WKT Prime Times Fall 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    October 15 - 21, 2010 Webster-Kirkwood Times 13-A

    Every Senior Service Mary Queen & Mother Skilled Nursing Care: 314-961-8000 x 277 Mother of Perpetual Help, Assisted Living: 314-918-2260

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    Prime TimesA Resource Guide for Older Adults

  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    14-A Webster-Kirkwood Times October 15 - 21, 2010


    Healthcarefor Seniors

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    by Amanda CookWhen the lights dim and the curtain

    rises on each new season at Stages St.Louis, there is one lady who feels the

    joy and excitement of opening nightmore acutely than any other audiencemember.

    Betty Von Hoffmann has dedicatedthe past 24 years to making her sonMichael Hamiltons vision of a not-for-prot professional theatre company

    a reality. And she couldnt be moreproud of the results.

    I volunteered to help society, mycommunity, and people in the theatreworld. I went to New York and sawhow badly they treated all these youngpeople who wanted a career on Broad-way, Von Hoffmann said, a formerlong-time Kirkwood resident. I knewthat we were going to have a theatrewhere everyone was welcome to audi-tion and become part of a family work-ing together.

    She will be one of 19 honored onNov. 14 with an Ageless-RemarkableSt. Louisan Award from the St. An-drews Resources for Seniors System.

    Stages St. Louis started operationsout of Von Hoffmanns ve-room Kirk-wood home in 1987. Tickets and sales

    were handled in the living room, oneroom served as an ofce, costumes

    were sewn in the basement, and setsand props were created in the backyard.

    Since then, the theatre companyhas grown to a $3.2 million annualbudget with over 9,000 subscribersand 46,000 patrons. They also have aprofessional academy that trains stu-dents in musical theatre arts.

    I was attending one of our events afew years ago and a young lady asked

    my son if he would introduce us. Shehad received one of the scholarshipsthat I helped coordinate and she want-ed to let me know how much I hadtouched her life, she said.

    Von Hoffmanns volunteer workstarted early in life with the Salva-

    tion Army. She said she joined withher two sisters as a way to make herfather proud.

    She came from a long line of peoplewho wanted to give back: her grand-father immigrated from Europe and,once he became successful with aprinting business, created a soupkitchen in downtown St. Louis to helpthe homeless.

    She thinks his genes, as well as les-sons in hard work and making a goodlife for the family, are what shaped

    her views on the world.I live for people and trying to help

    them, especially my two sons. Im avery happy person and believe I wasput on this Earth to try to bring hap-piness to others. I am a giver, not ataker, said Von Hoffmann.

    Ageless-Remarkable Saint Louisan

    Betty Von Hoffmann Lights Up StagesFor 24 years,Von Homannhas helped makesons vision or anot-or-profttheater a reality

    Betty Von Hoffmann, far right, with her two sisters, Carol Lundstrom, left, andJean Sheets, at the Stages 2009 Gala.

    St. Andrews Resources for Seniorsis hosting the Eighth Annual Ageless-Remarkable Saint Louisans Galawhich will honor 19 area seniors overage 75 on Nov. 14 in the Chase ParkPlazas Khorrasan Ballroom. Wells

    Fargo Advisors is the presenting spon-sor.

    These honorees include Betty VonHoffmann, a former long-time Kirk-wood resident, Winfred Kenner of Af-fton and Joseph Birk Jr. of WebsterGroves.

    The gala will celebrate the com-mitment, vivacity and generosity of

    these individuals and their amazingcontributions to the St. Louis commu-nity well past traditional retirementage. With varying backgrounds, tal-ents and vitality that would put most40-year-olds to shame, the honorees

    are defying the stereotypical idea thatindividuals fall into restful retire-ment as they grow older.

    We again get the pleasure of rec-ognizing a group of incredible seniorswho are redening what it means to

    grow old, said Mary Alice Ryan, presi-dent and CEO of St. Andrews. St. An-drews has a vision of a society where

    all older adults are respected, produc-tive, secure and fullled; our mission

    is to empower seniors and their care-givers through choice and options thatfoster a vital life. We chose these el-ders as individuals who personify our

    goals and we applaud them for demon-strating that age is truly nothing morethan a number.

    St. Andrews is non-sectarian, faith-based and expert at serving both olderadults and their caregivers.

