Winkle_The Same Page

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  • 7/27/2019 Winkle_The Same Page


  • 7/27/2019 Winkle_The Same Page


    t*-. Id.d.s for rt oes axrd. etem.L-we agree first tro lowe, adore, t,r:ttst and obey Christ,,- second, t.o love ofamilies; third to love each other- These premises under gird all e1se.-we believe that, if we lifE up Chrisc and Chrisc on1y, Ee will draw ayoung people t.o Himself. If they are to 6ee and confront the livingChrist, w mustr be Christ-cent,ered. we believe God is in Chrisreconciling the world co himself.-We believe kids need Jesus Ctrrist, not Young Life. Young Life can be t,h"streEcher'r (Mark 2l trhat helps us bring kids ineo Ehe presence of thliving Chrise.-we conrnit Eo derreloping personal conneccedness with kids. Friendshdevelops through love, caring, showing up gi.wing our time and at.tenE.ion.-we choose to discipline our wocabularl4:-speak of Christ, not Christianity-describe whatr ChrisC is doing in our lives, noE talk 'church"-st,rive t.o be 'receiver friendly" and "audience sensit.irre'.-speak E,o build and encourage, arroid sarcasm and put downs-We believe we wiJ.l hawe a greatrer impacc by che qualitry of our listenir-'caring and sharing, than by ctre qualicy of our Ea1k. We cotrrnic Eo ke-strowing up.-we'value the invisible over the visible, t,he being over the doing--we seek to Live the premise t,hat, Christ is enough- One day atr a Eime, onPerson to please.-we recognize the acE,ive ingredient, is Ehe Lord- nAnd. I an sure thac. Gwho becrau the good work within you wil7 keep right, on heJ-ping you growJesus Ctrrjst recunzs-' (Phil 1: 6) He sE,arc,ed iE, Ee is doing itr and Hwill finish it. Nocice that, none of our names are in this verse.-we humbly accepE, tro Inrrsue trhe Great, ConrnandmenE (MaCC. 22: 33 -40) atrhe GreaE, Conrnission tllace. 28: 19 - 2ol - simlIy puE, we seek to love GoJ-ove oEhers and keep showing up and see whatr God is doing?

    YUhcn I tlrhk of thc wisdorn and scopo of Gods plan t falt dorrn m my knees ard pray b trc Frtrcr of etr Ac grcat fanrity ofGod-thd od of trls ghious, un[mitcd ]csourcc. ho witt givc yon llrc mlght knrcr rfraq$crdng af tdr l{oly Splrlt And I praytd Chrlstwil bc nrao end morc 'd honro ln your hcar8. lMng withln 1ou es you tust h hlnr. f&y your roots go dorvn dceplrb tlrc soil d Gods rmrvdous love. and meyyort bc aHc b fed and tndcrstand, es dt Gods clrlldren shotd4 hor long,howwide, how dccp. and how high his tovo rcalty is; and to oecrierrce this lorc for lourscfues. ttough it is so grcat that pttwill never scc the cnd of it or fi.dly knoyr or rndcrstand iL And so at tast you will bc fdlcd try ttt0t God hlmsdf.Now glory bc b God wtro by Ns rnlghg porrcr et wort tt iftln us ls aUc to do far mco lhan urc urodd ancr darc !o ask orcvcn drcam of-lrfinitdy bcltqtd our hlghcst Fqyf3. dcslrcs. ilroughts, or hopcs. ttby God bc glvcn glory fcarcr and cverthrough endcss egcc bccatrsc of hls mastcf plan of 3ahra0on for ttc Church through Jcstr Chrfst' g 1+21

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    ffifite unt*t.qr+ wE BECOME SLAVES TO THE fiMMEDLATE"I . CONVTCTION AND PASSTON FOR GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST..The love God has demonstraCed through Chrj-sC to us giwes us a,rreason for livingn again. fn ChrisC we 1iwe, move and have ourbeing. ,'Hey, man'i Wnit the fax? Jesus Chrisc IS where ie's at!"we are conriinced and excit.ed thac $te are dee$I! loved by JesusChrist, that he want.s to make us his children, and to giwe us-"new life" in Christ.

