Wholesale VoIP for Service Providers

Wholesale VoIP For VoIP Providers Supporting VoIP Service Providers Since 2001
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The IPsmarx Class 4 Softswitch is a scalable, all-in-one solution that enables wholesale VoIP carriers to deliver robust inter-exchange and inter-LATA VoIP services to retail providers. The IPsmarx Class 4 Softswitch integrates billing and taxation, call routing and carrier management into a single platform that is easily managed from a user-friendly web interface.

Transcript of Wholesale VoIP for Service Providers

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Wholesale VoIPFor VoIP Providers

Supporting VoIP Service Providers Since 2001

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Wholesale VoIPSolution Highlights

Intelligent Call Routing and Carrier-Grade Compatibility

With comprehensive codec and protocol compatibility and features like failover support, the IPSMARX Class 4 Softswitch is designed to support high volume traffic and deliver reliable, high quality wholesale VoIP service.,

• Failover Support• High Coded and Protocol Compatibility• Unlimited Multiple Carrier Support

Control Revenue with Integrated Billing and Invoicing

The IPSMARX Class 4 Softswitch equips service providers with the sophisticated billing features they need to control costs and maximize revenue, including:

• Advanced Taxation System• Integrated RADIUS-based Billing• Invoicing

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Wholesale VoIPSolution Highlights

Keep Competitive with Least Cost Routing and Multi-Carrier

ManagementService providers can maximize their options in terms of quality and price using advanced multi-carrier management, which in turn enables powerful features like Least Cost Routing.

Least Cost Routing ensures that traffic will be routed over the most cost-effective routes, helping providers save on costs. These savings can be passed on to customers in the form of competitive rates or kept in order to increase profits directly.

Scalable Solutions for Carriers at All Levels

The IPSMARX Class 4 Softswitch is a scalable platform that can be customized to the needs of carriers at all levels—from those just entering the wholesale telecom market to established carriers in need of a robust, high capacity platform.

• Startup Wholesale Carriers — Less than 5 Million Minutes per Month

• Mid-Size Wholesale Carriers — Up to 5 Million Minutes per Month

• Enterprise Wholesale Carriers — More than 5 Million Minutes per Month

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About IPsmarx

Established in 2001, IPSMARX has proven itself a leader in

telecom and communications technology, equipping service

providers in 80 countries with the solutions they need to fulfill

their missions, adapt to an evolving market and drive new

revenue streams. IPSMARX systems make use of mature

technology integrated with the latest innovations to provide

competitive consumer and business oriented solutions; these

include the IPSMARX Class 5 Softswitch, Multi-Tenant IP-PBX

and Breeze Mobile VoIP Application. With over a decade of

experience deploying more than 1000 systems for a wide

range of applications and companies—from international

hospitality brands to tier 1 telecom operators— the IPSMARX

team is expert at adapting these solutions to the client’s

needs and opportunities.

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Our Partners

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Global ReachOver 1000 Systems Deployed in 80+


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Supporting VoIP Service Providers Since 2001

www.ipsmarx.comFor More Information about our Solutions and Services please visit: