Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1866 ...T1&S5.^rfbant tailoring- 1865....

T ^rfbant tailoring- 1&S5. 1865. JOHN T. LAKIN & CO. FALL & WINTER T;;> rc-t}vAu-. ... Stock of Goods FOR MEN'S WEAR. OUR STOCK 18 NOW COMPLETE, OON- BlstiHK of the following Goods: French, English and German CLOTHS. French, English, and American co^Tiisros. Frenoh, a-: English, Scotch and American Oassimeres. BEAVERS & OVERCOATEN&S Of thelfollowlng makes; .*r.olf ^k*>lttO Schillees, Simonies, Kippers, Wolflngs and Johanies. VESTINGS, Velvet, Cashmere and Silk CRAVATS, SCARPS AND TEES. Shirts of the Best Make & Quality. Canton Flannel, Merino and Silk Under Shirts and Drawers. Linen and Silk Eandkerohiefi. f ^Gloves of every Description, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. Cotton & Merino Half Hose. Call and examine our Stock before pnrchas- ng elsewhere. JOHN T. LAKIN Sc CO.. No. 25 Monroe street, Wheeling, W. Va, oclQ .Standard Urates. SAM'L OTT. MOBOAN L. OTT. WM. H. HALL SAMUEL OTT, SON & CO., AgeiitB for l-'AX I tli A. TV "It *ri . STANDARD SCALES, A DAPTED TO EVERY' BRANCH OF J\ business where a correct and durable Scale is required." Counter Scales of every Variety, PORTABLE AND DORMANT SCALES FOR STORES, WAX AJn» CATTLE SCALES, Warehouse and Transportation Scales, Scales for Grain and Flour.Scales for Ral roads.Scales for Coal Dealers and Miners .-Cotton and Sugar Scale®.Farm and Plantation Scales.Post Office]. Scales.Banker and Jewel¬ ers' Beams.Weigh- masters' Beams, &c.,&c.,Ac. I All of which are Warranted in every partic¬ ular, Call and examine, or send fa* an Illus¬ trated and descriplivecircular. ' is nor tne case wiui umci sunca wuocu Kale In this city, which are.represented to be "as good as Fairbanks'." A scale with cast iron Dearings, cannot be durably accurate. SAM'L OTT, SON <fc CO., Agents, Wholesale Dealers In Hardware, Saddlery Hardware, yteM Cor. Market A Monroe sts., opposite McLure 'House, WheellngjW.Va. morll 1866. FEBRUARY. 1866. "V alent'ine HEAD QUARTERS., T1IVE, TEN AND TWENTY DOLLAR JJ lots put up In Boxes, containing a full Assortment, with beautiful colored show bUls. Sent post paid to any place on receipt ofany ofrthe above prices. ¦v JOSEPH GRAVES, No. 30 Monro St., JanlO Wheeling. W. Va. Great Sale of Books. W nninrcW/lTV/1! «V at puuuc auuoau "r*rvM j Qulncy, in the city of Wheejing, the Law and Miscellaneous Library of the latc Judge Joseph: L., FWr, comprising aboutOiree thoiiR- and five hbrfdred volumcs.'^e JItoll^eon« Library embraces .the standard works 4>r . ,*i ^ ITnnlleti 1 t«rnfnn>. historical. XRo:isr. _ Dandy and Heavy Tire Iron, all sixes. BAlcat No. JSMA1W STKreT' -' and ,nUdt SgggggflffSfaa. A CO. GREAT REDUCTION la the Expense ofDr111 i ug- Oil Wei la. Q WHTITIER A OOA OF PORTSMOUTH, OT. Ohio, are manufiMrarlngtiiebesL,cheap¬ est and speediest Drilling Machines in the world for boring Oil, Salt or Artesian welte. -i '^They have been thoroughly and successfully ^tested for eight yean*. In boring through the - hardest flint and lime rocks. By the peculiar -air Construction of the tools, no reamer is re¬ quired, and If kept in order cannot stick fast; !.. ;' «nd therefore require no Jars. The arrange- roent flu- hoisting tools and sand pumping are ''perfbeL' The expense of enginais dispensed with, one hone and two men being all that; isneeessary mr drilling ftom twenty to thirty feet per day, through ordinary rode.. All ne- eessary tools and 800 ieetof rope are ftirnlshed with the machines. Total weight of ma- cSoAr^wff^fe pounds. They are easily transported, and Ckn he set up In an hour. ilngcomplete, and full JverCd on b6at or cars, shnplelnthelr constroo- In in tbelr HS.jaust tbereltoro very ¦ron'sora? muc uu other machines lor drilling deep w.u», H m who :. ^.MmiUketureis. Porttmouth. Ohio. ANCHOR BREWERY. EUSTON, McCANN & CO., VAXtnTACTURBBS'OF -^LES-PORTER ft BROWN-ffiPOUT, , tr Malt and Hop Dealers, wheeling. JVBottled Ales and Porter always on hsnifc -&ee«f; Mft. Indiana Mills --100- '**- Ddver Mills ..;* t*e-; u Chickering & Son's ym 'iij- CT t ^ Piano Fortes! "For parity and sonority of tone, ele¬ gance of finish, thoroughness and du¬ rability of structure, they rank fore¬ most of all.". Thalberg and QotUchalk. Pittsburgh Agency FOR , Chickering & Sons' Pianos! Ettablisbed in 1831. Chas. C. Mellor, Pittsburgh, Pa., Is the exclusive Wholesale Pennsylvania, «»tcro Ohio^nd^ West Virginia. WAB.EROOMS.81 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, AND 118 MAIN STREET, WHEELINS. ttliVs Special Notice mra subscriber nnyRMSTirECiT- I IZEN8 of "Wheeling and vicinity, that he In now in the employ of Mr. C. C. Mellor, or Plttsborgh, ft? rferKfStSS fclffiiSSSreSffi? £ street, above John H. Hnll, commen Wednesday, Dec. 20,1865. Tbewibecribei-win be hanov to have his friends, former pupils 'and all parties desirous of" hiring sweet sounds, or seeing beautiful «a^ss^se"ssss5«s^&h Warerooms, or at the Factory in Boston. Every Piano Warranted for tt Veara. Terms Liberal. JOS. EBEBT. dec!8 ! steamboats. - Regular Packet for Cincinnati. The new and elegant passenger i steamer EDINBURU, Capt»J. I* Thompson, will run as a regular ticket between Wheeling and Cincinnat.. feoviuK the former jilace on Saturday noon at 4 o'clock. Returning, will l^ve Cln- clnnatl Monday at 4 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board or to 1 * BOOTH, BATTELLE & CO., novl5 J. MANNER & CO., Agts. Regular PIM»bur»li, WieellnB »"d mrkcmbDK P««-.Ue». The New and Elegant Passenger k Steamer FOREST^Tl', CapUJn " John Gordon, A. R. Bunting Cllc, ... i. r.- VavlrAMhllKT pvfrv fOtrPUU.hur^e^M^^m^ ge7 M-m- day and Thuralny at the WharfB«<t until 6 Pato Boofa-BATTEL *CO.u NEWYORK PIANOFORTES. ERNEST GABLER, jcawufactubkb or NEW HCAI.I FIBST-CI.AB8 PIANO - FOBTES, Factory, 122, 124 & 128 East 22d St., T»ESrECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TIIAT K hliLanie New Factory to noy com piet- WSSSfBS^SS^ wssssssSsss. i maybe wamnlJd Retail Warerooms,743 Broadway novl7-3. .'.i.; . tobacco. rruiE followtno fA,y°SfE5nd'^N 1 standard hr^ds.ronsUintlyon hand, rr ' black tobaccos. ' Rawell'slOJ.lnbutW. Cleopatra 10 s in butts. Old Buck 12 a In caddies. -Mite Royal Gem In butts. * Golden Star In butts. Old Buck X*b In caddie*. Lniy Belle** .. . California Golden boxes. .OCU2 PRYOR, HANDLAN A CO. The Best Out. verbal clothes Wringer, wo canildenUy prj- EcSJSpETSS lug the gum rollera., "Wlththis WYbjfl^r the labor of washing Is reduced one half, while the wear and tearof clothes ^muchl^than SSSisffi.fwala m^lyerml ^OtjjraLL For Sale or Bent. TAVLNO PDRCBASiED THE JWW tion be made won. THQ& HOBNBROOK- Office.Custom House. Residence-No. TO EoITstreet, 5th ward. decflMX Desirable Besidence for Sale ^Se^2w,aSSS^ J SS^KdS thewhotohuUdto^JU^a, «9°d ^j"?^4f*SS3g£?^a^SSnlne the ptS^ * PAirDREWWHITB. JanS»tf * ,* ". ~I To Blacksmiths, or anyOther Mail. A NVXIJ&."PETKR WRIGHT'S" SOLID A BlckFace.warrantiod,. i :: BELLOWS."ArndtV warranted, all sis* 'VICES.Solid Box, amorted sixes. SLEDGES.From8toU11*., SLEDGE MOULDS.From 10 tolSfta. ,< HAND HAMMERS.From 2)* to 4 lbs. . Br;"E. A. Russell. ITO OFFICE ±V\ ,T8 Quincy St., Oppotdta the. Convent. det6-«m Genu's FnrColla^ndGtov^ pwbaut Sailorlng. Great Reinction in pes! Taoiua E. Buna. H. Ooqg*xhxtm*b Stein Brothers rT< r ' . ¦> --yr- rry ( >r Cor. Slain A Monroe SU., ' WHEELING, W. v£. KwfictfT b r 1 .ashaaotO' TO THE PUBLIC 11 From and afUr this date, all work will be marked down. >AU;Wprk-i^^ ranteed to be made ln tto latert^tyle aig beat manner, at from 15 to 20 percent. lower than any other House In the city. Una a A FJ.'r; l bajs v..I ysinoU BEST tin! JO fcint bolorft 9iu> t .-< CHINCHTLAS, SBSKn5fOS,and CASTOR BEAVERS, tact ' bc6tchjAc^, FANCY CAjsarMEREB^ Black Cloths and Doe Skins, All the beet makes, made to order at greatly reduced prices. OUR STOCK OP CLOTHING And GENT'S FURNI8HING GOODS is very large and complete, were lately bought, which we guarantee to sell 20 per cent, lower than any other House in the city. We mean what we say, and to convinceyou, all we ask is for you to call and examine and be convinced that this is no humbug. STEIN liiitO'i'mi kS, Nob. 13'and IS nov20-dAw Corner Main and Monroe Sts. f!*» ffioofo. Thou. P. Thomas. Heuey Btukueon. NEW FIRM. