Western Bay

43 ATTACHMENT A KATIKATI COMMUNITY BOARD 29/08/2018 Remit Title Remit Number Owner Status Complete Date Confidential Resolution Actions Kotahi Lane Car Park K15182.8 RE2 UNDER ACTION A. Kotahi Lane Car Park Improvements The Board would like to receive an overall comprehensive plan with castings for improvements to the Kotahi Lane car park, identifying required levelling, drainage, sealing and marking. The Board asked if a plan could be made available for a forthcoming workshop for further consideration along with an updated Community Roading Budget. It was imperative that the Kotahi Lane car park be improved as much as possible in the meantime, filling in the pot holes, levelling and spreading some gravel as part of general maintenance. It was also suggested that the cherry trees on the boundary of the car park be rationalised to enable improved delineated parking spaces to be clearly identified. B. Accessway between Western Bay Museum and Private Commercial Property to Kotahi Lane The Board would like a report on the feasibility of altering the flow of traffic out of Kotahi Lane. Some people had reported concerns about the dangers of turning right out of the service lane onto State Highway Two late in the day when there were high traffic volumes and limited visibility. A suggestion had been made to alter the left hand turn entry to the one-way access to a one-way out to improve the safety of Kotahi Lane users as the nearby pedestrian lights could create a semi-controlled intersection with State Highway Two. Altering the flow of traffic out of the access way, may result in the parking behind the commercial premises in Kotahi Lane being better used. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer advised that the Roading Engineer (East/West) would be requested to investigate the suggestions giving consideration to the current agreement for use of the service lane by current land/retail premise owners and the installation of a 'yellow safety hatch' area at the exit point onto the state highway before the pedestrian crossing. Subject to the feasibility report, a trial of the proposed traffic flow would be widely notified before being implemented. 2 Nov 2018: A. Westlink have been approached to level, rechip and compact. B. Discussion is required with NZTA to marry this option with the TC upgrade, particularly regarding the location of the traffic lights. 25 Sept 2018: A feasibility report to be discussed with Westlink and NZT A. A3153155 .

Transcript of Western Bay



Remit Title

Remit Number



Complete Date




Kotahi Lane Car Park




A. Kotahi Lane Car Park Improvements

The Board would like to receive an overall comprehensive plan with castings for improvements to the Kotahi Lane car park, identifying required levelling, drainage, sealing and marking. The Board asked if a plan could be made available for a forthcoming workshop for further consideration along with an updated Community Roading Budget.

It was imperative that the Kotahi Lane car park be improved as much as possible in the meantime, filling in the pot holes, levelling and spreading some gravel as part of general maintenance. It was also suggested that the cherry trees on the boundary of the car park be rationalised to enable improved delineated parking spaces to be clearly identified.

B. Accessway between Western Bay Museum and Private Commercial Property to Kotahi Lane

The Board would like a report on the feasibility of altering the flow of traffic out of Kotahi Lane. Some people had reported concerns about the dangers of turning right out of the service lane onto State Highway Two late in the day when there were high traffic volumes and limited visibility.

A suggestion had been made to alter the left hand turn entry to the one-way access to a one-way out to improve the safety of Kotahi Lane users as the nearby pedestrian lights could create a semi-controlled intersection with State Highway Two. Altering the flow of traffic out of the access way, may result in the parking behind the commercial premises in Kotahi Lane being better used.

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer advised that the Roading Engineer (East/West) would be requested to investigate the suggestions giving consideration to the current agreement for use of the service lane by current land/retail premise owners and the installation of a 'yellow safety hatch' area at the exit point onto the state highway before the pedestrian crossing . Subject to the feasibility report, a trial of the proposed traffic flow would be widely notified before being implemented.

2 Nov 2018:

A. Westlink have been approached to level, rechip and compact.

B. Discussion is required with NZTA to marry this option with the TC upgrade, particularly regarding the location of the traffic lights.

25 Sept 2018: A feasibility report to be discussed with Westlink and NZT A.




Remit Title

Remit Number



Complete Date




Kotahi Lane Car Parking

K1618 2.7



Public Car Park Improvements

The Roading Engineer advised that there would some minimal ground levelling and metal put down over the car park area immediately off the State Highway entrance.

Some selective trimming of the cherry trees and root pruning to improve the surface of the carpark would be undertaken.

