Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion...


Transcript of Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion...

Page 1: Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies: Implications for Pakistan Box 4: Focus areas around the world for
Page 2: Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies: Implications for Pakistan Box 4: Focus areas around the world for

Working Paper #193

Prospects of Coal Investments and

Potential of Renewable Energy

Transition in Thar Region of



Hina Aslam1, Ahad Nazir, Ubaid ur Rehman Zia

1 Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected]

Page 3: Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies: Implications for Pakistan Box 4: Focus areas around the world for

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A publication of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI). The opinions expressed

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First edition: June 2021

© 2020 by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute

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Page 4: Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies: Implications for Pakistan Box 4: Focus areas around the world for


This working paper is the outcome of a research on Thar coalfield prospects and the potential

of renewable energy transition in Pakistan. The study has been carried out by Sustainable

Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad and funded by European Climate Foundation.

The policy recommendations are based on insightful discussions with various policy

stakeholders from public and private sectors, Civil Society Organizations, academia, and some

other institutes. The paper has been peer reviewed by Prof. Dr Muhammad Shahid Khalil

(former Dean and Chairman, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila), Dr. Bilal

Ahmed (University of Lahore), and Dr Imran Shah (NUTech).

SDPI would like to thank all the development partners, respective federal and provincial

agencies, private sector, and representatives from Civil Society Organizations for their input and

feedback, including assistance in data collection, data analysis, participation in Public Private

Dialogues (PPDs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and individual interviews, and their

written comments.

Page 5: Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies: Implications for Pakistan Box 4: Focus areas around the world for

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................... 3

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ 6

List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... 7

List of Boxes .......................................................................................................................... 7

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Scope and Objectives of the Study .......................................................................... 5

Chapter 2: Thar Coalfield: Prospects and Challenges ........................................................... 7

2.1 Thar Coalfield: Location and demographics ............................................................... 7

2.2. Financing Structure of Coal-based Power generation projects ................................ 13

2.3. Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................... 17

2.3.1 Power Locking and Unaffordability ................................................................. 17

2.3.2 Debt Sustainability ............................................................................................ 17

2.3.3 Environmental and Social Impacts of Coal ..................................................... 18

Chapter 3: Trends in Energy Investments in the global Market .......................................... 21

3.1 Prospects of Coal and energy shift ............................................................................ 21

3.2 Prospects of Renewable Energy ................................................................................ 24

Chapter 4: Methodology and Model Development ............................................................. 27

4.1 Preliminary scoping appraisal-Ranking and prioritization of environmental

parameters using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool: (AHP method) ........ 27

4.1.1 Identification of key Environmental parameters ............................................. 28

4.1.2 Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool: (AHP

method) ....................................................................................................................... 29

4.2 Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) based Energy Model .......................................... 30

4.2.1 CO2 estimations and projections ...................................................................... 32

4.2.2 Scenario-based modelling of energy alternatives ............................................ 32

5. Result and Analysis ......................................................................................................... 33

5.1 Quantitative assessment of Environmental and social impacts ................................. 33

4.2 LCOE based Financial Model for coal power plants ................................................ 38

4.2.1. Comparison of Thar based LCOE with Non coal thermal plants ................ 40

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4.2.2. Comparison with Renewables ......................................................................... 40

4.2.3 CO2 emission Profiles under different scenarios of capacity addition ................... 42

Chapter 5: Discussion .......................................................................................................... 46

5.1 Prospects of Coal vs RE Investment.......................................................................... 46

5.2 Role of Financing and Policy Making ....................................................................... 46

5.5 Technology Transfer and Innovation ........................................................................ 50

5.6 Prospects of other clean energy sources .................................................................... 50

5.7 Greening CPEC ......................................................................................................... 51

Chapter 7: Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 53

References ........................................................................................................................... 54

Appendix 1: Expert Interviews, FGDs, and PPDs .............................................................. 58

Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Interviews .......................................................................... 59

Appendix 3: Likert Scale Questionnaire for Surveys and Feedback forms ........................ 70

Appendix 4: Preliminary Scoping appraisal ........................................................................ 75

Appendix 5: Assessment of surface mining technologies ................................................... 78

List of Figures

Figure 1: Coal production and Imports in Pakistan ................................................................. 4

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework of the Study ........................................................................ 6

Figure 3: Location map of Thar coalfield: a) Map shows Sindh province located in south east

of Pakistan, b) location of Tharparkar district in the province, c) Thar coalfield area

highlighted with black dotted line.: .......................................................................................... 8

Figure 4 Gantt Chart of Coal based projects under CPEC .................................................... 14

Figure 5: Change in global CO2 emissions due to transition from coal to gas or renewables .. 19

Figure 6 Ecological Impacts of Coal ..................................................................................... 20

Figure 7 Total energy mix and share of renewable energy in 2019 ......................................... 25

Figure 8: Research Methodology and Data Collection Process .............................................. 31

Figure 9 Assessment parameters of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) ................................. 31

Figure 10 Prioritization of environmental parameters using criteria and alternative ............... 35

Figure 11 Reference Tariff values of Power plants (NEPRA proposed) ................................ 38

Figure 12 Levelized Cost of Energy of Thar coal power plants excluding emission cost ....... 39

Figure 13 LCOE of Thar coal power plants excluding emission cost .................................... 39

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Figure 14 LCOE of NG, RLNG, and RFO plants at 85% capacity factor ............................. 40

Figure 15 LCOE of some renewable energy projects under CPEC before 2018 tariffs .......... 41

Figure 16 Average LCOE of wind and solar projects as per NEPRA tariffs after 2018 ......... 41

Figure 17 CO2 emissions from different CPEC coal-based power plants .............................. 42

Figure 18 Net capacity additions as per IGCEP 2047 and the share of local coal .................. 43

Figure 19 Total CO2 emissions from electricity power generation and emission intensity ..... 44

Figure 20: CO2 emissions under base case and renewable transition scenario ........................ 44

List of Tables

Table 1: Status and development of Thar coalfield, number of blocks and description ........... 9

Table 2: Legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in environmental and socio-economic

dimensions (Source: Information retrieved from ESIA, 2012) .............................................. 10

Table 3 Techno-financial aspects of Coal Projects under CPEC [17]–[19]............................. 15

Table 4: Coal phase out of different countries and the policies for Just energy transition ...... 22

Table 5: Possible impacts of coal mining activities on environmental parameters in Thar Coal-

field ...................................................................................................................................... 28

List of Boxes

Box 1: Plans and Provisions under Pakistan’s ARE Policy 2019 for Green Energy Transition

Box 2: Political Economy of Coal in Pakistan: Evidence from interviews with Key informants.

Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies: Implications

for Pakistan

Box 4: Focus areas around the world for Renewable Energy Transition.

Box 5: International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) report on Renewable’s readiness of


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AEDB Alternate Energy Development Board

AHP Analytical Hierarchy Process

AMD Acid Mine Drainage

ARE Alternate and Renewable Energy

BRI Belt and Road Initiative

CAPEX Capital Expenditure

CFA Coal Fly Ash

CHP Combined Heat and Power

CI Consistency Index

CMEC China Machinery Engineering Corporation

CPEC China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

CPP Capacity Purchase Price

CPPA Central Power Purchasing Authority

CR Consistency Ratio

CTG Coal to Gas

CTL Coal to Liquid

DISCOs Distribution Companies

EIA Energy Information Administration

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

EPP Energy Purchase Price

FIPs Feed in Premiums

FITs Feed in Tariffs

FGD Focus Group Discussion

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GHGs Greenhouse Gases

HUBCO HUB Power Company

ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

ICMM International Council on Mining and Metals

IEA International Energy Agency

IFC International Finance Cooperation

IGCEP Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan

IMF International Monetary Fund

IPPs Independent Power Producers

IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency

Page 9: Working Paper #193 · 2021. 6. 18. · Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies: Implications for Pakistan Box 4: Focus areas around the world for

IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management

LAA Land Acquisition Act

LCOE Levelized Cost of Energy

LNG Liquified Natural Gas

LOI Letter of Intent

MCDA Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions

NEPRA National Electric Power Regulatory Authority

O&M Operation and Maintenance

OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

PPD Public Private Dialogue

PPCA Powering Past Coal Alliance

RFO Residual Fuel Oil

RI Random Index

RPSs Renewable Portfolio Standards

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

SMART Self Monitoring and Reporting

WHO World Health Organization

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Executive Summary

Developing Thar coalfield is the economic priority of Pakistan, and the coal-based energy

projects are the major energy projects being carried out under China-Pakistan Economic

Corridor (CPEC). These projects are expected to contribute to the local, regional, and national

development. On the contrary, there are strong public concerns about the impacts of coal mine

power generation on environment. The communities under scrutiny are highly susceptible to

climate change, living under high levels of poverty, and there is high dependency of household

livelihoods on natural resources. Although there are guidance frameworks and international

laws for developing these projects, there are existing gaps to identify and manage the potential

risks and impacts for the long-term energy planning and economic development of Pakistan.

This study provides an in-depth assessment of socio-economic impacts of coal-based energy in

Pakistan and evidence-based framework through which the upcoming investments under

CPEC can be diverted towards clean energy sources.

The major uptake of coal in Pakistan was started in 2017 after discovering vast reserves of lignite

in Thar region of Sindh. Coal development under CPEC was made through both “a push from

China” and similarly a “pull from Pakistan”. However, where coal provided energy security, it

raised serious concerns of environmental and financial burden for energy sector in 2019 when

Pakistan was facing the issues of capacity payments and power surplus. All coal power plants

under CPEC were structured as IPPs, and with more capacity to be added in the coming years,

the payments could reach an unpayable amount of $9 billion. The recent electricity demand of

Pakistan even before COVID-19 pandemic was less than expected. After and during pandemic,

the situation is expected to get even worse which will clearly increase the risk of Pakistan being

burdened by locked capacity. So, given the typical economic lifetime of coal fired power stations

at around 40 years, this infrastructure will lock high emissions and financial sources into an

energy system that needs urgent decarbonization.

To overcome these challenges and look for a just transition pathway, this study provides an in-

depth analysis of the issue based on literature and desk review, expert consultations, and

quantitative/qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis is used for analysing the

environmental implications of coal-based energy through Multi Criteria Decision Analysis and

Economic-Environmental assessment models of coal-based plants. The qualitative analysis has

been done by conducting a series of Focus Group Discussions and Public-Private Dialogues on

different topics linked to clean energy transition.

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The LCOE based financial model in the study depicts that without considering the cost of CO2

emissions, LCOE of Thar coal on average is around PKR 8.7/kWh (C.F of 85%). However, if

average values of emissions cost are incorporated, this value goes beyond PKR 11.7/kWh.

Among different thermal fuels, natural gas is currently the cheapest source of generation

(including the emission cost) followed by coal. After 2018, tariffs for power generation through

solar and wind have drastically changed with an average wind power expected to be produced

at a rate of $0.0486/kWh and an average solar power at $0.034/kWh. These values provide a

much cheaper alternative than both local and imported coal.

Further, the study also projects the country’s environmental profile due to adoption of Thar

coal as indicated in NTDC’s first draft of IGCEP 2047 plan. However, the results of both

sections should be carefully interpreted. What makes economic sense highly depends on the

policy objectives. If the overall cost of the plant or the debt burden is the most significant aspect,

then the current structure of CPEC with high dependence on coal makes sense. But this

investment in no way should be considered green. However, in case the goal is to keep the value

of LCOE (incl. emission value) low in long-term, then cheaper and greener options can be


Based on both qualitative and quantitative analysis, RE investments will provide long-term

benefits considering many social, economic, and environmental benefits. Considering that

Pakistan is already facing financial constraints, the investments in fossil fuels for ensuring energy

access to all will fall short. For being on track with Paris Agreement, the share of investments

for renewables should be around 65% (global average). For Pakistan, this shift will require

massive step-in policies and measures. Pakistan needs to encourage a state level market outcome

by putting its focus on technology build-up for renewables. It could be through tax breaks for

producers and consumers, or it could be in the form of Chinese subsidies like low electricity

rates or government-set pricings. However, understanding what role such investments have

previously played in other countries will also explain the impact these policies can have. Just

creating a pool of funds might not solve the major problems of RE penetration.

Pakistan needs to come up with RPSs, tradable certificate schemes, reliable framework for FITs,

auctions, framework for decentralized systems, financial models, and some non-regulatory

policies to work along with it. This includes providing tax incentives, capital grants and

subsidies, attractive loans, and mitigation of associated risks. Private sector will play a major role

in providing a country-wide access and infrastructure build-up of decentralized systems. Hence,

for a rapid energy transition, Pakistan must answer whether the current environment is

attracting private investment? More importantly, is it providing an equal opportunity?

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Therefore, Greening CPEC thus provides a more economical way forward for Pakistan if it is

to build upon its climate goal of becoming a carbon neutral economy.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Pakistan has a very critical role in China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” where the latter has

allocated around $34 billion to build energy infrastructure so as to untap both thermal and

renewable energy resources [1]. The Government of Pakistan is very optimistic about the

projects under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which are supposed to be the

backbone of building energy economy [2]. More than half of the energy projects under CPEC

revolve around the Thar coalfield that is envisioned to have around 200 billion tons of coal

reserves. Pakistan is keen to untap these reserves for reducing its reliance on imported fuels for

power generation and made a shift towards coal-based energy majorly in 2017 after the

discovery of Thar coal reserves making the country 4th largest coal assets in the world [3]. As

compared to other conventional sources, coal is relatively cheap and Pakistan has made

significant efforts to compel coal utilization through Annual Energy Development Plans,

CPEC, Vision 2025 [4] , Vision 2035, and NDCs to boost energy economy. For a country like

Pakistan that with per capita energy consumption of 460 koe (kg of oil equivalent) [5], which is

one fifth of Chinese consumption, it is a clear indicator that the country must improve its

indigenous production for increasing the living conditions and lifestyle of its citizens. Energy

experts and international observers believe that Thar coal could provide a very cheap alternate

for an energy deficient country and Pakistan must capitalize on it [6].

The cost of Pakistan’s heavy dependence on oil for power generation had previously been

absorbed by the government in the form of power subsidies and later passed on to consumers

in higher electricity prices. Electricity shortages and its price escalation became the main issue.

In 2018, Pakistan continued to face power shortage of up to 3500 MW [7] in some areas. Over

the years, power shortages have severely impacted Pakistan’s annual output, exports and

employment. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which promises projects in energy

and infrastructure worth $62 billion, with investment in energy projects of $35 billion, is

expected to bridge the capacity shortfall along with ensuring energy security [8].

Although the current use of coal in Pakistan is majorly through imported coal, the country is

expecting to increase energy security by relying on indigenous coal-based projects. Realization

of these goals soon followed in the form of CPEC, which envisaged an addition of 11 GW of

energy to the national grid through 22 priority projects. Along with power sector, coal is further

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consumed in brick kiln, cement, steel and other industries. Total coal consumption has increased

from just 6.56 million tons in 2014 to 21.3 million tons in 2019. The major shift has been

observed in power sector, whose share has increased from 2.5% to 27.4%. Pakistan has a share

of 7.7% coal in total power generation with capacity standing slightly above 5000 MW. Although

the current global share of coal from Pakistan is just 0.2%, this value increases to 1.4% in share

of global pipeline [9]. Figure 1 represents the coal production and imports in Pakistan.