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- X chased the entire Stock of Goods or Men- Rers Wm. B. Senseney A Co. beg leavo to in¬ form the customers of the store and the pub¬ ic generally. that they Intend to carry on the business at the same place and on the same principles of Fair Dealing and Truthfulness, as it was by the former proprietors. THOMAS, STURGEON A CO. We have Just opened a large stock of .' Dress Goods, NEW AND i>ESERABLE. Comprising many rich ress Silks, Merinos, Repps, All Wool De Loins, Black and Colored Alpacas, Thibet Cloths, Poplins, GlrighamS, De Lains, Prints, dux, Ac. . too. Cloaks and- Cloaking Clqths, All Wool i pShawls, Lon»and Square, Small Wool Shawls, Kack Shawls, Ac.; Ac. y, rown and Bleached Muslins, 5-1 and 10-4 Cotton Sheetings, Linen Table Cloths, Table Damasks, Napkins, Tpwels, I Wool Blankets, Ac., Ac. > We have a large stock of Kid, Silk and Meri¬ no Gloves. Ladles 8ilk, Merino aiid Oottpn. Hose, mbroldered Collars, Inserting^ Hoop Skirts, Bruners' Balmoral Skirts, French . Corsets, beat make.. Flannels and Cssslmers for Boy's wear, Ac. rgest lot of PURS1- in the citj;Just opened Ladlwr are especially invited to call and ook oVer our Stock of Goods. THOMAS, STIIBGEON ft CO., Successors, to W. B. SENSENEY A CO. epl2 The West Virginia Mining and Manufacturing Company. 0ajbit-aIj,.~8i2o,poo directors: HENRYCRANGLE, JACOB BERGER. I: President, Vice President, M. W. BURT. Am ALLEN HOWELL mms COMPANY is now /ully organized, 1 and will, in a short time, commence the mahufocture of refined Carbon and Lubricat¬ ing Oils, IJimp Wick and CHlmrietfB. For information In regard to the Stock or 'Business of the Company,-apply.to either of the undersigned officers, or at the Company's office on Main street, nextdoor to the M. AM. Bank W; F7PBTgRBONt Jr. Sec'y. 8. P. HILDRETH: TreasY, JOSEPH H. CONNELLY, 8upt, dec7> ¦ First Mutual Store, Marktt^fjua^ CmMe WK^eltng. TO CITY AND"cOUNTRS£ the UNDERSIGNED WOULD, STATE to the "public ai lhrgo" that the Jkvorite .jeign of the First Mutual S$Ore Association of Wheeling is In successful operation. We claim that there should be a reduction of non- produoersfn our midst, and thus protect the industrious and manufacturing classes from, exorbitant prices for fiunily supplies Every stockholder receives the profit on what he consumes. i SHAKES, (10 EACH. No one can take more than ten shares. Wehave a charter for 20 years. Are limited to a capital of 9200,000. ^A^hberal Uade from country and country We will pay cash or .merchandise for pro¬ duce that in In good condition. Call and get everything you want at lowest WMa££Sir. Wm. Carnahan, Thomas J. Berkley. r HAVE THIS DAV ASSOC!ATED WITH I me In the Boot and Shoe bu^pe^ Ttios. J. W. nnd. Wberilm. A Card. I would take thJ« method of returning my «sk for the new Arm a^ora^ttaoanc^ofjbe ^TijaiaMw-?¦ CHABLE8 SEIBKE, * Successor to H. Diehmel, Fancy Dyer and Scourer, !1 ?iBoute st., near-that B.' A.-0.'R>R.~Depot, short notice and on reasonable : O 7/ ^55- at*im i -: A r c li i t e <3 ,t .: - i-' yraBELsmo, w. va^<! Jmn«-2w #rtving IBarWnes. JJX3 fIIX11*3 v O ^ M'X>V) ;i«i :±'tl. :T * rjl WHJDEIiER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Always give entire satisfaction, as they are .. * Warranted Three Tears, Customers risk nothing In purchasing on ac¬ count of the guarantee, Machines delivered in any part of the country, and kept in order three yean with¬ out extra charge. Full instructions in opera¬ ting given free. Prices Prom |«0 to «tOO. Now i* the Tim* to JPiurehcu* t CALL AND 6GC THEM. Always happy to exhibit and explain them to everyone, whether Intending to purchase or not. WM. SUMNER & CO., Agents for the western States^ No. 99 Main St. Janfl HOWE, SINGER. BEST Sewing Machines FOR MI aixuf'actiarers. Call on.or MJdre* H. MOBTON, ;'J 1-tHrt/Ji i til OO Main JStree*, Whoellmr. )Lg ? vol oatfoH) suiiilev/GC &i v.m v : *'j.i /.«-. jitt-i . ; <lec7-d<4w A PRESENT FOR THE LADIES! A GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE! The Only Machine Making the Cel¬ ebrated Doable Lock Stlteb. nriHE MOOT PERFECT FAMILY SEWING, X Stitching, Tucking and Quilting, and the inoet beautiful Embroidery, all done on the same Machine. No waste of thread, no rip¬ ping or raveling of seams, no dropping of stitches. Every seam secure, and all bias beams elastic. All Machines-warranted for three years. Instruction Free. G. L. ABDILL, Agent, No. 164 Market Street, A Fewdoore below the Market. m 90,0,00 S'" AT COST. mHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING DETER- JL mined to give their exclusive attention to to their merchant tailoring, offer their entire Ready Made Clothing AT NO. 1U MAIN STREET '.... Next door to GrantUonsc, at Cost, constating of a large assortment of Overcoats fTOm\~.*.......^*;._J7 00 to 990 09* Cloth Coats from 12 00 to » CO All wool Casilmere suits 17 00i to, 25 00 Pants, 2 00 to 10 00 Vests, from....... 2 00 to 5 CO Also, a large assortment of Shirts, Collars Gloves, Suspenders. Hosiery, Underclothing <&c^ all of which will be sold at cost, Tor cash WVDl Sawtell &Bro. NO. 1M MAI If STREET, Next door to Grant House. IPC atto' oSte our" room, 186 Mainjfc, for rent foovS] .. W. D. 8. A Bro.. To the Pnblio. patronage bi her during the 28 yean she raged in the clothing business-in this olty« The' hew flrro of M; C. Leech A Co~ resi>ect^ fully solicits and will strive to merit, at tJieir new place of business, a continuation of the Oc38 Not 118 M.ln StKMC. CEO. BABBIROX * BOH. Forwarding SComiiiissioii Merchants, ulJM REMIND, MB., Produce, Flour, Grain, FeeO,3faU, Ale. General Agent*for Sale of Manr ufactnred JLrtide*. War«lioaie, Baltimore Streoti Opposite aA O. R. R. Passenger Depot. .WGoods delivered in the city drsyage. " Janl-flm. >3JI . B08EDADB HYDRAULIC $*£*S&£&rH*BR0. The Latest News. bt telegraph. Br UM» Unffn UM t Office, oaraer of Main «nd Monroe strews; From Washington. .. ...¦ '< Serious Affray at Richmond. Trial of the Pirate Semmes. The Trial of H. R. Pollard. Disappearance of a Government Detective. CONGRESSIONAL. fT1O O General News. New York, Jan. 17..The Herald's Cincinnati special states that a serious fracas of a political character occurred at Richmond, Kentucky. Families of the name of Parish and Kauanagh were the principals.some sixty partizans took part in the affray; one man was killed : three were supposed to be mor¬ tally wounded, and half a dozen oth¬ ers seriously injured.' >Ex-Generals Heath. Pillow, Hood, Ixmgstreet and other Southern leaders have been in Cincinnati lately. They enraged sixteen hundred white laborers ana purchased eight hundred cotton PlThe Herald". Washington Bpeclal ""Commodore Winslow's principal witness against Semmes has arrived. The pirate will he tried at an early day. Gen. Grant expects to bo settled In his new residence in Washington in about a week. The Times'^lispatch says: Secretary Mcdullough has arranged for a conference of prominent delegates with the committee of Ways and MHon." B. B. Fronch, Commissioner of Public Buildings, is taking steps to re¬ furnish I he White House before the dose of the month. f The jury on the inquest in the case or Mary Ann GUroy, frozro, oTO -<rf the passengers of (he ship Neptune, con¬ cluded their Investigation last night. They reprimanded Capt. Peubody, and found Dr. Herrick giUlty.of; neglect and incompetency, and considered his case a proper one to go before the grand jury. He was placed in the charge of the police to await the action or the criminal authorities. The Times' special says: , , . Strong representations aro beingmode by influential parties in New York, In favor of the pardon of Solomon Kohn- stamm, who was sentenced to twenty vear'a imprisonment on a charge o! having defrauded the Government. Hear Admiral Smith of the Navy De¬ partment, is now introducing into the Brooklyn Navy Yard as an experiment, a new system of mustering the men, which promises to savetheUovernment a large amount of money and time and check frauds. It Is similar to that in vogue in the Central Park. The Tribune's Washington special 8a^he board for examining applicants for commissions in the regular army is closing, and will, adjourn in a few '^Tlie muster out of fifty additional paymasters which was to have becn or- dered during the present month, has been postponed owing to the scattered condition of the troops rendering it necessary to retain the present force "neWbmlSRichmond RPc?ial®?yB" The case of the Commonwealth against H. B. Pollard, for the attemptc^ mur¬ der of E. P. Brooks, a New York Times correspondent, was called y«8'e^?.y noon, at tlio Mayor's Court and post¬ poned until to-day, the witnesses in gsss? wM^ritten by Walker, of that paper, 11 neraonal friend of Pollard, w6o, on leaviuK the hotel on the day in qnes- immediately entered the office of the !ftS>ublic. I'L pending trial will conflrtn the correctness of the special ^usfS has assumed, at Union ^T^l^rr-late Congress have nearly all left for their homes. The World's special cations for pardons are "J'.1"'8?