2 Nov 2018: Costing for the work on the Cherry Trees and other miscellaneous trees on Kotahi Lane has been discussed with Westlink. Awaiting quotes from Westlink




Remit Title

Remit Number



Complete Date




Bus Shelter at Moore Park




The Board had received first notice about a bus shelter to be installed at Moore Park. The design and location would be confirmed at the next Board meeting. The castings for the shelter were advised as at the standard price of $25,000 (with an approach to be made to NZT A for a 50% subsidy of that cost plus a request to the Bay of Plenty Regional Cost for a further 50% subsidy of the remaining amount).

A recommendation for the installation of a new bus shelter would be considered at the next Katikati Community Board Meeting to be held on 21 November 2018.

2 Nov 2018: Noted. Discussions continuing.




Remit Title

Remit Number



Complete Date




Katikati Community Roading Programme 2018/19




2 November 2018

THAT the Roading Engineer's report dated 13 September 2018 titled Katikati Community Roading Programme 2018/19 be received and lay on the table for consideration at the next meeting of the Katikati Community Board to be held on 21 November 2018 (K17) with the addition of information and pricing relating to the installation of a bus shelter at Moore Park included in the November Report.

2 Nov 2018: This is reported in MAS K1618 2.8.









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' are wr' ing to update you on th re-evaluation proc ~ for SH2 between W,. ihi and T<]uranga.

The ·work to align the programme with then v priorities t ou l in the Govemment Policy ta t ment onla.m:l rans.port {GPS) Is now complete . TI1e govemrne nt hils an w vision fo r o ur land t ranspor t

svste'm focus iog on :.afety, acce , the environment and value for mone .

The ran~port Ag nc:)' sup arts the goverflment priorltle b',• investi g n prOJ ct s hich improv walking. cvding and publi transport facili ies. anti provi d trar'lspnrt choices.

\e NZ ranspO(t Agen 'V Board has noVJ endorsed tlile general p roac: 1 for th future pi ns or this corfi or, The plans i! lud:e deliv ring hort- rm s.afety improveme ts and more reli bl!! acc.e on the exi tin,g stat e. highw<~y, while c-Ont if\uinc 10 work to protcc I nd or a 11 w lon -term ou e.

Outcome of the re-eval~ :uion

T e · y deli••erabl fo rth SH2 corridor bewre n Waihl a d Tauranga at to dramaticall improv sale -y and prov1de improv d ·transport hoi es for •he crowin wmmunitlcs <1 nd visitors r d 1en;11 irt o Tau1 ill\Ra.

ve a cess and make t

Betw n ai 1i and Omo oroa, Je \' iiJ 'or.u on saf y imprO\' rn n t ~. M!Ch ~ fle ·i len bar ll'JS, wide centre li 1es and protecting poop le from h atd 011 h roa ide to

Journc ~sa fe . S.m of !his wor i air ody unde,. ay ' Jth he $101mi llion saf 'f irn 1ro merus pa kage.

Page I of I

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Next reps

A. ou tlined nbov , w f' \ il l on tmue loP' or,rl-'<;o,. lh on lin · ~<~f••ty 1m pro IPn'l ·n .., work air ·ady 1111 en • .1 an \ ill stdr l work o n the other imrrovcrnc·nt .. rncludine • ..n upgradP ot the· Omo uto,l

m tc rse l ion .

The x . t p lan .an d timing fo r the other projects outlined ahovr> Me <.I Ill bcmg wtH\<Pd hrou"', . h ~ eve!' ve w ill not be starting from .!>Crat .1. v will ~c using s m r .1 ·1 1 f om I.Jrn:.

busine£S ~ases to inform our approaches. We understand th~C' urgency needed on SH2 behveen Walhi and Te Puna and this work Is bein6 priorltised.

In December, once the re·evaluations for all12 corridors across the country ar complete, we will consider in more detail the exact pl;,ms and timing for these projects including available funding.

We are also undergoing a speed limit review of SH2 between Katika i and Bethlehem and will be consulting with tile community on thls next month.

We appreciate your patience while we have carried Ollt this. irnport.ant work and r cognise the frustration t1lat t~ncertaint'{ can bring. We have been working as quick J ~r a we c n to align with oew governnJE~nt priorities and provide the bt?st outcomes and value for money fo r communi i snow and in the future.

Yours sincerely

Parckawhra McleBn

OireCIOi R eional Re lation hips- ntral Non I land

https://www.nzherald.eo.nz/resizer/Pc04y-a4ajkOEeft7w60lrW1XRQ=/660x880/ smart ... 7/ 11/2018

60Date Subject

30 October 2018 Open Session Financial Report Kat ikati- September 2018

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Katikati Community Board

Financial Report Katikati - September 2018

Purpose and Summary

This report provides the Community Board with a six-weekly monitoring of its operational budget.