    Jesus Christ loves kids who don't know him. Kids hawe a right tobe eold al:out, and. be personally exposed to the lowe and lifeoffered by Jesus Christl We are called to incarnationally lovekid.s for tnrist. We are convinced and excited that Christ ca11slts, and goes wich us as we enEer the world of kids, to live withand lovJ kids, earning the right. t.o share the "greatest news"thaE God loves all of us through Jesus Chrisc'

    3- CONVICTION AND PASSION ABOUT YOUNG LIFE &Young Lif e is an ef fect.ive style - 9f. - mini"stry ' Buildingj-ndiiiduat f riendships wirh high school kids, througtr che 19ve of,Christ,, produces opp6rEutsitries Co share information aboutr Christ.'Civing tiienAsfrip,- unconditional love , and t'mth provides kidswigh the besr, chance for tshe Holy lnirit t-o call kids to tsheLord. We are convinced and exciled that t'he Lord can and isusing young Life to change kids' Ii-ves for now and eterni-ty-Young r,ife is abouts peopl'e ' Pe9P1e take prioriEy over.perf6rmance, prograrnsr promotions, ProjecEs and paper- At evrYIevel of voun!-r,'i.-fe-icii.riey, people Lre personally ineeracEing"ri.ift-p"opfe-- We are convinc-ed -ana excit,ed that' Cbrist is actingi;, C-hr&gh, and with us. We beliewe hj-s promise t'o boeh gobefore and t,o be wich us alwaYs -We t,nrly desire EhaE, Young Life - is the Lord'smin:.sery-. Our reason for being is _etrat God will use us to add tsoiiS fifgaom and, gloaT. Kids really need the Lord, not' YoungiFe. -We belieie Goa will honor our praying, - plowing andoiant,i-ue. God is trhe one who uakes things Sfrotlt and changes- heart'sior "c.-rritrt. we are conviuced and sccited t'traE EE is moreconvinced, ana excit,ed abouts tshe result's of our efforts than welare. For trhat reason xte pray, press on' t'I:ust, tIY nog Eo geg inEhe way, love each ocher'-and never give up!

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    THING IfE goes wit,hout saying thatr we are all tsoo busy vrith t,oo nlany EhincompeEing for our att,ent.ion. Wieh E,he addit,iori of Young Life toalready crowded schedule, is there dny hope of surwival? The-following --give perspective as t.o keeping tshe main thing, t,he main thing:I . PRIORITIZE YOUR \^/ALK \^/ITH THE LORD:our walk wich t.he Lord Jesus Chrisc as his follower is our highPriority- Get. to know him and experience his love. Read and pdaily. Meet, wich his people ac church iegularly. We can only share-1ove, knowledge, wisdom and life that He gives us.2- LOVE AND CARE FOR TXOSE CLOSEST TO YOU:In your world, you are cal1ed tro love and care for those closest to yoIf we can't show Chrisc's love Eo t.hose closest Eo us, w hawe not.hingshare wich kids. The love of Chrisc must. be seen in our families and wour best. friends.3. PURSUE AND BUILD RELATIONSHIPS wlTH INDIVIDUAL KIDS:Young Life IS indiwidual relatrionships vrj-E,h individual kids. Christ'lovindividuals. whatever else we do in Young Life, loving and caringthose we meet and get to know is paramount.4- LIVE. WORK AND LOVE,A.S A YOUNG LIFE LEADERSHIP FAMILY:The way vte E,reat, each other is a powerful witness co Ehose we comecontact wit,h. The chings we do and the way we do them show who we reiare and what rte reaI1y walue - Show up and liwe out, your conunitment, inspiriC of rse:nringfl as Christ. modeleds- BE TRUE TO TnE "BEST" tnAT YOU KNOW:Be upfront wit,h your conrnitment,s. Do whaE you say you will do. If ycanrE do'someEhing, say 'r1or and accepE your human limiCations. To s'-'yes' !o one tshing often means saying nnon t,o oEher things. Be a personintegricy. BuE,, don't let what ioo-canrc do stop you from doing-what ycan do.' Christ, can use.a tcup of watertr or n5 loaves of bread ana Z smfishn"If you don.t know wbere you,re gJirrg, you'll probably end, up someplaelse". ftr is a const,allt, challenge Eo keep on t,arget,. Ttre place to stais tro ENoll what is on I'che 6ame page" and tshen focus on DOING. Ae ]-easE,can ke@-our eye on the carget.There Is a dltference between a

    "Euccess Is neverfallure Is seldom fatureason, and a reaaon that sounds

  • 7/27/2019 Winkle_The Same Page



    1 - Txe GneA.TEsr CoFruA,NoMENr - MA.Tffiew 22: 36 -407- Love God with eve4rthing you,ve got.2 - Love your neighbor as much as you Tove yourseLf -2- THE GREAT CoMMtssroN - MATn{Ew 28: 17-2O7 - Go ***Be sure of this2. Make discjples "I am with you ALWAYS!"3. Baptize4. Teach to obeV

    I . PRIORITIZE YOUR \A/A|J< wlTH THE LORD:A- Xark 1: t6-2oz


    js xhax your nalr,e are registered asnot what we do.Jesus said, " Come fo77ow l'{E t ":Jotrn 2: 5The mother of Jesus said, "Do vrhatever EE te77s you to. "Luke 1O: 20The important thingcitj"zens of heaven,D- I Corinthirns 3: 5-7GoD makes. tJle garden grow- The person who does the pJant,ingEwatering jsn't very (somewhat, but not vezy) important-E- Eebrews L2z 2-3Keep you eyes on .tESttS , our Teader and instructot