®?® davbv day. Very few cases have been revived at the Attorney General s of¬ fice of any class during the present W!tkappears that fcerrigan was the winner of the prize fight instead ofphe- lan. Eighteen rounds were when Phelan's strength faU^. P&at accounts received gave the victory the wrong party. SpoitlnR Co moro than a wrestling match, Phe- lan having been thrown in about every is a rumor oh the streets that a wellknown government detective has ruddenT/dts?ppear«l left Ws sub¬ ordinate detectives deeply :in debt. 1The sub-detectives have """Kh' to le^i hU place of concealment, but without suc- "Siwarf B Ketchem, who was lately ^AVe10^te?mfooT^u"yeaTtrndsi| Son ths in Sing Sing, has been placed igfaaas? lake place. Vmr Orleans, Jan. 16..The Ran- chero of the 5th contains the following: fe'&tToiSc^ ^t,^hoq^ya^TOghlythefguard n<rhters as were at hand'were im- fiKSsgftrsefssea com- The re^rt^ that the former was kmid«d tK^Ser made hi. escape. Uoon taking the town pillage and Pjjnr der- was immedlately inaugaraJ^. sweredin a similar manner. At day- gg&£d fire Smpiingto ffehSE SiSdthat, the filibusters are com- l>v Col. Reed. " Gen'l Crowford gMtfdf&m Brownsville for tteaqene _f Later accounts Bays 1200 Im- perlalists left Matampras to attack the miitmstera. Kpint or >m NUX-U « Nkw York. Jan: 17..The Poet Bays: Wall street is more animated to-day, as the belief Is spreading that the rfostobj- iectionable points of the Loan Bill will ^m^ed before it is reported to ftm- 1111,1, The dispatch we-pnblhdied here- tofero favors this anticipation. The loan market is Inactive at 5 percent, on Thestock nuvrketU firmer;. Gov¬ ernments are in fair demand for in¬ vestment, the 7-90s being the jnoat ac¬ tive. Railroad share® are lesa depressed than for some days past,bat there are indications of a further depresament. "Pittsburgh and Michigan Southern are noet in reqtoeat. , r._,. . " TowEtMus. Jan. 17..The Hartford <fc Chase mill waa burned this morning. ¦ about *150,000, iwMdtMa^bahty .^red by lnsufance. Caught coxoidhiosal pioceemss*. prinSnf'o?. copies of the late mes- iaee of the President and reports of Generals Grant aadShuraanJhe con¬ dition of the Soati "jtJwSy'Introduce s bill ceding to the State of West ^ \aXu^t roTunwKwS wi ilBto the Military Oomroiltee- Mr. Chandler offered a resolution, which was adopted, calUng for what¬ ever information tbe Presiaent may States was taken up, and Mr., Dooutuo addressed the Senale at length in oppo¬ sition to the resolution. Mr. Kfesmith «fetaM«d the floor and and the Senate a^Jonrnedi. HOUSE. xrr Xx>ntryear offered a resolution which was adopted directing ^>e SeCTe- taxv of the Treasury to Inform the House with what States, If any, depo- ho'wmnch stlU remain so deposited, of John N. Godwin, oeiesnie territory, of Arizona, who was qualified and took his seat. , Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, presented th pe- tiUon ^if. Mr. Poston wntestlng that "'Sir. Schenck offered a resolution, and safe of government building* and other r^nnartv at Point Lookout, Md. He Krlainwl that Point Lookout was a point of land on the Maryland aide, where the Potomac river flo*"JS^£S Chesapeake Bay. There were 300 or *00 fo^e°w^^n^««w^ wartte'eS^CTnme^t ithwoj sum, but the Government expended perhaps $160,000 for the construction of other buildings and improvements.. The Secretary of War had advertised the sale or thfs property and furniture, to take place to-morrow. In the mean time a patriotic lady hnd'***** title to the real estate, and prcposed to nresent it as a donation to tue National SSBSSS5SS££SBg ss ssssssr ^ufe"wS desired to further investigate- the sub¬ ject, the above resolution was Intro¬ duced. The resolution was then agreed "on motion of Mr. Kasson, Mr. Chilli- colt, member elect from Colorado Ter ritory, was allowed the privilege oC the floor until the pending case shall beae- ^The House resumed theoonalderatlon of the bill to incorporate the National Protoctive Homestead Company. Mr. Baker, of Illinois, gave his rea- Rrmft whv the bill- ought not to pass. Onnjotion of Mr. fine* thebUl was laia on the table by a; vffte 0«2<T yeas B^SI.WHsonfor Towa, withthe view to bill extending sufferage to the District of Colombia, although not favoring ho accented as a part of the motion to re¬ commend the amendment proposed by Mr. Hale in the character of instruc- ti<Mr! Conkllng rising to an tion said a resolntion introduced by him on the 15th inst., proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, had been so mangled by errors in the printing as to make non¬ sense; ho therefore wished to say that the purposes of the amendment was not a? alf to restrict the basis of repre¬ sentation to citizens; the word per¬ sons" disposed of that question.T{j® said amendment was to get rid of the previous injustice ofintegrtly an.irep- fesentatlon, arising I*>m the fact that four millions of people whohav^fnot eoual rights are not represented in Con- and the Other object U to propose I mode to adjust the rep^ntatiojiso that whenever In any State theelective, franchise shall be denied or abridged on account of race or-color. airpe»o<> <* snch race or color shall be excluded from the basis of representation. ' Mr. Blaine: said that nr.less he was mistaken tho resolution readj which number of citizens of the United 8tMrTconkling said the term should bo persons, although the resolntion road °?°«?? "-SSS4.??'VS&tflSt- from a , ^r^ruS^of ^wYork. believed the negro had a right to life, property and the pursuit of bappioess.and yet ho believed that before they conferred upon him tho political right ot suffrage ascontemplsted by the mil under con¬ sideration, they should need to improve their social condition, lift, thqni up from the depths of degradation_ andig- nornnce in wttich many of them were kept by the receding waves of the sea "'tterewu' a propositlon before the Houso to create a commissioner for the TM??lfal.adSressedtte House in fa¬ vor of extending the right of snffrage '^personyvrithont regard to «,lor. OiKomHATi, Jan. debateon tS'e^Ul giWlng clvlirlghta to negroes, in the House yesterday, a IfeS^X'rcation took place between Messrs. Steele and Arnold. The lie was given and returned, and the House adjourned in great confusion. Columbus, Jan-.H^.At ^>e repub^ can caucus, to-night John Sherman I. Go into election to-morrow. New York, Jan. 17.-ft«imer Eagle, I fr08^SVa3nLtianVp returned '"Ambng'ibt'^nTe. oTThe^age are Obv. CnrtiSTof Pennsylvania, and I family. Chicago, Jan. lT^Lelters from MaJ. rjaswa ssss I against him Jfhile in the army. Botfam, Jan. 17.-A Chicago letter in to-day's Courier says there will be a grand Fenian convention in thin olty on February 1st. TintsroM, N. j. JMt-lTJj-TJjoJoint resolutions in flavor of ihe <»nstitutlon- S^mendmsnt, passedtJ»e House to-day I by avbte 6fi2 to 10. r M..e, SrSClIM*- Sew York, Jsn. 17. I and Ootd-Monqr """ft ** cent-J«^r_»tOotd-Flnnen Exchange-taUatlOBX&g- m ^ Exchange-MU ^ t y v/ quiet »x»d with- 1 SSSHfe^Fort^ W«yn» tQi. Qnlckillver ,.*.* I«rk Market. Ksrw York, Jan. iif Cotton.steady with a moderate bustnew doing; 51<fl«i tar mhUllng. chJr/lr at &l Uhstate; 8 -u>?8 7U .- * A10 dSibrti Quiet and t at 2 28, Wheat.Dull and changed. Cora.Without decided c and only a moderate demand; ffl§86 for un¬ sound; Stxa 89 far sound mixed western in store and delivered: 1 00 for white southern. and igjto lower; 40@47 for un¬ bound western; 58Tbr sound doTwooi.DulL Petroleum.Kather more steady; ST.