WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on...

WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter : 6 Rally I.a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups and orgamza' dernonslirate and hold r Hightsi. n Borough , intrislui •:*d al Borougti ( meeting last Wednesda April 7 But f ouru ■il Preside Tea night I.arsen -ubstitut inn vacationing Mayor Arthur ft -ad the ordinance w n d '» j i.nh w. ( ouni •dncsd.i Mu, Councilman 1varsen sai d th*‘ proposed ordinance which ( ouncil intends to pass i Aiii not h.ive the strength to halt demonstrat ions But the law wiii make it man dator, lor group- and organ izat ions to advit..e the - By or demonstration tn advance so t he municipality tan prepare ior it 1'he proposed ordrnani'p was first brought up tiy Mayor Roach after Ihc Jewish Defense League s demonstration on April 4 protesting the in cross burnings in the Borough The JDL however did give the Borough'advance warning it was coming Borough f Ifervey Moore not pass an demonstration- ouncil Attorney said Council could ordinance hall ng , because it a (See BOHOfUIII. Page Mr Inm durir refected represent burning Borough period Alsocharged with live count* i ms-, nutning .in- I mils Mai U. Trenton add George Hupfl l.amtiertville The hearing d has not been set to hear th charges 1111s III* lysin' Will School Building Be Part Of Twp.? 59 HHS Students Leave For Europe charter of Spa ? staruj r»es«c t in New Yo* n a week s to, I two groups < n with Mr an (vlrs Clifford Brautigan acting as chaperones. whdt Students are sightseeing in Spam with Mr and Mis' acting as Chaperones Tins ■- the thud consecutive y, of HHS students have heeh touring I a ope during E I hr ( ouncil* H i*h tu \> School Board Members Shun Appeal ()f 2 Couiicils’S 199,670 Budget Cut Hearing Date Set \pril 2 () \ prehmmar, hearing for tour men charged with carrying a concealed weapon during the Jewish Defense League s demonstration Sunday \pril f has tx-eii set lor Thursday April 29 in Hightstown Borough Municipal i ourt Three ol the lour men charged I'a lit Woldanski !4 of 104 Han mk Am V I ' ed, • K Schrefflei qf 44 Esloria La Leviftown Pa' and Joseph £ MacMillan Iff. ol 2233 f a r ) St Philadelphia. Pa were not represented hy legal counsel at a •waring last Thur-<la, night \pi : The other suspect Charles Perry 35, ot Crovden. Pa was represented by Somerville At torney Ned Cohen Magistrate Karl Kssl told Mr vy Mr Schreffler and Mr MacMillan to netity him by Thursday April 22 to report the names ot their attorneys Judge Kssl Ihen postponed the hearing Mr Cofien is a member of the satin' law firm as American Civil Liberties 1 ntiwi Attorney William Wright Jr a black who was The Hast W mds. School Board met Mo . ttic Kthel McKmght coted unanimous!, r Ihe $199,670 school recomni*'ii(ied bv Ihi and East Windsm In passing a ni hy School Board Delias Hi,. Board r Regional day night at School and >t to appeal budget cut the Hightstown Councils otion presented member John agreed to follow the recommendation ot school superintendent Dr John J Hunt to cut SIN''Km as ad, ised b, the Township and Borough Councils and to reduce the budget by the remaining $39 ikki in other ways l)r Hunt s recommendations tor tiudget cuts varied from the Councils suggestions in retaining a $5.0011 appropriation for a physical education consultant to ze offerings in the girls ai iducation program an appropriation for Key Mqn ance and a Sk.ooi budget for computer rental Hunt also suggested ng he SWIMS program by 121.000 rather than Councils '•commended figure ot $37,780 rid summer school program $2 ikki instead of the Councils igure ot $8 590 ard will explore other m rnmming the j $39.ikki difference in the 'recommended budget is and those recom t>, fir Hunt Monday s will bring the deteated schiKil tiudget down to en edu Tl mended night Tf In the first regular' meeting attended by the four mernfiers elected on March 30 the Board voted to use a Sim ikki budding appropriation and $40,000 originally earmarked tor lease of the Kthei McKmght School to expand facilities for grades 4 through 12 at ,Hightstown High School The Board also passed a motion introduced by new member Mrs Phyllis Stein i" move tu fith through eighth grade units from the'lntermediate School to Melvin hreps School next year and. if necessary to house the 9th grade in Ihe Intermediate School until construction at the High School is j completed Over K h K / 4‘ l c r u s t s Hightstow n Ministerium To Send Letter Of Protest To WCBS-TV? The flight stow i may send a lette Channel 2 in Ne' protest Channel 2 p,i rt documentary Klan activities in Mtnrsterii to W( HK Aork City recent thri on Ku Kl New Jims, Hightsti i: Woldanski to »n charges of crosses tn the a iottl Accs. rt ter ot prote- (invent rat, ugh . 1 Minist- :ors-voted t to WCBS T e D List avid* Bpi d .nthon OUgl aughne; hurch i pastor of St ted to drat! a pri M Bapt Brow side Bb ish said the other six who were absent at the eeting have not seen a ■:• ! a otter (iestined for ■s r\ news department hei six clergy men do not h the proposal at a future Re, K:xh said the letter •ni to WCBS TX any wax . signature, and the s > t ; s three colleagues . • thrust "I the letter is hantie I 2 s lack of reporting Rev Fish ,ils. want to emphasize •ws is not fit to print and media should know the tirnC w hen not to print or telecast such news He, Fish recently suggested to Borough Council that officials go to New York and rebut WCBS TV 4 documentary • on the KKK since the statements seemed like editorial comments The Episcopal minister said the Mintsterium would not send representatives to New York to rebut the documentary since it would he way out of character It Council decides not n send a representative, the most logical group would be the Javcees He, Fish said Hey Fish said the letter con tains tough wording equivalent t" a sock in the face •e needed Hi . were ap lasstng the The HHs t>; im ted in High! ihile the -chop ( ounciirhan ie introduced liter reading udenf tn si, ai lulion which Arthur R Borough' out an a protection Police ha ndle >uld bead ott a H'goliations for the jrk suggested Hie put in a normal i ouncil business tie proposal was .ast VSindsor i»e< au se overoue at this point tow ii s 10 m e m b e r business Mavor 1)ep.i < Te luetant i\ signt»ti a if in the future vea i tire c<mtract with Hightstow ti Borouigh to pro, ide Sc hiieidef said tile lire j>rotechontor areas east Ot Ji IS 11mei> since Council Rout e 1 1 io \ nder the 7* deiliberal in^ on fhe a grtspment the Tow nship VX 111 | prot,*ctmii question in pa, the !•Sorough sjL INM ! this In a report of Chancery Division proceedihgs Board Attorney Henry (., P Coates noted that a rase brought by the Hightstown Education Association against the East Windsor Regional Board ot Education and Superintendent Hunt has resulted in a show cause order w hich will tx- heard on April 22 The H E A has questioned the right of Dr Hunt to employ house masters content specialists and unit leaders lor the coming year The "Cl ”2 school calendar was xtended by the Board m older m make Sept '20 and 29 the erst da,' of Kosh Hashana and Aom Kippur school holidays tor all students in the East Windsor Regional School District The change will move the last day of the school year J*472 from June 29 to June 23 In >i review ol transportation policy the Board noted that its present policy of busing kin dergarten through Hth grade students in a radial distance of one mile, and 4th through !2th grade students in a radial distance of a mile and one half from assigned 'schools is at variance with the state policy ol two miles ior students in kindergarten through grade eight and two and one half miles lor students in grades 4 through 12 l)r Hunt noted that adhering to the state mandate in this matter while still making exceptions for hazards such as traffic flow absence of sidewalks absence of crossing guards and trallic lights would save the School District >15.'HK ' The Board will act on the transportation policy at its next meeting on May Hi Air Dybax muted the community to address members ot the Board before its next meeting regarding (ran (See HOARD. Page 13) future week i This involves just a paptM trairmfer because the seihool is t a x. evempt, and there are no ratatbles in vol ved . he ,add**d The count1 'ij.huan a Iso men t toned he w,as >»ugj?r‘sting the resolution since East Windsor students at tills outnumber those from Hightstown Asked by Mayor Gordon ('lark tor a legal opinion Council Attorney Henry Sal terthwaite said he ‘didn't know Ihe proposed resolution was corning up If it is agreeable with both 2 ( M ( i<*<! " In 2 nd <hiad I o lie ( hosen The Twin Rivers Homeowners Association held an orientation meeting loi '■(■sideri'- o! Quad II on April i> at the Ethel Alt Knight School and cxiended an op portunity for homeowners in me second Quadrant to elect two officers to the Homeowners Board ot Directors \p proximate!, 174 residents at tended Quad 11 residents interested in serving on the Board which present!, has no representation from the secow present a petitior 20 signatures by 17 A Candidal election w ill be ill Allan Frank i presented an explanation Trust agreement ft homeowners and a quest answer jienod followed The Association ha planned a study of its h, la committee headed ,by Friedman Twin Rivers r with suggestion- tor revi In laws may eonlac Friedman a y ear and S20 'nm in 14,2 i o u n ; t 1 m a n E d w i n Weihenm.iyer although he approved said the lire contract was not equitable as to the number of units and area This driest) i mean to' say we havei ' bece, receiving fine tire -ervice from the Borough But the Township company has taken on more responsibility sinee it was formed The coverage provided by the Borough lor Twin Rivers is slightly different Mr Wcihetunaver -aid But the Borough coverage is -till small a- ' ompared wiih the Town -I I, Till- he added was We were provided no tacts i'\ the Borough to substantiate !- Jer.iand for more money "one 1 1 man Wei hen may er urged lb said this t, {«• ot agreement does not build any -pirn or eohe-iveness between un eommunities Com i ilman Wllliam Jay lotiii-on who w.i- the lone ;.--<•• 'or w hen i 'ouneit \ ot,xf to allow Mayoi Clark to sign the '(.tract said the recent fire n g. ti.!’ on- have brought the wnslup and Borough tar Slier opart than we were five roe- ago all he, a use of the -su, ot who gets the must mono, from whom rtes doesn't create giMid feelings between the two Councils and fire depart nients. Mi John-on stated It i-completely unaeeeptahle and not m giKid iasle Mayor Clark said when the lown'ship dispatches police issistaiu e into the Borough. Tt JiH-s cost us money But we never charged the Borough ior I S, > Bl 11.1)1 NC . Page 13) Black < w ic (iroufi M ('< t" ( )n A | >r i 1 22 The i-.ast Windsor Hightstown Black Civil Association will hold it- business meeting at 8 p rn on Thursday April 22 at 355 Dutch Nets Road East Windsor The business meeting will in elude a membership drive l ie, lion "! officers, and reports Irom tin different committees on education, the master plan and reer eat mn I 'lioumg the business meeting there will be a forum at 9 on problem- ot the black people. All persons interested in tier online members of this tMtutiu/ui M»5i .ill Ui lu attcuU Speedway I o Open Season On Friday Th, gi oor liag will tie dmpfied lot the tirst stock ear race ol 1971 at l-jast Windsor Speedway off Airport Road starting at 7 to p rn Friday April Hi Warm ups will start one hour earlier A lull schedule ot fbe newli n In add rt ion must ling at least irday April- Night and ijfisequentJy win Rivers of the new on and ws hy a Richard us idem s planned ; track ibis week!, ! stock ear spur idg,* races is suriaeed on to the at modified .man stocks the \ VIA [irints and ked tor tills .liter will tie to put on contact Mr ident of Quad I Fler <11 tt chal lak< ason Many .of th the track !h,is P nria i intermission -how Along w ltli Ihe aeiion on Ihe one ill mile oval lor the first time - , u,,r i mow one quarter mile it track ., il! be used run in the season - > '• 1 i auk Schneider of itngtnn H< ha- won a feature most c, ci . track open The Windsor track is still enge to him since he has !h< checkered ttag here ugno •tier *| i , mg i" lieat turn across the • (iii-li line will Im - Fee Wee Griften win. was twice track champion mil ha- w nil un ire feature races at •i, n aek than an, modified stock car driver This will tie his first rai e since he was hospitalized last year from serious burns Also ni the battle lor the extra large piir-e will be Sian I’loski a local fa, onle who has crossed the finish hue firs! many times l.oi ai drivers Don.Stives Sonny Yeiman Dusty Malsbury Stan Hawk Horace Drake Bruce Miller and a host ol others will run m the openet Ihe evening wall offer 110 laps "f i acing with :t HI lap heats and a 'insolation race io qualify tor the I. lap port-man feature and a tn lap modified feature lu addition to the large purse H.‘ d; .'a- will he earning points it ■1 S' Join! p'lemington East V \ uidsoi Point Fund MMiiMitiiiiiimiiimiiHmitiniiiHiiMmimimimiiimii ihiihi imiimi ..................................................................................... unit...... ............................. ...... ........................................ ... ........... in HHUHmiimmiiwiiiHitimiitiiHitmiiittHtitmwiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitmHi ■ mi...... ............ . ^ i Ecology Minded Students ' * Busy In Roosevelt Boro Andre da, tu. torq , ou throw it aw a g"cs nto the i ardf'o. lass room ■able paper -uppe. •Used taker W• olores paper rhasai; n two m poi n t ed ' ng that haS a clean space news pa. We pers .p, ,t ; each adop ac her i»n it »|M iher things often wind up ir. and we ' 'Ping :n *nt it has the ari .depart merit she added and paj>jr lor ther dw ind Weja'11 bring us«i•'ie paper tr<•:*! ‘ ring fhe things wn home hrit person f>rought tn three * hemse l%es \a uidn t jHiundi added l)»amon another student explained Hated student The t i We ’ dong the iiKe it a i . t< ddren i oni iscp i a lew ,:-ke- and jh student Mrs £ a h oh ' * enough t > . ng piat e f fleeted 120*) p<" •umimmiMiimiiiHimmmiimmMiiiiiii' ani.i iinu!nHniiiiiiiiiiit>f«inmitiiinmimiiiMiiiiiiiiMimi!>iminf'Mio.|||i)iiiiMH»tii»Mio! iiiniiininmiimmh . ................. .

Transcript of WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on...

Page 1: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups


: 6

Rally I .a w Tabled

< . o n n e i 1 S e t 1 o I n t r o d u c e L a w \t N e x t ' s e - ' d o n

An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minutegroups and orgamza'dernonslirate and hold rH ights i. n Borough ,intrislui •:*d al Borougti (meeting last WednesdaApril 7

But f ouru ■il P re s id e



I .a rsen -u b s t i tu t inn vacationing Mayor Arthur ft - a d the ordinance w n d '» j


w.( ouni

•dncsd.i Mu,Councilman 1varsen sai d th*‘

proposed ordinance which ( ouncilintends to pass iAiii not h.i ve thestrength to halt demonstr at ionsBut the law wi ii make it mand a to r , lor g ro u p - ando rg an izat ions to advit..e the

• - By ordemonstration tn advance so t hemunicipality t a n prepare ior it

1'he proposed ordrnani'p wasfirst brought up tiy Mayor Roachafter Ihc Jewish Defense League s d e m o n s t r a t io n on April 4 protesting the in cross burnings in the Borough The JDL however did give the B oroug h 'ad v an ce warning it was coming

Borough f Ifervey Moore not pass an demonstration-

ouncil Attorney said Council could ordinance hall ng , because it a

(See BOHOfUIII. Page



refected represent burning Borough period

Alsocharged with live count* i ms-, nutning .in- I mils M aiU. Trenton add George Hupfl l.amtiertville The hearing d has not been set to hear th charges

1111s III* lysin'

Will School Building Be Part Of Twp.?

59 HHS Students Leave For Europecharter

of Spa

? staruj r»es«c t in New Yo* n a week s to, I two groups < n with Mr an

(vlrs Clifford Brautigan acting as chaperones. w hdt Students are sightseeing in Spam with Mr and Mis'

acting as Chaperones Tins ■- the thud consecutive y, of HHS students have heeh touring I a ope during E

I h r ( o u n c i l * H i * h s»t u \ >

School Board Members Shun Appeal ()f 2 Couiicils’S 199,670 Budget Cut

Hearing Date Set \p r i l 2()

\ p reh m m ar , hearing for tour men charged with carry ing a co n c e a le d w eapon d u r in g the Jew ish D efense L eague s demonstration Sunday \pril f has tx-eii set lor Thursday April 29 in H igh ts tow n Borough Municipal i ourt

Three ol the lour men charged I'a lit Woldanski !4 of 104 Han mk Am V I ' ed, • K

Schrefflei qf 44 Esloria LaLeviftown Pa ' and Joseph £ MacMillan Iff. ol 2233 f a r ) St P h i lad e lp h ia . Pa w ere not represented hy legal counsel at a •waring last Thur-<la, night \pi :

The o th e r su sp ec t C h a r le s Perry 35, ot Crovden. Pa was represented by Somerville At torney Ned Cohen

Magistrate Karl Kssl told Mr vy Mr Schreffler and Mr M acM illan to netity him by Thursday April 22 to report the names ot their attorneys Judge Kssl I hen postponed the hearing

Mr Cofien is a m em ber of the satin' law firm as American Civil Liberties 1 ntiwi Attorney William Wright J r a black who was

The Hast W mds. School Board met Mo

. ttic Kthel McKmght coted unanimous!, r Ihe $199,670 school recomni*'ii(ied bv Ihi and East Windsm

In passing a ni hy School Board Delias Hi,. Board

r Regional day night at School and >t to appeal budget cut

the Hightstown Councils

otion presented mem ber John

agreed to followthe recommendation ot school superintendent Dr John J Hunt to cut SIN''Km as ad , ised b , the Township and Borough Councils and to reduce the budget by the remaining $39 ikki in other ways

l)r Hunt s recommendations tor tiudget cuts varied from the Councils suggestions in retaining a $5.0011 a p p ro p r ia t io n for a physical education consultant to

ze offerings in the girls ai iducation program an appropriation for Key Mqn

ance and a Sk.ooi budget for computer rental

Hunt a lso su g g es ted ng he SWIMS program by

121.000 r a t h e r than Councils '•commended figure ot $37,780 rid sum mer school program

$2 i k k i instead of the Councils igure ot $8 590

a r d will explore other m r n m m i n g the

j $39.ikki difference in the ' r e c o m m e n d e d budget is and those recom t>, fir Hunt Monday s will bring the deteated schiKil tiudget down to




mended night Tf

In the first regu lar ' meeting attended by the four mernfiers elected on March 30 the Board voted to use a Sim ikki budding a p p ro p r ia t io n a n d $40,000 originally ea rm arked tor lease of the Kthei McKmght School to expand facilities for grades 4 through 12 at , Hightstown High School

The Board also passed a motion introduced by new m em ber Mrs Phyllis Stein i" move tu fith through eighth grade units from the 'ln term ediate School to Melvin hreps School next year and. if necessary to house the 9th grade in Ihe Intermediate School until construction at the High School is j completed

O v e r K h K / 4‘ l c r u s t s

Hightstow n Ministerium To Send Letter Of Protest To WCBS-TV?The fl ight stow i

may send a lette Channel 2 in Ne'

protest Channel 2 p,i rt documentary Klan activities in

M tn rs te r i i to W( HK A ork City recent thri on Ku Kl New Jims,

Hightsti i:

Woldanski to »n charges of crosses tn the a iottl Accs.

rt ter ot prote-

(invent rat, ugh .1 Minist- :ors-voted t to WCBS T

e D Listavid* Bpi




aughne; hurch i

pastor of St ted to drat! a

pri M B apt Brow


ish said the other six who were absent at the

eeting have not seen a ■:• ! a otter (iestined for ■s r \ news department hei six clergy men do not h the proposal at a future Re, K:xh said the letter •ni to WCBS TX any wax . s ig n a tu re , and the s >t ; s three colleagues . • thrust "I the letter is

hantie I 2 s lack of reporting Rev Fish ,ils. want to emphasize

•ws is not fit to print and media should know the

tirnC w hen not to print or telecast such news

He, Fish recently suggested to Borough Council that officials go to New York and rebut WCBS TV 4 documentary • on the KKK since the statements seemed like editorial comments

The Episcopal minister said the M in ts te r iu m would not sendrepresentatives to New York torebut the documentary since it would he way out of charac te r It Council decides not n send a representative, the most logical group would be the Javcees He, Fish said

Hey Fish said the letter con tains tough wording equivalent t" a sock in the face

•e neededHi .

w ere a p lasstng the

The HHs t>; im ted in High! ihile the -chop

( ounciirhan ie introduced liter reading

udenf tn si , ai


Arthur R Borough' out an a protection

Police ha ndle

>uld bead ott a

H'goliations for the

jrk suggested Hie put in a normal i ouncil business

tie proposal was.ast VS indsor i»e< ause ove roue at this pointtow ii s 10 m e m b e r business Mavor1 )ep.i < Te luetant i\ signt»ti aif in the future v ea i tire c<mtract with

High tstow ti Borouigh to pro, ideSc hi ieidef sa id tile lire j>rotec hon to r a reas ea st Ot

J i IS 11mei> since Council Rout e 11io \ n d e r the —7* deiliberal i n^ on f he a grtspment the Tow nship VX 111 |prot, *ctmii question in pa, the !•Sorough sjL INM! this

In a report of Chancery Division p ro ceed ih g s B o ard Attorney Henry (., P Coates noted that a rase brought by the Hightstown Education Association against the East W indsor Regional Board ot E d u ca t io n and S u p e r in te n d e n t Hunt has resulted in a show cause order w hich will tx- heard on April 22 The H E A has questioned the right of Dr Hunt to employ house masters content specialists and unit leaders lor the coming year

The "Cl ”2 school calendar wasxtended by the Board m older m

make Sept '20 and 29 the ers t d a , ' of Kosh Hashana and A om Kippur school holidays tor all students in the East Windsor Regional School District The change will move the last day of the school year J*472 from June 29 to June 23

In >i review ol transportation policy the Board noted that its present policy of busing kin d e r g a r te n th ro u g h Hth g ra d e students in a radial distance of one mile, and 4th through !2th grade students in a radial d is tance of a mile and one half from assigned

'schools is at variance with the state policy ol two miles ior students in kindergarten through grade eight and two and one half miles lor students in grades 4 through 12

l)r Hunt noted that adhering to the state mandate in this m atter while still making exceptions for hazards such as traffic flow absence of sidewalks absence of crossing guards and tra ll ic lights would save the School District >15.'HK' The Board will act on the transportation policy at its next meeting on May Hi Air Dybax m u ted the community to address m em bers ot the Board before its next m ee t in g r e g a r d in g (ran

(See HOARD. Page 13)

future w eek i This involvesjust a paptM trairmfer becausethe seihool is t a x. eve mpt, andth e re a r e no ra ta tbles invol v ed . he ,add**d

The count1'ij.huan a Iso ment toned he w ,as >»ugj?r‘sting theresolution since East Windsor students at t i l l s outnumber those from Hightstown

Asked by M ayor Gordon ('lark tor a legal opinion Council Attorney Henry Sal te r th w a i t e s a id he ‘d id n ' t know Ihe proposed resolution was corning up If it is a g r e e a b l e w ith both

2 ( M ( i<*< ! "In 2nd < hiadI o lie ( hosen

The Twin Rivers Homeowners Association held an orientation meeting loi '■(■sideri'- o! Quad II on April i> at the Ethel Alt Knight School and cx ien d e d an op portunity for homeowners in me second Quadrant to elect two o f f ice rs to the H om eo w n ers B o ard ot D i re c to r s \ p proximate!, 174 residents at tended

Quad 11 residents interested in s e rv in g on the B oard which present!, has no representation from the secow present a petitior 20 signatures by 17 A Candidal election w ill be ill

Allan Frank i presented an explanation T ru s t a g re e m e n t ft homeowners and a quest answer jienod followed

T he A ssoc ia tion ha planned a study of its h, la comm ittee headed ,by Friedm an Twin Rivers r with suggestion- tor revi In law s m ay eonlac Friedm an a

y ear and S20 'nm in 14,2 i o u n ; t 1 m a n E d w i n

W eih en m .iy e r a l th o u g h he approved said the lire contract was not equitable as to the num ber of units and area

This driest) i m ean to' say we havei ' bece, receiving fine tire -ervice from the Borough But the Township company has taken on more responsibility sinee it was formed

The coverage provided by the Borough lor Twin Rivers is slightly d if fe ren t Mr Wcihetunaver -aid But the Borough coverage is -till small a- ' ompared wiih the Town -I I, T ill- he ad ded w as

We were provided no tacts i'\ the Borough to substantiate !- Jer.iand for more money "one 11 m an W ei hen may e r urged lb said this t , {«• ot

agreement does not build any -pirn or eohe-iveness between u n eommunities

Com i i lm an W l l l iam Jay lotiii-on who w.i- the lone ;.--<•• 'or w hen i 'ouneit \ ot,xf to

allow Mayoi Clark to sign the '(.tract said the recent fire

n g. ti.!’ on- have brought the wnslup and Borough tar

Slier opart than we were five roe- ago all he, a use of the -su, ot who gets the must

mono, from whomrtes doesn't c rea te giMid

fee l in g s b e tw een th e two C ouncils an d f i r e d e p a r t nients. Mi John-on stated

It i-completely unaeeeptahle and not m giKid iasle

Mayor Clark said when the lown'ship d is p a tc h e s police issistaiu e into the Borough. Tt

JiH-s cost us money But we never charged the Borough ior

I S, > Bl 11.1)1 NC . Page 13)

B l a c k < w i c ( i r o u f i

M ('< t " ( ) n A | >r i 1 2 2

The i-.ast Windsor Hightstown Black Civil Association will hold it- business meeting at 8 p rn on Thursday April 22 at 355 Dutch N ets Road East Windsor

The business meeting will in e lude a m e m b e r s h ip d r iv e l ie, lion "! officers, and reports Irom tin different committees on education, the m aster plan and reer eat mn

I 'lioumg the business meeting there will be a forum at 9 on problem- ot the black people.