Attached are the financial statements for the period up to 30 September 2018 (Attachment A) .

Total operational costs are lower than budget, including conference expenses, contingency, mileage allowance, street decoration and inter-department charges.

Grants, salaries and security are over budget year to date.

Grant payments made to date:

$ Katikati Memorial Hall- New Sound System 4 500 Total grants to date $4,500

Committed- Operational expenditure

$ Katikati La Leche League grant 790 Total outstanding operational commitments $790

2018/19 reserve analysis:

2018/19 Openinq balance $126 207 Council to undertake a feasibility study (up to $30,000) for the $(10,050) environmental enhancement of the Highfields Stormwater Detention Pond. To date $19 950 has been spent [K11 .3.6] Kitchen Fit-Out for the new library [K18.3.2l $(30 000) Furniture for Community Hub in library [K13.6.1l $(17 831) 2018/19 Closing balance $68 326

A3307727 Page 1

61Date Subject

30 October 2018 Financial Report Katikati- September 2018

Committed- Reserve expenditure

Fund Katikati Arts Junction to assist development of old Library to base for Katikati Arts Collective [K14.5.2] Fund installation of 'The Bushman's Shanty' Storyboard [K15.2.5] 2018/ 19 Closing balance after committed


Open Session


$(600) $52,726

THAT the Management Accountant's report dated 30 October 2018 and titled "Financial Report Katikati- September 2018" be received .

.................................... rr-::::::: ....................... . Ch ristiM roma ns Management Accountant

Approved ........................ ................. ~~·· · · · · ·· ~· ···~··········· Ian Butler Finance Ma er

A3307727 Page 2

62 -Western Bay of Plenty District Council Income and Expenditure Statement

For the period ended 30 September 2018

Katikati Community Board Year to Date Full Year Last Year

Variance Actual Budget (Unfav)/Fav Budget Actual

$ $ $ $ $ Direct Costs Additiona l Levels of Service 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bylaw Enforcements 0 0 0 0 0 0

Conference Expenses 0 200 200 0 2,000 0

Contingency- [see breakdown below] 0 200 200 0 2,000 513

Grants 4,500 BOO (3.700) @ 8,000 7,904

Mileage Al lowance 0 200 200 0 2,000 1,067

Salaries 6,242 5,973 (269) @ 26,198 26,922

Security 503 423 (80) ® 6,500 755

Street Decoration 0 450 450 0 4,500 4,181

Inter Department Charges 0 9,792 9,792 0 39,169 39,168

Total Operating Costs 11,246 18,038 6,792 0 90,367 80,508

Interest Expense 0 0 0 0 0 (7,040)

Total Direct Costs 11, 246 18,038 6,792 0 90,367 73,469

Total Costs 11, 246 18,038 6,792 0 90,367 73,469

Income Rate Income 23,140 22,593 547 0 90,367 88,808

Total Direct Income 23,140 22,593 547 0 90,367 88,808

Net Cost of Service 11,895 4,555 7,340 0 0 15,339

0 0 0 0 0

Contingency - breakdown

Year to date contingency costs 0

Communi~ Board Reserves Opening Balance - Surplus (Deficit) 126, 207 Feasibility Study for environmental enhancement of liighfields Stonnwater Detention Pond [K11.3.6] (10,050)

Kitchen fit-out for new library [K18.3.2] (30,000)

Furni ture for Community Hub in library [K13.6.l] (17,831)

(Decrease) Increase in year (57,881)

Closing Balance - Surplus (Deficit) 68,326

Town Centre Develoj;!ment Reserves Opening Balance - Surplus (Deficit) 256,644

(Decrease) Increase in year 0

Closing Balance - Surplus (Deficit) 256,644


Western Bay of Plenty District Council Formal Meeting Schedule 2018


Meeting Date Time

Waihi Beach Community Board 19 November 6.30pm

Omokoroa Community Board 20 November 7.00pm

Katikati Community Board 21 November 7.00pm

Rural Committee 27 November 3.30am

Maketu Community Board 27 November 7.00pm

Policy Committee 29 November 9.30am

Te Puke Community Board 29 November 7.00pm


Meeting Date Time

Tauranga City Council I Western Bay of Plenty Dist rict Council Joint Governance 5 December 3.00pm Committee

Operations and Monitoring Committee 6 December 9.30am

Council 13 December 9.30am


Waihi Beach Community Board

Omokoroa Community Church

Katikati Library and Service Centre


Maketu Community Centre


Te Puke Library and Service Centre