    LOVE AND CARE FOR THOSE CLOSEST T() YOU:A- Johr 13: 34-35Jesus gives a a.ew command: nI-ove one another!"I-ove/Toving is the proof that, we are lljs 'djscipTes-B- I Corintb,i.r''g 1.2:. 31 (and Ehen all of Ch. 13)The grreatesx of a77 spiritual gifts:Joba 15: a7. Chrisc deoand^s that we Tove each other.1 Johs 2: 8-10.AS. we Tove'a&otlrer f-'le new Tight of Christ s'ljnes into oures: tbes, we wi77 be awaJ-kir.g in the TightnPURSUE AND BULD TNDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIPS WTTH KIDS:'A- Uaetb,ew 18: 10-14FOCT'S ON THE IOITET !Lnke 12: AL-1'2SEOW ItP I @d wi77 give TrouraEEEerr-ltT 9-13



    B- tie rrprds to aay (oc not to say! )Ipeople need theScripture ! "@ where Josc and hurting kids ha.l'g out! "Sic&doctor. Go Tean the meaniag of tttjs verse ofD- tuke 8: 47 -49LTSTEN TO TEErR STORYI SimpTy ask t}ten rrhat is goiag on i-n *?i,-ljst-ea-- You doatt have to tixt @d wi77!Jobn 5: 7.4 -Why was CUis guy aC, the tenqrle and not aE tshe _po-ol?Where wiTI .zelus find uslt- Go ba& to hthere Wu are needed!Dont t go hartg out jrr a place of safecy artd security-E.

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    SCRTPTURAL BASIS FOR OUR PRTORITTESRomans L2z 2-Don't. copy the world!-Be new and different because of Christ.-Real satisfacEion comes from doing j-t. God,s qayB- John 13: 34-Love each other as nmch as Christ does.-Our love is E.he proof we lowe Christ.colossir''g 2: 2-Lowe encourages and knit.s us toget.her.Colossians 3: learn more of strive to be more like Christ.-practice tenderhearted mercy and kindless t.o oehersE- Roma:es i,2z g_2L-Donit pretend, real1y lowe each othert-De1ightr in honoring Lach ottrer! Serve enth.usiastically:

    5 - BE TRUE TO THE 'BEST' THAT YOU KNOW:A- 1 Corintbians 3: 9-We are God's co-workers. Kids are God's, not ours!B- f Peter 1: a4-L6-Obey God! TryC- Xattb.ew l_8: i_4-God loves every indirridual ! you and ever.]/ kid !D- 2 Tb,essalonians 3: 13-Newer be t,ired of doing right.E- Joh- 13; 15-17- Fo11ow Christ I s exaurple ! you knoq' : Now do ! !Luke 15: 2-Jesus was a "friend of sirrrrers,r ! Are we???Pb.iJ.ippir-s 4z 4-9-'Rejoice! -pray! -Donrc worry! -Take the high road!


    to be holy! Don'r stip back!


    so Now WH.A.T?"Prryer k our prrndrrrr worh rrrd by rg ever5rtlrlqg erse ls done!- Martin Luth, "l poured out tny aoul before God..' .Agaln and again confessing my gratetul lorrrato Hini wfio had done eveffilng for me....I besought Him to give me.some work to do for Him as an outletfor love and gralifude" Hudson Tavlor

    The Hebrew rneSling of .Ehe wod nknowtr inplied that if one knew someching:hS reponsibiliEy- was to act on Ehar, Icnowledge. nray itiC-tu" Lord wiLthese prioriEies E reality in ygqr life. -as tmft, 1gust ;n"og onn eatcachd to Ehe .\r:lne, .diy yoli keep close eo -Jue'l"Ja "ia pr"y foRemember, if you're- greenr -vogtre still grrowingi l.tat y""; and youngife - I Grandville 7--; be'th; livin| incarnation of itesus Christ,.

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    "If a man hasdo? Won't hesearcjr for thethax over theFather's wi77

    ,,ThetaJesussajdtothediscipIes,.difanyonewant,stobeatoilffinjne 7et him deny himseJ,f and take up fiis cross and fo77ow me. For *y"iZtho keeps hjs Tife for himself shaTl Tose it; and anyone who Joses lis iilefor me sha77 find jt again. what profit js there it you gain the whoworTd--and Lose eterral Tife? t{ihat can be coapared wiEh Ehe walue oMat,t,hew 16: 24-2hwzdred. sheep, and. one wanders away and. is 7ost, what wiTJ hTeave tfte ninety-nine others and go out into the hi77s tTost oae? And if he finds it, he wiTl rejoice over it moninety-nine others safe at home! Just so, it js not rnthat ever one. of these 7itt7e ones shouTd perish.t'Mat,Ehew L8: L2-1

