Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may...

Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date __________________________________ _ Order No, ___________________________ _ S.S. & M.A. Tax Reg. No. ___________________________ _ Ship to .. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ .. ________________________ _ Address ____________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ City or town---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Signature of Secretary-Treasurer.) (School District.) (No.) (Please see note on back page.)

Transcript of Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may...

Page 1: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

Partial List of


which may be ordered through the


Date __________________________________ _

Order No, ___________________________ _ S.S. & M.A. Tax Reg. No. ___________________________ _

Ship to .. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ .. ________________________ _

Address ____________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------

City or town----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Signature of Secretary-Treasurer.)

(School District.) (No.)

(Please see note on back page.)

Page 2: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

No. of Copies. TITLE.

Adventure in Science Series-Book 1-Corne Out of Doors _______________________________________________ _

Book 2-0utdoor Pathways ________________________________________________ _

Book 3 ____ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Book 4____ _ . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Boo k 6--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ali ce and Jerry Series-Here We Go ___________________________________________________________________________ _

Happy Days _________________________________________________________________________ _

Rides and Slides __________________________________________________________________ _

Here and There _____________________________________________________________________ _

Day In and Day Out __________________________________________________________ _ Round About __________________________________________________________________________ _

Friendly Village __________________________________________________________________ _ Down the River Road ______________________________________________________ _

Through the Green Gate ___________________________________________________ _

If I Were Going--------------------------------------------------c-------Singing Wheels _______________________________________________________________ _

Engine Whistles _____________________________ ----------------------------------Runaway Horne __________________________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Rides and Slides _________________________________________ _

Work Book to Day In and Day Out __________________________________ _ Work Book to Round About ______________________________________________ _

Work Book to Friendly Village _________________________________________ _

Work Book to Down the River Road _________________________________ _

Work Book to Through the Green Gate ___________________________ _ Work Book to If I Were Going __________________________________________ _

Work Book to Singing Wheels ___________________________________________ _

Work Book to Engine Whistles ________________________________________ _

Work Book to Runaway Horne __________________________________________ _ Analytic Geometry _____________________________________________________________________ _

Arithmetic Is Fun _______________________________________________________________________ _

Arsene Lupin __ -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------­New Art Education Series-

Book L___ _ _ - ------ ---- - - --------------------------------------Book 2 _____ _

Book 3 Book 4_

Book 5 Book 6 _____________________ _________________ _ _____________________ _

Book 7---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I List

Price. Total.

$ c. $ c.

.35 ---------- --------

.35 ---------

.40 ---------- --------

.40 -------- -------­

.40 ---------- -------­

.40 ---------- --------

.60 ---------- --------

.45 ---------- -------­

.45 ---------- -------­

.45 ---------- --------

1. 3 0 --------- ------

1.50 ---------- --------

1.651----------1.30 ---------

1.60 ---------

1. 9 0 ---------

1. 75 ---------

2.00 I 1.85 ------ - ::::::::

.45 --------­

.45 --------

.50 --------- ------

::~ -::::::t·:::·: ::~ _::-::--1-:::----.501-----1-.601----1--.60 ---------- ------

1.55 -

.45 --


.50 -


.501 __

.50 --





CARRIED FORWARD ________ -----------1----------1--------


No.of Copies.

New Art Education Serie: Book g __________________________ _

Book 9 __________________________ _

Teachers' Manuals to Nev

A-for Books 1, 2, an(

B-for Books 4, 5, and

C-for Books 7, 8, and Art in Everyday Life _______ _

New Basic Reader-Before We Read __________ _

Book 4-Tirnes and PI: Book 5-Days and De€

Book 6-People and Pi

Work Book to Pre-prin

Work Book to Fun wit:

Work Book to Our Nev Work Book to Friends i

Work Book to More Fr

Work Book to Streets 1

Work Book to More St1 Work Book to Times a1

Work Book to Days an1

Work Book to People a Birds of Canada _________________ _

Bird Study in B.C. ____ _

Book of Classical Stories __ _ Canada 1949 _______ _

Canadian Democracy in A~ Canadian Geography Exer1

Canadian High School Acc1 Canadian High School Boo] Loose-leaf Binder (only) fo1 Refills for binder ________________ _

Canadian Parade Readers-

W ork Book to Young E

Work Book to Gay Adv Canadian Reading Develop:

Grade IV-Up and Aw: Grade V-Wide Open V Grade VI-AU Sails Se·

Page 3: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

I List

Price. Total.

ate ____________________________ _

$ c. $ c.

