WOGA February 2009 Prayer Update

FEBRUARY 2009 ¢ WOGA Global Prayer Initiative Myanmar Thanks be to God that WOGA ministry is actively moving in Myanmar. God has blessed the past years. We regularly pray together to encourage one another every third week of the month. The Lord is using us in WOGA ministry in Myanmar in 2008. We have been on several successful trips. In November 2008. the training was hosted by the Assembly of God church and sponsored by WOGA Myanmar. Over 110 people attended from different villages. Sister L. taught about the Christian family. Dr. P spoke on health and gave medical treatment to sick patients, (many people could not afford to go to the clinic). Rev. Y taught about God, and Miss P. spoke about evangelism and how to value women. Mr. D. led the youth group, teaching bible lessons, praise and worship and games. Revival services were held in the evening. We thank God that the Holy Spirit is moving and that people are encouraged by our teaching, and are eager to learn about evangelism. Their eyes have been opened to learning more about the value of women. We rejoice that we have good fellowship with the Assembly of God church. Please Pray for Regular WOGA prayer and fellowship meeting every third week of the month. WOGA’s EC members. WOGA women training in M. on last week of March. Sunday School Teacher training. In His Service Rev. S. W. The mission of WOGA is to educate and connect women to impact the world with God's love. www.global-act.org Amman training John Crews S.E. Asia (Peninsula) MY TRIP TO BANGKOK WAS SO BLESSED. •Our COG 10th Asia/Pacific Women Conference was successfully held on 17-21 Nov 09 in Bangkok where about 50 women leaders from 9 countries participated. I met the WOGA national coordinator who invited four other women leaders. One lady from Seventh day Adventist, 2 ladies from Roman Catholic church and one lady from YWCA. We had a good fellowship, exchanging ideas, and discussing the vision and purpose of WOGA. They really are willing to work with us. In the evening, I met with two ladies whom I met at the WOGA conference in Korea having dinner with them. They both are very nice and interested in WOGA ministry. Though our meeting was very short both in Korea and BKK it was very worthwhile. We praise God for our three EC members (WOGA Myanmar) who received their doctorate degrees last year in Myanmar. Please pray for: ~the WOGA S.E Asia Women Conference in 2009 ~WOGA Myanmar to hold the women’s conference on 31 Mar 09 - 2 April 09 Blessings, Rev. D. C. I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.” Psalm 18:1-3 (NIV)


February 2009 prayer update for Women of Global Action

Transcript of WOGA February 2009 Prayer Update

† FEBRUARY 2009 ¢

WOGAGlobal Prayer Initiative


Thanks be to God that WOGA ministry is actively moving in Myanmar. God has blessed the past years. We regularly pray together to encourage one another every third week of the month. The Lord is using us in WOGA ministry in Myanmar in 2008. We have been on several successful trips. In November 2008. the training was hosted by the Assembly of God church and sponsored by WOGA Myanmar. Over 110 people attended from different villages. Sister L. taught about the Christian family. Dr. P spoke on health and gave medical treatment to sick patients, (many people could not afford to go to the clinic). Rev. Y taught about God, and Miss P. spoke about evangelism and how to value women. Mr. D. led the youth group, teaching bible lessons, praise and worship and games. Revival services were held in the evening.

We thank God that the Holy Spirit is moving and that people are encouraged by our teaching, and are eager to learn about evangelism. Their eyes have been opened to learning more about the value of women. We rejoice that we have good fellowship with the Assembly of God church.

Please Pray for• Regular WOGA prayer and fellowship

meeting every third week of the month.

• WOGA’s EC members.

• WOGA women training in M. on last week of March.

• Sunday School Teacher training.

In His Service

Rev. S. W.

The mission of WOGA is to educate and connect women to impact the world with God's love.


Amman training John Crews

S.E. Asia (Peninsula)




•Our COG 10th Asia/Pacific Women Conference was successfully held on 17-21 Nov 09 in Bangkok where about 50 women leaders from 9 countries participated. I met the WOGA national coordinator who invited four other women leaders. One lady from Seventh day Adventist, 2 ladies from Roman Catholic church and one lady from YWCA. We had a good fellowship, exchanging ideas, and discussing the vision and purpose of WOGA. They really are willing to work with us.

•In the evening, I met with two ladies whom I met at the WOGA conference in Korea having dinner with them. They both are very nice and interested in WOGA ministry. Though our meeting was very short both in Korea and BKK it was very worthwhile.