    1- DECfDE WEAT TREiALLYT XAffERSt As Newton says, rrtwo things cannot occup", so life is fulI of choices. As Chrissays, "man cannot. seriue two mast.ersrr, so we will choose by our lifestyle-Our personal history (priorities) is being writcen by our dai].y choices.2- .SORT & sfldPLIFYr Look atr your calendar, appoincments, daydream timendstarctosorEthingsouE.Do"/erea1izewhataredoing wj-ch our t.i-me and atcention? Simplify by f ocusing whether youef f ort.s are dj-rect.ed Loward t,he "main thing". what do we t,hink Chriswould be asking us Co t.hink, feel or do?3 - PLANNED NEGIECI: PIan tro say N0, or avoid certain t,hings so that you caortaIrt'things.Puteterna1thingsaheadoftempora1-hingsnn your personal agenda. Talk yourself ineo things EhaL maucer f oeternity. Talk yourself out of the att.ract,ions of this world.

    or in other words:FOCUS AND REil-ECf: nOver the years, when something geE,s really serious,such as writ,ing a book thaE, is Ewo years lat,e Eo t,he publisher, f"swiEch onn the issue at hand and nsrriEch off'r almost, ewerything else.To swiech of f is gjg|lJs iruporeant than co swiech on. -The key isunadult,erat,ed :nrd,eness. Mail, 6ave for life-and-d.eath mat,Eers, isleft, uaanswered for montbs. Plrone are not returned,. Socialengagemencs are canceled.rn c,ne erd, one will be remembdred for at, most, a couple significantaccompTishalents. nre majoricy t,akes life as it comes--notr irr bad--and never get,E around tso.trhose couple of ehings. If you cantE figureouE how Eo push ttre off switch oa 99t of tshe rout,ine stuff, uhen youmustn't, delude your self int.o trhinking you've pushed the on switch foryour big breakout, toward wbacever.Such iatensity of focus involves risk--quiEting a job, taking ademotion, iurrit,ing tbe alienation of superiors and sr:bordinaces. f Emeans ebat youn/trgiood o1d ,foetr ainr C avaiJ-able for ,the next,monEh; the next year, forever. n aOa bcceTTencen Tom Pet,ers1. DEefDE - rTEtN DO fTt tr In our heart,s, and in our beads, re lcnow. Nodetermines our priorit,ies. .We get, one of twin life, resul.t,s or excusestt'iff rrolt rlrEDlrrr wlrerr?'

    ,rr' '. lt r

    Tfrro,t .wlro?'

  • 7/27/2019 Winkle_The Same Page


    The g?eatest sln ln a de, the vyater Is and not to teII the otheratrt picks yp an age-old -principle. rt, isn'E. trumped up. cleverly schemea, buc follows crre srnf,re model set by .lesuj -auring r.lifetime on earth, as recorded in tne Bib1e. It -require"-

    "". lifready to be given for another, one person ready E,o be wiEh anot,hf E seeks out one leader wantrinq - - regard.less of theresponse, kno throigh Ehat, leaOepersonal willingrress to be faithfully presenE Eo woman, .3q years a{te5 h9r eiqierience with young Life, sai"whatr st,icks wich he still j-s t,har eia is in the busj-n6ss oi'gi.ri"people LrFE ! There was an exciremenr, about, rtr" -titra-;; iii. ;lived. And I wanted it at any cost! "Jim was a young seminarian- irr Da1las, Texas, who stunibled onto tYoung Life way in tshe late Ttrirties and early Forties - JamesRayburn, Jr. The ideas were incorporat.ed $ 1941. since thhundreds of thousands of adults havd been involwed in a t,rail-anerror model-ing of the principles which emerged:1. Go where kid,s congregaEe2. Accept them as they are3. Build on their inst,inct for adventure4- Learn how to walk in wisdom with those out,side the faith5. Recognize the dignity of each person6. E:q>ect to earn the right t.o be treard7... Find a neucral setrting Co meet, trogether8. creat,e an environm:ntr tbats is causal and aon-threatening

    .9 - capicarize on the elementrs of good humor anrd, umsic toestablish an openness of mind ind heare10. consider iF a sin to bore kids, especiaLly wich ttre Gospe111. Speak naEurally and conversat,ionally, and in t,ermsfamiliar t,o a teenager,s vocabularyL2. cosununicat,e your enthusiasms and certainties, raEher Ebanf1aune your dor.rbts

    'furrtc tbnc JJtt t tz tlt tttahln the tomt+preIbtL NOTil f ;ant trl.etuP a n*tcrre tltopsrurnt a gatd of ItcIIl' ef. gfurdd

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