why eu is a good idea

WHY EU WHY EU IS IS A VERY GOOD IDEA A VERY GOOD IDEA Uldis DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College 2014, Tvind Press to play an a udio


The slide shows is basic information about EU. The main aspecs: History governing bodies On going actions Arguments "why EU is good idea"

Transcript of why eu is a good idea

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UldisDNS The Necessary Teacher Training College2014, Tvind

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Page 2: why eu is a good idea

What is European Union (EU)What is European Union (EU)

IN GENERAL - Title says that it is union of Europeans; Now represented by 28 countries;

HISTORICALLY - In 1951 in Paris was founded European Coal and Steal

Community (ECSC); - In 1957 in Rome was founded European Economic Community

(EEC) and European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC); - In 1967 was founded European Community (EC); - In 1980'ies EC was transforming to EU; - In 1986 members of EC signed the Single European Act (279

actions needs to be accomplished by each EC member till December 31, 1992 to fully integrate as EU member);

- In February 7, 1992 in Maastricht, Netherlands, the Treaty of the European Union was ratified which transformed EC into EU.

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Rough mapping of formation of EURough mapping of formation of EUFORMATION



EC to EU









(6) Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands

(9) + Denmark, Ireland, UK

(10) + Greece(12) + Portugal, Spain

(15) + Austria, Finland, Sweden

(28) +13 states


To make raw material trade easier in order to boost economy and secure peace after WWII;

To make all kinds of trade easier;To boost nuclear power production;Agricultural and food reform;To make stronger economy, politics, safety (criminal law and police force cooperation);Foundation of European Common Assembly, the Council of Ministers, and the European Commission;Citizens of EC begin to vote;

Single European Act;297 action promise to integrate fully till 1992;Expanded power in creation of unions monetary system, criminal law making system, defense system, foreign policies;Schengen Agreement (open borders);

Treaty of Amsterdam (immigration, global economy, terrorism, criminality, ecology);Eurozone opened;Treaty of Lisbon (EU reform);

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How EU WorksHow EU Works“The greatest problem for the human race, to the solution of which Nature drives man, is the achievement of a universal civic society which administers law among men.”

- Immanuel Kant

European Parliamen

European Council


European Commision

(EU citizens)

(Heads of States or Government of states)

(Governments of states)

(Interests of EU)


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EuroscepticismEuroscepticismHOW UNITED IS EUHOW UNITED IS EU

- Iceland- Montenegro- Serbia- The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia- Turkey

- Albania- Bosnia and Herzegovina- Kosovo

- EU as a federal institution defends more de facto position and defenetly not de jure.- About big changes all states must agree eaqually;- Each memberstate has theyr own inner constitution and different laws;- There are seperate armies;- Everyone manages their own foreign relationships;- Not all members have the same currency (EURO);- For now there are still different languages and cultural patterns;

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Why EU is a very good ideaWhy EU is a very good idea

Fundamental idea of such a formation was to prevent wars happening on European continent.

In year 2012 500 000 000 citizens of EU received Nobel Peace Prize "for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe".

The EU decided to dedicate the Nobel Peace Prize money to children who are denied the chance of growing up in peace and to double the Nobel award (€930,000), to €2 million. As a result, more than 28,000 children have so far benefited from the four emergency-education projects selected last year.

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Why EU is a very good ideaWhy EU is a very good idea

- The Schengen Area (free movement)

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Why EU is a very good ideaWhy EU is a very good idea

- Cultural merging

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Why EU is a very good ideaWhy EU is a very good idea

- Eurozone

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On the road to EU membershipOn the road to EU membership

- Iceland- Montenegro- Serbia- The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia- Turkey

- Albania- Bosnia and Herzegovina- Kosovo

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Some benefits as an EU citizen:- I have rights (guidelines)- I can freely move (within EU borders and more)- I have possibility for education- I have possibility for work- I have security

As a non-EU citizen:- If EU citizen family member it is easier to be in EU- ECHO (European Community Humanitarian Office)

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