    For more information about St.Andrews or the gala, visit www.stan-drews1.com or call 726-0111.

    Nov. 14 Gala Recognizes 19 St. Louis Seniors

  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    October 15 - 21, 2010 Webster-Kirkwood Times 15-A

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  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    16-A Webster-Kirkwood Times October 15 - 21, 2010

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    Veterans Benefit Seminar BreakfastDecember 2 9 a.m.

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    by Amanda CookJoe Birk of Webster Groves is a

    living conrmation of the advice that

    parents often give their children: Geta law degree because you can do somany different things with it.

    Since beginning his professional

    career with Union Electric (later Ame-renUE) in 1948, Birk has served invarious capacities for countless St.Louis non-prots during some of their

    most exciting phases.He was there to help during the for-

    mation of Area Resources for Commu-nity and Human Services (ARCHS).

    He played a vital role in extendingthe life of the Emergency ChildrensHome (ECHO) in North St. Louis.

    And, after completing some high-prole legislative work on behalf of

    his employer, Birk was tapped by lo-cal movers and shakers to be a part ofa little project that would become theEdward Jones Dome and the reloca-

    tion of the Rams from California to St.Louis.

    Because of these efforts and many

    more, Birk will be honored with the Ageless-Remarkable St. LouisanAward from the St. Andrews Resourc-es for Seniors System at its annualevent on Nov. 14.

    Ive always had a feeling that Iought to give back because Ive beenvery blessed in life. I was able to go toschool and thought there were a va-riety of things I had expertise in thatcould be used to make St. Louis a bet-ter community. I really look for ways

    to add something thats meaningful,says Birk.

    Some of the other organizations

    that have benetted from Birks exper-tise include CORO Midwest, The SaintLouis Art Museum, the Regional Com-merce and Growth Association, theUnited Way, the Missouri Chamber ofCommerce, and the Supreme Court ofMissouri Historical Society.

    He currently serves on the board ofdirectors for Bethesda Health Groupand is a member of two committeesthat support the work of Variety theChildrens Charity of St. Louis.

    Its personally enriching to talkwith those who are out there, to learnabout their services and how they go

    about their work. You get a tremen-dous education on how people live anddepend on others. Its inspiring timespent, Birk said.

    He encourages others to get involvedwith volunteer work because he be-lieves that the way to progress isthrough ideas, opinions, and debate.

    There are a lot of people outthere who have a lot of ability, goodideas, assets they can bring to thetable, and theyre untapped, Bick

    said. I would tell them to look at whatinterests them and keep learning be-cause theyll nd it very rewarding.

    Ageless-Remarkable Saint Louisan

    Joe Birk Uses Expertise To Make St. Louis BetterJoe Birk of Webster

    Groves talks withBethesda-Dilworth

    resident JeanFriend. Birk serves

    on the board of di-rectors for Bethesda

    Health Group.

    photo by

    Diana Linsley

    The WebsterGroves residenthas served incountlesscapacities at areanon-proft groups

  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    October 15 - 21, 2010 Webster-Kirkwood Times 17-A

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    With its service restoration nowrmly in place, Metro has announced

    plans to host a new series of reducedfare permit registration events for se-nior citizens.

    Designed to help area adults 65 andolder who want to take advantage ofdiscounts on MetroBus and MetroLink,the reduced fare permit serves as proofthat seniors are eligible to travel at re-duced fares.

    Registration events are being host-ed by Metro as a way to reach out to

    Reduced Fare Permits For SeniorsAvailable For MetroLink, MetroBus

    Chili Dinner AtKirkwood SeniorCenter Oct. 22

    seniors who may have reduced transittravel because of the service reduc-tions that occurred in 2009.

    During the rst round of reduced

    fare permit registration events, more

    than 4,000 seniors took advantage ofthe opportunity and signed up for per-mits, said Micah Wiles, Metros Mar-keting Coordinator.

    Free And Easy

    Seniors who want to obtain a re-duced fare permit will be able to signup for one at various location betweennow and April 2011. The permit forthose 65 and over will be available at:

    The Downtown MetroRide Store

    located at 701 Convention Plaza, lo-cated at the corner of 7th and Wash-ington inside Americas Center. TheMetroRide Store is open between 8:30a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Fri-

    day. Mobile registration teams also

    will be coming to several locations. Fora complete list of sign-up events, visitwww.metrostlouis.org and click on theSenior Reduced Fare Permit icon orcall 231-2345.

