Wq Eng-manual v2.0 Inet

7/31/2019 Wq Eng-manual v2.0 Inet http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/wq-eng-manual-v20-inet 1/69 COLLABORATIVE BLENDED LEARNING MANUAL ver. 2 PROJECT CONSORTIUM: www.wEbqUESTS.EU  This project has een unded ith support rom the European Commission under the Lielong Learning Programme. Presented materials refect the vies only o the author, and the Commission cannot e held responsile or any use hich may e made o the inormation contained therein.

Transcript of Wq Eng-manual v2.0 Inet

  • 7/31/2019 Wq Eng-manual v2.0 Inet






    This project has een unded ith support rom the European Commission under the Lielong Learning

    Programme. Presented materials refect the vies only o the author, and the Commission cannot e

    held responsile or any use hich may e made o the inormation contained therein.

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    Th WbQust o HrM pojct has bn undd with suppot om th euopan Commission und

    th Lilong Laning Pogamm Lonado da vinci.PrOJeCT NUMBer: 20101PL1LeO0511466

    Project Consortium:

    Managmnt Obsatoy Foundation (MOF), Poland

    Pontydysgu, Unitd Kingdom

    eMMerCe eeIG, Swdn

    Nowoczsna Fima (NF), Poland


    Maia Pianou


    Gaham Attwll

    Mata eichstadt

    Anna Jauga

    Knnt Lindquist

    Kzyszto Ziliski

    Pojct wbsit:


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    1. Preface 7

    2. Introduction 9

    3. What is a Webquest 2.0 11

    3.1 Wbqust 2.0 dnition 11

    3.2 Wbqust 2.0 stuctu 11

    4. Platforms for Developing a Webquest 2.0 14

    4.1 Wiki 14

    4.2 Blog 17

    4.3 Social Ntwoking platoms 21

    5. Useful Web 2.0 Tools to Be Integrated in a Webquest 2.0 Scenario 24

    5.1 Cating matials 24

    5.1.1 Psntations and oth documnts 24

    5.1.2 Audio coding 25

    5.1.3 Scncast 26

    5.2 Shaing tools 27

    5.2.1 vido shaing 275.2.2 Psntation shaing 28

    5.2.3 Social bookmaking 30

    5.2.4 Imag shaing 31

    5.3 Collaboating 33

    5.3.1 vitual classooms 33

    6. Training: Preparing a Webquest 2.0 Scenario 35

    6.1 Poduc a Wbqust 2.0: Fist ppaatoy stp 35

    6.2 Poduc a Wbqust 2.0: Scond ppaatoy stp 37

    6.3 Poduc a Wbqust 2.0: Thid ppaatoy stp 37

    7. Stages in Producing a Webquest 2.0 Scenario 41

    7.1 Poduc a Wbqust 2.0: Dsign th 7 Wbqust 2.0 Laning Cicls Stps

    in poducing a Wbqust 2.0 41

    7.2 Dissmination phas: Sha you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio with th taining community. 59

    7.3 Poducing Wbqusts 2.0 is tim consuming 60

    8. Check Your Webquest 2.0 Scenario! 62

    8.1 Wbqust 2.0 ealuation Citia Chcklist 62

    8.2 Wbqust 2.0 ealuation Citia Chcklist: Us 64

    9. Glossary 65

    10. References 70


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    Th ast dloping Inomation and Communication Tchnologis a lading to

    onc only imagind, nw, opn laning oppotunitis in all sctos o ducation,

    including taining and wok plac laning. Wb 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasts,

    rSS ds, social bookmaking, audio and ido conncing, a som o th most

    popula mans o communication and inomation in todays socity and a bing

    usd to cat ich laning nionmnts. Wb 2.0 has dlopd to bcom

    a uscntic nionmnt that is social, psonalizd, intacti, and paticipatoy.

    It lats th ol o th us to a mo cntal position by placing alu on, and

    tust in, th mssags and matials that uss poduc and sha (Liu t al., 2009). Th

    ducational challng is to tak adantag o th nw tchnological oppotunitis

    in th most cint way in od to build cti, complx, authntic laning and

    taining nionmnts. Ths can suppot tains in dsigning and dloping thiown contnt and to gnat laning matials that can hlp thi own tains and

    can also b shad with oths. Tchnology suppotd by innoati ducational

    appoachs can nhanc nw laning and taining xpincs.

    This manual has bn poducd by th Wbqust o HrM pojct patns in th

    dint euopan countis (Poland, Unitd Kingdom and Swdn). Th Wbqust

    o HrM pojct is pat undd by th euopan Commissions Lonado da vinci

    pogamm. Its aim is to tain tains to cat and dlop Wbqusts 2.0 and

    laning matials o taining o Human rsouc Managmnt in Small and Mdium

    entpiss (SMes). W also aim to ais awanss o th potntial o tchnology o

    laning in ac to ac taining sssions, though blndd laning and though on lin

    laning, in od to stablish a cultu o innoation in th SMes in which thy wok.

    1. Preace


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    Th pupos o this manual is to intoduc tains to th cation o pactical, innoati

    Wbqust 2.0 scnaios ocusd on taining o Human rsouc Managmnt in

    Small and Mdium entpiss. Th initial (Wb 1.0) Wbqusts w basd aound a

    sis o qustions dsignd to ncouag lans to sach o nw maning and

    dp undstanding using wb basd tools and soucs. Although Wbqusts

    ha bn usd o som tim in schools and collgs, ou ida has bn to adopt

    th updatd Wbqust 2.0 actiitis appoach to th nds o lans in Small

    and Mdium entpiss. Ths inquiyointd actiitis tak plac in a Wb 2.0

    nhancd, social and intacti opn laning nionmnt (ac to ac and/o on

    lin) that combin at th sam tim collaboati laning with slpacd laning.

    Although th manual is gad to th nds o HrM tains and tains o tains,

    ICT suppot sta and HrD manags could nd it usul. This manual aims to suppot

    tains in bcoming amilia with th dlopmnt and us o wbbasd taching

    and laning matials that can suppot lans in Small and Mdium entpiss.

    It also poids both pactical suppot o tains who want handson xpinc,

    and hlp and inomation o tains who just want to nd out about laning.

    In th nd o this manual you will also nd som additional inomation and usul tips

    latd to th intoduction o Wbqust 2.0 as taining pactics in SMes. This matial

    is basd on ou tam's pactical xpinc at a sis o tainings o HrM tains

    and tains o tains in Poland and UK.

    W hop you will njoy ading th manual and, abo all, will nd it o pactical us

    in you taining pactic. W wlcom

    About this manual

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    This manual is wittn o tains who want to know mo about laning and who

    would lik to xpimnt with dsigning laning matial and nw appoachs to

    th us o tchnology o laning in thi taining pactic.

    It is pimaily tagtd at tains in SMes but th is no ason why tains woking

    in oth contxts might not nd it usul too.

    Although tchnology is bing widly usd o laning in ducational institutions and

    in many lag companis, th has bn a limitd tak up in SMes. In pat, w bli,

    this is du to th lack o inastuctu and o aailabl matials, in pat du to th

    limitd xpinc and condnc o many tains in using tchnology o laning.

    This manual is intndd to hlp in both spcts. Th tchnologis w dscib a

    aodabl o tains and SMes to us to dlop laning matials ocusd on thnds o mploys.

    Scondly th manual dscibs a modl and tools Wbqust 2.0 o using tchnology

    in th taining oom in a actoac contxt, in blndd laning combining onlin

    laning with actoac taining, and puly as an onlin taining pogam.

    Mo spcically, th manual is compisd o ight main chapts along with a pac

    Intoduction, Glossay and rncs. In th st sction, ads a intoducd to

    an xplanation o what Wbqust 2.0 actiitis a. Th ollowing sction poids

    a pactical psntation o usul platoms and Wb 2.0 tools o th dsign and

    dlopmnt o Wbqust 2.0 taining scnaios. Th manual continus with

    a dsciption o th stags o th poduction o a Wbqust 2.0 scnaio. Th manual

    concluds st with th poposal o a usul chcklist in od to aluat th quality

    o th Wbqust 2.0 scnaios. Scondly, discusss th points o aou o Wbqust

    2.0 and th Collaboati Blndd Laning Mthodology (CBLM) as wll as th most

    impotant issus that ha aisn at th tainings o th Hr tains accoding to th

    Collaboat Blndd Laning Mthodology (CBLM). Finally som usul solutions and

    2. Introduction

    Target groups

    The goal o the


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    tips a poposd in od tains to btt oganis and implmnt th innoati

    taining mthodology.

    To sum up, this is both a nc book and a pactical manual1. Som tains will

    us it to nd out about Wbqusts 2.0 and laning, oths will b kn to actually

    gt inold and stat poducing Wbqusts 2.0 and laning matials. You do not

    nd to b an IT o Wbqust 2.0 spcialist to us this manual!

    "W hop this manual suppots cintly you tainings".

    1 Fo thos tains intstd in thoy linkd to this manual you can isit th ollowing pojcts pag http://n.wbqusts. u/about

    thpojct/sults/mthodology/ in od to ad onlin o/and download th Collaboati Blndd Laning Mthodology (CBLM)


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    By th nd o this sction you will b abl to:

    Dn what is a Wbqust 2.0

    Biy dscib th Wbqust 2.0 stuctu 7 laning cicls

    3.1 Webquest 2.0 Denition

    Th nam wbqust is compisd o two pats: a) Wb to indicat that th Wold

    Wid Wb is usd as th pimay souc in applying, analyzing, synthsizing and

    aluating inomation, and b) Qust to indicat that a qustion is psntd within

    th wbqust, which ncouags lans to sach o nw maning and dp

    undstanding (Plliccion & Caggs, 2007). Wbqust 2.0 actiitis, on th oth hand,

    tak adantag o th possibilitis that cunt Wb 2.0 tchnologis o and a basd

    on a isd Wbqust 2.0 amwok catd o ducatos and tains. A Wbqust

    2.0 is an inquiyointd actiity that taks plac basically in a Wb 2.0nhancd, social

    and intacti opn laning nionmnt, in which th lan can dcid to cat

    his own laning paths choosing th Wb 2.0 tools and th on lin soucs ndd

    o th compltion o th nal Wbqust 2.0 poduct (Pianou, 2011).

    3.2 Webquest 2.0 Structure

    Th Wbqust 2.0 amwok is basd on a Wb 2.0 nhancd laning nionmnt

    and is diidd into sn stags calld Laning Cicls. Six a addssd to tains

    whil th last is ddicatd to tains. Th stags a:

    1. warm up/ Preparatory phase:Th aim o th st Laning Cicl is to

    a) poid a cla intoduction to th gnal thm o th Wbqust 2.0 contxt;

    3. What is a Webquest 2.0

    What is

    a Webquest?


