which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through...

which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _______________________________________ _ Order No·---------------------------- Social Services Tax Reg. No. ___________________________ _ Ship to _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Address----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City or Town ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ (Signature of Secretary-Treasurer.) (School District.) (No.) (Please see note on page 12.)

Transcript of which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through...

Page 1: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

which may be ordered through the


Date _______________________________________ _

Order No·---------------------------- Social Services Tax Reg. No. ___________________________ _

Ship to _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _


City or Town ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

(Signature of Secretary-Treasurer.)

(School District.) (No.)

(Please see note on page 12.)

Page 2: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.
Page 3: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

No.of Copies


Adventures in Science: Book 1-Co:me Out of Doors _________________________________________________ _

Book 2-0utdoor Pathways ____________________________________________________ _

Book 3-Looking around Us __________________________________________________ _

Book 4-0pen Doorways ________________________________________________________ _

Book 5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Alice and Jerry Basic Readers:

First Pre-primer-Skip Along _________________________________________________ _

Second Pre-primer-Under the Sky ________________________________________ _

Third Pre-primer-Open the Door _________________________________________ _

Fourth Pre-primer-High on a Hill _______________________________________ _

Basic Primer, New-Day In and Day Out _____________________________ _

Basic 1st Reader, New-Round About__ ________________________________ _

Readiness 2nd Reader, New-Down the River Road ____________ _ Basic 2nd Reader, New-Friendly Village _____________________________ _

Readiness 3rd Reader, New-Through the Green Gate ________ _ Basic 3rd Reader, New-If I Were Going _____________________________ _

Basic 4th Reader-Singing Wheels _________________________________________ _

Basic 5th Reader-Engine Whistles ________________________________________ _

Basic 6th Reader-Runaway Home _______________________________________ _ Work Book to Singing Wheels ________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Engine Whistles ______________________________________________ _

Work Book to Runaway Home _______________________________________________ _ All around Us ________________________________________________________________________________ _

Amada Nervo Sus Mejores Cuentos ______________________________________________ _ Art in Everyday Life ______________________________________________________________________ _

At Home and Abroad _____________________________________________________________________ _

Basic Readers: Pre-reader-The new Before We Read __________________________________ _

Teacher's Guidebook-The new Before We Read _________________ _ Guess Who _______________________________________________________________________________ _

Just Imagine _____________________________________________________________________________ _

Book 4-Times and Places ______________________________________________________ _

Book 5-Days and Deeds ________________________________________________________ _

Book 6-People and Progress _________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Guess Who _______________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Just Imagine _____________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Times and Places ____________________________________________ _

Work Book to Days and Deeds _______________________________________________ _

Work Book to People and Progress _______________________________________ _ Bible, Oxford School___ __________________________________________________________________ _

Bird Study in B. C ·------------------------------------------------------------------------

List I Tota! Price

$ ¢I $ I ¢

.65 --------- ------­

. 6 5 --------- ------­

. 85 ---------- ------­

. 7 5 -------- -------­

. 7 5 --------- ----­

. 7 5 ---------- --------

. 7 0 --------- -------­

. 7 5 ---------- -----­

. 75 ---------- ------­

. 7 0 --------- -------

1. 8 0 -------- --------

1. 8 5 ---------- -------2.10 ---------- -------

2.10 ---------- --------

2.20 ---------- -------2.25 --------- --------

3 .1 0 ---------- --------

3. 05 ---------- -----2.90 --------- -------

. 7 5 ---------- ------­

. 7 5 ---------- -----­

. 7 5 --------- ------

2. 00 ---------- --------

2.40 ---------- --------7. 70 __________ --------

2.25 ---------- --------

. 7 5 ---------- -------­

. 65 ---------- --------

1.5 5 ---------- --------

2.10 --------- --------2. 65 --------- --------

2.65 ---------- -------

2.65 ---------- -------­

.4 5 ---------- --------

. 6 5 ---------- -------­

. 7 5 ---------- -------­

. 7 5 ---------- -------­

. 7 5 ---------- ------

2.25 ---------- --------2. 6 5 ---------- --------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ------------!---------- _______ _ I I


