
Welcoming Y ou To REACH 24H


job guidance for new hires in REACH24H Consulting Group

Transcript of welcoming-you-to-reach24h

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Welcoming You To REACH


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WELCOME/ 欢迎 Congratulations on your new position!

Now you are a regular member of REACH24H Consulting Group where staff member typically have a high sense of purpose and derive great meaning from working together to ensure excellent service provided to customer is well supported.

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Ready, Set, Go!Action Steps

To ensure a smooth transition into working at REACH24H you should pay atte

ntion to the following guidances. 为了能更快得让您进行工作上的过渡,我们为您准备了以下工作指导 check with your manager, your human resource manager or grou

p, and/or your department administrator. 如有任何疑问,请联系您的经理,人力资源部门负责人员或者团队,以及(或 )部门管理人员

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Company Profile/ 公司简介• About REACH24H Consulting Group REACH24H Consulting Group, one member company of Centre Testing International

Corporation is a leading service provider of professional regulatory consultancy and cost-effective solution for chemical regulatory compliance to various industries.

Since 2009( business started as early as 2007), over 90 professionals with chemical, toxic, eco-toxic backgrounds have been continuously focusing on deepening research on major chemical regulations such as EU Reach, China NCSN; combining various resources and delivering valued products and services to meet demands from either companies those entitled with "Fortune Global 500" or small-and-medium enterprises worldwide.

For more information, please view at URL http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=202598899&trk=tab_pro

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Department/ 部门• Department Executive Leadership | GM Office | IT Department | Regulatory Compliance

Department | Global Regulatory Affair Department | Marketing Department | Admin & Finance Department

部门 执行管理层 | 总经办 | 互联网事业部 | 技术法规部 | 国际法规事务部 | 国内法规事务部 | 综合部

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Acquire your OA account/申请 OA 账户• OA(Office automation ) allows users to store raw data, manage electronic business inf

ormation and transmit data, mail and even telephone record across the network, helping optimize and automate existing office procedures.

• OA 系统能够储存工作中的原始数据,管理电子商务信息以及网内传送工作数据,邮件甚至电话录音,能有效地优化自动化现存的办公程序• OTP code: This six-digit code will be variable and visible on the USB key , used for your access to

OA system authority. OTP code 是个人 U 盾上用于进入管理个人 OA 系统的可变六位可视密码 Get application form from your manager or colleague before you proceed with acquirin

g your OA account. 从部门经理或者同事处拿到 IT 资源申请表 Complete form & have the approval from department supervisor( Signature). → IT de

partment manager (Rick) 填完表格,并且获得部门经理的批准(签名形式),递交给 IT 部门经理 Rick 处 Note: Take care of your USB key and NEVER leave your password written down where

anyone else could get it. 提醒:请保管好自己的 U 盾及密码

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Your E-mail Account/公司邮箱账号申请 Set up your E-mail ID and password, you will be able to send and receive mail via both

domestic and international reach24h account. 设立公司邮箱地址以及密码,然后您可以拥有国内和国际公司邮箱收发邮件 Join in your department e-mail group. 加入所属部门邮件组群 Group for All Employees: [email protected] IT Department: [email protected] Marketing Department: [email protected] Global Regulatory Affair Department: [email protected] Regulation Compliance Department: [email protected] Admin& Finance Department: [email protected];

If you come across some internet problems, please call Bob Xiong with internal telephone number7503. 如有任何网络问题,请联系 IT 部熊刚( 7503 )

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Using Communication Tools for Business Effectively/有效应用商务聊天工具

In principle, the MSN is supposed to be main communication tool for business communication while QQ is not allowed to use at workplace. However, you can apply if you want to use QQ with business intent. 原则上, MSN 是主要对内对外商务交流聊天工具, QQ 不允许在工作中使用,但是可以个人申请开放 QQ 使用权限做商务用途

• Download application form from your OA system (if you have not had OA account, Check the part of Acquire your OA account). Complete the application form & have the approval from department supervisor ( signature )→ IT department manager (Rick) to get use permit.

Any requirement related to privilege escalation shall be done following the same procedure. 在 OA 系统中下载权限升级申请表格。填完表格,获得部门经理签字形式批准,上交给 IT 部经理 Rick 。 任何权限升级请求都要按照以上流程

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Passport and Visa (For Global Regulatory Affair Department)/护照和签证(国际法规事务部)

• Submit the information of your name, day of birth, passport number, as well as electronic copy of first page of your passport, to Eveline Mao for passport information collection. 将名字,生日,护照号码等护照信息以及护照第一页的电子扫描件上交给国际部毛红倩

• If you have not had passport, you are supposed to get a passport as soon as possible. Please go to http://www.hzcrj.gov.cn for more related passport formalities information. 如果还未有护照,请尽快办理。登录 http://www.hzcrj.gov.cn 寻求更多护照办理信息• GM office will be in charge of getting your passport visaed before you proceed with yo

ur business travel aboard. For mor visa information, please view document Business Travel and Visa attached for

your reference. 总经办将负责您因公出差的护照签证手续。 邮件附件里的“海外出差和签证”文件有更为详细的签证信息供您查阅

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Get Familiar with Social Networking Services (SNS)/熟悉社交服务网络

The most often used SNS is LinkedIn 办公室最常用的 SNS 是 LinkedIn REACH24H has official company main page and groups ( main group & some official

member-only subgroups) at LinkedIn page.(Facebook & Twitter ) REACH24H 在 LinkedIn 上有公司官方主页以及群组,包括主群和不同服务对应的附属群 在 facebook 和 twitter 上也有相应的官方页面• Problem of websites blocked? Get instruction about internet censorship circumvention in documents The Method of In

ternet Censorship Circumvention attached 海外网页屏蔽问题?在附件“如何在公司上 facebook,twitter" 里面有详细的翻墙介绍• Why Linkedin? Communicate with people who interested in chemical regulatory online, update the ne

ws in industry, & establish your own professional network LinkedIn 的功能?在网络上与专业人士交流,更新行业信息,建立自己的行业人脉• Internal group of " REACH24H Employee Network" : to plug in REACH24H, improve p

rofessional knowledge and skills and showcase your own work experience. 内部员工群组“ REACH24H Employee Network" :帮助融入公司文化,提高员工专业知识技能和展现自己工作经验

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Learn to E-mail forwards, reply, and carbon copy (cc)/学习 E-mail 转发,回复和抄送

• Any decision made in the work need to be carbon copied to department manager. When the e-mail refers to other departments, remember to carbon copy to the manger of that department. 工作上的任何决定必须抄收给所属的部门经理。当邮件涉及到其他部门,记得也要抄收给其部门经理

• Make sure reply e-mail which require your answer on time, and more information on E-mail forwards, reply and cc, please view the document The Princinple of E-mail Carbon Copy attached for your reference. 及时回复邮件。 更多关于邮件回复转发抄收的公司规定请查阅附件邮件抄送原则

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Identify and Take Training/工作培训 Once starting your work, plan for and take required training( specific training for that ro

le and corresponding responsibilities) 工作之始,请计划您所需的培训,包括岗位培训以及责任培训• Internal and external training conferences. Required training is automatically added to

your schedule, and remind you half hour earlier before conference start. 公司会举行内部及外部培训会。会议提醒会自动加入您的日程,在会议前半小时提醒您。• The official website (www.reach24h.com) has abundant resource: news article, e-boo

k, and database for your study. 公司官方网站 (www.reach24h.com) 有大量资源,包括新闻文章,电子书,数据库供您学习。• REACH24H strongly recommends you to study from your colleagues who have longe

r working experience. REACH24H 建议您向周围资深员工学习也是一个好方法• Half an hour compulsory exam is held monthly to evaluate employee's skill and profe

ssional knowledge. 每月会有为时半小时的考试测验职工的业务技能以及专业知识。每个员工都必须参加。

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Ways to Get Connected/融入公司大家庭 Explore all REACH24H has to offer while you learn about

your new job, and join in the family of REACH24H. Below is information to help you connect to staff group

欢迎来到 REACH24H 的大家庭!

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Have Fun/ 休闲娱乐• Reach24H promotes a healthy lifestyle, and provide recr

eational facilities and space to encourage staffs to work out, and play table tennies.

REACH24H 提倡健康的生活方式,提供员工远动器材和场地,用于锻炼,打乒乓球。• Employees are rewarded for participating in Health Impr

ovement Competition. 定期举办运动会,鼓励员工参加

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Go Get Some Lunch/ 午餐• Go to the reception for Sandy before 10:00 am,and order your meal

plan from a list of eateries nearby 在十点前到前台王慧处定外卖,在午餐时间送到。• In the workplace, there is a staff canteen for employees from all com

panies nearby, and employees could purchase meal plan by cash or canteen card. 在公司园区内有员工食堂面向所有园区内公司员工,员工可凭现金,食堂卡购买午餐

• REACH24H offers microwave to heat packed lunch in tea room. 公司的茶水间有微波炉供员工加热自带便当

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Have Your Birthday Party in Company /公司员工生日宴会• Simple birthday party for every employee will be

held by company annually. Your colleagues will participate in celebrating your birthday.


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Hope You Enjoy Your Stay in REACH24H !希望您在 REACH24H 工作愉快!