All perso n s in te re s te d intier on line m e m b e r s of th is tM tutiu/ui M»5i .ill Ui lu attcuU

Speedway I o Open Season On FridayTh, gi oor liag will tie dmpfied

lot the tirst stock ear race ol 1971 at l-jast Windsor Speedway off Airport Road starting at 7 to p rn Friday April Hi Warm ups will s ta r t one hour earlier

A lull schedule ot fbe newli n In add

rt ion must ling at least irday April- Night and

ijfisequentJy win Rivers

of the new

on and

ws hy a Richard us idem s

planned ; track ibis week!, ! stock ear spur


races is suriaeed on to the

at stocks

the \ VIA [ir in ts and ked tor tills .l iter will tie

to put on

c o n ta c t Mr ident of Quad I

Fler<11 tth:.ischallak<

ason Many .of th the track !h,is P nria

i intermission -how Along w ltli Ihe aeiion on Ihe one

ill mile oval lor the first time - , u,,r i m o w one quarter mile

it track ., il! be usedrun in the season -

>'• 1 i auk Schneider of itngtnn H< ha- won a feature most c, ci . track open The

Windsor track is still enge to him since he has

!h< checkered ttag here


*| i , mg i" lieat turn across the• (iii-li line will Im- Fee Wee Griften win. was twice track champion mil ha- w nil un ire feature races at• i, n aek than an , modified stock car driver This will tie his first rai e since he was hospitalized last year from serious burns

Also ni the battle lor the extra large piir-e will be Sian I’loski a local fa, onle who has crossed the finish hue firs! many times

l.oi ai drivers Don.Stives Sonny Yeiman Dusty Malsbury Stan Hawk H o race D ra k e B ruce Miller and a host ol others will run m the openet

Ihe evening wall offer 110 laps "f i acing with :t HI lap heats and a

'insolation race io qualify tor the I. lap port-m an feature and a tn lap modified feature

lu addition to the large purse H.‘ d; . ' a - will he earning points it ■1 S' Join! p 'lem ing ton E ast V\ uidsoi Point Fund

■ MMiiMitiiiiiimiiimiiHmitiniiiHiiMmimimimiiimii ihiihi imiimi ..................................................................................... unit...... ................................... ........................................ ... ........... in HHUHmiimmiiwiiiHitimiitiiHitmiiittHtitmwiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitmHi ■ mi...... ............ .

^ i Ecology Minded Students ' * Busy In Roosevelt Boro

Andreda, tu .

torq , ou throw it aw a g"cs nto the i ardf'o.

lass room■able paper -uppe.

•Usedtaker W •

olorespaperrhasa i ;

n two m poi n t ed ' ng that ha S a clean space

news pa.


pers .p, ,t ;

each adopac her i »n it »|Miher things often wind up ir. and we ' 'Ping :n *ntit has the ari .depart merit she added and paj>jr lor therdw ind W eja'11 bring us«i • 'ie paper t r<•:*! ‘ ring fhe thingswn home hr it person f>rought tn three * hemse l%es \ auidn t jHiundi added l)»amon another student explained


The t iW e ’

dong the

■ iiKe it a i . t<

ddren i oni iscpi a lew

,:-ke- and j h


£ a h oh ' *

enough t >. ng piat e

f h2Esa.fifleeted 120*) p<"

•umimmiMiimiiiHimmmiimmMiiiiiii' ani.i iinu!nHniiiiiiiiiiit>f«inmitiiinmimiiiMiiiiiiiiMimi!>iminf'Mio.|||i)iiiiMH»tii»Mio! iiiniiininmiimmh . ................. .

Page 2: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups

PAGE TWOIII Milt Mlflf f Vlliftf It!

s e e A


Preparing For HB.M V Dance

.»f! vi rs ivasper \rmie Kuhi iff Is, 1 ,*Hotid Pr- \ | rs Kl! t Y Adan ■

?|h- Hoi! Tamil y in T«*xa> Mr- KieanOr I al t ?iirjv suffering ir■«rn a ' r a r e m nikjdaie \ !r> Adi,ui-r^kidm^ ;F '•f.*ase H you of F rfHvhoifi Miss Be

iri>- ol ihf*M- !r. \ e u BrumAviek!e-j pica st* drop them off a ’ Ksther Nau \ a pi­

iVt-pt-T - hortu* books Mr-* .Ftwmlta Eva:i-hildr nnil.i

I Mrs W illiaiII 13.1 Meehan

Prepari at 8 d

id t old t < it*


id \l?^ Pam ela Bragg at jiiie 'p Helmut" ( Olor >ch<

tuple tun- ! H ebecca

Pam p ers for d r ie r , h ap p ie r bab ies

j y T H 3 1» , -iMt -‘.5 ; OVSRNXjUT Q t . N tVM W W * j .

95‘ : 51. 59$1 . 7 9 95*CUNNINGHAM PHARMACY

am Si , H »ut

Mi>> Prichard To Talk Vhout Fondue Cooking

md W il iam HI wh.o is 4of a M r and MrsH a m m e r of ( 'ran bury

Ir and Mrs Ge•orgeate Hightstown a r e thea rent s - Mr Apple‘gatea sports column in this

H E L L O '

If you' re in the area


U f i r u W o r

H o u s e






m i m ing i B e tw een f l igh ts andm a n s (lenumslrations ' h r feature’s on»■ Hightstown gourm et h w t ln g in Grant Neck nliury area ha-- covering tondue cooking creole

MM-nalijes and sourdough baking As a j cook Miss P richard i>

excited Ubuut tondue ing It fits voung jk'iiple v needs Inr fut and Informality it's a conversational ■ U ta h s’ >mi simply can t stay afoot f f tp i |K*ople w,ho are dunking and dipping alongside sou she s a id 5 I

Fondue Magic was compiledd o - I': 11,1! 1! ‘ ■ m' pi I t- ’■ :

: ej i (» " n ’ In i K ie l k ill he Iwell as in her own and b> stew a r t le s s f r ien d s The book tiegan during an airline strike when she had some spare time on

in exciting her hands For personal greeting ards vvjhieh she made hersel! liss Pifichard would include a jiecial feeipt‘ As the list grew tie developed the book which

icing its electric went to press when the Hearthside has collected P ress fell there u a - a need for a

ondue primer guide


lity to learn Irom a x rt \n ita Prichard i ome so proficient in peeialtx cooking that »*k F ondue Magic

md Saueery \round Hearthside is in its

hard a pert senior lines stewardess and i tu rer au th o r will

>nstration on Fondue the \pril general

he llightstown Junior

she a

ihe ir sci mi! wedding anniversaffy on April 19 Tilt couple has a son Hotieri IV who is 5 1-2 months old

The Sisterhood ot Beth FI Synagogue will hold a card party Tuesday. April 27 at 8 an (1 in a! the G range Hall here Tickets at $173 will include sandwiches cake and coltee In add it ion th e re will be ‘beautiful door prizes given

to m ain lucky winners All a re welcome to come play 1 ards. mahjong, and scrabble For tickets call Mrs Joyce Kazan 448 4478 or Mrs Claire Tanzer 448-.5200



ig the

IFnai Brith l nit Holds First Public Session

WftYLlTEThe Blazer For All Seasons'

x/t S h r t t m l i s h # l u ^ t

meeting ot the B n th Women s

Twin Rivers - held on Wed

.It 8:30 p m al \r tmimstration

cagne Party and tanned tor the u lal call lor hip was issued tendance so that : and election ot s , an lake place luturee world s oldest ew ish s e rv ic e 1 a membership ten women and n s e rv in g the

American community since !K4:i Its h u m a n i t a r i a n p ro g r a m of needed services includes the Anti D e fa m a t io n L eag u e of B nai B n th which continually coun­teracts yitrlolic 'propaganda such as du He, Ktux Klat and it tier who do inot uphold human rights arid human dignities the B'nai B n th Hill* i f otitldoturns on m ot■■ than 260 co llege c a m p u s e s hospital* lor the sick and indigent dynamic youth programs winch assist agencies in the program-, ot drug addic! ion and -n -um that toil, 'helping those who 1 annot help thejnselves

The next meeting will be held on April 20 iul the home ot Mrs Linda Goldman at 8 30 p m

Hayes Concannon observed bet ith birthday April 1 Sh* her friends Kvle and K ris ten P e d e rs e n . and Stephanie Dmardo to help her celebrate

The Staff ol the Pay Care i enter will tie serving chicken dinners $2 75 on Saturday April 24 starting at noon in the Community Building on Rogers Avenue Adv ance orders should be called in to Mrs Myra F erg u so n 448 4884 O rd e rs called in that day should go to Mrs Spady 448-(iK|t) Deliveries m ade will have a small fee This project benefits the Day 1 are building fund

Mr and Mrs Thomas 1 on 1 annon South Street announce the birth ot Megan AVuislow K lbs 14 oz at P r in ce to n Hospital on April 4 She has a •isti-i Hayes who » a . iust > Colonel and Mrs Kotwrl A\ Gunther of Mdlbrook \ Y and Mr and Mrs Thomas Con- can n o n of P a l i s a d e s . New Jersey a re the grandparents

Mr and Mrs Karl Detmund and daughter Pamela spent an

s t v


FEED YOUR HUNGRY LAWN!NOW! ( i t ’ll show its gratitude next summer)


9 »550 W Ingham Ave How Lane & Hwy. 27

Trenton New BrunswickRailroad Place Mercer Street

Hopewell Hightstown

Ksi W t u q


O H | { nit Merit- O n I ti» ’«<l.iA N in lit

\l F.nn in« < <*. Imdsor ChapteFa

W -rga

Mr F re d e r h

Vonfined to Prm lor the past six

Dr and Mrs J are iMck from West where hi


through I n ’♦ext regular\ p p! i * ”h ire Cumpanth»* I’fleefing 3 nemonstra wx 1th Wa!!oi

i > H T eha bill tat ton v\ 11. hold itsi t»n Tuesduv

p m a t sgbt sloven 111 here will he I H’coratmg

M r A K e l l i s

I o s j > e a k T o

N i i r s1 l nit1 da Reilly K N

1 h .n rm .in ot th e P r in c e to n* »i Hu- American Society to: P>y i hoprophy lax is m Ob

" ■■ s w !*c 'be guest speaker ".*••-■!1 -ic he tlightstow n

Reg s 'e r e d N urses Association l uesdav April 2c at 8 m at the

: A s Inn Her topic will be *7 1 diurth V ducat ion What

Every Nurse -Can Teach P 'he program, Mrs Reilly will

! is> . i ro n s methods used-in ! childbirth education and

'h e wil, point out the unlimited wavs a nurs*' has in reaching patients w itti childbirth education whether it t><- -a: a ttobstre lic ward• unii doc 1 urs ot I ice or school An h ' edited nsfructor of A S.P.O..

she cu rren t ly i.iught p r iv a te 1 lasst- in childbirth education and hopes to begin instruction ot

nnii patients ot the Hightstown f a s t Windsor a rea in the near

All active 01 inactive nurses are mv itod to attend

i . 1 '.unity repor te r . Cj II ■t),e Herald with tips '■! tor photo, feature,

I - -.t u ie.‘ . 141- 400 7.

Mrs Clinton sprout .md her sister m law Miss Marjorie sprout have returned home after a couple months s(x*nt at st Petersburg Beach Fla

Mis Ernest J Thompson J r , Meadow Drive, is convalescing at home following .> weeks stav .it the G radua te Hospital of the t m v e rs i tv ut P e n n s y lv a n ia she wishes to thank lamily and trtend ■ 1telephone calls which-meant so much especially when visits coulcj not be m ad e as frequently Thanks goes also to the H igh ts tow n Po lice Department tot the plant and to the Baptist Church lor flowers

tl,g!i' - i- :t<-* atEastern S tar tut. will hold its regular .business meeting April 20 at K p m <>n the agenda is installation ot new officers, followed by refreshm ents and a social hour

M a y o r I o ( f f t r a

I r a n ! ( m t r r

O n I r i d a y \ I 7

East W mdsor Township Mayor G ordon C la rk will o f f ic ia te at ribbon cu t t in g c e re m o n ie s to officially open the new P N iW in d s Travel Center on Priday April 18

The ribbon cutting is scheduled to take place at 5 p m

There will be tree gilts door prizes and refreshments First prize is a weekend tor two at Alt Airy Lodge iri the Poconos Second prize is a Pan Am cassett ta|> recorder that iK'ludes ,1 ta|>ed tour of London Evervune is welcome to attend


At The FortiethAr>nu« l

BRYN MAWR BOOK SALEWednesday, A p n ’ 21 Noon 9 p m

Thursday K Friday April 22 23. 9 a in 9 p .m .

Satin day April 24 9 a.m Noon

CHI LDR L N'S NIGHT, Tuesday , April 20, 6 8 p.m Children s Books on sale for Children only


We give you S&H Green Stamps.From the other companies you get only rental receipts.

T O W Y H O I S E C A R RENTAL SRoute 33 Hightstown 448 2963 24 HOURS

GRAND OPENINGAPRIL 16 12 noon to 8 p.m

S a& t 'H/ineUT R A V E L C E N T E R






RICHARDSON BLDG. ROUTE 130 (Opposite Shop Rite)


Page 3: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups

fiMtiiitiifimitiiiiiffiiiiiiMiiiftiiiMtniitfiMiitiiiiiiiiiitiifiiittitiit iiiiiiiiiimmHiiiiiimumimiiiinw



In i<litonal

Vnotlier Bomb?

M 'tj ■ j H


1 dward I* [ dw.n tt Ruben Hi VV ilium B<


V J . B a n k | { f i < a * * t I **t O u a r t r r K t - p o r t

Hu-hard G Macgill pn-sident New Jersey National Hank ti announced that the hank - tu quarter ii-jHir' -harehuldrv. 111 shew earnings la-fort- M-iuri gams or hisses n| $| ", i.'i 241



Appleqar tfi R<f

Hightstown, N J 14 g 2740

'.inn period ol 1970Thi iy;i li^uires r ep n *” P**1

share earnings of Ha cents compared with $1 f<ir the s'an"■ peruxlast v ear a dei iint* «>l la jx-rceniNet incom e per shairv a t leiNtsuril\ i»ain> vtrnis |x*r sh*

or losst- ire com jwrvxl l<

liepoMts on March il w en$4^8 1 ll."> J4K c o m p a r e d w »11>4it? 410 ail on March It Maegilsaid shareholde will receive a

rs of rtH’oi 4 > c«»nts

-d April dividen

I«*>al4e on \p r ll la.

L i H I L t i ' I h i m rHightstown Alasomc L«dge 4

will sponsor its J rd an n u aLimner Dance K ndav April K>

at 7 in p m a l i Kouto l in

the Old V uke Inn

I’lrkets a m a v a liable t

GERT’SGROCERIESOne mile east of

T win R ivers on Hwy 33

Open every day except Monday

J A M t o l l P M Newspapers Ice Cream

General Merchandise

448 2468



448-0933B A C K F R O M V A C A T I O N S P E C I A L S

G R O I A D H E A T S A L E(USDA Choice Only)


- K > pH k\ ll "OUfUis ■. th somroni

^htn* Uh> Bon ' >ou uE> in ompl.iin to

l\ pcrson«*JI\ * l >i *. onshii * Y& far *.is •a«- ill pick up junk in

Much oi »t hlow> in v «ii krnni h \ e r \ oix* I -.•f p,< k it up (Trass > ti Ilf |>ul oul to

ii<- tm apt minted days - m the m ad Item >t i in t inn I r t f k ' I seen ans b u sh es i a n ' in the road \l

h i value our ltvt-s it in a ant u> to pick up It i'ii t ' a l e the wav

el ' ind othei ' drive it having my nr-igh an!leti out Iiv someone ky a ' vou Our n n t i ' b eco m in g lot rtu-ddling I think i and no one w ho buvs. n - lazy It ' work Ip" h a p msali and oul .it- more imimrlant

o< i upy our hearts

h i ' new'|ia|x-i >houl(i irned your letu-r to

nu w ith v ou I ion t lot a 1 pa|>er

R O N E 1 E S S S T E A K


USDA C )tce


6 94 5


5 9 '6 9

Mr Magi red hark

Rights Her,

r - - ■ - ■I Stop inI A f i . l l D R


I N’ S-fl-V-E! •

- 1


G( dCi t? A




| j ^ |1 * 5 9

2 94 91 0 '





R0T0TILLERS Ii sst* * «=r


1 Kit! ><•»'lone

* ' p o t m a n for people he d(K- not represent

V . m atte r how irresponsible **i marie m> statements mav In: !he\ a re £ivcn iron! page ( o v e r a g e while those oi responsible leaders oi the black and while commumtiev are either not! solicitwi at all or are given mbide or back page

It > ahput time vou realize ’hat this man and hi'* group **t> -»n|v tor themselves and that % p<h cent of our citizens .ire hard*wnrking responsible people w ho h av e worked quiet iv I6r years to solve the real problems that everyone knows exjist

European Institute Names Burke To Post

K•k Hf > ha

n P r i onomv of the i

T-) ear-< )ld

St i 11 ( CriticalJACKSON TOW NSHIP A 7

year old Highlstow n boy remains in 11 i i ica l co n d i t io n in Pau l Kimball Hu'piUd here suffering trom a broken hip and - racked peIv is injuries he suffered while <m a tishing outing

Son of Mr and Mrs Edward Magee SB of U 7.-nd.S t High!

MuJiat i Mage* was lishing -i) How man s Bridge w hen an auto

driven by Mrs Gloria Clark of Jackson Township went out of

shed into a bridge railing where voting Mike was lishniL and pinned him beneath

Mr Magee was w :!h young Mike at Hu- time ni the accident

Jackson Township Police 'a id the a*, idem happened a lter Mrs <’l a r k s au t" glanced oft a car driven tu Ronald E Kurd of Cherrv .Mn-i-i M an ch es te r

John H \ r c h e r j r

Editor The llerald

The news that the Hi jx-r t ern increase in the 1971 budget is large Is due to increased gar bage collection .costs must have shocked a lot of citizens

The picture darkens even further wjhen we te a m that this extra mdney is being used so th a t the g a rb a g e can be dumped jn a landfill

It Certainly ts time lor the people. o| Hightstown to start thinking about a w aste disposal solution in perhaps there is no disposal Solution What about recycling”

S a tu rd a y . April 24 the H ightstnw n F.ast W irjdsor Ecology Coalition is sponsoring <i recvclmg day at Hightstown High Schitol betwt-en H a m and t p m This is more tnan an opportunity to get rid oi some trash this month o th e r towns have s tarted out with this kind ot effort and due to the response: ol the ctti/enrv the municipalit ies have taken - er monthly or Ln weekly collec lions < an it be any more ex pensive than the $19 non to t>e (Mid in dumping lees this year

What better way is there to cut down on garbage collection costs and, at the sam e time take a >tep toward cutting dow n


oni mi­me

Hast ■en .i

Verondmist'Dace Kesea iscab Home is the study

a r th ' atmosphere in h oni/ation and dissixnation anjiortant phenomena e

-art atiove about 20 hides thi­ll i which studies the earth s ( ' in h e r e I h -Io w 2o m i le s is

d tin tereologvBurke was ntosi n-o-ntlv

arch S< i-nti't at \i-rnt hem arch I-abut a to n e ' in I ’n n

There he h a ' tx-cn working on the reactions ot ions -n

discharges and the at I'jihere He also di-veioped a hnnjuc to study rt-aitions of sb-rs aggregates o! molecules lore (inning \eriK hen in psx. w a ' lie 'Carch XssiM iate at the ' iveisitv ol lot onto i mtaiio.

Mr Burke received his degrees ol c a n d id a t e ot S c ience

corresponding to li s l.icen bate ol Science corresponding to M s and 1 xk lor ol Science at the I Diversity of Leuven Louvain n h e home country Belgium Both

h ean d his wile Irene a re Belgian t /ens but their live children

have three citizenships i inadtanand American

Alexandra and. twins and W iv true wayre Belgium tml one ln>\ was boi n m s ana da an one Pe te r in the I, ntted Mates . Mr and Mrs Burke have been

ac t iv e m the E as t W indsor H ights tow n co m m u n ity They -li 'covered that inadequate and u n a v a i la b le m idd le incom e hoti'Oing i ' the most serious problem in this count r and

Belgian," The g ir l ' Patricia

b o m in Stephan

t the othei

( ( i m m i l i n 1 l o P r o l o l \ i r ln a m \\ ar

1« H tSEVEL’I Mot - than o (H-rsons trom Koosevelt wd travel to Washington U protest the Indix-hma war tltt- March on Washington will travel in three chi busses

Participation in the nationwide m arch for peace bv Boosevell

grew trom a recent - torum on the In

w ar During the torum is attended by about 125 -trong suggestions were

a large delegation from tom in the peace m arch

itht he W,made

citizens com mum dochina which wipersons made that Boose \ e! la ter this ni

Plans lot- have bee c o m m it te e ot the Roosevelt

ca ll ing for com m u n ity ac t io n against the war. thi- t ommittei- tlas said that the war is Ixith illegal and immoral and has suggested that widespread antipathy to th<


81.8 Million G ra itTo Bu y < >

I o assist w ith the financing of a New Jersey Green Acres project the Untied Slates Department >! Housing and L rtian Development has approved a $1 885,000 grant - the state toT acquisition ot 2J0o acres ot ojx-n space in the \ssunptnk Greek a rea of Mon m outh and M erce r b o u n tie s HI D s Regional Administrator s William Green announced this w t-ek.

The t r a c t of h ills woods s t ream s .end open fields is about live miles South of the Hightstowi Interchangt on the New Jersey Turnpike and about n miles west of F reehold

( onsidered one of beautiful teen tc area- New Je r se y . the Vssunptnk Creek area to lx- acquired from several private oyvners will assure sod and w a te r co n se rv a t io n . ite I iifeenhancement ot fhe natural

is also suitabb at tonal activ i dev eloped at a 1

iron men t Itv 1

.inch m a i tx

he mostt Central


pen >pacetime

This is art excellent example ot federal and state cooperation lor the p r e s e rv a t io n of las tdisappearing and precious open space which will be used for generations to come for the public en jo y m en t and benefi t Mr Green said

Total cost of the acquisition ts $7 717:oon and the HI T) grant which inc ludes ST.iHio to r relocation expenses accounts lor half of that amount with the remainder funded by the Grix-n Acres p rogram

Pe te r Longarzo Director of H! {) s Newark Area Office, who ipproved the grant explained

that ii was made under the Open Nfkice P rogram which provides in part b-r payments to s ta te and •x al governments of up to 5o per

cent of the .cost of acquir ing land to help p ro v id e necessa ry r e c r e a t io n a l co n se rv a t io n and scenic areas which a re essential lor proper long range develop merit »i urban areas

war will cause pei of ever>gaol it teal view to join in i; hf1 \ pril24 protest

R e se rv a t io n s to go toW ash ing ton on t he HRooseveltbuses may be made b - ■ ailingHelen Seitz if* Pin* ' D riveRoosevelt Cost vtill be so tor eachperson

/s PlannritHi Saturday April 24 from lit

to 2 p m St Anthony ' YRar will hold a White

a! till - tint - ’ Hall I Av e Hightstown.

lakod g- xxis j

a rtRosary Sm it-t FJephant Sale on Maxwell Refreshments

on sailand




companion since

| At.A spu' ^rd

DO ITY O U R S E L F ! !

tny i as best c


Rout* 130 oppoiit* Shop Rite Hightjtoxvn East Windsor- 443 1440

STORE -sOuRS Mon Sa: 9.5 f ■ 9 to 9 p VM a s r i a C O R P O R A T IO N

Boh A .

M i ^ > I l a ^ r r t \ l o S j x ' a kV I;" Sttn.u H agerty s t a t e <T>ll Delensc it: v ranbury She eg ' L i t : \ t I i i i j -A 'in en ta t ton was selected to .ipjM-ar in the 1970

a i r m a n of -hi A m e r i c a n edit ion ot t i u l s t a n d .n g A oung \ssix tatmt >t I : . c t ' i f . Women Women ot \m e ru a based on her v ill sjx-ak a t t he Monday April Id com m unity civic and

protes'ional aclitevements M i " Hagertv received her law degree Iron 1 she 1 1 Williams Schttpl ol Ixiw l mveisity ol Richmond and is cnvjdpyixl by !he Department ol T ra n s p o r ta t io n I d l e B u reau Stale ot New Jersv-v

u-eting ot the Hightstowi Branch t A m erican A ssocia tion ot nicer si I v Women The meeting will, be held at 8 m ot the Green Room of Main

ourt .it Meadow Lakv*s M i" Hagerty will talk about

late \ A t W legislation the cw New Jersey divorce hilt and •cent ecology legislation Mis' Hagertv is Director ot

■ -1 the Test . Ivt-rtisiiu results in town, advertise in the Uuxlsor- ilights iU-raiil. 44: -aoo.A.


T H U R S . - F R I . - S A T . O N L Y

YARN SALEVA-A-az. Red Heart Knitting Worsted


9 9 ‘Reg. $1.39









INCHValu0t to

7 9 « y d .



P A T R O N IZ E Vour Downtown Hightstown IVierchants

- T H \ M - \HK 1U- I 1 I H —> PEN T H IR ?? & K R I N K .H T S T I L 9 P .

99 MAIN ST.—HIGHTSTOWN, N. J.• W - v ■*. G ,

Try Tracy’s First!

Page 4: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups

Spring Film Repertory Continues At Garden

B runtw itkRod Steiqer

Christopher Plummer

WATERLOO7 30 and 9 30

LINCOLNBarbra Streisand

George Segal

The Owl and the Pussycat12 15, 2 15 4 15. 6, 8, 10

11.n i\mateur- Sing Two Palestrinas

Gesner To Gi\e Com mentarv On Social "'i,ene


P E N N Y W H I S T L E R SSat Apr it 24, 8 30 P M Princeton High School


• • i c f t o n C h a t t i e r S P E 8 S Q S A


TIME 1971Sat Apnl 24 at 8 15 p m. J o h n >\ i t h e t S i m o n S c h o o l


■ July iJujrU I'H \KI'M \ i HORl>S M ill \U I S

t II \l l I M.l RS PR l \ l ! I 1. 'Nr Ik >K 1 s n y n v . .i: thy Moot

nr , aii H I KiJ

Repertory Season i\ears Curtain



(X)No One Under T8 Admitted

12 15, 2, 3 30, 5 10 6:50, 8 30. 10



F I N A L P E R F O R M A N C E ' - F R I D A Y A P R 16, 8. 30 P M


S A T U R D A Y A P R I L 1 7 8: 3 0 P MTickets $5, 4,3 Reservebv Phone

iMcCarter\fv< .!'!( ' I hc.itre.......... 1st K.-k - >

, .1. - jn

coming to McCarter


M O N D A Y , A P R I L 26 • 8 P . m .


S A T U R D A Y , May 1 - 8 P . M

You’ re a Good Man, Charlie BrownF R I D A Y M A Y 7 • 8 . 3 0 P M


T U E S D A Y , M A Y 11 - 8 : 1 0 P . M

1 7 7 6T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 13 ' 8 30 P M

If- .♦

H r*‘I ;>P m




ot the


the last

H sK | I v | | \ \ | >| \ I f 1»

floor) to

Lnivers i ty Series E nds With C h a m b e r Concert

»lk gidui


THE MOUSETRAPApril 1 6, 1 7 , 23, 24 - 8: 3 0 P . M


Route 22 Scotch Plains 233 0675 NO W O PEN

Daily from! 12 Noon• Miniature Goll * Baseball Batting frGo Karts *Golf Driving Range * U Drive Boats * Archery % Pony 6. Horse R ides* Swinging Cages • Table Tennis

: irtKirt sen t 's vsillcml ■ t> i t inen t ■ .lion with .1 chit m in i music, i i i i rr i tea luring Leon K refiner

.11 ' l .iinii oni|i*»M'r u ' th T ' ‘hapiro i loltniMt Mirh.ini IH'<

o l i ' t and I ’ai n.i-oiimi t lisM The concert ss ill 1m

' i. id on Monday April i‘i at M< i .trier l hcatre at r in p rn

i hr p rogram will in- two 1’iano ',Mi.ii le t - 11\ M » /a r t Sona ta1 mu ert . in tr tot \ mlin and Piano aid T n o lot* \ mini i i’iio and P .mo :>> [.eon k ireh ru r

Mi K irc h n e r ha> rece iv ed numerous aw ards a - a t t mi, Meer

i* . hr u a > elected to the National Institute at Ait1- and

i tiers l b ' s tr ing tjuartel No a!; th r 1 , P u h t i / r r f r e e .11

nitirn Hi is well known as a ora n l pianist and conductor

I ud ir r hhajiirn was a student nl I tn-m /amlialist al thi Curtis .:i- 1 tut* shi has played with :io-t nl the m ajor orchestras m

this i wintry and performed in i i music concerts with

Eh i r t / Piaiigorsk.v and Arthur s< hn.itn’l shi is the head ot the



i a 'lir Partlits u on n thi PNC I'-eha’.k’K'tition n Alo>i '■ 'patist ti thf t a>al*ragiH‘ and Puerto K Ipio recitals n this iboard

\t , hart 1 n r w ;th also a''studentii /.iinb.ili'f at Curtis Ih is thr mli't ot thr < Ltianien 17aaitrl and


« •

^ c 4 p a r r i Ballet

^ \ Festival

au \Sundav Ma\ 2nd

PrincetonDa>School3 o'clock

' ‘ Snow W hite“ Scheherazade

“ Pas de Quatre'Scottish Dances'

\ ct monl .tiKi at


rR !\ C E T ()\

P l a i | house Garden()\ PAl MtK SQl 1 Hi I6U \AHU \ l -$JUk. I ■


2nd V, E E K


Wed .Thurs F


j Starring 1 R ] Setv 1 Retd Pieter MCE nry j

Daily at 7 & 9 p.m






Mercer St Hamilton Scjuare \r r't a»qest Ba boon Nef * *

W m a: B<t)Baodv Sat George Mover

Sun Harry Uber9 to 1 2 f- urn a on** q* Coiipies

125 fine antiques dealersfrom several states’

s l u m m * \ i u u i i m s 1-The fVnmru

boM'is sh<m Boat in Jerom tK ern * > t ir H am m er strnnMu^icut .ts'th* u 'u m m n olit»nn^it \L .i-hinuto i » KKsimt ^tot*‘.irk - • tpi ii \ tr Thf .d i’t \ i .islirul « horu> o m i l in will inIcnh't! in the (irmluct km

Xuditions w 11 tw held tonmhii n<I lonittrrow \prtf It .imi l i .it7 in p rn in ? h» 1 ’e n n m ^ to ri IN'htMJM bill ii i - .ire r.iguistfdtr) bnnitj tit audition musu





Live Music Admission S2

A ^ N ^ G ^ L ^ E


April 29, 30, May 1 - Thurs. Fri. Sat.Order t i ckets now - 4 perfs only

McCarter Theatre box office 921 8700 Mail Orders Box 526 Princeton, f\J J

w w A V E R V E M V E

, 0 B R I S T 0 .




l 1 0 f*rty day eatep t 'os» d a y 1 5

Ad- v. % 50SAVf SOt with rHit od

after opening dayNO TT au At .',li ■


Garden Spring Film RepertorySecond \X eek : April 14-20

Wed. - Thurs. - Fn., April 14-15-16ENTERTAINING MR. SLOAN E

Saturday & Sunday, April 17 & 18THE FORBIN PROJECT

VI i S o f P e a n 5 N eck C ir c le on l S. 1 • t P r tn c c to n R e c Ctr




W alter M atthau Elaine M ay A new Le a f

Monday & Tuesday, April 19 & 20B u n u e l’s THE M ILKY W AY

v ■ t h r Peach Garden Internationn: Restdurant n *he Pnnce Theatre Building

Page 5: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups



\nti< ju< * s h o wSrt \|»riI 2 1

Ki\ r til w <*<*k Programs S(*t( "

W eclne>(hn. Satur(!a\ In PI I)


{urni * m al t

If hungfi

ix- adona

( ’. a n I P a r t \ N iThe 1 Auxiliary of the

West Winds'll A i. lun teer K m < om pam 1 will hold a hard E a r l . in th e D utch Neck Firehouse on Monday May i at « p.-m j ’iHorhir and .»>•> Ponatioi $1 .Yu im hides refreshments

\\ m s<>i ui l ai « l i i j>*


C r u s h a w I s H o n o r e d

Hot •GULrli ( alenda v

[HAS m

-.1 Wan Mm 1.1 BrdiUBBLE AND WASTE oute 130 m East-Winds

l*<irt (tf l.nrlh H rrA


ihc llu . ni Wes! t hii'iluuiA

M a - i u g c u A s s o c i a t i o n bv ai I . , c o a c l .i t c . n i ! I ■ m l a r i Nti

i CJIH'II ( nun : < 0 and pill’\ tcivicc I’ka.w contact Mrso (he pul’ll, h ik 'd cad i week

l)a\ SelMrs Kathy Benson Chair

man ol the Hightstown Fas! V\ indsur Ecology coalition has announced tha! all plans are co m p le ted for R ecyc l ing Das to be held on Sal unlay .M April, between h a m and i p m in the .parking lot of the Hightstown High School

Area residents are reminded to separa te their trash and Bring all glass, aluminum tin newspapers and magazines to fhi



Adult School Program (iave Patrons S 1 Worth

Bensoneftooi on Nature

According to Mr? the intent oi recycling is !o stop need le ss w a s te of u sab le materials through re use in new p ro d u c ts (Mass for example can be crushed and processed to m ak e new bottles

The Coalition has solicited and received the overwhelming support of the community m the reevding effort The Township and the Borough a re con tnbuting facilities and (rucks while local industry has ottered assistance which will fie help! !

'schools in Hightstown have s tu d en t g ro u p s p rov id ing valuable support to the project

A display about recycling is

h.citloi>\ H erh sc/\ pril 2(>-May IA bung memliers at the P n n

ceton Red Cross Chapter wilt do their part to com m em orate

Karth Week by sponsoring an Fcologv \Ais k April jt, through

May 1The Ecology Week will

concentrate on cleaning up areas m the Hightstown East Windsor ( 'rantJury a reas The Ecology Week is being sponsored by the Red cross and the Ecology (Tubs in the East Windsor Regional School District

T h o se c o o p e ra t in g in the Ecology Week, campaign are

Mobile Oil. which is donating c o m b u s t ib le p la s t ic bags

Hardboard Barrels and the East Windsor and Hightstown Borough Sanitation Departments who will help collect trash along the way

i 'i>fjig£t*sf do! Hightstown Saiurd . was the comttiun program featuring com m u n ity c h o n Productions and t band Those who i pleasant treat

VII the ar t w ork done by individu ticipated m the classes

The commit im

Louis F i l e r delightful select women and tw singing with Hit F iler urges all tin munifv who hk»

ir s worth in v night April \ adult school an art show ■> P o tp o u r r i< o m n n m i t v

tended had a

iispiay was who par

adult school art

y chorus led bv V san g lour ms There a re 10

men currently new group Mr

in the com •mg to join

t hem April School

P o t p o u r r p r e s e n t e d ( su r r e a l i s t i c Evening For

Rehearsals will resume at the Intermediate

P r o d u c t i o n s h a r le s D izenzo 's co m ed y . An

Merle Finch The >>8 >«* ' lag l . pjHKiy ot

family life which rang all too true » a ' ably acted by the six m e m b e r ca s t and capab ly directed bv ( onme Wokoun

Naoun Monroe gave a sparkling (MTlormam c as Darlene Finch, a mother ot ,t teen age son who is constan t ly to r m e n te d by memories ol her mother

Also in the excellent cast were H erb A m m e rm u f le r dim Reynolds Judith Pittelko Dene Eagle and .Jim Matter Potpourri is a community group which in vile- all to participate

Dr E dgar Thomas is truly the niusu man although he has lots of musical expertise as well as the p ersona l i ty to draw in sp ired music from a hand

His conimumthv band grew from » to -in m em bers in Id weeks and they played then eight piece repertoire ol rousing numbers for an a p p r e c i a t i v e au d ie n c e tiegmning with S ta r ' and Stripes T orever and ending with Thun deforest

Ml those instrumentalists in the community a re encouraged to join th» Rand >\hu h rt*h«N«! M*s on Tuesday evenings at Hightstown Higti School The band will be p e r fo rm in g s u m m e r ou td o o r concerts

■ -r~x

^ h f X Y ‘"' . ' -~S - " / t/J A/Y. K - - JR&d i. “E ^

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k l NEW J E R S E Y B l u e C R O S S a n d B LUE SHSEl D

T H E I I R s T \ v n o . N AI B A N K 0 1 T'RIN< F.Tfi.N


Page 6: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups

P A G E S IX W 1 N D S O R - H I G H T S H E R A I

Falcons Are Short In Lidlifter. 2-1The P e d d le School vars il

baseball squad made its debut ta 'Thursday April 8 on the horr d iam o n d but they fa i led t produce a win for new Head ( oat Charlie ( lark

S ayreu l ie High School 2-1 which prov ided the ,P'j 1 < • • r, opposition pushed over two rur

■ in the top of the fourth inning register a 2 1 verdict

Center fielder Bruce Buckart led off the Bomber-- winning by doubling to center field befrn moving to third on an error pit off attempt Buckarev held as Dan Hodswyos beat oi infield hit to put runners c c o rn e r s Tom M ancim grounder) out to deep short scoring Buckarcy to tie the game at 11 and moving Hodswyos to second

After Peddie s ta r te r and loser Brent Wham fanned Bill Campion for the second oul of the inning second sacker Al Pasytorrydy brought in the eventual winning m arker by blooping a single into short right center Wham gave up only one other hit in the contest besides the three fourth frame safeties but those timely hits did the job for Savreville

"'core 12 Huns

thi with two



s tn k t uprising

Kondisko w hall over the fi third innings t farmed five bai not walk a niai Bill D AmiCO v and two thirds and three walk four

LD is Lawrence! High School hui top by destroyitjig the Cardinals 7 n the HHS athletji field The Rams

dler But Hightstown High s tough R, ? 57 Tuesday afternoon in then Delay., are stilt unbeaten iPaparo. IPS photo

Newspaper Editor?

NO... Career Banker!1 ike a Newspaper Editor. ou banking news and facts and ca quickly \t the Princeton Bank yc methods and bank interests are alwa welfare

In the banking - siness since H vanced courses at the \menean Inst ot praetieal experience He is hard work harder m this ever-ehangtng w

I ike all other Princeton Bank ( backed bv a complete management years ol continuous'bunking serxict,

Make a point tv' you Santue Hu he's the fellow who looks and acts !

- up on the latest in k to \our advantage sure that the latest

-ed tor vour banking

Hunt has taken ad k mg and has-years

naking your vToll ars

■ Samuel Hunt is Bank that has 1

’ re Princeton area Vnnytown Office 'Paper Editor,

Hight stovvn D iam ondm enTop Deaf School At Colts Field

Ry Bill Apple ttale

k* :he unexpecUxit ten tails

a me briefly in the bottomof the i ' 1 when John Golen's single nd D a w GulinoN double plus wild pitch, knotted the score

varsity basefcvail nine before Dave h.uckert s single Hightstown starter. l.evmusNurprised no *»ne tv*«• T ;j\ \ iater pitches added se t t le d down a f t e r th a tUS thl*\ pounded ou: a 12-1 win .mother pan *! run.- A Miigle sunieyvhat rocky beginning andover N<rw Jersev ScHon)1 tor the bv Gene Snook and walks to y ielded only three singles oy erDeaf a ! the < ifits dia mond Jerrv Oberkoflier and Bruce the next four frames The

The lriams used an eighf run Stackhouse set the stage lor junior righthander a transferfining to sah aw a \ their lv ins triple a iine shot to right from Brick Township, fanned

second win tn three dec is ions cent erf leld seven and walked one in five* enter fielder Jam ie l\ ms w ho The eight run explosion innings before giving way topaced <un 11 -hit attack with two c a m e th re e inn ings a f t e r re l i e v e r L h r ts H enry whotriples and a single ca pped the H igh ts tow n biroke a 1-1 iosseri two hit less rounds while* mner s big frame wjth a deadlock with a three run whiffing threebases clearing three hagger outburst m the •hird Ivins who The game was a DelawareEarliei- m the inning winning tr ipled leading off the game y.nit-y League contest and theHurler Charlie Lev mu:s started and scored on Elm er s single victory gave the Rams a 2-1the rally with tally

your ever-grow ing


842 State Road ~ 76 Nassau Street - P- rtcefon Shopping CenterDowntown Motor Sank * Lawrence Shopp nq Centei Texas Ave Broad Street Hopewe1 *. Penny tow n Sh oomg Center Hopewell Twin Rivers Comp'et Hightstown

Thinclads Place High

Although their only duel meet of the week was postponed last Wednesday due to the sudden -now and ram storm Hightstown High s spring track team did not remain idle The Hams par .impaled m the Lawrence’ School Relays and placed tn three d if fe ren t ev e n ts on S a tu rd ay 'April in

The distance medley team of John Kraus 880 Kim Archer

440 \u g i e B oehm th r e e quarter mile and Paul Cope

mile finished second to Blair Academy yvith a combined time ot 10:57 5 to the B u c c a n e e r s c lock ingoflO 56 5

The foursome ot Stan Darlea 44o Tim Norland 22n Sam

Lawrence 22o and John Farrell HHO took a third in the sprint

medlay with a J 57 showing while the trio of Mike Gilbert Dave Hewins and George Moss cap ­tured fifth in the discus medlay

The Steinert meet that was lost | to the bad weather has been I te n ta t iv e ly re s c h e d u le d for ■Tuesday April 27 at the Spartans

athletic field

HHS GolfVrs H(st Burl>

Hightstown H ighs golf team evened its record at 1-1 when C oach S tan Czenis l inksm en downed Northern Burlington 4-2 at Old York Country Club in Bordentown on April 8

The Hams Frank Hew ins Dave Christiansen Dave Tanquay and Tom Burch registered points lor the winners who also opened play in the Delaware Valley League with the victory X

Hew ins 44 took low honors lor Hightstown while beating Scott Howard 45 l u p Christiansen 48 took the Greyhounds Rich

S k in n e r 54 3 and 2,T anguay - 54 coppedhis m a tc h 2-up from Mike Markova (55> and Burch 47 won his duel with John Hartley 49- 2 and 1The losers Scott Essex 42 was

.low medalis t for the day and he took the Hams top m an Gary Mohr 3 and 2 T eam m ate Bill Bigot! 47 notched the Burls other point when he defeated W ay n e Fuller 50 2-up -

H igh ts tow n w hich h ad two matches postponed last week due to inclement weather doesn t -wing back into action until after the spring recess The locals w ill re tu rn to the fa i rw a y s next

! Tuesday April 20 when t h e ’rave! to South River

Hroizrani s ijgn-f p Extended ll\ )The Hightstown Fast Windsor "

5 MCA is ex te n d in g the r e g i s t r a t io n for i ts Adult P rogram s through this yveek

David Paulus Adult P rogram Director announced that there are still some openings available m the following courses

Monday eyemngs 8 to 0 30 p m in the Flower Arranging Class at south Pacific Florist Shop and Art Class at Hightstown High School T uesday ev en in g c o u rs e in P h o to g rap h y held at P ed d le School W ednesday e v e n i n g . course in Lead Glass Art. and another course in Crewel at Hightstown High School

By registering this week it w i l l ’ still f»- possible to attend all classes of the program The first session will not tie held until the week of April to For further information on any of the above ! classes and the necessary pre registration please call the Y office or sfop in at 157 South Main I Street Hightstown

Rams initial s tarted the third frame scoring too as he singled with one ou! K lm e r - second straight one base blow put runners at first and second after which Lou Dallenbach walked to load the sacks Two runs scored on Ball s single and the third cam e around on an infield miscue

The Colts, now o2-l tied the

X - ' - o c u i t i o n P I a n sBrr<* <{ M a t c h S h o w

The Empire Alaskan Malamute Association oi Route 1 High! stowti, will sponsor its All Northern Breed Match Show and E a s t e r n AKITA Specia l ty on Sunday April !8 a! the Roosevelt Park in Metuchen

Trophies ribbons and rosettes will be presented to winners in all breeds

The Empire Alaskan Malamute A ssoc ia tion m e e t s the th i rd Saturday oi each month at 8 30 Jim .* the odd Fellows Hall in Cranbury Anyone in terested may contact Club Secretary Mrs Elsie A Truchon

circuit record, yvhile the Deaf Schixil is now 0 2 1 in the loop

S e n i o r ( . o m o l e t i n « j I n d e p e m l e n t S t i n b

Mr and Mrs Alex L eh m an of F tra Road Hightstown. have announced that their daughter Erica, is completing fhe major portion ot her senior year through independent study

She has been deeply involved in th e d e v e lo p m e n t of p ro g r a m m aterials project for the New Je r se y P u b l ic B ro a d c a s t in g Authority m Trenton She has had released time f rom school in order to serve that agency

Erica has been accepted hv New College Sarasota. Fla . lor the q u a r te r beginning Monday March 29 She hopes to return to High! stown m Ju n e to receive her high school diploma with the other m em bers of her class

Items for the Social Notes col­umn should tie given to Mrs. Hub­ert Turton - 448-2907,

Hightstow n-East W ind&or Y Starts Registration For Spring EventsThe Hightstown East W indsor

5 MCA spring programs a re well on their wav to Idling to capacity as was reported by Thomas A sennet! Executive Director of the Local A

It was noted that registration is u n d er w ay for a ll sp r in g program s and that each program has a limited enrollment due tn the nature of these programs

Mr Sennett -aid that limited openings still exist in the follow ing youth programs

In the area of dance Mrs An n e t te e B e e k e rm a n stil l has vacancies tn Ballet I and II, Saturday mornings for girls 8 to 10

the Walter Bla k school Ballet I tor beginners meets from ,10 to It a m while the more ad vanced Beginners Ballet II meets from tl to noon For both boys and girls 4 to 9 a Modern Dance course is also available each Saturday from 12 to i p m

Thomas Fowler reports that the following p h y s ica l ed u ca t io n courses still have openings Fun F i tn e s s and T u m b lin g for young •• >9 years if ag e eachSaturday morning from 9 to 10 a m . and Gymnastics for young adults HI to i4 years of age from 1) to noon Both of these programs will meet at the Hightstown In termediate School

In the area of Baton instruction Mrs Sharon Cummings stilt has untiled vacancies for beginners 5 to 12 years old at the Hightstown Intermediate School from it to noon an d m the a d v a n c e d beginners group from in to f l a m

youngsters with musical in terests may still enroll m Miss Diane P a tte rso n ’s Kinder Band program for y oungsters 4 to 6 each Saturday 10 to 1! a m and both Beginners and Advance BeginnersGuitar courses Beginner classes

meet each Saturday from 9 to Hi a m and the more advanced ! group from it to noon All youngsters 8 to 14 are welcome ■

The newest youth program this sp r in g H o rseb ack R id ing In struct ion for youth 8 to 14 years on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to H 30 p m This expert

instruction will b e 'p ro v id e d ov Mrs Bobbie Hevessev al the

Diamond S' StablesMr Sennett concluded that this

is just a sampling of the many a c t iv i t ie s a v a i l a b le to local residents through their YMC'A ’ All programs tiegm the week ol April 17 24 and registrations must be made in advance by calling the YM< \ office or stopping at 157 South Main S tree t Monday through Friday




During the month of Aprilat

BURGERLANDRoute 33 Hightstown, N .J.

P H O N E : 448-9746

Drawing Nightly 10 OOP.IV!



* : N< ' ' U/ nss/sy*?/HAP* ki :>*£ BOir. BAGS BOO* m/ * ” h•

P R I N T I N G C O M P A N Y 1 58 S O U T H M A I N ST.

H I G H T S T Q y V N . N . J . Phone ( 609> 4 4 3 - 1 4 8 0






princBton f^oad & Routt 130 High mown FREE DELIVERY


Page 7: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups


( , t i r s i ' s p e a k e r

A-Hunting We Will Go

m HIGH T S TO w / vD O M E S T IC OR


. B EER107 ^ 7 ()( K T(>S ST


. w i n e s N »R

T i k K . i- T~


448-0365DUJVM’' m vKf

Anthony & jarnes Eufemia prop

DAM A SCO'Sl i q u o r S T O R E


) NOW S5.20galOR Latex

NOW 2 gal pail S3.50 gal 5 gal pail S3 25 qai

COMINS Paint & Wallpaper Co Appleqarth Rd Hightstown Phone 448 4769



NOW S4 16 gal


A P P L Y A N Y T I M E B E F O R E M A Y | 5 t h• r>tei1 • grt- t jtaftfrnihf pay* fen 1 Ask your deaif' or *> t«

nofe beaut: lawns and shrub

:*‘and Products to fe;u'ts Manufac •. i - ‘ seal 'awn


P k l jA ‘ AVI n lS ’ lAiOVfl . N

I" o r g i \ < * ii< ‘sm \ \ r c k I" N i


froth Monday batunkiy April all five brand:Counts la b r a rx 5x celebration ol Nation yy eek

M a r t in P Whmh

•ties' Week il in through

heduled at it the Mercer


nounces tfiat n charged on am returned during

' ruling applies






ties will lx- erdue books t xx eek The the system

mg B ran ch l ib rary al 4f Sco tch Kdt.axx r e n t e T ow nship B ranch lubrarx in the i .aw ren te Shop­ping ( e n t e r H ights tow nMemorial Branch l.thrary on F ra n k l in St W ashing ton Township Branch lubrarx Route 1 .to K obb insv i l le a n d WestW indsor B ra n c h L ib ra ry T i l ­lage Road West m P r in c e to n Junction

Borrowers who may unearth txnxKs during spring t leaning or xtho may find some forgotten volumes in the t a r trunk are inxited to tiring them in during that week They will all lx* ac cepted no questions asked no m atter h o w ta r past the due date l'hiv --iix'x i j ! oiler dix’s not apply

however h (gist due unpaid fines incurred earlier tor fxxiks which h av e been previously






( ) \ f \ a p p l i c a t i o n n o n s a v e s a lot o f u o r k later .





550 W Ingham Ave How Lane & Hwy, 27 Trenton New Brunswick

Railroad P lace Mercer Street Hopewell Hightstown







Double these cash savings

That’s right!!!

Double them

fi 1Q D A

During this -limited

time we will match

the GE refund

So - here’s your

chance to save up to

$100.00 on a GE air


Don’t Delay

R O U T E 130 H IG H TSTO W N CRAIG & S O N ( .al

Page 8: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups



Sunday services ai Calvary Gospel Mission 1 hapel. 1 hurch Street off Houte l.'JO Windsor

' S r i ‘ : ” i ■ 1 ; 'school at 11 a m Thursday April 15: < hoir practice Manna House will lie open at 7 10 p n; tonight •hurxday April 15

l i l t s | |'|<y s | t | I y K 1 A N ( 111 HI II

Rev Robert Lloyd Sullivan p a s to r of H ights tow n f i r s t Presbv terian Church announce' Sunday services start at 0 So a m and H a m at Meadow Lakes Auditorium L ira Hoad. Sermon title Who Can I Turn To"1 by student assistant Jam es Grove ( hurch .school at ** 15 a m at SIM North Main Street Film Seminar

Where were You During the Battle of the Bulge in Lounge 9 15 a m high school students arid adults Thursday April 15. sewing Meeting 7 to p m Sun day A pril 18 J u n io r High

Fellowship Picnic 2 p m Middle High & Senior High Fellowship. 0 in p rn Monday April 19 Trustees 7 ) l p m Bible Study 8 to 9 p m Tuesday April 2<l Dorcas Society 10 a m Wed nesday April 21 Communicant s

-Class i p m Guitar Choir 7 p m

sy A y NTII i m ADA E M i s t ( lit HI II

Avsistan) Pa ' t o r Arthur Michael announces servo es • at Seventh Day Adventist Church IP. Broads- will s tart at 11 a i r .

