Working with Nature to Control Nature€¦ · Eco-friendly pest-control options BY KArA L. StewArt...

DUSTYPERIN.COM Eco-friendly pest-control options BY KARA L. STEWART Working with Nature to Control Nature 44 April 2018 USDF CONNECTION EEK! He’s cute, but he’s potentially fouling this grain store and spreading disease elsewhere in the barn

Transcript of Working with Nature to Control Nature€¦ · Eco-friendly pest-control options BY KArA L. StewArt...

Page 1: Working with Nature to Control Nature€¦ · Eco-friendly pest-control options BY KArA L. StewArt ... ers at least every 10 days (the time it takes mosquito larvae to hatch), or





Eco-friendly pest-control options

BY KArA L. StewArt

Working with Nature to Control Nature

44 April 2018 • USDF ConneCtion

EEK! He’s cute, but he’s

potentially fouling this grain

store and spreading disease

elsewhere in the barn

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Horses and their accoutrements naturally attract

a variety of pests. Although we can’t eliminate

every stable fly or barn mouse, we can imple-

ment horsekeeping strategies and eco-friendly

methods that will make our facilities less attractive to the

most common pests.

From fly control to rodent reduction, these tips from

experts and fellow USDF members will help you put out

nature’s “no trespassing” signs for the most common pests.

Job One: Cleanliness

The first step in pest management is facility cleanliness and

sanitation. without it, all our efforts and other methods will

be less effective.

Good manure- and mud-management programs reduce

breeding grounds for pest insect populations (see “Pests

Begone! Best Practices for Horse Farms” on page 46 and

“Large-Scale Manure Management” on page 48). Clean, se-

cure feed and tack rooms make your facility less attractive

to rodent populations; and mown areas near barns, pad-

docks, and pastures help keep ticks at bay.

Next: Address Water, Food, and Shelter

every living creature—those we love and those we don’t es-

pecially care for—has the same three needs for survival.

“when we design a least-toxic approach to pest manage-

ment,” explains Horses for Clean water creator and direc-

tor Alayne Blickle, “we can leverage the availability of water,

food, and shelter to decrease the populations we don’t want

and increase the populations we do want.”

Blickle implements her program’s environmentally sen-

sitive horsekeeping approach at her Sweet Pepper ranch in

southwestern idaho.

“For example, if we don’t want mice and other rodents

in the barn, we store grain in metal containers and pick up

spilled feed to reduce the food supply,” she says, “and we

keep the floors clean of potential nesting materials to re-

duce shelter. Then, to increase populations we do want—

like beneficial birds, bats, and insects that eat pests—we in-

stall bird and bat houses and create appealing habitats with

native plants to attract beneficial wildlife.”

Integrated Pest Management: Fly Control and More

The multi-pronged strategy of iPM controls insect pests

with several components, addressing pest reduction from

various angles to reach a more complete solution. its basic

building blocks include:

• Sanitation (manure management)

•Biological control (natural predators)

•Physical or mechanical control (fly masks and traps)

•Chemical control (insect repellents and feed-through


And while iPM was designed to reduce pest insects, the

same components can be used to control the presence of

rodents and other animal pests.

Control Tips: Flies and Ticks

we may lump all flies into one category (under “A” for an-

noying), but there are several species, and each has its own

breeding requirements and life cycle.

“Filth flies—house, stable, face, and horn flies—breed in

manure and similar moist locations,” says erika Machtinger,

PhD, CwB, assistant professor of entomology at Penn State

University’s College of Agriculture Sciences in University

Park, PA, and a Certified wildlife Biologist. She’s also a

USDF silver medalist and has competed through the inter-

mediate level in eventing, so as a rider and horse owner she

understands the need for effective fly control.

“But tabanids—deer and horse flies—breed in water, as do

mosquitoes, and each species has different feeding behaviors

and territories,” Machtinger continues. “That’s why a single

pest-control strategy won’t work as well as a broader approach.”

Biological Fly Controls

• Parasitoids. when sprinkled on fly-development sites,

these tiny, nonstinging, wasp-like creatures eat fly pu-

pae, thereby reducing the number of adult flies. it’s im-

portant to start application before fly populations in-

crease and to reapply at regular intervals.