•We praise God for our three EC members (WOGA Myanmar) who received their doctorate degrees last year in Myanmar.

Please pray for:

~the WOGA S.E Asia Women Conference in 2009

~WOGA Myanmar to hold the women’s conference on 31 Mar 09 - 2 April 09

Blessings,Rev. D. C.

“I love you, O LORD, my strength.The LORD is my rock, my fortress and

my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.

He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,

and I am saved from my enemies.” Psalm 18:1-3 (NIV)

S E Asia Islands

Happy New Year!Only four items for prayer:

1. Possible Regional conference in 2010, the preparation and discussions with Dorothy.2. Seminars for women in villages in S.

3. Our WOGA committee, burden to encourage women regarding the nurturing of children and young.4. Renting a place mainly for WOGA work.Lily

Egypt & Arab world

Dear Prayer Friends,

Please pray for my show God Loves All People, which will pod cast on February first to reach out to all Arabs for Christ around the world through satellite television. ThanksAida

Thanks and happy New Year.

WOGA Tampa Bay requests prayers that we might be successful in raising funds to sponsor one Arab Christian sister to attend the March 2009 WOGA Leadership conference in Turkey.

South Pacific

Please pray for all those affected by the floods in Fiji. The Bible school where I go each year is helping the villagers repair and clean up but Labasa is a very, very poor Fijian Indian area and there is much poverty. The villages where I met with the women and told them about Jesus are suffering. Please pray that they may seek the Lord in their distress.

Please pray for the right timing for my invitations for ministry overseas this year. I need to go between Nicole, my daughter's hospitalizations. Nicole's health is stable at present. I have meetings with Emily Voorhies in Sydney 2-3rd February. Please pray for a special time together as we talk through the work in the South Pacific.

Thank you all for your faithfulness to bring these needs before the Lord. Love, Jill

Eastern Africa

Thanks and happy New Year. We need God's guidance to get an acceptable program for Eastern Africa for this year and unity. Sarah


Praise the name of Jesus!

Our prayer requests:

1) We are praying that God will touch prodigal sons and daughters in the world and that they will come back to Christ and the Church. Since two years we have been praying and we start to God moving and the prayers start to bear fruit.

2) Pray that God will pour strong anointing upon preachers according to Paul’s words: "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak" (Eph. 6:18-19).

3) Pray for the salvation of the spouses of Christian men and women to establish Christian families. Japanese traditions are very strong. The oldest son often takes over the house and its religion therefore even if they want to believe, it is quite difficult to step out from the old traditions. Especially it is hard. in the countryside

4) Pray for the salvation of neighbors to churches and believers.

5) pray for WOGA JAPAN meeting schedule in many cities across the country in February. Please pray also for the August retreats. I hope many pastors and Christian will come together to worship and pray. I appreciate your prayer and spiritual covering for Japan.Ruriko Bohman



• Please pray for the team that is preparing to go to Turkey for the leadership conference. May the Lord provide the resources needed for those leaders He is calling in the Arab world to be able to attend.

• Please pray for leadership in the WOGA chapters in Colorado Springs, Houston and Los Angeles. Pray for women to come alongside who are called and equipped to lead!

• Please pray that God will continue the good work He began in many hearts through the trafficking-awareness events in Houston and Colorado Springs last month.

• Please pray for the Raven and Lily WOGA team who will be traveling to India to work with women's coops in design and marketing. They leave on February 23 and return the first week of March. Pray for safety, good health and for much fruit to be borne.

Please pray for Kitty as she holds the first meeting of the WOGA chapter in Florence, South Carolina this month.

With love, Cheryl Lovejoy

WOGA Houston Praise! We had a great meeting in January focusing on the issue of human trafficking, particularly here in the Houston area. Representatives of a local ministry, Redeemed, shared great information about trafficking in general and specific needs and outreaches here in our own area. Though shocking and saddening, it certainly pricked our hearts to pray and get involved. Also, two women have offered to help with our chapter…a huge praise! Requests:

• Continued involvement of area women in WOGA/Houston

• Following up in prayer and action on what we are learning

• Preparations for Arab Women’s Conference taking place in March; we have a great team going to minister to Christian women representing many Arab nations; pray that all of us will have humble, servant’s hearts, be listeners and learners, as well as pray-ers and encouragers to all we meet.