Page 4: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

No.of Copies

TITLE OF BOOK List I Total Price

$ ¢ $ ¢

BROUGHT FORWARD ________ ------------ _________ -------

British Columbia, A Short History ________________________________________________ _

Butterick New Sewing Book ___________________________________________________________ _

Canada and Other Lands _____________________________________________________ _

Canadian Reading Development: Grade IV-Up and Away _______________________________________________________ _

Grade V-Wide Open Windows ____________________________________________ _

Grade VI-All Sails SeL _______________________________________________________ _

Canadians All Series: Air Pilot_ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _

Baker---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Bus Driver _______________________________________________________________________________ _

Dentist_ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _

Engineer _____________________________________________________________________________ _

Fireman ____________________________________________________________________________________ _

Milkman ___________________________________________________________________________________ _

Mountie _________________________________________________________________________________ _

Policeman ________________________________________________________________________________ _

Postman ____________________________________________________________________________________ _

Rancher_ ________________________________________________________________________________ _

Ship's Captain ___________________________________________________________________________ _

Canadian Song Book ______________________________________________________________________ _

College Algebra-Second Edition __________________________________________________ _

College Algebra-Answers to Even Numbered Exercises ___________ _ Comptometer Course for Business Training __________________________________ _ Develop Your Reading Work Book ______________________________________________ _

Diagnostic Reading Series: Pre-reading-Mother Goose ___________________________________________________ _ Book 1-Nip, the Bear ____________________________________________________________ _

Book 2-Red Deer, the Indian Boy ________________________________________ _

Book 3-Scottie and His Friends ____________________________________________ _

Book 4-Adventure Trails _____________________________________________________ _

Book 5-Exploring Today ______________________________________________________ _

Book 6-Looking Ahead _________________________________________________________ _

Discovering Our World:

Book 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Earth and Its People:

Book 1-Visits in Other Lands _______________________________________________ _

Book 2-The American Nations _____________________________________________ _

1. 3 0 ---------- -------­

.4 5 --------- --------

2 .5 0 ---------- -------

2 .15 ---------- ------

2.40 ---------- --------

2.40 ---------- -------

1.00 ---------- -------

1.00 --------- -------

1.00 ---------- ------

1.00 ---------- -------

1.00 ---------- -------

1.00 ---------- ----

1.00 --------- --------

1.00 ---------- -------

1.00 --------- -------

1.00 -------- ------

1.00 ·--------- -----

1.00 ---------- ------­

.80 -.-------- --------

5 .40- --------- --------

.65 --------- --------3.90 _________ --

1. 0 5 ---------- --------

.50 ----·-··-- --------

.5 5 ---------- -------­

.55 ---------- --------

.55 -----·---· ------­

.5 5 ---------- ------­

.5 5 ---------- ------­

.5 5 ---------- --------

2.55 --------·· -------

2.60 ---------- --------

2.65 ---------- ------

4.25 ---------- ------4 .5 5 ----··---- --------

Book 3-Nations Overseas_______________________________________________________ 4.80 __________ --------



No.of Copies TITLE OF I

·----------------- El Camino Real, Book 2 (third edi ·------------------ Electra in G. Murray's Para __________ _

English Usage and Composition: Work Book to Book 3 _____________ _

Work Book to Book 4 ____________ _

Work Book to Book 5 _____________ _

Work Book to Book 6 _____________ _

Work Book to Book 8 ____________ _ Exploring the World ______________________ _ Family Living ________________________________ _

Far Away People __________________________ _

Foods for Home and SchooL _______ _

Foods, Their Nutritive, Economic

Four Square Planning for Your C[

French Vocabulary and Idiom Lisi General Record Keeping ______________ _

General Record Keeping-Part 1 '

General Record Keeping-Teache

------------------Geography Work Book on the Am

------------------- Geography Work Book on Europe Ginn Basic Readers:

Fun with Tom and Betty ________ _ Games to Play ________________________ _

My Little Red Story Book ______ _

My Little Green Story Book __ _

My Little Blue Story Book ____ _ The Little White House __________ _ On Cherry Street ___________________ _