    2.0 structure

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    b) xplo lans nds and pio knowldg; c) dlop a indly and

    collaboati nionmnt om th bginning o th actiity.

    2. Introduction:Th scond stag o a Wbqust 2.0 aims to intoduc th

    paticipants to a) th Wbqust 2.0 contxt and b) th Wbqust 2.0 topic/

    cntal ida.

    3. Task (individual/group): In this stag tains a poidd with inomation latd

    to th goup and indiidual Wbqust 2.0 tasks that thy will undtak. Usul

    tmplats a also poidd to tains to assist thm in undtaking th Wbqust


    4. Guidance Process:Th guidanc pocss poids stp by stp instuctions o

    tains in od to suppot thm duing th laning pocss and th compltion

    o th Wbqust 2.0 tasks.

    5. Open and Closed evaluation:Th th Laning Cicl dns assssmnt and

    aluation statgis o th Wbqust 2.0. This includs instuctions o tains latd

    to all th difnt stags and typs o aluation. Closd aluation s to th

    dback om paticipants in th Wbqust 2.0 pojct whil opn aluation s

    to aluation om a wid audinc. It also poids accss to Wb 2.0 tools to guid

    tains in cating aluation tmplats.

    6. Conclusions: This stag o th Wbqust 2.0 bings togth all th wok which

    has bn undtakn. Final outcoms should b connctd to th initial laningaims and thi aluation.

    7. Trainers guide:Th tains guid poids inomation and suppot o tains

    in implmnting th Wbqust 2.0 and suppot o th us o a Wbqust 2.0


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    Goup wok: Ty to idntiy th stngths and waknsss o ach Wbqust

    2.0 stag.

    Laning Cicls do you think that th poposd stuctu could suppot

    you taining?


    Dodg, B., 1995a. Som thoughts about Wbqusts.

    rtid om: http://wbqust.sdsu.du/about_wbqusts.html

    Dodg, B., 2001. Th WbQust Pag. rtid om educational Tchnology Dpatmnt at San

    Digo Stat Unisity, http://wbqust.sdsu.du

    Plliccion, D. L., & Caggs, G. J., 2007. WbQusts: an on-lin laning statgy to pomot

    coopati laning and high-ll thinking. Pap psntd at th AAre Connc, 2007.

    Pianou M., 2011. Wb 2.0 - Nw a o Intnt tools in laning and taching Italian as a oign

    languag - WbQust 2.0 actiitis & CBLmodl. Poposals o blndd laning. Unpublishd

    doctoal disstation, Unisity o Athns.

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    By th nd o this sction you will b abl to:

    Dscib which platoms you can us to dlop you Wbqust 2.0


    Biy xplain how you can us th poposd platoms in pactic.

    4.1 WIKI

    WIKI: A wiki s to a collaboati Wbbasd authoing nionmnt, which allows

    Wb contnt to b catd without th nd to lan th HTML languag. Two o th

    most popula wiki hosting sics a: Pbworks2 and Wikispaces3.

    A wiki can b usd to captu knowldg, sha ls, and manag pojcts. It tacks

    y chang, and automatically notis changs to you and you taining goup to

    kp yon in th loop. Th a many hostd wiki sics which mans you do

    not nd to download o install sotwa o manag ss. You can customiz you

    wiki to you nds, both in tms o dsign and naigation.

    1. Easy to use: A simpl and intuiti us intac guids you and you tains to

    what you nd to nd.

    2. Rich text editor: som wikis of adancd multimdia unctionality though

    a ich txt dito and poid th oppotunity to poduc a mo cati and

    authntic Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    2 http://shapoint.micosot.com/pl-pl/Stony/dault.aspx www.pbwoks.com

    3 www.wikispacs.com

    4. Platorms or Developing a Webquest 2.0

    What is a wiki?

    Why use it or


    a Webquest 2.0?

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    3. Collaorative authoring:Tains can wok collaboatily on th sam shad

    wiki pag (although only on pson can dit at any gin tim).

    4. Track history: Nothing gts lost. You can nd y l uploadd o any sion o

    a publishd txt, including inomation about whn it was ditd and by whom.

    In this way you can ollow th wok o all you tains.

    5. Organisation o fles and pages: You can oganiz all th ls and pags accoding

    to you nds.

    6. Fine grained user permissions: You can gi dint ll o ights and pmissions

    to dint uss. You can also kp th on-lin nionmnt potctd o opn.

    You can wok with you tains in a closd nionmnt and opn it at th

    conclusion o you wok.

    7. No time and place limitations: You can us it anywh. You tains can accss

    it om thi comput, phon, o tablt whn thy want.

    8. Asynchronous/synchronous communication: Uss can xchang mssags in

    piat, la thi commnts o n chat.

    9. Open source sotare:Th a many and Opn Souc wikis which can

    b congud to mt you nds.

    10. Easy to disseminate your ork: As a tain you can poduc multipl Wbqust2.0 scnaios and sha thm with you possional community.

    11. Not expensive: Opn Souc wikis can b installd on you ss o . Hostd

    wikis a otn o ducational us with pmium sics ofing xta

    atus and unctionality o licnss o commcial us (in most o th cass you

    ha to pay o this kind o licns).

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    rad caully th licnsing agmnt. Sign up o an account, i ncssay pay

    th monthly and thn login.

    Adopt th wiki to you nds: edit th isual and naigation lmnts o th wiki

    to poid a sidba o naigation ba that will hlp you and you tains ha an

    asy accss and naigat th wiki pags. I ncssay, potct it with a passwod

    and mak it aailabl only o paticipants in you Wbqust 2.0. You can always

    mak it public lat.

    You can copy past th ino tmplat (s pag 31) to you st wiki pag and

    thn stat woking on th dint stags o you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio. You can

    add th links o you pags to th ino (main / hom) pag.

    You can link to dint Wbqust 2.0 scnaios in th sam wiki.

    I you dcid to wok mostly on-lin with you tains:

    Cat a goup pag o ach goup, and a spaat pag o ach mmb o

    th goup togth with links to thi goup pag. You can add instuctions

    on ths pags and ask th mmbs o ach goup to iw o undtak

    an ongoing p aluation o ach oths wok.

    Oganiz, i ncssay, li on-lin sssions o tains ith ia chat, audio o

    ido conncing o in itual classooms (you will nd tools in chapt 5).

    encouag tains to us th additional tools mntiond in th chapt 5 o

    psntations and collaboation. Most can b mbddd into you wiki without

    knowldg o HTML.

    Dont ogt to mind you tains that you will b th to suppot thm duing

    th on lin and ac to ac taining.

    A lot o wiki poids o wbinas wh you can lan how to us thi


    How to use it or

    developing a Web-

    quest 2.0?

    Important tips

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    Goup wok: You a initd to isit th wbpag o th Wbqust o HrM4

    pojct and ha a look at th Wbqust 2.0 xampls. Th wiki platom usd

    in all th xampls is powd by PBWorks5. At you ha lookd at th us

    guid6 in goups xplo som o th xampls and cat you Wbqust 2.0

    scnaio in you own wiki stating with th cation o th ino pag.


    PBwoks uss manual: http://usmanual.pbwoks.com/w/pag/11632089/Hom

    PBwoks wbinas http://pbwoks.com/wbinas

    Gam, D., 2006. Wikis in education. At www.tools o education.

    rtid om: http://m.astnd.com/wwwtools/magazins.cm?id=25242

    Wikispacs: http://www.wikispacs.com

    Wikispacs suppot: http://hlp.wikispacs.com/

    Wikispacs wbinas: http://wikiwbinas.wikispacs.com/

    4.2 Blogs and Content Management Systems

    A blog is a wbsit with ntis poidd in chonological od. Blogs can b usd o a

    aity o puposs, anging om shad, on-lin fcti laning, to dissmination o

    oganisations. Blogs a otn usd by xpts in companis to dissminat knowldg.

    A Contnt Managmnt Systm is on o two o th most popula blog hosting

    sics a Blogger7. Wordpress8 oiginally statd out as a blogging platom but has

    old to bcom a ull Contnt Managmnt Systm. Oth popula opn souc

    Contnt Managmnt Systms includ Joomla and Dupal which can also b usd

    to host Wbqust 2.0. Th most popula blog platoms and Contnt Managmnt

    Systms platoms includ th ollowing atus:

    1. Ease of use and versatility: Blogs can b usd by just about anybody - om th

    absolut noic to th adancd pogamm. Blogs can b usd as a platom to

    build any kind o wbsit, including on lin potolios (Chapman, 2009).

    4 http://pl.wbqusts.u/wb-qust/pzyklady/5 http://pbwoks.com/

    6 http://usmanual.pbwoks.com/w/pag/11632089/Hom

    7 www.blogg.com

    8 www.wodpss.com

    What is a blog

    and a CMS ?

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    2. Featurerich interace: Most blogs and/o you Contnt Managmnt Systms

    ha a ich txt dito with adancd multimdia suppot.

    3. Expandable:Th blogging community poids a lag numb o plugins o

    almost any popula wbsit atu.

    4. It is Open Source: F to install and us o you sit.

    Th ollowing a som asons to us a blog platom and Contnt Managmnt

    Systms platoms o dloping Wbqust 2.0 scnaios:

    1. Easytouse platorms ith a rich text editor:Tains and tains can asily

    cat ich contnt including multimdia.

    2. Multiple authors: Blogs and Contnt Managmnt Systms suppot multipl uss.

    3. Low cost:Th is Opn Souc blog sotwa which can b installd on you

    own ss and hostd sics (although ths usually contain adtising).

    4. Fine grained access controls:Ths allow you to st up dint lls o accss

    to you blog and/o you Contnt Managmnt Systm. In that way, you can allow

    oth tains and/o tains to add contnt to you blog and/o to you Contnt

    Managmnt Systm, but you can also chck asily what actually gts publishd

    onlin and who publishs it. You can obtain notication o updats ia mail o

    rSS. You can also choos to ha you blog and/o you Contnt ManagmntSystm opn o closd to a wid audinc.

    5. No time and place limitations: You can us thm anywh. You tains can

    accss thm om a comput, phon, o tablt whn thy want.

    6. Content organisation: You can oganis you wok using catgois and tags.

    7. blogroll: You can cat a list o you aoit blogs and us an rSS application to

    b abl to gt all th updats.

    Why use it or


    a Webquest 2.0?

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    8. Comments: You can asily opn a dialog with though commnts on you

    publishd posts.