• Birds and bats. Bats and many species of birds (including

swallows, martins, and swifts) can consume hundreds of

flying insects every hour. “to attract these helpful preda-

tors, install bird and bat boxes around your property,” says

Blickle. Box designs and locations differ for each species,

WELCOME MAT: To attract beneficial wildlife, offer them safe digs. This

nesting box is built for a barn owl, one of several birds of prey that dines

on rodents, while bats and other bird species keep flying insects in check.

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so check with your local Department of Fish and wildlife,

extension office, or bird-watching groups.

• Ventilation. Although it’s not a true biological control

method, designing facilities to maximize natural venti-

lation can help thwart nuisance flies.

“i ride in a covered arena with open sides,” says USDF

secretary and USDF Connection editorial advisor Margaret

Freeman, of tryon, nC. “The breeze that comes through

the arena cuts the number of flies dramatically as compared

to the still air in an indoor arena or a closed-in barn. And

the air quality is so much better, as well.”

“How troublesome your pest problem can be depends a

huge amount on your local conditions,” says Freeman, who

is a former editor at the consumer-focused newsletter Horse

Journal, which regularly tested fly-control products. “Flies,

no-see-ums, mosquitoes, and ticks can be more trouble-

some in woody or swampy areas.” Her observation further

highlights the need to tailor your pest-control program to

the micro-climate at your dressage facility.

Physical Fly Controls

•Fly masks, sheets, and leg boots. offered by numer-

ous manufacturers in a range of fabric types, styles, and

features, these physical barriers literally come between

your horse and annoying insects.

•Fly traps, tape, and paper. Low-tech but effective, these

products use super-sticky glue and sometimes an attrac-

tant to lure insects. Correct placement is important be-

cause different species congregate in different areas.

•Bait traps. Most traps, whether jugs, jars, bags, or oth-

er designs, use an attractant/water solution and have

a one-way entry. Depending on the design, flies either

drown or dehydrate. Single-use bags can be disposed of

in the trash when full, and more eco-friendly styles allow

more bait to be added during the fly season. try several

kinds to find what works best in your area.

BATTLEGROUND: Lush pasture looks bucolic but can harbor pests both annoying and dangerous. These horses sport fly masks, an eco-friendly

means of warding off nuisance flies.

• Pick up manure from stalls and turnout areas regu-

larly, and put it in the manure pile or compost pile.

• Design good drainage to direct water away from

buildings and paddock areas.

• Cover manure piles with black or dark tarps. These

increase the internal temperature of the pile, keep-

ing it too toasty for immature flies to develop and

preventing females from laying eggs.

• Tarps can also help minimize runoff during wet

weather, which can cause water-quality issues and

create areas of standing water that become breed-

ing grounds for mosquitoes. After rain or snow-

melt, look for water accumulation in wheelbar-

rows, old tires, buckets, and garden areas. Ensure

that gutters drain completely.

• Change the water in stock tanks and other contain-

ers at least every 10 days (the time it takes mosquito

larvae to hatch), or add nontoxic mosquito dunk

products to control larvae. Keeping troughs shaded

retards mosquito development, as well.

Pests Begone! Best Practices for Horse Farms

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USDF member Jennifer Cross keeps two horses on a

small farm in west Suffield, Ct. Because the land borders

acres of wetlands, her fly problem was huge.

“About ten years ago, we purchased an epps Biting Fly

trap,” Cross says. “i didn’t really think it would work, but

it’s been incredibly effective, and every year we have fewer

flies.” Follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely about

where to locate it, she advises.

Chemical Fly Controls

•IGR. insect growth regulators, such feed-through fly-con-

trol supplements Solitude or SimpliFly, reduce fly popu-

lations by preventing fly larvae from developing exoskel-

etons, which disrupts the life cycle. These products work

best when all horses at a facility receive the supplement.

•Nontoxic fly-repellent sprays. Commercial brands con-

tain plant extracts and other “green” ingredients. (Keep

in mind, however, that a claim of “natural” does not nec-

essarily mean that a product is safe—or effective.) Local

insect populations and other factors can affect results, so

try several to find what works best in your area.

•Essential-oil sprays. Alesha Desharnais, a USDF mem-

ber from Billerica, MA, blends top-quality citronella,

rosemary, cedarwood, peppermint, and eucalyptus es-

sential oils with distilled water and witch hazel. “i spray

myself and the horses before i ride or take them out for

a lesson. it works well, and it doesn’t cause reactions in

chemically sensitive horses.”