We Are Neighbours ________________ _

Around the Corner__ _______________ _

Finding New Neighbours _______ _ Friends Far and Near__ ___________ _

Good Health __________________________________ _

Growth in the Reading Skills: Book 3 _____________________________________ _

Book 4 _____________________________________ _

Book 5 _____________________________________ _

Book 6 _____________________________________ _

Gymnastic Handbook ____________________ _

Page 5: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

OK List I Total Price

$ ¢ $ ¢

BROUGHT FORWARD ________ ---------------------------

Numbered Exercises ___________ _ raining _________________________________ _

loy ________________________________________ _

g ___________________________________ _

I 1. 3 0 ---------- -------

.4 5 ---------- --------

2.5 0 ---------- -------

2.151---------- -------

2.40 ---------- -------

2.40 ---------- -------

1.00 ---------- --------

1.00 ---------- ------

1.00 ---------- ------

1.00 ---------- -------

1.00 ---------- -------

1.00 ---------- ------1.00 ---------- -------

1.00 ---------- --------

1.00 --------- -------

1.00 --------- -------

1. 0 0 ---------- -------1. 00 ---------- --------

. 80 __________ --------

5 .40 --------- --------

. 6 5 --------- -------3 .90 ------- --

1. 0 5 ---------- --------

.5 0 ---------- -------­

.5 5 --------- -------­

.5 5 ---------- ------­

.5 5 ---------- ------­

. 5 5 ---------- ------­

.55 ---------- -------­

.5 5 ---------- -------

2 .5 5 ---------- -------

2. 60 ---------- --------

2.65 ---------- ------

4.25 ---------- -----

4 .5 5 ---------- -------4. 8 0 ---------- --------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ -----------!--------- -----

No.of Copies TITLE OF BOOK List I Total Price

$ ¢ $ ¢

BROUGHT FORWARD __________________________ ------

El Camino Real, Book 2 (third edition) _______________________________________ _

Electra in G. Murray's Para ___________________________________________________________ _

English Usage and Composition:

Work Book to Book 3--------------------------------------------------------------Work Book to Book 4--------------------------------------------------------------­

Work Book to Book 5--------------------------------------------------------------­

Work Book to Book 6--------------------------------------------------------------­

Work Book to Book 8---------------------------------------------------------------

Exploring the World _______________________________________________________________________ _

Family Living _________________________________________________________________________________ _

Far Away People _____________________________________________________________________________ _

Foods for Horne and SchooL ________________________________________________________ _

Foods, Their Nutritive, Economic and Social Value ____________________ _

Four Square Planning for Your Career__ _______________________________________ _

French Vocabulary and Idiom List__ ______________________________________________ _

General Record Keeping ________________________________________________________________ _

General Record Keeping-Part 1 Work Book ______________________________ _

General Record Keeping-Teacher's Key _____________________________________ _

5 .15 --------- -------

. 7 0 --------- --------

. 65 ---------- -------

. 65 --------- ------

.65 ---------- --------

. 7 0 ---------- -----

. 65 ---------- --------2.40 ---------- --------

3.50 ---------- --------

.75 --------- -------

4.65 ---------- --------

6.5 0 ---------- -----

3 .10 ---------- -----.15 ---------- ---

2. 70 --------- -------

1.5 0 ---------- --------

-----------------Geography Work Book on the Americas-Grades V and VI _______ _

. 6 0 ---------- -------­

.90 ---------- --------

Geography Work Book on Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia _____ _

Ginn Basic Readers: Fun with Torn and Betty ___________________________________________ _

Garnes to Play __________________________________________________________________________ _

My Little Red Story Book ______________________________________________________ _

My Little Green Story Book ___________________________________________________ _

My Little Blue Story Book ______________________________________________________ _

The Little White House ___________________________________________________________ _

On Cherry Street___ ___________________________________________________________________ _

We Are Neighbours _________________________________________________________________ _

Around the Corner ___________________________________________________________________ _

Finding New Neighbours ________________________________________________________ _

