What is September 11 th ? By: Shannon Seever. In In September September we…we… Shop for school...

What is September 11 th ? By: Shannon Seever

Transcript of What is September 11 th ? By: Shannon Seever. In In September September we…we… Shop for school...

What is September 11th?

By: Shannon Seever

In September we…

• Shop for school clothes and supplies

• Start going to sleep early• Return back to school• Meet new friends…

“Bad things don’t happen!”

On September 11th, something

did happen…


I heard…

• about planes crashing…

• about two buildings called the World Trade Center’s falling…

• about people getting hurt…

• people crying.

Even though people were hurt there were many people that became


We write to these hero’s now because…

• We want to say thank you.

• They need to know we still think of them.

• We want them to feel good.

• I want them to be my friend.

I hope for a safe and bright tomorrow.

And to the people and hero’s of New York…



Were you Listening?

• What are the World Trade Centers?

• Where were the World Trade Centers located?

• Who are we going to write to?

• Why are we writing to them?

Works Cited


cemail2.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ photo/building/bld9bThe..

World Trade Center Morning View Photograph.


Disco Designs


American United Photograph


Disco Designs


College Kids Photograph


Honolulu Advertiser

the.honoluluadvertiser.com/. ../12/flagpole_b.jpg

Fire Fighter Photograph


Cork City

www.corkcity.ie/.../ fire/news_section1.html

Ground Zero cross.


Cork City

www.corkcity.ie/.../ fire/news_section1.html

Ground Zero cross.


Jerry Pippin

www.jerrypippin.com/ Slide30.JPG

People watching sign of plane crash photo.



www.spesh.com/mirrors/ wtc2/IMG_1479.JPG

People in the dust.


Etiwanda School

etiwanda.k12.ca.us/ wh/whindex.htm

A picture of West Heritage Elementary.


Ridgewood Camera Club

www.ridgewoodcameraclub.org/ Photo%20Gallery/G...

View looking up with metal statue in the middle.