April 28 Bible '-udv 4 Prqv -*r Meeting and Pathfinder Meeting

s x P At I s i t I HF It AN < H I Kt If

Kei Kotiert ( of St Paul s Li One Mile Hoad ai services start at Holy < ornmumon nursery care p social Hour toil, vice t hurch Sc through adult ' at Luther League Thursday April 4 in p m senior * hoir 8 p m Friday April |i Boy s Choir 4 in p ra Saturday April 17 Junior Choir I p m t ouples Club 8 p m Wednesday April 21 7th Grade Confirmation Class 7 p m Evangelism Committee 8 p m

H O P E It AP I |S f ( HI HI II Rev Walter Stuart pastor of

Hope Baptist Church lit- Broad St announces Sunday services Mart at 10 45 a m and 7 p m Morning sermon title Love A our

I 87 Make Honors*

At Hightstown HighThe following 187 students made

the honor roll at Hightstown High School

H of SF A G ra d e 9. F i r s t Honors Cindy Feese. Robert Lamattina and Carole Morales Second Honors Tim Byrne, Tim Doyle Renate Gross Michelle Hamilton, Steven Kessler Steven Met u an Michelle Shrum and John" Kluxen T h ird Honors S tephen K hlers and B a rb a ra Golden Grade It) Second Honors Donna Bradford Jane t Ktsch Barbara Kane Stuart Ltebltch F ra n c e s O r lan d o an d John Reynolds Third Honors Jodi F e ld m a n . Colleen G a lam b o s Joanne O n and Ellen-Schroeder. Grade 11 First Honors Joanna Shallv arid E liz ab e th Shea Second Honors Bonnie Babcock Leslie B a r ro n Kathv B ay h s Holly Clayton Wendy Haynes. Ina Surens ami Diane Spaeth fhird Honors Karen Clayton Grace Noonan and Cheryl Russo Grade 12. First Honors Susan Hancock and John Kraus Second Honors Gail B rad ley Bonnie Brink Nam . Downs Kristin Genthner Beverly Hanson David Jones Theresa Mal/onc and Robert Spero T h ird Honors Susan Hepbron

Hof SF 14 G ra d e 9. f irst Honors Lynne Schneider and Kathy Strong Second Honors K aren Baldus D iane Baron Joann Coates Merrill Melmck lames Kutch Maxine Eiger and Linda Wolstrcimer Third Honors R andle M atheson G ra d e 10 second Honors Karen Brindock Ann Miller Mary Palermo Jam es Phillips and Ann Spencer Third Honors Dorothy Brislin Grade II Second Honors T en Becker Rose Ann Malzone D av id R u e c k e r t Lynda Sm ith an d Diane T u d o r . Third Honors Anna Arrambide Loreiia Knauer and Eugene Snook t i rad e 12 Second Honors Nancy Hihuniak Theresa

\lerc(>r To

T r a d ()0

l i rs idrntsCharles V Mercer, presiding

m in is te r of the Cranbury Congregation of Jehovah s VAit nesses will lead no Its a i residents to .t Bible Assemhlv to be held April It- to 18 at the Cedar Ridge High School in Matawai

The group will hear Charles Smutko J r District Supersisor of Jehovah 's Witnesses deliver a public talk entitled What is Behind the spirit at Rebellion" a talk that will show the solution to the problem

Mr Mercer extends an in citation to all to attend this Bible ieacture on April 18 at ; p m at the high school

l .a-a^na Dinner. ' p, 1 i C - ' * ' s’ - . i: ■

will sponsor a Lasagna Dinner

April 25 in Laches Chape

si 50 for children The dinner will he sponsored t v the Baptist A xiih Fellowship ■ 448- 272;'■'22 44s 288 ’ 448 4 i to

reserv aborts

Byrne Diane Clark Kathleen Ibidul Susan Kittstein Nancy Ohveri J im Mackenzie Joyce i ’ossentino and Judy Peterson Third Honors Cynthia Paalore

H of SK C G ra d e 9, F ir s t Honors Karen Knoll and Barbara Sorens second Honors Kathleen Durner, Marion Goldstein Wendy Taylor and S a rah n Weiss Third Honors Karen Hepbron Linda Drttz and Lisa Ruden Grade 10 First Honors Laura Da riser Second Honors Nick Corcodilos Sharon Esakoff Michael Landy P a t r i c i a M endenko. Kenneth Peplow Nanette Reach Mary R eev es Vicki Ruden D ex te r Webb and Brian Andrews tirade 11 First Honors Patr ic ia Brown M arsh a G e lb e r and Wendy Wilson Second Honors Wonna Eng Joanne Lampkms Barbara Milted,, Joyce Price Pamela S an d y ck . B ruce S tack h o u se Kathy Lllestad and Milton Wood Third Honors Dianne Estenes Denise Eufemia Teressa Norris Rose Sirawsky Kathy Tuomisto and Sherryle Zydorski Grade 12 Second ifonors Pau l Cope Kli/alieth Koogler, Ruth Mazur Pamela Mount, Martha Reynolds H a r r i e t WVisberger B a rb a ra Weiss Ju lian Wondolowski and Poteen Wood. Third Honors Catherine Casper Lynn Finch Lynda Huhck and George Moss

HOLSE 1) G ra d e 9 F ir s t Honors Dons Sc hroeder Second Honors B a rb a r a M atheson Robin Parks Susan Shek.osky Kenneth Lemm Third Honors Jennie Davenport Donna Hitter and Alike Sheenan Grade in First Honors Steven Ku hnian < laudia C u m m in s Second Honors Clifford Schoti David Hill Mary Boniface and Gretchen Adams Third Honors Judith Radies and Helen Campbell Grade 11 First Honors Cathy H i t te r J a m e s Reynolds Laura Perr ine Susan Leconev Lora Krohkowski and Jeanne Houston second Honors Donna Reisnet Arielle Naylor Elizabeth Martin Susan Kessler Paul Jordan M anlee Jensen Lvnn Hoffman Chris Henry Holly Cox and Debra Hues Third Honors S tu a r t Jo h n so n and Doreen Breder Grade 12 First Honors C hery l S ta u d e r m a n Bonnie MacDonald and Richard Feese Second Honors Brenda Wright John Waiblmger, Carol Tatt Katiiv Szczepantk Linda S ch ro ed er Jo h n R u eck er t Richard Murray Sandra Lun store! Diane Haig Jan ice Fly Debra Britten Janice Bozowski Carol Appleget Third Honors

A . lllk soPhyllis Mount Laurel Kessler Mark lmbrie. Jam es Mention andKv ely ii Kish

F ir- t < l ia r tc i 1«>< o n - t r u c t B r a n d i I n I vs i n H i \ c r -The subdivision request for

bank construction filed tn Allan Frank >f Twin Hi vers before tht Fas? V\ mdsqr l owoship Planning Bturd la>' uct'k \^a> reported

the First Charier National Bank to i-c located m-rth of Abbmgtor. Drive and Route 43 The reques' tor subdivision was approved

Kirs' Charter National Rank

C L A :urda> th Dr

v April 2c Houi Aednesdav Apri

Women s Bible c lass 1 u a f I R s 1 B A P T I S T ( H I Rt H

•wisM hlackm er pastor ts tow n T rsf B ap tis t Ma .street announces erv ice s tarts at 10 a m

are and church school .choniers sermon bv Jac J r rut assisting will be Bradiev Church school [es at jo a m Thursdav A out! ( hoir 7 30 p m hoir - p m Saturday Junior ( hoir 1 30 p m

April 18 Registration for .1 < apital Cluster of

n Baptist Convention of rsev at First Baptist of Princeton 2 p m p n P- ogram of sacred Life of ( hrist in word with combined choirs of luster 7 15 p m Wed

esdav April 21 D ia c o n a t e leeting Laches Chapel 8 p m

T I R s r t N I T F I )MT ri iom sr ( lit R( H

l a v Walter ! Gandek pastor if First Ctided Methodist Church. 87 Stockton St announces ,unday services start at If a m errnon idle The Language of

i ,.:>d i hurt h School a! 4 45 g^m W ednesday April 21. Mary Martha 1 ircle at noon Trustees Meeting 7 p m Finance Com

itfeeAssy M K 1 A Oh G O D

Assy M B! A o y G O D ( Iff Rt H

Rev A Ido Maselli pastor of .1 ( . id Church Bank 4 M echanic S t r e e ts , an n o u n ces Sunday services s iart at 11 a m and 7 ;K> p m Church school at 9 45 a m Sermon title Hard To Believe Wednesday April 21. Fellowship Hour 7 30 p m

Elks l nit Installs OfficersInstallation of office.v was ri row) Anithony Martino. Trea Sweeney .Loyal Knight Bai> Byba, Esttuite Nicholas J Po and O tto tc.ker E vecutive T m.


All with very low mileage 63 67 Dodqe, Inter , GMC, Ford Chew

Vans Racks Tractors, Econol.nes Larqe selection of new trucks

one day credit approval


201 752 1500 Pjscdfaway. N J

s t‘c Faste r ^limvThe Ai^tu^in , club Senui;

( itizcns ut Hightstown plans . bus trip to attend the Fiaster show at Radio City Music Hail on Thursday; April 22

The buy will leave the parking lot of the First Baptist Church on Mam 8 a m Tickets including the hus cost $4 30 per person Anyone in terested in joining the tr ip can contact* Mjrs Calvin Perrine of 137

O B / r i A

,t J NDON M At 105

Bird Bi j M‘l ’*'lli >VvIs Brc-rntf il B\y'1 n d ( . c a d e B


u | »11 -

a \\ r m L

n a p ter in \ t'tOrai

f»i Lodgt*

i> emptuxeo .!\ the f>i

i* Fort l>i\ ident of the Lmn> Club

: ot ' jp i ta l Dt hied

He v k a v A m enejn

:r.d ciders trom Mrs F Brand:" and Mrs Kath\ HiH‘ksBia v

presented a mustedl l'he Pied P ijh*! o! Kamehn

Ihe performers v\ere Belinda Chan Lynne v hapiratr Annetlt He \\ m i. inda Jo n es F l ie r ouen> Tamms Radies Dor:> Velasquez Laurn- WiHiard. V a k\ F in ch Lisa L am e S h o rn Grisham, Uavni Kidd. J ean Mai a \K h adden. Bills Applegate Mark

.B srn e W alte r H e n h inarmt h ristt H u r s f h l e r MiteheliK.i rp A lit■n Kovvai ivichard OttJ ' - ' u r •, !\ ir.c ,i-i

L mi daughter rne> Shiill Ru kv 1 or re" Gerrv' AAuItt Asht >\ Princeton W. g ti in Don A4• Itkou sk i

a IKI All" . Alioiii of Wind eph*m i v K enede lto RebecV .1>t»r drs Lenta B BtMisor Susan Bowt•rs Janna■ on of Long t h ( aid f hrcc 1 ".J Jt T e rr i P r i se .Oil. M arie

ithe i ' I, )c»na i O n tral Point H;J JT A 1 } |ton Heidi Hrab. Lois Jolly■got'. H t»! iHurricane D,»nna .1ordan Then Seek.ih Kit hard W esd minis ler S-in 'i . Sv.oenev Anna A artiakislit Hire ers Mrs Kenneth .1.1me> \ mmean. l'he.odore Beil.

Ga ista Mt*siLi ( aid Mrs Fr ank Fe'niaridez Monlc HallcilFd dtt* R. * ,f s now t lake Joihn Her !h*iT Stephen Kaminski\ r izotui ;VI f s B i imphell of A! ieha t*! Kellv Krnesto.Sal :! J Rtxs Hit Hi »dru jut P h il ip Selt?ck>

f uncial serv tees wer e held Iasi E !ede r te k Sc lnesk . i .L imesW t•dnesd.i\ f i t t»t' G lai kin w a Ike;r. Mover, Ron:t a rn ha andh un t* r a l Horn 1 U» M orrison id Bomnard

A’liue 1with the Ktcv HughHu them of i he F s n -I I 'm tedMt t i h W m dsor } or f tm! t»arg vin’s a I.eck theoi tm at ing trm i[•nl wa> in the ieii .tils tn thr* Windsor-A c ter a n> sect ion oi Princeton chtsMemorial Park Robbinsvtlle

T E M P L E S H 0 L 0 M

sffoit AtttiquPB SALEApril 1 8 and 1 — 1 2 .Noon to 9 P .M .LI INCH • DINNER • CO FFEE BARDonation - JL25 With This Ad - »!.*•

TEM PLE SH O LO MN« Bridge St Somrrvlllr

1 Mile North of Somerville Ina

Some banks have lowered interest rates on savings.

W e h a v e n tW c'rc still paving our savings customers the high­

est inrerest rates offered h\ anv full service bank.

• 5rf on Golden Passbook Accounts.

• tin 3 to 12 month Savings Certificates.

• \ ] i rf on Regular Savings Accounts.

New Jcrse\ National is the largest bank in Central New Jerse\ with more than > n million in Capital Funds afid over S500 million in total assets.

Your all-around bank

Page 9: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups



Cl assi f i ed Rat es F roe For i l l Help H anted Help H anted Help H anted Help Wanti d Help V I anted Situations Wanted

IKNi K l> "F I Kl-

Help H anted

0 T E M P O R A R I E S

Vtleii lo r elCf* ! ‘fit I or ' weeks

i H mining Mav >f v ,t - Prtru ott

lilt vpj I'

avail t

isxHicti <!«i!


iv jhfs with 4 r«s?M»»isil

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H* Ippofti\vt>v t?

•vpritHi*H dehn

rsotrl .1,M < up, |f*K‘I I «*sun

uarv KeuI id on Path* after

Pi no-ton \

d a UP 1 \U

v \ Uli I , p \ Sot DutdciJ s . *itU e'.1:1"! ,i , C kfltiVV ot oH :ViM'Hfdun*" hull t im e o r p a r t me BepK to Box 79 Wimiscr

liUhts Herald lliiihfstnvvn

i W TA ST K \ K \ \ I d p ; uHh e x tr a incom e »nd vour i*otenluil Kind out wh

t m un?d

i t‘t I la L tf fhv l

Ht SIM SS O! I KI*, k--,i. Bin u


Paik \ j I l j<it y r IhrhtN IK Ml,! 140 Winn St Hiviil'itow a \ t oOO-44x mn | I jv lut I , 1‘i'H UnuiNU i. V Pit fHl I » I r.I , I t.U'i M«> 4 1 tin

F rev For i l l

1 < *1 .1 .11- 1 v r - tu .de pun-ltr .B l in d m on,* e v e o th e r w i tiealrhv (deal im tiirtn < . il l’ t

1 HI- I : I I.AliKAIMHI 1 -I■ itiltlt-n l ie t re iv e r (lupine- looking Im lainilu-s 7 i,,( Mack (emal'e l-upim-- l u u - t a i l e d lilt- in kit* h« n ttili til ea t- dogs .mil■ hdilivn i ,tlt it j i ,7 ;; .d ter t< p in

■W I K HltDAHli u H h f t AToH-.I ,* even ing- m n igh t- Her n.inent sm a l l N assau St iiltii e

<;a i . h u d a a

IVt sonnet division ol growing imsuiting i t rm needs .til a ro u n d

t in t to k e e p th in g - r u n n in g -i tuxilhh i Om c n i lor ttejlads and . ikkT typing -kill- m r o M f . V\«■ ol lot ,i -tn.ifl t ongem al ofti* e u t i l s jti .id b e n e f i t s l i b e r a l

.i ra t ion .tnd holiday p lans I-or mol** nloi m a t ion call mm a i l il l >o

St rt-ll.tllll Artdtll i < iMIMjlUinl- i 4 \ \ i tshm gion l td

H um eton Junc t ion % ,1 \ n 1 ,t| i Hiportunity Em ployer

1 I l.l I ’l l u M s( |{ \ f. a i \ IT H V I I V W K S no - r i l in g to ■oik f r o m < ip tm o n K rs t-a t • h

» ' r Hi oiit ion !.• .it -hopping • onU’i on \ H a r r iso n s t re e t ' lu l l - .'lie I" i oi t p tti 4 |> m io p in < p in 8 p tn 8 p momlimtllt soon wt-tkontl sstirk n o t e - s a r i Kxprt'iwiia* hr lp tu l twit wit j j t t c s - a r s in a iII t r a in (kill' . Vlon f .......... 'i in uni • p in nock d as-

| 'I •) H VI < •({■ t« rtoriftsi or

kill- p to tr -m s s

S T VI I s T H U , t l K KIi . p e r m int-ill lull tiint- jsisitiiin tor - ta t ■ ‘to k M a th 11a , 'k g r o u n d -iV<(uoct| 1 lutios i onstst ol m i d m g and •h o ik in g s ta t is t ica l :• -pof! '

I V I ’l s T I •< i iruint-ni lull tunc iiositron tot tsprst \ H s i ex IMTieni t‘ pret-errcxl

I ’A H I ;n All . K K V P V N C H 1 d 'l li \ I . d; I 'ernianent part toil, kes purtt het \(ipt (iximatels *o hours jut week esi-mngs At j 11 . a - i Aftet it-nre rt-i(uired

' M"

JKX I It \tu n

.11 1 tlUtill - 1 e t| tdeiti-K Hlea-e eal

in .r |>)it> iilment

j i r u d im li jqi jyy i,772

■ HI- li I I- Ni t- It t \ v \ h l f ;i iM .l i AAIMKH n e e d e d to-ist tti - v - t e tn - design andi g i a n u i u n g nl e x p a n d i n g

i i | ) r ie ta ry - e r v u t ■ < u r r e n f i>e ra t tng I ni: -eenni i g enera l ion

i \ \ \ l . l s t K M M o H I!• d- someone to help , a r e lot

• I! i hildn-n list- in or d a 11 ekertds and e s e m n u ' t ree t .,

lit it s|- K K k l 'K H M I- HI- l>1 oils alt-seen! m o th e r ss ' th .’ -m all

hddn-n needs som eone to • lean • nil do laundry J d a y s a week

iissn ti . i i i 'p o i t a to in n t-eess iiry

ipm ent


r r a n g e tor an **.’ 4 e \ l

n e r l m g to fourth ill M ant 'dem W*A -

Jp IX h tN \U -.sp AH< \ U D H P\ I l o r n son st - P n n u ' to r i \ .!

(\[: poi tumtv emplos et

\ | t \ I- l; l i | s | \ ( , s M .K s Hh 1 .1’ U :W ' t k d | tot t e n t r a i J e r s e y weekly Mtjssspaper sa la ry open.I sjH-i u-iuje TH‘eessary Ml replies < oidideutii il H n t e liox lf,*U t o Hi nee! on j I’aeket

m i n i s i

iiuput!:* Ot in eo sss it

i d ( t re le t l t d ping I- xt el lent

f i > If Nil AI s H ((K l AHAI M ■it-> I- AITN » or l-riiHC .111

HI II.DINl . A ( AB1N W I- hn\ e .1 vet deal e r \ iee oof of l*i * 11*1.11i v d l o f f s d i m fed tow ard(lu 1 i m a n k i l l hen unit Kullv l«*red m '>lur Si >ovv -|mr!- A, fv plUii tee h n u al dot unit- n i- lor.-let ll U , Xuik : Inirnei - tm e eat IniLi u* l• vvrlr\ a I im in.d p n n f uik m ust fm- t onin v n ref n tfei aloi t om e v\ erf a oinIf irnrv N. dele i rriHN lor i leftttiiu- dHHit detxiil and aide to».'l »K7 f » y. l> m Mon Wed ,X I n , «m 111 ! xfejxv no irt V (*s1men! 1 SC * ’ th rough a ss ig n m e nt> <d

*i Hnv H if1*01 ) ' and uide|H-nden!l'* Light: e \ | • 1[ a n a l c l e r i c a l (tu t i c -

< o m p o v io e x p e i te n e e dr <1 o r w i lbn^ne^s t̂ u learn

« o m n ie n su ra te vv dh exl 1 .l f l Y s < H f xV l.t i V 1 Nl, i F \i rl lcn! fn-nefiits ( til!kill • Uf L’JMM j home ‘*74m i > ,11 to*' ** 1! H . lb exl 242 for' - ni l t a Mi 1 VI if

< *edIni’ IM {tirnur Unlit \■ f tv )ibr,nr MM |*ii h Hi anee ton Id 1 1 1 1 | \T V KKM* \R< H

* Ai h in \ r d I- Kitten- id le r box l ri .reir\ 1 * l»ni2.f 111nr! ol stieolokpfia t ned iri ■e lo LilxKf home i t;. nf o m i .H: on 1 o ■ I’D©mini itittf, 'TH - tdm \>* .n, fe (Ml N .!*71 « (Mil f .I'-N. IVl 4 04417

■ I I H1 HIM! s h. lit V.ettnansh e ( 'herd 1hwlit < oHh* ; week- nit!

INsJ HI ti l It iNS

I m i f t l>.lt’ < VH1- I- Its

i o m U itc r I ’ntgi am in tng - omptijei s« rs it e Technology

-i las it nil I setting ( lasses

1 1 ; tl ;t t̂ t omfiuter tor ! Student 1 a-

I a te t tm e I ’laeem en t Assistance


1 tu I n . Jtooklet wri te ©t -*hont- • 'll let I l ie a I II K HI p m

■ '41*1 ■*.’4 .," t s \ ' ' s ' 1 "TUI- .KT I ’K I V Kt'ON N .1

Applet t il lot A e te ra n s t ra in ing

IK d SKWh l-.l’ t-.H K e l t . M i ltail: s • Ill'TIllngs a wk SJ [tt-f 1 i itwo I tanspoita lion . Call so;"*: 4 . 4 Needed m im e d ia te l .

all 'I ’} ‘11*17


T H E C L O T H E S C L O S E TMooUjoniefy Shopp ing Center

f i t 206 R o ck y H t l l 'N J

Please cat! 201 683 1&06Ask for Mr Seeman

s | ‘ h h • i l l t K A kale ApplyM a th i.umltet t o Maul St AA ntlsot ' m: s , ,o th ol IMuhts tow n

s | t HI I AHA W AN I I- 11 lor legal ollice with a genera l jtra< l i t . 'll I * t a n c c lo n I a ga l e \ ee r ten t t- p r e f e r r e d (-or ap

oin tm ent ■ all *!.'4 , >oo AliM-rt t Har. les J , Ks<|

IH N'l Al, Hl-J K I ’T IO N IS T I ’leasani mtMlern oil ice i letxi- a m a tu re iK*rson w Ihi en joys talking10 jH-o|tte has e x p en e u c t11 . on) keejnng an d l a s m m eres t0 the heal th profession Salary

< t im i t te n su i alt* Vo e x p e r i e n c e Send r e su m e to Box Ifiklt i o1 *i utt t*!«ttt f ’acket

SW !T< HIM >AKI l Kl- I.IKI- ulM- H ATt HI

I Mease i all lot allot m a lu m

M il < AHHIKlit LlNIt Belle Mead, N J

3011 ;:>«* :sim

WOMAN I’ AH I 1 I M 1 l igh t - leaning duties ol mode! hom e- -7 i >er hr ( all H It Ki Ml A At HI7S • e tw een I l . 448 iHtttt

HOI S K K K K I ’I-.H ■ l .u w r e n es die . day s, a week Heeenl • Je t efu es l 'ail .‘.Mi. 0441

\ l list- UN ol i . l ’N ; so I’M to I ’M ai II I'M to 7 AM 1’a r i

tune Fot interview eontacl Ad m im s l ra to r S u n m l te ld Nursing I l iu m *,i M apfew (tod A w . i.inliurv tlilt* ;<i. ot,4i

ii A id ti.AA 1- one m orn ing a i*ek in ^ - i *- * r h e Hightstowt • I t e r B e g in n i n g s Day ( a r e titer needs sou 44k A7:4


0 7 - Y E A R O L D C A T A L O G B U S I N E S S

Montgomery V\ard is looking for Sales Agents Hu^ band Wife team on a ftall t ime basis E xperienced in sales and m an ag em en t

This Franchise doe * no t rt*qu»re a larg*' inves tm ent Progrxim is ck'signed to furnish Aueni vvitt- .» reads m arke t pre sold cus to m ers and imm edia te c o m m u

Everything is n\,ade a v ad able f rom store f ix tures dis ptav material a n d Cata logs to your training with plenty of e n em n a g e m e n t You wifi retain a favorable percen t age of the profits

Writ* today giving y our n am e address and te lephone number with c o m p le te quahticatiron-s* to Agency De ve topm eni D e p ar tm en t 4 1 Montgomery Ward Sr C om pany 1000 Sou th M onroe S tree t Baltimore Mary land 21232






\ ( » l \ l b*L‘ >\ F i >

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Sonia w n

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1 AM iHIA KRs M Nl .K1 till and irt It me over 21 vearsOl ll!«- J < K N i dnvmi! recordsh o u ld ha vi know ]« dge olHightstowt l .a - t W incise>i ar«*aLate mode N.ih clean t . li- Highf.irtuui ‘i.i lai u’- t all 4-4K I2H2

1 AM UHIV H,s t | i ai.e:i nil and p a r l im e >\i*r 21

(Mis of ag e Ide-il toH tor« olleiie liu - w tl.IV < ill h cleannew -ah .11''- 1 ).iv a IK! m en muwork unit, no lab tnti- shouldhave knm ledg< ut Might-townl aU Wind soi a i* a We . i-o have

»• sH Pir. itf.o

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< i 1 KK M All HIM >kkl 1 l’IN(.40d 1) plflL IU v ik orji dv \ ariwi,*ttu 2 iltilit - \pp [y \tmh l iurdH.‘i ( oMain M \\ i


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‘»i \ 1 n >s nfoi m> lurm shedW**lk 111 1 ru n t don Law t eneev illtArea r ffi .i(iti rail 201 52d i»02i

III I.H W ANTT D in Iitx ome aci aunt ext M. Ul IV e and lim itedpa rt net ti* lien- ton plan ting anddivest men K im ne— Alu- ! f *e a f i l e

xupjmrl M‘lf ! mam salt v for tvHmoldli- Htdire i exeeuli ves alsomax in mtei esbxi 1 nlttn ilt*dtirs»bie intent ;al 1' dice ton

iiK'at n*n *♦21 7 OH 4 tor ap

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1 HS KS It N

y f J • j m • positions, nl.ihii 117 .1 m

111 "fit .d or j>s■« ehuitrusala ic> adit ■ : f0t

<-<iu4 alton exiK-md ve < ont r a c t Hi rsut e N J\« uro l* .v life Box

. . . Cnu r lo l \ J MY 1M> 04(Ht t(U,d .,.(

W.e IllM-r 1ft

Ik-net it*. tiru-x Set

-! 11 i N s

i l ll UM

t1 \ vouitp (V \ m Call

npt*d> "if u»n

su ml.i\ i

i \ t «E' n i u oton WIDOW M i

KomUli l*.irk . in-pur

v "irtiin:r r kHI

i »HL i Mon D>n tun being an

i»*t*t \\ i.ok N

• V 1 i I t XI l- M i l EI\ I- sKi Ki ! AI: A d e - i r e - pcrtn.llUMtl hi- turn M.ituta r e - i m n - J d e

inetieultMt- A i . n l a l d e m i uied '. ite li I’n n t eiun only Heply : ..IX *.'« I ’> : 1 .-ton I ’.Ifki--


IM AN I M AN At. I li -t«*ei.ilty ■ttului t’t ol eont[HHItHl> eri. imei- ' J_ • tit 1 i . i r m - h e - I .e to ten \ e . t r - xjn't o-nei ri p n « 1ut tion (dan

m ne -t hedtiiing and -tuck control neee—a n . Will r eq u ire a -elf M.tiling n d u iduai with proven j j , ‘

HI I AKA Hart t im e (HhiO e Ait < ’ - (Hlhllt i c n v-ell A (i- a - e n -e o| Immot t all 106


t-xpei e tn a at h a n d l i n g m e n Heplv t o C e n tra l Host Box I t - Kendall Hark

t s i ­lled

m i c e I

SIT i 1 N<, s i ITtoi su m m e r nuMl a I e a 1 1!