.35 ---------- -------

. 3 5 ---------- --------

.40 ---------- --------

.40 ---------- --------

.40 ---------- -------­

.40 ---------- -------

. 6 0 ---------- --------

. 45 ---------- --------

.45 ---------­

.45 ----------1.30 --------- --------1.50 ---------- --------

1. 6 51---------- --------1. 30 -------- ---- .. 1. 60 ----------1.90 ---------


2.00 -------1--------1.85 --------- --------

.45 --------- -------­

.45 --------

.50 ---------- --------

.50 ----------1-------­

. 50 ----- --- -




.601--------1-------.60 ---------- --------

1.55 -------­.45 ------

2.05 ---------

.50 ---------­


.50 ------ -------­

.50 -----

.50 --------- -------

.50 ---------- -------

. 5 0 ---------- -------

itRIED FORWARD ________ ----------1--------1-----

No.of Copies. TITLE. I fr~~~- I Total.

$ c. $ c.

BROUGHT FORWARD________ _ ___________________________ _

New Art Education Series-Continued .

Book 8 __________ --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

Book 9--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Teachers' Manuals to New Art Education Series-A-for Books 1, 2, and 3 _____________________________________________________ _

B-for Books 4, 5, and 6 _____________________________________________________ _

C-for Books 7, 8, and 9 ____________________________________________________ _

Art in Everyday Life _________________________________________________________________ _

New Basic Reader-

Before We Read _________________ ---------------------------------------------------Book 4-Times and Places _________________________________________________ _

Book 5-Days and Deeds ___________________________________________________ _

Book 6-People and Progress ____________________________________________ _

Work Book to Pre-primer ___________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Fun with Dick and Jane __________________________ _ Work Book to Our New Friends _______________________________________ _

Work Book to Friends and Neighbors ______________________________ _

Work Book to More Friends and Neighbors ___________________ _

Work Book to Streets and Roads ______________ _ Work Book to More Streets and Roads ____________________________ _

Work Book to Times and Places ________________________________________ _

Work Book to Days and Deeds _________________________________________ _

Work Book to People and Progress _________________________________ _ Birds of Canada__________________________ __________________ _ ____________ _

Bird Study in B.C.________ --------------------------------------------------

Book of Classical Stories __ ----------------------------------------------Canada 1949_________ _ _____________ -------------------------------------------Canadian Democracy in Action ___________________________ -----------------

Canadian Geography Exercises, Grades VII, VIII, and IX Canadian High School Accounting _________ _ Canadian High School Bookkeeping ________________________________________ _

Loose-leaf Binder (only) for Can. High School Bookkeeping_ Refills for binder _____________________ _

Canadian Parade Readers-W ork Book to Young Explorers ________ _ Work Book to Gay Adventurers _______________________________________ _

Canadian Reading Development Series-

Grade IV-Up and Away ____ -------------------------------------Grade V-Wide Open Windows _________________________________________ _

Grade VI-All Sails Set _____________________________________________________ _



.50 ---------- --------

.50 ---------- -------

.40 ---------- ------­

.40 ---------- -------­

.40 --------- --------5.10 ---------- --------

.40 ---1.80 -------1.90 -------

1. 9 51---------- -------­

.401----------- --------

.40 ---------- --------



.40 ---------1-------­

.45 ----------1-------­

.45 ---------- --------

. 5 5 ---------- --------• 5 5 ---------- -------­.55 -------- --------

4.45 - -------- ----

2.50 -- -------/ .601-­


.30 - ---

.501--------1.70 -------- --

2.55 ------- -

.40 ---------1--

.65 ---------1--------

.45 __________ \ ______ _

.45 ---------- --------

1.50 --------- --------

1.60 ---------- -------

1. 6 51---------- --------

----------1---------- --------

Page 4: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

No. of Copies. TITLE. I p~~~~- I Total.

$ c.1

$ I c.

BROUGHT FORWARD ____________________________________ _

Canadian Song Book___________________________________________________________________ . 70 _________________ _ The Canadians _____________________________________________________________________________ _

Canadian Standard Business English and Exercises ·---------Century of Short Stories-Pamphlet of Bibliography __ _ Cica, La Fille du Bandit ________________________________________________________ _

Continuing German ____________________________________________________________________ _

D' Artagnan ____________________________________ ----------------------------------------------Der Blinde Geronimo U nd Sein Bruder__ ________________________________ _

Teachers' Man. and Answer Key to Develop Your Reading

Work Book to Develop Your Reading ______________ -------------------

Diagnostic Reading Exercises­

Pre-reading-Mother Goose. Book 1-Nip, the Bear ___________________ _

Book 2-Red Deer, the Indian Boy ___ _ Book 3-Scottie and His Friends ________ _ Book 4-Adventure Trails _________________________________________________ _

Book 5-Exploring Today ____________________________________ _

Book 6-Looking Ahead ___________________________________________________ _

Dictionaries-Concise Oxford English ____________________________________________ _

