Word Masters February 2012 Challenge Tuesday, February 21.

Word Masters February 2012 Challenge Tuesday, February 21

Transcript of Word Masters February 2012 Challenge Tuesday, February 21.

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Slide 2 Word Masters February 2012 Challenge Tuesday, February 21 Slide 3 Definition -The group following and attending to some important person. POS- NOUN synonyms - Retinue - Following - Escort Antonyms - Leader By: Nanxin Ye Slide 4 1.Entourage P.O.S-Noun Created by: Meredith Millington Definition: The group following and attending some important person. Synonyms Companions Company Antonyms leader Slide 5 2. Resolve Parts of Speech: Noun Synonyms Boldness Conclusion Resoluteness Firmness Resolution Antonyms Indecision Question Wavering Slide 6 3.Doughty Definitions: Resolute without fear; bold and strong Synonyms: Tough Fearless Synonyms: Tough Fearless Antonyms: Weak fearful Antonyms: Weak fearful Slide 7 4. Crest-N. Definition: Reach a high point (the river created a crest), a showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal, Highest point of a wave. Antonyms: Bottom Nadir Synonyms: Acme Apex, Apogee Slide 8 By: Evyn Fitzgerald Slide 9 Antonyms: Dull Serious Blah #6. Convivial Definition: Occupied with or fond of the pleasure of good company, joyful, festive. Adj. Synonyms: Cheerful Festive Merry By: Derek Hotson Slide 10 7. Wasteland noun Definition: An uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation. Synonyms: Dessert, Marsh, Moor, Swamp, Wilds. Slide 11 9. Gullible By: Dominique Savage Part of Speech: Adj. Definition: easily tricked because of being too trusting Slide 12 #11 Repel by: Angela Chen Definition: To outright and bluntly, to push away P.O.S: Verb Synonym(s): Oppose, Withstand, Ward off Antonym(s): Attract Slide 13 11. Repel Synonyms: cast-aside, drive away, oppose, ward off Antonyms: attract, draw Trevor Herzog Definition-verb reject outright and bluntly, to push away Slide 14 12. Luxuriant By: Brandon Le Definition: abundant; growing healthily and in large amounts; excessively ornate; rich and splendid; fertile; Ex. Luxuriant forests/prose; CF. luxurious, luxuriate. Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms Ample Deluxe Extravagant Fancy Flamboyant Luscious Plentiful Rich Antonyms Barren Plain Poor Slide 15 Hermit Antonyms : a)None Synonyms : a)stylite b)skeptic c)solitaire Definition: A person who lives alone, often far from a community Slide 16 Infect #13 By: Torre Alavanja Definition- Affect in a contagious way, to pass a sickness to a living thing. Verb. Slide 17 14. Inveigle by Jack Bezdek Definition to tempt or persuade by using deception or flattery (v.) Synonyms persuade, coax, bamboozle, influence, cajole, ensnare, lure Slide 18 15)Sinister By: Grace Holliday Definition: Stemming from evil characteristics or forces Synonyms Evil Mean Bad Antonyms Happy Jubilant Slide 19 16. Wasteland- an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation Synonyms Junk yard Land fill useless Antonyms Fertile useful By Hayden Hilst S-13 Slide 20 17. Affect By: Trent Smith Affect Definition: to influence, emotional feeling or mood. Synonyms: Definition: to influence, emotional feeling or mood. Synonyms: act on, alter, change Verb Slide 21 18. Benign Synonyms Amiable Gracious Beneficent Antonyms Hateful Hurtful Injurious (Adj.)Definition-1. Pleasant and beneficial in nature. 2. Not harmful to anybody or anythings health. Slide 22 19. Cavalcade by Natalie C. Definition Noun A procession of riders in horse-drawn carriages or cars; a parade. Synonyms Array Drill Procession Promenade Train Slide 23 Kelsy Fu D-11 Slide 24 20.Enhance Definition: To increase the value or beauty of something. Synonyms: Improve Augment Develop Increase Antonyms: Lower Fix Reduce Worsen Slide 25 Unflinching - Adjective By: Darbi Robertson Seal team six has to be unflinching. DEFINITION -firm, showing no signs of fear, not drawing back. SYNONYMS -courageous, determined, unblinking and firm ANTONYMS - afraid, spineless, and weak Slide 26 22. Ploy (noun) Definition: A tactic intended to frustrate, embarrass, or gain an advantage over an opponent; Deception, trickery. Synonyms: Cheating Plot Duplicity Fraud Antonyms: Honesty Truthful Slide 27 INFECT word #23 By: Ally Ryan Synonyms Affect corrupt Disease Influence poison taint Antonyms Cleanse improve purify Definition: (Verb) affect in a contagious way: to pass on a sickness to a living thing Slide 28 V infect #23 Synonyms- corrupt Disease Affect Spoil poison Definition- affect in a contagious way, to pass on a sickness to a living thing Slide 29 24. Stark Synonyms- Blasted Complete Firm Antonyms- Indefinite Definitions: (adj.) harsh, unrelieved, desolate; (adv.) utterly Slide 30 IS Desolate ISNT Adj. and Adv. Luxurious Urban Defined as Harsh, Unrelieved, and bleak #25 Slide 31 Part of Speech- Noun A retinue is a group of attendants with an important person. Retinue #25 Synony ms- Crew, Band, Group Anton yms None By Sophie Berry Slide 32 25. Retinue By: Grace Benham Antonyms Leader Synonyms Crew Escort Procession Definition: A group of attendants with an important person. (noun) Sentence: Our presidents have a retinue with them at all times. Slide 33 RETINUE Delaney Knorr Synonyms Train Cortege Procession Group of attendants with an important person n. Justin Bieber was seen traveling with his retinue.