Figure 1: Coal production and Imports in Pakistan

Pakistan has long been seeking the utilization of these vast reserves of coal in Thar region. These

reserves were largely unexploited due to lack of technology, finances, and infrastructure. Thus,

majority of coal projects under CPEC are due to both a push from China and a pull from

Pakistan. Along with energy generation, socio economic development of Thar region along

with this process is also a key objective of CPEC. These projects will transform Thar from an

entirely rural to a partially urban economy, that will create a number of job opportunities for

local residents. A coal project of 1000 MW can create approximately 2200 direct job

opportunities. Further, 2% of before tax earnings will be spent on improving socio-economic

indicators of the area [8].

Until recently, when the Prime Minister announced coal moratorium, Pakistan was trying to

bring in coal while other countries were moving away to cut GHG emissions. NEPRA was even

expecting to increase coal fired generation to 20% by 2025 [8]. Still, as previously mentioned,

Pakistan possesses a significant share in total coal capacity under the pipeline. Although these

coal projects provide cheap energy in a short term, they have considerable environmental

implications. Even China, despite being the centre of global green energy transition, is the major

contributor to GHG emissions, with coal consuming the major share [10]. So, this should be













2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


al I



s (m


n t




al P





n t



Balochistan Punjab Sindh KPK/FATA Coal Imports

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implicitly realized that although Thar based coal projects will reduce demand supply gap, they

will have harmful environmental impacts in the long run. Notwithstanding the fact that many

policy documents suggest the use of clean combustion and carbon capturing technologies, and

that both countries (China and Pakistan) are fully aware of the environmental repercussions of

coal base generation, the use of sub critical power generation technology puts environmental

sustainability under threat. Therefore, many policy makers, academics, researchers, and civil

society representatives have raised their concerns about environmental implications of coal-

based generation.

Secondly, although coal appears to be cheap while looking at the tariffs, its financial and debt

sustainability also needs a critical analysis since China’s lending in support of infrastructure

development may lead to an increase in debt and power locking causing a significant economic

loss, while Pakistan is already seeking debt relief from China. So, this long-term collaboration

between Pakistan and China on coal projects demand policy makers to ensure their decision-

making process is well analysed and inclusive.

1.1. Scope and Objectives of the Study

This case study analyses the likely impacts and challenges associated with the development of

Thar Coalfield and to explore the potential of renewable energy investments for long-term

sustainable growth of Pakistan. The study highlights the prospects of renewable energy in Thar

which could be a far-off better alternative to meet the energy demands of Pakistan on the one

hand. On the other it would push the country towards an inclusive economic growth. This

study attempts to provide social, economic, and environmental implications of Thar coal

development and how it might push Pakistan off the track to meet NDCs (Nationally

Determined Commitments) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals or UN Agenda 2030).

The specific objectives are:

1. To analyse the likelihood impacts of coal and its implications for long-term planning of

economic growth.

2. To determine the potential of renewables to lead the country towards clean energy

transition pathways in order to meet the NDC commitments and targets of SDG 7.

Figure 2 provides a conceptual framework of this study.

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Prospects of Thar Coal under CPEC

Energy/Financial Portfolio

• Demographics of Thar• Coal projects under CPEC• Coal Reserves• Global Trends in Coal

investment.• Economic considerations of

CPEC projects


• Off Track SDGs.• Risk of power locking &

economic burden.• Circular and Chinese Debt.• Environmental Impacts. • Social Impacts.• Other Ecological impacts.

Need for Inclusive Policy Making.

Environmental benefits

Economic benefits

Green Economy buildup


Assessment Criterion and Methodology

Literature/Desk Review

• LCOE based comparison of Coal with RE plants

• Environmental Impacts of Coal under Base and RE transition scenario.

• Assessment of Social Impacts due to Thar based power generation.

Survey based Qualitative Assessment

• Expert opinions regarding future CPEC investments

• Perceptions of future transition pathways.

Shaping New Norms

Policy and

Sustainability for RE

transitions in Thar

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework of the Study

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Chapter 2: Thar Coalfield: Prospects and Challenges

2.1 Thar Coalfield: Location and demographics

The Thar coalfield is located between latitudes 25 45 °N and longitudes 69 45 °E, Tharparkar

district (Thar desert), in the south-eastern part of Sindh Province of Pakistan. Province of Sindh

is home to around 24% of Pakistan’s population. Tharparkar district is in the south-eastern arid

zone of Sindh Province with India on its eastern side [11]. The area is spread over 19,638 km²,

of which most land lies within Thar Desert. Most of the population is rural and scattered across

the district. There are over 2,300 villages, ranging in size from 50 to over 2,000 people. The

urban population (approximately 4.5% of the total) is in three main towns: Mithi, Islamkot and

Diplo. According to the last census carried out in the district in 1998, the total population of

the district was 914,291 and 163,147 households. An estimate of the population for 2012 has

been made based on an overall growth rate of 3.13% per annum and that was 1,407,585.

According to 1998 census (secondary data, census reports), the literacy rate was 18.3%.

Tharparkar district is amongst the most under- developed areas, marked with highest incidence

of poverty (47%). However, , the discovery of 7th largest Lignite reserves in the early 90s may

be a game changer for the area.

According to revenue record, the total land of Tharparkar district is 4,791,025 acres, out of

which 613,374 acres are cultivable, while 2,315,229 acres are un-cultivable. 20 acres of land is

kept under city survey and 33,882 acres are reserved for common purposes. 230,324 acres of

land is declared as forest and the remaining 1,598,195 acres of land is with private landowners.

According to socioeconomic survey, overall 23.15% respondents had their own land (secondary

data, census reports). According to livestock census carried out in 1996, the total number of

animals was 3.8 million that increased to 4.5 million in 2006. Thar desert is considered as one

of the most densely populated deserts in the world. It has extreme climatic conditions

characterised by hot temperatures during summer (up to around 48 °C), dry conditions, but

relatively mild winters (9–28 °C). The primary source of income is agriculture (crop farming)

and livestock rearing. The location map for the Thar coalfield is shown in Figure 3 below.

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Figure 3: Location map of Thar coalfield: a) Map shows Sindh province located in south east of Pakistan, b)

location of Tharparkar district in the province, c) Thar coalfield area highlighted with black dotted line.:

Thar region is classified by geomorphological characteristics into agricultural fields, sand dunes

and plains. Agriculture fields are the dominant habitat, constituting 56% of habitats of the study

area. There is only one cropping season in the summer (called kharif season) in which a variety

of summer crops are grown. Sand dunes are the second dominant habitat, constituting 35% of

the total habitat. They vary in height, ranging from a few meters to over a hundred meters.

Plains constitute 9% (including 2% of the area covered by settlements) of the total habitat of

the study area. An established tradition of preservation of trees contributes to maintaining the

vegetation cover in the Thar Desert. Grazing pressure, however, is significant and the ground

vegetation in terms of grasses, scrubs and bushes can be considered as uniformly degraded. As

on January 2013, the Government of Sindh had identified 13 potential coal development blocks

towards the south of the coalfield area where the seams are thickest and nearest to the surface,

with two more blocks nearby at the development stage and one in operational phase [12]. The

details of Thar coalfield blocks are given in Table 1.

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Table 1: Status and development of Thar coalfield, number of blocks and description


Exploration License Surface Area





I Sino Sindh Resources Ltd – Global

Mining Company (SSRL-GMC)

122 3566.91

II Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company


96,00 2240

III Cougar Energy (UK) Under Ground

Coal Gasification Project 400 MW

82.23 2008.04

III B Available 76.80 1453.18

IV Available 82.00 2571.51

V UCG Project, Government of


63.51 1394


Sindh Carbon Energy Ltd (SCEL) (a

subsidiary of Oracle Coalfields plc)




IX, X, XI,


Available 100.00

Table 2 further describes some regulatory and policy frameworks in different dimensions at

both national and international levels.

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Table 2: Legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in environmental and socio-economic dimensions (Source: Information retrieved from ESIA,


Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Frameworks

Dimensions National International


The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 2010; Land

Acquisition Act (LAA) of 1894; Draft National Resettlement Policy,

2002; Sindh Land Grant Policies; Policy for Grant of Enemy Land

Provincial rules: Illegal Disposition Act 2005: Sindh Land Revenue Act

1968: Evacuee Trust Properties (Management and Disposal) Act 1975:

Sindh Tenancy Act 1950: Registration Act 1908: Easement Act 1882:

Constitutional Provision 2010; Land Acquisition Act 1894;

World Bank Operational Policy 4.12 on Involuntary


IFC’s Performance Standard (PS) 5 (2012) on Involuntary


International Convention to Combat Desertification –

with an objective to combat desertification and mitigate

the effects of drought.


National Water Policy 2003.

Canal and Drainage Act 1873 and Sindh Irrigation Act 1879; Sindh

Water Management Ordinance 2002; Pakistan Environmental

Protection Act 1997; Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of

Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment

Regulations 2000.

Transboundary Agreement with India known as The Indus Water

Treaty. The treaty set out the provisions for water-sharing between the

Republic of India and Pakistan, brokered by the World Bank.

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance

1992 Declaration on Environment and Development

(or ―Rio Declaration


Labor and Health and Safety Legislation: Mines Act 1923; Provincial

Employees Social Security Ordinance 1965; and Workmen ‘s

Compensation Act 1923.

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. National Mineral

Policy 2013; Sindh Coal Act, 2012; Sindh Mining Concession Rules

International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)

Sustainable Development Framework.

Good Practice: Sustainable Development in the Mining

and Metals Sector.

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2002; Mines Act 1923; Mines and Oil-fields and Mineral Development

(Government Control) Act 1948; Sindh Mining Concession Rules 2002.



Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997; Pakistan Environmental

Protection Agency Review of Initial Environmental Examination and

Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2000

1992 Declaration on Environment and Development

(or ―Rio Declaration.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate


Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change.

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone


The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete Ozone

Layer and associated amendments.

Air and


Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997; Pakistan Environmental

Protection Agency Review of Initial Environmental Examination and

Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2000



Explosives Act 1884; Self-Monitoring and Reporting(SMART) by

Industry Rules 2001;

Factories Act 1934; Factories Rules; Hazardous Occupations Rules


International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness,

Response and Co-operation.

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary

Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.

Biodiversity Sindh Wildlife Protection Ordinance 1974;

Forest Act 1927;

Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997; Pakistan Environmental

Protection Agency Review of Initial Environmental Examination and

Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2000

Convention on Biological Diversity – covering

ecosystems, species, and genetic resources and also the

field of biotechnology;

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on

Biological Diversity; Bonn Convention on the

Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;

Memorandum of Understanding concerning

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Conservation Measures for the Siberian Crane;

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

of Wild Fauna and Flora; International Plant Protection

Convention (1997); Agreement for the Establishment of

the Near East Plant Protection Organization; Plant

Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific Region and


Culture and


The Antiquities Act 1975 and Sindh Cultural Heritage Act 1994; Convention concerning the Protection of the World

Cultural and Natural Heritage; World Bank Operational

Policy 4.10 and 4.11 on Indigenous People and Physical

Cultural Resources.

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2.2. Financing Structure of Coal-based Power generation projects

Nearly all the coal power plants are structured as Independent Power Producers (IPPs) that sell

power to the Central Power Purchasing Authority (CPPA). A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is

designated as the project developer that includes stake from both local and international

counterparts [13]. The Chinese entities are organizations such as CMEC or Shandong Ruvi. From

Pakistan’s side, shareholders (as previously mentioned) are IPPs such as HUBCO, NovaTex, etc

along with Sindh government [14]. These project developers then procure loans from Chinese

banks, which require the project to acquire credit insurance from China Export & Credit Insurance

(Sinosure); a state-owned insurance company designed to alleviate non-payment risks against

Chinese exports [15]. The Government of Pakistan and planning ministries strictly believe that the

outflows from CPEC will begin in 2021, and will peak in the coming three years without avoiding

any trap [16]. Planning commission of Pakistan firmly believes that the debt repayment period of

CPEC projects will start in 2021 where 300-400 million will be annually paid, which will increase

to about $3.5 billion in 2024-2025. Total debt repayment shall be completed within 25 years.

Hence, CPEC is not causing any sudden burden to energy outflows and will be overweighted by

the benefits of resulting projects. Chinese government itself has ensured that CPEC projects are

completely on track despite the global pandemic. China’s own input in its BRI projects has

increased, and in the first three quarters of 2020, Chinese investments in non-fiscal sectors has

increased by around 30% [17].

So far, the government has signed MoUs with 53 IPPs, which will yield dividends of PKR 836

billion in the next 10-12 years. If the government further manages to sign MoUs with more IPPs

installed under the 2015 power policy [18], including the ones set up under the CPEC umbrella,

then the country will have huge monetary benefit of Rs10-11 trillion in the next 25-30 years [19].

Recently, an audit was carried out for evaluating the profitability of IPPs in Pakistan, which

reported that CPEC projects (Sahiwal and Port Qasim) had reaped increased allowance of PKR

32.46 billion due to low incurring of financial cost factors by NEPRA [13][20]. Moreover, the

projects had also completed their construction ahead of their schedule. Even Chinese government

reported that more than 70 different projects under CPEC have completed construction before

their scheduled date.

Gantt chart (Figure 4) shows the financial closure and commencement of these coal power projects

under CPEC. However, it should be noted that for Thar Mine Mouth Oracle Power Plant &

surface mine, the financial closure is still at the final stages and current date is just used as a

reference and is also subjected to coal moratorium announcement . Details of various coal plants

under CPEC are summarized in Table 3 [17]–[19].

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Figure 4 Gantt Chart of Coal based projects under CPEC

Dec 1, 2015 Apr 14, 2017 Aug 27, 2018 Jan 9, 2020 May 23, 2021 Oct 5, 2022

Engro Thar Coal Power Project

SSRL (Shanghai Electric Coal Power )

Thar Mine Mouth Oracle Power Plant & surface mine

Thal Nova Thar Coal Power Project

HUBCO Thar Coal Power Project (Thar Energy)

Sahiwal Coal-fired Power Plant, Punjab

Coal-fired Power Plants at Port Qasim Karachi

HUBCO Coal Power Project, Hub Balochistan

Imported Coal Based Power Project at Gwadar, Pakistan





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Table 3 Techno-financial aspects of Coal Projects under CPEC [17]–[19]



Project Total



Cost ($


Coal Type and


Technology Lender Borrower Status of


1 Sahiwal Coal fired

power plant,


2*660 =


1912.2 Imported Coal Super






Ruyi (Pakistan )


2 Coal-fired Power

Plants at Port

Qasim Karachi

2*660 =


1912.2 Imported Coal Super


China Exim bank Port Qasim


Power Co.


