Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries

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Transcript of Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    tansrormrnCFCIUNITED WAY GOSPEL RESCUE MINISTRIES OF VVASHINGTON, DC VOLUME 7, ISSUE I, WINTER 2006New Year, New DirectionsNew progroms ol Gospel Rescue Ministries bring new ideos ond new exciiement io our ministryl

    A new yeor br-ings o nev/ seoson forGospel Rescue Ministries. Mony thingsore the some oround here, like thetrsnsforming power of God's grocenroving through the lives of those'o,..,ic-ec b" ou. -i.ist1'; 'ihe moving:es',-c^'r c; c -o'r or- o \./omon trying10 'v.F 1"e,. i'le cround; the ioy in5s-;ing tne nuriing ond needycommunity in downiown DC.But we hove come o very long woyfrom 1906, when the first religiousservices were held under the nome ofGospel Rescue Mission. In 2006, our

    progroms ore growing by leops ondbounds, ond we ore olwoys seekingnew woys to help men ond womenfind their woy out of the cycles ofoddiction, poverty, ond homelessness.\^/^ ^^^t. +^ ^)4 tO OUr OrrOV OfYE )EEI\ I\J IJlJLcomprehensive services in the comingyeor through focus on our Aftercoreprogrom, on iob development, coreerplocement, ond tronsitionol housing.Our hope is thot upon completing theresideniiol portion of treotment, ourclients will be oble to complete thetronsition bock into the world,

    mointoining therr recovery ond movingforword wiih their lives.Whot will the next .|00 yeors bring tous? How will the Holy Spirit move usnext? How con we be truer witnessesto God's love? Reod on through thisissue, obout the new progroms onddirections thot GRM is emborking onin the coming months.As olwoys, we oppreciote your proyersond support os we seek to continueour mission of help, hope, ondheoling.


    UDC ond the Stote Educotion Agency coordinote theCloude Brown Writers & Reoders Series, o populorprogrom for odult leorners. The series introduces odultleorners to published writers to discuss reoding ond thewriting process. In coniunction with this series, SEA ondSchool of Tomorrow, thot our clients con ottend.Porticiponts in this course will improve their writing skillsthrough creotive writing ond self-expression. The SEApublishes the prose ond poetry of odult leorners in ononnuol book thot is debuted ot on Iniernotionol LiterocyDoy celebrotion. The closs is open to DC Adult leornerscurrently enrolled in on odult educotion progrom. Formore informolion, emoil [email protected].

    Open to fhe Publiclore on Tuesdoys ond Thursdoys, 6 to 8 PM.Computer Applicotions - 8 weeksGED Preporotion - 12 weeksCDL License Troining - 8 weeks

    strengthen fomily relotionships. Attendees will hove onopportuni! fo enloy greot food, fun, door prizes,speokers, ond shoring.Upcoming topics will include:

    o Februory - Volentine's Doy for Couples / Fomilies. Morch - Fomily Business Ownership. April - Keeping Children Sofeo Moy - How To Roise BoysAll scheduled evenls ore open lothe immediofe ond extended fomilymembers of GRM clients ondolumni of TLM, Reody To Work,ond Fulton House. Coll or emoilus for specific dotes ond iimes.


    Strong fqmilies oreLives Ministry. TLM

    fo help families in treotmenf!importont to GRM's Tronsforming

    I ntt clossesrJf'.-') - -zlK**i

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    Thonks to oll those individuols ondorgonizotions thot helped Gospel RescueMinistries during the holidoy seoson,through donotions of time, money, ondgifts.

    Here's Life Inner City - fordonoting 75 "Homeless Kits",which included blonkets, scorves,hots, gloves, socks, toiletries, ondo copy of John's gospel.Mount Vernon NozereneUniversity's Mrnisfry in SociolConfexls closs, for providingvolunteer service including pointingin the School of Tomorrow.The US Deportment of Lobor, for olorge donotion of hots ond gloves.The Solvotion Army, for includingGRM in their onnuol coot drive.Ski Cholet, for o lorge donotion ofwinter hots.Chesopeoke Christion Fellowship,for donoting toys to GRM clients,so they could give them to theirchildren for Christmos.District Chophouse, for hosting theGRM Stoff Christmos porty.Greoter N-wtlopFBopfiS

    ln fulemory of...Annie Laurel Poole wenl home to be with the Lord onDecember 7, 2005. She hod requested that insteod ofbuying flowers, for persons lo moke o donqtion toGRA4, whlch wos very deor lo her heort ond to whomshe hod given over the yeors. We ore grateful to thefamily ond olhers who hove given in memory of Annie.Rochel S. Geiger of Atlanto recently had herhomegor'ng, ond we ore groteful for her proyers ondolher support over the yeors. She mode o gift of$3,000 to GRM through her estole ond her memorywill stoy wilh us here ot GRU.