~ crude; 66^57 tor refined in bond. mowj^yeand firmer, but closed dull and towjJBffitt 87 for new mess, closlne at 311 cash; option, at 2B@31 75. Beef.Little more ac¬ tive; 16 50(330 for new plain mess; 21£*24 50 for new extra mess. Beef Hams.Firmer : 8850M for western., Cut Meato.Quiet and steady; H@13 for shoulders; 15j^<^17}£ for Bacon.Dull. Dressed Hot ^ February and March, sellers' option, at 3 for Plilladelv Philadklphia, Jan. 17. duU- Wheat dull at 2 40^2 75 for white; .2 06^2 25 for red. Corn in better re- ^ crmle Nkw York, J»n. 17. Prion of Mining Stocks bid in Boston to- day Were as follows: Minnesota 17: TTuw^wk Qulncy 56; Bay BUUe All About the Klnf ofPsia Man who «. «m«Uj In WbeeliBff. Fromthe Cincinnati CovinwrciaL We regrettO-hear a rumor which would indicate that the great destroyer is by this time spreading his wings to the olast Unimpeded. It is stated that the- "King Of Pain"' and Conqueror of Death has departed thislire at Memphis; that by some unexplained means, his late subject has risen in rebellion against him, and-actualiy subjugated him. Our readers cfinnot fall to remem¬ ber the distinguished sovereign, whose advent hero was so conspicuous and auspicious. Adorned even as'was De¬ lilah s love, he came, like Cleopatra's hero, to conquer. Those pale, classical features, shaded by lengthy locka of in¬ imitable. curls, of raven blackness, surely cannot have been forgotten. He cam'e-wftha'flourish of more than martial musio^ -Coal black steeds drew his chariot through our streets, and a coal black contraband drew strains of more than JSorma-like sweetness from his melodious wind instrument. The job printers' greatestskill was exhaust-1 ed upon the flaming posters which dec-1 orated his carriage and described'in the glowing language of inspired song the! Virtues of his medical merchandise. His musical tones, while chanting in .language the ideas which so uttracted the populace, as he gracefullyvended his wares, none will forget. They are .indelibly stamped upon the memory. The King of Pain' and Conqueror of Death was of most luxurious habits.. He arose at noon, laved his digits and features in perfumed waters, breakfast¬ ed.at dinner time, inserted a genuine Havana between his pearly dentals, en¬ cased his delicate hands in lavender kitfs,mounted his chuziot and conde¬ scended to give to the gaping multitude an opportunity to invest in his perfect cure. The accumulation of, filthy lucre was evidently not his obi&t in life.. With the instincts of a Prince he scat¬ tered his 9100 to f1,000 per day in the most ndustrious manner.' languidly and with a becoming Mas* air he would Walk up to the faro table of a gaming room, and invest a few hundreds in *'blue chips'* just as a starting "stako." He was a marvel at the "call" of the "deal." "PU play you open," says^tho King of Pain cordially.'"a hundred on the ace, flat.a hundred on the Jacob card, and a hu nd red for aco-jack; a sm aU decoct ion Of .whisky, my colored genius." The cards come Jack-aco; the elegant .mon¬ arch of pain and subjugator of dent U rises $1,500 loser on the night's play, coolly lights another Havana, yawns wearily, but politely wishes the dealer n very good niglit, and seeks hlri conch. P. S. Since writing the foregoing, wo have heard that there is a probability that the King of Pain and ConqUerer of Death still lives to bless mankind,'and beard the Royal,Bengal; that even now his melodious organ is probably grati¬ fying the good people Of New Orieans with its enchanting strains. Widows vs.. .Maidens..A Richmond papers says that young men are scarce in that city, and maidens and widow* in search;, of husbands, very, plenty..r Thetlatter seems to be the most suCoessr ful, and the editor'pleadingin behalf of ?IWHiWWfcWW* »£ a", , We do not think, in view of, t)ie great scarcity of men,^hatitisfhirfor widows to marry a second time, until all the young maidens havesecured husbands. The legislature ought to atterfa tb this matter, and protect the Interests of young ladies, foe without the aid of le¬ gal enactments, the widows are sure to play the grab game. They wllL there¬ fore have to be restrained by the strong arm of the law, as was done in the early colonial history of Virginia, when the House of Burgesses passed an act of the very character indicated. It was found that all the young men imported into the colony, Were at once caught by the widows, by superior wiles and ¦trategems, without any .chance being allowed to. .the modest.. and retiring young maidens; so the legislature took the matter in hand, and will have to d&< so again. . *«-. Wholesale gotioag.-u POLLACK'S NOTION HOUSE. Agmay/or Brown ACQ."ij American . <, Mechanical and Tin Tpya }} Fresh arrival imported TOYS AND FANCTY GOODS, ORDERS a FROM COUKTRT MER¬ CHANTS FOR TOYS WILL. HAVE PROMPT AND CARE¬ FUL'ATTENTION. TORT HEoklVKlV FRO#: OERMAN- JTOWNDIRBOT: ^ 100 doz Woolen Hosiery, r SO " Comforts, 60 " Hoods, :r 60 " Nublss dpced prices.. To M-rfve,' TEN CASES LOOKING GLASSES Assorted Sizes. To reduce stock; sori^7~400Ldosen ladtaTfSad gBoL's jl. GLOVES AND .GAUNTLETS will be sold with smalt advance on cost. In.'stoxte,afhIl stock of ji , Stationery, School Books. Perfumery, PJpe Heads and 8tems; 1 Firecrackers, Torpedoes; and 8carCs, ^for ^sale^afra- i ah an-angement' with tte Arno the principal French and iffccturers of PLATE or.ASS, shall execute orders for unsUveredor mlr plates, at the same; rates chanted at the my counting room. novI5 j ~ jjr . ,1; >Vi .M1COI4,* BBO. M'CIiELIiAN & KNOX .S MAIN STREET, WH BELINQ wr HATE INT RECEIVED OI K FALL and WINTER STOCK OP ' BOOTS AND SHOES u «sw -£sBmjwY .Jaui. : " sibT uusiulih; tonuiltl .vcb Jrr. , \frilch wUlbe ¦oWM^Rth«nO»fiA*E QUALITIES can be bnughtln PHTT.APEL- PHIAor BAU1MOREJ mhzr M-CLELLAN A KNOX. REMOVAL. SPHDEL .CD' 60 30 30 TTAVE REMOVED^FttOlf MONROE H street to No. 51- Main street, in the room formerly occupied byJas. R. Baker. Have now in store, and for sale, ... 400 do*.2BkCanPeaches ®o « gL . - _ mxy.r* 2tt> " BtrawberrieaC- qt. u 44 2 ft Tomatoes. " - Pine Apple*. 4* Blackberries. 44 M Green roraC " " . h Pea*. ** Damsons. w . Whortleberries. qt. M Currant*. 40 " 2ft " Ooosebetrlea. 300 cases Brandy Peaches. 20 doc, l ftCans Lobatem .200 44 land2ftCanaCoTeOy*ten». " cans H o'clock Lunch Oystern., 10 causa *4 boxes Sardines. 100 ** quart and pint Ptcklea. 50 w Pepper Sauce. 60 " ^S^SeSgSg-* English Cub % butts Bright Tobacco. 20 % boxes " 100 gross assorted Smoking Tobacco in par- 40 doz?dra ra*Kfuickin!ck Smoking To¬ bacco. 40 do*, assorted bales Smoking Tobacco. 40 bfclsand3£bbla Smoking Tobacco. 25 kegs line cut Chewing Ifcbacco. .. SO gross-8unnyslde,; Sweet Owen, Rose¬ bud anil Talisman llne cut tChovr- lnc Tobacco. 40 Hacks Almonds, Filberts, English Wal¬ nuts, Brazil Nuts and Pea Nuts. Ecases Layer and M- It. Raisins... .. cases assorted JMUes. 600 lbs. Fine Candies. GOO boxes assorted Candy Toys. Also a large stock ofCommon Cigar^Cheese, 1 Scotch Herring, Soap, Candles, Blocking, 8pico, e<^|pErnEjj« nfDEnntenEN, oeZl SI nun St. Wheeling. w va. For the Holidays. rear HEcmvED^iso goz. Oxns her- , J -METICALI.Y sealed Pratt* *r.. eonKlst- lng of Pe«ehe«. !'<¦*«, Qnlncmi. Green IJnpw, Duiuon Plum*. Plna; Appltft, strawberries, Raftpberrtaa, StooKlwrrtt*. "Tomatoo. On*" Com. Peaa, Freahjuid Spteed Salmon. Presh candled Lemon PbA Fig* JraM.. Hate*. drl«l Peocbai and Apples Crohbeitly*. Ac. Pickle*, CntKupe and Sauce*. English auil American Chow Chow, plain: In jam from 1 gallon -to L pint; also by ibe lu> orduieii; m>- \££mS3B&&& \ London Club, Lucknow, Mushroom, wal¬ nut, Oyster, Tomato and PepperSauce. Hun- driM*.Shakers' Sweet Corn, N. Y. rbampagne and Crab Cider, eastern, Pine Apple aw* Map I Sago Cheese, smoked Salmon and Halibut, I together with an endless variety, for fislo cSSipby N. AO. D. WOOtflK 1 Csld Fellows' Hall Buildin dec!# Jva. Health and Comfort. | KEIF VOl:R FEET H ARM AMU HE- 11 CUBE BOTH. PHYSICIANS WILL. TELL YOI» THAT cold feet In (valuing posture ate always I W(!oiSSd*LSnJItat1Mariln's Ferry,"Ohio, op- poalte Wheeling, haathesolaright to roanu- factureand*fUln tUl«KCllon,1I,a»nicr> , LANTERN AND yOQTWAEWER. Oneof the great Invention. 0*11k> nge.handy ! and useful in any honw either for light or warmth. cheap and portable, being made, of IWhi sheet Iron ware. Ttoejr can be carried to church or on aJourney, in tWm-anywhem I ae all. J not the thing for iilcigtt ridera. <bt- | amine them. Jlin5.lmd First of the Season. CHOICE LOT OF SICILY ORANGES .Just urlvedaud tor «alc very cheap by HHUI.TI Sc TKt fM'IlF.I.I.. I p. 8..We would also inform Out- customers and dealers generally, that prices 1a Candy [ have declined. JfyOiyftusaiealL «¦ ;, ..;,.«nJsn9 Wheatdh'a Itch Ointment. A MOST REMARKABLE ARTICLE. A gentleman stated in our store a few'days I since, that one box bad cured him of a skin disease, that had r£rfstad all other remedit-s T.H. 1/tGAlttCo., jang KEYSEH'N PJ BALE BY 'ECTORAL KTKIP. T.H.IXXJA»*jCO. ' '^yhotaiiale'and ^^a^S§ro^^^^h<teUng. RPBRER ARB CUBRIMIOIH. CTOIl CHAIRS XND VOB.THKRICB BED. B Fonaleby-.' lis MVCRKI. - KITB NEW- NO.1 MACKEREL, FOR ?r"llan1y s .: R. J.hMYTH. Ian8 Corner Market andftulAcsStj. OOSHEK. CHEWE. I OA PJWHB OOtiMEM <U*EESft,JUST \%\J received by ( ) .Rj J.HStWiai. Cornar Marlfct awl Q>4h9 - mam . <**, ItmFtarSuerPn^^AT JEESW WOOI. »!«"." LARGE STOd^ .ON 1 ^wmctoeoutatcot. RRAB1B09. >AB IBOM.Roond, frool RRO.. IIEAVY BLACK I'UlAkl . T NEW YORK JXJWT1*) CLOSE. " 'j.ftWHOfeEB. IV I BOX. . ivnJAfflLAi'D, 23t6!ifrGAl.LIA. ) l:K> tiina Hamden, So ton. Boekeye, on | ooggpmau, at IpjT )foRRisoya CO. I /CHOICE AND WEW. EELECJEP |v,l 8^^Te«. nctl2 , V°°pLY35^aAyDLAK O CO- EEWEACOR. fUOAll <*URED B, jUSt OUt Of 15 ^KiHa^**^?J»RT?OB. HANPLAJt* CO. ir "S3? FEW hichl &5S£iS£?£S?«ri*b, jaCocAoaaout. J.&JRHQDEF,