3 HUBCO Coal

Power Project, Hub


1320 1912.2 Imported Coal Super


Bank of China,

Bank of



China Exim

bank, ICBC

China Power

Hub Generation



4 Engro Thar Coal


2*330 =


995.4 Thar Coal Sub Critical Bank of China,

Bank of



China Exim

bank, ICBC,

Pakistani Banks

Engro Powergen

Thar Limited


5 Shanghai Electric

Coal Power

2*660 =


1912.2 Thar Coal Super


- Shanghai

Electric Power



LoS Issued.

First unit is


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6 HUBCO Thar Coal

Power Project

330 497.7 Thar Coal Sub Critical Bank of China,

Bank of



China Eximbank,


China Power


Generation Co.




7 Thal Nova Thar

Coal Power Project

330 497.7 Thar Coal Sub Critical Bank of China,

Bank of



China Exim

bank, ICBC



8 Power Project at

Gwadar, Pakistan

300 MW 542.32 Imported Coal Sub Critical China







9 Thar Mine Mouth

Oracle Power Plant

1320 MW Yet to be


Thar Coal Sub Critical M/s Oracle



Yanzhou Coal

Under issuance

of LOI.

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2.3. Risk Assessment

2.3.1 Power Locking and Unaffordability

Pakistan has recently launched its Alternative Renewable Energy Policy (ARE) with the aim of

achieving 30% of total share through renewables [21]. Being the cheapest of source of energy in

Pakistan, renewables also have unmatched advantage of attracting those investors that do not want

to invest in coal. However, despite the ARE policy, Pakistan has recently reached a financial

closure of two coal-based power plants under CPEC, with a combined sum of approximately $2.5

billion [22]. (This was done before Prime Minister’s coal policy announcement.) With more

capacity to be added in the coming years, the payments could reach an unpayable amount of $ 9

billion [23]. On the other hand, the recent electricity demand growth of Pakistan even before

COVID-19 pandemic was less than expected. After pandemic, the situation is expected to get even

worse, which will clearly increase the risk of Pakistan being burdened by locked capacity [23]. This

will further increase the financial issues within the power sector. Large capacity payments due to

power lock in will be even more of a burden, as the amount will be paid to the generators even

when they will not be producing electricity. Research finds that other nations that have built coal

capacities recently have faced the similar issues. In the fiscal year 2018-19, Bangladesh utilized only

43% of their capacity resulting in idle plant payment of $1.1 billion [21].

2.3.2 Debt Sustainability

The economic stability of CPEC projects needs to be carefully analysed since many reports have

mentioned that these projects can raise debt problems for the borrowing countries. Even IMF and

BRI have warned about the financial stability of coal-based projects and urged properly managed

financial terms in countries with an already high public debt [24]. Pakistan has recently appeared

in many reports regarding debt sustainability of its CPEC projects. Pakistan’s debt to GDP ratio

was 70% in 2018, and this value was expected to reach a high value of 80.5% in 2020 [25]. Based

on the research, countries with a ratio higher than this are at greater risk of debt treatment. Now,

the major portion of this Pakistan’s debt is already from China and according to IMF, China’s

bilateral loans are neatly 26% of Pakistan’s $86 billion debt [26].

All DISCOs, on account of transmission and distribution losses and less recovery of electricity

bills, are annually adding Rs150-200 billion to the circular debt. If the status quo continues and no

endeavours are made to bring down the losses and improvement of recovery, current circular debt

that stands at Rs2.3 trillion will soar up to Rs4,000 billion by 2025.

As long as the government has to honour the sovereign guarantees that are present to ensure the

development of CPEC, debt is likely to increase, mainly due to payment obligations of CPPA to

the producers [8]. If the cycle of Pakistan’s circular debt continues, the power producer can set the

plan and recover its investment along with Return on Investment from Pakistan.

In FY 2019-20, approximately $7 billion was allocated to foreign debt payments. Although, no

such amount was mentioned in the next budget, it does mention an increase in interest payment

on foreign debts. Along with domestic debt, this debt servicing will take approximately 41% of the

total budget of $43.2 billion [27]. High-capacity payments of coal plants mentioned above will

make electricity more expensive and will cumulate with Pakistan’s circular debt.

Furthermore, the global investments and support packages of coal are drying up. Most

international banks and aid groups have halted policies in coal investments as well. This along with

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debt concerns and coupled with the economic loss due to COVID-19 has aggravated the economic

situation, highlighted from the recent request to China on a debt relief on $30 billion for power

generation projects [28].

2.3.3 Environmental and Social Impacts of Coal

Impact of Coal fired power plants

Thar coalfield contains lignite, which has a lower heating value as compared to bituminous coal

and hence more coal must be burned to produce a unit value of power. This further means more

GHG emissions and hence more pollution [29]. Coal is consumed both commercially and

domestically for energy purposes, which contributes to health and environmental degradation even

by following modern controlling techniques. Some reports state that chemical processing of coal

releases even 3-4 times larger CO2 emissions than oil or gas based processing [30]. Combustion of

coal releases both CO and CO2 as a result of oxidation. This adversely impacts the environment

in the form of global warming and GHG emissions. Global warming further raises many climate

concerns, including flooding. WHO reports that coal combustion causes a death of 1.1-1.3 million

people each year (mainly due to malaria). Inhaling hazardous substances from coal powered plants

and its by-products pose serious risk to human health [31]. As per the research, burning of coal is

more pollutant as compared to other sources. Burning 1 TOE of coal emits approximately 4 tons

of CO2, which is highest among all energy resources [32].

Power sector of the world accounts for approximately 67% of total CO2 emissions, with coal

contribution to approximately 85% of the net increase in emissions. In 2018, the emissions from

coal increased beyond 10 Gt CO2 and Asia has been the largest contributor. If the Paris target of

2 °C is to be achieved by countries, then a transition pathway must be adopted to shift from its

use as coal caused a total of 0.3 °C of 1 °C increase in global average temperature above pre-

industrial levels, thus making coal the largest contributor for climate change [33].

Coal contains significant amount of sulphur compounds that are released during combustion

resulting in air, water, and land pollution. These products are mainly released in uncontrolled

power plants where they are emitted at twice the rate as compared to the rate in transports and

industries [34]. SOx resulting from coal further travel distances and react to produce sulphuric acid

that causes acid rains. So, high concentration of SOx to population living near power plants expose

them to health disorders that may even be fatal. Along with SOx, coal powerplants also release

NOx and other particulate-matters with highly corrosive properties that also damage both health

and environment. NOx also combines with water and under specific conditions to form nitric acid

that is a major constituent of acid rain. CFA (coal fly ash) also contributes to PM formulation that

pose an underlying threat to human life expectancy [30]. However, as previously mentioned that

although the use of coal has increased in last year, a shift from coal to gas and renewables has

increased in the past years. Figure 5 below shows the emissions that can be averted due to the

above-mentioned switch [35] .

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Figure 5: Change in global CO2 emissions due to transition from coal to gas or renewables

Globally, 215 Mt of emissions were saved through this transition shown in the figure above.

Although China is a significant contributor to CO2 emissions, this transition was majorly led by it.

In the absence of these policies [36], the total emissions would have been around 50% higher.

Impacts of Coal Mining

Apart from coal combustion, there are numerous impacts on environment due to coal mining as

well. As a result of coal mining, pyrite present in sulphur bearing rocks reach with air and water to

form sulphuric acid and which then flows with water to streams that are mixed with residential

storage that makes it unusable for households [37]. This water can further wash into nearby

streams and rivers. Further, coal dust is stirred both during the process of transport as well as

mining. This cause severe and deadly respiratory problems. Coal fires also occur in abandoned

mines and waste piles. Emissions from coal fires accounts to approximately 3% of global emissions


After municipal solid waste from residential and industrial sector, waste from coal combustion is

the second largest waste stream. If this waste is disposed of, it would cause environmental

pollution. Coal sludge is also released by washing coal and spills into underground and surface

water. Women and children living near coal mines or coal plants are at the highest risks due to

contaminated water and soil pollution [39]. It has been globally observed that the poverty rates of

people living within one mile of a coal mine are twice as compared to the national average [31].

Further, dependence on coal as a national energy source puts a significant amount of labours to

high-risk conditions. This includes inhalation of toxic components, exposure to mercury, fumes,

gases, UV radiations, hearing loss due to high noise, and a prolonged exposure to mining


Coal mining significantly alters the landscape of area that reduces the value of surrounding land

until it is reclaimed. The nearby residents must migrate to far-off places leaving their agricultural

lands that are rendered useless due to contaminated flow. Other agricultural activities such as

livestock, farming of food and vegetables are also interrupted [30]. Even after the mining is

complete, the land cannot be reused until it is properly treated. Strip mining further destroys the

soil genetic properties and permanently changes the land demographics. Many geophysical features

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are also destroyed due to continuous disruptive activities like blasting and excavating. These

ecological impacts of coal are further summarized in figure 6 [37].

Figure 6 Ecological Impacts of Coal

As it is apparent from the above-mentioned literature, coal has significant impact on

environmental degradation in all stages of its life. Hence, the energy market needs to carefully

analyse where to divert the upcoming investments of this sector. The next section of the study

deals with major trends in global energy market and the prospects of energy transition from coal.

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Chapter 3: Trends in Energy Investments in the global Market

3.1 Prospects of Coal and energy shift

As per the global statistics of 2019, coal has been the most dominant source of energy, accounting

for approximately 40% of total electricity generation and was responsible for equal percentage of

CO2 emissions [40]. Although the share of coal had started declining, but the effect rebounded

after 2017 and reached an all-time high. In coming five years, the market of coal is expected to

remain stable due to a resilient Chinese market [41]. However, under the Paris agreement, countries

have pledged to make a considerable shift to divert the fossil fuel investments into cleaner sources

to counter the associated impacts of coal on the environment and natural resources [42].

Global demand of coal in previous two years has declined, however, its share in total energy mix

has increased. In past years, coal has shifted towards Asia led by China and India. Europe and

North America has pushed coal out of system due to environmental policies, economic incentives

of renewables, and by use of Natural Gas (for US specifically) [43]. India’s coal demand increased

strongly in response to their 7% growth in GDP. Europe reported a decline of 2.6% as renewables

took over. In all major European countries – notably France, Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom

– coal use declined, mainly owing to higher renewable generation. EU and UK alone reported a

decline of 8.3 GW of coal capacity in first half of 2020, and another 6 GW is expected to be

reduced by the end of this year [43]. These reductions were driven by raising the cost of Europe

carbon allowances and strickened emission regulations. Further, the use of cheap natural gas as an

alternate of coal in European Union countries has aided the phasing out of coal. Owing to the

declining profitability of coal plants with time, Portugal also announced closure of two coal

powerplants thus coming on track to be coal free by the end of year 2021 [44]. Even PPCA

(powering past coal alliance) reported that by 2030, 58% of total EU states will be free from coal


The phasing out of coal as mentioned for the above-mentioned countries has been brought by

making commitments to end public spending on coal, defining approaches for a socially and

economically just transition, most importantly by defining ambitious renewable energy targets.

Table 4 below describes the action plans of various countries to phase out coal [41], [43], [46].

Further, the action plans of other economies for phasing out of coal and enabling a just transition

are provided in Ref-[43], [46].

Despite the evidence that most of the countries are shifting away from coal, the total coal demand

increased in 2020 primarily due to the increased use in Asian countries, led by China. As per IEA

statistics, China’s coal demand is still resilient, and its coal consumption value will reach the

maximum in 2022 after which it will start declining. Even China is expecting a decrease of coal

share from 67% in 2018 to less than 60% by 2024 [41].

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Table 4: Coal phase out of different countries and the policies for Just energy transition



Country Commitment for

phasing out coal

Policy for renewables Just Energy transitions Restricting public

finance to coal power

1 Australia Many coal power plants

have been shut down and

no new plants are being


Country does not have

very high ambitious

targets for renewables

but support from

electricity market

participants is driving

down the renewable cost.

Government has taken actions to prevent

the job losses of coal plant workers by

placing them in relevant jobs

Country has restricted

the export of credits in


2 Brazil Brazilian development

bank will no longer be

financing any coal project

and only 3.5 GW installed

capacity will be further

added to the system.

Share of non-hydro

renewables will be

increased to 23% by

2030. Solar PV will

increase beyond 13 GW

by 2026.

Brazil’s National Adaptation Plan to

Climate Change, published in 2016,

recognises the need to achieve a just


National development

agencies and banks have

restricted any more


3 Canada Coal will be phased out by


Country already has a

very high share of hydro

for electricity generation.

Country has taken substantial for clean

growth economy. This includes

establishment of long-term research fund,

and transition centres, pension

programs for workers.

Country has ensured

restriction of export

credits in OECD and

domestic export credit


4 European


Closing of plants by 2030

at the latest.

Aim to achieve 20% of

total energy from

renewables by 2020 and

32% by 2030.

Just transition schemes include retraining or

up-skilling of employees in certain sectors


where needed, social measures at the

appropriate level”.

No such information


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5 France All plants to be shut down

by 2021

32% renewable energy by

2030 and 100% by 2050.

Plans have been established emphasising

the need to support

affected workers in the short and medium

term. local support schemes have already

been agreed with nine other regions, which

support local mitigation projects or green

start-ups, rather than wholesale industrial


Restrictions on bilateral

development finance for


Restrictions on export

credits for coal plants

without CCS and with

no CO2 storage.

6 Germany Coal phase out at latest by


80% of total energy from

renewables by 2050.

A commission has been established for

“growth, structural change and

employment” to address coal

phase-out. The commission recommended

in January 2019 that €40 billion be provided

to coal-intensive states until 2038, to

compensate and retrain coal workers and

reduce the financial burden on electricity

consumers, industry and utility companies

Restrictions on coal

finance at bilateral


KfW-Ipex bank

restrictions still allow

for coal plants under

500 MW and over 500

MW if they meet a

minimum efficiency


Many reports have indicated that just like other countries, the right time for Pakistan is now to make a shift while there is already some push from

international organizations. Although many of the above-mentioned countries have build their economies using coal, however, Pakistan somewhat came

late for coal when renewables are already more cost effective. So, a transition from coal towards clean energy makes both economic and environmental

sense for Pakistan [47].

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3.2 Prospects of Renewable Energy

To reach the targets of Paris goals and SDG 7, renewable needs to be grown at least six folds

faster as it is growing now (as of 2019). However, to achieve these goals, energy system must

undergo a profound transformation, from one largely based on fossil fuels to one that enhances

efficiency and is based on renewable energy [48]. Now, this global energy transition that is

already been observed in many countries as shown in the previous section can significantly

contribute towards a green economy build-up. Under current and planned policies, the world

would exhaust its energy-related “carbon budget” (CO2) in under 20 years to keep the global

temperature rise to well below 2°C. While different paths can mitigate climate change, renewable

energy and energy efficiency provide the optimal pathway to deliver the majority of the emission

cuts needed at the necessary speed [49].