Highroads English ___________________________________ _

McKay's German-English _________________________ _

McKay's Polish-English ___________________________________ _

McKay's Russian-English ___________________________________________________ _

New Handy French-English _________________ --------------------- -------

New Handy German-English ______________ _

New Handy Latin-English_

New Handy Spanish-English_

Webster's Collegiate English---------------

Winston English ____ -----------------------------------------------------------Dietetics for High Schools ________________________________________________________ _

Drill Exercises in Canadian Bookkeeping --------- ----------- -------Dynamic Biology Today ________________ ------------------ -------------------------

Earth and Its People Series-Book !-Visits in Other Lands ___ _

Book 2-The American Nations

Book 3-Nations Overseas ___ _

Easy Growth in Reading Series-Pre-primer L/1-Mac and Muff __________________________ _

Pre-primer L/2-The Twins, Tom and Don ___ _

2.40 ---------- -------­

. 70 ---------- -------­

.15 ------

.40 --------- -------

1.80 ---------- --------

.901----------1--------.75 ---------­

.35 --------­


I .20 --------1------­.30 --------- ------

.30 ··1·--·----

.30 -------- -------

.30 ----------1-------­

.30 --------- -------

.30 ---------1--------1 I

3 .451---------- --------

. 701--------- --------

3.901--··------- --------3.80 ---------- -------

3.851---------- --------1. 3 5 ---------- -------·

1.551--------- ----

1.551----------1------1.55 ------- --


1.101----------2.201 1.50

2.50 ----------

2.30 --------- -


3.201---- ----- -



1 I CARRIED FORWARD_______ ----------!------ ---1----


No.of Copies. 'I

Easy Growth in Reading S

Pre-primer L/3-Goini Primer L/1-At Play __

Primer L/2-Fun in Si

1st Reader L/1-I Kno

1st Reader L/2-Good

2nd Reader L/1-Alon1

2nd Reader L/2-The:

3rd Reader L/1-Fara·

3rd Reader L/2-Ench

4th Reader-Today am

5th Reader-Looking F

6th Reader-Moving A

Work Book to Mac and

Work Book to At Play_

Work Book to I Know l

Work Book to Along th

Work Book to FarawaJ

Work Book to Today a1

Work Book to Looking

Manual Unit-Pre-prir

Manual Unit-Primer :

Manual Unit-2nd Rea

Manual Unit-3rd Rea

Elementary Geometry ________ _

Work Book to Elementary :

Elson Gray Basic Readers­

Pre-primer-Dick and ,

Pre-primer-More Dic1 Primer ___________________________ _

Book !. _____________________________ _

Emile et Les Detectives (F:

Engineering Drawing, Boo]

English Usage and Compos

Work Book for Grade I

Work Book for Grade I

Work Book for Grade \

Work Book for Grade\

Work Book for Grade\

Work Book for Grade \i

Page 5: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____


I List I Price. Total.


>UGHT FORWARD ____________________________________ _

and Exercises _________ _

[ Bibliography __ _

velop Your Reading

ng ____________________ _

and Don ___________________ _

.70 ---------- --------

2.40 ---------- -------­. 70 ---------

.15 ------

.40 ---------

1.80 ---------- --------



. 3 5 ---------- --------

. 60 I -- -- --1-- -----I I

.20 _ -I

.30 ---

.30 -

.30 ---------

.30 ---------- -------­

.30 ------­

.301---------- --------

3.451----------1--------.70 ----

3.90 ---------- --------

3.80 ---------- ------

3. 8 51---------- --------1. 3 5 ---------- --------

1. 55 l----------1--------1. 5 51----------1--------1. 55 ------ ----


1.101---------- --------2.20 ------ ------

1.50 ---------1-----2.50 ----------1------

2.30 ________ ,

2.901-------1--------3.201--------- --------



1 I lRRIED FORWARD________ ----------1----------1--------

No.of Copies. TITLE. I List I

Price. Total.

$ c. $ c.

BROUGHT FORWARD ________ ----------- _________________ _

Easy Growth in Reading Series-Continued. Pre-primer L/3-Going to School__ ___________________________________ _ Primer L /1-A t Play _______________________________________________________ _

Primer L/2-Fun in Story _____________________________________________ _

1st Reader L/1-I Know a Secret ________________________________ _ 1st Reader L/2-Good Stories ______________________________________ _

2nd Reader L/1-Along the Way ____________________________________ _

2nd Reader L/2-The Story Road ___________________________________ _

3rd Reader L/1-Faraway Ports ______________________________________ _

3rd Reader L/2-Enchanting Stories _____________________________ _ 4th Reader-Today and Tomorrow ___________________________________ _

5th Reader-Looking Forward _______________________ ------------------

6th Reader-Moving Ahead ___________________________ -------------------Work Book to Mac and Muff ______________________________________________ _ Work Book to At Play ______________________________________________________ _