Transcript of Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1866 ...T1&S5.^rfbant tailoring- 1865....

Page 1: Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1866 ...T1&S5.^rfbant tailoring- 1865. JOHNT.LAKIN&CO. FALL&WINTER T;;>rc-t}vAu-.... StockofGoods FORMEN'SWEAR. OURSTOCK18NOWCOMPLETE,OON-

T ^rfbant tailoring-1&S5. 1865.


FALL & WINTERT;;> rc-t}vAu-. ...

Stock ofGoodsFOR MEN'S WEAR.

OUR STOCK 18 NOW COMPLETE, OON-BlstiHK of the following Goods:

French,English and





co^Tiisros.Frenoh, a-:




BEAVERS & OVERCOATEN&SOf thelfollowlng makes;

.*r.olf ^k*>lttOSchillees,


Wolflngsand Johanies.




Shirts of the Best Make & Quality.Canton Flannel, Merino and Silk

Under Shirts and Drawers.

Linen and Silk Eandkerohiefi.

f ^Gloves of every Description,


Cotton & Merino Half Hose.Call and examine ourStock before pnrchas-ng elsewhere.

JOHN T. LAKIN Sc CO..No. 25 Monroe street, Wheeling,W. Va,


.Standard Urates.SAM'L OTT. MOBOAN L. OTT. WM. H. HALL

SAMUEL OTT, SON & CO.,AgeiitB for

l-'AX Itli A.TV "It *ri .

STANDARD SCALES,A DAPTED TO EVERY' BRANCH OFJ\ business where a correct and durableScale is required."Counter Scales of every Variety,PORTABLE AND DORMANT SCALES


Warehouse and Transportation Scales,Scales for Grain and Flour.Scales for Ralroads.Scales for Coal Dealers and Miners.-Cotton and Sugar Scale®.Farm and

Plantation Scales.Post Office].Scales.Banker and Jewel¬

ers' Beams.Weigh-masters' Beams,

&c.,&c.,Ac. I

All ofwhich are Warranted in every partic¬ular, Call and examine, orsend fa* an Illus¬trated and descriplivecircular. '

is nortne case wiui umci sunca wuocu

Kale In this city, which are.represented to be"as good as Fairbanks'." A scale with castiron Dearings, cannot bedurably accurate.SAM'L OTT, SON <fc CO., Agents,

Wholesale Dealers InHardware, Saddlery Hardware, yteMCor. MarketAMonroe sts., opposite McLure

'House, WheellngjW.Va. morll

1866. FEBRUARY. 1866.

"V alent'ineHEAD QUARTERS.,

T1IVE, TEN AND TWENTY DOLLARJJ lots put up In Boxes, containing a fullAssortment, with beautiful colored showbUls.Sent post paid toany placeon receipt ofany

ofrthe above prices.¦vJOSEPH GRAVES,

No. 30 Monro St.,JanlO Wheeling. W. Va.

Great Sale of Books.W nninrcW/lTV/1! «V

at puuuc auuoau "r*rvM j

Qulncy, in the city of Wheejing, the Law andMiscellaneous Library of the latc JudgeJoseph: L.,FWr, comprising aboutOiree thoiiR-andfive hbrfdredvolumcs.'^eJItoll^eon«Library embraces .the standard works 4>r. ,*i ^ ITnnlleti 1 t«rnfnn>. historical.

XRo:isr. _

Dandyand Heavy Tire Iron, all sixes.

BAlcatNo. JSMA1W STKreT'-'

and,nUdtSgggggflffSfaa. A CO.

GREAT REDUCTIONla the ExpenseofDr111 i ug- Oil Weila.

Q WHTITIERA OOA OF PORTSMOUTH,OT. Ohio, are manufiMrarlngtiiebesL,cheap¬est and speediest Drilling Machines in theworld for boring Oil, Salt or Artesian welte.

-i '^They have been thoroughly and successfully^tested for eight yean*. In boring through the- hardest flint and lime rocks. By the peculiar

-air Construction of the tools, no reamer is re¬quired, and If kept in order cannot stick fast;

!.. ;' «nd therefore require no Jars. The arrange-roent flu- hoisting tools andsand pumping are

''perfbeL' The expense of enginais dispensedwith, one hone and two men being all that;isneeessary mr drilling ftom twenty to thirtyfeet per day, through ordinary rode.. All ne-eessary tools and 800 ieetof rope are ftirnlshedwith the machines. Total weight of ma-cSoAr^wff^fe pounds. They are easilytransported, and Ckn he set up In an hour.

ilngcomplete,and fullJverCdon b6at or cars,

shnplelnthelr constroo-In in tbelr

HS.jaust tbereltoro very ¦ron'sora?muc uu other machines lor drilling deepw.u»,Hm who:. ^.MmiUketureis. Porttmouth. Ohio.



, trMalt and Hop Dealers,

wheeling.JVBottled Alesand Porteralwayson hsnifc-&ee«f;

Mft. Indiana Mills--100- '**- Ddver Mills

..;* t*e-;


Chickering & Son's

ym 'iij- CTt^

Piano Fortes!

"For parity and sonority of tone, ele¬gance of finish, thoroughness and du¬rability of structure, they rank fore¬most of all.".Thalberg and QotUchalk.

Pittsburgh AgencyFOR ,

Chickering & Sons' Pianos!

Ettablisbed in 1831.

Chas. C. Mellor,Pittsburgh, Pa.,Is the exclusive Wholesale

Pennsylvania, «»tcro Ohio^nd^West Virginia.



Special Notice

mra subscriber nnyRMSTirECiT-I IZEN8 of "Wheeling and vicinity, that heIn now in the employ of

Mr. C. C. Mellor, or Plttsborgh,

ft?rferKfStSSfclffiiSSSreSffi?£street, above John H. Hnll, commenWednesday, Dec. 20,1865. Tbewibecribei-winbe hanov to have his friends, former pupils'and all parties desirous of"hiring sweetsounds, or seeing beautiful

«a^ss^se"ssss5«s^&hWarerooms, or at the Factory in Boston.

Every Piano Warranted for tt Veara.

Terms Liberal.



steamboats. -

Regular Packet for Cincinnati.The new and elegant passenger

i steamer EDINBURU, Capt»J. I*Thompson, will run as a regularticket between Wheeling and Cincinnat..

feoviuK the formerjilace on Saturdaynoon at 4 o'clock. Returning, will l^ve Cln-clnnatl Monday at 4 o'clock. For freight orpassage apply on board or to1 *


Regular PIM»bur»li, WieellnB »"dmrkcmbDK P««-.Ue».

The New and Elegant Passengerk Steamer FOREST^Tl', CapUJn"

John Gordon, A. R. Bunting Cllc,... i. r.- VavlrAMhllKT pvfrv

fOtrPUU.hur^e^M^^m^ ge7 M-m-day and Thuralny at the WharfB«<t until 6Pato Boofa-BATTEL *CO.uNEWYORK PIANOFORTES.ERNEST GABLER,

jcawufactubkb orNEW HCAI.I FIBST-CI.AB8

PIANO - FOBTES,Factory, 122, 124 & 128 East 22d St.,T»ESrECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TIIATK hliLanie New Factory to noy com piet-WSSSfBS^SS^wssssssSsss.i maybe

wamnlJd Retail Warerooms,743 Broadwaynovl7-3. .'.i.; .

tobacco.rruiE followtno fA,y°SfE5nd'^N1 standard hr^ds.ronsUintlyon hand,rr ' black tobaccos. '

Rawell'slOJ.lnbutW.Cleopatra 10 s in butts.Old Buck 12 a In caddies.-MiteRoyal Gem In butts. *

Golden Star In butts.Old Buck X*b In caddie*.Lniy Belle** .. .

California Golden boxes..OCU2 PRYOR,HANDLAN A CO.

The Best Out.verbal clothes Wringer, wo canildenUy prj-EcSJSpETSSlug the gum rollera., "Wlththis WYbjfl^r thelabor of washing Is reduced one half, whilethewear and tearof clothes^muchl^thanSSSisffi.fwalam^lyerml ^OtjjraLL


tion be made won.THQ& HOBNBROOK-

Office.Custom House. Residence-No. TOEoITstreet, 5th ward. decflMX

DesirableBesidence for Sale

^Se^2w,aSSS^ JSS^KdS thewhotohuUdto^JU^a,«9°d^j"?^4f*SS3g£?^a^SSnlne theptS^ * PAirDREWWHITB.JanS»tf * ,* ". ~ITo Blacksmiths, or anyOther Mail.A NVXIJ&."PETKR WRIGHT'S" SOLIDA BlckFace.warrantiod,. i ::BELLOWS."ArndtV warranted, all sis*

'VICES.Solid Box, amorted sixes.SLEDGES.From8toU11*.,SLEDGE MOULDS.From 10 tolSfta. ,<HAND HAMMERS.From 2)* to 4 lbs.

. Br;"E. A. Russell.ITO OFFICE±V\ ,T8Quincy St., Oppotdta the. Convent.det6-«m

Genu's FnrColla^ndGtov^

pwbaut Sailorlng.

Great Reinction in pes!Taoiua E. Buna. H. Ooqg*xhxtm*b

Stein BrothersrT< r '


¦> --yr- rry ( >r

Cor. Slain A Monroe SU.,


KwfictfT b r 1 .ashaaotO'TO THE PUBLIC 11

From and afUr this date, allwork will be marked down. >AU;Wprk-i^^ranteed to be made ln tto latert^tyle aigbeat manner, at from 15 to 20 percent. lowerthan any other House In the city.

