Whats Lurking

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  • 8/2/2019 Whats Lurking


    Whats Lurking in Your Home?

    Asbestos. Radon. These and other toxins are real concern. But Christians

    need to realize that spiritual poisons are far more toxic to us then merephysical ones. Fortunately, many Believers know this, and keep wicked

    things like Ouija Boards, occult books, or cult scriptures like the Book

    of Mormon out of their homes (Deut. 7:26).

    But we must never forget that Satan is subtle (Gen. 3:1). He knows that

    many Christians who would never dream of keeping occult books might

    be deceived by something else I their homes which appears Christian, and

    is never even questioned.

    Many innocent Christians have unwittingly allowed cursed things in

    their homes. Thus, they allow an anti-Christ spirit into their environment!But how?

    Remember that anti- (in Greek) can mean two things :

    1) that which opposes , OR2) a substitute.

    Contrary to Hollywood, the anti-Christ is not going to be an ogre who

    will make Hitler look like Mr. Rogers. No, the anti-Christ will be the most

    perfect counterfeit for Jesus yet seen on the earth. He will be the most

    godly man on earth a great ecumenical leader.

    The DANGER of a counterfeitis that it is 98% perfect! Remember, rat

    poison is 98% good food, otherwise the rats would not bother with it. Thisis why the Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses are so good at recruiting

    Christians. It is because they look so real. Only careful Bible study can

    reveal the flaw!

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    Christians should avoid anything that has an anti-Christ spirit. All cults

    partake of that spirit, because they commit one of four sins:

    1) Denying that Jesus Christ is come in flesh (1Jn. 4:3);

    2) Denying HE is the Christ (1Jn. 2:22);

    3) Denying that Jesus is truly the Son of God (1Jn. 2:23);

    4) Deceiving the faithful (2Jn.7).

    The devil has his anti-churches, the cults. He ALSO has an anti-Bible!

    Paul warns:

    For if he that cometh preacheth ANOTHER Jesus, whom we have notpreached, or if ye receive ANOTHER spirit, which ye have not received, orANOTHER gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear withhim.-2Cor.11:4 [emphasis added]

    Cults offer counterfeits of Jesus, His church, his gospel, His gifts.

    What are We Doing Wrong?

    If one commits any of these sins (especially more than one) and refuses to

    repent, he is at least flirting with the anti-Christ spirit. This is true even ifhe is a great man of God. Remember, salvation or a seminary degree is

    not guarantee against fleshly deception.

    David was an adulterer and murderer (2Sam. 11:4, 15-17). Moses was a

    killer (Ex. 2:12) who disobeyed God (Num. 20:10-11), and Abraham lied

    (Gen. 2:12-13). Peter denied Christ (Mt. 26:74-75)! Yet all of these men did

    great things for god. Their sins do not deny their greatness, they only

    warn us that even holy men can sin.

    What could be so subtle, that some of our mightiest men of God have

    been fooled? What is this cursed thing which may be lurking in your

    home; carrying with it the spirit of anti-Christ? It may be sitting where

    you least expect it on your FAMILY ALTAR! Lets investigate.

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    Many know the errors in the Witnesses Translation. But how about

    scriptures that deny the Virgin Birth (see Point #3 above)?

    the childs [Jesus] father and mother marvelled at what was said about him.

    COMPARE:Luke 2:33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which

    were spoken of him.

    Who was Jesus father? Note, this is not dialog being spoken by Mary as in

    vs. 48. this is the Holy Spirit narrating the incident! Would the Holy Spirit

    contradict Himself (see Mt. 1:18) and call Joseph Jesus father?

    How about another verse from the same scriptures that casts doubt on

    Jesus being the son of God?

    Indeed, Herod and Pontius Pilate met together to conspire against your holyservant Jesus, whom you anointed.

    COMPARE:Acts 4:27 For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hastanointed

    Child clearly declares Jesus true nature. All believers are Gods

    servants, so calling Jesus Gods servant proves nothing.

    How about scriptures that throw out the clearest verse in the Bible on

    the Trinity?

    (1Jn. 5:7) Check it out! Does YOUR Bible have this verse?

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    For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word,and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    How about removing the blood of Jesus? in whom we have

    redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

    COMPARE:Col. 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even theforgiveness of sins:

    How about scriptures that avoid confessing that Jesus Christ is God

    come in the flesh? (Point#1 above)

    He appeared in a body , was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by

    angels, was preached among the nations

    COMPARE:1 Tim. 3:16 God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seenof angels, preached unto the Gentiles

    How about removing a KEY reference to Jesus being Christ (see Point#2


    Watch out that no one deceives you. Many will come in my name

    claiming , I am he, and will deceive many.


    Mark 13:5-6 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any

    man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;and shall deceive many.

    The same scriptures labor mighty to remove the title Christ from more

    than a dozen other verses:Acts 9:20, 15:11, 16:31,19:4;Rom. 1;16, 1Cor.5;4, 9;1, 2Cor. 11;31; Phil. 4:13, 1Thess. 311, 2Thess. 1;8, 1:12; Heb. 3:1,

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    1John 1:7; Rev. 1:9;12:17. Space does not permit quotations here, but

    please check these out on your own! See if what we say is true!

    Finally, how about scriptures that attack the very verse(1Jn. 4:2) which

    gives the criteria for discerning an anti-Christ!Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is

    from God

    Jesus Christ IS STILL in the flesh , is HE not?

