World War I ( pts. 2 & 3)

Bell ringer!!!! In the United States, the main purpose of antitrust legislation is to A. protect the environment. B. increase competition in business. C. encourage the growth of monopolies. D. strengthen the rights of workers. 07/03/2022 1


This is lecture 2 & 3 of the WWI series.

Transcript of World War I ( pts. 2 & 3)

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Bell ringer!!!!

In the United States, the main purpose of antitrust legislation is to

A. protect the environment. B. increase competition in business. C. encourage the growth of monopolies. D. strengthen the rights of workers.

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World War I

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TN Curriculum Standards:

• 4.0- Understand the reforms and changes in American politics that affected America and the world during 1890s and 1930s.

• 5.0- Understand the role of the U.S. in world affairs.• 6.0- Understand the moral, social, and cultural

changes that occurred in the 1920s.SPI:7.4- Identify the causes of American involvement in

World War I.

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Naval Blockade

• In an attempt to starve out the Germans, the British set up blockades. They stopped and intercepted all merchant ships that were headed to Europe.

• They were trying to make sure that the ships weren’t carrying contraband (goods that were prohibited from being shipped to Germany).

• The U. S. was upset about the blockade, but Germany was furious.

• In retaliation, Germany sent out u-boats to stop ships from the U. S. headed to Britain and France.

• Both countries depended on the U. S. for food and equipment, and other supplies.

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WARNING!!!!!• To their credit, Germany did announce that

they would sink without warning any ship that was in the waters near Britain.

• The U. S. was furious about this because Germany had signed an international agreement that said that they would not sink civilian ships without warning

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THE LUSITANIA• The British passenger ship the Lusitania entered the

war zone on May 7, 1915. • A German submarine sunk it killing nearly 1200

passengers (128 Americans).• -Although, Germany had issued a warning in the

newspaper about sending passenger liners into those waters, Americans still saw it as a terrorist attack.

• -Wilson still refused to fight. He merely issued demands to Germany.

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• Germany responded by sinking a French passenger ship named the Sussex.

• To this, Wilson issued another warning. To keep the U. S. from entering the war, Germany signed the Sussex Pledge.

• It was a promise not to sink anymore merchant ships without warning.

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• Wilson ran for reelection and won with the slogan “He kept us out of the war”.

• Shortly after the election, British intelligence intercepted a telegram from Arthur Zimmermann (German official) to a German ambassador in Mexico.

• The telegram promised to help Mexico recover “lost territories in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona in exchange for helping Germany fight against the U. S.

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• -The message was leaked to the American newspapers- Americans were furious.

• -In addition to this, German u-boats began sinking all ships on sight. U. S. declared war in April of 1917.

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THE HOMEFRONT• After America decided

to enter the war, Congress immediately began working on ways to mobilize the nations and ensure the efficient use of natural resources.

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• The most important agency was the War Industries Board. They were responsible with coordinating the production of war materials.

• They told manufacturers what they could produce, allocated raw materials, ordered the new construction of factories, and even occasionally set prices.

• The most successful agency was the Food Administration, run by Herbert Hoover. They were responsible for increasing food production for troops and limiting food consumption for civilians.

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• They encouraged families to conserve food and grow their own gardens. These gardens were called “victory gardens”. They instituted other measures to save food for the troops like Wheatless Mondays, Meatless Tuesdays, and Porkless Thursdays.

• Another agency was the Fuel Administration. They were responsible for managing the amount of coal and oil that troops used.

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• Garfield, the head of the agency, began daylight savings time in order to shorten work times for factories that did not make war materials.

• He pushed for Heatless Mondays.

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• To fund the war, Congress raised income taxes and placed higher taxes on corporations.

• The government also borrowed money from the people to pay for the war.

• Americans were encouraged to buy Liberty Bonds and Victory Bonds. The money earned off the bonds would go directly to the government.

• The government was supposed to repay the bond with interest in a specified number of years.

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• The government could not afford for workers to go on strike during the war so they created the National War Labor Board.

• They served as mediators in labor disputes to prevent workers from striking.

• The National War Labor Board encouraged corporations to increase worker wages, establish an 8 hour work day, and allow workers to be a part of unions all in order to prevent strikes.

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• With so many men needed to fight in the war, employers began to allow women to fill the jobs that were traditionally thought to be men’s jobs.

• Women worked in factories, shipyards, railroad yards, served as police officers, mail carriers, and train engineers.

• After the war ended, women were expected to return to their previous jobs and roles.

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• Henry Ford, creator of the T-Model car, was so desperate for workers that he sent agents to the south to recruit African Americans.

• Other companies quickly followed suit. As a result of this 300,000- 500,000 African Americans left the south and moved North.

• This movement is known as The Great Migration.

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• In the South, African Americans had been denied the right to vote. In the Northern cities, they were extended this right.

• At this same time, Mexicans fleeing political turmoil in their own country, also began to migrate.

• Approximately 100,000 Mexicans moved into the southwest between 1917-1920.

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• They were able to find factory jobs in cities like Chicago, St. Louis, and Omaha.

• Even though they were allowed to work, they still faced a great amount of hostility and discrimination.

• As a result of this, they tended to settle within their own communities.

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• This agency hired advertisers, actors, authors, artists, songwriters, entertainers, public speakers, and motion picture companies to help want to support the war(basically, they used propaganda).

• The govt. also passed legislation to limit speaking against the war and to prevent espionage (spying).

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• The Espionage Act of 1917 made it illegal to assist the enemy, give false reports, or interfere with the war effort.

• The Sedition Act made it illegal to speak against the war publicly.

• These two acts made it legal for the government to prosecute violators. More than 1000 people were prosecuted because of this. War time fears also lead to attacks on German Americans, labor organizers, and socialists.

• Americans began spying on and reporting on the activities of their neighbors and coworkers.

• Even though this contradicted with First Amendment rights, the government permitted this behavior.

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Let’s Check for Understanding

• After World War I, which factor was the major cause of the migration of many African Americans to the North?

A. the start of the Harlem Renaissance B. increased job opportunities in Northern cities C. laws passed in Northern States to end racial

discrimination D. federal government job-training programs

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BUILDING THE MILITARY• A draft had to be established

to enlarge the military. The selective service system was installed.

• Selective service requires all men between 21 and 30 to register for the draft. A lottery was held to determine which men would be called.

• Approximately 2.8 million men were drafted.

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• African-Americans were drafted, but were rarely allowed to serve in combat positions (42,000 out of the 400,000 that were drafted).

• The ones that were allowed to fight were praised by the French commander and also General Pershing.

• They also served in racially segregated units.