In 2017, the power sector added 167 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity globally, a

robust growth of 8.3% over the previous year and a continuation of previous growth rates since

2010 averaging 8% per year. Renewable power generation accounted for an estimated quarter

of total global power generation, a new record. New records were also set for solar and wind

installation, with additions of 94 GW in solar photovoltaic (PV) and 47 GW wind power,

including 4 GW of offshore wind power. Renewable power generation costs continue to fall.

There is ample evidence that power systems dominated by renewables can be a reality, so the

scale and speed of renewable energy deployment can be accelerated with confidence.

The additional costs of the comprehensive, long-term energy transition would amount to USD

1.7 trillion annually in 2050. However, cost-savings from reduced air pollution, better health

and lower environmental damage would far outweigh these costs. The REmap Case suggests

that savings in these three areas alone would average USD 6 trillion annually by 2050 [50]. In

addition, the energy transition would significantly improve the energy system’s global socio-

economic footprint compared to business-as-usual, improving global welfare, Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) and employment.

Cumulative investment in the energy system between 2015 and 2050 needs to increase around

30%, from USD 93 trillion according to current and planned policies, to USD 120 trillion to

enable the energy transition [50]. Investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency would

absorb the bulk of total energy investments. Further, USD 18 trillion that would need to be

invested in power grids and energy flexibility. IRENA reports that in total, throughout the

period, the global economy would need to invest around 2% of the average global GDP per

year in decarbonisation solutions, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other

enabling technologies [51].

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However, this shift as mentioned above for renewables would create more jobs in energy sector

compared to the job losses in fossil fuel industry. The REmap Case would result in the loss of

7.4 million jobs in fossil fuels by 2050, but 19.0 million new jobs would be created in renewable

energy, energy efficiency, and grid enhancement and energy flexibility, for a net gain of 11.6

million jobs [49].

Despite the above-mentioned global transition, the use of renewables in Pakistan has always

been overshadowed, especially after the economic crisis in the late 21st century. Energy structure

of Pakistan has completely shifted towards thermal energy sources causing both economic and

environmental degradation [52]. Pakistan has abundant renewable resources that have not been

carefully mapped out to harvest their true potential. Figure 7 provides a brief overview of

Pakistan’s energy mix. Even as of 2019, the share of non hydro renewables is insignificant [3].

Figure 7 Total energy mix and share of renewable energy in 2019

The major reason behind this was a lack of planning that led to short-term solutions. Pakistan

previously had no clear renewable targets (before RE Policy), despite the concerns raised by

policy makers at various occasions. A political will and a pathway that attracts foreign

investments need a clear-cut target and setting of a portfolio as they are mandated by law.

The “Variable Renewable Energy Planning and Integration” study by the World Bank suggests

that Pakistan’s use of imported and local coal to produce electricity was economically unviable

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and scaling-up of solar and adding 24,000 MW wind generation could result in savings of up

to one billion dollars per annum2. The potential of Pakistan’s renewable energy sector in

different provinces was also highlighted by World Bank’s another study, i.e. “VRE Locational


Box 1: Plans and Provisions under Pakistan’s ARE Policy 2019 for Green

Energy Transition

ARE Policy 2019

• Provisions are made that ensure the development of a sustainable RE market

through gradual and dedicated increase of renewable based electricity.

• Promotion of indigenization of renewable resources by developing local

manufacturing capabilities for conversion technologies.

• Projects under ARE 2019 will be exempted from corporal income tax, and there

will be no customs duty on import of machinery or other equipment to be utilized

in the plant.

• Policy encourages the project developers for precuring carbon credits through

various mechanisms like CDM, NAMAs, etc. AEDB will further assist these

developers in carbon trading with international markets.

• As opposed to previous tariff determination policy (feed-in-tariffs), open bidding

process will be used to select the determinant (lowest evaluated tariff).

• Unlike previous approach of inducting renewable projects on a reactive basis, the

country now intends to have RE generation capacity of 20% by 2025, and 30% by


Other Government Plans

• Legislation of net metering that has recently been introduced will now allow solar

systems to sell power to the national grid. This further provides an opportunity to

electrify remote villages and power those commercial sectors that have large roof-

tops available.

• In recent “Climate Ambition Summit”, Prime Minister of Pakistan has announced

that the country will focus more on hydropower and two major coal plants (that

were already in pipeline) scrapped, and the country will not further move for coal-

based power.

• Recently approved EV Policy would further strengthen the government’s focus on

climate-friendly sources.

2 At least 6,700MW of wind and 17,500MW of solar photovoltaics (PV) should be added by 2030 to achieve government targets

of ARE policy.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Model Development

This study uses a broad methodological approach with both quantitative and qualitative data

analysis. The quantitative analysis is used for analysing the environmental implications of coal-

based energy through Multi Criteria Decision Analysis and Economic-Environmental

assessment models of coal-based plants. The qualitative analysis is carried out by conducting a

series of Focus Group Discussions and Public-Private Dialogues on different topics linked to

clean energy transition. The policy recommendations from each dialogue were then

incorporated by properly mapping the stakeholders.

4.1 Preliminary scoping appraisal-Ranking and prioritization of environmental

parameters using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool: (AHP method)

There is a growing concern about investigating the linkages of environmental impacts and the

question as to how the integration of the concept of ecosystem services could extend and

improve the decision-making process. In this analysis, a three-step approach has been

formulated to link the impacts to the provision of important ecosystem services; 1) An

assessment of environmental and social impacts of coal development using a set of scoring

criteria supported by initial assessment based on field investigations, Focus Group Discussions

and existing literature review, 2) Ranking of measurable indicators using Multi-Criteria Decision

Analysis (MCDA) tool, and 3) Prioritization of Ecosystem Services (ES) using a defined scoring

methodology. It attempts to identify key issues and constraints related to potential

environmental and social issues in Thar coalfield such as relocation of communities, impact on

water resources of the area, potential contamination of soil and water resources from acid mine

leaching, and flora and fauna. The cumulative impact associated with future development may

include those with the groundwater drawdown, dust, ecological system, population influx,

relocation, and economic growth. In addition, the pre-requisite arrangements required for the

detailed assessment also included the relocation and socioeconomic development planning and

its effective and timely implementation and institutional arrangements, community participation

and consultation, disclosure of information, grievance redressal mechanism, community

development program, and monitoring and evaluation mechanism have all been addressed in a

broader context. The data collection included:

• Field visit to the study area, discussions with village groups and interviews with community

heads at household level secondary data.

• Expert opinions and consultations with active community members, project employees and

consultants concerned, relevant experts and institutions, and Focus Group Discussions

from both government and non-governmental bodies, and key researchers from scientific

community around the world.

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The detail of the actors involved are attached in Appendix 1 along with the questionnaire.

4.1.1 Identification of key Environmental parameters

Based on the environmental impact assessments of Thar coal project (see appendix for details),

the key impacts are summarized in Table 5 below; categorized and evaluated to identify the most

significant parameters which could have major environmental impacts and socioeconomic

implications. These parameters include water, landforms, vegetation, soil, and dust.

Table 5: Possible impacts of coal mining activities on environmental parameters in Thar Coal-


Parameter Activities related to


Pollutant and its impacts


Effluent release

from coal related


Brackish water, increased amount of TDS.

Heated effluents containing heavy metals

resulting in thermal pollution.

Acid mine drainage Acidic hard water, drying up wells and lowering

of regional water Table.

Erosion from

dumps and drainage

from mining sites

Soluble components and sediments alter the

drainage pattern of local water bodies and

aquifers and pollute them with acids, dissolved

salts and heavy metals.


Open pit/strip

mining use of heavy

machinery for

extraction of coal,

burning, gasification,


Coal dust and ash settles on land, making the

soil biologically sterile. Complete loss of

vegetative cover and topsoil.


open pit/surface

mining, clearing of

top layer and


Clearing up land for mining and related

infrastructure activities causing complete

destruction of vegetation. Loss of plant species

due to lack of photosynthesis, dead and dry

vegetation due to thermal pollution.



open pit/surface

mining, loss of land

for mining.

Reduced production of food for humans and

fodder for livestock.

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Surface mining

dumping sites for

waste, Facilities like

haulage, storage, and


Loss of upper layer of sand dunes. Change in

land use, topography of the region drainage

pattern and so on.


Drilling, blasting,

and burning of coal

in industries,

transport through

conveyor belts, and

erosion from spoiled


Alteration of nutrient content and productive

capacity of the soil as the suspended particulate

matter settles on land surface; reduce

photosynthesis due to decrease in amount of

sunlight. Respirable particulate matter from fine

coal dust results in pulmo-cutaneous problems

in local population.

4.1.2 Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool: (AHP method)

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis tool, which is

based on a theory of measurement through pair-wise comparisons and relies on the judgments

of experts to derive priority scales. The method has been applied in a coal-field in India that can

serve as a source of reference to prioritize the impact parameters based on existing knowledge

on impact indicators and respective decision-making. AHP is applicable in such cases where it

is difficult to measure the relative severity of impacts using one particular measure such as

impacts on water with impacts on air as water is also affected by other soluble components.

Therefore, we apply the AHP process based on similar criterion in purpose to derive the priority

scales for the identified impact parameters in the context of coal mining in Thar Coal-field.

These priority scales measure the intangibles in relative terms and are given aggregated weights

to obtain scores for each parameter. The process is applied in the following steps:

Step 1: Development of hierarchical structure based on six identified parameters/criteria (A1,

A2….A6) namely water, soil, vegetation, agricultural land, topography/landform, and air/dust,

Table below. These criteria are further dissolved into decision alternatives (B1, B2…B22)

(Appendix C1).

Step 2: Based on the opinion of experts and stakeholders using questionnaire and field-based

investigations, each criteria of parameter were assigned weight using a nine-point numerical

scale of absolute judgments (See Appendix). These criteria of parameters are arranged in a

form of pair-wise comparison matrix that is reciprocal in nature. Then the Eigen values of all

the six criteria are calculated using a consistency ratio (CR) of the comparison matrix,

determined as the ratio between the consistency index (CI) and random index (RI).

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RI (5.1)

Consistency index (CI) is defined as:

CI =( λmax− n)

(n−1) (5.2)

λ max = Maximum value of Eigen vector CI and n is the number of factors (n=6 in this case).

RI is the consistency index of pair-wise comparison matrix generated by Saaty and the values

are given in Table B3 (Appendix).

This measured consistency ratio is important to avoid the fact that the assigned weights

and corresponding weights can be subjective at times. A CR value less than 0.1 is considered

as applicable and consistent with the opinions.

Step 3: The calculation of weights for each criterion decision alternative was done using

consistency measures (calculated using equation 1). Their eigen values calculated as are given

in Table C4 (a-f), see Appendix).

The final priority for each criterion is measured using the formula:

Final Priority(P) = ∑(Weights of Bi with Ai ∗ Weights of Ai with respect to ESIA)

Where Ai (i=1, 2, 3…6) are the six criteria chosen to study their impacts and alternatives

Ci (i=1, 2, 2….22) under each criterion.

4.2 Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) based Energy Model

To analyse the transition pathway of future investments under CPEC, a scenario-based

modelling approach has been adopted. An LCOE based energy model for both coal and

Renewable Energy projects has been conducted to estimating the Financial and environmental

costs of Thar coal investments.

Based on the datasets available from NEPRA proposed tariffs and other studies on financing

structure of CPEC projects [53][2][54], an LCOE-based model was developed for both coal

based and Renewable Energy projects. The schematics of adopted methodology are depicted in

Figure 8. This Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) is generally defined as the lowest amount that

must be paid for electricity generation to only break-even. Another way of describing LCOE is

the electricity tariffs at which the investor would reach break-even after paying debt and equity

and accounting the required rate of return of these investors [55]. It is an important criteria to

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check the economic feasibility of any alternative by taking into account many factors as shown

in the figure 9.

Figure 8: Research Methodology and Data Collection Process


Transport Cost Discount Rate

O&M Cost


Capacity Factor

Investment Cost

Capital ExpenditureAuxiliary Cost

Figure 9 Assessment parameters of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)

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The tariff schedule of each plant is determined by NEPRA over its lifecycle, which in this case

is taken to be typically between 25-30 years. Now the two main components of LCOE are

Energy Purchase Price (EPP) and Capacity Purchase Price (CPP). EPP is the operation cost,

which is generated an then delivered to the power purchaser, while CPP refers to the fixed cost

of generation that includes O&M, and other equity parameters. The total LCOE of any plant is

the sum of both. the LCOE of any plant is also defined initially by NEPRA in the form of a

reference tariff. These tariffs are however based on constant cost factors are then changed by

NEPRA with time. Along with these cost parameters, LCOE also includes the emission cost

due to environment externalities. Although, we do not have cost values for this factor, the values

here are taken from other OECD countries.

Assumptions and Limitations of LCOE based financial Model

• Plant life is taken to be 25 years3

• Dollar rate for year 2017 is used.

• Median cost of emissions is taken to be $30/tonne of CO2 emissions.

• Discount rate is taken to be 10%.

• For coal plants, plant load factor is taken to be 85%

4.2.1 CO2 estimations and projections

Emissions from a power plant are determined by the plant capacity, the type of coal used and

the capacity factor. Carbon emission factor for plants operating on a specific coal types are

calculated based on its heat rate. Carbon emission factors of these plants were the verified

through a study done by Ref-[54]. The carbon emission factors were then multiplied by annual

electricity production to calculate the annual CO2 emissions.

4.2.2 Scenario-based modelling of energy alternatives

To analyse a transition pathway to guide the future investments under CPEC, the model has

been developed under two scenarios: i). The base or reference scenario- indicating the

environmental and economic profiles generated by performing business as usual scenario, i.e.

further installation and approval of coal-based power plants; ii) The second scenario named

“renewable transition” indicated the same profiles if further investments in Thar are made for

renewable and clean energy transitions. 2018 is used as the base year while other economic and

environmental parameters are same as those taken for calculation of Levelized Cost of Energy



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5. Result and Analysis

5.1 Quantitative assessment of Environmental and social impacts

Although coal has played a key role in human development and industrial revolution, there

is no wide-ranging debate on its social, environmental and health implications. These

implications include permanent change in landscapes, degradation of soil, habitat destruction,

and indirect impacts related to GHG emissions due to coal combustion. The extent of these

impacts occurs regardless of geographical location of type of economic development which may

lead to social, environmental, and health consequences.

The relationships between a given ecosystem, the multiple services it provides, and human

wellbeing are complicated. Experts’ knowledge is one of the most widely used qualitative

approaches which incorporate the perspectives of the different stakeholders into environmental

assessments. Based on the evaluated relationship between the ecosystems, pressures caused by

coal mining activities, land uses impact and stakeholders’ opinions; a prioritization scale of

environmental parameters are established. These criteria-weighted parameters (assessed using

AHP) are assumed to serve as a performance indicator to help assess the ecological components

underlying an ecosystem service. These indicators are specified as “leading indicators” that may

foreshadow changes in the condition of the environment based on potential causes of impacts.