Friends Far and Near ______________________________________________________________ _

Good Health ___________________________________________________________________________________ _

Growth in the Reading Skills:

Book 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• 7 5 ---------- -------

1. 00 ---------- ------

1.40 ---------- --------

.80 --------- -----

. 8 0 --------- --------

.90 ---------- -------

2 .15 ---------- ------2. 30 ---------- -----

2 .5 0 ---------- -------

2. 50 ---------- --------2. 7 5 ---------- -------

2. 7 5 ---------- ------2. 75 ---------- -------

1. 0 5 --------- --------

1. 05 --------- ------Book 5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.05 ______________ _

Book 6---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Gymnastic Handbook _____________________________________________________________________ _

1.05 ---------- ------3. 9 5 ---------- -------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ---------------------- ______ _


Page 6: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

No.of Copies



Health and Personal Development: Primer-Happy Days with Our Friends ________________________________ _

Grade I-Good Times with Our Friends __________________ _ Grade II-Three Friends ________________________________________________________ _

Grade III-Five in the Family ________________________________________________ _

Grade IV-Girl Next Door _____________________________________________________ _ Grade V-Y ou _________________________________________________________________________ _

Grade VI-You and Others ____________________________________________________ _

Health for Better Living: Grade I-Health and Happy Days _________________________________________ _

Grade II-Health in Work and Play ______________________________________ _

Grade III-Health and Safety for You __________________________________ _ Grade IV-Growing Your Way ______________________________________________ _

Grade V-Keeping Healthy and Strong _________________________________ _

Grade VI-Teamwork for Health ____________________________ _ Health in Your Daily Living __________________________________________________________ _

Health Work Book-Graden_ ______________________________________________________ _

Health Work Book-Grade III ______________________________________________________ _

Heritage Series I: Volume I-Introduction to Our Native Peoples ____________________ _ Volume 2-Coast Salish __________________________________________________________ _

Volume 3-Interior Salish-------------------------------------------------------Volume 4-Haida ____________________________________________________________________ _

Volume 5-Nootka __________________________________________________________________ _ Volume 6-Tsimshian _____________________________________________________________ _

Volume 7-KwakiutL ____________________________________________________________ _

Volume 8-Kootenay ______________________________________________________________ _

Volume 9-Dene _____________________________________________________________________ _

Volume 10-Bella Coola _________________________________________________________ _

Heritage Series II: Volume 1-Queen Charlotte Islands ______________________ _

Highroads to Reading (1946): Book 4-Riding with the Sun __________________________________ _

Book 5-0ver Land and Sea ________________________________________ _

Book 6-0n the Beam ____________________________________________________________ _

Homes and Home Lands_____________ ____ __________ _ ________________________ _ How Do We Know _____________________________________________________________ _

How Our Civilization Began _______________________________________________________ _

Into Your Teens _______________________________ _

L~st I Total Pnce

$ ¢I $ I ¢


1 1. 5 5 ---------- ------

1. 7 0 ---------- --------

1. 8 0 ---------- -------

1. 6 0 ---------- --------

2.10 ---------- --------

2.20 ---------- -------

2.25 ---------- --------

2.15 ---------- --------

2.40 ---------- --------

2.45 ---------- --------

2. 7 0 ---------- -------

2. 80 ---------- ------

2. 8 5 ---------- --------4. 50 ---------- ------

.5 5 ---------- -------

. 55 ---------- ------

.40 ---------- ------

.60 __________ -------

.40 ---------- ------­

.50 ---------- --------

.60 ---------- --------

.45 ---------- --------

. 6 5 ---------- --------

.40 ---------- --------

.60 __________ --------

.55 ---------- -------

.50 __________ --------

1. 6 5 ---------- --------1. 90 ---------- --------

1.95 ---------- -------

2.00 ---------- --------

2.35 ---------- -------

1.5 5 --------- -------

2.40 ---------- -------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ------------ ------ ----