jirote-soi wile an d 2 laugl let K c le ren ee - li . .J , i. Hi itn tMtin H a d e

A H U Nn lt i- m i e r s i ty y t old pB Box

H ulsE A A IA t-S . a r n all about H I 1 I AI I I - I AI D o.x-k- toll a - a m n . l l u n k in g ma k e up a n d • ot b a b is t t t e . W n t,

teat--it Otlmrs t all A audit Beauty l , , m |5whU’' J4’ , , u 'nn1 utn-elor- >«i. HH,.i ton N .1

on paH li IN* I TON I .in ATKIt l o i n ! 'AA • AH I- tot i e ta i ded child in

l,tl> p l e a - a n t t o u n t r y h o m e n e a r - c c r r t i i r i Hentungton I enetxl in |>la\ a rea

,, It ;tli,X l-oi Ilnur- llexibie > o-t rea-ottaliie’(*! T M (l v4M)

ut 1*1 MTI

>»• »kknp<tj < all 7.!T

1 Al t sT All \ i Hi ne at diverimadi m of f ice needs 2 m o res h‘K p<MipU- to 0tdp handh ' Mli easifjti: t raff ic m v reside*(diallie- 1 .■cense t»re let ted I iut willun-idei siHHisoriniL jMTsi*ri withntpet i|U.i!di(.i,i alls ( aft MrI time! a! Ha-lev Heal 1 - tide.'4 «Hi7K

N( i i s e ;s im<At T i l ' AT

'• ISlf loll s available in tin •die,ill Ml

II Ai 111 Hs -eekitig -u m m e i ; him tig AA -II i . Mili act uiteiiii! extei nil I \ | h-i 11-Meed t all .d ie t 1 , p m • l; i: .1 t ot . .’to,

p -v i Jn a lr ic - e r t lee- Musi tie i-I.gdile lol iiet-hsure a - an I. H N i, N T s ta r t in g -a la ry Si, :tt4>

7i»iiiu;illy t o n tu c t P e r s o n n e l ) t j} lu t N ,1 N e u r o H s y c h ia t r e t I n - td u te Box inoe H nneeton N ,1 mm 4t>i. ilVoti An eilUill o(i poiTundy enfiployer

sl-.i li t I AHA EVe paid to! Me,(surer light -fiorthaiKl - .d a nto $7, 700 :

u l J N D M A AA HE.HSt iNNI-.l. 17.47 Hnneeton Ave

TT euton N .1.‘to 4iH7,

At < E.l’TTNl, AHH1.H ATTUNS ; It out m en and w om en lo lea rn !

general facility work (ms-aBlc part 11mi work Afiply in pe rson • IM ineeion ( t iem u ai H eseareh lit

■ ,’im l io ek i Hill N .1

1 H I T I All AA i n i j • W u K K M iSli. ‘ [ed m e ■ o ■ uli-red .Um like ■. work w il; w ' 4«i I 'all .Mil 107’

4w h y y o u s h o u l dJ OI N OUR FAST G R O WI N G I N T E R N A T I O N A LO R G A N I Z A T I O N

s200 Draw


O ‘ *l >| >aPvan

< substu iluitlv

W ' • f i I- 'Hi,

V V : )I VSto, ktnt

7- ’ :l' f l” f.ii »• IKjl ’ OfF iW io u 1-. A ttisls. E afTious

Wt f t e dud f ,jiiif>u*i Pbotci‘ITEtJlIuu ■ f Ol 4>»’( ',0» lei I |E*fVD*VV

Wnr«* ot Cali CoUh« ?I .uu Pastor 1 H f’UDiri Mljr I

1b N ether lritttj A v«Apr a c >

Bfor.* C i 1 f)4 / 1?Vy S4“ 1/4

POSITIONS AVAILABLES e c re ta r ie s . I .e r a , R e sea rch an d ( ie n e ra l l i - i x . . S te n c s . D ic ta p h o n e O p e ra to rs , B ookkeep t-rs R ee^ je io n isls . PB X . K ^ i P u n c h NCR O perator* , p ro o f h t- tb-rx 'e x pe r i en c e d 1 M a th e m a tic ia n s BS d e g re e I.ah and A dm A s s is u n ts R e g is te r F re e w ith

f. i . W w i fa r d t Co.

PRINCETON EMPLOYMENT AGENCYh rn Oldest Reliable PreUige Af?ent:> in Princeton

352 Nossou Street Office A Tel h o - r s 9-5 Mon th ru Fri





Day shift. Monday Friday

MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST W eek fends Day shift

every Sal & Sun

Contact Personnel Office


Princeton N J 08540 '609i 921 7700

FBEEl|||̂ 'F/tee/ I FREE



tsrvd tI i >' ’ ' ■ "-py il D-uiri iKv **-h-v;' they <***’

itl 1 W/4 ', /&& ■' JO0 Vf4-!h^rUj /,

> r MUI r»d (>> • • ' ’ ■* K' ' Pfyf, I*a« ► **•P̂ mceton N J 08M0


Page 10: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups


Tho Lawrunoo Lodgera

Situations W anted Announcements

C L A S S I F I E DBargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Md*t.


VI anted Bets and Animals Autos h or Sale

I M i \ 1 H V \ \ I l<H t s f fo P

UoKK M VV| Kl) Im eror ex t e n o r (limit in’ w a l lp a p e n n g ■ iT.itn** lilt- a .iik Carpet and llimr til*- and linoleum i7 * ,, r -

'i< x w e r tc w e Hi .1 sniiabit ra te si .ill WW 7'*X 2072 .ill* r ) in

I NPEfUENi Kl> DIRE student ni Trench desires position Mot her > h c l |» r June i , sept I • vuth family traveling in either Kuro(H‘ or th. States but out'id. Princeton site. laJiy yoking l-ght hou'i-lti ' (img i ,.r • >q children Pleas. i ill •. 4 ;: !_•

■jK'li < iHHi'rii I \ u ' - i :

! I Ilt'pxl l.lllli! I"

I In.ill Pt ".<

hut: dav M atu re U» ’-up-

r » r y torLa w i

t i l k l . st u t -| i R. m (I ’ . 1. Barn v 11* li.ik< -'.ill ('on'. I< !< \i i ! ■ 7th !m Kelly I arm , Mmiisrw Hii.ii! P in j e t Donation?, ap 1'H'i i.ttcd,ioi pick up i all 4.72 ((428 • ml 7'*x OHIO

HOI SK< LEVNJND Mon Wed or l ii ido not a i»h steady work nn tv o ccas io n a l d a y s (Iwi transportation ( .ill 2#7 IBs

i OLLEl.l I 111- ,s!i VIA N a .it. MSI ,io<l Si Lite Saving eert W sites clllpiox moot J> sw.ltli,*m

Vl> i X

Persona Is

'Iruetoi and MejSiard I te a c h in g and gu a rd in g p e n e tn e I- \ t ellen! re! Ini.ill', relialile Marvelous kni*. | ’tease t all i-8#* I *’1.1


M I sT MI Ns 1 ER ( Hurls ( id , l.l- D i s tuden t d e s i r e s nouse s i l l ing s i tu a t io n tor su m m e r nioiillrs June Aug in Princeton area Reply Ifeik »,( M f C Princeton

i u N s f IKNTIOl s ( \I !K I It MINDED individual capable of a mking without su j ien isioti and m ak in g d e r i s io n s seeks c h a l le n g in g A resp o n s ib le (Misition a here abilities can lie utildi/cd 12 A i s exp a? exc. s e e r e ta rv oilier* unit asst I* isonnet ixgi Mi lie liny lie*' i a Princeton Packet


I- as! am! th u d mugs supplies

!(t ji in i all appointment

VKT \ l i T l< ! \VPK1I. 24 1X71

Pi e\ lew K to ** |i ill Auction X: t(i 111

D m pie lieth shalom '< Stallworth Hoad Kendall Park \ , l

Ml work a u th e n t i c a t e dguaranteed I tom prim ments Vitmissum si

and relresh

sAil.INti on a 22 sloop squash lessons sauna hath will Is- some ot the items to lie auctioned in i special si lent 'service auction a new feature ol \uetion P tee tera at the I tu t .m an * hutch ot P n n retort Vpnl '4th Also a r t gourmet flea market .children's entertainment lunch and eight olhei 'bo o th s p lus really log auction

- I D ! Mi n U i S Cherry Hill "km sci \ st hoot forming a' class to s tart m Sept i aJ.I x.'4

V ou must not miss seeing IHI \IU H l l 1 1 1 i It M MAI I- K

I 'O U IL H S A D H A M IN i.s tn I- nghsh art .s ts ot the i**th i e n tu n at The Drawing Room Med Thurs Err DA sat to t thru \ |»r• 24 only U M itherspoon St Pi nit eton

IHi A id I l U t - ROOM KDH ONI Ml IKK Hundreds ot children hlaek mixed race tuimltcapped white oi black or Indian school age children brothers and sisters.

■^T' i i to rm . i l ion ca ll KaiiJthes tor interracial VdopH.m Mrs s . ,**24 : . .2 cl Mi x He m

PH I Nit Kl MM M d ' M i .P l lN s iIU f P H\ M s. s , ,) ■KINi I- I'DN l M T F 1 ’ Ml HI IDIST P in Ut'H \ . e - .

Prltd \ amicxcntei Axcnue eton New .terse’, sail a eld a: s , , .d H,, ; I " u s,; ,2nd trolli i m \ M W 1 « nd t-1 ii!,..x . 1 ; *t >t mil 4 I*1 P \1 Men.tiers ring and hu> a r tu ie> M trough t t i i ! ;c s i l .n Pul'in ' i g ns Diursd educ t ion s t a r t s at door 'nd.iv P i. k up s ta r 's at . ' \1 V' a u

Von! p V] A M

n d a iS.i e

Ndurday mm Mmidiix T to

448 .S-t.’fit’ lor an

D A K i MID PAIHA tlo|M-wel! N ,)

Sat Apt IT 1*471 at I on p ill I lona I ion >l hi tiring >oui own cards make up vikii own t.dile Dessert and tatile prizes For lurthei inhu mation call one ol the follow mg a lter t, no p m

Mis M II Sangston ,lt tiki 04*1 M ss tiei aldilte Smith UK. 0747


si l FA 1 >1V !Ni. > t/l JPM'FNT 2 N I ", ' .e'k- ' ,Cesses, suds t» f t I lake

new ' ardiv Used « .ill o n 02**1 it 7

.!' i usi-d ■

■ark ' jo e jttus .‘j , U'.'Hi

mi'sa tut


IV IN>,•ei t on.

KihiVI tu rm t i i It.d .a Prov halt 1 .til HK2


K F !

S M ] N

Vs i*. L.i


e! e h a i r ­ier c ream tots ' wicker1 . hhI si-a . t'ofi desgs■ / ' ,t 7. h VJat.voiles

■ hes! ■ \i. (. .cweler .7 watch

►.!•! ' iathe apoth chests . i, sTcdiA P. VKN h li .i.FD M) fit VluDt ' ll . 'i P i th FI)

. i iit VI KV t I KNITFRF NTs jo .:i» M No Somerv ille

< jcli Pluekemin N .1Tv.M.d Ih io u g h su n no

d ' i t l i t \LVKlNf i h fee ■ lochiai V.' te' Foodkits Box

; ( Vlomiiouth Junction N j

NVlil. i»Ht M v!7 Hair i tipper i i s4 11 . -.i ie s 4 Hand Lawn

T '4 44k 77.17

M Vss.h \! l h K ia SDN i. VKid N (KM T u K s new used 7j. I* I'sii r Hi 1 i N .if'se- B . I: .r

L a ! 7 oKK7

, > Iiunnnuqr

less (hat tajna '!• Pi4t: i iT.Pi


, d i l \ INI, i n i n s VNt.KLKs sirouml the 20th ol April Riders needed to 'hare driving .V ex ■ jieilses Call Bruei at 1(0*1 02 41441

Via ' t iH td . l t s VN<>NV Ml 11 SHI I.P VNj;> I N H d t M VTJuN I VI.I. IHS4 >*24 . 1*12

I- V F i t V R<d*v is hooked on something Join the |a-i(ilt who are doing something about then hangups I r\ entiling in t it M K ‘*21 712 ■

Ri V Whirlpool e thru oxen door1 i 2 dun .'el! g nth 44. .

VLPUHoLIt s VN1 1 NV MtH s m eets e v e n s .a nite in Kendall Park For information write in liiiitidenee In P t l Box 1)2. Kendall park


B Mp . Pine 1 sluule

VIN DB,. 1 •xei greens s

20! 44>i 11*1/0

1! MI I V s It) |* \B 1 Vlt N Is K IKI *

PiiiKi-mn Shopping ( ’enier

1 mtoruis a Speetaltv

I ni Nurses M a dresses Maids jiiix Murk etc In

tile \ d ried ■ 'nu s

I.DSf, M i l l , I I I easitv health tull> no starving Send S| Healiti Die! Box itiSHi Trenton , N J iklliHt

I Hi )M 1new Le

< HU, ANie (>

Mapii like 1 .1 If 1*0*1 7H7

V 1 d N<, VI\N j , intelligent and last to learn interested tn lear mng to s|M-ak Siiamsh and rom i 1 illation ot Italian and Puerto Rican P refe r female partner lor 1 ompotihditv tint also concernisi w ith non enghsh s h a k i n g couples 01 (S-i sons and or groups college

Indents etc Phom ito t .4247 ask tor Roll

Mil V 1 11 H \V 1 Nr; DIF( I' I I TV gelt 'u .■at xmirctMiiee I will assist vpu in tindmg tile setiool which is rigid lor vnu Vlis I f (d.lx *424 t”ii.

II! \ | I R i Ni l) BDV wants It* live with tam ih atHHd 1. week- from lulx 1.7 Milling to tutor math phv-ies Details Mrs Sommer *121 *»42ti

Bargain Mart

I l(.H I M t it ill I t ’lastu (wllettsII -tis k all m / cs w dl hold to 4 (*1*1

!hs I iRt Ml I 1 I IIRF 14) *hh.*<

DAK VDi s M i (71 i enter St ITeuion sa t V|n 17th ** .» China imndiir* t ins tools .V mist

in Ml s 'U N D Ih d s i s' i 'i i\ fD ihh! ClHMbtllHi >4(1 ( .lit 1.00 7*4** 2H72 a lter 4 !H

IB « i\ 1 R P 11RT V1U f M VSHf |{1 ! vears .tUl fixeellcnl con • I ’ 01 thought new tot s i Tii liest' * H i “! { -IH' HIl »«H

Kl NVIiiR!1 aHeot cor M 1 ' tier gnBalC tin ')

RIB used.if! 124 >41*41

.AS DRV FR ex ■’U .v Vuti*m.ilK working condd on •■a** 44). 7B84-

condition 01 evening

F Kolarv Mower *4*. h-p Laddei *7 i.oth . r oh! 2 piece ses

Hu h >27 4 *(»■•*(! 1 A rart.diie Phonogr.qih -

'L D F t HNITI KF ot ever, descnpl in Til*>usand* ot lee! t-i

l oW'e th ro u g h Viwa . '•aneth-ng d i t fo ren t la rg e s to'iiwtnih ai Butks ( .Hintx Da I-

to to . in Closed Sunday f dtson Furniture* Dm tost own

c ti .a range 'e e , r> old VIso

■ a otter takes

> v H - . l i t IHI B BU K ST TAN t R i f Mil. ND VTIUNs and l«*obh‘ t the World financing Socialist’! ommiansirs ■1.1.r n .n a t .ng out t ons t i tu t io n . .■ro(iertv rights i oinjH-titive trei- . uti l (»! •• the producing Middle * .lass R ead The Naked

• (id.cost available hs ,d stores Pi -m eion-

I VN 1 VSTH I on t ood and . i.g.nri d Auction f j e e te r a ■ t.ii'ian- 1 hutch ol Pnnceton

N.. tilt ilav April 2 4th .Kiev on oioth is I .Irens entertainment am h ,ma 1 new feature this \ e a r

.enf sejw ice auction 1 nme and • a 1 omputer l im e stiuash

ic 'soils or max tie a weekend at a ottage at the shore

I ! Rip t.ibfia 4*4-4

Spruce and ea 1 it Iter


1.1 >NV I- iKTIBLf CDi ( H cushion] Bros hill B ran d new autumn gold color M ont go th ro u g h m'x a p a r t m e n t door Highest grade fabric and deluxe m attress Retail value > >K0 xoui's tor >2K.7; Bomann . davs 20) >2**

(27 11 1 •' 141*4 HH.i 1'«17

c N f hi g.M Kfeetru Hot Water Heali'i I 'Cd irnis shi Drurneo i ‘i p 4.2 • Mercer Si Hightstown

• - '.NISH '■ d \ tirown tor TV or •’ ■ )UTit 1 .edition >40

Walnut i ortter tatil. >7 ( all 201

list over southN J 447 2 >OI)

suhii sale s 400 Mercer St !.i Mercer st Hightstown

I NDLISH tam ilv reeen t lv 1 in grated ha- t.rought too much tamilv turmture Mill sell Mahoc m idles roll top desk itcd iwio'' (mil out writing ' i ir ace ' .0 (to French high hack

a rm c h a i r hand w o v en Moral tapestry I i\ IHOft s S.ilHI (Ml I nghsh walnut marquetry carver Wooden i m. hall cane insets! -1 at v.kKI (10 Three itcd I'lixr- Dent lemon > toilet et f lo ra l m a rq u e t ry g la s s h iilield ><i v lilt ing ' S177 on

Ci i " .ound oscwikkI Victorian am . >12.7 XI* Sew mg liox

‘ .coigian tortoise shell ivorv ifvei mot he 1 01 i»earl li tt ing'

Moo no V < !onan small silver t< 1 pot h a l lm a r k e d '2.70 00 1 o l 'c i i on oi . ones inkwells

-lies an : 'her Items 1 all 44.i

MODi.IsN tiRKKN SOFA green ,x oramie f hair with (Hint slip ■ over and printed Rocking 1 hair 2 I nd 1 Jitiles ( of tee Table and 2 Lamps V'killg 'Ilia 44K*.47K

■■ it* liirk s »rHk; trolled >horl

J ,v s. . . . s * , t V\ AI,M j i DKOPLK Ab T\tiI.Kping buffet & 4 1 four ' $»

—----------------------•----------------- -- r m [Couch A 2 c h a n s tanRetrtg F2.i Double bed i best *

Ni . ’.P 1 >1 ai^'Witi;mmg pool d raw ers 2 2 ; 8.520I

till V 1 l .F HKP VlRs Mi. Buv abd'Si'

I H .1 I! H I d ' I ' >B t24'2h VVi’dierspoo! s !e.

M V 4 7 i '. iV l !

s p \1j FR


s h>w er, *. “XX

china p m k 1\(

c *■ ‘ ’ c: sc-

P. iN I lVi Lt VIVNs iactorx . • ex ce l . nn.i. ofimnv ner Call

R:\BI !T * A< ..(■ s i t Hl-iA met a ,. , N } t ] i wx:l ‘he ground cage smaller ir ,. • t .onles ' steel one Best .otter . . . . . > .

.1. • ijiteil 201 2H7 !"> • i

ms or trade SM* T .t Kf >! II

V • <RKslltRf f i t ' N ,a.eveiled' f u r


( i R R l F K P I P eliding adorable B Suita the tor

Males arid

M \NT V 1 a ml* 1 VR IU V Take ,. i>ik at im xvitcs (.7 Ford tump v squire statwiu wagon atr

. on t i oned power s t iv n n g and

. ' la k e ' and plcrttx Ot Tl.C Vt ' .*• d s a gi eat bin (' ll! 700

M \ \ r i i ' I VPiivs BB V C l.K - BIRTH 11 VV PIN Vi As with toys - (h gear - r i. 11 1 all 4124-40**1

. ' • hi * lown head spirict chicken si hi P a r ty w a ie 4nc per child •< oiuiitele hne ot mrthdax wale K . ~-how. : um hi eHa tot . • m M ANTED U P g ! V . .Id oak to.i:Ujl: ’*rr> Bui bar,v i<r| . >i* * rl Bn (' *11%* m -i i >

1, s-K - , ■ I; 1 - »>M v\ t KMit’!’ * f l*0V‘v!‘horn *‘-44 > to 7 fA^nings

M»K l‘ N b M ’LuPF Ai{.\rhi* ^ o r Id s

* ilut .it ijonal jil*fn < j \ «* \ our hiidifii tht* n m j b r>7

l-. VHLV* VMIKb AN dark ri. lurmturi- Thomasville .V Ki ng Itedrocnji set ((u(H*n tied triple dressei : chest on chest table Inning loom set hutch table i . hairs | deacons ttench Liv ing room e x ktaii table 2 end table.I xactlx like new ( all 2111 1.70 47(1*4 cm-' and weekends and 2(11 .21 .274 *

tilV I R VINS tt VN I KD b> pi .a le i iitiector V:. • agi ally i xndii .ni! T r a m c a ia ld g u e s wanted also Fall ihio 787 02IS

L ost (V- F o u n d

LM H K n Md d L d VB pan tsu i t by , , lVj L1V, s Ri. Vi K 'haggv Mute shirt jacket , . omh

'la ck s fully lined perlec! m i d |;, .vv (| . ;if| _ S jll , >*, [

D VR VDI- s \ L I i r id ay Vprd it. in .i m to * p m 2K lUirning Tree I opposdi Rafei Follege on'. ! Ill’ ’ »

[lull TK VlNINti m your home Tire only succes 'iu method ot (irnbien. correi Bon Me teach

xur dog to respond to you guui

• -v’TWi. a> chewing h n u seb re a iu n g w ildness e t i T: .lining guaran teed tor detirhe ■I dog Day or exes appointment

Fall tor free home consultation I .c r e s s . I -.iauited t>oo TOO 2670 Michael Beatty trainer

ii h , (iMNI Ils s Vf VRI Mtlxt- \ ( , t ' \ . \ ' Mi ii >Dh V

! flavehllg i a si 22x ix l;7 S|i’. airline Ii aUsjiortal 1(11 a p p ro v e d lex . t lieu! In n*wi . ond ( all ‘*21 *744.4

1 M sfc Av 1 ought .iron pa’ ll. fid l chairs '7a ( all **j|

HP s i lit RB VN H ID IN t. l it \t T< >K >2"ih 201 ’.2** '*2 .4

If f «. A I 1 R M I I Kl VI VR 1

Male Highway 2x* Princeton N J


Pi .m elon Shopping ( enter

I- urntture i- loor i in e n i ig s

St UN VI / F R MlSSlNt; FROM. .a i !■ o\ Pol king 1 vC pertti Vnitvov am! M ondlindgt Vves

* lui wrier Hrew ard i all 21U 2K7 4472

. - iHKVV IM1FVI.A 2 door Ii. dl op ex ce l len t condit ion

. ■ . -U'. j. B- ' l otter 44K t. w;

, VM ' mio F very thing sound I (IBs hill ' Put fop s l ightly

liiasiie : Ciood station ea r dune buggy m ateria l VR Mails *»21 70 . i

1 iRV 4- I TI- sting ray las! .. s ■ . , .1 xi ■*! ti p 4 s(>eed

new , ng'Hi ui't painted Must M>. to ajipiix .ah Immediate sale' ihi i dl mix :x . ; a i ; Ik | u is-n i.?. JO p ni •• ,

IKM, VND ( VT BOARDINti ____________'• Kennels Princeton

■ 'h '. ' •" c l lx ’• I. V1 V N N ( .R I \ - o n v er t i ld e.. ' . - miividua care 4.2 x. * excellent i onditurn MHati

2ii02 | ( all F'l HOO.i

i i ii NI* small purebred Beagle ipl'i ox i , i s spav ed. needs good

-home with leneeil in yard Fall a.i. 17 a.

LOST Princeton area contact ■ lenses tn light e re i ri case- Reward Plume *124 722 *

. 1 ceils all.! Dl .mistor all animal*

t ROM tl VI I. VIU I s274 Alexander St

Prim eton M V 4 01.(4

i'l*.* V VI .1 VN 1 2 door shiftc iocom .v very clean $825448 2*.2 .

I i*l71i i**c: ( Ol NTK V SquireSl-iBon Wagon in passengei (**0 'pa. i V lull pow Cl disc brakes !•'. i in -eat w mdows ,X tailgate

H I-M IN I, I ON P O R T VBl.h TM-’KVi RITKR A ’ Hey er VImeiigrapb Maehim* 448 4240

HI V ill IK BF.ST Buy Vanda Itcauty i ounselor Cosmetics skin care iterns and fragances for v ot,r lamiK I al; 44K tiXTX .

I INI M ’KFl VI.ITV !■ I R N IT l 'R r Paintings Deioralive Vieessifries (4H i.*Hi** MKRFKR sTRI I 'l SOI TH 62.7 Mercer SIHigblstiwn___________________

MM-i l.yi VSrought Aluminum !*oreh lurmturi* by Miuita set sola arm chill! : tables

I ii aiKTies and Bedding Tiles and Linoleum

M A 1 Allot* M V 1 ‘42**2

l lo l SKIloLD s VIT Dishes d r a p e s a lew an tique* w a s h s ta n d t r e a d le sew ing m aih ine baby (urntture, lawn lurnuure (ewelry tools tovs. A '■ox S bieyele V[itil 17. IK. 24 .X 2 . si7 Morrison Vvc Hightstown

Vlli .V MRS I II VIKS OH o m i t \ ! hi* Fall 466-1072

KIRBV V V F t AI ( LKAN1.R v ih rug 'hamjKKH'! all just like

new '2110 or ties! offer UK >.471

E q u if>m en t

Fo r d I- VRM THAfTDH Vlodel N w ith cultivator and blade s.*t,7o

( all 472 H.7HI

sll.KV lF R R iF H s week n .cap O! in ! aic . hampion * " torv ill deluxe luggage lack

i. VF< ■ . * idull .ind - tud ! n t rd c la s s V VI FM Radio. . . oi ■(■! 766 ( i i i u r n i e m e co n tro l p an e l

- i x xw Her 1 tea lei s e n icedOK 2 |x*t oi 44; in*,;

Bets and Animals

Prisi itta s! ‘ VMPJ-.RFD pi h H i| .F P VltJ.i IR

Vli Breeds. ,i- loor ( loot

I imoiiMije Serv iceiio*i (i.F, :4 (i.