    UTfor hosting our Decemberg rod uotion ceremony.Compus Crusode for Christ, forsending o work group.First Boptist Church of Suitlond , forsending o work group.Gifts for the Homeless, for o lorgeclothing donotion.

    we continue to be blessed byyour support of our ministry. May God keep you andbless you aII. we pray that you would continue to reap that which you have sown.

    Thonk you to the Chorol Arts Society for owordingus l0 free tickets to their onnuol tribute to Dr. MortinLuther King ot the Kennedy Center for the PerformingArts. l0 GRM clients dressed up in their finest, went overto the Kennedy Center, ond were treoted to on excitingond inspirotionol evening. The Chorol Arts Society mokethese tickets ovoiloble every yeor to sociol service

    -orgonizotions in the city.

    MATCHING GIFT PROGMA^SMony corporotions, low firms, businesses, foundotions,ond oiher orgonizotions hove in-house motching giftprogroms lhot will moich employee gifts to Gospel RescueInrslnes. n, Tne motch rs dollorspecific omount. For exomple, componies such os Aetno,Generol Electric, Fonnie Moe, ond Verizon will mofch giftsto GRM by octive employees ond refirees. Even thoughsome orgonizofions will not moich gifts to churches ondpredominonfly religious orgonizotions, they will motchgifts to GRM becouse of the strong sociol service progromsoffered. lf you would like to porticipote in this woy, pleosecheck with your compony to see if they hove o motchinggront progrom. We'd love to speok with you obout it!

    Matthew 25:40

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries



    Our New CoreerDevelopment Center will offer:. Employment reodiness troining(WorkNet) by linking the clossroomto the corporote world. Development of lifelong iob seorchskills. Coreer mopping, counseling, ondresume preporotiono Economic liferocy in preporolionfor porticipotion in the Copitol AreoAsset Building progrom to ossistindividuols ond fomilies to finoncehomes, smoll businesses, ond obtoinfurther educotion through sovingsond mofching grontsr Coreer Portners Lectures Series ioprovide clients reol world insighifrom professionols who hovesuccessful coreers in fhe corporoteworld. Job Allionces with corporotesponsorso Online iob bonk / iob seorchservice. Job referrolsr Porticipotion in the FederolBonding Progrom os o iobplocement tool for clienfs who hovedifficulty obtoining employmentbecouse of their bockgrounds. Professionol developmenf froiningfor olumni through the AftercoreCoreer Asset ond DevelopmentTroining Progrom

    Full time employment is o key morkeron the rood to recovery in tronsformingthe lives of GRM clients. As weopprooch our l00m onniversorycelebrotion, the Job DevelopmentProgrom is moving beyond providingonly bosic iob entry skills. In support ofbetter equipping clients in this oge oftechnology ond high quolityperformonce ond service, o morecomprehensive opprooch to coreerdevelopment hos been designed forclients os well os the generol communitywho ore eligible to receive our services.Through design of o WorkploceLiterocy ond Coreer DevelopmentCenter, clients of the Fulton Houseof Hope, Tronsforming LivesMinistry, Reody To Work Progrom,ond olumni will hqve occess to owide ronge of services thot willhelp them with their gools totronsition to meoningful coreersrother thon bosic survivol iobs.

    TLM ond RTW men taking port in oBEST progrom course.

    In oddition to o brooder focus for theiob development progrom, GRMcontinues its portnership with the WorlBonk's Chonce To Work Progrom undthe leodership of Michoel Cortese. AChance To Work Progrom wosestoblished by the IFC os on outreqchprogrom thot works with communityorgonizotions to select motivoteddisodvqntoged workers, to give them ochonce to develop iob skills beforetronsitioning into the moinstreom. Ov50 individuols hove been employed inthe post by the World Bonk, ond l0 orcurrently employed.GRM clients are working with...Melro Porodigm MonogemenlGreyhound OncoreAvis Rentol Cor Coloniol PorkingThe World Bonk New BeginningsArchstone Smith Controct FoodsColvert Mosonry Goldie's ChildDevelopment CenlerFinolly, in 2006, GRM clients whocomplete the WorkNet employmenttroining course will hove odditionolopportunities to enhonce their skills onobtoin corporote mentors through oportnership with StreetWise, o non-promentoring progrom which begon inNew York City to help theunderemployed overcome employmenborriers.

    Rev. Ellis Hodgesis the Directorof the BEST Progrom.lf you would like more informqtionobout this progrom, or if you hove olob opportunity thot you think wouldfit in with this progrom, pleose collor emoil us!