Work Book to I Know a Secret _________________________________________ _

Work Book to Along the Way __________________________________________ _

Work Book to Faraway Ports __________________________________________ _

Work Book to Today and Tomorrow ________________ ---------------Work Book to Looking Forward _____________________________________ _ Manual Unit-Pre-primers _____________________________________________ _

Manual Unit-Primer and 1st Readers _________________________ _ Manual Unit-2nd Readers ______________________________________________ _

Manual Unit-3rd Readers ______________________________________________ . Elementary Geometry ____________________________________________________________ _

Work Book to Elementary New French Reader _____________________ _

Elson Gray Basic Readers-Pre-primer-Dick and Jane Stories_ _____________________________ _

Pre-primer-More Dick and Jane Stories ______________________ _

Primer------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------­Book 1 .. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------·

Emile et Les Detectives ( French) --------------------------------------------Engineering Drawing, Book 1_ _________________________________________________ _

English Usage and Composition-W ork Book for Grade III ___________________________________________________ _

Work Book for Grade IV __ _ Work Book for Grade V ____________________________________________________ _

Work Book for Grade VL __________________________________________________ _

Work Book for Grade VII __________________________________________________ _

Work Book for Grade VIIL _____________________________________________ _

.45 ---------- --------

.90 ---------- --------

1.40 --------- --------

1.40 ----------1--------1.40 ---------- --------

1.40 --------1--------


1.401---------1--- ----

1. 70 ----------1--------1. 701---------1--------1. 75 I--------- -------1.751----------1--------

.35 ------1-------

.35 --------1-------­

.35 ---------- --------






.8 51----------1--------

.85 --------- -------

.85 ----------1--------2.10 ---------1-------­

.65 ---------- -------

.25 / _________ -------

.401---------1-------• 7 0 ---------- -------­

.80 ---------- --------

• 7 5 ---------- ------2.201------

.40 _________ _

.40 ---------- -------­

.45 ---------- ------­

.45 ---------

.551-------··-- ----­

.55 ------- --------

CARRIED FORWARD________ -----------1----------1--------5

Page 6: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

No.of Copies. TITLE. I p~l~!. I Total.

$ c. $ c.

BROUGHT FORW ./\RD ____________________________________ _

Essentials of World Geography _____________________________________________ _ Fact and Fiction ______________________________________________________________________ _

Familiar Fields----------------·------------------------------------------------------· Far A way People ______________________________________________________________ _

Five-place Log. Tables (Castle) _______________________________________________ _ Form Room Plays Junior Boole ______________________________________________ _

French Vocabulary and Idiom List _________________________________________ _

Work Book to General Record Keeping, Part !__ __________________ _

General Record Keeping Teachers' Key ________________________________ _ Geography Work Book on the Americas _________________________________ _

Geography Work Book on the Americas, Answer Book_ ______ _ Geography Work Book on Europe, Asia, Australasia ___________ _ Golden Dog __________________________________________________________________________________ _

Graded Exercises in Rapid Calculation __________________________________ _ Handbook of English __________________________________________________________________ _

Health Essentials for Canadian Schools ________________________________ _ Health Work Book, Grade IL _________________________________________________ _

Health Work Book, Grades IV, V, and VL ____________________________ _

Highroads to Reading (1946): Bk. 4, Riding with the Sun Jolly Numbers Beginner's Course, Teachers' Manual__ _______ _ Jolly Numbers, Book 2, Teachers' Manual__ ___________________________ _ Junior Arithmetic, Grade V ______________________________________________________ _ Kingsway Histories, Book !__ ___________________________________________________ _

Kingsway Histories, Book 2 _____________________________________________________ _ La Carafe d 'Eau ________________________________________________________________________ _ La France _____________________________________________________________________________________ _

La Mission de Slim Kerrigan __________________________________________________ _

L' Arm ure du Magyar----------------------------------------------------------------­Last of the Mohicans--------------------------------------------------------------~---Le Mystere de la Chambre Jaune ____________________________________________ _ Les Chasseurs de Papillons _______________________________________________________ _ Les 0 ber le _____________________________________________________________________________________ _ Le Scolopendre ____________________________________________________________________________ _

Les Trappeurs de l' Arkansas ____________________________________________________ _ Liter a tu re Recitals ___________________________________________________________________ _

Man's Achievement, Bk. 1, Age of Steam _____________________________ _

Man's Achievement, Bk. 2, Age of Science and Democracy_ Mastering the Reading Skills ___________________________________________________ _

Ma them a ti cal Tables (Four-place)-------------------------------------------

1. 7 0 ---------- --------

. 65 --------- --------

.40 ---------- --------

.40 -------- --------

.60 ---------- -------­

. 5 5 ---------- --------

.15 ---------- --------• 7 0 ---------- --------.35 --------- --------.55 ---------- -------­.35 ---------- -------­.55 ---------- --------.80 ---------- --------.80 ---------- --------

