What's in name

What's in a name? – A different perspective People argue that Shakespeare has written his own name below it, let me try to decode the message behind the quote from a different perspective. There are some tangible and intangible things over which humans have spent their entire life i.e. Money, Power, Respect, Fame, Pleasures etc. Person’s just seeking money generally not be obsessed with a deep desire to get themselves recognized, but one thing they know for sure that the path to money goes through the hall of power and fame. Other category of the people are those for whom recognition is everything and they less bothered about the money matters. Both are said to be obsessed for two women (symbolically) ‘Kirti’ (Hindi word for prestige) and ‘Lakshmi’(Hindi word representing Goddess of Wealth), rarely you find both at the same place and at same time. This quote is meant for those people who are looking for prestige, those who searches for each opportunity to get their name on the front by hook or crook, always looking to places where power reside and inclined to acquire those. No doubt that they are intelligent and capable persons, but a person under obsession is similar to person who is drunk, he is not in a correct state of mind, his decision is not for the greater good, he rarely wants to see the big picture and always satisfied with the current state of power and respect. What’s wrong in acquiring power and prestige? Nothing wrong in it, if it is obtained as a byproduct of the greater good instead as the main product. Also just look at the opportunity cost in retaining power and position, if it is transferred to more appropriate person then it could yield a dramatic improvement in result. Usually the opportunity cost is borne by some other entity and that is why everybody looks to safeguard their own position. Therefore it is essential that to add quality to your interpersonal skills and to achieve self satisfaction, one must practice to transfer power and prestige to the right person and become humble like a tree which bent itself in the time of storms to survive for years. You

Transcript of What's in name

Page 1: What's in name

What's in a name? – A different perspective

People argue that Shakespeare has written his own name below it, let me try to decode the message behind the quote from a different perspective. There are some tangible and intangible things over which humans have spent their entire life i.e. Money, Power, Respect, Fame, Pleasures etc. Person’s just seeking money generally not be obsessed with a deep desire to get themselves recognized, but one thing they know for sure that the path to money goes through the hall of power and fame. Other category of the people are those for whom recognition is everything and they less bothered about the money matters. Both are said to be obsessed for two women (symbolically) ‘Kirti’ (Hindi word for prestige) and ‘Lakshmi’(Hindi word representing Goddess of Wealth), rarely you find both at the same place and at same time. This quote is meant for those people who are looking for prestige, those who searches for each opportunity to get their name on the front by hook or crook, always looking to places where power reside and inclined to acquire those. No doubt that they are intelligent and capable persons, but a person under obsession is similar to person who is drunk, he is not in a correct state of mind, his decision is not for the greater good, he rarely wants to see the big picture and always satisfied with the current state of power and respect. What’s wrong in acquiring power and prestige? Nothing wrong in it, if it is obtained as a byproduct of the greater good instead as the main product. Also just look at the opportunity cost in retaining power and position, if it is transferred to more appropriate person then it could yield a dramatic improvement in result. Usually the opportunity cost is borne by some other entity and that is why everybody looks to safeguard their own position. Therefore it is essential that to add quality to your interpersonal skills and to achieve self satisfaction, one must practice to transfer power and prestige to the right person and become humble like a tree which bent itself in the time of storms to survive for years. You can apply it in your day to day life, by giving appreciation to more capable person in the team, helping others without expecting any reward in return, thinking big without letting your ego ruin the idea. This all easy said hard to do, I have started doing it just see article has no author’s name, maybe I am obsessed with Lakshmi, as it is easy to live with a single woman than two.