No.of Copies TITLE OF

Jolly Numbers: Primer ____________________________________ _

Beginner's Course, Teacher's i Book 2-First Half ________________ _

Book 2-Second Half ____________ _

Book 2-Teacher's ManuaL __

Teacher's Manual to Junior Frenc Kai Aus der Kiste __________________________ _

Kingsway Histories-Book 2 ________ _

Know the Games Series: Grass Hockey _________________________ _

Language Journeys, Grade UL ____ _

Life and Adventure-Practice Boe

Life in Past Ages: Book 1-Life i Living in Canada _________________________ _

Look and Learn ____________________________ _

Mastering the Reading Skills: Book !__ __________________________________ _

Book 2 _____________________________________ _

Mathematical Tables, 4 Figure (D

Modern Chemistry-Work Book __ Modern Health ______________________________ _

Modern History _____________________________ _

My Health Book: Grades IV, V, VI ____________________ _ Grades VH, VIII_ ____________________ _

My Language Books:

Book 2--------------------------------------

Book 3 _____________________________________ _

Book 4 _____________________________________ _

Book 5 _____________________________________ _ Book 6 _____________________________________ _

My Literature Books: Book 7-Beckoning Trails _____ _

Book 8-Life and Adventure_

My Music Books: Grades IV, V, VI ____________________ _

Grades VII, VIII ____________________ _

MacLean Senior Writing ManuaL Native Trees of Canada ________________ _ Neighbourhood Stories _________________ _

Page 7: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.



1riends _________________________________ _

Friends _________________ _

rs _________________________________________ _

lay ______________________________________ _

:You __________________________________ _

Strong _________________________________ _

L_ _______________________________________ _

~ ative Peoples ____________________ _

1ds ____________________________________ _

I fri~~ I Total

$ ¢ $ I ¢

---------- ---------1-------


I. 5 5 ---------- ------

1. 7 0 ---------- --------

1. 80 ---------- -------

1.60 ---------- -------

2 .10 ---------- --------2. 20 __________ -------

2.25 ---------- --------

2 .15 ---------- --------

2.40 ---------- -------

2.45 ---------- --------

2.70 ---------- -------

2. 8 0 ---------- ------

2. 8 5 ---------- --------

4.50 ---------- -----­

.5 5 ---------- -------

. 5 5 ---------- -------

.40 ---------- ------

.60 ---------- -------

.40 ---------- ------­

.50 ---------- -------­

.60 ---------- ------­

.45 ---------- -------

. 65 ---------- -------

.40 ---------- --------

. 60 ---------- -------­

.55 ---------- -------

.50 __________ --------

1. 6 5 ---------- --------

1.90 ---------- --------

1.9 5 ---------- -------

2. 00 ---------- --------

2. 3 5 ---------- -------

1. 5 5 --------- ------2. 40 ---------- -------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ------------ ------ ---

No.of Copies TITLE OF BOOK I }j~~ I Total

$ ¢I $ ¢

BROUGHT FORWARD ________ ------------[-----------------

Jolly Numbers: Primer ______________________________________________________________________________________ _

Beginner's Course, Teacher's ManuaL ___________________________________ _

Book 2-First Half _________________________________________________________________ _

Book 2-Second Half_ _____________________________________________________________ _

Book 2-Teacher's ManuaL ___________________________________________________ _

Teacher's Manual to Junior French ______________________________________________ _

Kai Aus der Kiste __________________________________________________________________________ _

Kingsway Histories-Book 2 ________________________________________________________ _

Know the Games Series: Grass Hockey ___________________________________________________________________________ _

Language Journeys, Grade III _______________________________________________________ _

Life and Adventure-Practice Book_ _____________________________________________ _

Life in Past Ages: Book 1-Life in Early Days ___________________________ _

Living in Canada ____________________________________________________________________________ _

Look and Learn ______________________________________________________________________________ _

Mastering the Reading Skills:

Book 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mathernatical Tables, 4 Figure (Durell) ______________________________________ _

Modern Chemistry-Work Book ___________________________________________________ _

Modern Health ________________________________________________________________________________ _

Modern History ______________________________________________________________________________ _

My Health Book: Grades IV, V, VJ _____________________________________________________________________ _

Grades VII, VIII ______________________________________________________________________ _