1.90 --------- --------1.85 ---------- -------­

.35 ---------- --------

.55 ---------- --------

1.10 ----------1-------1.25 ---------- --------1.10 ---------- --------

. 30 --------- -------

1.10 ---------- -------

. 9 5 ---------- ------

.35 ----------2.45 ---------- --------

.3 5 ---------- --------• 3 5 ---------- --------

• 7 0 ---------- --------. 35 ---------- --------. 3 5 ---------- --------

1. 60 ----------

.35 ---------- -----­

.35 ---------- --------• 9 5 ---------- --------

3. 70 --------- --------3. 7 5 ---------- --------

. 65 ---------- -------

.20 ---------- -------

CARRIED FORWARD ___________________________________ _


No.of Copies.

Modern Europe _________________ _

My Geography Books­Book 6-Europe and J

Book 7-South Ameri1 Book 8-British ComIJ

My Health Books­

Grades IV, V, and VL Grades VII and VIIL

My Language Books-Book 2 __________________________ _ Book 3 _________________________ _ Book 4 __________________________ _ Book 5 __________________________ _ Book 6 __________________________ _

My Literature Books-Book !__ ________________________ _

Book 2 __________________________ _ Book 3 __________________________ _ Book 4 __________________________ _ Book 5 __________________________ _ Book 6 _________________________ _ Book 7 __________________________ _ Book 8 __________________________ _

My Music Books­Grades IV, V, and VL Grades VII and VIIL

Nature and Language Wo Junior Book _________________ _ Book L _________________________ __ Book 2 __________________________ _

Neighbor hood Stories _______ _

New Agricultural Manual The New Rational Typew: New Work-Play Series­

Book 4-Let's Look A:

Book 5-Let's Travel Book 6-Let's Go Ahe Work Book to Let's Le Work Book to Let's Ti Work Book to Let's G•

Page 7: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

$ c. $ c.

>UGHT FORWARD ____________________________________ _

---------------------------------- 1. 7 0 1---------- -----------------------------------------· . 6 5 ---------- --------

, Part L ___________________ _

' ----------------------------------·

;, Answer Book ________ _ ., Australasia ___________ _

s ________________________________ _

VI ____________________________ _

~iding with the Sun ~hers' ManuaL _______ _ _____________________________ _

m _______________________________ _

11ce and Democracy_

.40 ---------- --------

.40 -------- -------­

.60 ---------- --------

.55 ---------- -------­

.15 ---------- --------• 7 0 ---------- -------­

. 3 5 ---- ----- --------

. 55 --------- ------­

.35 ---------- -------­

.55 ---------- --------

.80 ---------- --------

.80 ---------- --------

1. 9 0 ---------- --------

1.85 ---------- -------­

.35 ---------- --------

• 5 5 ---------- --------

1.10 ----------1--------1.25 ---------- --------

1.10 ---------- --------

. 30 --------- -------

1.10 ---------- --------

• 9 5 ---------- ------­

.35 ---------- --------

2.45 ---------- -------

. 3 5 ---------- -------• 35 ---------- --------

• 7 0 --------- --------.35 ---------- --------

.35 ---------- --------

1.60 ---------- ------

• 3 5 ---------- --------

. 3 5 ---------- ' --------

. 9 5 -------- --------

3. 7 0 ---------- --------

3. 7 5 ---------- --------

. 65 ---------- --------

. 20 ---------- -------

.RRIED FORWARD ____________________________________ _

No.of Copies. TITLE.

$ c. $ c.

BROUGHT FORWARD __________________ _

Modern Europe__________________________________________________________________________ 3.35 _________________ _

My Geography Books-Book 6-Europe and Asia___________________________________________________ .35 _____ _

Book 7-South America, Africa_________________________________________ .35 _________________ _

Book 8-British Commonwealth of Nations ____________________ _

My Health Books-Grades IV, V, and VL ________________________________________________________ _ Grades VII and VIIL _______________________________________________________ _

My Language Books-

Book 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------­Book 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My Literature Books-

Book 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·

Book 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·

Book 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­Book 6-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

B ook 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Music Books-

Grades IV, V, and VL __________________________________________ _ Grades VII and VIIL ________________________________________________________ _

Nature and Language Work Books-J unior Book __________________________________________________________________________ _

Book 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------­

Book 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------N eighbor hood Stories _________________________________________________________________ _

New Agricultural Manual for High Schools ________________________ _ The New Rational Typewriting ___________________________________ _

New Work-Play Series-Book 4-Let's Look Around _________________ _ Book 5-Let's Travel On _______________________________ _