Una aA FJ.'r; l bajs v..I ysinoU

BESTtin! JO fcint bolorft 9iu> t .-<


tact '

bc6tchjAc^,FANCY CAjsarMEREB^

Black Cloths and Doe Skins,All the beet makes, made to order at greatly

reduced prices.


CLOTHINGAnd GENT'S FURNI8HING GOODS is verylarge and complete, were lately bought,which we guarantee to sell 20per cent,lowerthan any other House in the city.

Wemeanwhatwe say, and to convince you,all we ask is for you to call and examine andbe convinced that this is no humbug.

STEIN liiitO'i'mikS,Nob. 13'and IS

nov20-dAw Corner Mainand Monroe Sts.

f!*» ffioofo.Thou. P. Thomas. Heuey Btukueon.

NEW FIRM.mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR-X chased the entire Stock of Goods or Men-Rers Wm. B. Senseney A Co. beg leavo to in¬form the customers of the store and the pub¬ic generally. that they Intend to carryon thebusiness at the same place and on the sameprinciples of Fair Dealing and Truthfulness,as it was by the former proprietors.


We have Just opened a large stock of.'


Comprising many richress Silks, Merinos, Repps, All Wool DeLoins, Black and Colored Alpacas,Thibet Cloths, Poplins, GlrighamS,

De Lains, Prints, dux, Ac.

. too. Cloaks and- Cloaking Clqths, All Wooli pShawls, Lon»and Square,Small Wool

Shawls, Kack Shawls, Ac.; Ac. y,rown and Bleached Muslins, 5-1 and 10-4

Cotton Sheetings, Linen Table Cloths,Table Damasks, Napkins, Tpwels,

IWool Blankets, Ac., Ac. >

We have a large stock of Kid, Silk and Meri¬no Gloves.

Ladles 8ilk, Merino aiid Oottpn. Hose,mbroldered Collars, Inserting^HoopSkirts,

Bruners' Balmoral Skirts, French. Corsets, beat make..

Flannels andCssslmers for Boy's wear, Ac.rgest lot of PURS1- in the citj;Just openedLadlwr are especially invited to call andook oVer our Stock of Goods.

THOMAS, STIIBGEON ft CO.,Successors, to


The West Virginia Mining andManufacturing Company.


HENRYCRANGLE, JACOB BERGER. I:President, Vice President,


mms COMPANY is now /ully organized,1 and will, in a short time, commence themahufocture of refined Carbon and Lubricat¬ing Oils, IJimp Wick and CHlmrietfB.For information In regard to the Stock or

'Business of the Company,-apply.to either ofthe undersigned officers,or at the Company'soffice on Main street, nextdoorto the M.AM.Bank W; F7PBTgRBONt Jr. Sec'y.

8. P. HILDRETH: TreasY,JOSEPHH.CONNELLY, 8upt, dec7> ¦

First Mutual Store,Marktt^fjua^ CmMe WK^eltng.

TO CITY AND"cOUNTRS£the UNDERSIGNED WOULD, STATEto the "public ai lhrgo" thatthe Jkvorite

.jeign of the First Mutual S$Ore Associationof Wheeling is In successful operation. Weclaim that there should be a reduction ofnon-produoersfn our midst, and thus protect theindustrious and manufacturing classes from,exorbitant prices for fiunily suppliesEvery stockholder receives the profit on

what he consumes. iSHAKES, (10 EACH.

Noone cantakemorethan ten shares.Wehave a charter for 20 years.Are limited to a capital of 9200,000.

^A^hberal Uade from country and countryWe willpay cash or.merchandise for pro¬

duce that in In good condition.Calland get everythingyou want at lowest

WMa££Sir.Wm. Carnahan, Thomas J. Berkley.rHAVETHIS DAV ASSOC!ATED WITHI me In the Boot and Shoe bu^pe^Ttios. J.W. nnd.

Wberilm.A Card.

I would take thJ« method of returning my

«sk for the new Arm a^ora^ttaoanc^ofjbe^TijaiaMw-?¦CHABLE8 SEIBKE, *

Successor to H. Diehmel,

Fancy Dyer and Scourer,!1 ?iBoute st., near-thatB.'A.-0.'R>R.~Depot,

short notice and on reasonable: O 7/ ^55-

at*im i -:

A r c li i t e <3 ,t .:- i-' yraBELsmo, w. va^<!Jmn«-2w

#rtving IBarWnes.JJX3 fIIX11*3 v O^

M'X>V) ;i«i :±'tl. :T * rjlWHJDEIiER &WILSON'S

SEWING MACHINESAlways give entire satisfaction, as theyare

.. *

Warranted Three Tears,

Customers risk nothing In purchasing on ac¬count of the guarantee,Machines delivered in any part of thecountry, and kept in order three yean with¬out extra charge. Full instructions in opera¬ting given free.

Prices Prom |«0 to «tOO.

Now i* the Tim* to JPiurehcu* t


Always happy toexhibit and explain themto everyone, whether Intending to purchaseornot.

WM. SUMNER & CO.,Agents for thewestern States^ No. 99 Main St.




Sewing MachinesFOR

MIaixuf'actiarers.Call on.or MJdre*

H. MOBTON,;'J 1-tHrt/Ji i til

OO Main JStree*, Whoellmr.)Lg ? vol oatfoH) suiiilev/GC&i v.m v : *'j.i /.«-. jitt-i . ;





SEWING MACHINE!The Only Machine Making the Cel¬

ebrated Doable Lock Stlteb.

nriHEMOOT PERFECTFAMILY SEWING,X Stitching, Tucking and Quilting, and theinoet beautiful Embroidery, all done on thesame Machine. No waste of thread, no rip¬ping or raveling of seams, no dropping ofstitches. Every seam secure, and all biasbeams elastic. All Machines-warranted forthree years.

Instruction Free.

G. L. ABDILL, Agent,No. 164 Market Street,A Fewdoore below the Market.

m 90,0,00


mHE UNDERSIGNED,HAVINGDETER-JL mined to give their exclusive attention toto theirmerchant tailoring, offer their entire

Ready Made ClothingAT NO. 1U MAIN STREET

'....Next door to GrantUonsc, at Cost, constating

ofa largeassortment ofOvercoats fTOm\~.*.......^*;._J7 00 to 990 09*Cloth Coats from 12 00 to » COAll wool Casilmere suits 17 00i to, 25 00Pants, 2 00 to 10 00Vests, from....... 2 00 to 5 CO

Also, a large assortment of Shirts, CollarsGloves, Suspenders. Hosiery, Underclothing<&c^ all ofwhich will be sold at cost, Tor cash

WVDl Sawtell &Bro.NO. 1M MAIIf STREET,

Next door to GrantHouse.IPC atto' oSte our" room, 186 Mainjfc,for rent foovS] .. W. D. 8. A Bro..

To the Pnblio.

patronagebiherduring the 28 yean sheraged in the clothing business-in this olty«The' hew flrro of M; C. Leech A Co~ resi>ect^fully solicits and will strive to merit, at tJieirnew place of business, a continuation ofthe

Oc38 Not 118 M.ln StKMC.


Forwarding SComiiiissioii Merchants,ulJMREMIND, MB.,

Produce, Flour, Grain, FeeO,3faU, Ale.General Agent*for Sale of Manr

ufactnred JLrtide*.War«lioaie, Baltimore Streoti

Opposite aA O. R. R. Passenger Depot..WGoods delivered in the city

drsyage. " Janl-flm.>3JI .


The Latest News.bt telegraph.

Br UM» UnffnUM t

Office, oaraer of Main «nd Monroe strews;

From Washington... ...¦ '<

Serious Affray at Richmond.

Trial of the Pirate Semmes.

The Trial of H. R. Pollard.

Disappearance of a GovernmentDetective.


New York, Jan. 17..The Herald'sCincinnati special states that a seriousfracas of a political character occurredat Richmond, Kentucky. Families ofthe name of Parish and Kauanagh werethe principals.some sixty partizanstook part in the affray; one man waskilled : three were supposed to be mor¬tally wounded, and half a dozen oth¬ers seriously injured.'>Ex-Generals Heath. Pillow, Hood,

Ixmgstreet and other Southern leadershave been in Cincinnati lately. Theyenraged sixteen hundred white laborersana purchased eight hundred cotton

PlThe Herald". Washington Bpeclal""Commodore Winslow's principalwitness against Semmes has arrived.The pirate will he tried at an earlyday.Gen. Grant expects to bo settled In

his new residence in Washington inabout a week.The Times'^lispatch says:Secretary Mcdullough has arranged

for a conference of prominent delegateswith the committee of Ways and

MHon." B. B. Fronch, Commissioner ofPublic Buildings, is taking steps to re¬furnish Ihe White House before thedose ofthe month.

fThe jury on the inquest in the case orMary Ann GUroy, frozro, oTO -<rf thepassengers of (he ship Neptune, con¬cluded their Investigation last night.They reprimanded Capt. Peubody, andfound Dr. Herrick giUlty.of; neglect andincompetency, and considered his casea proper one to go before the grandjury. He was placed in the charge ofthe police to await the action or thecriminal authorities.The Times' special says: , , .Strong representations arobeingmode

by influential parties in New York, Infavor of the pardon of Solomon Kohn-stamm, who was sentenced to twentyvear'a imprisonment on a charge o!having defrauded the Government.Hear Admiral Smith of the Navy De¬

partment, is now introducing into theBrooklyn NavyYard as an experiment,a new system of mustering the men,which promises to savetheUovernmenta large amount of money and time andcheck frauds. It Is similar to that invogue in the Central Park.The Tribune's Washington special

8a^he board for examining applicantsfor commissions in the regular armyis closing, and will, adjourn in a few

'^Tlie muster out of fifty additionalpaymasters which was to have becn or-dered during the present month, hasbeen postponed owing to the scatteredcondition of the troops rendering itnecessary to retain the present force