    9. Internal communication: Som blogging sics allow you to snd mssags

    to uss though an intnal mail o mssaging sic.

    Sign up o an account and thn login.

    Choos a thm suitabl o a Wbqust 2.0. W suggst slcting a thm which

    is lightwight and adaptabl and allows you to cat a custom mnu, had

    imag, backgound and widgts.

    Adopt th thm to you nds: I ncssay potct it with a passwod and mak it

    aailabl only o paticipants o you Wbqust 2.0. You can always mak it public


    Wbqust 2.0 scnaio: You can cat th ino pag (main/hom) as th hom

    pag o you blog and add you links to th ach Wbqust 2.0 Laning Cicl

    at you ha catd a pag o ach stag o a Wbqust 2.0.

    Tains wok on lin: I you tains a woking on-lin asynchonously in this

    platom you can also:

    Cat blog pags o ach goup wh thy can post thi wok and add

    thi commnts o dback om you o th st o th taining goup.

    Oganis, i ncssay, li on lin sssions o tains ith ia chat, audio oido conncing o in itual classooms (you will nd tools in chapt 5).

    encouag tains to us th additional tools mntiond in th chapt 5

    o psntations and collaboation. Most can b mbddd into you blog

    without knowldg o HTML.

    Wbqust 2.0 databas: Cat a list o Wbqust 2.0 scnaios and us a spaat

    blog o ach Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    How to use blogs

    and Content Man-

    agement Systems

    or developing

    a Webquest 2.0?

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    Dont ogt to mind you tains that you will b th to suppot thm duing

    th on lin and ac to ac taining.

    A lot o blog poids o wbinas, wh you can lan how to us thi



    Goup wok o 2 o 3 tains: You a initd to isit th ollowing link to watch

    th ollowing 8 minut ido tutoial9 and xplo th tutoial Gtting statd

    with Wordpress.visit th Wordpress10 wbpag, sign up, and chck you -mail

    inbox in od to actiat you account and complt you gistation lling in

    and saing you pol om. At this, you can login and stat using WodPss.

    You a ady to cat you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio! Copy and past th ino

    pag tmplat in th hom pag o you nw blog and stat collaboating!

    RESOURCES AND REFERENCE MATERIALWodpss: http://wodpss.com/

    Gtting statd with Wodpss:


    Wodpss Tutoials: http://www.sitgound.com/tutoials/wodpss/

    WodPss.com - Stp-by-Stp vido Tutoial on How to Blog:


    Chapman C., 2009. Ultimat Guid To Using WodPss Fo A Potolio.

    Smashing Magazin, Apil 2009. rtid om:


    Blogg: www.blogg.com

    Blogg-A Gtting Statd Guid: http://suppot.googl.com/blogg/bin/answ.


    Joomla: http://www.joomla.pl/

    Dupal: http://dupal.og/ i http://dupal.pl/

    9 http: //www.youtub.com/watch?=Z52A98M1l1o and http: //www.youtub.com/watch?= 64bxpJMLwI

    and http://www.youtub.com/watch?=w9qm3xlswvs&atu=lmu

    10 http://wodpss.com/

    Important tips:

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    4.3 Social Networking Platorms

    Th ida o a community is not a nw concpt. What is nw, how, is tansing

    it to th on-lin wold. A wid aity o platoms a ofd on Wb to suppot

    on-lin communitis.

    Som o th popula social ntwoking platoms a: Ning11 and Mixxt12.

    Social Ntwoking Platoms allow you to cat on lin communitis that combin th

    bst atus o social ntwoks and on lin goups. Goups o social intactiity,

    mdia shaing, and th modn dsign o social ntwoking sits lik Facebook;

    togth with th ich discussions, popula mail intacs and popl-discoy

    oppotunitis ound in taditional on lin goup systms likYahoo


    . With manyo ths platoms you can cat a nw social goup about anything you lik o join

    a social goup and connct with oths who sha you intsts and passions.

    Th most popula community platoms ha th ollowing atus:

    1. User riendly interace: It is y asy to cat a goup, customiz th intac,

    o join a goup.

    2. Personalize your page through sharing rich media: You and you tains can

    cat you pol pags and you can upload dint ls omat (wod, ido,

    photos tc) at you pag, mak status updats, wit you blog and sha all this

    with you inds and goup mmbs that can iw thm and add commnts.

    Pmium sics suppot mo diting collaboation with tools lik GoogleDocs.

    3. Cross-group administration dashboard: As a tain you can cat a goup o y

    taining goup that you ha and you can communicat with all you tains using

    only on platom. You can iw and appo mmbs and mssags o all th

    goups you un in on location.

    4. Advanced website privacy: You ha th option to mak som pags public,

    som iwabl by isitos, and oths o mmbs only. You dcision will dpnd

    on th taining cous that you will manag y tim.

    11 www.ning.com

    12 www.mixxt.com

    What are social

    networking plat-


    Why use it or


    a Webquest 2.0?

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    5. A comprehensive email interace: All contnt can b both postd and cid ia

    mail, poiding a connint way o mmbs to paticipat. Good communication

    within a taining goup suppots collaboation.

    6. Activity feeds: Automatically sha you pol updats with you inds and

    llow goup mmbs.

    7. Group analytics: As a tain you might want to compa th wok o you taining

    goups. You can gain usul insights into mmbship actiitis though chats

    and gaphs that show th most acti mmbs, th most popula topics, and

    mmb paticipation o tim.

    8. Social discovery: You and you tains ha th possibility to nd intsting

    possional goups that sha common intsts. Its a gat oppotunity to ask

    o thi dback whn you publish you Wbqust 2.0 scnaios.

    9. Support: You can nd usul instuctions on how to customis and us th platom

    in many languags.

    10. Cost: Som o th platoms o sics, oths qui low licnsing s.

    Th pmium sics do not cost a lot and can b ally usul. exampls includ

    additional wb pags, adancd customization tools, pmium applications o

    xampl th possibility to mo adts o un you own adts, customization

    o th wb addss, tc.

    As a tain you can cat you Wbqust 2.0 scnaios using dint omats

    (wod documnts, PowPoint psntations, idos tc.) and upload it to th social

    ntwoking platom. You can cat a list o blog posts and dint Wbqust

    2.0 scnaios.

    I you dcid to wok on lin with you tains, you can us th synchonous

    and asynchonous communication tools that th platom os, common spacs

    o shaing documnts and applications lik GoogleDocs allowing tains to

    simultanously dit a txt.

    How to use Social


    Platorms or


    a Webquest 2.0

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    encouag tains to us additional tools mntiond in chapt 5 o thi

    psntations and collaboation. Most o thm can b mbddd into you

    platom without knowldg o HTML.

    You Wbqust 2.0 poduct may b usd as a knowldg souc in you oganisation

    o ntwok and can b dissminatd using th Wb 2.0 tool that bst mts you



    Indiidual/goup wok:

    Th nxt stp is to cat thi own goups and thn snd out initations

    to th popl that thy want to join thi goup. Thy can also us th

    wbmail o this.

    Thi assignmnt is to post thi Wbqust 2.0 scnaio st on thi blog and

    init thi inds to gi thm dback. encouag thm to b cati

    and ty nw apps!


    Ning: www.ning.com

    Ning-A gtting statd guid: http://catos.ning.com/gtstatd

    Mixxt: www.mixxt.com

    Mixxt- A guid: http://www.mixxt.d/contnt/aq/

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    By th nd o this sction you will b abl to:

    explain why and how to us Wb 2.0 tools

    Choos th ight Wb 2.0 tool o you Wbqust 2.0 scnaios.

    5.1 Creating Materials

    5.1.1 Presentations and Other Documents

    Psntations can b usd by paticipants to dissminat th sults o indiidual

    and goup tasks in a Wbqust 2.0. Th a many Wb 2.0 sics which can hlp

    lans ppa a psntation and to sha it with oth paticipants.

    Th most popula on lin tools o cating psntations aprezi.com and Google Docs.

    Googl docs also allows you to cat and sha txt ls, spadshts and oms.

    Lans can sach a topic and us psntations to poid inomation to oth

    paticipants in a Wbqust 2.0.

    On-lin psntations, aticls, spadshts and oms can b usd o goup


    Sign up o an account with Google Docs and thn login. You can ith upload you

    own psntation mad in PowPoint o just stat om scatch. Googl Docs atus

    a simila to PowPoint. You can dcid who has accss to th psntation and

    what ights thy ha (ad-only o diting). You can also snd notications to th

    contibutos on changs mad to th psntation.

    5. Useul Web 2.0 Tools to Be Integrated

    in a Webquest 2.0 Scenario.Author: Marta Eichstaedt

    The use o

    presentations in

    a Webquest 2.0

    Why use


    How to use


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    Prezi13 is anoth onlin application o cating psntations. Thos mad with

    Pzi look mo innoati. In od to stat just cat a account. How, th

    unctionality o th accounts a quit limitd and you might want to chck oth


    Onc you ha catd you account you can login and stat a nw Prezi. On th

    Lan pag you can nd out how to past data into Prezi, zoom you psntation

    and otat itms. Ha un!

    Th a many Wb 2.0 tools and sics. Wallwisher14 allows you to cat a wall

    with txt and imag mssags. Oth paticipants o you Wbqust 2.0 can add thi

    own commnts on you wall. You can mbd you Wallwisher into th wiki o blog

    which you us o you Wbqust 2.0.


    Sign up o own Googl account and cat you psntation at Google Docs.

    Sha it with inds. Annotat th changs you mad in th psntation.

    Sign up o own Preziaccount and cat you psntation at Prezi. Download

    it and psnt it ofin to inds.


    Googl Docs: https://docs.googl.com

    Pzi: www.pzi.com

    Wallwish: www.wallwish.com

    5.1.2 Audio Recording

    Som Wb 2.0 tools can b usd us to cod a discussion o an intiw. Th a

    also tools to cod you oic and synchonis this with a psntation. This kind o

    coding is calld scncast.

    13 www.pzi.com

    14 http://www.wallwish.com

    Important Tips:

    The use o audio

    recording in

    a Webquest 2.0

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    Audio codings a an cti way to sha inomation among

    Wbqust 2.0 paticipants.

    Tains can us scncasts and intiws to poid multimdia matials o


    Paticipants can also cat thi own audio codings as a pat o a task and

    sha thm though sics likAudioboo, YouTube o Slideshare and mbd it into

    a Wbqust 2.0 wbsit.

    Sing up to a sic you want to ty out.

    Bo you stat to cod ppa yousl. You will nd a micophon o hadst.

    Mak su it is quit in th oom you a in whil you a on-ai!.