Book 6-Let's Go Ahead _____________________________ _

Work Book to Let's Look Around _______________ _ Work Book to Let's Travel On ____________________________ _ Work Book to Let's Go Ahead ___________________________________________ _

.35 ----------

.35 ----

.35 ---------

.30 --------- -------­

.35 --------- -------­

.35 ---------- --------

.35 ---------- --------

.35 ---------- --------

.30 --------- --------

• 3 0 ---------- -------­. 35 ---------- -------­

.35 ---------- -------­

.35 ----------

.35 --- --- -------

.40 ------

. 40 ----------

.30 ---------­

.30 ---------

. 3 51---------­


.40 ----------

1. 7 5 ---------- -------­

. 65 ------1.20 ----

2.30 ---------

2.50 ---------- ----2.55 ---------

.60 --------- ------­

.60 ---------- -------

• 6 0 ---------- -------

CARRIED FORWARD ________ ----------- ----------


Page 8: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

No.of Copies. TITLE. List I


$ c.


$ c. BROUGHT FORWARD ____________________________________ _

Teachers' Manual to Work-Play Books-Book 4-Let' s Look Around ________________________________________________ _

Book 5-Let's Travel On _____________________________________________________ _

Book 6-Let's Go Ahead ____________________________________________________ _

New World Readers-

Grade IV-Over the Bridge _______ ----------------------------------------Grade V-Under the North Star ______________________________________ _ Grade VI-My World and!__ _____________________________________________ _

Pages from Canada's Story _____________________________ -------------------------·

New Pathways in Science Series-Primer-W e Want to Know ______________________________________________ _

Book 1-W e Find Out __ --------------------------------- ____________________ _ Book 2-Changes All Around Us _______________ _ Book 3-0ur Earth and Sky ____________________________________ _

Book 4-Earth and Life Upon It ___________________________________ _

Book 5-From Sun to Earth ________ _

Book 6-The Earth Then and Now __ Phonic Fun, Book 1 (for Grade!) ______________________________ _

Phonic Fun, Book 2 (for Grade II) __________________________ _

Pitman Shorthand (Can. Cent. Edit.) ___________ _

Practical Drills in Rapid Calculation

Practical Trigonometry __ _ Preparing the Payroll __________________________________________________________ _

Progressive Drafting, Book 1 ______________________________ _

Progressive Drafting, Book 2 ___________________________________________________ _

Pro Lege Manilia (Cicero) ________________ _ _______________________________ _

Pupils' Own Vocabulary Speller-Book 1 (for Grades II and III) _________________________________________ _

Book 2 (for Grades IV, V, and VI) __________________________________ _

Book 3 (for Grades VII and VIII) __________________________________ _

Reading Development Work Book, Grade VL ______________________ _

Reading Development Test Form-Form A ________________________________________________________________________________ _

FormB Form C ______________ _

Answer Book to Forms A, B, and C_

Reading Exercise Work Books-Grade IIL __

Grade IV __ Grade v ___________________________________ --------------------------·- ________________ _

.95 ---------- -------­

. 9 5 ----------

. 75 ----------

1.80 ----------

1. 9 0 ----------

1. 9 5 ----------1.45 ---------- --------

1. 4 51---------- --------1. 5 0 -------- - --------

1. 6 5 l---------1. 7 0 ---------

1. 85 ---------- ---

1.95 -------- --------

2.05 ---------1--------.45 --------- --------

.40 ---------1--------1.10 __________ , __ _

.55 ----------1--------1. 5 5 ---------- --------

. 55 ----------1--------1.00 ----------

.85 ---------- -------­

.70 ---------- --------

.90 ----------1--------1.l 0 -------- --------1.10 ---------- -------­

. 65 ----------

.10 -------­

.10 ----------

.10 ---------- ----NI C _______ _

.40 -----1

.40 -------

.40 ---- ---- --------

Gmde VI_ ____ .. --~==~~R~~~:~- -~l:~.r= 8

No.of Copies.

Readings in Science Romance of B.C. _____________ _

Safe and Healthy Living I

Book 1-Spick and Sp

Book 2-Health Para(

Book 3-Growing Big

Book 4-Safety Every

Book 5-Doing Your I Book 6-Building Goo,

Book 7-Helping the 1 Book 8-Healthy Horn

School Algebra, Parts I a1

Science Activities, Grade l

Tests for Science ActivitiE

Science Activities, Grade :

Answers to Second Course

Teachers' Key to Second C Sept d'un Coup __________________ _

Singing Period Books-Book 5 __________________________ _

Book 6 __________________________ _

Book 7 ___________________________ _

Si Nous Lisions ________________ _

Social Study Readers­

Primer-Peter's Fami

Book 1-Hello David __

Book 2-Susan's Neigl

Book 2-Someday Soo:

Book 3-Centreville __ _

Spelling for the Grades, B

Student's Shorthand Dicti

Studies and Activities in I

Study Arithrnetic-Grade IIL _________ _

Grade IV ___________ _

Teachers' Manual and

Teachers' Manual and

Teachers' Manual and

Teachers' Manual and

Syllabus of Physical Trail

Page 9: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

$ c. $ c. )UGHT FORWARD __________________ _

leVL ______________________ _


.95 ----------

. 9 5 ---------- --------• 7 5 ---------- --------

1.80 ---------- --------

1. 9 0 ---------- --------1. 9 5 ---------


1.451---------- --------1.50 ---------- --------

1.651--------- -----1. 7 0 ---------- -----

1.85 ---------- ------

1. 9 5 - - ---- - -------

2.05 ----------1-------­.45 --------- --------

.40 --------1--------

1.10 ---------1 .551----------1--------

1.55 ---------- -------

.55 ----------1-------1. 00 ----------l-~------


.70 ---------- --------

.90 __________ / _______ _

1.10 --------- --------

1.10 ---------

. 65 ----------

.10 ---------- ------­

.10 ---------- -------

.10 ---------- ----N/C _____ _

.40 ------1

.40 -------- ---­

.40 ---

.401---------- ------------------- ---------1-------

No. of Copies. TITLE. I p~i~!. I Total.

$ c. I $ c.

BROUGHT FORWARD ________ -----------1---------- _______ _ Readings in Science ________________________ -------------------------------------------


Romance of B.C. ______________________________ _ .701---------1-------

------------------------ 1.051-------1--------

1 I Safe and Healthy Living Series-

Book 1-Spick and Span ____________________________________ _ i.401------ I Book 2-Health Parade _____________________ --------------------------------- 1.451---------1--

Book 3-Growing Big and Strong_________________ 1.551---------f----Book 4-Safety Every Day_______________________ _____________ 1.601-------1----

Book 5-Doing Your Best for Health_____ 1.651----------1-------Book 6-Building Good Health_______________ 1. 701---------1---