"neWbmlSRichmond RPc?ial®?yB"The case of the Commonwealth againstH. B. Pollard, for the attemptc^ mur¬der of E. P. Brooks, a New York Timescorrespondent, was called y«8'e^?.ynoon, at tlio Mayor's Court and post¬poned until to-day, the witnesses ingsss?wM^ritten by Walker, of that paper,11 neraonal friend of Pollard, w6o, onleaviuK the hotel on the day in qnes-

immediately entered the office ofthe !ftS>ublic. I'L pending trial willconflrtn the correctness of the special^usfS has assumed, at Union

^T^l^rr-late Congresshave nearly all left for their homes.The World's special

cations for pardons are "J'.1"'8?®?®davbv day. Very few caseshave beenrevived at the Attorney General s of¬fice of any class during the present

W!tkappears that fcerrigan was thewinner ofthe prize fight instead ofphe-lan. Eighteen rounds werewhen Phelan's strength faU^. P&ataccounts received gave the victorythe wrong party. SpoitlnR

Co moro than a wrestling match, Phe-lan having been thrown in about every

is a rumor oh the streets that a

wellknown government detective hasruddenT/dts?ppear«l left Ws sub¬ordinate detectives deeply :in debt. 1Thesub-detectives have """Kh' to le^i hUplace of concealment, but without suc-

"Siwarf B Ketchem, who was lately

^AVe10^te?mfooT^u"yeaTtrndsi|Son ths in Sing Sing, has been placed

igfaaas?lake place.Vmr Orleans, Jan. 16..The Ran-

chero of the 5th contains the following:fe'&tToiSc^^t,^hoq^ya^TOghlythefguard

n<rhters as were at hand'were im-fiKSsgftrsefsseacom-The

re^rt^ that the former waskmid«d tK^Ser made hi. escape.Uoon taking the town pillage and Pjjnrder- was immedlately inaugaraJ^.

sweredin a similar manner. At day-gg&£d fire SmpiingtoffehSESiSdthat, the filibusters are com-

l>v Col. Reed. " Gen'l CrowfordgMtfdf&m Brownsville for tteaqene_f Later accounts Bays 1200 Im-perlalists left Matampras to attack themiitmstera.

Kpint or >m NUX-U «Nkw York. Jan: 17..The Poet Bays:

Wall street ismore animated to-day, asthe belief Is spreading that the rfostobj-iectionable points of the Loan Bill will^m^ed before it is reported to ftm-1111,1, Thedispatch we-pnblhdied here-tofero favors this anticipation. Theloan market is Inactive at 5 percent, on

Thestock nuvrketU firmer;. Gov¬ernments are in fair demand for in¬vestment, the 7-90s being thejnoat ac¬tive. Railroad share® are lesa depressedthan for some days past,bat there areindications of a further depresament."Pittsburgh and Michigan Southern arenoet in reqtoeat. , r._,. .


TowEtMus. Jan. 17..TheHartford<fc Chase mill waa burned this morning.

¦ about *150,000, iwMdtMa^bahty.^red by lnsufance. Caught

coxoidhiosal pioceemss*.

prinSnf'o?. copies of the late mes-iaee of the President and reports ofGenerals Grant aadShuraanJhe con¬

dition of the Soati

"jtJwSy'Introduce s bill cedingto the State of West ^\aXu^troTunwKwSwiilBto the Military Oomroiltee-Mr. Chandler offered a resolution,

which was adopted, calUng for what¬ever information tbe Presiaent may

States was taken up, and Mr., Dooutuoaddressed the Senale at length in oppo¬sition to the resolution.Mr. Kfesmith «fetaM«d the floor and

and the Senate a^Jonrnedi.HOUSE.

xrr Xx>ntryear offered a resolutionwhich was adopted directing ^>e SeCTe-taxv of the Treasury to Inform theHouse with what States, If any, depo-

ho'wmnch stlU remain so deposited,

of John N. Godwin, oeiesnieterritory, of Arizona, who was qualifiedand took his seat. .¦


Mr. Ashley, ofOhio, presented th pe-tiUon ^if. Mr. Poston wntestlng that

"'Sir. Schenck offered a resolution, and

safe ofgovernmentbuilding* and otherr^nnartv at Point Lookout, Md. HeKrlainwl that Point Lookout was apoint of land on the Maryland aide,where the Potomac river flo*"JS^£SChesapeake Bay. There were 300 or*00

fo^e°w^^n^««w^wartte'eS^CTnme^t ithwojsum, but the Government expendedperhaps $160,000 for the construction ofother buildings and improvements..The Secretary of War had advertisedthe sale or thfs property and furniture,to take place to-morrow. In the meantime a patriotic lady hnd'*****title to the real estate, and prcposed tonresent it as a donation to tue National

SSBSSS5SS££SBgssssssssr ^ufe"wSdesired to further investigate- the sub¬ject, the above resolution was Intro¬duced. The resolution was then agreed"on motion ofMr. Kasson, Mr. Chilli-colt, member elect from Colorado Territory, was allowed the privilege oC thefloor until the pending case shall beae-

^The House resumed theoonalderatlonof the bill to incorporate the NationalProtoctive Homestead Company.Mr. Baker, of Illinois, gave his rea-

Rrmft whv the bill- ought not to pass.Onnjotion of Mr. fine* thebUl was

laia on the table by a; vffte 0«2<T yeas

B^SI.WHsonfor Towa, withthe view to

bill extending sufferage to the Districtof Colombia, although not favoring hoaccented as a part of the motion to re¬commend the amendment proposed byMr. Hale in the character of instruc-

ti<Mr! Conkllng rising to antion said a resolntion introduced byhim on the 15th inst., proposing an

amendment to the Constitution of theUnited States, had been so mangled byerrors in the printing as to make non¬sense; ho therefore wished to say thatthe purposes of the amendment wasnot a? alfto restrict the basis of repre¬sentation to citizens; the word per¬sons" disposed of that question.T{j®said amendment was to get rid of theprevious injustice ofintegrtly an.irep-fesentatlon, arising I*>m the fact thatfour millions of people whohav^fnoteoual rights are not represented in Con-

and the Other objectU to proposeI mode to adjust the rep^ntatiojisothat whenever In any State theelective,franchise shall be denied orabridgedonaccount of race or-color. airpe»o<> <*snch race or color shall be excludedfrom the basis of representation. '

Mr. Blaine: said that nr.less he wasmistaken tho resolution readj whichnumber of citizens of the United

8tMrTconkling said the term should bopersons, although the resolntion road

°?°«?? "-SSS4.??'VS&tflSt-from a

,^r^ruS^of ^wYork. believedthe negro had a right to life, propertyand the pursuit of bappioess.and yetho believed that before they conferredupon him tho political right ot suffrageascontemplsted by the mil under con¬

sideration, they should need to improvetheir social condition, lift, thqni upfrom the depths of degradation_ andig-nornnce in wttich many of them were

kept by the receding waves of the sea

"'tterewu' a propositlon before theHouso to create a commissioner for the

TM??lfal.adSressedtte House in fa¬vor of extending the right of snffrage

'^personyvrithont regard to «,lor.

OiKomHATi, Jan.

debateon tS'e^Ul giWlng clvlirlghtato negroes, in the House yesterday, aIfeS^X'rcation took place betweenMessrs. Steele and Arnold. The liewas given and returned, and the Houseadjourned in great confusion.

Columbus, Jan-.H^.At ^>e repub^can caucus, to-night John Sherman

I. Go into election to-morrow.

New York, Jan. 17.-ft«imer Eagle,I fr08^SVa3nLtianVp returned

'"Ambng'ibt'^nTe. oTThe^ageare Obv. CnrtiSTof Pennsylvania, andI family.

Chicago, Jan. lT^Lelters from MaJ.rjaswassss

I against him Jfhile in the army.

Botfam, Jan. 17.-A Chicago letterin to-day's Courier says there will be agrand Fenian convention in thin oltyonFebruary 1st.

TintsroM, N. j. JMt-lTJj-TJjoJointresolutions in flavor of ihe <»nstitutlon-S^mendmsnt, passedtJ»e House to-dayI by avbte 6fi2 to 10.

r M..e,SrSClIM*-Sew York, Jsn. 17.

I and Ootd-Monqr """ft **

cent-J«^r_»tOotd-FlnnenExchange-taUatlOBX&g- m ^Exchange-MU^t y v/quiet »x»d with-

1 SSSHfe^Fort^ W«yn» tQi. Qnlckillver

,.*.* I«rk Market.Ksrw York, Jan. iif

Cotton.steady with a moderate bustnewdoing; 51<fl«i tar mhUllng. chJr/lr at &l

Uhstate; 8 -u>?8 7U .-*

A10 dSibrtiQuiet and t

at 2 28, Wheat.Dull andchanged. Cora.Without decided cand only a moderate demand; ffl§86 for un¬sound; Stxa89 far sound mixed western instore and delivered: 1 00 for white southern.

and igjto lower; 40@47 for un¬

bound western; 58Tbr sound doTwooi.DulLPetroleum.Kather more steady; ST.~crude; 66^57 tor refined in bond.

mowj^yeand firmer, but closed dull andtowjJBffitt 87 for new mess, closlne at 311 cash;

option, at 2B@31 75. Beef.Little more ac¬

tive; 16 50(330 for new plain mess; 21£*24 50for new extra mess. Beef Hams.Firmer :8850M forwestern., Cut Meato.Quiet andsteady; H@13 for shoulders; 15j^<^17}£ for

Bacon.Dull. Dressed Hot

^ February and March, sellers' option, at

3 for

PlilladelvPhiladklphia, Jan. 17.

duU- Wheat dull at 2 40^2 75 forwhite; .2 06^2 25 for red. Corn in better re-

^ crmle

Nkw York, J»n. 17.Prion of Mining Stocks bid in Boston to-

day Were as follows:Minnesota 17: TTuw^wkQulncy 56; Bay BUUe

All About the Klnf ofPsia Man who«.«m«Uj In WbeeliBff.Fromthe Cincinnati CovinwrciaL