    Metro plans sign-upevents so seniorscan easily obtain areduced-are permit

    The Kirkwood Senior Center, locat-ed in the Kirkwood House on 385 S.Taylor, will be hosting a chili dinneron Friday, Oct. 22, from 4 to 7 p.m.

    The cost is $5 for adults, $2 for chil-dren ages two to six, and free for chil-dren under two.

    The Senior Center (The Mid-WestArea Agency on Aging) raises funds toenable the Meals on Wheels program

    as well as entertainment venues forthose over 60 years of age.

  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    18-A Webster-Kirkwood Times October 15 - 21, 2010

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    by Amanda CookWinfred Wimpy Kenners story

    may sound like many St. Louis menof his generation. The Affton residentgraduated from McKinley High School,

    served heroically in Europe duringWorld War II, then returned home tostart a family and work hard at a good

    job with McDonnell Aircraft.Where the 86-year-old differs from

    the average person is how he has giv-en his time to helping others duringhis retirement. You can nd him all

    over the city, from Clayton to south St.Louis County, lling volunteer roles

    and supporting the causes he caresabout most. He will be honored withan Ageless-Remarkable St. Louisan

    Award from the St. Andrews Resourc-es for Seniors System at its annualevent on Nov.14.

    Im not much of a homebody, so I

    like to get out and do things as much

    as I can. Im afraid of becoming a couchpotato. And I joke with my kids that itkeeps me out of the taverns, Kennersaid.

    Kenner spends several days a weekmaking history come alive for visitorsat the Jefferson Barracks Museum,where he gives tours of the PowderMagazine. He began volunteeringthere when funding for staff dried up.

    A lot of organizations cant affordto pay people for these jobs right now.The Friends of Jefferson Barracks put

    out the call ve years ago and we had

    87 people step up. But our number isdown to around 65 and we need morepeople to ll in, Kenner said.

    During tax season, Kenner helpswith St. Louis Countys Older Resi-dents Program (CORP) by schedulingappointments for those who need as-sistance preparing their forms. He isa board member of the University ofMissouri Extension Service, wherehe works with a group that overseesspending and programming.

    Kenner also serves on the board

    of the American Railway Ca-

    boose Historical Education Society.This means that he gets to help Santawith holiday appearances and assistwith train tours to places like KansasCity and Chicago.

    I think the best thing about megetting this award is that it will givea little publicity to the organizationsI work with, Kenner said. Ive oftensaid that they are the best kept secretsin St. Louis County. There are peoplewho live within a few miles of the mu-seum and dont know its there or who

    have never heard of the train tours.

    Ageless-Remarkable Saint Louisan

    Retirement Means Service For Wimpy KennerWimpy Kenner

    gives tours of the

    Powder Magazineat Jefferson Bar-

    racks Museum.

    photo by

    Diana Linsley

    From giving tours

    at JeersonBarracks tohelping otherswith taxes, theAton residentgives back

    There are currently 40 million peo-ple (12 percent), age 65 and older inthe U.S. according to the U.S. CensusBureau.

    Although 65 and up has tradition-ally been viewed as old age, that per-ception is changing due to the increas-ing inuence of Baby Boomers.

    Todays older adults are single-handedly bringing about a culturechange demanding more controlover their lives, becoming more social-ly active and engaged, living more ac-tive lifestyles and living much longerlives than just a few decades ago.

    The rst of the Baby Boom gener-ation (people born between 1945 and1964) just turned 65 this year, which

    means retirement for many in this co-hort. In fact, very few individuals overthe age of 65 still participate in thework force.

    From a nancial perspective, how

    can adults approaching retirementage prepare themselves for this impor-tant transition? Are there any legalconcerns specic to this stage of life?

    What roles do continuing educationand life-long learning play in adjust-

    ment to retirement? And how can oneremain occupied and meaningfully en-gaged after leaving ones work?

    Eric Goedereis, Ph.D., an assis-tant professor of Psychology at Web-ster University and is the director ofWebsters graduate program in ger-ontology, will address these issuesat Webster Universitys 22nd annualGerontology Workshop set for Friday,

    Oct. 15, at the universitys SunnenLounge. The workshop runs from 8:30a.m. to 2 p.m., and costs $50, $25 forseniors and students. Fees includelunch.