    5.1.3 Screencast

    Dint applications wok slightly dintly but most allow you to mak th aa o you

    scn you want to cod, pss a coding button and stat coding. eything what

    is on you scn insid th makd aa will b codd.

    Th a dint applications o scncasting. F wb basd applications such as Scn

    a y simpl to us.Whn th coding is nishd it can b xpotd to YouTube. YouTube

    idos can b mbddd in a Wbqust 2.0 wbsit. With scn.com you can ppa

    scncasts on lin (th sion allows a maximum o 5 minuts coding; scncast-

    o-matic allows you to cod 15 minut scncasts).


    Cat you own podcast.

    Cat you own scncast and upload it to YouTube.

    Intiw a ind, cod it and sha with inds.


    Fo scncasts: www.scn.com, www.scncastomatic.com

    Fo podcasts: http://audioboo.m/, http://www.appl.com/ituns/,


    Why to use

    audio recording?

    How to use


    How to record

    a screencast?

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    5.2 Sharing Tools

    5.2.1 Video Sharing

    vido shaing wbsits a social ntwoking sits that allow you to upload and sto

    ido clips and sha thm with oths and, in som cass, download thm. Wit

    YouTube and Vimeo a xampls o ido shaing sits.

    vidos a an asy way o poiding a stimulus in th bginning o

    a Wbqust 2.0. Tains can mbd idos to watch in a Wbqust 2.0.

    Saching o idos can also b an intgal pat o paticipants sach duinga Wbqust 2.0.

    Paticipants can also cat thi own idos as a pat o a task and sha thm

    ia YouTube.

    I you a a gistd us, you can upload you own idos, mak you aouits

    and at and commnt on oth idos. You can dcid who can watch you idos

    - yon o .g. only th goup o paticipants in you Wbqust 2.0. You can also

    cat you own channl on YouTube and playlists o dint idos. You can add

    oth uss as contacts.

    Whn you upload a ido you a askd to dscib it with a titl, a dsciption and

    tags. This mtadata maks it asi to sach o idos on YouTube and also nabls

    you to bows oth idos simila to th on you a watching. You can also mbd

    th ido in a wbpag, wh you Wbqust 2.0 was catd. To mbd a ido,

    just copy th cod om th embd boxyou can nd it in th About this vido

    box whn you a watching th ido. You can also gt th cod om th embd

    HTML box on th edit vido pag15 i th ido is yous. Onc you copid th

    cod, just past it into you wbsit o blog to mbd it.

    Voicethreadis a popula Wb 2.0 tool dscibing itsl as A tool o haing consations

    about mdia. A voicthad is an onlin mdia album that can includ dint typs

    o mdia (imags, documnts and idos) and allows popl to mak commnts in 5

    dint ways using oic (codd li with a micophon o tlphon), txt, audiol o ido (with a wbcam) and sha thm with anyon thy wish. A Voicethread

    15 http://uk.youtub.com/my_idos_dit

    The use o video

    sharing website

    in a Webquest 2.0

    Why use video

    sharing web site?

    Important Tips

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    allows goup consations to b collctd and shad in on plac om anywh

    in th wold.

    Go to th oicthad.com hom pag and sign up o an account. Th is an xcllnt

    intacti tutoial that uss a voicthad to show you how to mak on. You can

    stat you own voicthad in minuts. It is ast, simpl and y untchnical. Basically

    you stick somthing up on a boad say a pictu, a sis o pictus o a ido. Thn

    you publish it to anyon you want. Thn you wait o thm to commnt. You ha

    total contol o you commnts so you can chang o dlt thm whn you

    want. Thats it! Pay attntion to th licnsing uls. I you want to us voicthad o

    commcial puposs you ha to opn a Po account. You paticipants may opn

    thi own accounts to iw and commnt.


    Cat you own YouTube channl and two playlists o you Wbqust 2.0.

    Find an intsting ido, copy th mbd cod and mbd into you

    Wbqust 2.0 wb sit. Find on o mo ido clips to stimulat discussion duing you

    Wbqust 2.0.

    Follow th voicthad Gtting statd instuctions and cat you own



    YouTub: www.youtub.com

    vimo: www.imo.com

    voicThad: http://oicthad.com/#hom

    voicthad Tutoial: http://oicthad.com/#hom.b409.i3616

    5.2.2 Presentation Sharing

    Th most popula sits o shaing psntations you ha catd using, o xampl,

    Windows PowerPointo Mac Keynote, includ SlideShare, Scribdand Brainshark.

    Psntation shaing wb sits a still gowing and nw atus bing addd.

    The use o presen-

    tation sharing

    in a Webquest 2.0

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    Fo xampl you can now add an audio l to you psntation in SlideShare and

    synchonis it with you slids to mak a Slidcast. In addition, you can us Zipcast,

    anoth tool aailabl at Slideshare, which allows you to oganiz a li on lin mting

    o paticipants o you Wbqust 2.0 in od to show you psntation uploadd at

    Slideshare. You can dcid i you psntation can b downloadd o only iwd.

    Psntation shaing is an asy way o poiding knowldg duing a Wbqust

    2.0. Tains can mbd psntations in a Wbqust 2.0.

    Saching o psntations can also b an intgal pat o paticipants sach

    duing a Wbqust 2.0.

    Paticipants can also cat own psntations as a pat o a task and publish thm

    ia SlideShare.

    I you a a gistd us, you can upload you own psntation, sto you aouits

    and at and commnt on oth psntations. You can dcid who can watch you

    psntation - yon o .g. only th goup o paticipants o you Wbqust 2.0.

    You can also cat you own pol, which can b ollowd by paticipants in you

    Wbqust 2.0. Thy will gt a notication i a nw psntation is uploadd. Whn you

    upload a psntation you a askd to poid a titl, a dsciption and tags. This

    mtadata maks it asi to sach o psntations on SlideShare and also nabls you

    to bows oth psntations simila to th on you a watching.

    A psntation can b mbddd in th wbpag wh you Wbqust 2.0 was catd.

    To mbd a psntation, just copy th cod om th embd boxyou can nd it

    abo th psntation box, whn you a watching th psntation. Onc you

    copid th cod, just past it into you wbsit o blog to mbd it.

    Why use



    How to use



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    Cat you own SlideShare and/o Brainsharkand/o Scribdchannl.

    Upload o slct a psntation, nd th mbd cod and mbd into you

    Wbqust 2.0 wb sit.

    Sach o on o mo psntations to stimulat discussion duing you

    Wbqust 2.0.


    SlidSha: www.slidsha.nt

    Bainshak: www.bainshak.com,

    Scibd: www.scibd.com

    5.2.3 Social Bookmarking

    Social bookmaking tools nabl uss to sto, manag, sach, sha and oganis

    bookmaks to wb pags. Thy allow you to:

    Cat and manag a systm o olds and sub olds with links collctd by you.

    To sto th bookmaks on lin and to accss om dint computs o bowss

    and to sha you bookmaks with oths.

    Diigo is th most popula social bookmaking sit.

    Tains can st up goup bookmaks o paticipants in a Wbqust 2.0 and collct

    onlin soucs o taining.

    Tains and paticipants o a Wbqust 2.0 can sha usul bookmaks aound

    th topics o th taining To hlp lans to undstand tagging, how knowldg is classid and usd and

    th authnticity and misus o data soucs.

    I you a a gistd us, you can st up a goup o you lans aound a paticula

    subjct o thm which you can us to commnd sits to studnts o which thy can

    us to add sits thy ha ound usul. Th bookmaks (and goups) may b public

    o piat o may poid stictd accss to a goup o uss. Som o th tools lt

    you highlight a pat o a wbpag and attach sticky nots to spcic highlights o to

    The use o social

    bookmarking in

    a Webquest 2.0

    Why use social


    How to use social


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    a whol pag. This can hlp lans undstand a txt. Tags can hlp lans nd

    inomation. Som applications poid options o iwing and soting tags. Thy

    can b iwd as a list o as a tag cloud (this just mans that th most quntly

    occuing tags appa as popotionally bigg txt). You can choos to aang you

    list o tags alphabtically o by th quncy in which thy occu thy occu.


    Cat you own account at Diigo.

    Cat a goup and add at last 5 bookmaks.

    Find on o mo goups catd by oth intnt uss to stimulat

    discussion duing you Wbqust 2.0.


    Diigo: www.diigo.com

    5.2.4 Image Sharing

    Imag shaing is a gnic tm o wbsits that poid stoag and publishing

    acilitis o photogaphs and idos.

    Flickrand Picasa a th most popula imag shaing sics.

    Imags a aailabl on y subjct und th sun and byond, so that you

    paticipants can us thm in thi psntations, wokshts, tc.

    A pictu is said to b btt than a thousand wods! I lans a undtaking a

    mainly txt-basd task, ncouag thm to includ pictus as wll.

    Paticipants can cat a gally with thi own pictus in od to gt to know

    ach oth.

    You can tak photos o nots mad on a ipchat duing ac-to-ac sssions and

    publish thm.

    I you intnd to publish o sha any o you matials that contain downloadd imags,

    you MUST chck that you a allowd to do so and und what conditions. raththan saching dictly on Flickr o pictus and thn nd that you a not allowd

    The use o image

    sharing in a Web-

    quest 2.0

    Why to use image


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    to poduc thm, ty th ollowing: Go to th Cati Commons16 wbsit. Go to

    th sach pag and sach o imags om Flickro anoth imag shaing sit that

    you a to us. Not that you can also add Cati Commons saching to

    you wb bows.

    I you a a gistd us, you can upload you imags. Nomally, sits poid both

    public and piat imag stoag. Whn you upload a pictu you will b abl to st

    piacy contols that dtmin who can iw th imag. A photo can b aggd as

    ith public o piat. Piat imags a isibl, by dault, only to th own, but

    thy can also b makd as iwabl by inds o/and amily.

    Piacy can also b actd i you add photogaphs to a goup pool. I a goup is

    piat all th mmbs o that goup can s th photo. I a goup is public thn th

    photo bcoms public as wll.

    Most photo shaing sits poid multipl iws (such as thumbnails, and slidshows),

    th ability to classiy photos into albums as wll as add annotations (such as captions o

    tags) and commnts. Som photo shaing sits poid complt on lin oganization

    tools quialnt to dsktop photo managmnt applications.


    Cat you own account at on o th imag shaing sits

    Watch th Cati Commons ido at this link17.

    Tak on o you PowPoint psntations and gi it a nw las o li

    with pictus downloadd om a positoy.

    Publish at last 3 digital photogaphs you ha takn that you lik.


    Flickr: www.ick.com

    Picasa: http://picasa.googl.com

    Cati Commons (s.d.) Licns you wok (WWW). Cati Commons: http://caticommons.