    This past tense casts doubt! Remember, every man who ever lived has

    come in the flesh. This proves nothing about Jesus resurrection! To deny

    that is to deny the resurrection! Thus, we see that three of the four criteria

    of the antichrist are being met in these scriptures. That should be anitem of grave concern!

    Whats Going On?

    Perhaps you wonder that strange scriptures we are Quoting? It is the

    bible version drawn from the same corrupt manuscripts (mss.) as the

    New World Translation of Jehovahs Witnesses.

    It is the bible translated by men who deny that we can hold the perfect,

    inerrant Word of God in our hands. It is also one of the best-sellingbibles, the New International Version (NIV).The same criticism can be

    applied to every other modern version on the market today, the NAS,

    Living Bible and even to a lesser degree the New King James

    Bible (which is no such thing!)

    All of these versions attack key doctrines, and remove Lucifer from the

    Bible (Is. 14:12)! They remove the command to study the Bible and

    rightly divide it (2Tim. 2:15)!The scholars who have created these translations believe that we no

    longer have a perfect Bible. They teach that the Bible was perfect ONLY in

    the ORIGINAL autographs the Greek and Hebrew mss.1Of course, those

    1 Stewart Custer, The Truth About the King James Controversy, BJU Press, 1981, p.12

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    original mss (academic abbreviation for manuscripts) are conveniently

    lost. Instead,we must rely on the scholars opinion. We no longer have

    Gods words infallibly set down. We just have translations that scholars

    claim are pretty accurate.

    This robs Christians of their right to read the true Bible. Consequently, it

    robs them of their power, their authority and their faith!

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.-Rom. 10:17

    What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeththe unclean spirits, and they come out. Luke 4:36

    Only through the words which Jesus has given us can we be clean (John

    15:4, Eph. 5:26) This doctrine takes from us the very words of God! Jesus

    taught that we live byevery word of God. (Luke 4:4) Obviously, HE

    thought Gods words were important enough to be preserved intact:

    Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. Luke 21:33

    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittleshall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Matt. 5:18

    The Lord promised us that all of His words would be preserved, rightdown to the tiniest stroke of a letter, and that they would be nigh at hand

    to benefit us. (Dt. 30:11-14) Now, any scholar who says that we have no

    perfect Bible except in the nonexistent original is disagreeing with

    Jesus. Are you going to trust a Christian scholar, or Jesus Christ?

    What Must I Do?

    You can choose between modern versions which partake of an anti-Christspirit and which remove hundreds of words from the Bible

    And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of thisprophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life - Rev.22:19

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    OR you can choose the proven (1Sam. 17:39)Authorized Version (AV),

    known as the King James Bible.

    Think of all the mighty revivals that were preached under the AV Bible!

    Spurgeon, Finney, Moody and others ALL used the AV and entire cities

    were saved under their ministries! Taverns and brothels were shut down

    by the dozens. Brothers and sisters, we do not see revivals like that

    anymore in our day and now you know the reason why!

    We have found, in our ministry, that only the AV has the authority and

    power to stand against Satan and cut through to the truth (Heb. 4:12).

    That is why many scholars attack it!

    Years ago, most Christians believed the AV was THE Word of God in

    English. Since then, a massive marketing campaign has been unleashed to

    convince pastors, teachers and lay-people that they need better and

    easier-to-read bibles> based on the latest manuscript evidence.

    Woe to Them that Go Down to Egypt for Help

    Sadly, what you are NOT told is that these claims are based on lines about

    mss. which are incredibly foul and corrupt. These older, better mss.

    Come from Egypt, the Biblical symbol of idolatry and apostasy (Isa. 19:3;

    30:2-3; 31:1; Heb. 11:26; Rev. 11:8)

    Would you trust texts from Egypt that attacked the Virgin Birth and

    Christs deity? OR would you trust a Bible based on mss. from Antioch

    (Acts 11:26) a bible which was at the heart of the greatest move of God

    in the last 1000 years the great Awakening?

    In trusting the AV, we depend upon humility of hear, openness of mind,

    and security in seeking Gods truth. We trust that the Spirit Who was sent

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    to lead us unto all truth did not desert the church after the ink was dry on

    the originals, and thatHe is still present in power, having preserved His

    words where we can read them, believe them, and obey them.

    God has placed a burden on us to share the power and purity of the

    Authorized Version with the Body of Christ. Todays church is being

    seduced by slick mullion dollar ad campaigns into buying bibles which

    are full of leaven (doctrinal error Matt. 16:12).

    If you have Bible with even one error in it, then it isnt a true Bible. a

    little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (Gal. 5:9) God does all things well

    (Mark 7:37)! He has promised to preserve His word forever (Ps. 12:6-7;1Pet. 1:25)! If there is one false doctrine in your bible, the entire book is


    Butter knife of Sword?

    The Sword of the Spirit, the Holy Bible (Eph.16:17) is our only

    offensive weapon. If you are using a bible with errors, you are fighting

    Satan with a butter knife! These versions are designed to de-clawChristians and churches, so that the devil can run right over them like a

    steam roller. Dont be seduced! Accept no imitations!

    There is not space in this tract to explain ALL the reasons why we believe

    that the Authorized Version is the only true Bible for English-speaking

    people today, OR why the NIV, NAS. Etc. are dangerous frauds. If this has

    given you concern about the Bible you are using in your home, contact us

    for free information , which will prove conclusively that this warning, is

    true. These bibles lurking in your home are a deadly deception!

    - Bill & Sharon Schnoebelen 1994