Windows and Web Apps in C# David Figge [email protected] Session 2 Last Update: 4/11Page 1Copyright (C)...

Windows and Web Apps in C# David Figge [email protected] Session 2 Last Update: 4/11 Page 1 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.
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Transcript of Windows and Web Apps in C# David Figge [email protected] Session 2 Last Update: 4/11Page 1Copyright (C)...

Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Windows and Web Apps in C#

David [email protected]

Session 2

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Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Checkbook Register

Let’s take a look at my solution for the Checkbook Register program…

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Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Windows and Web Apps in C#

Object Oriented Concepts

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Object Oriented Concepts

We’ve sort of danced around the concept of objects and classes. I think at this point it would be useful to have an idea as to what we mean by Object Oriented So what is this Object Oriented stuff? What’s the alternative? What’s the big deal?

Let’s talk…

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A Little History

Computers came into being about 50 years ago The first ones were very simple

Computers were good at taking a simple task and doing it many times A first use was missile trajectories

Not surprisingly, code was procedural Simple steps with loop instructions

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A Little History

This was the typical way of programming for the next 30 years Through the introduction of PCs Most programming languages used this

procedural concept Assembly, BASIC, C, Forth, Pascal, RPG…

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Example Procedural Example

10. REM Calculate power20. INPUT “Enter base number: “, B30. INPUT “Enter power: “, P40. SET N=B50. P = P – 160. IF P = 0 THEN 9070. N = N * B80. GOTO 5090. PRINT N100. END

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A Little History

In the early 70’s interest started gathering around a few OOP languages e.g. Smalltalk

This was largely because computers were becoming powerful enough to support the loss of efficiency inherent in more complex languages

C++ was introduced in late 80’s An object-oriented version of C

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Why Object Oriented

OOP was born because the procedural paradigm didn’t relate well to the real world

In general, people don’t interact with subroutines and variables

They interact with ‘objects’. Entities that, within their own right, can

do things and have their own attributes

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An Example Situation

Scenario We want to model traffic on a freeway

so we can determine the best exit/entrance locations

Wouldn’t it be nice if they really did this? Let’s look at this using traditional


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Freeway Example (Traditional)









Variables UsedCarType(8)


Issues:Code is complex, not intuitive, hard to maintainSubs must deal with all cars (adds complexity)What if more cars?

CodeWhile (running) for car 1 to 8 if running then NewLoc(CarSpeed(car),CarAccel(car)) DrawCar(CarLoc(car)) end if next carLoopEnd

Sub DrawCar if CarType = 1 then …

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Freeway Example (OOP)









Car ObjectType, accelspeed, etc. All kept in object. Object knows how to move and draw itself based on settings inside the object.

Advantages:Each car object knows its own type and characteristicsEach car object knows how to move itself and draw itselfCode and data about the car are together, vastly improving maintenanceAs a separate entity, one person can work on car object while another works on other parts

CodeWhile (running) for each car car.move() car.draw() next carLoopEnd

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Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

OOP In Practice

So a key point to take from this example: Object Oriented Programming isn’t about rewriting

procedural code to use objects It’s a fundamentally different approach to the problem

With procedural programming You try to break down the project into tasks

Then each task into bite-sized chunks: functions In OOP

You determine how objects interact in the real world Then try to simulate that relationship in the program

By doing that, we more accurately represent the object relationships that exist in the real world.

It’s a fundamentally different approach

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Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Languages have four characteristics Inheritance Encapsulation Abstraction Polymorphism

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Inheritance is the ability to create one object based on another Let’s see how this works using animals

as an example…

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Inheritance is the ability to create one object based on another

MammalCharacteristics unique to

Mammals include live birthsand having hair on their bodies

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Inheritance is the ability to create one object based on another



Because they are derived from mammals, all canines also give live birth

and have hair on their bodies. These traits are inherited from the base class

“mammal”. The canine class only contains those elements that make

canines unique among mammals. For example, they have two ears, four paws,

and a snout.

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Inheritance is the ability to create one object based on another




Derived from Canine, Terriers automatically have all characteristics of

canines (and therefore mammals). Automatically. The Terrier class only

contains those attributes unique to this breed (for example, their size


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Inheritance is the ability to create one object based on another



Terrier Great Dane

Again, Great Danes are derived from Canine (and

therefore mammals). They, however, have different

characteristics than Terriers (such as their colors).

