What is Online Reputation Management?


Transcript of What is Online Reputation Management?

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When was the last time you conducted an online

search for yourself or your business?

It is important not to let old news, inaccurate blogs and overly

critical articles ruin your reputation. At ReputationDefender, we can

help you to convey an accurate and true reflection of your identity

by utilising leading technology with our unparalleled experience

and expertise.

ORM (Online Reputation Management) is the process of restoring

your name (or your brand’s name) online and making it credible.

This involves combating negative material and promoting positive


What is Online Reputation Management?

Contact Us: 0800 131 0700 FREE [email protected]

Did you know that there are multiple versions of the


When we want to find out information about someone, we usually Google

them. Most people don’t look beyond the first page of results, making

them vital when it comes to online reputation. What appears may have a

heavily negative slant or even be completely untrue… but how does

anyone else know that? There really are multiple versions of the truth!

In the modern connected world, people are increasingly making their

decisions every day based on online reputation and reviews. Therefore, it’s

important to stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons. Are you?

We can help you to take control of your online reputation

by ensuring these first page search results are accurate,

positive and high-ranking.

Separate Yourself from the Competition

Contact Us: 0800 131 0700 FREE [email protected]


92% of people have said that discovering something negative about

a contact through an online search would impact their perception

(YouGov PLC)

82% trust the first page rankings from search engine results

(YouGov PLC)

80% Of employers Google you before inviting you for an interview

(Huffington Post)

89% of people research new contacts using an online search engine

(YouGov PLC)

Your online reputation is important because:

We will help you to take control of page one by cultivating

positive, relevant content and promoting it far beyond the

scope of any existing negative coverage.

Contact Us: 0800 131 0700 FREE [email protected]


Are you, your family and your business fully protected

from privacy threats?

It is imperative to safeguard your private information, especially online:

2.5 million Cybercrime offences in the UK 2005 (Financial Fraud

Action UK)

The top consumer complaint at the FTC is identity theft 15 years

running (FTC)

Online harassment has touched over 40% of all internet users (Pew


Failing to do so can lead to identity theft, blackmail and extortion,

defamation of character, cyberbullying, threats to loved ones and more.

At ReputationDefender, we can help you to protect

personal data and remove any vulnerabilities.

Contact Us: 0800 131 0700 FREE [email protected]



What is Google saying about you?

The Google search suggestion tool can often give very surprising

results! When you start to search for your name or business, does the

tool react positively or negatively with its suggestions?

If it’s the latter, you could immediately become associated with serious

negativity before a real search has even begun.

At ReputationDefender, we can help you to take control

by creating positive, unique content that will encourage

fair and accurate search suggestions.

Contact Us: 0800 131 0700 FREE [email protected]




With the right help, you could start removing them

from search engines.

Whether you’re dealing with tagged images on Facebook that might

be frowned upon by a future employer, or a private picture shared by a

disgruntled ex, ReputationDefender can help.

Be known for the right reasons – ensure content is

available that will encourage a positive first impression

being made, whilst displacing undesirable material on

the first search results page.

Contact Us: 0800 131 0700 FREE [email protected]



What does your online presence say about you and

your business?

Your online presence matters because:

Facebook shares have the greatest influence on Google search rankings in

the U.S. followed by backlinks.

The average consumer mentions brands 90 times a week with family, friends

and co-workers.

64% of Twitter users and 51% of Facebook users are more likely to buy the

products of brands they follow online.

The average user spends 21 minutes a week on LinkedIn.

50% of shoppers have made a purchase based on a recommendation

through a social media network.

Source aabacosmallbusiness.com