What's in a Channel Marketing Bill of Materials?

What’s in a Channel Marketing BILL OF MATERIALS?


While the Pragmatic Marketing Framework defines roles and responsibilities across the typical functions within a marketing organization, there’s still the question of what specific content and materials are needed to successfully execute campaigns in the modern world. But what, specifically, is needed for content? The list of items created for one campaign always seems to be different than the one before and the one after. And content for channel partners is often an afterthought. What we typically end up with are random acts of content. In a perfect world, we would have a standard Bill of Materials (BOM) that we use as the blueprint for every campaign. A standard BOM would ensure we all start with the same expectations every time we launch a campaign and that the needs of our partners are addressed. We would measure the impact of our content and compare the impact across campaigns. In the following pages, I’ll give you my take on what I believe is needed as a standard Bill of Materials, focusing specifically on the needs of your Channel Marketing efforts. I’ll start with the to-partner materials that enable your channel and then discuss what’s needed along the Buyer’s Journey of Awareness, Consideration, and Decision.

Transcript of What's in a Channel Marketing Bill of Materials?

What’s in a Channel Marketing


“It’s time to stop the random acts of content!

Using a standard Bill of Materials, you can better

leverage resources, improve collaboration, and

produce more successful campaigns.”

Mike MooreVP, Channel Strategy at Averetek

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Table of ContentsIntroduction

Chapter 1: Campaign Brief

Chapter 2: To-Partner Content

Chapter 3: Awareness Content

Chapter 4: Consideration Content

Chapter 5: Decision Content

Chapter 6: Non-Standard Bill of Materials

Chapter 7: Measurement


IntroductionWhile the Pragmatic Marketing Framework defines roles and responsibilities

across the typical functions within a marketing organization, there’s still the

question of what specific content and materials are needed to successfully

execute campaigns in the modern world.

But what, specifically, is needed for content? The list of items created for one

campaign always seems to be different than the one before and the one after.

And content for channel partners is often an afterthought.

What we typically end up with are random acts of content.

In a perfect world, we would have a standard Bill of Materials (BOM) that we

use as the blueprint for every campaign. A standard BOM would ensure we all

start with the same expectations every time we launch a campaign and that the

needs of our partners are addressed. We would measure the impact of our

content and compare the impact across campaigns.

In the following pages, I’ll give you my take on what I believe is needed as a

standard Bill of Materials, focusing specifically on the needs of your Channel

Marketing efforts. I’ll start with the to-partner materials that enable your

channel and then discuss what’s needed along the Buyer’s Journey of

Awareness, Consideration, and Decision.

I hope this helps. Enjoy!


Mike MooreVP, Channel [email protected]

Before we begin…All content suggested in this eBook should be produced for use by your channel partners.

That means it can’t have an overpowering look, feel, and sound of your brand or voice in the


• If the content looks too much like the vendor and doesn’t allow for the expression of the

partner brand, partners won’t use it.

• If the content is written in the vendor’s voice, partners won’t use it.

It’s just that simple.

So what does content look and sound like when it is produced for your partners rather than


• The Look

• Leave a placeholder for the partner’s logo at the top of the page

• Your brand or partner badge should be smaller and if the asset is a landing page,

it should be located at the bottom

• The color scheme should be neutral or allow for easy customization to match the

partners’ color palette

• The Voice

• Statements and references made in the content should sound like it comes from

the partner rather than the vendor. For example, a sentence might begin with

“As an Averetek partner, we talk to clients on a daily basis…” and so on. Putting

content in the partner’s voice shouldn’t require a lot of work but this nuance can

make all the difference in adoption.

Finally, please don’t give your channel partners a compressed folder full of Adobe files that

they don’t have the software and training to work with. Stick with easy to use and edit

formats or give them an easy web-based tool to customize the content.


Chapter 1: Campaign Brief

A key piece of any campaign BOM is the Campaign Brief that summarizes the

campaign and identifies some of the key attributes that will help your internal

and external audiences understand where this campaign fits and if it’s right for


Completing this brief is an important first step in defining your campaign.


Campaign Attribute Description / NotesCampaign Name Title that will display to your channel partners.Why use this campaign? Presented to the partner in any place that shows a brief

summary of the campaign.Campaign Description A longer description of the campaign purpose, the bill of

materials, how best to leverage the campaign elements, etc.Buyer’s Journey Stage Is the campaign designed to address the Awareness,

Consideration, or Decision stages of the Buyer’s Journey? Or

does the campaign support more than one stage?Target Audiences Helps the partner understand which audiences the campaign

is positioned for.Target Vertical Industries Helps the partner understand which vertical industries the

campaign is positioned for.Target Market Segments Helps the partner understand which market segments the

campaign is positioned for.Target Product or Solution Helps the partner understand which products or solutions

this campaign is designed for.Language Language the campaign materials are localized in.Activation date Start date.Expiration date End Date.Geographic restrictions Regions, divisions or countries the campaign is available in. Competency restrictions Partner certifications, competencies or authorization the

campaign is available to.Keywords Branded keywords partners can use to find the campaign in


Download the Campaign Brief in Excel

Chapter 2: To-Partner ContentTo-partner content is focused largely on answering the questions– “What’s in it

for me, and why should I care?” in the context of your partners.