My Language Books:

Book 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 6---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Literature Books:

Book 7-Beckoning Trails ______________________________________________________ _

Book 8-Life and Adventure __________________________________________________ _

My Music Books: Grades IV, V, VI ____________________________________________________________________ _

Grades VII, VIII _____________________________________________________________________ _

MacLean Senior Writing Manual__ ________________________________________________ _

Native Trees of Canada __________________________________________________________________ _

Neighbourhood Stories __________________________________________________________________ _


.50- ---------- --------1.40 ---------- ------

.5 0 --------- -------

. 50 __________ -------

1.25 ---------- ------

1. 0 5 ---------- --------

. 65 ---------- --------

1.00 ---------- --------

.55 ---------- --------

1. 6 0 ---------- --------

. 85 ---------- --------

1. 0 0 ---------- --------

2.95 ---------- --------

1.801---------- --------

.95 ---------- --------

.80 ---------- --------

.40 ---------- --------2.20 ---------- --------5 .70 __________ --------

2.65 ---------- -------

.55 ---------- --------

.40 __________ --------

.50 ---------- --------

.50 ---------- --------

.5 0 ---------- -------

.50 ---------- ------­

.5 0 ---------- --------

.60 --------- --------

.65 ---------- --------

.35 ---------- ------­

. 3 5 ---------- --------

. 6 o __________ -------2 .15 ---------- --------

1. 8 0 ---------- --------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ------------ --------- ---



Page 8: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

No.of Copies TITLE OF BOOK I fri~e I Total

$ ¢I $ ¢

BROUGHT FORWARD ________ -----------1--------- __ _

New Practical Chemistry _______________________________________________________________ _

New Work-Play Books: Book 4-Let's Look Around __________________________________________________ _ Book 5-Let's Travel On_ ______________________________________________________ _

Book 6-Let's Go Ahead _______________________________________________________ _

New World Horizons ______________________________________________________________________ _

New World Readers: Grade IV-Over the Bridge ___________________________________________________ _

Grade V-Under the North Star__ __________________________________________ _

Grade VI-My World and L _________________________________________________ _

New World Social Studies ____________________________________________________________ _

N uestra Natacha _____________________________________________________________________________ _

Old World Horizons ________________________________________________________________________ _

Pages from Canada's Story _____________________________________________________________ _

Personal Problems __________________________________________________________________________ _

Pequena Antologia Poesias Espanolas ___________________________________________ _

Phonic Fun: Book ! _____________________________________________________________________________ _

Book 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pitman Shorthand (Canadian centennial edition)-------------------------Poems, Chiefly Narrative _______________________________________________________________ _

Practical Drills in Rapid Calculation ____________________________________________ _

Preparing the Payroll___ ___________________________________________________________________ _

Pupils' Own Vocabulary Spellers: Book 1-Grades II, III ___________________________________________________________ _

Book 2-Grades IV, V, VI _____________________________________________________ _

Book 3-Grades VII, VIIL ___________________________________________________ _

Reading for Independence: Grade 1-A-We Three ____________________________________________________________ _

Grade 2-B-What Next ___________________________________________________________ _

Grade 3-C-Tall Tales ____________________________________________________________ _

Reading through Phonics Series: Readiness Boole ______________________________________________________________________ _

Book ! _______________________________________________________________________________________ _

Book 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Retail Marketing and Merchandising ____________________________________________ _ Rocks and Minerals _______________________________________________________________________ _

2.95 ---------- -----

3.45 ---------- ----

3 .25 -------- ----

2.65 ---------- ----2.65 ---------- -------

2.65 ---------- ------

2.70 ---------- ------

2. 5 5 ---------- ------2.30 ---------- -------

2.20 ---------- -------

2.40 ---------- ------

2.10 ---------- -------

3 . 3 5 ---------- --------

1. 80 --------- ------

.70 --------- ------­

. 7 0 --------- ------

1.60 ---------- -----

1.10 --------- ------

1. 0 5 ---------- -------

1. 00 ---------- -------

.90 ---------- ------

1.3 0 ---------- -----1.65 ---------- -------

1.65 ---------- --------

1. 7 0 ---------- -------

2. 00 ---------- ------

.70 ---------- -------­

.70 ---------- ------­

.75 ---------- --------

.85 ---------- --------

.95 ---------- --------2 .4 5 ---------- --------

1. 20 ---------- --------

CARRIED FORWARD ____________________ ------------------


No.of Copies TITLE OF B

Science Today and Tomorrow:

Book 1-Science near You

Book 2-Science around You __

Book 3-Science Everywhere __ _

Book 7-Learning with Scienc(

Book 8-Facing Tomorrow wi1

Teacher's Manual to Science m

Teacher's Manual to Science ar

Teacher's Manual to Science E·

Teacher's Manual to Discoverii

Teacher's Manual to Adventuri

Teacher's Manual to Experime: Science Work Book-Book L _______ _ Scientific Basketball___ _____________________ _

Seeing Our World ___________________________ _

Seven-figure Mathematical Tables ( Skill in Games _________________________________ _

Social Study Readers: Primer-Peter's Family ___________ _

Book 1-Hello David ______________ _

Book 2-Someday Soon __________ _

Book 3-Centreville _________________ _

Spanish Review Grammar ______________ _

Story of British Columbia ______________ _ Story of Canada ______________________________ _

Story of Our Early Ancestors _________ _

Students' Shorthand Dictionary anc They Went Exploring _____________________ _

Today's Clothing _____________________________ _

Today's Work Play: Pre-reader-On Our Way ________ _

Pre-primer-Come and Ride ___ _

Supp. Pre-primer-This Is Fun

Grade I-Good Times on Our

Grade II-Friends and Worker

Grade III-On Longer Trails __ _

Work Book to Come and Ride_

Work Book to Tags and Twink

Work Book to Good Times on

Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Knovi

20th Century Typewriting-Teache

Page 9: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

)K List I Total. Price

$ ¢I $ ¢

BROUGHT FORWARD ________ ------------!--------- ___ _

------------------------------------------- 2.9 5 / ______________ _

) ___________________________________________ _

tial edition) ________________________ _

3 .4 5 ---------- -----3 .25 ---------- ----

2.65 ---------- -------

2.65 ---------- ------

2.65 ---------- ------

2.70 ---------- ------

2.55 ---------- ------2.3 0 ---------- -------

2. 20 ---------- -------

2.40 ---------- -------

2 .10 ---------- -------

3 . 3 5 ---------- -------

1. 8 0 --------- -----

. 7 0 ---------- -----­

. 7 0 ---------- -----

1.60 ---------- ------

1.10 ---------- ------

1. 05 --------- ------

1.00 ---------- ------

.90 ---------- -------

1.30 ---------- ----

1. 6 5 ---------- --------

1. 6 5 ---------- -------

1. 7 0 ---------- -------

2. 00 ---------- ------

.70 ---------- -------­

.70 ---------- --------

. 7 5 --------- -------

. 8 5 ---------- --------

.95 --------- -------

2.45 ---------- --------

1.20 ---------- --------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ------------ __________ --------

No.of Copies TITLE OF BOOK List I Price Total.

$ ¢ $ ¢

BROUGHT FORWARD ____________________ ---------- ____ _

Science Today and Tomorrow: Book 1-Science near You ______________________________________________________ _

Book 2-Science around You _________________________________________________ _

Book 3-Science Everywhere __________________________________________________ _

Book 7-Learning with Science ______________________________________________ _

Book 8-Facing Tomorrow with Science _______________________________ _

Teacher's Manual to Science near You ___________________________________ _

2.65 --------- --------

3.05 ---------- --------

3.20 ---------- -------

3.90 ---------- -------

3.95 ---------- --------

2.30 ---------- -----Teacher's Manual to Science around You_______________________________ 2.30 ________________ _

Teacher's Manual to Science Everywhere ______________________________ _

Teacher's Manual to Discovering with Science ______________________ _

Teacher's Manual to Adventuring in Science _________________________ _

Teacher's Manual to Experimenting in Science ______________________ _

Science Work Book-Book L--------------------------------------------------------Scientific Basketball___ _____________________________________________________________________ _