    16 http://sach.caticommons.og/

    17 linkhttp://caticommons.og/idos/

    How to use image


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    5.3 Collaborating

    5.3.1 Virtual Classrooms

    vitual classooms allow you to connct by phon o Intnt (voIP) om any bows o

    instant oic o ac to ac ido mtings with anyon! You contol th intaction,

    show you psntation and us whitboad and oth tools o collaboation.

    ClickMeeting, Spreed, Collaborate, FlashMeeting, Google Hangouts a xampls

    o applications which can b usd as itual classooms.

    Mtings in itual classooms can plac ac to ac mtings ith o tamswoking on a goup task o taining sssions with tain. This can b spcially

    usul o gogaphically dispsd

    Onlin taining sssions can complmnt ac to ac taining sssions, ith

    bo a ac to ac sssion o as a ollow up.

    Most applications will qui you to cat an account and poid som kind

    o dashboad wh you can cat a li on lin mting o wbina. Som allow you

    to upload a psntation and ppa oth tools (suys, whitboad, scnshaing)

    o a sssion o nt in od to suppot th psntation and motiat paticipants.

    Accss is usually poidd though a wb link.

    Most itual classoom applications allow you to cod a sssion and snd a link

    to th coding to paticipants. Altnatily you can us scncasting sotwa (.g.

    Camtasia) to cod a sssion. Most allow paticipants to contibut though audio and

    / o ido and communicat though chat.

    I you dont nd oic communication (o i you want to communicat ia Skyp), you

    can us a much asi solution calld Titanpad18. It allows you and paticipants in you

    Wbqust 2.0 to communicat ia chat and to collaboat on a common documnt.

    Plas not that accss to pads is possibl o anyon who knows th wb addss

    so do not kp snsiti inomation in pads.

    18 http://titanpad.com

    Why use virtualclassrooms?

    How to use virtual



    via chat

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    Cat you own itual classoom on Google Hangouts and us th

    Concptboad plugin to add a whitboad.

    Cat a tial account o anoth application.

    Init 23 inds to a itual classoom and mak a shot psntation (5 min)

    thn lad a discussion ia chat, summaiz th discussion on a whitboad.


    Googl Hangouts: https://plus.googl.com

    ClickMting: www.clickmting.com / www.clickmting.pl

    ClickWbina: www.clickwbina.com / www.clickwbina.pl

    Spd: www.spd.u

    Titanpad: http://titanpad.com

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    By th nd o this sction you will b abl to:

    Dsign a Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    Choos th subjct o a Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    6.1 Produce a Webquest 2.0: First Preparatory Step

    Fo th dsign o a Wbqust 2.0 scnaio w suggst using a tmplat. This tmplat

    can hlp you ollow ach stp o th dsign pocss in od to cat you own

    Wbqust 2.0. In th ollowing gu (Figu 6.1) you can s an xampl o a compltd


    Figu 6.1. WQ 2.0 xampl Inomation pag.

    (A scnshot takn om th wq2pactic wiki19)

    Fo a tmplat in. doc l and html isit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls


    19 wq2pactic wiki http://wq2pactic.pbwoks.com/w/pag/47753540/Wbqusts%20o%20HrM

    20 http://pl.wbqusts.u/wb-qust/pzyklady/

    6. Training: Preparing a Webquest 2.0 Scenario

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    You can copy th Wbqust 2.0 tmplat and past it on th on lin platom you

    will us o th publication o you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    Dont ogt that you can customiz th tmplat to mak it mo suitabl o you

    taining. You can ha a look at th xampl that ollows.

    Important Tips

    GROUP TASK Template

    Groups name


    Possional ld/contxt o WQ 2.0:Dscib th ld/contxt in which this WQ 2.0

    can b applid (.g SMes taining tc.).

    Topic domain o WQ 2.0:Dn th topic o you WQ 2.0 scnaio

    dscibing biy th contnt o th spcic.

    Ll o xptis/pquisit skills:Dn th ll o xpinc (low mdium

    high) & th skills that tains should ha (.g

    ICT skills).

    Numb o goup mmbs:Poid inomation about th numb o

    paticipants o ach goup.

    Titl/dsciption o goup task: Wit th titl & biy dscib th goup task.

    Laning objctis/outcoms:Dn th pupos o th WQ 2.0 goup task

    (.g. pomot onlin discussion) & th nal

    laning poducts (.g. cat a oum).

    Assssmnt tools/statgis:

    (rcommndd: Sl and p aluation

    o th pocss / nal poduct).

    Dscib th aluation tools that will b usd

    (.g.ubics,) & whn (.g. nd) & th pupos

    (.g. sl/p o nal poduct).

    Shaing nal WQ 2.0 xpincs:Dn th social tools that you will us in od

    to sha th WQ 2.0 laning xpinc & th

    nal outcoms with al wold.

    Tim 2/onlin:Dn th numb o hous ddicatd

    o th dliy o th WQ 2.0 goup task

    on lin /2.

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    Tabl 6.1. Tmplats o Wbqust 2.0 goup and indiidual tasks.

    Th indiidual and goup tmplats can poid all th inomation tains nd

    but you can add mo dtails, instuctions o/and commndations in th 4th

    Wbqust 2.0 Laning Cicl guidancpocss.

    You can also us ths tmplats as a chck list whil you dsign th tasks.

    6.2 Produce a Webquest 2.0: Second Preparatory Step

    Th nxt stp to ollow at copying th tmplats is to chck th ealuation

    Citia List. This will hlp in th cation o a succssul Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    At you cat you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio you can sl aluat it using th

    ealuation Citia List that you can nd in sction 8.

    6.3 Produce a Webquest 2.0: Third Preparatory Step

    To b cti th subjct o th Wbqust 2.0 nds to mt th lans taining


    A. beore you choose a topic:

    You should consid i th taining objctis match th taining nds o you



    Template Trainees name

    Dn th ll o xpinc (low mdium

    high) that lans should ha to ulll th task. Ll o xptis:

    Wit th titl & biy dscib th WQ 2.0

    indiidual task.

    Titl/ Dsciption o indiidual tasks

    ( choic):

    Dn th pupos o th indiidual task (.g.

    dlop statgic oganizational skills).Laning/Taining Objctis:

    Dscib th aluation that will b usd

    (.g.ubics) & whn (.g. in th nd) & th

    pupos (.g. sl/p o nal poduct).

    Sl and p aluation o th pocss /

    nal poduct:

    Dn th numb o hous ddicatd o thdliy o th indiidual task onlin /2.

    Tim 2/onlin:

    Important Tips


    Criteria List

    Topic o

    a Webquest 2.0

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    You should chck i th a Intnt soucs that could b usd in you

    Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    visit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls wbpag21. You will nd links to th

    wikis catd duing ou pojct with dint Wbqusts 2.0 in 3 languags.

    b. beore you continue ith the design o your weuest 2.0

    scenario check the:

    1. Prerequisite skills:

    You should mak su i th tains ha th pquisit skills to succssully

    complt th Wbqust 2.0 tasks, o xampl comput litacy. You can chck

    th st o th skills that will b ndd o th compltion o th Wbqust

    2.0 scnaio at th st Wbqust 2.0 laning cicl though p actiitis that

    will gi you a cla pictu o th tains skills.

    2. Technical requirements:

    You should mak su that th tagt taining goup can wok onlin and will

    ha accss to comput, Intnt and Wb 2.0 tools.

    3. Web 2.0 Tools:

    Th slction o Wb 2.0 tools, is impotant. Impotant considations includ

    unctionality, as o us, typ o licns and cost. Many popula and usul

    applications a but only o ducational o indiidual us. Som qui

    a licns o commcial us, although it is otn possibl to obtain a shottm o tial licns.

    Th choic o sotwa may b also actd by th intnal scuity policis o

    you clint, which may not allow th us o ctain applications on copoat

    computs, o xampl, Skyp. In oth cass companis may wall paticula

    Wb 2.0 applications and tools.

    21 http://n.wbqusts.u/wbqust/xampls/.

    Trainees skills



    Selection o Web

    2.0 Tools

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    4. Training delivery ormat/ Time schedule:

    You should dcid on th nal Wbqust 2.0 taining schdul (tim schdul

    and dliy omat: on lin o only ac to ac o blndd) basd on th

    tains nds.

    Also not that ading txt on th Intnt taks mo tim than ading pintd


    Th lngth o a Wbqust 2.0 dsignd o businss customs in small and mdium

    sizd ntpiss should b adoptd to th nds o tains and th Wbqust 2.0


    You should mak su that th taining objctis can b accomplishd ith

    in th asynchonous and/o synchonous mod accoding to th tim schdul

    that you ha agd on with you tains.

    You should tak also into account th tim ndd to amiliais paticipants

    with th Wb 2.0 tools usd duing th Wbqust 2.0.

    5. Webquest 2.0 presentations on the web: design tips

    You should pay attntion to th dsign o you Wbqust 2.0. Paticipants in

    you Wbqust 2.0 will ad it on comput scn. Us photos and illustations

    in od to complmnt th txt.

    Appopiat omulation o sntncs will hlp to spd th undstanding o


    Shot sntncs may b asi to ollow dpnding on th xpinc o

    you tains and th subjct.

    Instuctions should dscib all th stps o a task. Wh it maks sns, us gaphics suppoting th contnt o th Wbqust


    Mak th naigation within th Wbqust 2.0 asy o paticipants. Just plac

    in th bottom o ach pag naigation buttons.

    Time schedule

    Training delivery


    Design tips

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    Goup wok (1): visit th wbsit o ou pojct22 and nd links to ou wikis

    in 3 languags and consult th list o poposd usul idas and soucs

    o th cation o Wbqust 2.0 o HrM.

    Goup wok (2): Ty to dscib in you own wods all th ppaatoy stps

    that you nd to tak bo you stat to dsign you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    Is ything cla to you? Mak a list o th points that you dont undstand.

    Discuss/compa th sults within you goup..


    Th Wbqust 2.0 wiki: http://wb2qust.pbwoks.com/.

    22 http://pl.wbqusts.u/wb-qust/pzyklady/

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    By th nd o this sction you will b abl to:

    explain which pocss you will ollow to poduc a Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.

    Undstand th 7 laning cicls o th Wbqust 2.0 stuctu

    7.1 Produce a Webquest 2.0: Design the 7 Webquest 2.0

    Learning Circles

    Th ollowing diagamm shows th dint stps to b ollowd in poducing

    a Wbqust 2.0 (Figu 7.1).