Partners care most about campaigns that lead them to building pipeline. But to

get to pipeline, we first need to build Awareness. Partners will likely need a

great deal of coaching on the execution of Awareness-building campaigns as

well as Consideration campaigns that lead directly to pipeline.

You must also explain how your partners can win against the competition as

they represent your product in the market.

The following content is recommended to support your to-partner efforts:


Content DescriptionPartner Value Proposition


A concise presentation that explains how this

campaign will help your partners make money. If the

campaign doesn’t lead directly to making money, you

should explain how this campaign leads to another

campaign that helps them make money.Campaign Guide / Playbook A document that explains how to use the campaign

for its intended purpose.Campaign Training A training presentation (live or recorded) that delivers

the partner value proposition and tells the story of

the campaign guide.Battlecard / Competitive Guide A document, usually 1-2 pages, that helps your

partners understand how to win against the

competition.Frequently Asked Questions A question and answer guide that attempts to

address the most common questions your partners

are likely to have about the campaign.

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Chapter 3: Awareness ContentJust as you must build Awareness for your company, so must your channel

partners. Too often content for channel partners is product-focused, which

aligns with the Consideration stage of the Buyer’s Journey, not the Awareness


Content in the Awareness stage should be focused on the pains of the buyers

you’re trying to reach. It should not talk about your product or service or your

partners’ products or services. The content should talk about what you and

your partners have learned through helping companies eliminate their pain.

The content should be used to attract and convert strangers into prospects.

The following content is recommended to support the Awareness content

needs of your channel partners:


Content Description LinksVideos Videos that educate potential prospects about pains they are

experiencing and what you and your partners have learned

about solving these pains.

How To

Infographics Interesting and informative visuals that talk to buyers’ pains

using statistics and facts to attract interest.

How To

EBooks Short-topic writing that speaks to a pain and potential solutions How ToBlog Articles Blog articles should focus on one topic and be 400 – 600 words

in length.

How To

Curated Lists “Top 5” or similar lists are popular because they are easy to

read and drive higher click-rates.


Copy Blocks Partners use blocks of text from you and combine them with

their own original writing to produce new content.


Web Content Web content that drives interest and good search ranking for

target keywords.


Social Media

Copy Blocks

Partners are busy, but if you give them blurbs to use on their

social networks they’ll use it.


Keywords Search optimization is built largely around driving for ranking

with specific keywords. Provide keywords to help your partners


How To

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Chapter 4:

Consideration ContentAs your partners have built Awareness for you and your partners with the

content offered in the previous stage, it’s time to move on to the Consideration

stage where your partners will propose a solution to the prospects they’ve

attracted. The solution messaging will likely involve your products, services, or

solutions and the value-added products, services, or solutions of your channel


The following content is recommended to support the Consideration content

needs of your channel partners:


Content Description LinksInfographics Interesting and informative visuals that speak to how

you solve buyers’ pains using statistics and facts to

shift their buying stage from Awareness to


How To

EBooks Short-topic writing that speaks to a pain and how you

solve this pain with your product.

How To

Playbooks A more creative take on an eBook, a playbook uses a

sports metaphor to guide prospects through the

solution they’re evaluating.


Guides Another eBook variation that moves prospects along a

path that leads to your solution.


Landing page A page with a form designed to capture visitor

information, usually related to an offer.

How To

Email templates Ready-to-send email copy and layout, usually to drive

to the aforementioned landing page.


Quizzes and Widgets A quiz or other interactive widget for the partner to

use on their site, designed to drive engagement.

How To

Newsletters Content fragments that your partners can insert into

their to-prospect newsletters.

How To

Trial Products A trial version (try before you buy) that prospects can

use to become familiar with your product.


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Content Description LinksWebinars A solution-oriented presentation with a strong call to

action designed for web delivery along with

associated registration/landing page and email assets

(registration confirmation, thank you for coming, sorry

we missed you).

How To

In-Person Events A solution-oriented presentation with a strong call to

action designed for in-person delivery along with

associated registration/landing page and email assets

(registration confirmation, thank you for coming, sorry

we missed you).


Demo Videos A demo video can be used to showcase the benefits of

your product, both on the web and at events.


Demo Script and Content A script and any demo content needed to deliver a

professional demonstration of your product.

How To

Whitepapers Longer than an eBook, a typical whitepaper goes into

great detail about a specific problem, the solution,

and the steps to implement the solution, all from a

customer’s point of view.

How To

Web Content Web content about your solution that the partner can

use in their product or solution showcase of their

website. You may choose to deliver this through a

content syndication engine.