Hence, we adopted an evaluation method to do an explicit analysis to study these flows with

current and predicted impacts on environmental parameters.

Table 6 below shows the prioritized parameters based on the eigen values of criteria and

decision alternatives (Appendix)

Table 6: Pair-wise comparison matrix





Water Soil Vegetation Agricultural


Landform Air/dust Eigen


Water 1 5 7 8 4 9 0.517

Soil 0.2 1 2 3 3 5 0.175

Vegetation 0.1428 0.125 1 2 3 6 0.127



0.125 0.142 0.5 1 2 3 0.076

Landforms 0.25 0.25 0.33333 0.5 1 4 0.076

Air/dust 0.111 0.11 0.16666 0.25 0.25 1 0.027

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The linkages of potential impacts are conceptualized by considering the dynamic relationship of

biophysical and ecological components to the drivers of change. Figure 10 highlights the

significance of each criteria and parameter and their expected relationship to ES categories

(results are given in Table C6 (appendix), explained as:

1. The highest criteria were placed on “sediment retention and soluble components,” which is

expected to have strong expected relationship changes in provisioning services of freshwater,

regulating (water flow, erosion control) and supporting services (nutrient and water cycling,

biological diversity). Although there is a limited research in arid climates, studies have shown

that mining is of great concern because of possible transport. Coal mining tends to release many

anthropogenic chemicals and metals (such as cyanide, arsenic, lead, cadmium) into sediments

that can be mobilized into the local surrounding environment. In arid regions, this

contamination also occurs from mine tailings and waste rock, causing acid mine drainage

(AMD), transported by wind or over-land flow during storm events. The mobility of these

contaminants is controlled by pH, often dissolute by aqueous transport as well as Aeolian

dispersion in arid climates. Further contamination is dominated by release of arsenic (As) which

is already found in the water samples of Thar.

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Figure 10 Prioritization of environmental parameters using criteria and alternative

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This phenomenon of acid drainage influence on the water and sediment quality was

investigated in a coal mining area (southern Brazil) which showed pH between 3.2 and 4.6 with

elevated concentrations of sulphate, As and heavy metals. Hence, the transportation of sediments

in arid and hyper arid regions can potentially impact the biological environment and food web

including the health and wellbeing of plants, animals, and humans exposed to contaminated. These

cumulative impacts of higher sediment and nutrient loads as a result of acid or metal seepage from

mine residues and waste disposal sites could greatly impact the water quality and quantity of the

ground water aquifers, in turn influencing the provisioning ecosystem services of water for humans

and animals. The loss to water related services will eventually disturb the agricultural land of Thar

leading to reduced crop production, exacerbated by expansion of further mine development.

Given the importance of drinking water in the region, the estimation of change in provision of

water are expected under current mining conditions are needed to be measured and valued that

could assess the level of impact on local people and their livelihoods.

2. Removal of topsoil and vegetation lead to loss of erosion control and carbon sequestration

processes (that impacts groundwater quality for drinking, agriculture, crop production, which is a

primary source of interest in Thar region). Disturbance to land surface leads to changes in

hydrological flow regimes causing increased risk of erosion due to removal of natural protective

crust. Land subsidence is another potential issue related to surface disturbance and topographic

changes which could impact climate regulation services due to Soil Organic carbon. These changes

in topography and landform influences the habitats of species which could have an impact on

regulating services. In Thar coalfield, during the EIA studies of Thar Coalfield, a total of seven

nests of Egyptian vulture Neophronpercnopterus were identified in the study area, of which five

were empty and two were occupied. These vultures play a key ecological role in Thar ecosystems

and are placed at the top of the food chain. They are the most efficient defenders of disease

outbreaks and can consume a large amount of dead meat in a very short span of time. Thus, help

earth’s nutrient to cycle by releasing the organic matter to the soil. A survey conducted in 2017

identified that all vultures, including Gyps species, are declining due to multiple threats including

habitat loss, reduced food availability, direct persecution, and emerging threats such as climate

change and loss of habitat in land clearance for mining. During the current survey any big nest

about 1.5 m in diameter was not observed within Thar Coal Block II. May be due to the initiation

of mining work in the block, there is a possibility that the Egyptian vultures Neophron percnopterus

have shifted their nesting site to another area due to the disturbance in land and environment.

3. Another possible impact associated with disturbance of land could be the high levels of fugitive

dust occurring near the mining activity. This has the potential to increase the health and safety

risks for the community at the nearest receptors. Many researchers have asserted that resource

developments often lead to the eradication of a ‘sense of place’ in a socio-ecological system. The

society of Thar region is deeply rooted in their cultural values and ethics. During the field visit,

spiritual and sentimental values were also revealed to break the human bond with their land of

ancestors, which had laid the foundation for their livelihoods in Thar. Possible expansion of mine

development may increase the levels of in-migration which may lead to proliferation of informal

settlements in the region. These land related issues of resettlement and relocation of affected

communities are further likely to increase pressures on natural resources, particularly water and

land, which may affect the current landscape and cultural makeup of society. Makki highlighted

that the locals perceive this phenomenon as being lower social standing (’Rool’ or ‘Landplan’: local

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slang for immigrant or settler). According to a local respondent of the pre-test survey “We surely

understand the need of mining project in our area, but we are worried about our water sources

and land for livestock and agriculture purpose. We have no rainfall and no other source to get the

fresh water. These lands are of our ancestors, and we have strong affiliation with it. We are happy

to receive services that can meet our local demands for land and water resources which we hope

that can help us to meet at least our primary needs as well as for our future generations, we are

Thari (Thar people in a local context)”. Moreover, loss of vegetation leads to loss of native plant

species that are used to make flutes and mutual instruments for cultural festivals. Considering the

strong expected relationship of these traditional norms and beliefs to be impacted by cumulative

impacts of mine development, aesthetic and spiritual values of land must be accounted to enable

good social cohesion and to enhance the recreational aspect of Thar region.

Box 2: Political Economy of Coal in Pakistan: Evidence from interviews with key


Coal capacity of Pakistan has significantly increased since 2017 after the discovery of Thar coal

reserves. Although the Prime Minister of Pakistan has recently announced the moratorium of

coal-based power, a large capacity is still available in the pipelines. Through our interviews with

experts, we have noted that the substantial expansion of coal and the recent moratorium can be

explained through the following factors:

Large-scale coal adoption

1. A decade ago, the energy generation of Pakistan was significantly below its energy

demand resulting in power outages. Hence, the sector was to be liberalized to ensure

that sufficient power is available. This was made possible through IPPs and then coal

projects under CPEC.

2. Since the support from renewables at that time along with technical/financial data and

feasible studies was very limited, its financial models, investing schemes, and grid

capability was not appropriate to penetrate it at a very high level. Further, since reserves

of natural gas were also declining, coal appeared to be the answer for meeting power


3. The recent focus of Pakistan government’s inclination towards coal-based power is

mainly due to the reason that currently the economic stability seems to be prioritized

against the environmental stability. Pakistan came late for coal while most of the

countries had already built their economies using this fuel.

4. Representatives of Pakistan government believe that the country is heavily relying on

coal due to large indigenous reserves, which means self-reliance and energy security.

This has been made possible through Thar development via China-Pakistan Economic

Corridor (CPEC). There is a need for long-term base load fuel, and since we were

running out of gas, indigenous coal (although not of very high quality) served as a good


Moratorium of Coal-based Power

1. While energy sector of Pakistan was going through an overhaul, the need for penetrating

renewables into the energy mix of Pakistan was constantly increasing. National as well

as international researchers were pointing out the merits of replacing fossil fuels with

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RE alternatives since they offer both economic as well as environmental benefits.

Further the coal power was expected to de-track Pakistan from its Nationally

Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Paris Agreement goals due to comparatively

larger CO2 emissions.

2. In climate summit 2020, the prime minister of Pakistan announced that the country will

not approve any new coal-based power plants, however, the ones that are in pipeline

will come online.

3. Buoyed by the recent moratorium on coal in Pakistan, announced by Prime Minister

Imran Khan on December 12, marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris Climate

Agreement, the statement received international acclaim since Pakistan’s bid to achieve

energy security based on coal-based power generation has widely been known.

Although, it seems like a step in the right direction, most experts believe that we may

not see coal vanish away in anytime near future.

4. Coal announcement by the PM, however, does showed a lack of coordination among

different departments, since the government of Pakistan has recently put forward the

initial draft of its Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan (IGCEP) in which the

coal moratorium was not accounted for.

5. The moratorium of coal was also supported by constantly increasing capacity payments

and resulting circular debt, since the capacity of Pakistan has increased well beyond its

peak demand.

4.2 LCOE based Financial Model for coal power plants

LCOE methods is used to compare and benchmark different energy technologies and conversion

processes across different scales and find lifetime energy supply costs. Based on NEPRA

determined Tariffs over the 25-year lifetime, LCOE was calculated for coal-based power plants

operating with a capacity factor of 85%. Figure 11 shows the reference tariffs of a proposed

powerplant and how the total cost per kWh differs over the life cycle. In initial 10 years, the total

cost is significantly higher due to load repayments, interest charges and debt servicing which

significantly changes the value of CPP (EPP remains the same).

Figure 11 Reference Tariff values of Power plants (NEPRA proposed)





Tariff (10-25 yrs) = 10.61



CPP , 23%

Tariff (1-10 yrs) = 13.504

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Since LCOE is taken over the life cycle, average tariff values are used while calculation of LCOE.

Figure 12 shows the calculated LCOE for Thar coal power plants. Based on the calculations, the

LCOE for Thar coal power plants without considering the cost of CO2 emissions is around PKR

8.7/kWh with a capacity factor of 85%. However, again as previously mentioned that this

calculation does not include the social costs.

Most of the coal plants under CPEC especially the ones that use sub critical technology emits a

large quantity of CO2. A methodological difficulty faced in these calculations is the absence of any

such policy. Hence, for incorporating these values, we have taken the average emission cost of

other OPEC countries, where the emission costs for lignite and sub bituminous coal are PKR 3.2

and 2.96 per kWh.

Figure 12 Levelized Cost of Energy of Thar coal power plants excluding emission cost

After inputting the average cost of 3.08 PKR/kWh, the adjusted LCOE of thar coal power plants

becomes approximately PKR 11.7/kWh as shown in figure 13.

Figure 13 LCOE of Thar coal power plants excluding emission cost












Thar Coal Block 1 Engro Power Gen Thal Nova Thar Energy













Thar Coal Block 1 Engro Power Gen Thal Nova Thar Energy






EPP CPP Emissions

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4.2.1. Comparison of Thar based LCOE with Non coal thermal plants

Non coal thermal plants commonly include the ones running on natural gas, RFO, and LNG. As

per the NEPRA tariffs, these plants have an average tariff cost as shown in figure 14. However, this

should be noted that the capacity factor of gas plants as mentioned in tariffs is 60%. However, the

plants can also run on base load conditions just like coal power plants and hence a capacity factor

of 85% can also be used for them.

Figure 14 LCOE of NG, RLNG, and RFO plants at 85% capacity factor

Based on the figure 14, natural gas is currently the cheapest source of energy generation from

conventional sources followed by coal. However, again the cost of generation does not included

emissions, in which case the cost of NG would be even much lower as compared to others.

However, the average of Oil/NG fuel as compared to the local Thar coal is still high (a difference

of 1.44/kWh (making it a more viable option.

As per the proposed and already built plants, Thar coal can annually generate approximately 49

billion kWh of electricity and thus use of coal generation instead of oil/gas (average) based plants

can save around PKR 70 billion.

4.2.2. Comparison with Renewables

Cost of renewable energy generation can be analysed under two different regimes. With the

advancement in technology, the cost of electricity generation and technology investment for wind

and solar has significantly dropped. LCOE of different renewable projects under CPEC before

NEPRA Tariffs of 2018 is shown in figure 15.

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Figure 15 LCOE of some renewable energy projects under CPEC before 2018 tariffs

As apparent from the figure 15, hydro power projects have the lowest LCOE followed by wind and

then solar. Coal plants as experienced in the previous section have an LCOE that is lower than both

wind and solar, but with an emission cost.

However, after 2018, tariffs for power generation through solar and wind have drastically changed

with an average wind power expected to be produced at a rate of $0.0486/kWh and an average solar

power at $0.034/kWh. This change is mainly due to a technological penetration and higher

possibility of capacity factors. Figure 16 represents the range of LCOE for wind and solar projects

after 2018.

Figure 16 Average LCOE of wind and solar projects as per NEPRA tariffs after 2018

These values when compared with both domestic and imported coal provide a cheaper economic


The results of LCOE calculations presented above are subjected to a large number of variations, and

hence each figure must be interpreted very carefully. As far as the real working of a plant is

considered, LCOE are over-estimated in most of the cases. This is mainly because LCOE is the

minimum cost which NEPRA approves, and the power producer is allowed to charge. Most power

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08




Quaid e Azam-1

Quaid e Azam-2


3 Gorges II








0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12

Average Wind

Average Solar

LCOE ($/kWh)

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producers renegotiate the prices to a higher value since they have to turn a profit for long-term

stability of plant. Further, a plant faces certain limitations and risks that are initially not accounted

for and can increase the cost drastically. Finally, LCOE is driven by capacity factor that can be limited

by the power demand, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and instability of the grid.

As per the study wind and solar (based on statistics after 2018) are the cheapest sources of energy

under CPEC followed by NG, Coal, RLNG, and RFO. However, this does not mean that all plants

should be based on cheapest or the cleanest source. Policy makers need to ensure a diversity in

energy supplies in case any source becomes a liability. Hence, the focus of CPEC should also not be

on a single technology. Currently, there is just too much focus on coal and that also is not among

the green options as explained in the next section.

4.2.3 CO2 emission Profiles under different scenarios of capacity addition

Each CPEC project contributes to an increase in total CO2 emissions. As per current scenario, CPEC

is expected to add approximately 51 million tons of CO2 annually. However, due to the difference

in plant sizes, it is difficult to compare the plants. Hence, the emission values for different plants per

MWh are shown in figure 17 below:

Figure 17 CO2 emissions from different CPEC coal-based power plants

Calculating environmental profiles require projecting the capacity building under the IGCEP 2047

plan as the base case. Figure 18 (top) shows the capacity additions and retirement of different plants

till 2035, while the bottom part of figure shows the share of additions due to local coal, i.e. CPEC


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10









Port Qasim


CO2 Emission (Mt)

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Figure 18 Net capacity additions as per IGCEP 2047 and the share of local coal

Based on the capacity additions as per the IGCEP, the total emissions resulting from the power

generation mix are as shown in the figure 19. It should be noted that the total emissions decrease till

2030 due the constraints applied by ARE policy 2019 which limits the share of renewables to 30%

by 2030. However, after 2030, IGCEP plan intakes a load share of coal-based power generation,

thus increasing both the total emissions and emissions per kWh of electricity.








































y (


)Capacity Additions Capacity Retirement Net capapcity additions










2024 2027 2030 2033 2034 2035




y a





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Figure 19 Total CO2 emissions from electricity power generation and emission intensity

As apparent from figure 19, the emissions in base scenario of Pakistan are constantly increasing

mainly due to coal-based power. The share of renewables in energy mix of Pakistan after is not only

“not sustained”, it starts decreasing. For a sustainable environment outlook, the upcoming coal

projects could be replaced by renewables such as wind. Figure 20 shows reduction in emission that

can be achieved if all new coal powered projects are replaced by solar and wind energy sources.

Figure 20: CO2 emissions under base case and renewable transition scenario

As apparent from the figure 19, replacing coal-based power plants running on both local or imported

fuels can save up to 28 Mt of CO2 in a single year (2030).

Another important aspect, which should be understood is that these emissions only represent the

emissions from combustion of coal. It does not include the emissions during plant construction,

transportation of fuel or other types that are involved in auxiliary processes. These are the reasons








































on I



ty (





2 E




CO2 Emissions (Mt) CO2 Emissions (kt/kWh)




































S (




Base Case Scenario Renewable Scenario

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why coal plants despite producing cheap energy are being shut down all across the globe [56]. EPA

recently banned the use of coal in many big cities including Beijing from China as well. In 2017,

China itself stopped the construction of approximately 100 coal-based power plants. The coal found

in Pakistan is further of low quality as compared to global average, which means larger emissions

and more utilization of coal to produce a unit power of electricity.

Above two sections have carefully analysed both economic and environmental considerations of

coal. However, the results of both sections should be carefully interpreted. What makes economic

sense highly depends on the policy objectives. If the overall cost of the plant or the debt burden is

the most significant aspect, then the current structure of CPEC with high dependence on coal makes

sense. Even natural gas in that sense provides a good alternate. But this investment in no way should

be considered green. However, in case the goal is to keep the value of LCOE (incl. emission value)

low in long term, then cheaper and greener options can be explored.

The coal investments produce the maximum amount of generation based at least amount of upfront

cost, this does not mean the cost of electricity to a common citizen would be necessarily that cheap.

The prices in Pakistan are driven by the demand. As the demand increases, the cost of electricity

increases as well. To promote the lesser use of energy, the government then has to cut subsidies

while providing it to the lower class (which represents the major share of population). This price

offsetting also comes at a cost for the government calling for a need of decentralized energy systems

such as solar and wind.

Box 3: Coal to Liquid (CTL) and Coal to Gas (CTG) Conversion technologies:

Implications for Pakistan

While announcing coal moratorium at climate summit, the Prime Minister of Pakistan

announced that although there will be no coal base power, the country still intent to use

domestic reserves to produce energy by converting coal into liquid and gas reserves. This

resulting fuel are to be used either for power generation or to supply gas to consumers.

Currently, there are proposals to produce diesel and fertilizers through these processes with the

help of Chinese technology and finance.

Now, many experts believe that these projects are in no way going to be economical for Pakistan

and are only a result of strong lobby from coal supporters. Already considering high level of

subsidies for fossil fuels in Pakistan, these projects will also definitely rely on large subsidies for

making them economically viable which again will increase the unsustainable circular debt within

the power system.

Further since these projects and technologies will involve Chinese companies and their finance.

So, while Pakistan is already seeking debt relief from China under on coal power projects, these

projects will further cause debt increase.

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Chapter 5: Discussion

5.1 Prospects of Coal vs RE Investment

Based on the results mentioned in the above section, RE investments will provide long-term

benefits considering many social, economic, and environmental benefits. But, at the same time, a

diverse energy mix and self-energy reliance using Thar coal can also build a financially affordable

energy sector. Given Pakistan’s rapid increase in energy demand due to urbanization,

industrialization, and population growth, a capacity built-up and hence power sector investments

are required in each case. However, the infrastructure build-up approach and policy diversions will

significantly affect the payback in long-term. Looking at Pakistan’s current policy signals and

financial closure of different plants, there is a resistance in the allocation of capital to low carbon

sources, that are aligned without SDGs. Considering that Pakistan is already facing financial

constraints, the investments in fossil fuels for ensuring energy access to all will fall short. Current

energy investments of Pakistan are skewed towards plants with shorted lead times, amid causing

uncertainties for the future outlook. For being on track with Paris Agreement, the share of

investments for renewables should be around 65% (global average). For Pakistan, this shift will

require massive step-in policies and measures. Total generation capacity of Pakistan is expected to

increase to around 62 GW by 2025, which is majorly driven by Hydro and coal. No oil capacity

addition, and very limited gas capacity (which also does not increase beyond 2021) is an indication

that Pakistan is not accepting any financial burden caused by high import price of these fuels.

However, the most shocking aspect is that even non-hydro renewables does not hold any share in

capacity additions after 2021, despite a rapid increase in emerging economies. If Pakistan builds

upon this approach, it will miss out very cheap energy generation process. A very high reliance on

coal will cause major problems especially, if there is a delay in any hydro project development.

Constant increase in coal power in Pakistan is against the word trend where even major coal-

dependent economies like China and India are moving away from it in near time.

Renewables in recent years have experienced a remarkable decline in generation and development

cost, thus resulting in lower tariffs. Pakistan has good potential for both solar and wind. Especially

the south-east region of Thar, there is a major solar potential, while the area is currently focussing

on providing supplies to coal-based plants. Although at this stage, most policy makers recommend

that coal is a necessity since it provides a pipeline for making investments for renewables in the

time to come where the prices will be even cheaper.

5.2 Role of Financing and Policy Making

Most of the developed and developing countries in the world (incl. US and China) have established

proper goals, mandates, policies, and frameworks for electricity production through renewables.

Chinese government practices an outcome base approach by setting up national targets, and then

use provincial or other incentives to support those facilities. Unlike China, many countries

encourage a state level market outcome by putting the focus on technology build-up. No wonder

the method varies for different countries depending on their financial policies, the common step

in all of them is the price support through both direct or indirect means. It could be through tax

breaks for producers and consumers (like as done in US), or it could be in the form of Chinese

subsidies like low electricity rates or government-set pricings. However, for countries other than

China and US, the finance availability is a major challenge as it requires the access to many sources

and funding organizations.

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Box 4: Focus areas around the world for Renewable Energy Transition

• Cost of renewable energy generation is constantly declining, which has made it the

most competitive energy form. As per IRENA, the cost of solar PVs has dropped by

around 80% after 2010. In the same period, the cost of on-shore wind has also

dropped by approximately a quarter. In some countries, on-shore wind projects are

delivering energy for as low as $.04/kWh. Further, technological advancement and

supply chain betterment will reduce the cost to even more lower values.

• Since the development of RE sector is closely tied with national policies and regulatory

frameworks, governments have facilitated the role of private sector participation,

especially in transition from a centralized system to a decentralized networks. Those

technologies are now under focus that provides much better efficiency and are

integrated with renewable energy systems, such as CHP plants.

• Supporting the investments that enable infrastructure for integrating VRE and smart


• Scale-up and economic viability of renewables has been increasing mostly by bringing

changes through technology and system-wide innovations in the field. This includes

research programs, forming energy transition coalitions, and cooperation with

international programs.

• Socio-economic structures of the country must be aligned with green and climate-

friendly transition.

• Digitalization is considered a key variable for reliable and economic decentralized wind

and solar systems.

Understanding how any country develops or presents a finance model for any project (s) is a

complex process due to the different roles of investors. Along with understanding the finance,

what is being financed should also be analysed. A finance always flows towards a concrete project,

and any firm will invest only in technologies or processes that it supports. Even as of today, the

investments in RE are skewed and a diverse set of technologies is available (luckily which is

desirable). Hence, the financial policies must analyse the different the consequences of different

types of investments, even though they are in direction of RE. If a policy favours a technology,

the investors would come with their prioritized investments. Understanding what role such

investments have previously played in other countries will also explain the impact these policies

can have. Just creating a pool of funds might not solve the major problems of RE penetration.

Some regulatory policies that can be implemented are as under:

• Setting Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) for electricity generators and distributors,

which must state that a certain percentage of total electricity must be generated through

renewables. There should be further a solid framework to monitor the compliance as well.

• Some countries have also supported Tradable certificate schemes in which each generator

can buy or purchase a set of certificates typically awarded for each unit of electricity

produced. This must also be supported by strictly penalizing the non-compliance.

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• For increasing the bankability of RE projects, Feed in Tariffs (FITs) and Feed in Premium

(FIPs) have been encouraged worldwide. Especially for countries like Pakistan where

knowledge about RE deployment is very limited, they should appear to be a reliable


• Auctions have also been used by many countries to bring transparency and commitment

in any RE project. However, in most of the previous cases, auctions have been coupled

with other financial incentive schemes such as quotas or tradable certificates.

• There is a dire need to develop a concrete regulatory framework for decentralized energy

system in Pakistan, especially to promote the SDGs. Current, grid is definitely not in a

position to be extended to such lengths. Developing financial models of decentralized

electricity will eliminate poverty, increase electricity access, provide livelihood and

employment, along with decreasing the non-commercial use of energy in rural areas.

Decentralize solutions have lower cost and wait times as compared to grid extension

projects and are more sustainable.

• Along with the above-mentioned regulatory framework, non-regulatory policies must also

work along. This includes providing tax incentives, capital grants and subsidies, attractive

loans, and mitigation of associated risks.

5.3 Role of IPPs and private sector engagement

The focus of IPPs and private sector revolve around ensuring a universal and modern access of

clean energy for all, improving the rate of increase in energy efficiency, and increasing the share of

renewables in total power generation mix. Globally, it has been observed that the private sector

has a lead role to play in energy transitions. There is a rapid need to strike a balance between energy

access and “building in resilience”. Further, considering that global public sector debt is currently

at all-time high value of 80% of global GDP, it is up to the private sector to make substantial

investments in a smart way. Energy companies and policy makers must work in collaboration with

industry, academia, regulatory bodies, and other government affiliated institutes to establish

innovative ways for supporting RE transition, de-carbonization, and energy diversification.

Hence, for a rapid energy transition, Pakistan must answer whether the current environment is

attracting private investment? More importantly, is it providing an equal opportunity? No doubt

each country has its own energy subsectors that are unique and depends on its history, economy

and resources. It should also be realized that in a growing energy market, new trends and

technologies are different from the conventional ones. Subsidized technologies are preferred over

unsubsidized ones, and similarly technologies and processes with short-term financing structures

are discouraged. It should be further noted that a pricing framework that offers short-term price

constituents provides an inhospitable environment, and in those cases, mostly the governments

have to look for short-term solutions, i.e. thermal plants. Although renewables do not have a very

high capacity factor especially the technologies used in developing countries, this does not indicate

the incompetence of renewables in such market. Most of the financial markets are resistant to

invest in such systems unless there is assurance of a revenue.

5.4 Meeting the NDC and SDG Commitments

Most objectives in achieving sustainable development goals linked with energy sector revolve

around the supply of clean energy to all. SDG 7 clearly indicates that by 2030, universal access of

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modern energy should be ensured in each country. Although the condition of country-side in

Pakistan has significantly increased over the past years, a major portion lacks access to modern

fuels, and hence the economy well of-track to achieve this goal. Providing commercial energy to

different parts will require the use of decentralized systems in the form of mini and micro grids,

especially for areas where grid electricity transmission is not possible. This goal can be accelerated

by penetrating more renewables in the form of solar rooftops, solar heating, and cooling

applications, small-scale wind turbines, and efficient use of bioenergy resources. Most of the

villages in Pakistan are currently using biomass in different forms for energy purposes. Such a non-

commercial use of this source on the one hand is very inefficient, and on the other it is a much

severe environmental hazard. Hence, the commercial technology utilization through renewables

will address the target of providing clean energy access to all.

The second main objective of SDG 7 states that the share of renewables in global energy mix must

substantially increase. Currently in Pakistan, the share of non-hydro renewables in total energy mix

is below 5%. Although the recent ARE policy 2019 states that country will increase the renewable

share substantially, the expansion plans of the country seem to look the other way. Even based on

a very optimistic approach that Pakistan manages to achieve a share of 30% in electricity by 2030,

the renewable share of Pakistan as per the latest IGCEP plan will decrease after 2030, thus

describing country’s lack of focus for a complete clean energy transition. Further, in the revised

form of IGCEP, the renewables have been allotted a share of around 12% in power generation

mix by 2030 due to high percentage of committed projects.

Since CPEC is skewed towards coal power plants, it can have adverse environmental impacts. The

associated risk includes air and water pollution, loss of habitat and fermentation, deforestation,

increased mortality of wildlife, and increased GHG emissions, that puts under threat Pakistan’s

actions to combat climate change [34]. Asian development bank despite funding a 600 MW coal

project in Jamshoro Sindh has raised its concerns over the coal fired power plants under CPEC4.

To reach Pakistan’s target under Paris agreement, the emissions must fall each year by 2.7% to

achieve the only less ambitious goal of 2C (not 1.5C) [57]. Pakistan already suffers from toxic air

pollution, and it is expected to be worsened by the first phase of CPEC projects, and if the trend

continues, we might reach an unwanted temperature rise of 4.9C by the end of this century thus

making all agricultural activities impossible.

Not only in Pakistan, but coal based power generation is also a bigger threat in developed

economies such as China and USA as well [10]. India itself suffered 80-115 thousand of deaths

due to coal fired plants and an estimated loss of $ 3-4 billion in 2017 [58]. NAS reports suggest

that US coal fired power plants has an external cost of approximately $ 175-500 billion. Many

studies have warned that the negative impact on air pollution from coal power could almost

double the mortality by 2050 [59]. IPCC further stated that if countries have to follow the Paris

Agreement’s 1.5C scenario, a large number of existing coal plants would have to be retired, used

less frequently (low capacity factor), and countries must refrain from building them any further


Currently, the quality of coal used under CPEC is sub critical which results in significantly larger

emissions than a high-quality coal. Those plants that are using better quality are importing the

4 CPEC coal-based power plants to damage environment: ADB;

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coal from other countries, thus causing a financial burden. Even other than coal, many thermal

powerplants have shut down due to the use of subpar technologies and high inefficiencies that

makes them economically unfeasible. Hence, SDGs clearly state that the investments in the

energy sector must increase while focussing on building clean energy and energy efficient

infrastructures. Hence, relying on fossil fuels further, the power sector is expected to go further

off the track to meet these goals.

Moreover, Pakistan has to meet its other NDCs such as different national policies and especially

the Paris Agreement. Paris agreement limits the global temperature rise to below 2oC above pre-

industrial levels. This clearly requires that the emissions of each country must reach their

emission peak as soon as possible. Just like SDGs, Pakistan is well off the track to meet its Paris

objectives. Although Vision 2025 does incorporate Pakistan’s INDC, reliance on coal might be a

big hinderance in achieving it. A clear path must revolve around the renewables as the main

source ahead.