'i. m .'I Ir S M O B lL I’ power sleet ! .ki rood tires - ’up or best

oiler 148 10*77

f H l. 7 ' L l i, N KM i i iR K I Hi .ill power excellent ■ mi.! outstanding I>ii\ ' I non J ikf.M fi ,

o l.D I NDLISH SHF I- P DUDs y \ j , 1 cede - months old, hxuxehroken, pc-, m i d i Dm«l running con

-M VLI VNIM VI \ I IT IllVVKV ' K‘ " X ltV*,u,! 'Ul markings Fall . id ion t 'all 448 24.7*1 t.NhdMVll NT ; !',l:

1 oi nierly Princeton Small -------—’ " 1Vntmal Rescue League


Autos For SaleKt. '. I’oNTIA* executive station ‘ 10*411 \( power disc brakes ps *w m ileage cew I ires s ;p t , i ,|||

‘FI (844

LVDIFS 2 PI iH-ige dress w dial jacket H idly lined wool top m aket great stgipe size 42. >2.7 i ai! *4i ! .‘12

•• V V! I VN I ' I hi 1*46*1 Ol.D s \ l o ) ‘. | [ | iieluxe Model comNATION VLi ANURKDlNThR for fl V o l FIND VN IVU HKD PUT J 15,1 MI’H 1 • 1 *’ f:,|u» Hntish ...............

il* good -. ondition also !» PLI- AS I- VLI MU' P o i . I . J 'l 4 " ' ' ! " ' " ,ui 1 ,!l ' ,-4 „leb-K equip d >;*4(*i (48 . .00< hex sler 448-4.17.7 • > .01 ..tier I. pm .-xes

... ........... •________________:___ F o | ( ADOPTION ------ i--------------------- ---------------- - --------------------- ----------------------Itlk A wht Terrier lemaie **• . tViMi- I * VPR!

.‘’*7 if**.M y . . ' . . ' ■ ; » « ....... ..... VMM. "M . .................... . \ 7 ' lut ' , ' 'EEHNZ' ' ‘ “ S

■ ........... ................... ............................. . , . 2, , vt old Malemut* good with uB.-t 4,.2 24(4i itt.-i m div--

. hddrert _____ ______________Young m ain WUow LabradorV.lull Border ( xllie sable H'70 PikNTIAt I.FM VNs Stationx . )„ M .con an (tower steel 1 *■ , I VI.1 ON I- l I 1 K V

uggag. rack only 7 him old " . " ‘’'u ■)" transmission radio Fills! si l l '.o*4 448 2641 148 d 'Si

I S.KD j M THKRMOFAN sFFKKjl VRV Drv Copier A -V B DIFK Iliodel 120 Met Copier ( cmkI i|H‘ratiijig eond ' 41 ea nr best

litter Supplies I tie luck’d Call v**i 0180

i m g r t e d and domestu yarn tt.-agl*-Dasthund iw te - iced it.- point crewel work rugs- l'uri*l*n*d adult temal- spo n g er

■■ -and ai spaniel live! A wht ' . — r------------- -------- --------------- | ----- ---------------------------------------' dull male haggv do* I t \ v !Nd In! 1 aiiojH must sell, i ■ : \ \LIANT blue 2 dr standardm i K N i r t l M . s h o p . , , j shift t (**i mi g,Hni

W A t " ;.k I 'm . > .... ..-■! r Ik mm * "VI Wl i .ubo radial- • veil unit ' IH m m best ol let Call 021

P R O FjF S x I 11 N V I T.V1H Rl-.i Ofsl ih R Hottert- model 771 w th .ujeessones >.’.2ti * all 4.72 . »8!

l l i l VI lugs ght They I; -.e . di-light t ( l e a n e d w ith BUie i a m . Kent ■ ks ir» shampoo, r M Higlits H .mlwan K* Mena-r sf II ght'town

BMilU-K MI M i l ’s or ( allege address Home business ztjj code

Haiibet stamps -.1 at! kinds and - a *' made to out order .a

HINKSON s 82 Nassau Si

; VI11V I N i , S A LT Tele) hi n

1 toodle

Pl.FVSh H AV I V Ot R f ATS VND M |\K I > B R F T D D o t i s s p M K b

i all M l ' V < ( .raves X2.l-t.122 pcfween m - p if Vlondav th! u s.,!ui d.l i

VloN TH ol.l t mostly Labrador

and xt | 2*17 If',77 alter

'<*■< i ‘PI I ,.xri xxp. i ownerxw mle.igi l i running eon nm ' . in - tree miles tor sale.

a i on 1 - dl x.'l xcii,_ Old iBofiile 1*4* 7 4, door Delrnont

l . x.iii w dfi pow ix brakes and I’i il lxFHi. i n , oijj* red rowel steering' lack intend! as new as can he 1

i-i, ' i , mi-i (4 1X44 * >NI 7 DRIVEN 1.7 000 MILKS

' ' 1 ’ ' x !i" t ■ ■ h.. .hi. ' , , : ' , , i.. * 1 mi,' a ■ . g. ’ oil I. •Dll' a ho needsferns ' .it Vprii 17 ** 4 28 Clover

1 an. High! Mow iswarmed and nearly house broken7**x-o(447

AntiquesM l 'll* d N| i

• cMKfr.jntf.N-

X K*

ro R iR*-i enliy upholstered at cherr v led uphols tlr x< client cQitdm

; - v. H 'H ! ND P! PS Pi a ., andUp

V* Ki m i IN X]"•! --! -J * t K

tor sale 2 xoo mde-

ifHjf A 9

i*4* ; v vi.i vn 'I * tour autorn.itnt r a n s m is s io n ra d io w ra d io.'iifcnna heater A AH j*Wr

Ixd 1 HRV s i t R (OX !■.t rt()t%

VI* ■ in. In*- i "l.-an inside aid' out P lentv of ( a r e f r e e

."c ’ . yx! tat ion al a sensiblei a . Id ason lot selling am

ii, d o mg m rm Klsf year

1 reita, ,a .. .-ii

rv cherr-- wood AK< f ' r " ' r ' and ubon I .if 7.7 2X4 1 •>" " T,‘r *- r"*'c f L ;.-•'•>:•*

V R T O R 1W B'KDRooM SET ul-diM VN sNT.PHK.UD P t P• Fcltet • * to), ’aide C,.;;,; .''If . ... .

•f*!1' ; 1 i' . tp r- - 4 - Old . :c'!.at4-s a

" l SPRITE Excellent ion id . a ; h7o mofor and Iran '■ "■ entire car rebuilt

op a- i ' >.|c 'op roll bai New radial x7 f.allei v Highest oiler 1 all•" '".XU i", cnings'

t;F A p s low m leag* < all j l u ; , l)Hl hi(r<j „ <tn(J riew

j L-U- amf iTnsr' f a l l ifinr i it.rn

A n e t i o n Tf NS ! '■ it.l. - > am;-1 V r,". C. 1 , , , a p | , r ,

NK Kl!-p - T«*d

.*R X 2M >


-• "ks;

. L \ Xl.VHK KT ’ *•■* ;« ' > •*' -A H m tla ' ii '

1 *’ pC‘‘ \ ' ? < J u f.‘ '•■ ■ - >SM - M.d’ I 'M \ J XX* ''* * i*- ' . f; ■•■’o 4 ‘ ; . - • 4 ;; ..

I'jrf dam A.-ptBrn 77a*4 H fc»nS'n>i' N J


n Trial*. f f-T

, '.‘7 ! V ;'. ** ‘ H E W IMP ALA X passeagr . . . .

' ■' 1 ' ri. oral new tire- >mki *474!u-: lion %ami m ; ; ) - j}tl.rMM'N? i.,j f ,j.( 4M, i ’ 4-1.,' 50

Mdse. W anted

Ml VN s BiKi-

il lDE VM U h VRM i'.vp. E.STR1 1 T..N I EI-: Board r.t "Ira ■ ,g

'■ ".k Pr- ate and g r Dp ridingr,>frutt-.m Beginners and arc ■jilted H uge r.di.-'ir a r e n a FPs de arei .. ..nd -- is ■A sfTiS A- . r l *• ■' ■"; i a , . M|R

till SI 8 f-A M o n HI V! <d i 1 ( u

( f t V V Ni f UN Ai I ki M I f I tnA Fl N Al 1 | fi MOW L*»

viv r -sA -i c-4 a ">-.Jf'.wikSi; *' m

c . 11 4 4s ; door ed,. r. (pile -now radio

nerd ondition must sell ■* 1 .dl ft*. . 'dl

( a r d O f T h a n k s

1 17 >o ni e r e l . thank otirm ght.or- and fro-nds

‘ii 'ti'' i xw. r - . a rds and many, c K .rdne-s d u rm g th*

•g our raloved husbandM* d i N i. 1 fi rd R< iPF must sell

BMVV jo / Radio Vt.arth, r. j j i - ; . ' r,d r.rother Howard C

• - - - ' ’ • VDi.. ihi- pallliearers and_______________________ f )ont D Barlow for his long

ihful -er i .ee .KURDm *•2 d<Xii

autom at It ' Howard i • ornell A T amdyb ' Vi Rath V i orn.-li A

Vli M j savvyet SiH* • V! 1 ornell '

Page 11: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups


H o a t ,< Harden L a n d s c a p * Spec ia l y m ires F inanc ia l S t rv ic t s F or R e n t \p t s .


R e a l F s ta t i For R e n t R ea l F s ta t i For R e n t W a n t e d To R en t

,J i l<‘ ,EAnN ' I! >- 1 - ’ 11H VIJohnson t .rjiif: Need- no ' , ,> ; t - ; \ M \ R

\ i I - 1 f l ,.»).! • ‘iint ’

Specia l Serv icesISU I- i A A M l M ■ • a id

i h i ? i ' i i . : I ! i l M ' ; A ' « .'1 i As J k a • | < i u«.-< • Vvry It Hit- work['•maiHi Buy flow t« -ail Ttfns n• ■ .I'uti i.' iT.'i ■ t J •, t \ K E I i N I s | j | \ , , a

ijiii»ls'* r i ia AfM ujiuS resi<ir**d- t urjsMu

'I l . l i ' l 'R K s AlGB<i Al tit«*i di f.ii.i. K m * m t H e s ',44

glass excel vend Mi*) Call 7C‘C <C!H

•T.H\ R t ; t ‘A l i ian

Hi 1 1 I Vs PRIi ‘ .r.i .M’ !»..

u \ i i f it t; m m i INt

*'••!« Ti:- shop : ,h I AM SS INI >St iR , Ti \sm n\ * :smp, nio jut i* '-*4CC b ed ro o m Colp^fji.i i with tiili ,, dlf1\

. •)t‘n fun jn d ;*r- * uir----- s. . ANTI t onger i:u> lot m a i d in in g to 2vir.iite V U 'N , . j,, ,V \K i. l * R ' U Hi 1 I \U\ W\a I inu - temple to ~tt..t< 7 ;■*..:• R .cuh E x ce l len l eondit ■ 1 r n: lit yy .i i d< f I'i.MM

i l > I tlM l KA A. W th two

■ iesi it itj ; e n ! ,i re ion Borough or

o n e V cu t.,re ,i i or i with * 1 - or .i . arui)turning oik)

■ .So, I) I til'tlC t'lH'l:Otj hart* >uch .t r hoiiM to runt <. .1U

* -. sesit tmy Labor Day security and a i i :,.r p c 's. ontaci C’C

,o t , Al S T \ I M i> S Stol!- I .oiks for gasoline oi water I if' in . OKI AH t M <»KI* <,C ■ Alert er siIbgbtstow n

sAIUiUA'1 PI N(,l IN 1 1 1 2 i a! rig dot Iim -ail Hard Rood > unit it ion 7>lu lot al c u p -vmnets j i h i ** *4 * . . .

s( Nl I Ml

h a r t s h u d • | h•! ad 1471 Sunftsh a till nr\s stoi agr fan Salt- >‘i.

Tala! -delivered lisit pl a n including hix O..I4 i n n p r i t f ' . IT tor huiit-ed rmii* All colors i all 744 «* 14


I >SS \ 11*7*I Call I I plotted trail take good condition only icon null's f ,dl i,no IM. i*>10

1070 USA CM 1.1- o .a t l J, am null s excel rond s‘i .(I askedt a l l t / 4.51, eves

SKI H \Ktil R Sit

a (.or.:I 4 tV

I Ilf Hotels & Motels

'PK« I.VI. I lk IT- s AAAA If . . E a j l lit ■ ind Si 1 KiWeek I v Hat. - a n d Taxi Sei

,: .u. i, Hopewell V

: uv\ n v\ l t d N IK A AN ITs k k i *o m INt t t itering a i r 1*1

«tn>■veering se rv ice lull I ll iliit*. pa rt

c,ivofKi 1 radi o dl-poKTittlg vv akeup jsvrt ttM b u r g l a r a l a r m f

s i ib s lH u b se i v I t fM G id & dusk sjgiv,- a valla I ile C04< ..ll / IM<*f A u . la inesburg 90! 1 \ T i k>21 nm p a i n t i m

Iter v'timati 585-451'

M o \ SI s p t i | AT. I S i i S ( I i I M *AS \m p - i ii yrta hit

iM l’T -SEKVK K ipleteR. Insured tor h a r d Puffyi Hd P r in ce to n Tvi. ait* i4*i .’■ to o74H

IN I f K i t iRrale- all a

(. Paintm- L -

Hus. O p p o r tu n i t ie s

I. \ l Nl iRtlMA Ts

vtlinUnm onth

3*i - rn 3»>sc .

VHTMt N 1 AS All. SEEKk\ Hi l: hi* :»t i ',ed> ,„>nr h m u n ! lo r !lo CAR E 1 Rph- Yl !)" a p p l , •i ,aK*s. t oiiintalrm vii'.u1 !•!>,,.- ptier, • t t ihliesUf1»-d Ml l e n ’.ii N u l ' E T s K .

B u s i n e s s

Ri al F s ta t i For Rt n t

■ K K I N i . ' M l ! i . t (AH PIT-, ai n ' t i e d I I t ed ro o m

' l i o m M . n . 1ai, non-. tunc \\ ill

ison.iidc h lit and turnish : , m 1- I all. ;>I4-JK7H till t.

I a u tx t r o rH chtslmv ii i \< l-lll'Ht appl am os I or tinthet

last W trtdsoi a rea a u d i t an , Vll cnod s j : >•*' and s4.. i»«i n to rm a t io n ra i l

-n*i •).; 4 10 .4

Spat tiin-nt l l .n n ."im * . ram oO ' la v i tig

k i l l Ai • I <H PI W HIUM IK

st MAH- t! K: Sue >tt . in .•ton ti»'».d\

art!! <«tn.Ml lltdlta-s tn •tos sei ants

n-null Suruishi-kite* hurt

on: Pit your* i itti

sp St . \ V-SS At S r, , ! IP T i s s ( , I \ VI ( i l l PI I- WithI r a d no i l id d rc t t s a c k in g tn !attic i . • . Ii-Ot * tu rn ishcd or

ini t r shod in P r ince ton or aii: nan. a r e a s l a r g e pro|*Tt> Autlld i •( idf.i j Pease p i s ! e r re d

S i t iH T t d * It ! P iiK K E N T , ot-mneii, a s sept in in i im un IHo i’! ’at P i inn-ion A'l iffli e,n renesvahU' ( all tP’l'CTTL’

■f la, i I H ir f N S

•i Bucks i Hunt v

PI W u T I M V .

Begulat mg KepiiiringB u t t I B I H II S i t it /

R eg is te redAlemtier P ian o T echnic tans

(■mid hit TCI 7C4C

1 HI IS I Ak1 N t)t Av\ X IHSkOSI 0 OI t’r ; A - . rv n VV. sdone very k .a iuM> Insured t ’0'1

i -i p lea ' t i l i swimmings( SHI! I, KI V! Si P .» tunnsfH'd -4 l*edrootn Utilise

vtooded lot Svatlahlt . tune t >

1 S p

TooI p r i . .

a . .. B A M t t) I n KI M C or i- ■ a ;• tia : .-liroaiii t.iHise ai a(>artment.

i ’ m T . i i : lint til ’ i r fa at a la V e a r l e a s e .-rttraiH e > all : i-gan aig Ju n e oi dul\ Call TCI

LAMP Ml AIM and r e p a i r s , \ ,\ a s: pi

T am p m ounting ,iij In te r io rs IKCelori

/ r a i l e r s pi mi- \ . m . t s i \ tt- itsHoumn M t & juun trd

. . ... ______ ___________ *— — -— I r a n rd & drtv <*vv a y s sea 111 HI S \ S 1 AMPKK sleeps ] ***?„ , n ^u r t ' 1 ' d 11I has m a m e x tr a s St'.Hi or best * '* ;*"■o i le r t all i'C'.C CtliC a l te r . pm

KI A SHOPCTK N assau S ’

SS A 4 Mil( Harles P e rp c tu a P ro p

Kl-.'t s M \D i ­pt H K s KL P S I R E D

i . I.NI-.K SI u K I N H I V .

RIi H a k DSOK HI AI TORS R I ISO JuM North of

t h e ;(lid V arke InnHighutown -44* Vi in

ll us in ess Scr cict s

BtMiKKI I I ’KK N Accountant H usband o d e lean t Looking lor small Krill'! m need ol service*

kth an d a iie imttiul tv iI ts i um vug -1 HeU-renees r « ju r r e d t all ake and g rounds W a l t e r B l low e liu Realtorsi at comfort yout own private 7 17 ’..uu >ii tatkitct tit*)* enlt ' . Iron; .uld.*ii ' a , pa tio , a inpii ' te 1471 k i tchen- eai'jxAlTflg ' i l l s u lu a l h e a t a n d a i r

iondii lo ti tng a n d closer space tn .tlmnditm c

PK K sT 'K .K i iPPK T s p y. |- omo SS •■•Iwa.l Kd Kas at enss la KI

I'n cion A. Pi . '••!. *i \ Rt* 1 ta r A bldg Wil l ih\ nk I a ik in g

•di occupant

s i MM I K KI NT \ l .house dum la Sttg I Ki low n and ! lie el ' l l

4 t iis I root 11 iiULLMW MWJ 1.’’ Ci*- new 1 a m e n te n t ikis ' r ia 1 1-111 hit ' ig Cano or 4 a*

t all *i' 4 -M ia id door oil lee. a:<i« jMrkinu '■


R e a l E s t a t e Wanted

i ll H IN i. LOT SS SN IT- l>

paltirteu’ home with den *!•*! - -vto KedPKilns*i-t leluxt iparrmem home >C4.'.

> Mi Cell

PKINt k i t IN l l«-diootu -phi It \ el I m m e d ia te occu p an t v Steele Koslott A S in d h tea l lo r - lo i sit ircnn

p k i s i i -;u i i h i- >p st i

’ \ (>> l i n t M- TK Slid-K liedrotjnis tomph'lely an con d iH o n e d a n d l u r n i s h e d M tudtm im s id in g e x e e l l e n l cimdition S-I4K) ( all C47 ,'v44ta a l t e r . p m

I SKIM NIKS H E P SIRS ataa Ii a h e r . 11 ions ( ail ,4*1 a,

altei • 441 p m

PSINTTNi, Inferior It Exterior (Jua.ldv painting at a low cost .lulls oi any and all si/es* Pall Cm

.*4 onj

i, i- I y s v 'H i N i . \ N | i 1 H!' " Js A M SNt si K IP T T A p m gSLTEK \ f i t l N s J a n i c e Wolle IHA1 s , 'fecltic <t E xecu tive :>t<e

( all miu 44H CIC .

I sE D m sil.KK m ex, client ! , ! ' M > KI *■ < LE AM V , lei tint Id ton sl.-eps I,as Wove lW’ "C», tuJK insured 1 pliolsfery

n i lagora lo t . hea l re a s o n a h le ><■' v a n p lf le wall to wall, cleaning u i *i7 i • , , lv done in vmir Imme

l -u l t KENT unfurnished t r a d e r \1 E U P R i « M- IN t . t ( LEAKS i in, g en tlem an p re lc r r c d t all 1 •! \K A N 1 I I l l 1 h imfley s

ui _*i7 a m l im e H orn in a m l.i 'l i i mg h r u k \ tdix k workto ;> (i m John Pi tm a n hi i H4H4

! nst ruct ion


l i t l l l l ! I N s Mtts INt, \ S l i l l l St.I

lligl '-4-0---, Roa.i

Pi llicclon-llltH lionecui . u I N t . JO El I t ( r|*E this ...... ..........1

;>i B rush up vour t . e r m a n >Aetieh t A>m e ts a i to n A 1'u tenng I ami l.otig D is tan ce Mov mg Tl r>>» P a c k in g an d f H e f s e a s Slopping

E tt all : .t

V ' l K I II At III ii ft) he m s P S t K L I N l , P r ince ton t h is s u m m e t Beginning n j- j • \ | h in d o o i .V n fe tm ed ia te s tudents ol a m , „ e r ju a i i lvage a tc e p le d S|iply Box lol.i p o i s o n ibk > oKH'her i ollego l ow son Md s Tent

SS SEE t E l l . IN t .H itdoor

w o rkKendall P a rk a r d

Bturiswtck onlv Ctll 4R>

tal l . I ' S I M I N h TAKEN on cons ig n m en t VS ill p u r c h a s e oi a d v an ce Kot a p p •inlmenl cal

H SI HiiMh tM P K u S EM E N T scall Ctrl CM, ;747 (or additions liHirwe.- g a r a g e s c o n re f f e d t iceiied ,n pai n s cuslo in built

kiH lieu ia l i in e ls


I A 1 IK I Ml IVIPIltiy I M I N I S

S Moral ion* Sdditions R epairs Pa in t in g met i ex le r in r

N al*-1■ sniall i • ,‘ i 41*4 liHi-r i

tl; \ ( . l I k miR s K E PA IR K Ui ii la 11 Park a rea Reasonableoi* e s t im a te s cm C47 5747

t NPI-iK'i ESSVN SERA it K7.47 c- - after > p m to * # di dav n.p j, Sul!

u-t Hons 1-roin T renton South > If* | to lit 15 continue *hi Rtsm ith C I J miles to Mill ( reek s t IL E i 'd R \ IAS P New Hop. P j |- xii tu rn Lett In Sample* t Hd stone house 5 h d rm - on

. es tern, ed St all Mat I '- .oi Din Leas. A , o io t f ’u .

i art>on rth ions Mtmeographtng Mi s Ha u-t o Hi*. ot»>4

{Jjjsdg. S ees & S u p p l y

i Of H A P T fju.Ul'l itu i‘ . rniit i ir f-Ay 01^ Twp.