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Inheritance is the ability to create one object based on another



Terrier Great Dane

Inheritance – the ability to base one class on another – simplifies objects and better represents real-world situations. Inheritance is an important aspect of


Let’s discuss and diagram on the board a class hierarchy for our freeway


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Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Languages have four characteristics Inheritance Encapsulation Abstraction Polymorphism

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Encapsulation is simply the ability to place the code and variables that relate to one another in the same place

In OOP, variables are Attributes, subs/functions are Methods

These terms fit better into the concept of an object. For example, a car keep its size in a variable, it’s just

one attribute of that car. So the attributes and methods are put together

into one unit: an object. Since we’re here, let’s clarify some additional

terms: Class – The ‘blueprint’ for an object. Defines attributes

and methods within used by an object Object – A specific instantiation of that class in memory

Note that I tend to use the terms variables and attributes

interchangeably, as well as functions, methods, and subroutines (as they

are, technically, the same). Don’t get thrown off by that…

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Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Languages have four characteristics Inheritance Encapsulation Abstraction Polymorphism

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Abstraction (or Data Hiding) is the ability to protect attributes from outside access May sound minor, but it’s not It gives the object the ability to control how

and when attributes are accessed A common practice is to make an attribute

(class variable) private, and have public methods that set/get them.

This allows the object to validate the data, and perhaps trigger other processes when set/retrieved

Attributes and methods are hidden or shown using the Public and Private keywords.

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Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Languages have four characteristics Inheritance Encapsulation Abstraction Polymorphism

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Polymorphism is the ability of a class to override the behavior of a base class. For example In our car scenario, the base class

implementation of the ‘draw’ function could just draw a simple box.

Each car derived from that can override the ‘draw’ function (if desired) to draw a likeness of the car.

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Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Another aspect of polymorphism is the ability to view objects at multiple levels This ties into inheritance as well

In our freeway example, we can treat the Honda Accord object as A Honda Accord A Honda car A generic car A generic vehicle

So, just like in real life, objects can be viewed at various levels We’ll talk more about this as we cover

inheritance in more detail…Last Update: 4/11 Page 27

Object Oriented Programming

So, once again, Object Oriented Languages have four characteristics Inheritance Encapsulation Abstraction Polymorphism

Questions on our intro to Object Oriented concepts?

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Object-Oriented Programming

In many OOP languages, including C# and Java, classes are used to implement the OO principles of Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, and Polymorphism

In OOP languages, a class defines a type…

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Objects and Classes

What’s a type? Data and how it’s stored in memory (e.g. an integer),

and Operations that can be performed using the data

object (e.g. +, -, etc.) What’s a class?

User-defined data type A class combines data with the operations for

manipulating that data Enables abstraction—the user of the class doesn’t

have to know what’s going on inside What is an object?

An instantiation (variable in memory) of a class Class is the blueprint, object is the building

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What’s this Public and Private?

The public and private keywords control who has access to the data or function

Private means only that class has access to the data or function

Public means anyone can have access to the data or function

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Public or Private?

A general rule-of-thumb for public and private variables is as follows: Class variables are generally private. This

ensures that no outside parties change the data without going through proper procedures

Functions used only internally within the class are private also.

Functions available to the ‘outside world’ are public, and constitute the class’ interface.

These functions include functions to get and set appropriate private class variables as well

Let’s look at an example of a class…

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Employee Class Example

This is a classdescribed using alanguage called UML

Unified ModelingLanguage

Classes describe bothdata and behavior, soafter the name of theclass we have twosections

The first section describes the data The second describes the behavior, or methods

The – means private (only the class can access it) The + means public (everyone can access it)


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Employee Class Example

What you see is prettytypical for a class.

Data elements aremarked as private

Methods that arepart of the class’public interface aremarked public

If there were any“helper” methods, usedonly internally, they would be private as well

After the data elements, you see a : and the data type used to contain that data (gender:boolean)

After the methods, you see the data type returned from the method (getGender:boolean). Void means none


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Employee Class Example

As a final note forthis example, youcan see that foreach data item wehave two functionsthat reference them,a ‘get’ function anda ‘set’ function.

We call these“getters andsetters”. They allow access to the data, but only in a controlled way

The Set function can validate the new SSNto validate the format, for example

We’ll talk more about how C# uses properties as getters and setters…


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Employee Class Example

Since we’re here,a note about objectstability

It is the class’responsibility tomake sure that itis always in a validstate for use, evenif it is empty If all classes adhere to this, then the system is

always stable The Getters and Setters help keep this class

object stable.


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Name: ___________________Pop Quiz!Question 1 of 4

What is a class?

A grouping of data and methods.

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Name: ___________________Pop Quiz!Question 2 of 4

What is the relationship between class functions (methods) and class data members?

The methods use the data in order to perform a specific task.

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Name: ___________________Pop Quiz!Question 3 of 4

What is the relationship between an object and a class?

An object is an instantiation of a class. A class is a ‘blueprint’ or pattern used to create the object.

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Name: ___________________Pop Quiz!Question 4 of 4

Explain how a class can accomplish abstraction.

Using the public and private keywords to restrict outside access to internal data and methods.