5.5 Technology Transfer and Innovation

In interviews with different stakeholders, both Pakistani and Chinese officials have agreed that the

CPEC projects will be using clean combustion technologies that conforms to the international

standards. Both parties further stated that they are well aware of the environmental repercussions

and hence significant efforts have been made to import the best available technologies. Now, many

of the civilian representatives’ serious concerns were raised regarding environmental hazards of

coal--based CPEC projects, especially for the local community. Considering that Pakistan is already

environmentally vulnerable, coal plants still may have adverse long-term implications. So, rather

investing substantially in coal technologies, Pakistan may focus on building supply chains for

ensuring a smooth renewable technology penetration in the market. However, since such a stage

is achieved, Pakistan must adopt stringent policies to mitigate the emissions from coal plants. Cost

of renewables around the globe is reducing significantly, especially for wind and solar powerplants.

This decline has significantly accelerated the growth of renewables across the world. As shown

through the results, renewables are now the cheapest form of energy in Pakistan too.

5.6 Prospects of other clean energy sources

Pakistan is a geographically blessed country that has all the main renewable energy sources available

in abundance. Being an agriculture-based economy, Pakistan possesses vast potential of bioenergy

that can be used on a commercial scale. As of today, the major use of biomass in Pakistan is mainly

limited to the use of bagasse in CHP plants (and one waste management plant in Lahore). Many

studies have performed bioenergy resource mapping in Pakistan for analysing the potential of

different bioenergy resources for energy production on a commercial scale. Agricultural residues

are available to be treated through combustion turbines for heat and energy production while non-

edible oil seeds such as Jatropha can be harnessed to produce biodiesel. Such initiative was already

taken by PSO which started the use of B-10 fuel. Energy crops can be harvested along the barren

lands that does not only provide energy fuel, it will also help revive the barren soil. Another

important application for biomass is its use in coal plants through co-firing. Cofiring is a well-

matured technology in which slight modifications in coal plants can integrate both sources thus

resulting in reduced emissions. Hence, being an agriculture-based economy, reliance on bioenergy

will be significantly important for both power and transport sector.

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Although the current focus of policy makers should be on wind, solar, hydro, and somewhat

bagasse in post 2030 era, Pakistan may even look to other sources such as CSPs, ocean energy,

off-shore wind turbines to enhance the renewable share. Further, battery storage (although it can

be held for now) will make significant cost reductions in solar plants as well.

Box 5: International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) report on

Renewables’ readiness of Pakistan

In 2018-19, IRENA published a report that assessed the readiness of Pakistan to adopt

renewable energy technologies. The key takeaways from the study are as under:

Renewable energy potential of different resources

• Pakistan has abundant renewable potential that can be utilized for both power and

end-use sectors.

• Hydro power has the largest generation potential that values around 60 GW. This also

includes the possibility of developing small-scale plants.

• Solar PV potential is mostly available in southern and southwestern parts, which has

significant potential of developing decentralized energy systems. Along with clear

energy access, this will provide employment opportunities to the near-by residents.

• Wind potential is mainly available in Sindh and Balochistan with a theoretical potential

of around 50 GW.

• There is an availability of approximately 25,000 million tons of biomass feedstock in

the form of industrial and agricultural residues, and around 26,000 tons of municipal

solid waste that can come to good use through waste to energy conversion


Key Steps forward

• Departmental coordination and development of an integrated energy plan.

• Targeted focus for renewable energy development.

• Involvement of private sector for infrastructure development

• Electrification programmes must be governed by proper regulatory frameworks and

policy measures.

5.7 Greening CPEC

• Public and private investments and interventions should be made for the provisioning of

water services and water resource management, thereby increasing communities’ resilience

to change in ecosystems and their services, and to bring efficiency in agriculture

productivity and improved health conditions for livestock and humans.

• Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) must be adopted to harness

relationships between natural resources, socioeconomic systems, and biophysical

processes, with an objective of scaling the implementation of ecosystem-based

technologies for effective water management.

• Sustainable land management practices must be adopted to control land degradation

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caused by mining activities to enhance productivity of other ecosystems and services such

as crop production.

• Gender-based equality and women’s empowerment initiatives must be brought into

mainstream discourse and action. This is critical to the success of regional development.

• Groundwater management strategies should be developed, including improved

environmental standards in the extractive sector and governance using regulatory and

incentive-based tools (e.g. credit-based systems), as well as outreach and education.

• Climate adaptation and mitigation strategies must be part of planning and development

initiatives of mining projects. This includes the use of green technologies, exploring

development projects that make little use of natural resources, disaster risk reduction

programmes, and supporting technological innovations and best practices implemented in

other regions.

• The local and international institutional capacity to enable effective monitoring and

enforcement of environmental laws and regulations must be strengthened. This would also

include raising awareness among local people and households to increase advocacy of pro-

poor economic growth.

• Both countries must formulate environmental policies related to the foreign investments

in energy projects of CPEC. Lessons learned on coal development in China and successful

models of green development can be incorporated into development policies of Belt and

Road Initiative. Capacity building with research institutions to implement environmental

assessments is also needed for better environmental planning and conservation purposes.

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Chapter 7: Conclusion This study analyses in detail the socio-economic impacts of Thar coalfield development under

CPEC, likelihood of coal-based projects and their implications for long-term planning in terms of

economic growth. The study discussed how the greening CPEC and renewable energy

development will lead the country towards clean energy transition pathways to achieve climate

goals. It is further expected to contribute to economic growth and prosperity for further

development. However, there are strong public concerns and political resistance for the predicted

impacts on environment, ecosystem, and natural resources. There is not only a limited knowledge

and lack of national capacity to address and manage these challenges, but weak governance also

contributes to climatic hazards. There are guidance frameworks and laws to develop these projects

according to international best practices, which mainly focus on broad considerations such as

infrastructure development, employment, conflicts in local communities. However, there is a lack

of scientific knowledge and research to provide an empirical evidence to manage and mitigate

those impacts in a sustainable way.

Based on the analysis of the assessment, it has become evident that the risks of water scarcity and

quality can bring major constraints to social wellbeing, ecosystem health, and economic

development in Thar region. Groundwater is a productive asset for the livelihood of people in

Thar coalfield region, which can be destroyed through over-abstraction in coal mining and years

of forgone consumption. This problem is coupled with the uncertainties of climate change, which

can further push the poor into poverty. Further, given the typical economic lifetime of coal fired

power stations at around 40 years, this infrastructure will lock high emissions and financial sources

into an energy system that needs urgent decarbonization. Both literature and LCOE based model

in this study depict that renewables are currently the most economical and environmentally sound


Investments in renewable energy can significantly provide economic benefits in the long-term

scenario. Especially considering that most countries are recovering from COVID-19, an

opportunity is provided to recover with implementing green policies. The investments made for

clean energy transition will payback through job creation, higher energy access and electrification,

cleaner energy, and a lower levelized cost of energy.

Hence this case study attempts to incorporate the explicit consideration of environmental

assessment using both impact evaluation approach and prospects of clean energy and feasibility of

renewable energy projects in Thar Coalfield. However, for Pakistan, this shift will require massive

step-in policies and measures. The government would have to come up with both regulatory and

non-regulatory frameworks to increase the pace of renewable development. Groundwork needs

to be laid for the private sector to come in and go for large-scale development of decentralized


The quantitative analysis presented in the study and statistical values used should be carefully

analysed. Many power plants face certain limitations and risks that are initially not accounted for,

therefore, can increase the cost drastically. LCOE is driven by capacity factor that can be limited

by the power demand, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and instability of the grid. Further,

this study has tried to incorporate the views of every stakeholder, still the ground realities change

when it comes to implementation and hence the best possible pathway is suggested based on the

available evidence. This study can further be extended to perform Levelized Avoided Cost of

Energy (LACE) analysis, which can further improve the insights coming from financial models.

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Appendix 1: Expert Interviews, FGDs, and PPDs

Thar Field visit and Interviews with Key Informants

Interview # Interviewer Interviewee Affiliation of Interviewee

1 Ahad Nazir Dr. Fatima Khushnood General Manager Business Development

2 Dr. Hina Aslam Dr. Hannan Economist, Planning commission

3 Dr. Hina Aslam Usman Manzur Program Officer Environment and climate change unit


4 Dr. Hina Aslam Dr. Irfan

5 Dr. Hina Aslam and Kashif Salik Dr. Hina Aslam Research Fellow, SDPI

6 Dr. Hina & Ahad Nazir Mr. Aftab Awan Deputy Chief, Energy Wing, Ministry of Planning

Development & Reforms

7 Kashif Salik, Dr. Hina & Ahad Nazir Shams Ud Din Sheikh, Ex-CEO SECMC Thar

8 Dr. Hina & Ahad Nazir Mr. Shahjahan Mirza Managing Director, Private Power & Infrastructure Board


9 Dr. Hina Aslam Zofeen Ibrahim Independent freelance Journalist

10 Dr. Hina Aslam Syed Manzoor Hussain CEO, ETPL

11 Dr. Hina Aslam & Ahad Nazir Tanveer Director, UEP Wind

12 Dr. Hina Aslam & Ahad Nazir Ejaz Ahmed Secretary KP GB- Ex MD TCEB

Focus Group Discussions

Sr. No Title Participant Affiliation

1 Role of Start-ups in Clean Energy


Hira Wajahat Founder, Climate Launchpad

Faraz Khan Founder and Director, SEED Ventures

Shahzad Qureshi Founder, Urban Forests

2 Shafiq Abbassi Director, AJK EPA

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Role of Environmental Protection

Agencies (EPAs) in Clean Energy


Khadim Hussain Deputy Director RnD, GB EPA

Dr. M. Bashir DG, KP EPA

Khalid Mehmood Deputy Director EE/TT, Pakistan EPA

Dr. Khurram Shehzad DG, Punjab EPA

Waqar Hussain Additional Director General, Sindh EPA

Public-Private Dialogues

Sr. No Title Collaborating Partners

1 The role of Pakistani and Chinese leadership in Energy

Transition of Pakistan

GEIDCO Beijing China

2 Clean Energy Transition in Pakistan Policy Recommendations

and network for Renewable Energy Research and Advocacy


3 Potential of Renewable Energy and Hydropower development

in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Opportunities and Challenges


4 Roadmap for Sustainable Development of Balochistan:

Aligning development priorities with clean energy transition



Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Interviews

Questions Follow-up questions/descriptions Respondent/type of


Start-up questions: In your opinion what is the current

state of energy sector in Pakistan?

In your opinion what is current

energy consumption patterns and

future trends?

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In your opinion what is our current

state of access to electricity?

Increasing or decreasing? Why?

what the most important overall policy

objectives (e.g. poverty reduction, job

creation…) and how energy policy


Current energy mix? What are the

motivation/rationale behind this

energy mix?

What is the current government

strategies (in comparison of previous

govt.) for the energy mix?

How much coal is imported or used

from domestic and international


Considering both advantages and

disadvantages, do you see coal as a

potential energy source of Pakistan in


Based on your expert opinion, how

much total energy of Pakistan can be

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or should be extracted from Coal by

2030 or 2040?

What role is China playing in

transforming Thar Coal field?

Is there any contribution from other

countries? Technologically or



(Policies, Transition


What are the underlying reasons for

increase of coal-fired power plants?

What is the expected economic value

of energy generation from Thar Coal?

Is it expected to be cheaper other


What is the quality of coal in

Pakistan? and is it sufficient to be

used as a source without pre-


What is “clean coal”? and is Pakistan

technologically equipped to achieve

this level of clean coal?

What are super-critical and ultra-

super technologies in Coal power


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What are the major impacts of using

poor quality coal in Powerplants?

Is Thar extracted coal only to be used

directly for power production? Or

will it also be converted to energy

forms such as biodiesels (as

mentioned by Shenhua group, china)

What are the long-term

initiatives and action plans for

ensuring minimum impact on

the environment and


How can you have a low emissions

future while still using coal?

How important carbon capturing

techniques and increased conversion

efficiency will be in the longer term,

to make the deep cuts in carbon

emissions required for a low-carbon


What steps has the administration

taken to regulate power plant

emissions? (Pakistan)

Are there any plans to reduce

greenhouse gas emissions by existing

power plants to run less frequently,

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retire early or to be retrofitted with

technology to capture their carbon

dioxide pollution and bury it


Is Pakistan economically capable and

technologically mature enough to

deploy carbon capturing technologies

in coal power plants?

Isn’t it true that major countries

are moving away from coal as an

energy source? Why is Pakistan

still seeking more investments?

Is it in-line with Pakistan’s NDCs or

other commitments like Paris

Agreement, SE4All, etc?

Why did World Bank and other

international donors opted out of

their initial commitments regarding

coal powered pants? And what will be

its economic impacts?

What are the social, ecological, and

environmental impacts of coal? And

how can they be mitigated? And what

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kind of risk assessments do you think

are necessary for these projects?

Energy New Energy and power policies in


What is the Rationale behind these


What is the current policy and actions


What are the prospects of coal in this


The new RE policy and motivation

behind it- what are the prior interest

of shifting to renewable? Economics

or environmental?

What prospect you will see to flourish

renewables energy production in


Climate-related matrices

(low-carbon economy)

What is the national commitment

to reduce its greenhouse-gas


What are the other sources of GHG

emissions other than from coal

(powered plants)?

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What are the environmental

hazards associated with coal


Is Pakistan on-track, and keen on

fulfilling its promises of Paris


What measures are (or can) be taken

to prevent local residents from such

health hazards?

Is there any plan to timely phase out

of coal power plants?

What would a transition away from

local coal production do to the

imports to the country? Would we

stop our dependency on the

imported coal?

Do you have any instructions or

guidelines to follow, administered

by Ministry of Climate Change

and other relevant institutions to

follow? Such as carbon tax,

emissions trading and/or internal

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carbon price use, natural capital

accounting, social cost assessment

and risk evaluation?

Do you have your own monitoring

and evaluation team in this regard?

How often are you being regulated

and advised by the relevant

authorities to comply with the


Do you have any long-term

envisioned plan, forecasted or built

up scenario of the development of

the project and its likelihood of the

environmental and social footprint?

How your organisation goals and

objectives coincide with renewable

energy production in Pakistan?

Any climate change envisaged policy?

How would you weigh coal vs. RE

for long term energy planning? What

would be your honest opinion?

What are your views on co-firing of

coal along with biomass?

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Can a hybrid renewable energy

system be used with coal?

Governance What is the role of Ministry of

energy other than policy actions

and directions?

What is the situation at provincial


Is implementation of any policy being

hindered by the role of lobbies etc?

What other sector policies such as

climate change policy envisaged

energy production in the country?

What are the mitigation targets

regarding GHG emissions?

How it is integrated with the

objectives of Ministry of Energy and


What are key mitigating challenges

OR key adaptation challenges to

technological innovations?

In your point of view what are the

key political, societal, economic

drivers that leads to different energy

investments, such as building dams,

coal power plants, and renewable


Who is supporting whom and who

advocating what?