(one caution: Because essential oils can be toxic to

beneficial pollinating insects, Penn State’s Machtinger

advises applying only where intended, staying out of the

wind while spraying, and keeping spray away from sus-

ceptible habitats.)

ticks—those hated carriers of Lyme disease and other

diseases affecting humans, horses, and other species—are

a class of pest that most of us would gladly eradicate if we

could. Unfortunately, in the US they are everywhere.

“American dog ticks, Lone Star ticks, or blacklegged

ticks—also known as deer ticks—are species known to use

horses as hosts and are found in different parts of the coun-

try,” says Machtinger.

At equine facilities, “pasture management in critical to

reduce tick presence,” Machtinger says. “Keep grass short,

remove brush where possible to eliminate habitat, and keep a

mowed barrier at least three yards wide between woods and

fence lines to discourage tick movement toward pastures.”

Biological Tick Controls

The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum var.

anisopliae is a naturally occurring organism that kills ticks

but does not harm beneficial insects.

“Commercial products using this fungus have shown to

be effective in the northeast,” Machtinger says. “Use caution

when spraying, and follow label instructions for application

rates and grazing restrictions. And be aware that some prod-

ucts must be applied by certified pesticide applicators.”

Physical Tick Controls

Check your horse at least once a day for ticks. if you find

one attached, use tweezers as close to the skin as possible

and pull straight back so the head remains attached.

“Place the tick in a plastic bag labeled with the date and

LOW-TECH BUT EFFECTIVE: Fly-trap bags and other devices remain an easy, “green” way of reducing the insect population

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location, and then put it in the freezer,” says Machtinger.

if your horse develops symptoms consistent with Lyme or

other tick-borne diseases, having the tick will aid your vet-

erinarian in devising the most effective course of treatment.

Chemical Tick Controls

•Wipe-on and spray-on products. Those containing the

insecticides permethrin or its synthetic cousin, cyperme-

thrin, can provide protection against ticks for many hours.

“Apply repellents liberally and frequently, especially after

exercise, bathing, or rolling,” Machtinger says. Most com-

pounds break down in UV light, so reapply later in the

day. “And make sure to apply repellents according to label

rates—a few spritzes generally aren’t enough.”

The down side of these products: They’re not very

eco-friendly. Permethrin and cypermethrin are toxic to

fish, bees, aquatic insects, and some other species, in-

cluding cats; and skin exposure or ingestion can cause

reactions or other side effects. in addition, their broad-

spectrum nature means that they kill beneficial insects

in addition to the unwanted pests.

“i strongly discourage folks from using broad-spectrum

pyrethroids,” says Machtinger, “and this includes facility-

wide fly-spray systems. There is evidence that flies are de-

veloping site-specific resistance to the chemicals used in

these systems, and that they expose horses and humans to

unnecessary contact and respiratory risks.”

• Essential oils. “My horses have been diagnosed with

Lyme disease and anaplasmosis [another tick-borne dis-

ease], so i had to find something that works in the battle

against ticks,” says Jamie reilley, VMD, a USDF member

from southern new Jersey. “During tick season, every day

i spray my horses with a mix of twenty drops each of eu-

calyptus oil and lemongrass oil and four ounces of water,”

paying special attention to places where she’s found ticks

lurking before. “now, instead of finding one to three ticks

a day, i find a total of three during the summer and fall.”

As we mentioned previously, Machtinger suggests us-

ing caution and applying carefully to the horse’s body, since

overspray of essential oils can be toxic to pollinating insects

and can harm vegetation.

Control Tips: Rodents

From the smallest field mouse to rabbits, gophers, squirrels,

rats, raccoons, and opossums, rodents can wreak havoc at

Because many pest flies breed in ma-

nure, large show grounds and board-

ing facilities design manure-manage-

ment programs, and they’re always looking

to improve their effectiveness.

“The big hunter/jumper shows can

bring in nine hundred horses,” says

Colorado Horse Park competition man-

ager and COO Marion Maybank. With 28

weeks of competitions a year plus 60 to

100 permanent boarders on the grounds,

the Horse Park has to be aggressive about

keeping manure under control.