' i-t.-.-ii hi'.imv .ill wails u.OfHlufi tl < \ m . ih o ^ a n v

■ .isi'lMnni IhmI loads of.iti, la fo 11 w *! > s f a} ft t'eass s H *o Iik .nr 111n<j u iti 1 to yy a 11 rugs

704 ovov v\ yyknd'

v n ii M i i \ Hi H Sfhih IH7I \uU 1H7 L*

-tl ' r>-el uarkmg Master hdrm WM)l|,.rn kitchen

! rent rooms

t ine to lout a c r e plot su i tab le lor lome budd ing vviHideii ,S. within a la IT iiule rad ius oi t ' ran h u ryUtghtsteiwn a r e a t all :i*i>4 i>.>

,*i*i iieivv ffv *‘ am .. pm a f te r (. to< . i i a . c a .Jilt- PU ' 'a il 44H 4140

e ase soon P re s t ig e Rout, \ ill m-it!ton n e a r t h e P n i i e e K o i t

ILghtslovvn Riiad PamTIed olltcosof , !h ll St- SS A I I I I I It L FSS K OR

U l a n - i -.!i k'fi. \\ •!j i'J S - I-"i *.’ iuonllis eommencmg. - i..-ti'i 1 1 M in im u m

!;. ... . ’ -,. . -t a - . 'f |uiu-iia-i.'- I HR I.R lHi ERh ' 1 a -eon-til ’ . a

. i: ■ -i PI an d I o r res ta lB i t It VIUJMIN Itt SI I S ( H l ' le t i m r a i toueti S lider STM's ol

, . , H* s .j, m, p i o t o n e d Photo ap,c eetan-d Ma[oi .1 I. SSatsou

d-1 A ! Sp V1 I- ■ SssAl n’| \li J ! e o I-Pt l Nan Eiant'isco. : ' - - - - - -: c* U’ ill - i *oa...

inglt-t oihliged r o n n i ' E o m ie i ‘y

id hdrm i 1x4 11\ rm Ci-x l.i ;>i iv a te g a rden

I m i(- n Si r |{ ( hutch need lulld- I ' y j mu Boy N, out (m o p planning a

MATH n I t i R t- x p e n e m ,*d fund raeang t i m e SSould ytwfluloi wdl i e lp you ga in tin dersl .i ihlnig A tnas le iy TuitTage ■ V-lenieulary Slgehra th rough

t ah lllll' i4*> 44-1 ltllil

t . l l l .Sli i I- S.nUNS lot l-icgin • a - in te res tvd it note read ing

and t a r an*, one u te res I ,xl ui Ri* k Myle sctiii.rt picking t a ll Bid T e a g a rd e n SCT .TCf*A

Gardir t iM n d sc a p •

lays M SNt HI- I tun x ioad iv i alt 4 4 ooU* a!*. : PM

IKM I'l I K I SNl)N( \ | *l

fid- 11 k * - It, t aiso mrmev lot som,*tn poM*1' It you ari planning ,t und ia. sing d r ive lor any vvorthva ll ' i |>erhaps I - t i m e . a n help

-ll a *4 -4 4; loi n to rm ation

p i s\ K i l l - I. lit P A-;enera - l ' c lean ing and re p a i r s i ec esKnialt*' t all Ed Radlg. ll

PB IN t 1 KIN I t |s |*(ts \ | s( i n I,

IP io Ji Hail Sc- V H t t annul \ N I

H \ \

Jarni K Hiiu*rii n m \ < » « <»\ i n m m u

HmhtsPmii \ ,!- \ddiltm •* alterations

4 Pi»ri tn-'-• * >Li j ' \ .MUcs linuvhed

• I ■ «>' i W;\ :4K7

1\« , l 'H *» t lU T H M H \ ( .a * ! ■ t= u . i ’ r f U; •# v i lot h r *•. m - 1 > '' I p ' ■'*it " ,ikr ' hr?’!

i K \ m H U H t ■



Pl . t M l.IN t. A HE S UNK t i l l . HI RNEKS

I It HI | II It M . A M>N I MCi4 N assau si

i Prince ton 1 SS \ 4 on*,

SS by wail {until the r,wil leaks Plat; ahcadii<>ry hii l ooting needs NESS Rt m »It'S ' ref»air>

t OtllH It A M II SI I Iti. M*nun | Pnneelot

■ 4 alnut I Ci*>


SS \ l CK8II ■ M IK KuKSSI It Mil. S ns

Pl STELA SS IN I mss K E S s N

N AN M VI I ,A m i \* IKv >, ; in ,A i ,i g g ' I ti

I I \ 4 4i, *II e p a i r Sof v n:f

l- iccincat Power A.L 'gh iing Uisi.Hlatittns

j 'ii-i I ' t r i a ! M a iu 'enan i -

For R en t R o o m s

: k : a do T ea SCCA i* i tno r . i i i Nl.trt m o.’l CCmi or K M - I It .IE!' *■ **->M R ea l to rs

\ I If u I » \ j » ( .irjM^U-d SfGH H>UVfit ( -<lr I ' f r i r i Lirntft*man | -u H HKNT I tdurmUH <1 firs?1 dl a*d fit.Mir ol homr Kin ky lid! f i <»oms

plu> hast 'n ir t i i w ith w ash e r -dryer and t»aragt* with

.tL-IM-U MM PEI- t ree ’ a p a r t ' k -ih includes heal u . c u p a m v- - I - . ngt .............. light M‘IV i I all 4C4 m i

•rk l' 'U i4 'w

1 l !C\ U U 2 I‘dum f riiDMlrird. nrw » .ir i m t firw nanrlh f iu ( all ̂ * » \ l \ l» S O K ' K W H I HN

4 • KI U a f ! K M Sllf-T * .H,hii i»k*nial a \ a i l a b l r Mas i n r 1 2— ---------- ------—s——.»— , nTt* hindsuiijwd inf m r \ i

nnu^m^ * ninmuruts at f sn** hnihus nfina l I n n m and dirt mg r«K.»ni il H. kih h**n dufs and priv-atu- yds Hnysu as.i i lahlu ‘c- piutt hiuhm*n> <‘h t»n a 1 y**4ir !ua>u ai , »u fl**i fitnfiih Uijttoi spt u r t 'i ■tjuif **<! * a l l 44h in;a it'ir

i ruin fur K Mailbaths J ' T k uig 'C K 4M___| k-i- mo f all

H a n t e d t o Rt nt

1 i d .1.1 a .1- N i l i >j NT m em ale home tor sum mer trom May 14 to Noptemtiei Need' a place to live 44C .tree

IAS 1 1 HI >HM apt unfurnished ami oil contained wanted lot retired

college |>mlessoi IH 474 tire] a l te r p rn

S u m m e r R e n ta l s

Of \

ni hum mi

■ rkda

* U < • K !; I \ <. ( <H H I' tu rn .i-jo in moiih


t ! I- NT I t t N P l t O P E i r n AS Nt Rs u: southern Hunit*rdnt>

-ui. u o a olhei real csla'*‘ ,.re • dem am j Erst them lor last

- i will .uu tra ined sales

I III pan: \< K \ ( , t M S INIlack .1 i jehrs Realtor

Members ol Hunterdon ( ounlv multmle listings

Cue o ol IT e im n g b m tT re le..ii i miles die & ;i

CPI - 7HT 1470

A N E 1,11 I t , i t > l ientlo lease oi ,v ' P: uu oloit sm all healJlyil-.ii un-lei n i t Pieii as Agency

etc H4** icasonahk- May Ph, alter *• a i

.,*49 A ANTI-l» l . i ' t ings oi all kinds k e m |- needed * o us Sirs! we have a

.■ii ■ > im . i,ur (iiopci |y Bandity I light stowi N .) Ill*

|- s , ii; a ,

Nt iS S Nt'oT'LA A t t r a c t iv e ly lu rn ished fttliv eow piied house ■ 'verl.nikmg Has of F und ' Week ‘m 1 hn,!iw 10,1 •r m on th win '*’C4 '**1

! AMIES nl warn I A A lii R i R S L IT .Km P i davn July oiul74 anytirn, -

i out -nudlkitchen

! t all -444. 1,1 It IKI NI , ! 1 )R pi.o • t,j live m lot

Rt sort P ro p e r tytit* i ONKITh iNEI)iirntshed Pi oleeloo ho eni s, .7:, [*•! inn ( all

solleo’______ ___ .A) SEE KI R SI. I h A t t

l»*droo-m olio- lot

OBvet * or ten a n ts ' ' E i th e r wav > I..-, k ... aii i*i im elm, Civil Rights

.. .Vl-TJ 7 it .! liom ’. Ip an " 0 0 . --on or l .eague of SVmneni i*11 .- - So-.: K - 1 J.o p. -’i

K ng-ior; -u* a by .hm< 10 Alter. ,o . at) d « TUo 70fi,l

t. A>TERN i . i lN t, I S L A M ’ ! a c re '-M i l. Rt R Al. t h ' SH m ar . ' .u teriRim lot m a I-C tutTill Hop* ’ - T 'UitaWe to! b u - i n c " h -tor p . eom m unfty t |u ie t . vtunle Rcferem-es C.dE *,'M■¥*■* -rn .itior. M end ol paved pr vat*- cott o a d S! t r a c t * v el v w o o d e d ■- — -------Nhehi-red d e e p w a te r an ch o ra g e

'tot exce llen t I -hang -a i ia ig t* O’ ' I *o o *N Ki l l I •. i ’ui

cl U«T A; » ' ■■! .Kill RNI nHI! , r ,.e hrds I ni l

-ale t v P n n c e to h ovvnei T all o / ’ M., i

HR,HI. AND LSKt-.s y ,*« 'Uirunei hom e bo.,’’ - faded .0 ra - 1 rd r


T \ ‘ake


l • ol


m g ro o m i.,th n reph i p r n iiege-

re q u ir e d

,t Indus -

Financial 'services

\ J t"

a n , ,

. K , . vv\

2 njx»n

Mi Aii l pn.i i v p iirooiti ■ ath k : U ht • n p;irk• .p ; p ^pn \ i - A Ho

RNInH i * 1It* )M for rent

' k n*.

" A! : d: HI NT in pr

nt h* ltd* s f .cifTiidu , ui rk< nr a c* -Kund-"

\ ' l I* *\ fit d >t Ihoni.t

d K

1 r o o m n\y 1 in

f nn< t-for

I W \ 4:

M ' \ HII t >»K K ENT Va ndus unfuN assau s 're*" 1. v■i\£ Hof»rr

Urritng Room K - h< f-,,•!! a n d Ball)

! mmR i a l F,state For R en t PM‘7inU

• i- \ i i \ wii\\

Juhi1 idiui f

i \ Mil. > \\ n M‘ ? 1 idn*n du ii;**-.

W \


der f

W 11 h< >ru

- ?<*'df'HTfUi ■

f i i Houvin^ 1 iff it i ! ‘ 1 * j i 7 j •;;;

Fats For Sale

RT l.t it !h large apple s.niio Brun~wiek Township

.*» 1 . Barela*. Agentv 4Ik1 • : Me, . ii. . ,1,

f At EHM. I ' P ARK I I 2 a c re s , . |*5 : iioelol. ' p! es! Pgf

. ( joe1 ., 111 ,1 a, 1 ’ t, la rge p r iv a te> , ■! - i k*' ,md up H

p. - '.-*• 7 ',7 ecu : or own

VAtjfJliiTl Rt IL I t lV . LOT mr .: 1. ! o- Law rein, a- I w o '

P a*


i l l . i d V . I.Ci'l mi cut de sac **tl K'aart 5 . o i o . -.ill bard

- •*! • f '. 1 * t: < all 4'Ci

tl.i tl. I ..late elephant• . • v a-,n<- - fits to• ■ it' T i . . cLtssilied ,d


Page 12: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups



Real Estate For Sal* Real EstaU For Salt Real Estate For Sale Real EstaU Far Sale Real EstaU Foi Salt Real EstaU For Salt Real Estatt For Salt Real Estate For Sale

* f I Nr, A i M R I ft * V1* * I I * \MI \tj \> k

I N | (t\ | 'H I M l H U

VAUPfnstONS'ww ee

iNTt.t -A1KHVree: P: ' l i f lo i :

RKt >t >K 1- VNL

'\tiM roon i nr! book

-hi ul*- .i .oh! si n i 1 ' Ih j»l.r, fist on mu ondilmn

• . < ii old l;.m« h H* dmori:! .ivi» u Hoorn with j>as h'rrd i 'replace panH kitchen 1 lint nr Vr*a 2 4rir < pndif ion unit'- «,*rjw t n i. viriu Hooiti \ Hall 2 Jem ed m

Hack \ a n b i with 17 \ 50 m the l*round Hoed >2 » **no t*\l<( L \ \ \( *l \< A UK o;oo eves H;: ; >*

1 \b.\H ULIi fovek 2 >lof\r.ilouual un l- .isi U mdsoi Town

h»p 4 Bedroom s 2 1 2 Ba Uui . n n i u Ho«»ns A i k f ire p la ce 1 >umiu H**oni Kdchon (hi net-ledI' - i im K Uiiufti A It it Buckeases fullIdHiiirnJ 7 » at k a r a t e Hallo m i ear Si I in 1 rd on i -2 acre I of with t i ls w a in & rw ri . inc lni\.,! vfo 000 1 all Barciav \^en* . H« Oil mi or e \ enrnu H) n ;7u

I VUHI \< I ! i m NMIIH

j o * 1 »4T >s* die HI » New . -i'' vbtnh I lub h 1 oloma) on 1 I 2 .m i r s H n m «Ti*n a d d if 4

.vv »I h vfom» f i r e p la c e p a n e l led lamdv j*M*in u M lu irk fireplace l warned ruiluifi and slate floor Basement and 2 ear uarujr I inn 0*d ia 11' • tecum 1 ih*\

\ \SS.\I II :< eniralk an t on dtli««lM‘d ( •ooiLiian bt level oilexpert I \ iandseatjed loo \ par lot 1 lwdrt**m> 2 j 2 baths pah< died family room vvdh fireplace large feili'k port h and m ans m oreb a fu iu s \Ui*0H 4h. < (llMilt \

HIM; K V u l . l 1 bed i’otmi oloniu 1! tin M jar^c 1 * t\V (•ring 1 retnlnilW I lol 1 <*pi,M■*•. 2 i 2 f "IS.,11*1 d ia l fuisaitM’itt

N T ( i \ | ( h i It \n< stj»acD*11 s1 t \ i .a ni ­h hmuse 1tGi luringIwUNIf mm i s di «mu roomi V ii|2,1MHUH 1 rril-Fci v 1 a0111 kit 1 hi ‘ITc|fiu*Hf isn o r m urn SCI »anIffUiuihIi \ MH>in I s it KaitMit Ml]ac« ■IIIf * * k lichen full haii IS a d >ai1 i .hcnifnl at garage

Nh HH \TK i ll New 4 & .!>edr«miti eolomal Hentrafiv .hi t oirdrfiMiwd . Hull basement 1 t ar ga 1 au«* 11111 nediaIe *h ciij»aru v

» HI l » U I I I f \ Hi \l INHralfm 8Ki a >22K u s Bulb Lehmann fwg


I'HIN t m m m i :m i \ i m

Hum let U k k in i '.a lfr !u

k nrh. H a h o onal tiiialit ; B*-drown' at t Ha df fMHb ,T

i < »H < o | .1 iMk» p* « oionbtf tun-nur 1 2Tt«v>uuUaiuMlM

nilf!n<«jrrn h ?< hen pan*" let 1 b a rtiih[(Mini 4 H.f*h<w>m- 1 i 2 K;ith'uli i ■u -u im ru! and mii at hud»a 1 u Ure \Ko |f * thiuf'. in i l ,a neeOS f 1 t..aun<try Koom on i us i

Tllji V aide ,it 4 LH X:

>1 TS'1l \ N l d M , NHi.n f o pioh h .Split Lev «• i Morn* ont I l f n i 1 2 .terr, site tn !\ nil'<>1 1 ow nsh' r oldhum features 'imkcn Li s IMV OO III lortnal l> 1 n 1 n u hr uhino* ii‘i II k' lehen lose Is paihurmh. Room i i S 1;.2 h

I MtOtil 2n pane•hi d H. 111ith Hoom1 Ihuii (Hii n ' t lading a Mastofa*droom Midt* 1 2 H.«th large

'Milranee Km* ■ r over ' i/uxi 2 LSI Ikiiram* ■ and ttil 1 VniM'im*nt ItcadsOf IX 1 ujtancy .d ,i u.cah> ■ V ;IK 000

\< 1J Sf\ L 1 H \ M U i n jumon lim* 1 : .mini! t Sicdi 1 at ion01 t hi J s }•lit us cluaiun njd larta is mu *M) withalhedral celling lor ni a 1 dinmc

IIlXil’H1 **al in kit ehi'n * ,imiK(Hmi 1 i!<mh1 >I/Od l y dr ikinu lulluisuflD ail with Hni>hukif nn reat ionnoth tjUaldv u, irfw2 du hy htfiiintrain f Jos f 1 2 1 a ■ * on

hi mm*r> and much tnor v ImIMMUUp, im mi l;d

S-4 ! '«xi



OKU ’ 0(1 ,1 UK', I.Ot I .

1 (Ik Hoorn a .ih al I ( niftj <t:ht

s.oilroom" lv.i'i'no-n! .nwl i < or (•,*!.it*.- So. h outstanding extras 1 - 1. eiitral .m 1 -nnditionint cal

|M'tiMu . \ t i .1 u ili t tf ivewa’. andmuch h u m Hi-.iitsticaJh pncts!tl s VKUI

M W i d l . i i M M . Brand new■ itdih i » Horae on a t l at re stt. n I . .'I Windsor to w n sh ip

I 1 ilurc- include _*ii tiA m s Hoom a d h ll i i Window lorrnal Inm ns Lncht nnxiern k m hen with Imdt n apiili.inccs oonvcnicnt I^iundrs

I \ s 1 W I \ l ) s u H ft \ . V H

••T aW! Janitor apex! Ham-

. > i-ulaiion I*.......Ill U|. U.t I \T ' -1 ...

I I s 1 1 iM Bl II Isfl I I I I \ I In k jm mini'll .ih iMi upanc: i s , - I .n tr .1 rice I o v e rilrootki- 1 Maths Un tin

1 w th iiiiil

Hi ■ I’M'h j, huiii*

uidd jofialifh> r iii


I .a inti iv d d am ait-d 2 iamiH . tan— vV > walls new>urd -a ith H*at

Molnximmhous*' lt|| pp|i.,ri. i-- . ,11'tic . in 1 VimtitioninE & 1 Wi'i i rocjis . ‘a inh 1 UJi

\ k l \ it-.W Ml *' Hi VIA K W i t

>..ifris _> r a r a 1 .itui i lonmcil«*i l«‘.il car • extras well

• by |>W lu-l .Hik | . ’ 1

(Diim lo r m .il ! o m n u Heuodern: k h hen ind -B e e re ,loom , 2 s a i (u i 1 age Muas

i-a tu ru i

ot ro.Ki 1 ionium this i \ , ‘.ti oi host i truly ip ia l i t t .ir. hit, 1 till al dcsiKl - Hum "ill o v e r a l l L ea n t '

1 \ t i i t \ V ( M i l l M l l \ ( t!Mol ilenHm n msi i 1M,

1 \ s | w iM is o i :V I I W I M I H I SIM | |

V" If *m- bar}! pi 1 ns 0 ropurf % -• n 100m mium Jta-aa lion dahlu m * ond !?ton a nd in f s,,<. • ton of and shmlt' - i' 1 ' ? 1srooktu Mali* b i*r l*i rgu loss n Viafiv iu a tu nI VITIU T ‘tp*1m wit n pic tur e 1a mdossnrnval

kmi ng r<K» msMluun f JaM *1 hon mdui ion \ I A\ 1 1v ! * ^ ( •

Ush'lli f chcn sut! I di sirwasher d r in t ion n H lithi' 'lOU n 4 ■H 'dr 0*011 1 | j , j n »f n ■urge p.fnelleii hi nn|J\ ro«*rn vs dh utiirt H>m > J 2 2 haih> . w u !:- s , / t. ■prof u ' moHal manm rpliicf ,t nd I#’,tined sudmu ? ppi pa u m 1*H>rn h ih ht n ms Indus t i l l r ri a ss '■ luhng door" 0i|H-nmtr dt'fm’ *)ishur < .ill us MOSS f or i hmeu ai< ip* - V’skitne -

j, ‘1 iwiKiii ilc-ik syill* ratline'hcdrobirl oaths


fS Lcncuult>ori/ ( trALTORS

Rl* H AKDSON ru 41 TORS Rt I tti lu" North

The Old V >rke Inn Hi|ih!«to»n 44,j

n M-ii Ki

L wT. W I.Miso k 1 c>l.i iM . \ l . 1 MiiJnwm Baths KarailjBoon, ll.i n i r t air eondition• xtras s i t hoir Mk suet

Ml; I It V \ 'T KHItKH I- A' iu ■

1 I I M IN t . lo N Mil- \ kmcwixxl I .»1 i nio. i|unT i iiuntry hv um m this dtliost new 7 large room lianch 1 mly lo minutes Irorn I Ifui nglor. on paved rounlrv '■ n.nis , i.ugi tnnli (xiiils 2 lull

•th' i if >n kitchen r<*e real ion ■■oil t ng ; n and dining rm all •; " , 1 .111 atl.iehed r.||-

I HI Bui: \i K M.l M V IMItcaltOI'

Lies .’o;‘ \ U 2 miles s,,, „) ( -(fclei .-nengton \ .1

" >%i It ( '

garage basemenl insu-lalioni H IM W H IM , \ M.l I- VI

l i u u s u l (U o p e n \ Vpiirlmeri! Bmldmig e o n la im n g I (tree 2 liedi noun a pa it menls presenih producing s',i»i month incnine I- reehyild area P r ic e d l ealisli.i illy St2 TOO

r.H O \ KK S MIL1. Mci|m.mi ( usioiti ( "lomal

T his mfw ( ustom ( nlomal is iriually eotnplele all it needs

VOI Ii• s(*h■. i ti|.*s and i olors 11 le.jlures a '(xieunis living

i ootti -Cparale dining room eat m kiUben i.mnlv room with l ireplii i je J I 2 h a lh s lull Im>»tim*1iI ■ 2 ear garage -i . days ■h i opal# yl i i l< I- 1) IT I \l< i \ T. s IT 'Hie

t A \H I OH s VI I

B ld g . Inis M ightstown. Last. Windsoj Wes( Windsor Iuliy niipro\.*i si, imui s ] i non

; M Ii i t s ,V 2 H oi S I S , IronTiige i«n I awitslnp and primary road

\il KKS ZONKH IN Id STK(M,. ( op Id lie broken up mi" ; p.M gages' Rigid frontage un Hie Ltd Reasonably priced

We b a il land availabli lor ,d|- iv| m-s "ij buyers

ns tot I n i i d In sell <|Uh kly

New i 1 2 . . ,u old Bi Level ledronirt j 1 2 bath si tuated n

H rh l - to w n \ e w lv d e e o ra te d kdehen w dh e.irpeung ;i rue

I ive bedroom Bi Level m Last Windsor lownshtp on large lol

lose to sehoois .md I ommumty1 mm tit; {><Mii :h

1 i.inhurv split level, lull) ear -et.-d and air i onddume.1 2 large

i n i eal urn room s a n d lour • di minis a lu m in u m sid ing mils, aping oulsiandmg tm

m edia tem eupint v .n non

I "I a led on bU'V highwav i.i i ■ inn : be.lio o n e m house

Has great |K)lenlial mi n n will help I inanet KO non

Motel t lolly lurmshed hnek ■ ni-i-i anils and in',"!- iieilroon:

tie inaiTel Idea Mol <mieon>- le ln ixt or extra mi nine To nob

i Been . l i re , in l .e t Windsoi Township w th tv , u ori highwav

a 111 hone ii H 'MU on dum'tuim siding and triple (raek whit, * ombin.dion w indows eigiji la rg e room s l ir e u ta e c in ’ U 'en ien t and f in ish ed a l i a Within w a lk in g d i s ia n c e «| shopping 29 WHO

N VI 1* or I I- \ s | ; i no: st| it im 2 ii a s r a aim new lactorv ..11 II

i ih hu

our JJdl froi 6 OHKIS SfRVING YOU



9 21-270 0

VALUflSIONofc E| owxs

UU H I (» \ MuHM HA!2,u and k»\ 1ok W ilham« olonu tl on app? oNimam the Hart iOurton Hdlh.l' h* rtl done in u\u

with 1, »ar|S that <lat*i Uf \ u.t "xpai »oil> rcath> \\;!h o|M‘n 'warn

,.l N s |N ( , I < IN s|- . I'll IN ] I is ■ *' v, t'.tf ' 1 •!*:** -Hi i J .HTf

■ tMftiR*' \ uiti riiHin with■*'hi‘iir.i! tvuimi dining

f.t • k f . ht»n i.i«ndr> ami • uci •*’**': iu<: m hun«- 22 \ 14

tw»tn ! s r >. ui:« 2 full battik

n.f ,i .x« *iH»f Ntt»u,ij2<*«!« ' .» fit)! ha''fn>rni ami

uMuiiiui hind-M .tpiii£ and a frimi ndti.u k puff ic»» \f ?bt‘ rrar *»t h>{ i f m am la rut- l iv e ' !«»r addt*d

*} t ♦ lit I) VI < :a um

V Ml ! Ill Ii HR \NI I \KW 4 -i ’V • • i ' i \ I \ i s | _■

la’i.s 11 replace centrally air ' id ' . lin'd 2 cat garage to iji

■' - upaci . I bi eelums Norlh B ’o*. led Rt \ ] H left al

M . in :ew ell al Lake \ lew ' d gr a| Meadowbrook


I N- \< K IN OK LAM K VNCH Onlv uu oi i s k ind ' Brick all e ie . trie, h o u se cen tra l ly a ir ; ■ "mil! inued with 2 co n tro ls entral vaeuitv system hrealh ak.iig e i i i a i u e lover sunken

a' eg r '"in. sp a e io u s d in ingO’” s ' ben ei|iupt#’d Willi finest acHiding pd and Hanson

i enter spa. urns recreation room w ii Verm eil’ marble tirepTaee 1 large bedrooms 2 1 2 baths.

' ei - n ! b a s e m e n t t ire and burg tat alarm system 2 ear garage wait magic eve sel on jo eiessi.malfv landscaped acre ol land

l .V W R K N fl ruWNSHIP

|.| Hk ghi I

INI it sTUl M . i|{ HI s | \R. |{ Vtfract'.v* old I aiding in lb in elan dun. lion with 'hmi si| it that .m hides a || jir'-v ate oRTees

-, ejiiuin i iKirn pile " lafgi work rWmts t elevators ik#( am p ,i. phase electro serviei railroad

.siding parking lot approximately

\u \s l i l t »H 1 s rt iw N STUKV• on ( • d U M VI. 1e u tu r e s liv mg TH 'i T o IH PI .It V If- THIS

s l ,n ti d in in g iiittm k itchen ̂ [ s' ro M "RAM H l-T Ht 1 h t :hupt

! nil:ain l|\ i.HHI! fOlH Itedl ttunts 1 1 2 Vsk 1 N i . P B B T Knit .me e Inver

1 car gairage and a lull 'p a u loth l iv in g 1 teim vv 11 hd ru< ha>< tnuni i . , i ' 1erred ail beat iacu large j»an*idled lamdybade Us«M*d t f • *« *!!' Im m e d ia te room vs 1f}l 1 ireplaIS'U all •dec trie

< k’i i1 fu!! H V v fHHt sunk *r fsU* kitchen T Itedi •mitts 2*■ \ 2 k|(} * fjv unoi no HIS basemenl 2

!. H i Hik i fU f Nf t r u » \ car garage set on fieaulilullvnud ; inooi 2 Mor s l«*Usu vs ill. ; land?-1 a tier1 treed ! 1 2 as ire lot

.ei tv Ids.. - e kllelM’n in aig

dtmug riH.m and laimlv t w a l l a f i r e p la c e fh c mem '.a Iwei. i omplelely sd eied nio i pa n e l led •a’ ’it ’ • n and o i lu e Ml

s ism

square feet. <•! allici* and g« 'paei ' : no )«t monih

I HI- s p y . | | o n I if; VI

• qu.ii i le.T oi o ihee ,11id

4 4 8 - 0 6 0 0231 ROt.I RS A V I N U 1

H iy > H T S T O W \ \ I.V 4 Jk R .M y" M i s LI- I’RI sj \ j y | ly ,.;s

UK .1,2

2 O P E N H O U S E Ss,i! vV sun I >p m

\H- H l u \ HI.Aid - "̂,1*. i mIihii.h lircfil.u f m fiv mu

- '♦"in 2 1 2 badw 2 car uaraut* j>i «>tt*ssiifm11Ifv iamlM. m runs!dfMrahlt' . area »d \ t adt*m\ Mu norI) i f t ium- StHiili «»n 2<Mv r i^bl un 1 ,.iu i fn< f • illu Hfiinmuitm Koud 'hud r i Li Ii I Mcrmn Koad

H\KI- J \ \ \ HI \< K

r c n t f i hall i ' ' J budiUMim In It-\ r l' andi mucIkn im immrdi.itc- <»<• f upant'\I >u ft !d»ii' Stnillioii H'Hilr I h> I 211! ills! jmM 1 mu i f l ier Shnppnm■ i -I'to M ik« I bint and un nnrfn on l N m i tlomal I.akt1 l)uiv«‘ a tut h ; hi st uit’hi turn Right In


882 5000 896 1888

Li Hire !k"L B"li Hnldw W al ien I-..