    Figu 7.1. Wbqust 2.0: 7 Laning Cicls (Pianou, 2011)

    7. Stages in Producing a Webquest 2.0 Scenario

    Steps in producing

    a Webquest 2.0



    6 3 4


    1 2


    Webquest 2.0



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    1. Prepare Warm up activities:

    At th bginning o th Wbqust 2.0 scnaio you should tak into considation

    you tagt goup. Finding answs to th ollowing qustions could hlp:

    1. What a th nds o you tains?

    2. In which way will you xplo thi nds and thi pio knowldg?

    3. How do ths match with th gnal thm o th Wbqust 2.0 scnaio that you plan o you tains?

    4. How will you mak su that thy ha all th pquisit skills ndd to compltth Wbqust 2.0 indiidual and goup tasks?

    5. Do thy ha pio xpinc in collaboati laning o in using Wb 2.0 tools?

    In od to answ ths qustions, you can undtak a numb o actiitis.

    Dpnding on th taining schdul that you ha agd on with you tains,

    you could oganiz som on lin and/o ac to ac actiitis such as an

    on lin qustionnai o taining nds analysis o a ac to ac discussion o th

    xploation o thi pio knowldg tc.

    Dont ogt to intoduc th gnal thm o th Wbqust 2.0 contxt in a cla

    way poiding xampls and pomoting a discussion.

    It is also impotant to cat a indly and collaboati atmosph om th y


    Trainees needs


    Important tips:

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    Figu 7.2. WQ 2.0 Wam up ppaatoy phas

    (A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki23).

    Fo mo xampls isit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls wbpag24.

    2. Prepare the Introduction:

    Haing a mo cla ida about you tains skills and thi taining nds you can

    poid inomation latd to th Wbqust 2.0 contxt and th cntal ida o you

    Wbqust 2.0 scnaio. You should also ncouag a discussion with you tains

    about th poposd Wbqust 2.0 topic in od to gt dback about thi st


    It is impotant that y paticipant l that h/sh has an impotant ol in th

    Wbqust 2.0 pojct and that y contibution is aluabl.

    23 Th Wbqust 2.0 wiki: http://wb2qust.pbwoks.com/.

    24 http://n.wbqusts.u/wbqust/xampls/

    The role o

    Introduction to

    a Webquest 2.0

    Important tips:

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    Duing th Wbqust 2.0, pojct goups collaboation with ach oth and with

    th tain is as impotant as th tains autonomy. each paticipant will wok

    indiidually but also in collaboation.


    Figu 7.3. WQ 2.0 - Intoduction

    (A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki)

    Fo mo xampls isit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls wbpag25.

    3. Choose learning goals and set group & individual Webquest 2.0 Tasks:

    a. weuest 2.0 TASKS

    This is th most impotant Wbqust 2.0 Laning Cicl. At this stag you

    should intoduc tains to th goup and indiidual Wbqust 2.0 tasks that

    thy will undtak and th Wb 2.0 tools. You should also init thm to ha

    a thoough look at th Wbqust 2.0 task tmplats which poid th basic

    inomation (laning objctis, tim, task dsciption, tc) o all th actiitis.

    25 http://n.wbqusts.u/wbqust/xampls/

    Group & individual

    Tasks in a Web-

    quest 2.0

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    Dont ogt to mind thm that thy can nd mo instuctions about th tasks

    in th nxt Laning Cicl calld Guidanc Pocss.

    So what will you tains do in a Wbqust 2.0 pojct? ey goup will complt

    a joint goup task and ach mmb o th goup will complt an indiidual task.

    It is commndd that you poid mo than on option o indiidual tasks o

    tains so that thy can dcid which task mts thi laning nds. You should

    also popos tasks with mo than on solution.

    As a tain you can dcid btwn simpl and complx Wbqust 2.o scnaios:

    a) A simpl Wbqust 2.0 scnaio uss th sam goup and indiidual tasks o y


    b) A complx WQ 2.0 scnaio poposs dint goup and indiidual tasks o y


    A succssul Wbqust 2.0 is not just a simpl qustion that nds a simpl answ

    o th tain to nd indiidually o in collaboation using th wb. It should b

    a challnging qustion/task that will ngag tains to wok indiidually and in

    collaboation using wb 2.0 sics and will nhanc citical thinking and high

    od thinking skills. In simpl tms, you should lad you tains to a laning

    pocss o discoy and duing this pocss thy will ha not just to slct and copy

    inomation but to laboat it in such a way that will b a totally nw laning poduct.

    This could includ ngaging lans in tasks that pomot asoning pocsss

    such as compaing, classiying, abstacting, analysing os, analyzing pspctis,

    constuction suppot, inducti asoning, dducti asoning.

    In od to cat a task that pomots high od thinking, it may b usul to

    xamin Blooms isd digital Taxonomy as psntd by Chuchs (2007). Th

    ollowing diagamm dscibs Blooms risd Taxonomy with som o th oiginal


    Important tips:

    Level o difculty

    o a Webquest 2.0

    The role o

    questions in

    a Webquest 2.0

    Blooms revised

    digital Taxonomy

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    Figu 7.4. Loin Andson & Daid Kathwohl (2001)


    Generating/creating ne ideas,

    products, or ays o vieing



    Justiying a dcision, solution,

    answ o cous o action (Judg/

    aluat/analys th alu o idas,

    concpts, matials and mthods

    by dloping/constucting and

    applying standads and citia).


    Baking inomation into pats/

    componnts to xplo/dlop/

    constuct undstandings and

    lationships (Baking inomation

    down into its componnt lmnts).

    Practical Tips:

    Dsigning, Constucting, Planning,

    Poducing Innting, Dising,

    Making, Building pogamming,

    Filming, Animating, Blogging,

    vido blogging, Mixing, rmixing,

    Wiking, Publishing, vidocasting,

    Podcasting, Dicting/poducing.

    Practical Tips:

    Chcking, Hypothsizing, Citiquing,

    expimnting, Judging, Tsting,

    Dtcting, Monitoing (Blog),

    commnting, riwing, Posting,

    Modating, Collaboating,

    Ntwoking, rcting, Tsting.

    Practical Tips:

    Compaing, Oganising,

    Dconstucting, Attibuting,

    Outlining, Stuctuing, Intgating,

    Mashing, Linking, rs

    ngining, Cacking, Mind

    mapping, validating.

    Tabl 7.1. Pactical tips to suppot high od thinking accoding to Bloom's

    Digital risd Taxonomy (Chuchs, 2009)

    Think about which bs in th tabl abo dscib what you want you tains

    to do. Kp also in mind that actiitis that ost only low thinking skills a not

    Wbqust 2.0 tasks.

    encouag you tains to xplo and ct caully on th poposd tasks

    bo thy dcid what thy will nally do.

    Popos conct, authntic and alistic tasks that will match th

    Wbqust 2.0 laning objctis.

    Important tips:

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    Mak su that th poposd tasks will actily ngag you tains in locating

    inomation, aluating soucs, collcting thi own data, conducting sach,

    analys ndings and cat nw manings.

    Lans can choos th wb 2.0 tools, soucs and th indiidual tasks. It is thi

    sponsibility what choics thy will mak.

    rmind lans that you will b th to poid hlp whn thy nd it but thy

    should also ask and gi dback to ach oth.

    You can also init th tains to pint th task tmplats and us thm in pap

    omat as a chck list o undtaking th tasks.

    . we 2.0 TOOLS

    Fo slcting Wb 2.0 tools, as wll as th impotanc o chcking th licncing as

    mntiond in th pious sction, it is also impotant to aluat usability bo

    suggsting dint tools o th Wbqust 2.0. You can discuss with you tains

    which o thm would b mo suitabl and usul o thm.

    Th ollowing diagamm illustats som Wb 2.0 tools that you could us o you

    Wbqust 2.0 actiitis to pomot high od skills.

    Figu 7.5. Blooms risd Digital Taxonomy

    The right choice o

    Web 2.0 Tools







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    You should chck which Wb 2.0 tools a nw to you tains and gi thm

    th suppot and th tim that thy nd in od to wok out how to us thm.

    You can show to you tains th diagamm abo and ask thm i thy can

    idntiy a Wb 2.0 tool that thy us as th basis o a discussion.


    rsoucs should b caully aluatd to nsu thy a:

    a) rlant;

    b) Poid th lans with th appopiat input to dlop th task;

    c) A suitabl o th tains ll o comptnc and nds.

    Gi th option to th lans to choos thi own soucs: you could init thm

    to xplo th list o th poposd links and aluat th soucs thmsls

    and dcid which to us in od to btt complt thi tasks.

    Mak su that you popos a wid aity o authntic inomation soucs and

    matials that match th laning goals and tains nds.

    Ty to nd soucs that connct nw inomation with pio knowldg.

    Important tips:

    Resources or Web-

    quest 2.0

    Important tips:

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    Figu 7.6. WQ 2.0 Goup Task Tmplat

    (A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki)

  • 7/31/2019 Wq Eng-manual v2.0 Inet

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    Figu 7.7. WQ 2.0 - Indiidual Task 1 Tmplat(A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki)

    Fo mo xampls and tmplat in.doc l and html isit th Wbqust o HrM

    pojcts xampls wbpag26.

    4. Prepare the GuidanceProcess or trainees:

    This stag o th Wbqust 2.0 poids tains with stp by stp instuctions to

    suppot th laning pocss and th compltion o th Wbqust 2.0 indiidual and

    goup tasks. As a tain you can poid mo inomation latd to th tasks, th

    26 http://n.wbqusts.u/wbqust/xampls/

    Guidance Process

    or trainees

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    sotwa/ th Wb 2.0 tools that will b usd, th goups omation and collaboation,

    th 2 and on lin wok, th tim schdul, th aluation tools, th psntation

    o th nal taskpoduct.

    It would b also hlpul to inom you tains about th ou phass o th laning


    1) Exploration:Tains should xplo in th bginning th indiidual and goup

    tasks, th wb matial and th Wb 2.0 tools psntd in th tmplats.

    encouag th tains to xplo and locat inomation latd to th Wbqust

    2.0 topic.

    2) Individual Transformation / Synthesis / Production: Tains should xtact,

    laboat and oganis th inomation ound (by ading, haing, iwing) and

    can ask o suppot om th tain o thi goup. each tain poducs th

    outputs o th indiidual task.

    3) Group Transformation / Synthesis / Production: All th goups laboat th

    indiidual poducts and complt th goup task dloping th nal goup poduct.