We regrettO-hear a rumor whichwould indicate that the great destroyeris by this time spreading his wings tothe olast Unimpeded. It is stated thatthe-"King Of Pain"' and Conqueror ofDeath has departed thislireat Memphis;that by some unexplained means, hislate subject has risen in rebellionagainst him, and-actualiy subjugatedhim. Our readers cfinnot falltoremem¬ber the distinguished sovereign, whoseadvent hero was so conspicuous andauspicious. Adorned even as'was De¬lilah s love, he came, like Cleopatra'shero, to conquer. Those pale, classicalfeatures, shaded by lengthy locka ofin¬imitable. curls, of raven blackness,surely cannot have been forgotten.He cam'e-wftha'flourish of more than

martial musio^ -Coal black steeds drewhis chariot through our streets, and a

coal black contraband drew strains ofmore than JSorma-like sweetness fromhis melodious wind instrument. Thejob printers' greatestskill was exhaust-1ed upon the flaming posters which dec-1orated his carriage and described'in theglowing language of inspired song the!Virtues of his medical merchandise.His musical tones, while chanting in

.language the ideas which so uttractedthe populace, as he gracefullyvendedhis wares, none will forget. They are

.indelibly stamped upon the memory.The King of Pain' and Conqueror ofDeath was of most luxurious habits..He arose at noon, laved his digits andfeatures in perfumed waters, breakfast¬ed.at dinner time, inserted a genuineHavana between his pearly dentals, en¬cased his delicate hands in lavenderkitfs,mounted his chuziot and conde¬scended to give to the gaping multitudean opportunity to invest in his perfectcure. The accumulation of, filthy lucrewas evidently not his obi&t in life..With the instincts of a Prince he scat¬tered his 9100 to f1,000 per day in themost ndustrious manner.' languidlyand with a becoming Mas* air he wouldWalk up to the faro table of a gamingroom, and invest a few hundreds in*'blue chips'* just as a starting "stako."He was a marvel at the "call" ofthe"deal.""PU play you open," says^tho King of

Pain cordially.'"a hundred on the ace,flat.a hundred on the Jacob card, andahundred foraco-jack; asmaUdecoctionOf .whisky, my colored genius." Thecards come Jack-aco; the elegant .mon¬arch of pain and subjugator of dentUrises $1,500 loser on the night's play,coolly lights another Havana, yawnswearily, but politely wishes the dealern very good niglit, and seeks hlri conch.P. S. Since writing the foregoing, wo

have heard that there is a probabilitythat the King of Pain and ConqUerer ofDeath still lives to bless mankind,'andbeard the Royal,Bengal; that even nowhis melodious organ is probably grati¬fying the good people OfNew Orieanswith its enchanting strains.

Widows vs...Maidens..A Richmondpapers says that young men are scarcein that city, and maidens and widow*in search;, of husbands, very, plenty..rThetlatter seems to be the most suCoessrful, and the editor'pleadingin behalfof

?IWHiWWfcWW* ȣ a", ,We do not think, in view of, t)ie great

scarcity ofmen,^hatitisfhirfor widowsto marry a second time, until all theyoung maidens havesecured husbands.The legislature ought to atterfa tb thismatter, and protect the Interests ofyoung ladies, foe without the aid of le¬gal enactments, the widows are sure toplay the grab game. They wllL there¬fore have to be restrained by the strongarm of the law, as was donein the earlycolonial history of Virginia, when theHouse of Burgesses passed an act ofthe very character indicated. It wasfound that all the young men importedinto the colony, Were at once caught bythe widows, by superior wiles and¦trategems, without any .chance beingallowed to. .the modest.. and retiringyoung maidens; so the legislature tookthe matter in hand, and will have to d&<so again. .*«-.

Wholesale gotioag.-uPOLLACK'S

NOTION HOUSE.Agmay/or Brown ACQ."ijAmerican . <,

Mechanical and Tin Tpya}} Fresh arrival imported




100 doz Woolen Hosiery, r

SO " Comforts,60 " Hoods, :r

60 " Nublssdpced prices..To M-rfve,'TEN CASES LOOKING GLASSES

Assorted Sizes.To reduce stock; sori^7~400Ldosen ladtaTfSad


will be sold with smaltadvanceon cost.

In.'stoxte,afhIl stock of ji ,

Stationery,School Books.


PJpe Heads and 8tems; 1


and 8carCs, ^for ^sale^afra-

i ah an-angement' with tte Arnothe principal French and

iffccturers ofPLATE or.ASS,

shall execute orders for unsUveredor mlrplates,at the same; rates chanted at the

mycounting room. novI5j

~ jjr. ,1;


.M1COI4,* BBO.






OP '

BOOTS AND SHOESu «sw -£sBmjwY.Jaui. :

" sibTuusiulih; tonuiltl .vcb Jrr. ,

\frilch wUlbe¦oWM^Rth«nO»fiA*EQUALITIES can be bnughtln PHTT.APEL-PHIAor BAU1MOREJmhzr M-CLELLAN A KNOX.




TTAVE REMOVED^FttOlf MONROEH street to No. 51- Main street, in the roomformerly occupied byJas. R.Baker.Havenow in store,and for sale,

... 400 do*.2BkCanPeaches®o « gL . -

_mxy.r* 2tt> " BtrawberrieaC-qt. u 44

2 ft Tomatoes." - Pine Apple*.4* .» Blackberries.44 M Green roraC" " . h Pea*.

** Damsons.w . Whortleberries.

qt. M Currant*.40 " 2ft " Ooosebetrlea.

300 cases Brandy Peaches.20 doc, l ftCans Lobatem

.200 44 land2ftCanaCoTeOy*ten»." cansHo'clock Lunch Oystern.,10 causa *4 boxes Sardines.

100 ** quartand pint Ptcklea.50 w Pepper Sauce.60 " ^S^SeSgSg-* English Cub

5» % butts Bright Tobacco.20 % boxes "

100 grossassortedSmokingTobacco in par-40 doz?drara*Kfuickin!ck Smoking To¬

bacco.40 do*, assorted bales Smoking Tobacco.40 bfclsand3£bbla Smoking Tobacco.25 kegs line cut Chewing Ifcbacco. ..SO gross-8unnyslde,; Sweet Owen, Rose¬

bud anil Talisman llne cut tChovr-lnc Tobacco.40 Hacks Almonds, Filberts, English Wal¬

nuts, Brazil Nuts and Pea Nuts.Ecases Layerand M- It. Raisins... ..

cases assorted JMUes.600 lbs. Fine Candies.GOO boxes assorted Candy Toys.

Also a large stock ofCommon Cigar^Cheese,1 Scotch Herring, Soap, Candles, Blocking,8pico, e<^|pErnEjj« nfDEnntenEN,oeZl SI nun St. Wheeling. w va.

For the Holidays.rear HEcmvED^iso goz. Oxns her-, J -METICALI.Y sealed Pratt* *r.. eonKlst-lng of Pe«ehe«. !'<¦*«, Qnlncmi.Green IJnpw,Duiuon Plum*. Plna; Appltft, strawberries,Raftpberrtaa, StooKlwrrtt*. "Tomatoo. On*"Com. Peaa, Freahjuid Spteed Salmon. Presh

candled Lemon PbA Fig*JraM.. Hate*.drl«l Peocbai and Apples Crohbeitly*. Ac.Pickle*, CntKupe and Sauce*. English auilAmerican Chow Chow, plain: In jam from 1gallon -to L pint; also by ibe lu> orduieii; m>-\££mS3B&&&\ London Club, Lucknow, Mushroom, wal¬nut, Oyster,Tomato and PepperSauce. Hun-driM*.Shakers'Sweet Corn, N. Y. rbampagneand Crab Cider, eastern, Pine Apple aw* MapI Sago Cheese, smoked Salmon and Halibut,I together with an endless variety, for fislocSSipby N. AO. D. WOOtflK

1 Csld Fellows' Hall Buildindec!# Jva.Health and Comfort.| KEIF VOl:R FEET HARM AMU HE-11 CUBE BOTH.

PHYSICIANS WILL. TELL YOI» THATcold feet In (valuing posture ate always

I W(!oiSSd*LSnJItat1Mariln's Ferry,"Ohio, op-poalte Wheeling, haathesolaright to roanu-factureand*fUln tUl«KCllon,1I,a»nicr> ,

LANTERN AND yOQTWAEWER.Oneof the great Invention.0*11k> nge.handy! and useful in any honw either for light orwarmth. cheap and portable, being made, ofIWhi sheet Iron ware. Ttoejr can be carried tochurch oron aJourney, in tWm-anywhemI ae all. J not the thing for iilcigtt ridera. <bt-

| amine them. Jlin5.lmd


.Just urlvedaud tor «alc very cheap byHHUI.TI Sc TKt fM'IlF.I.I..

Ip. 8..Wewould also inform Out- customers

and dealers generally, that prices 1a Candy[ have declined.JfyOiyftusaiealL «¦ ;, ..;,.«nJsn9Wheatdh'a Itch Ointment.A MOST REMARKABLE ARTICLE. A

gentleman stated in our store a few'daysI since, thatone box bad cured him of a skindisease, that had r£rfstad all other remedit-s

T.H. 1/tGAlttCo.,jangKEYSEH'N PJ





Ian8 Corner Market andftulAcsStj.OOSHEK. CHEWE.

I OA PJWHB OOtiMEM <U*EESft,JUST\%\J received by ( ) .Rj J.HStWiai.m» Cornar Marlfct awl Q>4h9 -

mam. <**,

ItmFtarSuerPn^^ATJEESW WOOI. »!«"."



>AB IBOM.Roond, frool



IV IBOX.. ivnJAfflLAi'D, 23t6!ifrGAl.LIA.) l:K> tiina Hamden, So ton. Boekeye, on

|ooggpmau, at IpjT )foRRisoya CO.

I /CHOICE AND WEW. EELECJEP|v,l 8^^Te«.nctl2 , V°°pLY35^aAyDLAK O CO-


B,jUSt OUt Of15^KiHa^**^?J»RT?OB. HANPLAJt* CO.