Keywords Keywords for this stage should be aligned with the

shopping behavior prospects exhibit in their journey.


Copy Blocks Partners can use blocks of text in their own writing,

often combined with their own original writing.


Interactive Demos Demo content that partners put on their website that

prospects interact with.


Analyst Reports An analyst report can offer validation of your

proposed solution.


Data Sheets Product information intended to explain the details of

your product to prospects.

How To

Product Configurator Usually a web or Microsoft Excel-based tool to help

prospects explore the options available for your



Proposal Template Giving partners guidance on the essential elements for

a customer proposal.


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Chapter 5: Decision ContentContent supporting the Decision stage of the buyer’s journey should focus on

moving a prospect from a shopping mentality to a purchasing mentality. The

content should reassure the prospect that they are making the right Decision

by buying your product from your partner.

The following content is recommended to support the Decision content needs

of your channel partners:


Content Description LinksTrend Reports Reports that validate your solution from a market



Press Releases A vendor or 3rd party press release that validates the

solution proposed to the prospect.


In-Person Events A Decision-oriented presentation with a strong call

to action designed for in-person delivery along with

associated registration/landing page and email

assets (registration confirmation, thank you for

coming, sorry we missed you). This event is usually

smaller and more intimate in this stage of the

buyer's journey.


Buying Guide Focused on the benefits and options that adopters of

your solution will need to choose.


Case Studies A story of success that another customer has


How To

Customer Testimonials Usually a video or live reference to help convince a

prospect to become a customer, peer to peer.

How To

ROI Calculators A tool used to help substantiate the financial

benefits of the proposed solution.


Pricing Guides Describes the pricing model for your solution. How ToSales Offers Discounts and promotions designed to change buyer

behavior – to buy now, to buy more, etc.


Channel Incentives Rebates or other incentives to motivate your channel



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Chapter 6: Non-Standard

Bill of Materials

The content items recommended in the previous chapters are what we

consider to be a standard channel marketing bill of materials. You may refine

the list to meet the needs of your channel partners and that revised list would

then become your standard BOM.

You should consider what a non-standard bill of materials might look like, if

needed, for your channel partners:

• Mini-BOM or BOM-lite

• You might choose a reduced BOM for initiatives where a full

campaign BOM isn’t needed. For example, in the world of software,

many companies do major and minor updates to existing products.

For a minor product update, you only produce a mini-BOM. The mini-

BOM would likely contain a few key pieces of Consideration stage

content that describes the new features and benefits.

• Expanded or Super BOM

• An expanded BOM might be used when you’re gearing up for a

special campaign that has needs that are greater than your

traditional campaigns. For example, you may choose to create an

expanded BOM if you’re planning a long-running campaign where a

standard BOM might get stale. By expanding the BOM, you can

create multiple versions of some of the assets, or other types of

assets, to keep things fresh and current over the extended time

period of the campaign.


Chapter 6:

MeasurementAs any Bill of Materials is written, there’s always the question about what

content your channel partners will actually use and what will go unnoticed.

Its important that you plan in advance to have tracking enabled so that you can

determine what content your channel partners are using.

This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Web analytics tools like Google

Analytics, using a channel marketing automation platform that tracks usage, or

even using a URL shortener service like Bitly can provide real-time insights into

content utilization.

In addition to content cost and utilization metrics, you’ll want to track

traditional marketing metrics to understand the impact of your channel

marketing programs.

We recommend the following Key Performance Indicators:


Content Downloads Landing Pages Created Emails SentEvents Hosted Training Presentations


Traffic / Page Views / Time

On SiteOpens / Clicks-Through Qualified / Accepted Leads Inquiries/ Database

GrowthForm Submissions Opportunities Generated Social Reach / Fans /

FollowersMentions / Comments /


Funnel Conversion Closed Deals

Content Development


Campaign Execution Costs Return on Marketing


ConclusionBeyond the identification of your standard Bill of Materials and the creation of

the actual content, there are many other Considerations that we haven’t

addressed in this eBook.

Content Delivery: You may choose to deliver all of this content through your

partner portal or through a channel marketing automation platform.

Execution Support: You can utilize a channel marketing automation platform to

support the execution of tactics like landing pages, emails, and events. Or your

partners can execute their activities on their own, with advice and guidance

from you.

We’ll explore both topics in future content from Averetek.

Having a standard Bill of Materials that has broad support across contributors,

consumers, and stakeholders is an obvious need, yet many organizations don’t

have this in place. Hopefully this eBook will help bring your team together, for

the betterment of your channel and your overall business.

And if you need help creating content, please let me know. We’d love to help.


Mike MooreVP, Channel Strategy at AveretekMike Moore serves as Averetek's Vice President of ChannelStrategy. In this capacity, Mike is responsible for theCompany's corporate marketing strategy and operations, aswell as spearheading strategy and initiatives for Averetek’sgrowing consulting practice. Mike has spent twenty years inthe IT channel as a channel partner and as a channelmarketer for software companies.

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