“To contend with this volume of ma-

nure, twice a day year-round, all manure

is picked up and goes to a pile that’s

about four hundred yards from the barns,”

Maybank says. The pile is removed weekly during the year; during horse-show season, it’s removed two or three

times a week.

Frequent manure removal helps to reduce the overall number of flies on the property, but Maybank is always

looking for long-range approaches. “We’re exploring a complete solution of doing our own composting. In

theory, we should be able to heat the buildings from warmth generated by the composting manure, and there’s a

market for selling the nutrient-rich black soil that results from composting,” she says.

THE SCOOP ON LOTS OF POOP: Large farms and show grounds need aggressive

manure-management systems to keep down fly populations

Large-Scale Manure Management

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the barn. in addition to eating (and contaminating) large

quantities of feed, they can destroy equipment and prop-

erty, and expose people and animals to disease.

Start with sanitation controls. it’s worth saying again

that keeping the barn clean and orderly goes a long way in

discouraging rodents from taking up residence. well-fitting

doors and windows can also help keep rodents out.

to make your place less attractive to raccoons and opos-

sums, Blickle suggests putting away dog and cat food at

night and not adding bones, fat, or other food scraps to the

compost pile. Keep garbage cans in a secure area until the

morning of trash pickup. if you have chickens, put them in

a safe coop at night with a secure door and roof, she advises.

Biological Rodent Controls

•Owls, hawks, falcons, and other birds of prey. These

beneficial birds can help control a variety of rodents. At-

tract them by installing nesting boxes made for each spe-

cies. Check with your local extension office or Depart-

ment of Fish and wildlife for designs and location tips.

•Barn cats. never underestimate the contribution of a

talented mouser in keeping rodent populations in check,

especially mice. each trainer at the Parker-based Colo-

rado Horse Park is assigned a feed stall, says Marion

Maybank, the venue’s competition manager and Coo.

“The trainers are required to keep all feed, treats, and

supplements in metal containers with lids. This way, our

barn cats can roam through and monitor the feed stalls

for mice, and they do a great job.”

Keep your barn cats healthy and protected by neutering

or spaying, vaccinating, and providing food and water in a

place that’s safe from mice.

Physical Rodent Controls

•Snap traps. old-school and still effective, these tradi-

tional mousetraps work best when placed along walls

and rodent pathways. Bait the trap for a few days with-

out setting it so rodents lose their fear of the device.

•Electronic battery-powered traps. offered in different

sizes for different species, these humanely electrocute

the rodent when it walks inside. Bait the trap for a few

days without turning it on, and allow the rodents to en-

ter the trap and eat the food.

•Ultrasonic devices. These emit sound frequencies that

manufacturers claim repel rodents but are unnoticed by

humans, horses, cats, and dogs.

Chemical Rodent Controls

Common ingredients in repellent products include pepper-

mint oil, ammonia, capsaicin (the ingredient that makes hot

peppers hot), and predator urine. Ask your extension office

or local pest-control company for recommendations, and re-

member that “natural” doesn’t always mean safe or effective.

A Balanced Approach

to Pest Control

to limit the spread of disease and to keep horses and humans

comfortable, it’s important to keep pests in check. The trick

is to get rid of the bad guys without harming the beneficial

insects and wildlife that naturally reduce pests and help to

keep our ecosystem in balance. By incorporating some of the

eco-friendly strategies in this article, unwanted visitors will

find your barn (and your horse) less attractive, while nature’s

own pest-control patrol will want to move in. it all adds up to

fewer pests and a more healthful environment. s

Kara L. Stewart is an award-winning author who has experienced

the differences in reducing unwanted pests in the opposing cli-

mates of Colorado’s Front Range foothills and now along Califor-

nia’s Central Coast. Her retired Arabian gelding, Eddie, loves his

fly mask but isn’t crazy about the sticky fly traps hung in his stall.

ON THE JOB: A watchful barn cat is alert for rodent prey. Many farms

consider a cat a key component of their pest-control strategy. Some

cat-rescue groups work to place less-social or otherwise hard-to-adopt

felines as barn cats for free or low cost.

Read the article “Use of Pupal Parasitoids

as Biological Control Agents of Filth Flies

on Equine Facilities,” which explains how

to use parasitoids (beneficial parasitic

wasps) as part of an effective integrated

pest-management system.

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