Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Website


Transcript of Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Website

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Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Website

Preface 3A Brand New Breed of Consumer 4Mobile-Aided Shopping 6Mobile Users Going Local 8How to Boost Your Business’s Reach 9Non-Mobile Friendly 11

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Over the recent years we have been witnessing a dynamic expansion of new technologies. Due to the convenience that mobile devices have ensured we began to adapt them to completing our daily routines. The model of a typical consumer has evolved, too. Consumers have changed their purchase behaviors and started to use smartphone as the primary medium in this process.

In our e-book we aim to highlight and explain the need for small and medium businesses to get ready for a customer of a new type functioning in a different context than ever before – a mobile consumer. Business owners keep underestimating the potential of mobile devices and it seems that the lack of knowledge about their users might be the fundamental problem.

We hope that our e-book will help better understand expectations of mobile consumers, which will let entrepreneurs achieve their business objectives within the most dynamically developing sales channel.

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A Brand New Breed of Consumer

Have you noticed how consumers and their purchase behaviors have changed over the last few years?

Today consumers have an unlimited access to information on products and services. Using free tools available on the Internet they can compare prices and purchase conditions, verify suppliers, or even create summaries of similar products. All this to get better prepared for making a purchase decision. The idea dates back to 1980, when Alvin Toffler, a futurologist, coined the term prosumer, contracting two words – producer and consumer, to describe the emerging type of proactive consumers. Prosumer, or a typical today’s consumer, is an active customer comparable to a professional. The new consumer no longer relies solely on traditional advertising, but looks for information on their own initiative.

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A Brand New Breed of Consumer

When making a purchase decision, they have a broad knowledge of the product and its features, the competition, as well as other consumers’ opinions. According to 71% of the respondents who participated in a research carried out by B2B Marketing portal in 2012 – the main source of this information is the Internet.

Is your business’s website ready for the latest revolution among prosumers – a shift towards mobile devices?

More and more people are resorting to smartphones and tablets for their daily activities. It is predicted that by 2015 more users will be accessing the Internet on mobile devices than on desktop computers. If your strategy for gaining customers does not account for the behaviors of today’s consumers, you will be losing them month after month.

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Mobile-Aided Shopping

Consumers increasingly use mobile devices to search for information on products and, as a result, to make online purchases. This trend has been supported by a number of studies carried out by Google, among others, which show the great potential of the technological revolution for small and medium businesses.

We have been witnessing a vast expansion of the mobile network globally. Global mobile traffic increased by 81%1 over the previous year, exceeding 18 times1 the size of the entire global Internet in 2000! It is estimated that by 2015 more users will be accessing the Internet on mobile devices than on desktop computers. According to Cisco, by 2018 smartphones will have already accounted for 66%1 of global mobile traffic. As of now 77%2 of mobile searches take place with the desktop computer being available at hand.

66%of global mobile

traffic will come from

smartphones by 2018

77%of mobile

searches take place near a


24%of consumers

tell others about local businesses found via


38%of mobile

consumers make

a purchasefrom thesebusinesses

81%increase in

global mobile

traffic in 2013

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Mobile-Aided Shopping

Moreover, 77%3 of mobile users aid their shopping processes with mobile searches. Smartphone owners use their devices to look for information on businesses located in their neighborhood and then call them, check their location on the map, enter their website, or even visit the business.

24%3 of local information seekers recommend businesses and services they find this way to others, or leave their opinion on the Internet. Almost 40%3 of these users make a purchase – either online or in-store. These numbers show how important it is for SMBs to have an appropriate mobile website.66%

of global mobile

traffic will come from

smartphones by 2018

77%of mobile

searches take place near a


24%of consumers

tell others about local businesses found via


38%of mobile

consumers make

a purchasefrom thesebusinesses

81%increase in

global mobile

traffic in 2013

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Mobile Users Going Local

Smartphones provide us with an easy access to information on what we can find in the neighborhood. This is why optimizing businesses’ websites for viewing on mobile devices is crucial for their potential customers.

An astounding 94%3 of all smartphone users look for businesses in the vicinity. 84%3 of them take consumer action as a result – contact the business, visit its office, make a purchase from the business, or recommend it to others. That is why it is so important for your website to be mobile friendly and display well on mobile, as well as enable potential customers to contact your business directly. As many as 64%3 of people choose this way of reaching companies after finding local information. When you further promote your mobile site with location based advertising, you will take full advantage of the potential that the smartphone gives to local businesses.

of smartphone users search for local businesses


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How to Boost Your Business’s Reach

Most small and medium business owners do not know how easy it is today to boost their company’s reach for free.

Since it is the Internet that has nowadays become the main source of information about businesses, you should make sure the information about your company is easily accessible via the Google browser and Google Maps, visited everyday by millions of users. Google My Business, which is a free service, enables you to create such a digital business card in minutes. When you make sure that complete and detailed information about your business is on the Internet, your customers will easily find you via the Google browser. Thanks to Google My Business, your digital business card will appear already in the search results.

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How to Boost Your Business’s Reach

It will contain your business’s contact details, its opening hours and driving directions, or a link to your website.

Make sure the link redirects to an attractive and functional mobile site. When your potential customer enters your website, you will only have a few seconds to persuade them to try out your services. That is why by creating a mobile site for your company, you will get fully prepared for a today’s customer – mobile consumer.

Get a free guide to designing mobile sites.

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Non-Mobile Friendly

A research by Google shows what danger underestimating mobile users may bring.

An astounding 96%4 of mobile consumers have visited a website that was not optimized for viewing on a smartphone or tablet. And the less a website is mobile friendly, the more they are willing to quit browsing, lose interest in the company, or even totally abandon the purchase intention.

96% of mobile users have visited a website that was not optimized for viewing on a mobile device

Check out how many mobile customers you miss out on every day.

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1. Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2013-2018, February 2014, Cisco

2. Mobile Search Moments Study, March 2013, Google

3. Our Mobile Planet: United States of America – Understanding the Mobile Consumer, May 2013, Google

4. What Users Want Most from Mobile Sites Today, September 2012, Google Think Insights

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A quick and simple way to start selling mobile websites under your own brand or create a mobile website for your business.

Web design agencies, developers, and marketing teams use ActiveMobi white label platform to create and sell mobile websites to small and medium businesses.

Business owners may create a mobile website themselves using the DIY builder or have a professional site created by ActiveMobi’s team of designers in up to 5 days.