• Arab women to be blessed, equipped and encouraged by the conference

• Preparations for our March 2 meeting, focusing on needs of African women; guest speaker, Peace Nihorimbere, WOGA director for Central Africa.

• Pray particularly for Peace and all the women involved in ministry there, which is growing greatly. So many, many needs and so little resources. Peace needs wisdom, strength, and energy for all the demands there.

• Preparations for ministry team to Ethiopia in June, working with micro-enterprise and ministry to women victimized by prostitution, trafficking, and severe poverty. We need team members to join us for this important outreach.

Diane Crews

“No matter how brutal the world may become, we must resist the temptation to fight evil with evil. We are called instead to forcefully advance Christ's kingdom by overcoming evil with good, hatred with love. Let us pray to have Christ's mind about the various conflicts that beset our world, asking Jesus to impart his wisdom to leaders of nations and peoples. Let us commit ourselves to loving others by actively working on behalf of the world's poor, praying for the grace to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before our God.”

Anne Spangler

Hello Sisters, Thank you for this opportunity to share with you our burdens: In our Burundi projects, we continue to get more requests from the many widows & orphans in our training programs. We need a larger facility. Last year we started to minister to a group of 170 widows and orphans. Now we are renting a place where we are going to start a fellowship twice a month. It is in an insecure area: please pray for God's protection.

Please pray for our next presidential election to be held in 2010.

In the Great Lakes Region, please pray for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are our neighbors, and it seems like when one of our neighboring countries doesn’t have peace, we soon are affected.

Please pray for my family. Thank you so much,Blessings,Peace

Eastern Africa

Thanks and happy New Year. We need God's guidance to get an acceptable program for Eastern Africa for this year and unity. Sarah

WOGA Global Prayers for February 20092/1 & 2/2 Arab World: Pray for the show “God Loves All People”, which will be podcast today to reach out to all Arabs for Christ around the world through satellite television. May many people be drawn to Christ.

2/2 Honduras: Pray for Liza and Frank and their children who were hurt in a terrible car accident. They are Worship directors for their church, she is a translator for GLOMUS and a singer. Pray for a new anointing on their lives, the provision from heaven to pay medical bills (there is no insurance), and the patience and acceptance they will need in the long period of recuperation. It is likely Liza will never walk again.

2/3 Japan: Pray for the salvation of the spouses of Christian men and women to establish Christian families. Cultural traditions, especially in the countryside, are very strong. Pray that the Lord will tear down strongholds.

2/4 Houston: Praise God for a great meeting in January on human trafficking. Pray that there will be serious follow up in action and prayer. Thanksgiving that two women have agreed to help with the leadership in the chapter.

2/5 SE Asia Peninsula: Praise God for a blessed COG 10th Asia/Pacific Women Conference in November in Bangkok. 50 women leaders from 9 countries participated. Praise God for a fruitful exchange of ideas between the WOGA national coordinator and 4 other ladies from different denominations.

2/6 Myanmar: Ask God to indwell the WOGA women training in M. at the end of March and for the Sunday School Teacher training. Pray that the Word will go deep into the lives of the women for You have promised that Your Word will not return empty.(Isaiah 55:11)

2/7 SE Asia Islands: Pray for seminars for women in villages in S., that many women would be drawn to Jesus. Pray for safety for all the participants and for wisdom as the leaders prepare. Pray as we seek a place to rent for WOGA work. The Lord knows the needs; may He meet them in His time.

2/8 South Pacific: Pray for all those affected with the floods in Fiji. Praise God that the Bible school in Labasa is helping villagers repair and clean up. This is a very poor Indian area, yet out of their poverty they are giving. (2 Corinthians 8:2) Jill told the women about Jesus last year. Pray that these ladies will seek the Lord in their distress because of the flooding.

2/9 Eastern Africa: Pray for God’s guidance to develop an acceptable program for all of Eastern Africa and especially for unity of all believers. Pray that the Holy Spirit will greatly empower and encourage Christian women in the ministry of reconciliation.

2/10 SE Asia Peninsula: Pray that all the meetings in November bear fruit as women seem interested in working with WOGA. Praise God for 3 EC (WOGA Myanmar) members who received doctorate degrees in 2008. Pray that God will direct their ministries, protect their families, and encourage them.

