What are the main codes and conventions of the documentary genre used in


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Page 1: What are the main codes and conventions of the documentary genre used in

What are the main codes and conventions of the documentary genre used in ‘supersize me?’ and how is modern American society represented in the documentary?

‘Supersize me’ is a 2004 American documentary directed by and starring independent

film maker Morgan Spurlock. The film highlights the growing obesity levels facing

America, by holding the questions of what effects do the fast food industry really have,

and when does personal responsibility stop and corporate responsibility start.

The film follows his 30 day binge on McDonald’s fast food, in which he is required to eat only off the menu for his free meals a day and must take the supersize option if asked. The camera follows and documents his daily life style and the drastic changes to his body and health, by including several health professionals which take regular tests and checks. All in all helping inform the audience about the shocking affect fast food can really have on a drastic level. The Film successfully won awards and took a box office of around 29 million, Later being made into books and cartoons.

Supersize me fits into several documentary modes: participatory, reflecting and performative, By combining all of these modes in allowed Spurlock to reach the audience on a more personal level. At the beginning he presented himself as an unbiased participator of the experiment but throughout is able to gain the audience trust as they are able to see the damaging effect the 30 day binge has on him physically and emotionally.

The documentary uses several stylistic elements to enhance the argument in order to persuade and shock the audience. The uses of statistics throughout provide factual evidence to shock the audience of this obesity crisis. For example within the documentary he is told on average how many steps the average American takes, which is shown to be quite low, Further contributing the bad representation of Americans in this documentary.

Throughout he uses visual animations to explain what would be complex and confu sing to audience members that have little medical knowledge or understanding. It also makes it more fun and interactive so the audience are not bored by it. The use of paintings showing the cartoons from the McDonalds adverts portrayed as characters from horror movie, connoting the scary effects fast food can have on individuals.

Many interviews of voxpops and experts are shown throughout giving their opinion on fast food. Most of these highlight the lack of knowledge known by American about its harmful effects; this farther gives a negative representation of modern America society.

The use of a hand held camera throughout gives a more personal feel letting the audience know its portraying the real events, Highlighting the danger of the experiment.

Page 2: What are the main codes and conventions of the documentary genre used in

At points within the documentary Spurlock talks directly to the camera, including the audience on his journey, Meeting the conventions of a participatory documentary. But also reflecting on how he feels throughout.

The use of non-diegetic sound in parts of the documentary relate back to the purpose throughout, music used included: fat bottom girls, shimmy she wobble. This sets in the audience’s mind straight away the journey the experiment is going to take.

Over all the representation of modern American society is negatively portrayed in the documentary Supersize me. Throughout we see images and archive footage of obese Americans. To help support the claim that obesity is becoming an epidemic. The use of wide shots in filming portray people to be larger than they might actually be ,there is no interviews with members of the public that eat junk food in moderation or ones that eat healthy, the documentary focuses on individuals who over indulge. Which over exaggerates the problem with obesity.

Although American’s are negatively represented, they are also seen to be the victims at some points as Spurlock puts some of the blame on the fast food industry itself. This in turn could suggest Americans are easily manipulated and persuaded.

In conclusion the documentary in my opinion achieved what it had set out to achieve, they were able to persuade and convince the audience of the harmful effects fast food can have on the body. As well as making a large profit, the film successfully won awards and achieved a box office of approximately 28 million includes nearly all features and conventions of a successful documentary. Combining education and entertainment in order to educate and enlighten the audience members about the dangers of fast food using Morgan Spurlock as a human guinie pig. Although from the onset it appears the documentary takes an unbiased perspective. It is clear later on what the outcome and conclusion is going to be. This meets the characteristics of a circular closed narrative structure. As by the end you are not surprised by the outcome as throughout you are reminded.