Who are the key players and how they

influence (through national and

international organisation, business

groups, governments, etc.)?

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What are the key actors contributing

in formulation and implementation of

energy policy?

What are the strong social and

political actors influencing policy-

making? Is the influence positive or


Importantly, why certain policies are


What are the groups (or driving

forces) advocating and alternate and

renewable energy source? What

rationale behind for this focus?

What are the trends in energy

production and demand in

comparison of economic growth?

Do they coincide?

Do we plan energy production

according to the economy demand?

Do we know the long-term

investments for bringing an energy


What is the role of private sector

(including the bilateral and

What is the criteria of engagement or


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multilateral organisation or country-

to-country) engagement in the

energy sector?

Any plans from private sector to

diversify business model related to

energy mix? Or environmental


How can this collaboration of

Private-Public sector become more


How electricity prices are

determined? What is the key rationale

for increasing or decreasing prices?

What art-of-transaction is mostly

being followed by the key ministries?

Feed and Tariff or cost plus?

Cheaper vs costly; energy subsidies

and tariffs; allocation of permits (for

using fuel mix); monopolies and

mafias; independent power producers

(IDPs); international market for fossil

fuels. Etc.

What is the overtime budgetary

allocation to the energy sector

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(including infrastructure

development, subsidies, etc.).

Monopoly of local stakeholders and

power producers/ and business

community/ local manufacturers and


Do you think energy tax policies can

being more efficiency and assist the

poor? Is it applicable in Pakistan?

In the end, I also offer the respondent to ask questions to me to clarify anything relevant to our discussion or if

respondent want to add or delete some aspects/details of discussion. I will also remind respondent to contact me

if they change their mind regarding to delete the information (completely) collected during the interview. I will

also ensure to left the respondent in good state after the interview, greet him, and say Goodbye (Khuda Hafiz)

according to local customs.

Appendix 3: Likert Scale Questionnaire for Surveys and Feedback forms

Q. No Question Statement (Score 1-5)

1 Based on current energy supply pattern, do you think coal is the most

important energy source for energy sector of Pakistan

1. Strongly Disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Strongly

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2 How would you rate the high dependence of CPEC projects on coal? 1. Highly objectionable

2. Objectionable

3. Neutral

4. Appreciable

5. Highly Appreciable

3 Would you advocate coal development in Pakistan 1. Strongly disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Strongly agree

4 What is the expected economic value of energy generation from Thar coal

when compared with other non-coal based thermal generation


1. Very Expensive

2. Expensive

3. Approximately Same

4. Cheap

5. Very Cheap

5 Rate the average quality of coal that is to be used in CPEC projects 1. Very Good

2. Good

3. Usable

4. Poor

5. Very Poor

6 Rate the possibility of low carbon future while still using coal 1. Highly Unlikely

2. Unlikely

3. Neutral

4. Likely

5. Most Likely

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7 Rate the current measures taken by CPEC administration to regulate the

coal powerplant emissions

1. No measures

2. very few measures

3. some measures

4. Appreciable measures

5. Highly appreciable measures

8 Rate Pakistan’s economical capability and technological maturity to

deploy clean carbon technologies in coal power plants?

1. Very Poor

2. Poor

3. Neutral

4. Good

5. Very Good

9 What is the possibility that Pakistan remains on-track with its NDCs or

other commitments if it continues seeking more investments in coal?

1.. Highly Unlikely

2. Unlikely

3. Neutral

4. Likely

5. Most Likely

10 Do you think that the upcoming CPEC projects should exploit the

renewable potential of Thar instead of dipping further into the coal?

1. Extremely don’t agree

2. Don’t agree

3. Neutral

4. Good Option

5. Best Option

11 Do you think dipping further into coal with Chinese collaboration will put

Pakistan into a financial burden, especially the debt owed to China?

1.. Highly Unlikely

2. Unlikely

3. Neutral

4. Likely

5. Most Likely

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12 Considering the characteristics of Thar coal, do you think CPEC projects

are undermining the environmental and social impacts of coal power


1. Strongly Disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Highly Agree

13 In your honest opinion, do you think RE deployment in Pakistan’s energy

mix would be more sustainable than indigenous coal?

1. Strongly Disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Strongly Agree

14 How would you define the role of lobbies in hindering the growth of

renewable in Pakistan

1. Extremely low

2. Low

3. Neutral

4. High

5. Very High

15 How would you classify the required long term investments for bringing

an energy transition in Pakistan

1. Very High

2. High

3. Moderate

4. Manageable

5. Very low

16 How would you define the importance of Public-private partnership in

building the renewable energy infrastructure?

1. Extremely high

2. High

3. Average

4. Low

5. Very low

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17 Do you think carbon pricing and incentivizing renewables are the most

critical factors for ensures a sustainable future?

1. Highly Disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Highly Agree

18 Do you think Pakistan’s national grid is capable of integrating renewable

energy sources such as solar and wind with low intermittency

1. Highly Disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Highly Agree

19 Do you think recent energy policies of Pakistan are more inclined towards

renewables as compared to the previous ones?

1. Highly disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Highly Agree

20 Do you think energy tax policies can being more efficiency and assist the

poor? Is it applicable in Pakistan?

1. Highly disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neutral

4. Agree

5. Highly Agree

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Appendix 4: Preliminary Scoping appraisal

Table A1: Preliminary scoping appraisal

Category Theme Focus Key findings

Primary questions

What are likely to be

the main ecosystem

service dependencies,

impacts, and other



What are the main

ecosystem service

dependencies and

impacts likely to be?

Water is a key ecosystem service to be addressed due to its high

dependency in the area for livestock, human wellbeing, agriculture

and other purposes. Water scarcity in the desert and potential

pressure from the mining activity along with other users in the area

would lead to rising mitigation costs for the company in the future.

What other


externalities are relevant,

and should these be

valued too

The hydrogeological study results indicate the presence of at least

three aquifer zones: one above the coal zone (the top aquifer), one

within the coal and the third below the coal zone.

Soil quality, soil water retention services, timber, crop production,

spiritual values.

Other environmental impacts include emissions such as dust, NOx

and SO2 releases, particulate matter PM10, PM2.5.

What is the overall

objective of carrying

out assessment?

To investigate the ecological baseline settings of the project,

associated environmental and social impacts, identification and

prioritization of ecosystem services mine service area covers 52 hectares of land

Secondary questions

What geographic and

temporal boundaries

should be used?

What data and

information is available

within the company?

To access the status of ecosystem services, the environmental

management, resettlement (rehabilitation) and mitigation plans to

compensate for the potential loss of services provided to the locals.

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What data and

information is available


Feasibility study of the project, Environmental and Social impact

Assessment reports, Both primary and secondary data on


What relevant

information is


What further data

requirements may be


technical data for management plans and scenarios e.g. for

providing water services, membrane bioreactor (MBR) sewage

treatment system, submersible pumps for dewatering of mine pit at

990 liters per second (l/s)

A geographical Information System (GIS) map covering the project

area (one for each village), stakeholder consultations

Digital videos are available online. Also a video profile for each

village to document village structures, assets, trees, wells is also


Who are the key

stakeholders and how

should they be


Who are the key internal

and external


Sindh Engro Coal Mining company (SECMC)-mainly responsible

for exploitation of coal mine reserves in block II.

Engro Powergen responsible for Coal-fired power plants. Other

partners include Engro Powergen, HBL, Thal limited, HUBCO,


What ecosystem

valuation techniques

are likely to be


What application is

required: trade-off

analysis, total valuation,

distributional analysis or

sustainable financing and

compensation analysis?

trade-off analysis, total valuation, simple value transfer approach

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What types of valuation

technique are likely to be


cost-benefit, value-transfer, contingent value, choice modeling,

hedonic pricing, state-preference

Should a particular

valuation tool be used?

Off-the-shelf tools such as GIS or valuation software, InVEST,

Scenario generator tool, Habitat model.

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Appendix 5: Assessment of surface mining technologies

Table B1: Assessment of surface mining technologies

Objectives Impacts Scale of impact Mitigation Measures

(both proposed and being implemented)


• Loss of biodiversity, habitat areas

• Removal of vegetation.

• Sighted IUCN Red List of

Threatened Species includes

Egyptian and Indian vulture

Wildlife, habitat fragmentation.


Significant negative effect

on baseline



Reclamation of mine and waste dump following

operational use. Habitat creation and re-planting.


• Contamination of local

groundwater supplies (no surface

water bodies in Thar coalfield)

through acid mine drainage.

• Potential major disruptions to

aquifers and any surface drainage

lines through extraction and

discharge process.

• Pollution or depletion of the upper

aquifer would significant effect

water supplies which is the

principle source of drinking water

for the region.


Significant negative effect

on baseline


Surface and groundwater management and monitoring.

Water usage reduction through reuse, i.e. for dust

suppression system within the pit, on truck haul roads,

conveyors, within the coal process to reduce water

needs, and other similar technologies.

Waste dump to be lined and drainage system in place to

deal with any leachable contaminants to minimize

contamination of land and water environments.

No discharge of untreated effluent to the environment.

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• Surface and groundwater

extraction (de watering) to remove

water from mine site resulting in

groundwater draw-down, reducing

water supplies in wells and for


Land and soil

• Erosion of soil.

• Removal of large quantities of

topsoil (or overburden).

• Waste dumps are created where

exclusion zones are created around

the mine, the coal underneath

could be sterilized (unavailable for

use). Quality of land is reduced.


Moderate negative effect on

baseline environment/


Evaporation ponds are constructed to manage site

effluent. Need to meet policy and targets on

groundwater quality.

Waste &

contaminated land

• Negative impacts on soil quality

from contamination.

• Large volumes of tailings & solid

waste from Coal beneficiation.

• Overburden and waste rock

removal and disposal.

• Considerable waste created from

cleaning and de-watering process.


Significant negative effect

on baseline


Plan is required for dealing with any waste (both

domestic and from the coal industry) in a sustainable



• PM emissions from exposed

mining pit, waste dumps, roads and

material and coal treatment

(crushing, grinding, screening and


Moderate negative effect on

baseline environment/


Dust levels controlled by spraying water on roads,

stockpiles, conveyors and exposed materials.

Fitting drills with dust collection systems.

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• Gas emissions (PM, SO2, NOx)

from mobile sources such as

vehicles, spontaneous combustion

of sub-economic lignite that is co-

disposed of with waste, or coal


• Coal beneficiation and storage and

handling of coal generate large

quantities of dust.

Creating a buffer zone around the mine. Use of

screening and hoardings (planting of trees as screening

not likely to be feasible in Thar).

Waste dumps can be covered to minimize spread of

odor and emissions.

Air quality monitoring.

Climate change


• Coal extraction could affect

aquifers and wells used for water

in times of drought.


Moderate negative effect on

baseline environment/


Proposals should consider water management over the

course of extraction and restoration to ensure local

supplies when a drought occurs.

Climate change


• Local climate will be affected by

dust from extraction and waste

dumps, and loss of vegetation.

• Greenhouse gases will be

produced from machinery used

for coal extraction.


Marginal negative effect

Closely controlled combustion conditions. Use

renewable energy sources to power machinery if



• Visual impact due to removal of

vegetation, severe changes in

topography of area, and the open

pit mine itself.

• Extraction and creation of dumps

may alter the landscape

permanently and severe routes.


Moderate negative effect on

baseline environment/


Should be addressed from the start with a short,

medium and long term (post mining) plan for extraction

and the waste dump that considers intermediate and

final land use.

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• Crater could be used for water

storage eventually return to

grazing. Any dumps can be re-

graded and vegetated although this

is expensive.



• There is an existing road network

within and around the blocks. The

location of the surface mine could

mean certain roads are no longer



Marginal positive effect on

baseline environment/


Existing infrastructure is being utilized where possible.

New infrastructure of a good quality is being developed

such as extended road networks, construction of airport

located to open up areas.

Sustainable coal to


• Transportation of large quantities

of overburden and waste material

required to waste dumps.

• Transportation of workers



Marginal negative effect

Consideration has been given to the fact that trucking

distances are kept to minimum to the location of any

local manufacturing processes using coal.

Worker colonies are located near to place of work to

reduce travel distance.


• A number of villages and towns

exist within the coalfield that needs

to be relocated.


Moderate negative effect on

baseline environment/


A detailed census including assessment of ownership,

through engagement with those affected and fair

compensation (legislation in place). Development of

block aims to avoid existing services (post office, police

station) located in the coalfield and ensuring access to


Cultural Heritage

• Only one historic place within the

coalfields has been identified from

the baseline study mapping, located

within block II. However, other

local religious or historic sites and

assets may also exist.


Moderate negative effect on

baseline environment/


Proposals are being considered to take into account

location of historic and religious sites/assets.

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• The pit, waste dump, and

associated facilities will take a large

area and may affect the fabric or

setting of protected assets

including historic, cultural, and

religious sites and assets.



• There are existing schools located

in the Thar coalfield area and

within the blocks themselves.

Effects on these facilities are

dependent on the location of the

mine and power plant but it is likely

some may need to be relocated.


Marginal positive effect on

baseline environment/


Many initiatives have been taken to provide training for

local people on mining processes to enable local people

to gain skills and employment in the coalfields.

Educational facilities are planned to be provided as part

of new resettlement plans in proximity.

Food security and


• Noise during construction and

mining activities.

• Dust from extraction process can

cause respiratory problems for

workers. It can also be dangerous

especially if blasting is employed.

• Effects on these facilities is largely

dependent on the location of the

mine and power plant that could be

avoided through relocation.


Fire evacuation plan is being implemented on site with

appropriate firefighting equipment.

A pan for providing electricity for the local population is


Any fuel storage tanks must be bonded (to withhold

100% of contents), isolated from ignition sources and

designed to withstand working pressures and stresses.

Health facilities are scaled up as part of new resettlement





• Loss of agricultural land.

• New economic development and



Grow existing centres and training programs for locals.

Job creation - Extraction process could employ up to

10,000 people primary and secondary jobs, many of

these local, ensure high use of local labor.

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• In-migrant workforce culturally

different from local indigenous


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Table B2: Prioritization of criteria and alternatives

Criteria Decision alternatives Symbol for




Water Sediment retention and soluble

components B1 1.03

Acidic waters from mines B2 0.83 Heavy metal leaching B3 0.47 Heated effluents B4 0.54

Soil Open pit mining B5 0.32 loss of top soil B6 0.28 Erosion B7 0.29 Dumping of OB material B8 0.12

Vegetation Waste dump B9 0.23 Settlements B10 0.12 Company/industry B11 0.22 Fire hazard B12 0.14


land Coal dust B13 0.12

Fires B14 0.05 Opencast mining B15 0.23

Land form Surface mining B16 0.22 Land Subsidence B17 0.14 OB dumps B18 0.04

Air and dust Coal dust B19 0.02 Drilling/heavy equipment B20 0.05 Vehicles B21 0.01 Coal burning-release of gases B22 0.02