WM Putaway Process

Goods Receipt process with MIGO. Create Purchase order T.code : ME21N. Goods Receipt against Purchase Order T.code : MIGO Once we enter Sloc a new WM tab appears in the screen as shown below.



Transcript of WM Putaway Process

Goods Receipt process with MIGO.Create Purchase order T.code : ME21N.

Goods Receipt against Purchase Order T.code : MIGOOnce we enter Sloc a new WM tab appears in the screen as shown below.

As shown in the below screen System creates Transfer Requirement in Back Ground With the following details W.NO, Source Storage Type, Storage Bin.

In The below screen we can see the ware house stock in destination Bin REC per material SECH is 100EA.

Create Transfer Order for Transfer Requirement T.code : LT04.

In the below screen we can see that system moves stock from Interim S.type 902 to Destination S.type REC.

Click on save button. TO is created.

Confirm the TO in LT12.

Once TO is confirmed stock gets added in Destination Bin.

Goods Receipts against Inbound Delivery.Create Purchase Order T.code : ME21N.

As shown in the above screen present stock is 109 ea in REC bin.Create Inbound delivery against PO in T.code : VL31N.

In the below screen as Sloc is not given system could not pick Warehouse No.

After Giving Sloc System picks WH No.

As we can see WM status is yet to start.

Save the delivery.

Create TO wrt IB delivery.

Click on Fore ground as shown below.

System picks Source and Destination Bins as shown below.

Click on Save.

Confirm the same in LT12.

In Vl32n do Post goods Receipt.

Status of wm and gm is completed.

Stock gets updated in wh.