UK . , i . | n, ..240

TalldolU width I tool'si la e es Idle o w ners hav"lied a little new and . title

a create It. i hoi pong holla

: t 2 \< in- s Indus I at Bobbin.V lie N

lor details

NI Ml I’KINi I- | i i \spill Level ! amilv


▲ l ’ .H It's fflll*‘f>U|T\ patch on u ei) ' * tot *• Hu I.he 1 mk{ si tv barnA la v u iu d • road ( h f r h e a d vV «1 h U l \s Lflb a f 1 ammc. iinm

m Kendall / \ i niialmn 12 »ou phis a i,»r>f*' fenced p, I'furu area- garage L 4 iot thu lam dv thal k* housu-si ’nneipals / W \ a iu'- if h lour uvula!Is ail for »nd .1 < on\ ftnuni Iiu attOB ( all

/ n \ ;2 hod now _

IUT VI 1IOMI- IN BELLI Mt \f» M*d} * h hn I furijia loss 7 l *Ou 1 1 )|( XUv II1 \ j * | VV■ lie ■ ’ll"

1 \ U \ | t y >ni; 1 A, 1 4 BB1 Ml o \ l VI M. *sf SlideBaths panel rm 14 y ) f Ku!di v lull t,asu 2 ear i 2 acreI M ias ' j,,, s n .ue ( 4|; 1*4M

oceup Vskitlg

rsees lake 11 iw nhouses ,k d e h e n K.i

I fickorv bedroom riMtin 1

1 1 'Mwashi i ed Luff di vI s, b,Mil. ;

I’lk L BR(M ik U B \B > V

■place T

bedioinn Ranch 2 baths living "•un . laung loony family room .iiuiitjrv kilehen lull basement 2 .11 gat age |iaved drive gas heal.

1 e iu ip iU oin ng s to r m s and 1 rcens i rutd many extras H\ ppoitl i jncnl p r in c ip a ls only

NTH i H- I- K B s | f , p iled j asl W iOdsoi ( . .*lo fr im m s 2 I 2 baths

six Industrialoh highw ay

in on a ■a thal



uL l iE lt . s f i iW N , g a rag' >n I I I .11 hlKlIsondil ion

Mat ie I ’ I lev I arensed lb d I state Broker

Main St Lrariburv N .1 c phhi

'■ 1 lorothv l.indenlelii

I B 'N u t BV \ large & IxMuldul * 'dril l pill level ill niceII denied area Plenty ol room lot large lamdy lor laimlv who need -pace Im parents Also .1

ihmI 1 hou •- lor musical Litnilv 01 f home aid 2 , .a art I B ea u lt lu l lv la n d sca p ed

lot 1 onveniem ird eneloseil tor privacy A hoppmg ( chh) ,m ion 1 enlrally air e-ond s

' Vi .no If,ad*-d .1 Ih extras '■ '.onon

'N o r iihiii, IIB,111 s | t iW N Ii isn I larma 1 k'-r 1 " mi'' boa - -1 ’: 1 M e, I I ike on. T rum


II M in i 1, | s | \ i K lin! s |Bealkii

l :* S Main MillgbtStO'All \ ,|

UK ;<».(,

' uLKib lit-l

hr ou^honl ului- Hu t ed barn tn bark In Ih r jian lrv1 l a mu room I t b heli nu w ill think U )li re inmis* ,,f4ud v.iirsf V T in e hniis. It ie re 1 emtugh

v■ a , !foo 'm ini ti the .lining room tn enb t ’ ' Hu whole lam ilv A storage

i; \\< H K K i \ B " ' n It" b.r-emerit lot a ll nl> 1 • 1n f r If On tlOlte pi e .1 v ed P hmJ Th,

ion Home a ith 7 I' 0 1 1 . 1! ... ip, a lum inum\, p4}j f»,|S*•muni •' . i« i a retree hving '.«» youunt i«« ,mon nearOf • < , 700

S a, .#h!K.VST VV IM *si ifv I ill .1 IN IVI .fust listed this b c ,« in !u i toxfi.#>n, i. vear voting <Tdonsa 1 2 bath* panelled tamdy vn w ith brick lireplace ntcetv la

iron.ROUtf 3 3 ROdaiNSVIUE N J

5 8 6 -140 0vNi H

W S BORDENR e a l t o r .,

Ill W At lit M n IMf v 1 lIlMi S -Ml ' 722 i'MMf

W NsHIp2 • replat

•nfi t

1 \H fit m t s o i ; t t i s ki b i :• j HE Vi, KsT.VI T

-ii I b I

MV RT Ni T T o W N sH fpT I Wu BKUTUh iM H \N< II

■ V( PI- s

■tied porch III to dab kib tic

1 IB l'd I I I VII \ u \( ,1 M y' * - 'I - • b -' 11 • • k , ’

Hb ,

"tm 55*0 r m '« O ffic e s S t I V I N G YO U


737- 150® 112-3104

n l e sIron

non s, Vintdi

I I " N \ i ; Ii y y \ |||s| u , f \< y

• ' B I s " II wooded lil ll 'id e 1 ■" roads 2 I,irm ly' "u ib u i ld in g s nursery

1 ' 1 '■ • '"H' 1 iark'burg

I V W I; K N( K s t o n e ( ront' oloi;;a I oiler oat 10m rismis 2 fireplace. lull l.alhs ultra"•.(let: Pi- Kv ehe-.tnul kitchen•vitfi breakfast area Benjamin Tranklit. eieetri' -tbve new wall

•' a I> earjuding throughout lull baser a-ill jiatio i car garage

• ei and 1 ajH-d ! • shaded lol

NkAL N u’IK k D M I k Newlys'lai Itu tch ( olom.a! 1, rooms 2

lull baths basem ent m, reened. b./di"

S2B 'HI.

-: p-

Page 13: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups


Real Esta te For Sale Too Late To Classify

tit- business I* in-ebon Hi » 1

( 1S1 u t i l J 1 lit \i Mil!

\K-s i-


is own■(j Kb t>r<»os

N u i l e n t I > (i i I < I i nH&H G A S C O R P .

ATLANTICL t 1 V M M . L O M I 't N i

• - • Q U A L I T Y S E R V I C E

E C O N O M Y 5 8 6 6 6 0 0

-H K-S i Of V f i

lm>n-hi|i .mthi i

r . h N \G K H look.:m; ii mrm kendull Park



oorris 2 i * fmrm’ Mh- labulous < wintry kitchen l,<,rn< dh m.ilk hi liri |ilai i Situated on

n i i - s overlooking stream a n il S | die-. Th* p r r lw l '<*ttinii for In ini' with antiques s 1 1 immi

‘121 U4

K N S K D I ' K . V T I

,11 The k

DKNT in r, ale fixim

ji ni

i n u n i i n i m n.! ukl-l - Md iHSH I U< > A 1 k



ul IPPK1)iiwitn 4n hp Johnson moi<

raiier Good for water -k. H.liter )4K U 22

fk I . K M lS i . 111\ \ l( KA I •(optionally fine highway propertyoil His 2B2 & ’ 1 \lmosl In acres about 17a frontage excellent potential Has a small house ami several outbuildings Orth vyi non

f i l l HOH \( K \ ( . f N< 1 l \ tJack .1. (lehrs. Realtor

Members of Hunterdon ( mint v Multiple Listings

2 mi su of r lemingfon < freleI Ml Houles TIC! & !l

201 7821070

. \B A G k SALE \n t iq u e s Modern and distinguished juntjue n chests tattles rugs tine a irac clothing and toys Sat 4. sun Apr 17 4 IH In 4 10

oltmial Lake lit oil Hi t turn

H E(l ISTK.K k 11 LAMBS II! pet each t all 921 -roe

U Kk (>

C R A N B U R Y4 bedrooms, spin level, 2 baths, family room, wall to wall carpeting in all rooms, '2 car garage S45.000

F HA A P P R O V E Dt , js t Wtndsoi Low down to qua!ifmt huye* 4 Bedroom Colonial, central air. 2 baths, family room $37,500


mu conditioned Colonial 4 UsLooms. 2 baths family room, dining room, 2 car gar age Excellent landscaping

Reduced to S 39.200

C R A N B U R Y4 bedroom split level 2 baths, panelled tarndy room, garage S42.50G.


Fot the ex,Garrison t.'.o central air. I

mal. 2 baths re lot S 6 1 ,500

M O N RO E TO W N SH IP (near Cranbury!

5 room brick home / be,I rooms, 1 bath hr ©pi act?. 7 cai q,if aqe R i 111 v / n > S . ■ 7 b 30


Realtor6 1 fM Mam St Cranburv. N i

655 332 2 of 448 ? 4?7 E

Thornton S F»el<1 Jr 395 0679



U S H W Y NO 1 South Brunswick

201 297 3049

E a s t W i n d s o r i A u t o B o d y


U S HIGHWAY 130 HIG HTST 0WN 4* 8-5025

D A W Ssrftoeo

Mercei 81 Academy Sts Hightstown N J Phone 448 9781

R i chard son* f A L T O » S


H A S T H I B U Y E R S !H A S T H E S E L L I N G R O W E R 1



Wt Oftf*xcw i y h . i a , »

. Hock\ake left

■ Ku kl

rt-ene ol 2a 1 M aimed with •dminunitv ' \ ,M an to roan alt putting 'hi <! It the HI jn t, rtc'


i k & 741 c a m p e r

i' ps pb ! Camper onta inert

ui' ret rig tf ter 4 pm

w W T K I> to work p ol research A

lab o ra to ry Som e l ib ra ry r e s e a rc h

s K \cel lent steno |Uired know ledge ul

industries helplul Submit resume to Princeton \ J

Mr G n ^ n e charged Council with misleading us Instead «) leading us you .ire destroy mg us There vs ill tfc freedom lor all ol us or none ol us he ( 'included

Ke\ L au jen ceD Kish Sr of 112 Kira Kd asked Council it it ever intended to Lend a reprcsent,i ti \c to New Yolk ( Its to rebutt the way a three part series on the KKK in New Jersey was presented on Channel; 2

Since ihe reports had editorial comments :the Borough is entitled to giv e an editorial rebuttal lie- kish said i

Councilman Larsen said Council had not considered the prospet


k HKK Mni s k nam ed \ ru jn a to a nix*d tioliu * oinplele w ith cace wate'r botth and months supplv ot Mxxi t'all *121 ivi <.

k'Ol Nl) Beautiful blk male Tn0,, Persian cat about 1 yr recently neutered nails d ipped, 2 sin wht markings, ex trem eh atteetionate vicinity ol N Main St . Pen­nington Call KKH till:; after > tn pm

> 8i ACHKs i! South Hun

hi a k veneered d lor use as a ,i i ommercial ike back mar

( ail M>(>-.!82fi

iLDsMuBILK lardtop d e a n

CULLKdk. m Kngltsh

giving an editorial rebuttal but that it wfis a gixid idea and Council w mild consider it

i it mg a protilem ot pothole^ mi Wvcofl f l i l ls Hoad \HTed Stroebel m MH Springcrest 111a S k < ■ 11 -J < 11 i 11 [ 1would alleviate the problem The employ (M's j ot National Lead w ill lie handing the Borough bills lor wheel alignment .and other .car

irty 2 d(x>r dam agetra s Asking Councilman ft Howard Kiank

said Council i ' cognizant ot the road dam age We have been doing patching and repairing He te d the Township should do the same. Ml Kiank added

»n< student slated Hr the Kcmsevelt proje,

'he whole idea ts Hut:on in ‘Ii* lAorlti

R e t y l \ n x i l i ( l r \

^ l e - r t s \ h e n e J n \

Innih i A pi

H>The affair will he lu-ld at 8 p m

with Mrs G ra c e L cw al len presiding Plans tor the annual Poppy I lav Sale in May will In- discussed Mrs Efma B l.ncke will head this committee winch raises funds each year which are used exclusively tor the care ot (Cterans in the hospitals and their families

'KLCToH tutor I p in $-1 [K*r


M IM A T I HK PfNJDLKcolor las t seen A M

\[>nl 12 Missed and ;;1 !it h Please call 448

ANT Kl) toi Mill sum mer one n loving responsible horse crazy ■■nage girl to 1m- with Mother d 2 children & t; in Vermont ai U M H A Horse activities m p le te s u m m e r S w im m in g ling no - ookmg no house •aning mostly just fun Main ties m P M from 3 7 S2tto for miner all expenses covered xim for vour horse Mxi if \ou (< out all Mrs Hall 4«6 1517

Tvler M;-ore reported that n ione\ t i m i j i a i n H rfor the m ad repair work has notbeen appropriated because“ the The following tire <Borough hiust know who the reported bv Hightstouowners art- of parts ot the road Company ! lot theconcernin t road width so the Marchth o ro u g h fa re can be Ftn o n k or the Borough 1s tru tted thiles and 40 rnmutes

Mr S troebe l c h a rg e d (hat Windsor Township Lastpothoh-s lu n c existed tor one Lit) 7 a la rm s tig miles 4

month on (he Borough > section <•! -5 minutesthi* road Hast Windsor Tow nship Ambulance calls wenhas patched its portion he ad (fed

In othef business Councilman Larsen p re s e n te d Mayor s Citizenship (n a t io n s to Huger i ook and William H Hue for then service oti the Hightstown Board ot Health;

3:51 miles and 142 houts m



Hoard'Continued irom Page One

spoliation policy Members ol the Board pa

\ ! I ovv H a l o

Lot U r and H illm an

m enda! Min bv Stipe rint.endenHum ’that the Kasi[ Wind soR egional B oard of K dye at k.«c r e a t e an Ad Hoc .Advisor< 'ommitUH1 on the 1a»ng Ranglm p.u’t «>t i*. ipulation fiirowth ThBoard will appoint comm m emembers) l rom recomimenda turnmade bv the Mightstow n and HasWindsor y O rs a n d < ounciLs arv:b> i ntY'f'e-■ted ( i l l / e n s T hi "inmittei ' will >tudi- t he i mpin ation-: ot populatioti growth .uhi sc.h<M irntri utur«* ttiucal i

S P R U C E C O U R T( l S L U M

1)1 \ H . ( ) P \ H Mf ro m N33,s()<)

4 Bedroom s T Baths2 ( ar ( H e rs i/e d (.araues

Large Rooms throughout Separate I amil\ Hoorn

( a lum Kitchens 1 so -1 lent 1 uutneing Xvaiiahle O p e n S a l . \ S u n . | 1 -d


Realtors - Insurors est. 1927

15 Spring Street Princeton \ J 924 0401 sSr, it 120

(,e r e in iu m ^eih

the*nbur\ P

w 3?

Realtor Insurance



Sutxi*vj Hnttdiyi Ran O o # i« w 44A-5 781

n S B W H u g

^tultfi ISralfy (Co.i T V Mum St Cranbun A J

" ■ ‘ 609 39f> 6444 :o? ... ipq Sv*t#»n

Sh»H»v Sba^er 395 04 19

GYoull b en efit fid m o u r

profession al S ales a p p ro a cti


Off toe 609-448-4 250160 Stockton Street N j

We urgently need listings for SALES and rentals Please give us a call

S T E E L E . R O S L O F F & SMITHRealtors 201 297 0200




RobbtrtsviIIp. N. J. (t>09) ssT-TIbH

If your scotch costs S2 more than P&T, y o u should d be able to tasteji the difference.^


We are pl eased to oMer level term life i nsurance at these ext raordi nari l y low p r e mi um rates:

$50,000 Policies $100 000 PoliciesAge Ann.,,! iiY Monthly An pti ally Mmi LUU'

S 2 0 8 120 SI 36 S12 56 S23225 139 12 81 2 3 / 21 2430 146 13 41 252 22 5335 166 I S 14 291 25 8940 197 17 8 0 ’ 354 31 30

If you are in good health and can qualify for tin*Sf‘ lowrati - now the privilege of continued coverage to age 76 is guaranteed

For additional information and quota t ions call rheAnton Investments Corporation.

-6091 924 6301 Call at any time


f i t-j

Churrhill (Srmts4- B E D R O O M C O L O N I A L E ST AT E

Bi L E V E L R A N C H E R A N D S PL I T L E V E L S AL SO A V A I L A B L E'r,.pU b.eoD, ~ oris r g " c'-mo . • - - - ̂ n * * - • • - - sr” -3

r s * 1 r . b \j ' d ^ is : *• - *» . • m od**"! - e-"- a-R- ' f-- <5*: + '■OO’’̂ occ G'"'- e i ' c • *4'■» ';'Rf3or.«d

- - 5)0" 190 cod * #♦% ".'<* • ■ ,767 • • •> • ••- ' ' ' 1 ocaL o" 5

wO'g* wc a-t'rsgu* #0 " "O-k1 or* O':"!f"*P*OG* OpfYORO' ’ *

ir- A«»C '' ’ 1 * P ***' O' ' * * *' 'CrC ' '*

O' • . t • f r ■ - -

' O-fl•

80"' MOR T G A GE S 25YEARS AVAI L ABL E TO QUAL I F I E D BUYE RSW*fCT»ONS - ' *• * s. ' - < • - - .d

'KR®L' REALTOR 8 8 2 - 5 0 0 0i r t t M A U ' M'iQN NV'TIC-

Page 14: WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD...1971/04/15  · WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Tighter: 6Rally I .a w Tabled < .on nei 1 Set 1 o Introduce Law \t N ext 'se-'don An on control 11\ t*r 1ast minute groups

'ACrK M tT R T E K

Investment * Speculation * Industrial s Research

7 0 0 0 L C R E S W IT H INDevelopment Fa rm Building Lots

2r, M IL E S O F P R I N C E T O NThompson Land < o. control- or acts a- b r oker for over 7.000 kMTf** n


H e are involved in land in 7 counties— M e n e r . M ddle-ex. Hunterdon. ' o i |

Ocean, Bucks and Bur l ington— pri mari ly in the following town. l aps ; P r i m e , m 1. H|*

w a - . i . \11 Mr 1 r a n h u r y 1 h e s t e r f i d d . P.i-t \\ im i - o r . Frank lin. Hami l ton. H i l l - b o r o u g h . H o p e w e l l ,

K . - • ■ • i ’ 1 i iw er A1 a k > f i f i . 1. ̂1. i n - i i > M i l l - to n e . M o n r o e . M o n tg o m e r v P l a i n s b o r o , S o u th

B ' i ii'M i k . 1 p p e r F r e e h o l d . H a H i in g t o n , l f»i U n w e l l . R a r i t a n , R e a d i n g t o n .

P O R T IO N S O F A L E T T E R S E N T TO W E S T W IN D S O R T O W N S * »

L A N D O W N E R S IN J A N U A R Y 1970

D u rin g fh# n x tte i we w t r t fo rtu n ate in hand ling app rc * #?e * 1 OOC * n ofland «n W est W ind so r T ow nsh ip a lon* in transactio ns a rg ng *-on- e o» jpto n e a r ly 300 acres two contiguous farm s to on# buy#- from • ng orU S # 1 , P r in ce to n H igh tstow n Road O ld T ren to n Road Pen n ey ivam a R* oaa to land locked wood lots In areas o ther than W est W in d so r Tow u h ip p ' c*s ranged from $19 per acre U p p e r State N ew Y o rk to SR70 000 sale ’o tai >.a*e- p rie s ] last year of C rys ta l Lakes D eve lopm en t <n Bu ? in g to r County W e have so d to Socony M ob ile R esea rch Com pany H op ew e ll Tow nsh ip *e Che* Hu * * *-* •<*don C o un ty to the C atho lic C hu rch fo r a new sem inary , T itu sv Me and to ' a • e *• parish R o ck y H i ll W e have sold p ro p erty for G e n e ra l M oto rs Corpora* ' •tu t* fo r A d van ced S tu d y in P rin ce to n , as w e ll as m any, m any f f 'm e r s and iota land ow ners O ur nam e is associated w ith Fa rm s and Lan d and m any sales resu lt from re fe rra ls from o ther b ro kers as w e ll as a tto rneys and banks *hat *now as the "L a n d B ro k e r Lan d is our bu s in ess1 W e ar§ thus m ore up to date on *we c u rre n t lo n m g and *h# fu tu re plans fo r roads, u tilit ie s , schools., etc., and p a r t ic u la r ly on cu rre n t va lu es and se llin g cond itions W e have seen o ve rp r ice d lane be *o- .a e fo r f iv e o r six yea rs and s till not sell and we have seen p ro p erty the* s fa ir ly priced se ll w ith in th ir ty days or less

W e are a lso ex perienced in financing and rea estate taxation T ;p j *,* -av#had se lle rs check out w ith th e ir a tto rneys and accountan ts have saved them *hou sands of do lla rs W e have b u ilde rs and d e v e lo p e r to show p ro p e r ’ * to ’ ha* s on# in W e also have investo rs who w ill buy land that is still m an y yea- aw ay from deve lopm en t W e have b rought com panies to W es* W in d so r T o w n sh ip such as D ynep lex C o rpo ra tio n and D e law are V a lle y T u b ercu lo s is and Hea th League both on A lex an d e r Road W e hav# had la rge r com pan ies in c lu d in g two of the m iio - v the t have looked.

W e can also w ork tax fre e ** atge- ff someone wants to con tinu e to fa rm on less ex pen sive a d fu r th e r out Y var u su a lly double the size of vo u r fa rm by going to parts of '•'.ea'-by tow n sh ips • : h j« M ills to n e U p p er F ree h o ld and C h esterfie ld whe^e 'h e i in d . for the most p#--t y 0 'ic e d ap p ro x im ate ly one-haif of that in W est W ndsor T ow nsh ip You «ve m x do lia rs by m s 'a ilm e n t sales by tak ing29 or less cash d o * ̂ o.dmg a & r jf m ortgage and thus sp read ­ing the gam over a p e ’ od of yea >

In cases w here owne m ay w-«- m bu* no* m ove we can o ften a rran ge fo r theseH tr to 'e n t the house back o pe-maps >n the case of e ld e r ly ow n ers to have life

ghts and n eve r ie a »e the o>d hom es'ead

f ■ add ition »o im m ed iate sale we have investo r w h; w : pay fo r an option to buy •he fu tu re ThuN you eta ■ the and and a n , use c incom e un til *he sale Be

cause the op tion is p red ica ted on a fu tu re tim e the^pnee is u su a lly m ore than to d a y s c u rre n t m arke* va>ue T F «• t > a *ime period , fer some people s w e lcom e for an o rd e r ly trans itio n

W e have also sold p a rtia l e e v arg-er parce ls Most re c e n tly a one-quarter in ­terest n a 126 acre farm r H sbe iugh ’’ ow nsh ip ; one m em ber of the fa m ily w anted *o se fl and the o thers wan*ed to wa * A t so lved the p rob lem by se lling th e ir one-quarter in terest on lv

Or ;f you w ish we can hand # sales qu e ” - a- we fo llow the d ictates of the ow ner W t can m ove q u ic k ly ' Ju s t last m onth we had co n tracts signed m H igh ts to w n on F- 'd ay by the buye- sent a - ma special del very *o F lo r id a signed by the se lle r and back by M o n day m orn in g e x a c 'iy 0ne week a fte r nego tiations had started On a n o th e ' U rg e dea m W e s ’ W in d so r T o w n sh ip we stayed on the te lepho ne and sen' cabms fftl fey tra ck in g dowi- an own#- ac 'oss Eu - o p t W# caught up w ith him and m ade the dea; O nce a fa m ily w idow and th ree ad u lt sons, ca lled and w an ted to settle an estate im m ed iate ly T hev had ece>ved a low o ffe r and w ere about to accept * W e asked fo r 'w e r t y fou- h o u 's showed *he p ro p e rty and sold the one hu ndred

and seventeen acre fa rm *he next day ^he law yers had to w ork on Sa tu rd ay as did we to m eet the d e ad lin e Th is deal gave the se lle rs ap p ro x im ate ly 15‘ m ore A n o th e r tran sactio n was c o n su m ite d for ap p ro x im ate ly S250.000 at 2 a m Both the bu yer and the se lle r w ere w ea ry but happy.

W e w spend our m oney to m erch an d ise yo u r land by erectin g large signs ( if des ired !

7 m ak ing up b ro chu res3 ad ve rtis in g m new sp ap ers in c lu d in g T ren to n T im es N ew Y o rk T im es

and the W a l l S tre e t Jo u rn a l4 radio a d ve rt is in g

Our ex p erien ced sales fo rce is headed bv F red T in d a ll our land and farm m anager, who is fa m ilia r to m ost of you He is an ex-farm er born in W est W in d so r Tow nsh ip , c u r re n t ly liv in g in R o b b in sv ille He s the Past M aster of H am ilto n Square G ran ge and c u r re n t ly a d ire c to r of A lle n to w n Savings and Loan A sso cia t io n F red even sells land to fa rm e rs re c e n t ly the B ra y fa rm in A lle n to w n to a truck fa rm er from N o rth Je r s e y .

I am a fifth g en era tio n P r in ce to n res iden t and have devoted m y en tire c a re e r to rea l estate specia liz ing in land .

W o rk in g hard is lust one reason we are successfu l The m am reason is that land and fa rm b ro kerag e is big business and w « trea t it as such It is ve ry com plex and it is im p ossib le to be o u tstand in g in th is on a part-tim e basis W e are geared to hand le the sale of yo u r p ro p erty . P lea se g ive us the o p p o rtu n ity to be of se rv ice and re­m em ber we on ly get paid if we m ake a sale.

Sh ou ld you w ish to discuss th is fu r th e r we w ill be glad to m aet w ith you at y o u r9 co nven ience w ith no o b lig a tion on your part, to answ er any questions on yo u r p rop­e rty P lease feel fre e to contact us any tim e by ca llin g our o ffice 921-7655 (twenty- four hour se rv ice In c i w eekends or even ings:


- -Ns?, r : J r t M


A d d your property to our large land map (20" x 30") that is sub listed to hundreds of other real estate com­panies as well as mailed to hundreds of prospective buyers. We erect signs, make up brochures and advertise in na tional as well as local media. This gives your property extensive and meaning ful exposure and it is handled by land experts who can usually obtain a higher price more quickly than the owners can themselves if they had the time and money to do so.

Thompson Land i> the exclusive agent on all of the numbered properties. This is just a partial list of our main land and farm listings within a 25-mile radius of Princeton. In most cases the above lands can be purchased with between 20% and 30% down to a qualified buyer.

Thompson I and a- part of it. evpan-ion program i» looking forpeople m k ‘ - •' 'i . i M r ■ t " * i"' ■ • r>' ar*aactive , re lit . t n k h d i * ho a rc

interested in . u _ *1 ■ f re .a t -u t e to make .-<• of thei r

LAM ) SALESMAN WANTEDknowledge H e ar*- : in people with good -ale* background‘Uch a, Me Mi-Ltat • wtio Mould like to move over thi* verv; ntere-tlmg . ■ ug ■ g >1 rewarding field, people m ho would liket" ion , :ii part area and limit their travel, t i e are also

‘•OfMini- -O -S iO . REAi-r

■ - 1 m talking to people with varied business, investment, or

1 na 1 background*, thinking of a change, who perhaps would k* spend more time . i rnoor- and be their own host and who hav«

some ideas thev d like to *ec realized