    4) Evaluation: Sl and p aluation o th indiidual and goup task pocss and


    It is impotant to poid th tains th tim ndd in od to st thi own

    laning goals, to ct on what thy alady know and th knowldg thy can

    us to achi th goals, ct on what thy nd to know to complt th task,

    slct th soucs in accodanc with thi objctis and with thi assignd

    ols, aluat both th laning pocss and th outcom o th actiity. In thisway thy will incas thi sl-awanss and thy will dlop skills o aluating

    th ctinss and quality o thi own wok (mtacogniti statgis).

    It would b also usul i you could suggst to th lans to copy and past th

    task tmplats to th on lin nionmnt on which thy will wok.

    You should mind th tains to isit th Closd and Opn aluation sction and

    nd th assssmnt tools that will b usd o th aluation o th indiidual and

    Trainees have to be

    aware about:

    Important tips:

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    goup wok. I you want to gi som xta instuctions latd to th assssmnt,

    you can add thm in this sction.

    It would also b usul to poid lans with a chcklist o aluation citia o

    th nal poduct to suppot thi sl o p aluation.


    Figu 7.11. WQ 2.0 GuidancPocss Tmplat.

    (A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki).

    Fo mo xampls isit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls wbpag27

    27 http://n.wbqusts.u/wbqust/xampls/

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    5. Prepare the evaluation (Closed & Open):

    In th th Laning Cicl you should dn th Wbqust 2.0 assssmnt statgy

    and tools that will b usd and o what pupos. That mans that you should poid

    inomation to you tains latd to all th dint stags and typs o th aluation

    (closd and opn) o thi laning.

    1st Stag P / tain dback

    Duing th Indiidual tasks, ps can poid dback and answ ach oths

    qustions. You can monito th wok and poid dback to suppot tains i thy

    ha any poblms. (I p dback is poposd as pat o th actiity, it could b

    hlpul to poid tains with assssmnt citia o standads that can guid thm

    whn xamining ach oths wok).

    2nd Stag Sl aluation

    At th compltion o th indiidual tasks, tains could ll in a Sl-aluation Fom.

    Qustions could includ th ollowing:

    Selevaluation Form

    1. Was th titl and th dsciption o th task cla?

    2. What poblms ha I acd and why?

    3. How ha I sold thm?

    4. Am I satisd with my indiidual WQ 2.0 poduct?

    5. Ha I askd o suppot om my tammats duing th wok?

    7. Ha I askd o suppot om th tain duing my wok?

    Tabl 7.2. exampl o a Slaluation Fom

    o a Wbqust 2.0 indiidual task.


    Peer / trainer


    Sel evaluation

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    3nd Stag Goup p aluation

    At th compltion o th goup task, tains should ll th Goup-aluation Fom

    in goups. This can includ a p aluation by th goup o th task, pocss, th

    poduct and th nal psntation. Qustions could includ th ollowing:

    Group-evaluation Form

    1. Was th titl and th dsciption o th task cla?

    2. What poblms ha w acd and why?

    3. How ha w sold thm?

    4. A w satisd with ou goup WQ 2.0 poduct?

    5. Ha w askd suppot om ou tammats duing th wok?

    7. Ha w askd suppot om th tain duing ou wok?

    Tabl 7.3. exampl o a Goup-aluation Fom

    o a Wbqust 2.0 goup task.


    Stag Tain aluationYou may dcid to us assssmnt tool (o xampl a ubic) to aluat th nal

    outcoms o/and to monito pogss and poid dback in difnt stags o

    th actiity.

    5th Stag Opn aluation

    Wb 2.0 inomation and communication tools can pomot authntic dback. You

    tains can publish thi nal poduct to an opn audinc and ask o dback. Sinc

    communication is opn, tains a mo ncouagd to b ngagd in maningul

    intactions. How not that som ntpiss may not allow th outcoms to b

    publishd opnly outsid o n insid thi company.

    Group peer


    Trainer evaluation

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    You can choos all o which o th ou dint aluation stags poposd to


    I you choos th opn aluation you should consid caully in what way th

    nal poducts will b aluatd by th outsid wold.

    You should consid whth th sotwa / Wb 2.0 tools that you us o

    assssmnt (o xampl an on-lin qustionnai) will b asy to us by you


    It is impotant to init tains to ct on thi laning xpinc duing and

    at th Wbqust 2.0 actiity. In this way tains will dlop mta-cogniti

    statgis and skills to aluat ctinss and quality o thi wok.

    At th nd o th taining init you tains to think to what xtnt th initial

    laning goals w ullld?

    It is impotant to init you tains to paticipat and contibut to p aluation

    duing th Wbqust 2.0 actiitis in od to l pat o a community that suppots

    ach oth in th laning xpinc. At th sam tim th tains will dlop

    skills to aluat th ctinss and quality o thi ps wok which will hlp

    thm in thi own wok.

    Outsid wold dback can bing nw idas o th tains and opn nw

    oppotunitis o collaboation with oth collagus.

    Important Tips:

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    Figu 7.12. WQ 2.0 Sampl - ealuation (Closd and Opn).

    (A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki).

    Fo mo xampls isit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls wbpag28.

    6. Discuss which o the outcomes were ullled:

    At th compltion o th Wbqust 2.0 tasks you should init tains to discuss

    th nal conclusions. Thos should b connctd to th initial laning objctis,

    thi laning xpinc and th nal outcoms. rmind thm that th conclusions

    should b also dawn om th closd and opn aluation.

    Ask th tains i thy ha any nw idas that could hlp thm uth xplo

    o xtnd th sam topic.

    You could also ncouag you tains to sha thi xpinc o using Wb

    2.0 tools and stat a dialogu with an outsid audinc to xchang nw idas

    on how this laning actiity could b dlopd in dint o btt ways and

    in anoth domain o contxt. A wid community that shas th sam intsts

    can bing nw idas o utu actiitis.

    28 http://n.wbqusts.u/wb-qust/xampls/

    Outcomes o the

    Webquest 2.0

    Important tips:

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    Whn tains discuss about what thy ha land thy can dlop mta

    cogniti statgis that a hlpul o thi wok.


    Figu 7.13. WQ 2.0 Sampl Conclusions.

    (A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki).

    Fo mo xampls isit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls wbpag29.

    7. Create the Trainers guide:

    Th last Wbqust 2.0 Laning Cicl is ddicatd to th tains. In this sction you

    should poid instuctions that could guid oth tains to succssully us you

    Wbqust 2.0 scnaio in thi taining. Poiding a cla stp-by-stp guid with

    instuctions o/and commndations to tains can b a aluabl suppot o thm.

    Adapting anoth Wbqust 2.0 scnaio to th nds o dint taining goups is

    challnging but taks lss tim compad to th dlopmnt o a nw on.

    29 http://n.wbqusts.u/wbqust/xampls/

    Trainers guide

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    You can add in this sction any additional suppot matial lik tmplats o tools

    that you think that can uth suppot oth tains to adopt you WQ 2.0 scnaio

    to thi nds o to dsign a nw Wbqust 2.0. Fo xampl you could suggst

    thm to us GoogleDocs tmplats o irubic o th cation o th aluation


    You can updat th instuctions at you pactical xpinc o implmnting

    you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio. You dback at th implmntation o th

    actiitis could hlp oth tains.

    Publish th Wbqust 2.0 aluation chcklist in od not only to aluat you

    Wbqust 2.0 scnaio but also mak it aailabl to tains that would lik to

    aluat thi Wbqust 2.0 scnaios too.

    Dont ogt that you Wbqust 2.0 poduct may b usd as a knowldg souc

    in you oganisation o ntwok. Whilst many ntpiss will not b ppad to

    sha th outcom o th wok xtnally, and thi may b licns stictions on

    th us o som matials, companis may b happy to us th outcom o th

    Wbqust 2.0 as an intnal knowldg bas.

    Important Tips:

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    Figu 7.14. WQ 2.0 Sampl Tains guid.

    (A scnshot takn om th Wbqust 2.0 wiki).

    Fo mo xampls isit th Wbqust o HrM pojcts xampls wbpag30.

    7.2 Dissemination Phase: Share Your Webquest 2.0 Scenario Withthe Training Community.

    With th pow o Wb 2.0 applications, th tans o knowldg and constucti

    dialogu within a possional community can opn nw pspctis o th

    dlopmnt o Wbqust 2.0 scnaios and o continuing possional dlopmnt

    o tains. How, th dissmination o taining dlid o clints may b

    stictd. Bo you dissminat th sults o you wok, chck th agmnt

    with you clint.

    30 http://n.wbqusts.u/wbqust/xampls/

    Transer o knowl-

    edge and construc-

    tive dialogue with-

    in a proessional


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    Us Twitter, Facebook o anoth Wb 2.0 sic to sha and discuss you nw

    Wbqust 2.0 scnaio o us Gouply, Mixxt o oth simila sics to cat you

    Wbqust 2.0 taining community.

    You can cat a databas o Wbqust 2.0 scnaios and init oth tains to

    add this.

    7.3 Producing Webquests 2.0 is time consuming

    On o th majo issus that aos was th tim it took to dlop a Wbqust 2.0.

    This bings us clos to th hat o th poblm that ld us to dlop th Wbqust

    2.0 pojct. Poducing any onlin laning matials is tim consuming. O cous it is

    possibl to buy o th shl, onlin taining packags. How, ths otn do not

    mt th dis nds o mploys in SMes. Onc mo, it is possibl to commission

    commcially poducd bspok taining matials. But this is y xpnsi.

    In ality, poducing any taining matials is tim consuming. It is only i ths matials

    a usd that th unit cost bcoms chap. This is also so o onlin taining suchas Wbqusts 2.0. Poducing bspok a Wbqust 2.0 o an indiidual goup will b

    xpnsi. W know it is impotant that th Wbqust mts th nds o paticula

    goups o lans. W would suggst that o tim th spd o poduction will

    incas as tains bcom mo amilia with th appoach and th tools and dlop

    a bank o usabl contnt and matials. At th sam tim w would mphasis that

    onlin taining is not just a chap altnati to taditional oms o taining. Ou majo

    motiation is to impo th quality and ctinss o taining and laning, not

    just to duc cost. SMe manags nd to appciat that thy will ha to inst in

    tains tim i thy a to ap th bnts that onlin laning though Wbqusts

    2.0 can bing.

    Important Tips:

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    Goup wok: examin th pocss o th dlopmnt o a Wbqust 2.0

    scnaio. Mak a not o possibl dicultis that you ac in ach stp and

    discuss with collagus. A th any common issus?


    Andson, L. W., & Kathwohl, D. r. (eds.), 2001. A taxonomy o laning, taching and assssing:

    A ision o Blooms taxonomy o ducational objctis. Nw Yok: Longman.

