1:00 p.m.Women's Fellowship

5:30 BUGS board

7:00 Alanon-Alateen 7:00 Choir Reh.

Church Revitalization Boot Camp1st Congregational UCC

10am -4pm • 9am-4pm

8 9

RUMMAGE SALE9-4:00 * 9-Noon

10:30 Bible StudyI 7:00 Board of IDirectors Meeting

7:00 p.m.University Christian

7:00 Alanon-Alateen 7:00 Choir Reh. Maundy ThursdayService Earth Day

26 27 28 29 30

7:00 Alanon-Alateen 7:00 Choir Reh.

6:00 p.m.Community

Bench Supper

Wright Community Congregational Churchunited Church of Christ4821 Franklin RoadBoise, ID 83105(208) 343-0292

A Non-ProfitOrganizationu.s. PostagePAIDBoise, IdahoPermit No. 127

Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011

9:30-10:15 EASTER BRUNCH10:45 Easter Worship/Communion

Happy BirthdaysApril 2011

4- Tom Eubanks5-Kellie Canningl l-Dale Parsons12-Bob Balfour

Marilyn Williams14-Samantha Flaherty17-Dakota Hunt18-Jo Elliott-Blakeslee19-Bethene Dykes21-Mike Black22-Alice Spielman

Jane Eubanks25-Ruby Oliason29-Will Patterson

Happy AnniversaryApril 2011

6-Loyd & Patti Bliss13-Ronna & Larry Sundell14-Dwain & Linda Baxter29-Ray & Valerie Sievers

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Thanks to everyone who agrees to help out on Sunday Mornings,as of this writing these folks are covering these areas:

April 3:Greeters: Jack & Joan Wenske

Flowers: Lois WadeCoffee Host: Willard & Bethene Dykes

AprillO:Greeters: Jane Penrod & Dolores Wallace

Flowers: Linda BaxterCoffee Host: Linda & Dwain Baxter

Aprill7: Palm SundayGreeters: Chuck & Meredith Pond

Flowers: Amy LinkertCoffee Host: Penrod, Wallace, Hunt

April 24: Easter SundayGreeters: Janice Aagaard & Anne Schnebly

Flowers: Jo Eliott-BlakesleeCoffee Host: Brunch