    E//[email protected] will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten... /oel 2:2

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    -\.r'' .'{,''.;# GOSPEL RESCUE MtNtSTRt ES',I OOth Yeor Celebrotory Golo

    Moy 19, 20067:30 PMThe Ronold Reogo't Bt,ilding& Internotionol Trode CenterPleose plon to ioin us for our 'l00th Yeor celebrolion. We ore looking forword lo on exciting night of food ond fellowship,when we con honor whol God hos done through lhe minisfries of ihis orgonizotion over lhe posf 'l 00 yeors. Our keynofespeoker is {ormer US Senotor ond former ombossodor Don Cools. Our dinner is being cotered by fhe Reogon Buildingond will begin ot 7:30, followed by o moving ond inspirolionol iribule lo Gospel Rescue Minislries. Pleose wolch for iurtheinformolion on lhis soeciol, once in o lifefime evenf.

    CONCERT & PARTY IN THE PARKGRM ONLINE AUCTIONDo we hove ony Eboy lovers out there? Any-one into the Internet ouction croze?Well, forget obout Eboy, GRM is host-ing our own online ouction complete

    Exotietravel paekages!Ilinners at loeal


    -t'liqt*! .",r r,r-r .=,,== ,,,=.,== ,tlare books!

    Sports memorablilia! pose will be linked lo ours,rewerry! ffi;?'J;i1""":.J"T[,T:i MARCH GRADUATION

    Soturdoy, April22nd I 2 NoonIn preporotion for our Moy 19th golo, Gospel RescueMinistries is plonning to once ogoin host o greot evenin Fronklin Pork. Weother ond permit permitting, weore plonning o concert feoturing the Tuesdoy NightLive contemporory Christion group, dromo, gomesond prizes, food, fellowship, ond plenty ofopportunities to minister to people in the pork.We ore plonning to include o heolth foir, possible

    i,, r. ,lFii'f:.: '"' Es*,'s;..;r. {*

    , *',, *l l.i, I *'i I ShrH,

    with competitive bidding ond excit-ing, interesting iiems up for bid!Now you con bid on greot voco-tions, gifts, ond services, ond sup-porl GRM while you shop!

    Tickets! lion oboul the items up for bid, os Soturdoy, Morch 4th I O AMAnd SO well os o full explonolion on howmueh more! ,'["J*.r;J'i;,':h " j.i::ii"., I"#":;5fi:il ?ffiffj ;f5] jjili":j:l,will be outhenfic ond opproised. groduotion you con see lives being tronsformed by lhThen on lhe morning of April 10, lei power ond groce of God. You con wifness lhethe bidding beginl ochievemenls mode ond fhe occomplishmenls lhol oumen ond women hove worked so hord io eorn. Alf you hove ilems or services lhoi you would like fo conlribufe, GRM groduolion is very much o worship service, ond.., we would love io folk to you obouf ihose lhings. hems donofed oll who otlend leove wiih o feeling of hope ond ioy incould include o weekend ol o fime shore, gift certificoies, or their heorts. The service of Greoter New Hope Boptisservices lo offer. Be sure fo tell your friends obouf our Church oi 81h & H will be followed by o receplion inouclion...bul hopefully they won'f ourbid youl fhe GRM chopel.

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    #ffiC'OSPEL RESCUE MIN STRIESof Washington DC

    810 5th Street, NWWashington, DC 20001Phone: (202)842-1731Fax: (202)898-0285Volume 7, Issue I

    www.grm.orgDon Melvin



    Iane Bond Don N{eh'inBill Harper Rudolph Pruden

    John Jackson Charles RobinsonAl Lawerence f eff WrightAl Manola

    cFc # 8919If1,'ctu have questions or commentsregarding the newsletter, olan.tthing elsc' about GR,\I. plc'ascsend us an etnai/.1GRAI does nol selJ or distribute itsrnailing list to an.r'third part1,.

    marJ/beth @grnt. org


    Deor Friends ond Portners,As you con see, we ore busy being obout the Fother's business, helping Hiskingdom to come into the heorts ond minds ond lives of those who come toGospel Rescue Ministries for help, hope, ond heoling.We ore excited obout the direction of the progroms ond services we oreoffering becouse they support revivol, renewol, ond restorotion of theindividuols ond fomilies who ore being served ihrough the love of Jesus.We thonk oll of you for coming olongside ond helping GRM in corrying outthis mission. We connot do it without your proyers, your time, tolents, ondyour finonciol support.We ore looking forword to our l00th yeor celebrotion on Moyl g oi iheReogon Building, ond the events leoding up to thot dote, including theonline ouction ond the concert in the pork. Wotch for more informotion onthese events, ond pleose plon to ioin us!In the coming months, we ore looking forword to meeting every postor ondoutreoch coordinotor of every church which portners with GRM. lf youwould like to schedule cr time io come ond visit our focilities, we would loveto give you o tour ond show you first hond whot we do everydoy. Or if youwould like us to come to you, to shore our story with your congregotion, wewould welcome the opportunity. Just give me o coll to set o dote!Moy God coniinue to bless ond keep you!

    In Christ,