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Let’s build a Calculator I’d like to take these concepts we’ve discussed and

try them out Team up with a partner near you and (on paper)

identify the objects and relationships involved for a 4-function calculator (add, subtract, multiply, and divide)

So, what objects are in a calculator? How do they interact with one another?

Remember, you don’t need to consider “how will this get coded?”

This would be a computer version of a calculator, made to simulate a desktop calculator.

After you’re done, we’ll translate that class design into code together

10 MinutesLast Update: 4/11 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.Page 41

Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Calculator Example

Okay, so what did you come up with?

Here’s what I came up with…

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Calculator Example

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1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

. 0 =





It seems like a pretty key element of a calculator is the display. This object is responsible for taking a number (or

string) and displaying it.

Equally important would be the number keys. You need to be able to enter


The operation keys take the number you’ve entered, save it, and allow you

to enter the other number in the operation.

Finally, the = key takes the number saved (by the operator keys) and the

current number entered, performs the calculation, and produces a result.


As I looked at the current objects, I felt the relationship between the

operators and = key were significant. It makes an simpler design (and one

more representative of the real-world) to have a Calculator object (kinda like the CPU). It’s responsible for storing

numbers and performing calculations.

Note that it’s pretty common to create an object representing a concept

(“time”) or more abstract element. Even if it’s just too make an easier

design, it’s totally okay.


•Display•Number keys•Operator keys•Equals key•Calculator

Ready to build this?

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Calculator Example

We’re going to build this using Windows Forms We’ll hit Windows Forms more in depth

a little later in the course… Note that – because of how Windows

Forms work – we can’t easily put the buttons in a class together. We’ll get around this a bit by making

them all execute the same code underneath…

Here we go…Last Update: 4/11 Page 44

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Calculator Demo…

Initializing Member Variables

Problem: Using a class object with member variables

that have not been initialized can cause problems

However, declaring a class variable does not necessarily initialize the member variables

You can initialize variables with =, but that doesn’t work for complex objects or ones that require runtime information to initialize

Using the { . . . } structure initialization syntax works for classes, but only if all member variables are public

And, as we discussed, that’s hardly ideal… One solution: You could have a member

function that does the initialization But what if the user of the class forgot to call

it?Last Update: 4/11 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.Page 46


The OOP (and C#) answer to this problem is constructors

Constructors are special member functions whose purpose is to initialize the object into a known stable state.

Constructors have the same name as the name of the class

They don’t have any return type either, as it’s a given that they return an instantiated object of the class

A constructor is always called when the class object is created

If you don’t supply a constructor, the compiler supplies a simple constructor for you

Constructors are typically not private Somewhat awkward to call it that way…

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Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


You can have as many constructors as you wish Normal overloading rules apply

The parameters must change The constructor with no parameters is called the

Default Constructor Because it is used to initialize the object into its default

state (as no values were supplied) Remember I mentioned if you don’t create a

constructor, one is created for you by the compiler It’s sole purpose is so that you can create an object of

that class It creates a version of the default constructor

It does nothing outside of declared initializations, as it doesn’t know what additional steps to take

If you define any constructors (default or not), the compiler will not define the default constructor for you.

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Constructor Exercise

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Going back to our Check Register program From an OOP design standpoint, it would make more

sense to have the transaction records be objects, wouldn’t it

That way each transaction knows about it’s transaction type, payee, amount, etc.

It also better represents the real world, where each transaction is an individual entity unto itself.

Let’s work together to create a Transaction class, along with a constructor to initialize it Then we’ll modify the Main code to use an array of

transaction objects rather than using the Trans class…


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Example Transaction Code

class Transaction // New Transaction class{  TransType type;  int checkNum;  string payee;  decimal amount;  DateTime date;

  public Transaction(TransType trantype, int cknum,  string paidto, decimal amt, DateTime dt)  { type = trantype;    checkNum = cknum;    payee = paidto;    amount = amt;    date = dt;  } } Transaction[] trnsactns; // In main code module   trnsactns = new Transaction[transactions.NumTrans];   for (int x = 0; x < transactions.NumTrans; x++)      trnsactns[x] = new Transaction(transactions.GetType(x),         transactions.GetCheckNum(x), transactions.GetPayee(x),         transactions.GetAmount(x),transactions.GetDate(x));

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Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Your Turn!

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Create a public interface to the Transaction class Provide Getters and Setters, with the setters

validating the input as needed Check numbers: 0 (if not check transaction), not negative if

check transaction Payee should not be blank unless deposit Amount must be positive value Date must be > 2 months ago

Modify your existing code to use the transaction records you just created and the interface you just implemented.

The transactions variable is still used for information about the collection as a whole (like the total number of transactions)

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45 Minutes

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Windows and Web Apps in C#

End of Session 2

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