    The Volunteer Fair, from 2 to 3:30p.m., is free and open to the public.

    The workshop is recommended forretirees and other adults who are con-cerned about approaching this stageof life and meeting the challenges of

    retirement. It is equally appropriatefor professionals who work with seniorclients, social workers, and other com-munity agencies.

    For more information, and for apartial listing of conrmed Volunteer

    Fair participants, visit www.webster.edu/depts/artsci/bass/gerontology-workshop.htm

    Webster U. To Host Gerontology WorkshopFriday, Oct. 15, eventIncludes a Volunteer Fair

    Adventures in Learning classes areoffered at the Shepherds Center ofWebster-Kirkwood, located at 1333 W.Lockwood Ave. in Glendale. Classesare presented on Fridays at 9:10 a.m.,10:10 a.m. and 11 a.m. until noon. Thecost for all programs is $7 and includes

    breakfast served at 8:30 a.m.Friday, Oct. 22 Adventures in

    Learning programs are: an art historysampler with Betsy Solomon; a pre-sentation on India by Jan McNicols;

    and how to write an ethical will withKathy Harris. To register or for moreinformation, call 961-2661 or e-mail:

    [email protected].

    Adventures InLearning At TheShepherds Center

  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    October 15 - 21, 2010 Webster-Kirkwood Times 19-A

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  • 8/8/2019 WKT Prime Times Fall 2010


    20-A Webster-Kirkwood Times October 15 - 21, 2010


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    The St. Louis Gateway Chapter ofthe Veterans of the Battle of the Bulgerecently recognized the 10,000th visi-tor to the Battle of the Monument inJefferson Barracks Park in SouthCounty. Denise Kahle of Lemay vis-ited the park, with her children Lilly,

    Lexi, and Jackson on Sept. 11 as partof the Living History Hayrides heldSept. 11-12.

    President Kent Stephens presentedKahle with a complimentary DVD onthe Battle of the Bulge and a book de-scribing the construction of the WorldWar II GI statue, which was dedicat-ed last August in Jefferson BarracksPark, a short distance from the monu-ment.

    The Battle of the Bulge monumentwas dedicated in October of 1997 andis located between the Powder Maga-zine Museum and the Amphitheater.Both the monument and the GI statuewere built through the efforts of the

    Gateway Chapter of the Veterans ofthe Battle of the Bulge, which was

    founded in 1993 and has over 300 ac-tive members and associate members.

    Veterans Group Recognizes 10,000th Visitor

    Pictured, from left, Kent Stephens, Denise Kahle, and her children Lexi, Jackson

    and Lilly, Don Green, Bill Steigemeier and Harold Mueller.

    Senior citizens are invited to a freescreening of the new action-comedyRed on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 9 a.m..at The Great Escape Movie Theatre,754 Gravois Bluffs Blvd. in Fenton.

    The event is sponsored by SSM St.Clare Health Center, The Woodlandsof Arnold and Marymount Manor ofEureka.

    Booths with blood pressure screen-

    ings, stroke risk assessment and in-formation about area services open at8 a.m. To RSVP, call toll-free 1-866-776-3627.

    Senior Day AtThe MoviesJean Curtis, certied instructor,

    will present a series of classes titledSenior Strength and Balance, from12:15 to 1:15 p.m. on Thursday, Oct.28- Dec. 9, at St. Anthonys MedicalCenter. There will be no classes theweek of Nov. 22.

    An estimated 150,000 seniors endup in the hospital each year due tofalls. In this class, participants willlearn how to strengthen their musclesand improve their balance with simple

    and fun-to-do exercises designed tokeep seniors on their feet.

    Classes will be in St. Anthonys

    Body, Mind, Spirit Center, locatedin Suite 240 of St. Anthonys Medi-cal Plaza, 12700 Southfork Road, justsouth of the main hospital.

    Fee is $50 per person for each seriesof classes. A 10 percent discount is giv-en to those taking two or more classes.

    A 10 percent discount also is given toseniors. Only one 10 percent discountwill be honored.

    Class size is limited, so advanceregistration is advised. For more infor-

    mation or to register, call 268-4669 or1-800-554-9550 or visit:


    Exercise Class For Senior Adults