Book 7-Helping the Body in Its Work____ 1.801 --I -Book 8-Healthy Home and Community_______ 1.851 ---/---

~~~e:~e ~~:~~:~e:,a~~a~:~~-~~::::::::::: :::___


::~ I::::_:::: I::::::: Tests for Science Activities, Grade IX____ ___________ _ .351----------1-- __ _

Science Activities, Grade X ______________________________ -- - --- - 1.05 f---------1---- __

Answers to Second Course in Algebra______________________________________ .401----------/- __

Teachers' Key to Second Course in Algebra _____ 1.251----------1- _ Sept d'un Coup____________________________________________________________________________ .45 l----------1 __

Singing Period Books- I I Book 5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .30 __ __ Book 6 _____ ----------------------------------- ______________ ------------------- .301---------1-------

Book 7 ______ ---------------------------------------- _____________ ------- .401----------1--------

~~=:lu;t~~;o;:~-~-~~~=----------------------- ______________________ 2.051----- I Primer-Peter's Family_____________ ________________________ 1.15 I- ----1- _

Book 1-Hello David___________________________ 1.251-- I Book 2-Susan's Neighbours_______ _____________ 1.351------- - I

:::~ :=~::~:~:ru~::: __ (~:=~~:~)---- ------------ ----- ~::~/- __ ::f ::::-:-Spelling for the Grades, Book 2_______________ _______ _____________________ .401--- _ I Student's Shorthand Dictionary and Phrase Book___ .401---- __ _ Studies and Activities in Biology___________________ __________ 1.351----------1----

Study Arithmetic- I I Grade IIL _____________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1.101---------1----Grade IV _________ _ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 1.101----------1-------Teachers' Manual and Answer Book, Grade IIL _________ _ .251--------1--

0225 1---------1--------. 5 ---------- --------

Teachers' Manual and Answer Book, Grade IV _____________ _ Teachers' Manual and Answer Book, Grade v _____________ _ Teachers' Manual and Answer Book, Grade VI __________ _

Syllabus of Physical Training _______________________________________________ _ .251----------1-------­


CARRIED FORWARD ________ --- -------1----------1--------


Page 10: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____


No.of Copies. TITLE.

$ c. $ I c. BROUGHT FORWARD ____________________________________ _

Today's Work-Play Books-Pre-reader-On Our Way __________________________________________________ _

Pre-primer-Come and Ride ____________________________________________ _

Supp. Pre-primer-This Is Fun ________________________________________ _

Primer-Tags and Twinkle ________________________________________________ _

Grade I-Good Times on Our Street ________________________________ _

.60 ---------- --------

.45 ---------- -------­

.45 ---------- --------

1. 0 5 ----------1--------1.10 ---------- --------

Grade II-Friends and Workers________________________________________ 1.80 ________________ _

Grade III-On Longer Trails ____________________________________________ _

Work Book to Come and Ride ____________________________________________ _

Work Book to Tags and Twinkle _________ -----------------------------Work Book to Good Times on Our Street ________________________ _

Work Book to Friends and Workers _________________________________ _

Work Book to On Longer Trails ____________________________ _

Unit Readers for Tags and Twinkle-Bruce and Barbara .. _________________________________________________________ _

In Came Pinky __________________________________________________________________ _

The Painted Calf _________________________________________________________________ _

Unit Readers for Good Times on Our Street--The Animal Parade _____________________________________________________________ _

Elsie Elephant ______________________________________________________________________ _

Mr. Joey and the Pig ____________________________________________________________ .

Unit Readers for Friends and Workers-Always Ready ______________________________________________________________________ _

Animals Are Fun _________________________________________________________________ _

Animals Work Too ________________________ _

Brownie and His Friends ____ _ Pueblo Indian Stories ________ _

We Go A way ____________ ------------------------------------- ______________ _

Unit Readers for On Longer Trails-Fifty Winters Ago_ _ _____________ _

Kurti and Hardi__ __ _

Little Bear, the Indian Boy _________ _ The Sad Prince __________________________________________________________________ _

Tony and Jo-Jo _____ _

Trails in the Woods______ _ Year Round Fun _________________ _

Trees and Shrubs: Foods, Medicinal Plants, etc, _________________ _

Weather and Wings ______ . ____________________ -------------------------------------

Westward Ho! --------------·-------------------------------------------------------------· Whitaker's Almanac __________________________________________________________________ _

MacI~ean Senior Writing ManuaL __


2.10 ---------- --------

• 3 0 --------- -------.50 ---------- -------­

.50 ---------- -------­

.50 -------

.50 ---------

• 3 0 --------- --------

.301---------1-------• 3 0 --------- -------

.30 ---------- --------

.30 ---------- ------­

.30 ---------- ------

.30 ---------- --------

.30 ---------- --------

.30 ---------- --------

.30 ---------- -------

.30 ----------1-------­

.30 ---------- --------

1 I .301---------1-------­.30 --------- ----­

.30 ------

.30 ------­

.301---------- -------

.30, __________ --------

.30 ---------- --------

1.40 ---------- -------­

. 70 ---------- --------

.70 ---------- --------2.50 --------- --------

.30 ---------1-------

No.of Copies.



--------------·- ----------------------------------­·-----------------

TOTAL _________________ _


NET TOTAL _________ _

3% S.S. & M.A. TAX ____ _

NET AMOUNT _____ _

Page 11: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____

I List I Price. Total.

$ c. $ I c. )UGHT FORWARD ____________________________________ _

,t _______ ---------- - -

• 6 0 ---------- -------­.45 ------

.45 ---------- ---

1. 0 5 ---------- --------

1.10 --------

---------- ---- -------- 1.80 ---------- --------

Street _______________ _ s _________________________________ _


2.10 ---------- --------

• 3 0 1--------- -------. 50 ---------- --------

.501---------- ------­

.50 ---------- -------­

.50 ---------- ----

.30 --------- --------

• 3 0 1--------- -------.30 --------- -------

·----------------------------------- .30 ---------- --------

.30 ---------

---------------------------------· .. 30 ----------

---------------------------------- . 3 0 ---------- --------

ants, etc. _________________ _

.30 ---------­

.30 ---------­

.30 ----------

.30 ----------1

.30[--------- -------

[ I .301----------1-------­

.30 f--------- -----­

.30 ---------

.30 ---------

.30 -- ------ ---- -

• 3 0 1---------- -------­. 30 ---------- --------

1.40 ----------

.70 ---------- -

• 7 0 ---------- ------------------------------------------ 2650 ---------- --------

• 3 0 ---------1-------

No.of Copies.


TITLE. I ik~~~. I Total.

$ c. / $ I c.

I I - --- -----------1-- ---- --------

-----------1------ -----

----- -----1---------1--------

-- -----1--------

---------1---- --------I

TOTAL ___ _ -1--------- --------

------ -----------1 --------- --------LESS 20% DISCOUNT (TO DEALERS)_

1 NET TOTAL _____________ _

3% S.S. & M.A. TAX _________________________________ _

NET AMOUNT_____________________ _ _______________________________ _ I I


Page 12: Partial List of Miscellaneous Books Which May Be Ordered ... · Partial List of (1949-50) which may be ordered through the TEXT-BOOK BRANCH VICTORIA, B.C. Date _____ _ Order No, _____


AH orders and requisitions to the Text-book Branch must be submitted through the Secretary. Treasurer of the District School Board. Otherwise cash in full must accompany the order and discount will not be allowed.


VICTORIA, B.C.: Printed by DoN McDIAR11m, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty.