2/11 Burundi. Pray for wisdom, strength, and energy for Peace. Raise up godly women to come along side her. Pray for doors to be opened for Peace’s March trip to North America, for people to support the important work being done in Burundi and that significant funds will be raised. Pray for Peace’s family, for her husband and children. Arab World: Pray for the Arab Women’s Conference in March in Turkey. Pray that the ministry team will have humble, servant’s hearts, be listeners and learners, as well as pray-ers and encouragers to all they meet.

2/12 Myanmar: Praise God for a November evangelism meeting with over 110 from many villages The Holy Spirit was really moving and the people were encouraged by all the teaching and want to continue to learn more. They are also open to learning about the value of women.

2/13 Ethiopia: Pray for the trip in June, working with micro-enterprise and ministry to women victimized by prostitution, trafficking, and severe poverty. Pray that God will bring together team members from North America for this important outreach and that His wisdom will guide all the preparations.

2/14 South Pacific: Pray for God to grant Jill wisdom in planning her overseas invitations, as she must go between her daughter Nicole’s hospitalizations. Praise God that Nicole’s health is stable at this time. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the meetings with Emily Voorhies (WOGA Director) in Sydney as they seek His wisdom in planning the work in the South Pacific for 2009.

2/15 Burundi: Praise God that we have been ministering to a group of 170 widows and orphans since 2008. We are renting a place where we are going to start a twice-monthly fellowship, but it is in an insecure area. Pray that God will direct us to a big facility that is affordable and safe. We ask for God’s protection over all.

2/16 Japan: Pray that God will pour strong anointing on preachers. Pray for the WOGA meeting schedule in many cities and that many pastors and Christians will come together to worship and pray.

2/17 SE Asia Peninsula: Pray the God will allow a WOGA SE Asia Women’s Conference in 2009. Pray that the Holy Spirit will direct the paths of the leaders, giving them wisdom and protection as they plan.

2/18 Japan: We have been praying for 2 years that prodigal sons & daughters in the world will return to Christ and the Church. Praise God that we have begun to see God moving and prayers starting to bear fruit. Pray also for the salvation of neighbors to churches and believers.

2/19 Arab World: Pray for all the Arab women at the Women’s Conference to be blessed, equipped and encouraged. Pray that funding to be available for each woman that God has specifically called. Protect these women and remove any barriers that would keep them from going to Turkey.

2/20 Southern Africa: Pray for Esme and the many ministries she oversees. Give her wisdom, strength, and safety as she travels throughout this large region. Continue to deepen the faith and wisdom of the many young women she has met with in 2008.

2/21 South America: Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the women who are planning the Leadership Conference to be held in October. Pray that even now God is preparing the place, the leadership team, and the hearts of the women who will attend.

2/22 North America: Pray for the Raven and Lily WOGA team traveling to India to work with the women’s coops in design and marketing. Pray for their safety, good health, and for much fruit to be borne.

2/23 North America: May God call women to come along side the leadership teams in the WOGA chapters in Colorado Springs, Houston, and Los Angeles. Pray for more women to be drawn to the WOGA ministry. Hold up Kitty in prayer as she holds the first meeting of the WOGA chapter in Florence, South Carolina.

2/24 SE Asia Peninsula: Pray for the WOGA Myanmar conference end of March in M city. Pray God will prepare the way for many women to attend, tearing down all barriers. Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring unity to the gathering.

2/25 Burundi: Pray for the next Presidential election in 2010. Pray for peace and civility and for God to direct the proper leaders. Pray for the Great Lakes Region, for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are our neighbors and when one of our neighbors doesn’t have peace, we are soon affected.

2/26 Japan: Pray for the two August WOGA retreats, for the speaker Dr. S. K., chairman of the World Evangelical Alliance. Pray that the planning committee will be guided by the Holy Spirit as they begin preparations so that all is to God’s glory.

2/27 Central America: Pray that all the graduates of the GLOMOS programs in late 2008 are committed to passing on what they learned. Keep them focused on Jesus and protect them from the snares of the evil one.

2/28 SE Asia Islands: Pray for a possible Regional Conference in 2010, that the Lord would direct the plans and discussions, remove barriers, and equip leaders. Pray for the WOGA committee’s burden to encourage women regarding the nurturing of children and the young. Myanmar: Pray that God will continue to bless the monthly WOGA prayer and fellowship meetings. Pray for the health, safety, and families of the EC members. Pray that they will remain grounded in Jesus every day.