    Chuchs A., 2009. Blooms digital taxonomy. rtid om:


    Blooms Taxonomy o ducational objctis: Complt dition, Nw Yok: Longman. rt id om:


    Coloado: McreL, pp. 1-2, 4-6. rtid om:


    eisn, e.W., 2002.Bnjamin Bloom 1913-99, rtid om Intnational Buau o education:


    Mazano, robt J., Picking, Dba J., t al.,1997. Dimnsions o Laning Tachs Manual, 2nd d.


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    By th nd o this sction you will b abl to:

    explain what is th Wbqust 2.0 ealuation Citia Chcklist.

    Dscib how you can us this aluation tool.

    8.1 Webquest 2.0 Evaluation Criteria Checklist

    Th ollowing tabl (Tabl 8.1) poids a chcklist o th aluation citia o

    Wbqust 2.0. It is diidd into ou dint dimnsions.

    Checklist: Evaluation criteria or a successulWebquest 2.0 scenario



    agree nordisagree



    Dimension 1: Immediately engage users interest: Rationale and motivationor implementing a Webquest 2.0

    Us indly, asy naigation

    Cla dsciption o ach WQ 2.0 stp

    explanatoy WQ 2.0 titl/topic/opning

    Cla contxt in which to implmnt WQ 2.0

    Ll o diculty is dnd

    Laning objctis a claly dnd andasily undstandabl

    Final poduct/Laning output ngagslans attntion/pomots motiation

    Pquisits (uss nds) a claly dnd

    Tim allocatd o F2F and/o on lin wok iswll dscibd

    Dimension 2: Webquest 2.0 components (7 Learning Circles)

    Wam up/Ppaatoy phas:

    Cla intoduction to th gnal thm and

    contxt o th WQ 2.0. exploation o lansnds and pio knowldg. Suppot ocommunity dlopmnt.

    8. Check Your Webquest 2.0 Scenario!

    Checklist o the

    evaluation criteria

    or Webquest 2.0

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    Intoduction: poids cla ida about th WQ2.0/captus lans intst/inits lanscontibution.

    Tasks (indiidual & goup): a cla, conct,alistic, match objctis, pomot

    collaboation, citical thinking, allow multiplsolutions and suppot lans autonomypoiding th possibility to xplo mo toolsand soucs.

    GuidancPocss: poids cla and usulstp by stp instuctions to th lan o bothth indiidual and goup tasks and th whollaning actiity and pocss.

    ealuation: poids instuctions o all thdint stags and typs o aluation (closd& opn). Usul wb 2.0 tools a poposd oth cation o aluation tmplats.

    Conclusions a connctd to th initiallaning aims/laning xpinc/nal

    outcoms and a dawn om closdand opn aluation wh appopiat.A dialogu with an outsid audinc issuppotd in od to xchang nw idas onhow this laning actiity could b applidin dint o btt ways and in anothdomain/contxt.

    Tachs guid: poids guidanc o thimplmntation o th WQ 2.0 pojct bya wid possional community with thsuppot o social wb 2.0 tools.

    Dimension 3: Online Resources/Web 2.0 Tools

    rsoucs a up to dat, sa and asy toaccss. Contnt is latd/matchd to thlans nds / ll.

    Tools asy and sa to us and wok with.

    Tools suppot collaboation, intactiity andcatiity.

    Nw tools and onlin matials can bxplod and slctd by lans.

    Th collaboati/ coopati wb 2.0nhancd laning nionmnt poposd oth onlin wok is wll oganizd, includsonlin diting, documnt shaing andcommunication sics.

    Dimension 4: WQ 2.0 provision o support to acilitator/coordinator o WQ 2.0 learner usage

    Dscibs ol / intntion xpctd omacilitato.

    Instuctions on ppaation o onlinnionmnt/tools usd.

    Instuctions on administation, documntationand aluation a poidd.

    Poids acilitato pag(s) with idas, tools andways o ocoming poblms.

    Mdia matials/documnts spct IPr/copyight.

    Tabl. 8.1. ealuation Citia Chcklist o WQ 2.0 scnaios.

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    8.2 Webquest 2.0 Evaluation Criteria Checklist: Use

    Th ealuation Citia Chcklist o Wbqust 2.0 scnaios can b usd in two

    dint ways:

    a) Bo th dsign o th Wbqust 2.0 scnaio in od to suppot th cation o

    a Wbqust 2.0 scnaio (just us it as a chck list, without scal).

    b) Whn you nish you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio you can aluat it accoding to th

    Linkertaluation scal.

    Duing th dsign o you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio you can complt th chck

    boxs at th bginning o ach aluation sub dimnsion in od not to ogtany o th aluation citia o you Wbqust 2.0 scnaio.


    Goup wok o tains: each o th goups can wit down its commnts

    (positi/ngati list) o ach basic dimnsion o th ealuation Citia

    Chcklist and thn a pot om ach goup can psnt th outcom

    o th goup discussion to th st o all th tains.


    Tochim, William M., 2006. Likt Scaling. rsach Mthods Knowldg Bas, 2nd edition. rtid

    om: http://www.socialsachmthods.nt/kb/scallik.php

    The use o

    Evaluation Criteria

    Checklist or

    Webquest 2.0


    Important tips:

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    Asynchronous methods Taching and laning mthods using wb basd and

    oth -laning soucs that a indpndnt o tim o plac, such as -mail, blogs,

    DvD, wikis tc. Also usd to dscib a studnt-cntd appoach to laning basd

    on constuctiist laning thoy.

    Blended Learning A om o e-Laning that combins wb-basd laning with

    ac-to-ac, classoom basd laning.

    Blog Pson who wits a blog

    Blogger Pson who wits a blog

    Chat Room An intacti wb pag on which uss can typ txt mssags on-lin,

    which can b sn immdiatly by oth popl in th chat oom (i.. on th sam

    pag) in al tim. Popl in th chat oom typically us handls to idntiy thmsls

    so th is usually a high dg o anonymity. Sal uss may b txting at onc in

    th sam spac unlss this is stictd. Chat ooms can b opn o stictd accss;

    som a , som you pay o. Chat ooms a ath lik a synchonous sion

    o a bulltin boad and a usually ddicatd to a paticula thm o tagt goup.

    Collaborative Blended Learning Methodology (CBLM) Wbqust 2.0

    collaboati pojcts that tak plac lss as ac-to-ac mtings but mostly on-

    lin, suppotd by (a)synchonous Wb 2.0 tchnologis combining at th sam tim

    collaboati laning with sl pacd laning.

    Collaborative Learning Environment Wb-basd laning nionmnt that

    nabls th uss to wok togth. S also collaboati sotwa.

    9. Glossary

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    Collaboration Software A om o social sotwa, also known as goupwa.

    Although th tchnology undpinning collaboati sotwa is ssntially th sam

    as any oth social sotwa, th tm is usually sd o sotwa dsignd to

    suppot co-opati inomation shaing systms usd by popl woking in th sam

    oganization o inold in a common task - o xampl, shad diay and calnda

    applications, wikis tc. Th distinction btwn social sotwa and collaboati

    sotwa is in th in uss, not in th actual tools.

    Commercial Sotware Sotwa o which you ha to pay, th us o which is

    stictd by licnc conditions.

    Distance Learning Laning pocsss with littl o no ac-to-ac laning wh

    tach and studnt a gogaphically spaatd. Also s to th pdagogy and

    th tchnology that undpin ducation dlid to studnts who a not physically

    psnt. Typically, studnts us a mix o synchonous and asynchonous mthods

    to communicat with th tach and with oth studnts and to accss laning

    soucs stod on lctonic o pintd mdia o on th wb.

    On-line Learning On om o -laning which uss intnt basd tchnologis

    such as th wold wid wb, mail tc. It cos a wid ang laning actiitis om

    sl dictd laning to a omal cous o paticipation in shad nts such as on-

    lin conncs. It is now th dominant -laning tchnology haing otakn th

    us o CD rOMs o DvDs

    Open Content Contnt publishd in a omat that xplicitly allows copying andmodiying o its inomation by anyon. Th contnt can b licnsd using Cati

    Commons o oth copy lt licnsing.

    Open Source Software Sotwa that is poidd o chag, along with its

    souc cod so that anyon can modiy o impo it. As it is aailabl o chag,

    th may b no us manual o on-lin suppot and it is otn lasd as a bta

    sion that dos not claim to b bug-. As oth dlops us th sotwa and

    x th bugs and publish th xs, so th sotwa ols.

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    Podcast A digital audio o ido l publishd and aailabl o download though

    syndication on th Wold Wid Wb. Tchnically, audio o ido ls that a accssd

    by downloading o by staming but which a not syndicatd, a not podcasts.

    Podcast is a combination o iPod and boadcast - although you can listn to a podcast

    on you comput and do not nd an iPod o mp3 play. Podcast is also analogous

    to boadcast as it can dscib th contnt o th mthod o syndication.

    Screencast Also known as ido scn captu, this is a ido podcast mad

    with scnshots o you comput display. Just as a scnshot is a pictu o a uss

    scn, a scncast is a lm o th changs o tim that a us ss on his monito

    and may also ha an audio tack addd.

    Streaming A continuous ow o data, typically audio o ido, dlid to th nd

    us ia th intnt and playd on a comput o mobil dic as th data ais.

    This is in contast to audio o ido ls which a downloadd om a wbsit, stod

    on th comput and which can b playd back at any tim n i th comput is

    not connctd to th intnt. Stamd data may b li (synchonous) o codd

    (asynchonous) but it is dlid in al tim - that is, it is cid at th sam tim

    it is tansmittd.

    Synchronous Methods Taching and laning mthods that allow a goup o

    popl to paticipat in a laning nt at th sam tim. This may b a ac-to-ac

    goup in th sam plac o it may b a gogaphically dispsd goup paticipating

    ia wb basd tchnologis. exampls a on-lin ido o audio conncing, chat

    ooms, Skyp and Scond Li Syndication Wb syndication is pocss o shaingwbsit matial by making it aailabl to multipl oth sits. Usually wb syndication

    s to making wb ds aailabl om a sit in od to poid oth popl with

    a summay o th wbsits cntly addd contnt (o xampl, th latst nws o

    oum posts).

    Tag Th tm tag can b usd in two ways. A tag is an HTML instuction usd to mak

    up a wbpag and also an itm o mtadata o dscibing contnt. In th scond

    sns, tags a kywods that nabl wb basd soucs to b ound by bowsing

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    o saching. Tags a chosn inomally by th itms cato and a not hiachical

    lik taxonomis. I a lot o popl tag a lot o itms using th sam kywods, this is

    th basis o a olksonomy.

    Tag Cloud A kind o isualisation o kywod