Seeing Our World __________________________________________________________________________ _

Seven-figure Mathematical Tables (Chambers) ____________________________ _ Skill in Games _________________________________________________________________________________ _

Social Study Readers: Primer-Peter's Family ___________________________________________________________ _

Book 1-Hello David ______________________________________________________________ _

Book 2-Someday Soon __________________________________________________________ _ Book 3-Centreville _____________________________________________________________ _

Spanish Review Grammar ____________________________________________________________ _

Story of British Columbia _______________________________________________________________ _

Story of Canada ______________________________________________________________________________ _

Story of Our Early Ancestors _________________________________________________________ _

Students' Shorthand Dictionary and Phrase Book ________________________ _ They Went Exploring _____________________________________________________________________ _

Today's Clothing ________ ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------Today's Work Play:

Pre-reader-On Our Way _______________________________________________________ _

Pre-primer-Come and Ride __________________________________________________ _

Supp. Pre-primer-This Is Fun ______________________________________________ _

Grade I-Good Times on Our Street__ ____________________________________ _

Grade II-Friends and Workers ____________________________________________ _

Grade III-On Longer Trails __________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Come and Ride ________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Tags and Twinkle ____________________________________________ _

Work Book to Good Times on Our Street _____________________________ _

Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Know in B.C. ________________________________ _

20th Century Typewriting-Teacher's ManuaL __________________________ _

2.30 _______________ _

2.30 ______________ _

2.25 ---------- -------

2.25 ---------- --------

1.20 ---------- --------

3 .5 0 ---------- -----

2. 05 ---------- ------

1.45 ---------- --------

4.05 ---------- ---

1.75 ---------- --------

1.90 ---------- --------

2.15 ---------- --------

2.10 ---------- --------

3.00 ---------- --------

3 .5 5 ---------- --------2. 50 ---------- --------

1.9 5 --------- --------

. 70 ---------- --------

2.25 ---------- --------

4.95 ---------- -------

.95 ---------- --------

.80 ---------- -----

.95 ---------- --------

2 .4 5 ---------- --------2. 6 5 ---------- --------

3 .15 ---------- -------. 7 0 ---------- --------

.5 5 ---------- --------

. 85 ---------- -------

2.80 ---------- --------

1.50 ---------- ------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ------------1------- -----


Page 10: which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date Order ...€¦ · which may be ordered through the VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No·-----Social Services Tax Reg.

No.of Copies TITLE OF BOOK List I Total Price

$ ¢I $ I ¢

I I BROUGHT FORWARD ________ ---------------------!------

Using Our Language: Grade III ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ 1.9 5 --------- --------Grade IV____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.9 5 ________________ _

Grade V ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.9 5 _________________ _

Grade VI___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.40 _________________ _

Work Book to Grade III___________________________________________________________ .65 _______________ _ Work Book to Grade IV __________________________________________________________ _ .65 ---------- -------Work Book to Grade V ___________________________________________________________ _ . 6 5 ---------- -------Work Book to Grade VL _______________________________________________________ _ • 65 ---------- -------Work Book to Grade VIL_______________________________________________________ .70 ________________ _ Work Book to Grade VIII_______________________________________________________ .70 ________________ _ Work Book to Grade IX__________________________________________________________ 1.00 _______________ _

World since 1919-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Y our Health and Safety __________________________________________________________________ _

Your High School Days __________________________________________________________________ _

Your Home and You _____________________________________________________________________ _

You're Growing Up ________________________________________________________________________ _

Outline Maps for Classroom Use: Africa _____________________________________________________________ pkg. of 10 maps Asia ________________________________________________________________ _

Australasia _____________________________________________________ _

British Columbia __________________________________________ _ British Isles ____________________________________________________ _

Canada ___________________________________________________________ _

Europe ____________________________________________________________ _

India _______________________________________________________________ _

South Africa _________________________________________________ _ North America ______________________________________________ _

South America _______________________________________________ _

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Printed by A. SUTTON, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia.